Iraq was bad.
And then The Great Housing Crash changed everything.
May 19, 2008
Here's why the incumbents are going to get deservedly whacked this November
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75,000 turn out in Portland to see Obama today
PORTLAND, Ore. - Some 75,000 people have turned out to see Barack Obama speak along the Portland waterfront, a record for the campaign.
The crowd covers the lawn here at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, from the streetside entry gates down to the Willamette River. Portland fire officials estimate 60,000 people are packed inside the park proper and another 10-15,000 are watching outside the gates. Spectators are lining the bridge behind Obama and watching, bikini-clad, from boats on the river.
McCain couldn't get 75 people
GOP is toast
How eliable are these surveys. WHy are people so pessimistic and yet they still want their SUV's, granite counter tops, Ipods etc.... Why is Apple, Rimm going thru the roof if they are so worried ? WHo buys that kind of expensive toys ???
I dont believe this stuff for a moment. They want all the expensive toys and McMansions and yet want gas at 1$ per gal. You cant have cake and eat it too.
If crowds are any indication all rock starts will be Senators, Congressman and Presidents. If all Obama attracts people that have nothing to do, there are many more people busy and working and they vote too.
McCain offers nothing new
you know, i think that every election (that incumbents will get kicked out).
Never happens.
Why? the voters think of them the same as lawyers. they think "all politicians (insert lawyers) suck except mine, mine is pretty good".
Of course they only have control over their elected representatives so we get a large percentage of monkeys every election.
"We're not at the bottom. People want it to be near the bottom, but we're not there yet. The leading indicators are still very bad. Pending home sales are still in bad shape. Mortgage applications are low … There's still supply out there in abundance … This thing is going to get worse before it gets better."
David Lereah
Keith you always think the incumbents will lose and then the same old codgers are back at work the next day. Look at Teddy, why he'll be submitting legislation when he's wearing diapers and gumming his Geritol. People vote for name recognition, nothing more.
This one goes out to all the McCain lovers out there:
The Art of Lying by John McCain
This old fool isn't even fit enough to be running a hot dog stand - let alone an entire country.
The GOP is seriously F*CKHOLED. Should have paid attention to Ron Paul all you good old boys. He showed you a way back from the Marxist Neoconservative abyss. Now Andrew Hac is going to penetrate all you fake conservatives in the ass without lubrication.
I am curious (and would like to make a wager on the election) as to how you americans think of Obamas frankly racist preacher and the angry black feminist attitude of his wife?
Is there furthermore a difference on immigration between Obama and McCain?
I agree - historically at anti-incumbent, "on the wrong track" times like these, people are furious with incumbents and the party in power, and then go to the voting booth and vote for their incumbent.
"Everyone else's congressman sucks - but mine's OK" is the thinking, aided by the incumbent's massive local spending, massive pork projects, and in-their-pocket local media.
My hope is that this time, thanks to the worst housing crash in the nation's history, combined with the worst foreign policy mistake in the nation's history, is different.
But I think what we'll end up seeing isn't an anti-incumbent wave, in as much as we'll see an anti-GOP wave.
The American people see the GOP as the party who brought us the Iraq debacle, and also the housing crash. Right or wrong, that's the way it's playing out.
The problem with that is that the Democrats in congress are more responsible for the policies that led to the housing crash than Bush.
But the top guy (and his party) gets the blame.
Goodbye GOP. Thanks for playing. I hope the "New GOP" in 2012 gets its act straight.
I am curious (and would like to make a wager on the election) as to how you americans think of Obamas frankly racist preacher and the angry black feminist attitude of his wife?
What you're asking is what we here in America call a loaded question.
In what way is Reverend Wright racist?
Would you say McCain's spiritual advisers are racist when they call for holy wars against the muslim world? Or are we only concerned about racism when it's directed toward the white man?
I am curious (and would like to make a wager on the election) as to how you americans think of Obamas frankly racist preacher and the angry black feminist attitude of his wife?
Is there furthermore a difference on immigration between Obama and McCain?
His preacher's about as kooky as any religious authority out there. I don't like any of them. I remember that Bush made a point of speaking at Bob Jones University which had racist policies throughout the 70's and 80's. The less religion in politics the better.
I don't think there's anything wrong with feminists.
I'm really not sure if there's any difference between McCain and Obama on immigration. I don't want a border fence that the kind and benevolent government could use to keep me in. I don't see how we're going to kick out 20,000,000 people. I don't see the President taking the lead on this issue one way or the other. Big Business wants the cheap labor and the liberals want amnesty. Any change in policy is going to come through state laws.
There's ways to attack Obama, but his over-the-hill preacher and his ice-queen wife won't get you much mileage.
Both Iraq and Credit Crisis have a common cause: Gertrude Himmelfarb's neo-Victorian ideology which said we need an aristocracy of trust fund babies (like her child Bill Kristol and the other neocons).
Folks, these people led Europe to self-destruction in WWI/WWII; they are leading us to destruction today.
Meritocracy, not aristocracy: we need a constitutional amendment preventing trust-fund babies from holding any office in the government.
"If crowds are any indication all rock starts will be Senators, Congressman and Presidents. If all Obama attracts people that have nothing to do, there are many more people busy and working and they vote too."
Yeah Keith, what do you think this election is, a popularity contest?
If incumbents got thrown out, the house and senate would go Republican.
75,000 turn out in Portland to see Obama today
PORTLAND, Ore. - Some 75,000 people have turned out to see Barack Obama speak along the Portland waterfront, a record for the campaign.
Wow. Obama got 75,000 college kids, hippies and gangsta thug wannabes to a rally. Impressive indeed.
"There's ways to attack Obama, but his over-the-hill preacher and his ice-queen wife won't get you much mileage."
The point is, you know a person by the company he keeps.
Both his 20+ year preacher - whom he helped support - and his wife are racists. Obama is probably a ______. Fill in the blank.
Obama is the correct choice. He has no choice to work his ass off and do everything on the up and up. Why you ask? because he carries a whole race on his shoulders. If he screws up, there is no chance, EVER, of another black president. Thus he is the correct choice. With Obama, you will get a guy who busts his ass to correct the destruction of the worst president in history. You want an old coot who is clueless and delusional? Pick McCain and suck for another 4+ years of bush like suckage.
Most simply do not understand. The Bush built scheitt sandwich die is already cast. The fun begins at election time. Here is why.
Does anyone really think that the next elected president will actually allow this presidents 'working team' to continue to snow the electorate with rosey felacious bullscheitt as it has been doing for gawd knows how long already?
Oh, hell NO. The next president will show the true state of the US economy so he or she, will not be the one saddled by historians with the true state of things on MAINSTREET these days. In other words team bush will be indicted with what team bush did. And he did plenty.
Then and only then will we begin to hit bottom, as this process must play out in order to get a rebound. Denial is not a river in Egypt. The people wanted team bush, and by gawd we all must suffer because the upcoming scheitt must be eaten by us all.
It hath been foretold.
Prediction: This year like all years more than 90% of politicians running for re-election will win.
Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA.) and Larry Craig (R-ID) are attaching amnesty to the Iraq War spending bill, today, without notice to voters.
Not fooled.
But the top guy (and his party) gets the blame.
Goodbye GOP. Thanks for playing. I hope the "New GOP" in 2012 gets its act straight.
so true. it isn't that one party gets its act together it is the other party in power shows it incompetence so then the other party is voted in. Repeat.
Wow. Obama got 75,000 college kids, hippies and gangsta thug wannabes to a rally. Impressive indeed.
Yes, it's true, Obama's supporters appear to be actively mobile unlike the legions of geriatric McCain supporters in retirement homes around America.
Wow. Obama got 75,000 college kids, hippies and gangsta thug wannabes to a rally. Impressive indeed.
they wish. it was just our homeless population and realtors. Hussien offered free hot dogs to anyone who would show up. The realtors were there for the free food and to hopefully sign up some homeless clients. figured the homeless were the only ones without homes now.
It will be nice to have intelligence in the White House again. Only democrates are offering this during the election cycle. Bush makes all Americans- black/white/brown look stupid. There is no way to get around this fact...
This blog is over.. Housing is in recovery.. Malls are packed, Economy is basically at full employment, and the stock market has rebounded 75% of its loss. Its over.. Rename it housing bargains, and change the theme. This blog is 2007. I understand this concept is hard to grasp after being pumped full of pessimism for the last 6 months. Don't get sentimental for the bears. Remember hope springs eternal, and thats why bulls always win in the end.
The Libertarian/Republican right wing says government doesn't work.....and when the Right is in power it doesn't work.
Time to kick all the Libertarians & Republicans out of office.
It's OK folks, Leading "Economists" say the Recession will be over soon!
Erm, wait a second. I thought those "economists" were saying we were not in a recession yet??!
How can the recession be almost over if nobody has acknowledged that it hasn't started yet??!!
The Libertarian/Republican right wing says government doesn't work.....and when the Right is in power it doesn't work.
No idiot. The Republican party of today is neither Libertarian or Republican. It's a Marxist Neoconservative dominated party that has nothing to do with intellect, conservatism or traditional American libertarian ideals.
Here's something for all you liberal, socialist commies out there that are always the first to blame free markets and free society for all problems:
Everything You Love You Owe to Capitalism
Yeah, Obama will fix everything because you lazy, soy-latte sipping hippies won't take responsibility for your own lives.
Anonymous said...
This blog is over.. Housing is in recovery.. Remember hope springs eternal, and thats why bulls always win in the end.
May 19, 2008 5:52 PM
The Romans partied like it's 99 right up until the end. They had hope springing eternal right up until the barbarian hordes toasted em.
Here's something for all you liberal, socialist commies out there that are always the first to blame free markets and free society for all problems:
Everything You Love You Owe to Capitalism
Yeah, Obama will fix everything because you lazy, soy-latte sipping hippies won't take responsibility for your own lives.
Thanks for pointing that out. I'm rapidly losing interest in this site because the formerly intelligent commentary that once took place here is being replaced by pro-commie, lazy "it's all Bush's (or someone else's) fault, not my fault" ignorant blabber.
I'm sure they're all writing from their laptops at Starbucks as they sit around with their pothead buddies sipping soy lattes and whining about the "evils" of capitalism - the only evil being that capitalism rewards those who work hard, which pretty much excludes the lazy idiots who are writing on this blog lately.
Wait for next serious terrorist threat to show up until October for most of the nation to back up McCain. The American military industrial complex and other security paraistes like Blackwater won't let it go. Enjoy.
I'm voting for Barr.
So, are you trying to tell me that MTV Pot Smoking College Idiots, rappers, ghetto, and $10k Handbag Celebs are smart voters to be followed like zombies? And that we should trust the corrupt MSM to pick AGAIN another president like they did with Bush/Cheney TWICE?
Sorry, I don't buy that.
Dear Neo-cons, Please stop complaining about liberals. Join the army and defend this country... It is what you do best... liberals work hard and play harder, unlike the neo-cons--- we think!!! Your boy Bush was a drunk, dummy for a long time and I think all of you knew it!!! Yet, you voted for him twice. He has contributed to the mess that this country is in and there is no yelling, name-calling or threat that will change that. Vote for a dummy, vote republican!!!
Wait for next serious terrorist threat to show up until October for most of the nation to back up McCain. The American military industrial complex and other security paraistes like Blackwater won't let it go. Enjoy.
That's how all you Neocons think isn't it? Just another terror attack will bring the sheeple flocking back to us. Donald Rumsfeld couldn't have said it better himself - well actually we have him on tape saying exactly the same thing:
Rumsfeld’s Mind: If 9/11 Worked, Why Not Try it Again
Here's an excerpt:
“But by far the most extraordinary part of this luncheon is the antipathy the gathered members exhibit toward the American people for having the temerity to vote the Democrats back into power. When Lt. Gen. Michael DeLong bemoans the lack of "sympathetic ears" on Capitol Hill, Rumsfeld offers that the American people lack "the maturity to recognize the seriousness of the threats." What’s to be done? According to Rumsfeld, "The correction for that, I suppose, is [another] attack."
Yes, I believe that 9/11 was at the very least allowed to happen by the crazy Neocon bunch who actually recognized the need for "a New Pearl Harbor" in the Project for a New American Century documents that were written before 9/11.
Hey bushies, have you ever seen a cast iron wood-burning stove transform into FLOWING LAVA? (as they claim the smoldering fires did to the steel beams at the 9/11 WTC sites from just fire?)
I didnt think so.
Flowing lava at the WTC sites came from somthing NOT REPORTED.
If anyone enjoys scientific research, you'll find out that 9/11 was a pre-planted, pre-engineered attack by the GOP.
And, in the end, the truth will always remain. And the people who helped to cover-up the 9-11 attacks, are indeed guilty of massive crimes. And yes, they are still playing the end-all power-grab game. Serious shit needs to be done soon to these criminals at large, or, we are all doomed by the tin-foil hat bushies and war mongering jews.
The GOP is seriously F*CKHOLED. Should have paid attention to Ron Paul all you good old boys. He showed you a way back from the Marxist Neoconservative abyss. Now Andrew Hac is going to penetrate all you fake conservatives in the ass without lubrication.
Very ouch
This blog is over.. Housing is in recovery.. Malls are packed, Economy is basically at full employment, and the stock market has rebounded 75% of its loss. Its over.. Rename it housing bargains, and change the theme. This blog is 2007. I understand this concept is hard to grasp after being pumped full of pessimism for the last 6 months. Don't get sentimental for the bears. Remember hope springs eternal, and thats why bulls always win in the end.
May 19, 2008 5:52 PM
Realator or idiot on some bad lsd?
Anonymous said...
Most simply do not understand. The Bush built scheitt sandwich die is already cast. The fun begins at election time. Here is why.
Does anyone really think that the next elected president will actually allow this presidents 'working team' to continue to snow the electorate with rosey felacious bullscheitt as it has been doing for gawd knows how long already?
Oh, hell NO. The next president will show the true state of the US economy so he or she, will not be the one saddled by historians with the true state of things on MAINSTREET these days. In other words team bush will be indicted with what team bush did. And he did plenty.
Very true!
In my early years I worked in the warehouse of a major retailer. When a new manager came in and old one went out, the company would have an independent auditing team come in and do inventory at the change over, since half the manager's pay was bonuses based on his shrink rate ("Shrink" is the term for missing/lost/damaged inventory.) The company wanted an accurate base to evaluate the new manager's efficiency.
One of the most fantastic, brilliant, outstanding warehouse managers I ever had (translation: back-stabbing, evil, cut-throat s.o.b.) was able to manipulate the warehouse inventory from day one to make the out-going manager look even worse than he actually was (another back-stabbing, evil, cut-throat s.o.b......without the brilliance,) and then implement a whole new set of warehouse rules and policies so that when the next inventory/audit came up, the new manager looked like a miracle worker!
Same amount of inventory, same amount of shrink, but the outgoing manager's figures looked ten times worse than they actually were, which meant that the new manager's figures just had to be "average" even though the same percentage of loss (shrink) was there, to look TEN TIMES BETTER.
With those kinds of figures/percentages, the new guy was upper management's darling and moved up in the company real quick.
Bottom line: The new pres has got to rub Bushco's nose in it, at every opportunity, from day one! Things are going to be very bad, and the new pres has GOT to make sure that NONE of the blame for the bad is made his fault, even though, like my warehouse’s inventory figures, NOTHING’s really changed!
Yes it was a loaded question, but I've seen those speeches...
As for feminism, I am all for women in the workplace, but over here it's gone overboard, with the quotas for women in board rooms, while the same people vetoed a bill to uncover female genital mutilation and also support large immigration, when there are 4-5 times as many rapes as in New York, with non-westerners (ie africans and muslims) behind 70%.
Last week was horrendous, with several severe incidents and a terrible interview of some somalis who claimed that Norwegian women "asked to be raped".
So I am angry and also offended by black racism.
As for McCains preacher, I agree that Islam is terrible, and akin to nazism and communism, but I think that there are more intelligent ways to contain and defeat it than to use a crusade-jihad rethoric.
McCain should read Sun Tzu!
Kick all the Libertarians and Republicans out of office. They don't deserve anyone's votes. Remember when Bush was being hailed as "America's CEO"......hahahahah.
They ruined America in only 7 years.
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