Pronunciation: \ˈig-n(ə-)rən(t)s\
Function: noun
Date: 13th century
* the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness
May 15, 2008
HousingPANIC Definition of the Day
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Labels: ignorance and the housing bubble, ignorance in america, ignorance is not bliss, science is not your enemy
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Al Gore
No wait, he falls under "deranged conspiracy theorist."
Or ... "genius profiteer."
Keith, your arguments against the people in the last thread who doubted AGW were pretty weak. So now we're all "ignorant".
"I'm pretty confident that none of the "there is no man-made global warming" ignorant crowd here has ever looked at the science. Why not? Are you afraid of it?"
"But no, you wouldn't want to see information that confronts your flat-earth beliefs"
" people who hate scientists and science and knowledge have been around for thousands of years. Just ask Galileo. No matter how overwhelming the data, you're more comfortable in your little hole. "
"Meanwhile, the sane and aware people are going to now do the right thing on this issue, whether you like it or not. Your kids will hate you one day if they don't already."
That's a grade-A hissy fit you threw there. You appeal to science non-stop yet you have a very emotional, hostile reaction to people who have legitimate doubts about AGW.
Maybe someone other than the AGW skeptics has a problem having their beliefs challenged?
Tesla said...
Keith, your arguments against the people in the last thread who doubted AGW were pretty weak. So now we're all "ignorant"....
That's a grade-A hissy fit you threw there. You appeal to science non-stop yet you have a very emotional, hostile reaction to people who have legitimate doubts about AGW.
Satellite photos (thousands of them) show the ice is melting. The Arctic will be free of ice in the summer shortly (boon for shipping). Russia has already planted their flag at the Arctic in anticipation of year round shipping and all of the metals, diamonds and oil to be had.
Unless one is a conspriacy theorist and believes that the thousands of satellite photos have been doctored by NASA (or the Democrats as a communist/socialist plot, for you Frank), then the reality seems to be based on the photos that the ice is melting. Click your heels 3 times:
The ice is melting
The ice is melting
The ice is melting
Argue all f*ng day about what is causing it, I choose to believe the photos.
So, conspiracy theorists aside, the only explanation for the people that refuse to believe that the ice is melting is that they are ignernt. Perhaps they should google "ice melting arctic/antarctic" and see the thousands of satellite photos for themselves.
I figure that the people who don't believe the photos are the same people who are ass deep in debt and believe that they will never have to pay it back, or that real estate prices never go down, or that the Seven Horsemen of the Apocolypse are on their way, or the Fed will bail us all out so lets put the bananas and Frosted Flakes on the card Mildred.
We have freakin pictures that the ice is melting. Everywhere on Earth.
You can argue all flippin day about who's fault it is. It doesn't matter one whit. Seeing is believing. Unless of course it is a communist plot. Them commies are damn clever with photo manipulation.
The Arctic ice is disappearing. Glaciers all over the world are disappearing.
So, is it a good time to buy yet? And will it have granite & distressed hickory?
PS: Great special on Tesla last nite on Discovery. He was listening to aliens from outerspace when he invented the coil.
I love you Andrew Hac.
You forgot Bush's picture with this post
adj. haugh·ti·er, haugh·ti·est
* arrogance, hauteur, high-handedness, lordliness
* condescension, disdainfulness, superciliousness - the trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior
* domineeringness, imperiousness, overbearingness - the trait of being imperious and overbearing
* superiority - displaying a sense of being better than others
* snobbery, snobbishness, snobbism - the trait of condescending to those of lower social status
* elitism
Anonymous said...
You mean
Anonymous said...
You mean
Buy a dictionary or use that thingy called internets. No wonder our educational system is rotten, and they're voting for that lie.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
You mean
Buy a dictionary or use that thingy called internets. No wonder our educational system is rotten, and they're voting for that lie.
Does the dictionary translate sarcasm or must I post /sarcasm at the end of my posts to alert the clueless such as yourself that it is a play on words?
I give up
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