I've changed my mind.
All this time, I thought W. was an incompetent boob.
But today - brilliance. Rock-solid genius.
George W. Bush - you are my hero. OK, just on this one thing....
Bush says he will veto housing-relief bill
As the House prepared to vote on a housing-relief bill offered by Democratic leaders, President George W. Bush on Wednesday told the lawmakers, in effect, not to bother.
"I will veto the bill that's moving through the House today if it makes it to my desk," the president said at the White House, after meeting with Republican House leaders. "I urge members on both sides of the aisle to focus on a good piece of legislation that is being sponsored by Republican members."
The president's remarks were not surprising, given that the administration issued a statement on Tuesday evening declaring its opposition and saying that White House advisers would urge the president to veto it.
But Bush's personal pledge to veto the measure championed by Representative Barney Frank, the Massachusetts Democrat who heads the Financial Services Committee, made it less likely that a bipartisan housing deal will be achieved soon, especially in this election year.
The president on Wednesday repeated his opposition to a bill "that will reward speculators and lenders" who have suffered because of their own foolishness. More modest measures are pushed by Republicans leaders, and Bush said those steps "will do the right thing for the American people."
May 08, 2008
George W. Bush is the greatest president in the history of the United States
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Labels: chris dodd and barney frank are on the take, housing gambler bailout
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Reminds me of the old saying "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day".
This is incredible! Bush is actually behaving as though he is a conservative or something. I never would've seen that coming. I guess when your approval rating is 20% and you aren't up for re-election anyway, you can actually forget about pandering and make a right (but unpopular) decision.
Yeah, well this doesn't absolve the Bush Crime Family of everything they've done over the last century.
3 generations of proud Skull and Bonesmen (aka The Brotherhood of Death).
Skull and Bones
Prescott Bush profits by supporting the Nazis and builds the Bush fortune on the back of Auschwitz slave labor.
Prescott Bush
Prescott Bush and his banker buddies attempt to stage a coup in the US.
BBC: Bush's Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In America
Business Plot
That's right boys and girls. The real Nazis are running the country right now. Up to the same old tricks of creating fake enemies and staging false flag attacks.
And so many American's thought Dubya the Shrub was a good ole boy from Texas. Hahahaha!!! Fooled again chumps. He's just another spoiled brat blue blood from the East Coast with a great PR team.
When I heard him say this it totally caught me off guard! I was thinking this.... Anyone remember watching Beavis and Butthead when suddenly Beavis would just bust out something intellectual out of the blue and butthead instead of smacking him and calling beavis a dumbass would say "woaaa dude your pretty smart sometimes"
I completely agree. Bush is scoring major points with me here.
Bush has several months left to redeem himself. Maybe he'll go from being the worst prez ever to just a really lame prez.
Go Bush Go!
I don't like Rep Frank's taxpayer hosted bail-out any better than I liked the BSC taxpayer hosted bail-out. And I'm darn sure I'm not going to like the GSE bail-out that's bound to follow changes that have pushed more dodgy debt on to Fannie and Freddie.
After all, I'm down to less than three years on my mortgage, have never taken a home equity loan or second, and have been careful to only buy homes I can afford. Why should I pay for the greed, incompetence and fraud indulged in by others?
The only reason I can think of is that I strongly suspect that I'll like Great Depression: The Sequel even less than I like the bail-outs.
I'm just a simple teacher and have no idea how bad this might be. But when I see really smart people acting really worried, I figure it's probably worth my attention.
I agree, George Bush is doing a heck of a job.
And Benito Mussolini kept the trains running on time.
I can't think of any good points about Adolph Hitler at the moment, but his mother might have loved him.
The point is that we've gotten the ball rolling by focusing on the positive attributes of war criminals.
Men who torture and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people can't be all bad.
Who cares if the bailout works or not. As long as it gives people the warm and fuzzies that they are helping those poor unfortunate minorities and old people, it must be good, right? Who cares that the taxpayers will be forced to buy the toxic debt from the Wall Street billionaires. We have to save the homeowners and communities.
Pigs are flying!!! I AGREE WITH BUSH!!!!
This article is mandatory reading if you want to understand what the Bush family is really all about:
The Bush Crime Family:
Four Generations of Wall Street War-Making and War-Profiteering
OK all you stupid liberal arse hounds on HP here it is...
You want us to run into Darfur and help stop the genocide. You want us to free Tibet and stupid shiz like that. Well I got news for you tards, Saydam was a merdiring pig you baboons. If geedubya had not gone in there you would be bitchen cause he aint doin nothin to help the poor irakis. you liberal trash really should just call yourselves monday morning quarterbacks. All you do is kritick every move anyone makes, like you could have done better with your stank. We have just recently lost what 4k soldiers in how many years of war? This is not another vietnam when 58K soldiers were lost you f-in idiots. if you jak sticks were so worried about human life you would stop dui. It kills almost 17k people per year. Yeah thats right sheite bird, 17k. Freedom is not free. You want to sit here and post up on these blogs your socialist agenda, well be glad you have men and women in our armed services willing to put ther lives at risk and also be thankful for people that will make a stand and make the hard choices even when it is not popular like G-dub.
Get a grip!
W does the exact opposite of what he says. Got it??
The Fed Poodle has already given the banks all their losses back, so the plebs should get nothing.
If Bush acted against the Fed, that would be something to write about.
even a broken clock is right 2 times a day
Freedom isn't free, there's a hefty f*ckin fee.
Make check payable to United States Treasury...we'll pay haliburton, blackwater, ge, china, for ya. If we need more cash, don't worry, your kids will pay.
After all, I'm down to less than three years on my mortgage, have never taken a home equity loan or second, and have been careful to only buy homes I can afford. Why should I pay for the greed, incompetence and fraud indulged in by others?
The only reason I can think of is that I strongly suspect that I'll like Great Depression: The Sequel even less than I like the bail-outs.
I'm just a simple teacher and have no idea how bad this might be. But when I see really smart people acting really worried, I figure it's probably worth my attention.
Hey teach, you work with the kids let smarter people worry about macro economics. Destroying several trillion fake dollers is not something that is an either or. It's just a matter of who's on the hook for those dollers when everyone agrees to agree their worthless. NOT THE HONEST HARDWORKING SAVING PEOPLE WHO DID IT RIGHT. PS I don't think you fall into that group for one minute or you wouldn't be pushing a bailout that will have no impact on doller destruction or the economic fallout.
After all, I'm down to less than three years on my mortgage, have never taken a home equity loan or second, and have been careful to only buy homes I can afford. Why should I pay for the greed, incompetence and fraud indulged in by others?
The only reason I can think of is that I strongly suspect that I'll like Great Depression: The Sequel even less than I like the bail-outs.
I'm just a simple teacher and have no idea how bad this might be. But when I see really smart people acting really worried, I figure it's probably worth my attention.
Hey teach, you work with the kids let smarter people worry about macro economics. Destroying several trillion fake dollers is not something that is an either or. It's just a matter of who's on the hook for those dollers when everyone agrees to agree their worthless. NOT THE HONEST HARDWORKING SAVING PEOPLE WHO DID IT RIGHT. PS I don't think you fall into that group for one minute or you wouldn't be pushing a bailout that will have no impact on doller destruction or the economic fallout.
Don't jump the gun. It hasn't reached his desk and he hasn't vetoed it yet. Wait.
"This is not another vietnam when 58K soldiers were lost you f-in idiots."
Who's really the idiot here?
Many of the tens of thousands of horribly wounded Iraq war vets would have died in Iraq by Vietnam battlefield medical standards. When they died in Vietnam, poof, they were dead and the families got their military life insurance benefit. Today these wounded and scarred vets are gonna draw nearly $2,800 per month with year raises of 2-5% for the rest of their lives. And they're gonna draw their SS at the same time. Oh, and their medical care is going to be nearly free. Do you know how much money that is going to cost this country?
That's the Bush legacy! Now get your wallet out retard, because they deserve the money!
LOL. Can't beleive the jackass is doing the right thing for once. He is still the worst ever.
DOPES. You are the man.
WTF is up with Bushco acting like a concerned citizen these days? Farging bloody hell, where has that man been for the last seven years? This mess wouldn't have happened without him, but at least he seems to want to let the market take out some maggots. Thank god for (very) small miracles.
Don't worry - Obama will sign this sort of stuff in a heartbeat...
He said he will veto the **current** bill. Which means with a little tweak here and there he will sign in in a spirit of bipartisanship and have a great photo-op on the white house lawn talking about how he and the Dems saved the housing market.
You are really naive here Keith if you think this bailout isn't a done deal.
Fu*king Bush is an idiot and a liar amongst other things.
Never DO ANYTHING he says and you will be find.
George W. Bush is the worst human being ever born.
No Sympathy for Bush
Whoever 'forgives' Bush for his past and present felonies due to his stand on one issue (his action remaining to be actually seen) needs to be incarcerated and lobotomized or forced to live in a foreclosure house in Modesto, Calif.
You are talking about the most guilty regime in history headed up by the stupidist asshole ever hatched from his crooked, corrupt barnyrad animal parents, also posing as upright 'fellow Americans".
Jail the entire Bushco-Cheneyburton administration and their rotten, foul scumbag families. Bush with his rotten Brothers and Cheney with his test-tube Grandchildren. Forgive them for nothing.
Sterilize the offspring. No More Bushs or Cheneys into the world.
Edgar Alpo said...
WTF is up with Bushco acting like a concerned citizen these days? Farging bloody hell, where has that man been for the last seven years? This mess wouldn't have happened without him......
Paraguay is going to reinstate extradition.
Dave Lindorff wrote...
The Bush Family's Bad Latin Real Estate Investment
...Last month, a former Roman Catholic Bishop with leftist, populist tendencies, Fernando Lugo, surprised almost everyone in Paraguay, and no doubt President Bush, by winning the national presidential election, ousting the Colorado Party for the first time in 61 years. There is talk that among other things, Lugo is thinking of returning Paraguay to the community of nations, by signing some of those extradition agreements.
If he does that, Bush may be stuck having to hide behind his rump squad of Secret Service agents down at the Crawford Ranch, hoping they can keep the process servers from Brattleboro and Marlboro, VT, with their war crimes arrest warrants, at bay.
Uhh, let's not forget the Bush administration's complicity in this mortgage mess to begin with.
Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime
How the Bush Administration Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers
An op-ed piece by none other than Elliott Spitzer, written weeks before his call girl was outed. Hmmm...
My guess is that this is all smokescreen and diversion so that the real problem of balancing the budget can be delayed and slapped down on the next administrations desk.
Are you truly interested in learning more about your President and his background, especially of his Family?
then READ the following article The Bush Crime Family:
Four Generations of Wall Street War-Making and War-Profiteering
August, 2004
By Dr. Eric Karlstrom
This is classic GWB:
small-time Housing Gamblers = People that deserve to "suffer"
BIG-TIME Banks knowingly dumping trillions of dollars in bad debt onto the public = "too big to fail" ("TBTF").
There is no suffering by anyone involved except savers and honest homedebtors, most Housing Gamblers have made no serious investment, have nothing at stake and will walk away without a second thought (the honest mooks will be forced to walk away only after depleting their 401ks, kids' college funds, selling priceless family heirlooms, 50yr. fixed refi, etc.) That way, the "TBTF" can continue to suck the "middle" class dry, have inflation soften their losses and get a nice float from the taxpayers to boot. The old triple dutch-door!
Well played Mr. Banker, The United States Colonial Minister of Economic Freedom welcomes you to our humble Bermudan protectorate Sir!
if i had my choice I would always have the opposite parties in the white house and congress, like we have now and a congress without the power to override a veto without bipartisan support. having republicans in control during bushes first term was a disaster. and likewise with the dems during clinton.
If they can get the housing bill through both houses of Congress and Bush vetoes it, the Republicans are completely doomed in November.
The dems are pushing the bill through, making it acceptable to as many people as possible in Congress and the US. Can you imagine the taglines come Nov against *every* Republican, even if they voted for it? "He/she doesn't care about you, he's going to be by with your eviction notices the Wednesday after the elections."
Combine that with the fact Bush/Reps nuked the child healthcare bill - you're going to have an utter and complete cluster come this fall.
So actually Keith/bitter hostile folks, you better pray they pass *this* one, or come next year when they have a ridiculous majority and the white house, you'll see something 3x the size coming through that noone can stop. ;)
I don't believe it for one second. Here is what he is really saying "Now that we have bailed out the banks and brokers, I am not going to help the families who are being evicted from their homes" You think the bankers, mortgage brokers REIC etc. that caused this are going to be hurt by his veto - baloney. The only people that are going to be hurt by this idiot, are the same ones that were told by this moron in 2005 "Everyone should own a home" and his buddy Greenspan with his "adjustable rate mortgages are good altenative mortgages to homeownership" They enriched all of the banks and speculators already - Angelo Mozillo etc. Now that they have walked with their severance packages and stock options gains, NOW Bush is not going to help the working people who will lose their jobs because of the protracted housing problems, and the folks being evicted. Folks, he is doing the economy no favors, BTW the money spent on his war this month will be 4 times the amount of the entire housing "bailout" and we will have to live with that debt for the next coming 50 years. Pound foolish and penny wise. At least if he stablized the housing market, and pulled out of Iraq the economy may improve and we may be able to claw our way out of slavery with China - but hell, we can't save "speculators" - moral hazard and all......yea ok folks.
I never imagined that I would ever say this but...I love you Bush! Veto those ultraliberal freaks!
Imagine if Obama is elected, these ultraliberal freaks will f*ck this country with bailouts and Marxist programs to support welfare parasites.
I was a democrat but the DNC is dead to me, after being taken over by these irresponsible ultraliberal freaks like Obama. Now Hillary isn't liberal enough to these freaks.
Oh man, where's that idiot troll who is up the eyeballs in ARM mortgage, always cheering rosy scenarios about housing bailouts and fake stock market rallies. Where're you now, dumba$$?
You're getting hammered in all fronts: no more housing bailout and the stock market is in the toilet. And most ARMs will reset in July. Bwahahahahaha DOPES!!!
so the plebs should get nothing
This isn't for the plebs, you moron. The bill is designed to have the FHA buy all the toxic crap from the banks and hedge funds so the plebs take the all losses.
Bailouts Are For Bathtubs
Your money hard at work in Congress:
Fox -- New York City congressman Vito Fossella (R) says he fathered a girl three years ago while he was having an affair with a woman named Laura Fay.
He has been under a microscope since his arrest last week on drunk driving charges outside of Washington, D.C.
Police said Fossella told officers that he was going to see his daughter in the area when he was pulled over. That prompted questions about whether he had fathered an out-of-wedlock child because his wife lives in New York and the couple has three children together.
Fay picked up Fossella from jail the morning after his arrest. Fossella's blood alcohol level was .17 when he was arrested. Virginia's legal limit is .08.
Wanna bet the morons will elect this crook again? Seriously, I think this country deserves another 4 years of McCain, since 4 years of Bush won't be enough to dry the cesspool. Let's cleanse the country from these stupid voters, let them starve to death so we can all have a better country. Natural selection is a beautiful thing!
Wow,scary title! I have to counter that: 'the worst president'.
Could America please drop the pretense and admit that the USA is all about killing for profit.
Wanna bet the morons will elect this crook again?
Like the morons who re-elected Barney Frank D-Mass after he was found having sex with his male paiges?
Like the morons who keep re-electing Ted Kennedy D-Mass even though he left his date to drown while he ran off to sober up?
Like the morons who re-elected William Jefferson D-La after the FBI found $90,000 in cash bribery money in his freezer? Since when has it been illegal for any politician to commit a crime?
Those are all much worse than having an affair and drunk driving. It's just that some kool-aid drinking idiots turn a blind eye to some crimes while pointing at others.
small-time Housing Gamblers = People that deserve to "suffer"
Which small-time housing gamblers have suffered? The ones who bought a house with zero down and a $50,000 cashback deal? The ones who lied on their applications for a negam loan? The ones who HELOC'd 100% of their equity away at the peak of the bubble and bought an Escalade and took a vacation to Hawaii? Those are your suffering victims? You leftwing kooks have lost your minds.
There are no victims in this ponzi scheme except the taxpayers who did not take part in gaming the system. This latest bailout that you morons support is for the bankers. They are trying to get the FHA/taxpayers to buy the toxic debt from your hedge fund buddies.
You dailykooks are cutting off your nose to spite your face....in your blind rage.
So Casey Serin is a victim now? Maybe Barney Frank and the liberal freaks can trot him out in tears, telling stories of how he lost everything to the evil bankers and the taxpayers need to reimburse him for everything he "lost"
It's not surprising coming from the leftwing freaks who rally to free Mumia Abu Animal.
Thank you President Bush.
And thank you Keith, for giving credit where credit is due.
This legislation is not meant to benefit "Main Street", it is meant to keep housing prices artificially high for the benefit of mortgage backed securities investors. At best, a few scraps will be thrown to the least responsible segment of "Main Street".
These investors are not "too big to fail". Their failure will not cause "The Great Depression Part2" They simply want the goverment to legislate their imaginary wealth into reality.
Who will pay the price? All future home buyers. Not just a handful of "bitter renters" who DECIDED not to buy during the boom - an entire generation of Americans who were TOO YOUNG to buy during the boom will be penalized if Congress successfully rigs the housing market.
The Democrats may get some temporary political benefits from this terrible legislation, but in the long run it will haunt them like the Iraq war haunts the Republicans.
Any Democrats courageous enough to break ranks and vote against this legislation should be considered heroes.
Could America please drop the pretense and admit that the USA is all about killing for profit.
We should be more like the Europeans, who colonized the world to help feed the natives.
"If they can get the housing bill through both houses of Congress and Bush vetoes it, the Republicans are completely doomed in November."
Quite the contrary. If Bush vetos the bill the Republicans have my vote and that of many other people who are sick and fucking tired of government bailing out the latest get rich quick scheme gone wrong.
Enjoy your new fascist reality brought to you by the Bush Crime Syndicate:
Naomi Wolf: The End of America
The Bush Crime Family..
Four Generations of Wall Street... War-Making and War-Profiteering...
9/11 conspiracy...
I'm so tired of all the morons posting these links. Get a life. Grow you kids, plant a tree, whatewer...
Bush has fooled you guys again.
What do you think is going to occur when all of those properties are foreclosed on?
Modern day carpetbaggers will swoop in and buy up billions of dollars of property for millions of dollars, hold it for years, and resell it to at least double their money.
Really wealthy people are not affected by the business cycle that $35K a year millionaires live by.
Give me a break, Bush will bail out anyone who is corrupt and complicit of committing crimes against the average person (Bear Stearns, Countrywide and the like, oil companies, credit-card companies thanks to the bankruptcy bill and give tax breaks to the wealthiest people in our country), but yet you idiots commend him for vetoing loan guarantees and modifications of mortgages that helps the working class. This bill will help people to pay at least 90 % of the principal and thousands back in interest. Allowing this particular bill to go thru is the least of all the evils Bush can do in this mortgage mess which he knowingly created. My hope is that people can at least keep it in perspective that if we have to bail out anyone, then it should be the working class and not the rich. Yet this is the only bailout that has everyone uniformly irate.
And Keith, how can you say Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are on the take. First I doubt that they are but if they are, on what scale? Are they enriching the oil companies, Halliburton, Countrywide, corrupt Saudi princes and Geez! all Wall Street cronies? A little perspective in your comments could go a long way.
Here is one of many excellent scholarly works that detail the real power structure in the USA:
America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones by Antony C. Sutton
Check in the bank. Daughter getting married today, will be out of office by the end of the year. I almost love this guy too...but it's kind of like that disease thing, where hostages have suffered so much abuse, but love their captors even when they are set free. Just out of sheer relief I guess.
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