I'd ask you to contribute to the relief cause for Burma (and yes, it's Burma, not Myanmar), but as long as their evil dictator and his henchmen remain in power, the relief likely won't get to the starving and desperate survivors. I'm not sure what to do myself...
Once again, it's the failings and complicity of the evil communist rulers in neighboring China that is the root cause of the fresh atrocities in Burma. Inaction and immoral complicity on China's part will now lead to the deaths of tens of thousands of innocents in neighboring Burma.
So, what can you do?
1) Boycott China and Chinese goods, and know that when you buy Chinese you support evil
2) Donate to the Burma relief agencies, in the hopes that one day relief may be allowed into Burma
3) Hope for the violent overthrow of the corrupt Burmese government by their starving and desperate people, or even their own soldiers. Desperate times call for desperate measures and I hope to see General Than Shwe and his thugs swinging from ropes soon
Burma makes Bush and New Orleans look like a non-event. The suffering in Burma, an epic collision of global warming, corrupt government and nature's havoc, is on a scale that will shock you, if you care.
May 09, 2008
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Donating would mean breaking away from the philosophy of living below my means. Shopping at Wal-Mart and buying Chinese helps me live below my means. I'm against violence and war, so I'm not going to hope for a civil war in Burma.
The Burmese Government has put self-interest ahead of its duty to its citizens, writes Graham Reilly.
FOR the long-suffering people of Burma, life is misery piled upon misery. Since 1962 they have struggled under the repressive rule of an isolationist, economically inept and intensely paranoid military regime immune to domestic and international pressure to introduce political freedom, personal liberty or human rights.
Once the region's rice bowl, the country is now an economic basket case crippled by spiralling inflation and the regime's allocation of 40% of the national budget to the 400,000-strong military, a commitment that perpetuates its own power and wealth at the expense of the interests of ordinary Burmese.
I am an American. I do care, but only for my own country and people. America is the greatest land on earth and we do way too much for other people and not enough for ourselves. Fuck Burma, they are all overpopulated anyways!
"an epic collision of global warming"
Now everytime there is a hurricane or cyclone AGW will be mentioned. We had bad storms before this AGW hoax, and we will have them now as well.
Humans had nothing to do with that cyclone. If anything it's the Sun.
In the past food aid made sense, this is no longer the case as there is no longer any food surplus in the world. Food is now a zero-sum game. If you eat someone else will go hungry.
Donate rice to a burmese family means that a family in the philippines will starve.
Horrifying, absolutely horrifying.
These kind people deserve so much better, and are in my prayers daily.
"an epic collision of global warming"
wow...stupidity knows no boundaries apparently. There are literally thousands of respected scientists on both sides of this issue. Oddly enough though the ones on the "global warming" side are usually funded by agencies with political interested in continuing this facade.
Add to that serious scientific studies of late that indicate we're in a global cooling period, and one without an agenda can see that we really have no clue what actually is the primary cause of global temperature fluctuations.
Yet people like you are content to make statements "of fact" as if what you think on this is a foregone conclusion.
Stick to opinions on housing.
While nobody can prove that this cyclone was directly caused by global warming, the correlation is there. The world will continue to see more and more powerful storms, more substantial droughts, etc.
For those of you who deny global warming, I can't help you. You're afraid of science for whatever reason, you probably don't believe in evolution either, and you're part of the problem. Too bad. Ignorance is not bliss.
The predicted effects of global warming on the environment and for human life are numerous and varied. It is generally difficult to attribute specific natural phenomena to long-term causes, but some effects of recent climate change may already be occurring. Raising sea levels, glacier retreat, Arctic shrinkage, and altered patterns of agriculture are cited as direct consequences, but predictions for secondary and regional effects include extreme weather events, an expansion of tropical diseases, changes in the timing of seasonal patterns in ecosystems, and drastic economic impact
Al Gore Calls Myanmar Cyclone a 'Consequence' of Global Warming
Former vice president tells NPR's 'Fresh Air' cyclone is example of 'consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming.'
Better find some oil, guys.
Otherwise, your just a remote version of Africa to the US.
The world will continue to see more and more powerful storms, more substantial droughts, etc.
How did you come up with that prediction? Was it by science or by parrotting Al Gore's lies?
Al Gore Calls Myanmar Cyclone a 'Consequence' of Global Warming
According to Al Gore, every natural disaster is now due to Global Warming. It's as if there were no natural disasters before 1950.
more substantial droughts
The worst droughts were in the 1930's
For those of you who have been brainwashed by Al gore, I can't help you.
C'mon Keith, you're smarter than that.....there is no global warming atrributed to man. Do your research and stop listening to that Gore guy. He should stop flying around on his jet wasting fuel while preaching lies to get rich. Sorry, I just don'tbuy it. Global warming is a made up concept that will be used politically to keep third world countries from developing and control world population.
Al Gore is a deranged conspiracy theorist. Here are the true facts about global warming, not coming from scientists whose free grant-based salaries depend on perpetuating the myth:
1. Earth goes in cycles, just like economic cycles. The planet is cooler now than in 1998, when it hit a "hot" peak.
2. The human contribution to natural warming is less than 1%.
3. Stopping *all* human carbon emissions would have *zero* effect on this 1%.
4. Scientific history (which you need to read, just like Manias, Panics, and Crashes) shows that the current warming is BENEFICIAL, not detrimental.
5. While the arctic glaciers melt due to natural cycles, the antarctic icecap is GROWING and COOLING.
Look, the global warming profiteers even tried to blame CA wildfires on global warming to their discredit.
On this whole anti-communist thing, I agree, but I still can't understand why you support Obama. Do this: Read through his entire website, and then read The Communist Manifesto. They're the same.
I'm serious about this. I'm not kidding. They're really the same.
I am an American. I do care, but only for my own country and people. America is the greatest land on earth and we do way too much for other people and not enough for ourselves. Fuck Burma, they are all overpopulated anyways!
Long Live the Commies, Death to the Fat Pig Capitalist.
Go Tiger !!!
2) Donate to the Burma relief agencies, in the hopes that one day relief may be allowed into Burma
3) Hope for the violent overthrow of the corrupt Burmese government by their starving and desperate people, or even their own soldiers. Desperate times call for desperate measures and I hope to see General Than Shwe and his thugs swinging from ropes soon
Regarding #2, if you donate, it just makes you a codependant enabler. You're bleeding your heart away while the strengthen the evil govt disease.
And regarding #3, by donating you make it harder for the people to rise up. Again, donations not wise, you just lengthen the missery.
Had we not gotten stuck in the Sand Trap we could be hitting the Chinese in their soft underbelly and actually promoting democracy at the same time!
This is a failure of our military strategists.
Wikipedia and Al Gore are not valid sources to support the idea of global warming. There are a number of scientific reviews on Pubmed.com that are skeptical of human-driven global warming and that global temps have actually been steady or even cooling this decade.
And yes, stick to housing cuz this blog's emotional rants about everything else are just so random and senseless.
So we don’t support the violent overthrow of the Iraqi regime, to save the millions of suffering people.
But we do support the violent overthrow of the Burma regime???
Seems to me like a double standard…
The consequence of the popular anti Iraq-war movement will be that America will not again go out there and fight to help ‘suffering victims’ of any kind.
"Burma makes Bush and New Orleans look like a non-event. The suffering in Burma, an epic collision of global warming, corrupt government and nature's havoc, is on a scale that will shock you, if you care."
I don't care.
4.10/gal gas. I DO care.
If we invaded Iraq to spread freedom, why don't we invade Myanmar (burma)? To bad they don't have Oil...
Or good thing. We would f* up their country too.
Very sad photos from Burma that I haven’t seen in the MSM.
Again, I know I can't help you anti-climate-changers. All I can do is to try to limit your damage, as I did with the ignoramuses who denied the housing bubble.
Your ignorance is amazing, your hatred of, or even unwillingness to read, the science is just sad, and in 20 years, you'll likely be embarrassed of your behavior. Even though by that point it will be too late.
The housing bubble and crash destroyed balance sheets and bank statements. Global warming will destory the planet and life here on earth as we enjoy it today.
HP'ers know that the one single thing that drives me crazy is ignorance. Being anti-Al-Gore is OK, I understand that, since he's such a prick. But at least read the global warming science. And trust scientists, not politicians. Don't be the Catholic church condeming Galileo for the truth. Don't be the idiots who defended the Tobacco companies. Don't be the idiots who thought the world was flat.
Your kids, and your kids' kids, and your kids' kids' kids, are going to hate you. Make no doubt of that. If that's the side you want to be on, then so be it.
Our country is bankrupt. We should be helping ourselves. Millions of Americans go to bed hungry every night, but the latte drinkers want to look trendy by faking they care about international disasters. The US isn't rich, neither a superpower.
If these Obama latte drinkers, like Keith, really gave a damn, they would have marched in protest, everyday, before and after Bush/Cheney invaded Iraq. I didn't see one Obamaniac marching the streets back then either, not one $10k Handbag Celeb, no Bill Maher, no Keith Olbermann, no Tim Russert, no Oprah, no Tom Hanks, not one black either. Heck, even illegal Mexicans have more balls and will to march the American streets in protest than these disgusting Obama latte drinkers.
I don't see rappers and wealthy black athletes selling their exotic car collection of several Bentleys and Lamborghinis, which is a huge waste of money, to help Africa or the blacks in their own country. Does Seinfeld, another Obama supporter, need 46 Porshes and another multimillion dollar garage in the middle of Manhattan to go with it? Wealthy celebs and blacks rather blow $4k in a couple of Cristal champagne bottles, at the club with the ho's, than send that money to Africa or fund a scholarship for black students in the US. Oprah rather rent an island for $50k per day in the Caribbean, to spend holidays away from the ewww commoners, than send that money to Africa or help her own country.
Stupid Americans drool over these Hollywood celebs, the Obama endorsers, because you never had close contact with these narcissistic and selfish types. Obama, the candidate who looks down on blue collar America, is a reflection of them, that's why they relate so well.
When I was a poor kid (who lost the father at 4-year old), I worked hard as a waiter and valet in fancy restaurants within the Beverly Hills/Hollywood area, and also as a messenger, serving these Obama celebs in Los Angeles, while putting myself through college. You should see the treatment that they give to commoners. We used to work our a$$ off to serve them well, give superb customer service, and they would tip $1, after arriving in a $300k car and spending $800 in a sushi meal with their ho's or spoiled entourage. One night, after serving Ed Murphy and his entourage all night, I asked him for an autograph on the way out and he just told me straight out, in a rude manner, "NO!", and walked away after tipping $5. He just stood there for about 5 minutes, doing nothing, while I called his Bentley right away. But that kind of selfish behavior isn't restricted only to Americans. David Bowie and his black wife Iman were also rude cheapos, who liked to tip $1. David Bowie, one of the richest persons in Britain.
So I have to laugh when I see these Hollywood celebs faking like they care about their fellow man, making public endorsements of the Messiah Obama, like we should all bow and follow these lucky high school dropouts who never took a class of economics or finance in their lives. It's nothing but a power trip, a way to be on the spotlight, a marketing trick to stay relevant in the public eye, a way to continue brainwashing the impressionable stupid young who buy their crap, like music, films, shows, merchandise, or programs.
We have an inversion of values going on in America, in which the productive and responsible citizens, like blue collars or hard working kids trying to put themselves through college, are treated like trash and ignored by public officials and wealthy celebs, while the lazy welfare parasites get the glory. That's the message from Obama's campaign, from the celebs who endorse him, from the ultraliberals, from Rev Wright's church, from the corrupt mainstream media.
And to think that I was a long time registered democrat, who voted for Judas types like the Skull & Bones Kerry, and who once spent his limited money buying David Bowie albums or watching Ed Murphy's flicks. Stupid me.
Sorry but since long I've decided to take care of my own a$$, and I suggest you do the same. I had enough from these hypocrites in this bankrupt country. Oh and one more thing, that food or money you're sending to Burma or Africa, only benefits the corrupt leaders running the country and the well connected secret society cronies who get the millionaire contracts from the gov or UN to supply the aid. Keep your money and boycott Hollywood celebs.
Could you please ask any celeb endorsing Obama to point to Burma in a map or name 10 countries from Africa?
If we invaded Iraq to spread freedom, why don't we invade Myanmar (burma)? To bad they don't have Oil...
Or good thing. We would f* up their country too.
Exactly. Too bad Anderson Cooper can't get a first class flight down there, wearing Prada from head to toe, so he can stay relevant in the eye of the sheep.
Again, I know I can't help you anti-climate-changers. All I can do is to try to limit your damage, as I did with the ignoramuses who denied the housing bubble.
Your ignorance is amazing, your hatred of, or even unwillingness to read, the science is just sad, and in 20 years, you'll likely be embarrassed of your behavior. Even though by that point it will be too late.
Actually Kweefer, not even NASA agrees with the "science" that you've read. I think you're more likely a victim of propaganda than any critical analysis. Why is that all the big corporations are pushing global warming and climate change? Why is that Al Gore an oil man who owes much of his family fortune to Occidental Petroleum is pushing for a carbon tax?
Global Warming Hoax
Let's assume just for fun that global warming is real then you are still jumping to the conclusion that hurricanes are caused by global warming. What is your evidence of this?
Global warming reducing hurricanes in U.S., report says
Mars also seems to be suffering from our SUV emissions. Man, that C02 sure can travel a long way!
Global Warming on Mars
So the jury appears to still be out on the so called global warming crisis. I'm pretty sure there were hurricanes, volcanos and other natural disasters before we started driving SUVs Kweefer!!!
How could you have seen the housing bubble coming but be so blind to the carbon tax scam?!
Again, I know I can't help you anti-climate-changers. All I can do is to try to limit your damage, as I did with the ignoramuses who denied the housing bubble.
Great logic. Since the housing bubble was a reality, man-made global warming must also be a reality. I see the correlation perfectly now.
"Could you please ask any celeb endorsing Obama to point to Burma in a map or name 10 countries from Africa?"
Why not ask if good ol' Dubya Bush can do the same? Betcha he can't come up with more than 2-3. Yeah, leader of the 'free world'.
By the way, he's throwing a million dollar bash for his alcoholic tramp daughter during her wedding this weekend. how much of that can be put towards Iraqi's and Burmese? And how do they put towards any cause like that? How much do any of THEM care?
How much does DICK Cheney care?
You're all neo-con hypocrites.
I'll believe that "human caused" global warming is a problem as soon as Laurie David/Barbra Streisand/Al Bore, etc., stop flying around in their chartered, private jets. (Yeah, I know, they're special and they don't emit any carbon into the atmosphere...silly me....)
Global warming is a fact, but....the earth has been far warmer than it has now, way before people even existed. We have also gotten out of a period occasionally referred to as "the Little Ice Age" that ended around 1850. Higher temperatures would be expected and not out of the ordinary.
The main problem with the celebrity global warming crowd and their followers (and sadly, I think that includes you, Keith) is that they think that somehow the earth has to stay static in regards to climate. It never has been and never will be. Utah was once a swamp, so was Antarctica. Someday...who knows, it may be again.
To think it's only because we're driving to the Quickie Mart, and leaving the porch light on for fifteen minutes doesn't square with the overall scientific data.
Now, back to Burma/Myanmar....
The fact that their own government is refusing aid from the US government makes me wonder what kind of agreements/kickbacks they are getting out of the "approved" charities. Hell, even Indonesia, no friend of the US, didn't do that after their disaster. I'd be hesitant to give any money to those relief funds because I could not be certain any of it would reach people in need.
Climate change is now a business industry for people to make money and eventually for govts to impose more taxes. Look at Biofuels as an example and how all the environmentalists said how great this idea was and how corporations just jumped in and whooops the cost of food is now out of reach for people everywhere including the Burmese in your photo. Wake up Keefer your getting swindled.
Man I'm thirsty. I'm going to ride my Mitsubishi down to the store and pick up a nice cold Pepsi.
Global warming, my ass. Record amount of snow here this winter, and I *still* have to wear a sweater here... in MAY.
My children, children’s children and their children will laugh and laugh and laugh at how silly we are today in looking at a tiny bit of information and concluding that the world is warming.
Fact is that
The Globe is NOT WARMING at all.
Nuff said.
well, I can see we have some real thinkers on this discussion.
Yes the world is in a natural warming cycle but the current rate of change is much higher than previous cycles. Even if you don't belive the so called experts and let's assume there is no Global Warming. What is wrong with being a good steward of this earth and trying to have as little impact on it as possibe? I guess that kind of thinking is just not the american way.
Coolest April in a long time.
Quick, how much "warming" was there over the past 100 years? 5 degree F? 10F? No, 1 degree farenheit. According to the global warming proponents.
Global warming is based on PROJECTIONS of the future. Projections are obviously based on assumptions, from a model.
Did the model correctly predict the fact that since 1998 there has been a decrease of .2 degree F? Not much but 20% of the warming over the past 100 years. No, it didn't. So what gives you confidence that it can predict temperatures over the next century?
The ignorance is in the people who think science is a closed system. Once the "scientists" have spoken the matter is closed. That's not science, that's religion. Global warming is a religion complete with sinners (the US), priests (Al Gore), redemption (cap and trade or C02 limits) -marketed by Al Gore of course, doomsday scenarios, true believers who can't be bothered with counterarguements (Keith), and heretics (which according to RFK junior should be tried as "deniers").
Now the same global warming people are saying that global warming will go "on hiatus" for a year or 5 or so...don't know why exaclty, but it will...but don't you worry! It will come back so repent!! Google "Miller" and the Great disappointment. This is the same thing. End of the world predictions and CYA when it doesn't come true.
I was just in Burma last month. I can say that the government fully controls the population. Yangoon, a city of 6 million people has nearly no traffic. Why? Because motorcycles are banned and cars there cost $30,000 USD. Yes I'm not lying, this is for a 20 year old used Toyota. The duties there for material goods are outrageous. Mobile phones are $1000 USD. A simple house in Yangoon is $300K USD. All the wealth is for the military as associated people. The average working citizen simply doesn't have a chance.
Have you now noticed Burma is denying tourist visitors into the country during this time? All the money and aid will get intercepted by the military and not go to the people any faster than current distribution. There is nothing we can do about this unfortunately.
Give if you want but be skeptical.
-Big Cheese
Donate directly to the Burmese monks in their local monastaries:
$50 goes a long ways in Burma.
All the money and aid will get intercepted by the military and not go to the people any faster than current distribution. There is nothing we can do about this unfortunately.
Don't bother trying to post common sense here. They're Obama zombies, in a trance, ready to jump on the next trendy thing. They're probably donating money to Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, too.
What is wrong with being a good steward of this earth and trying to have as little impact on it as possibe? I guess that kind of thinking is just not the american way
I conserve as much as possible and drive a small car, live in a modest sized home. I just don't want this global warming crap shoved at me by these cultists and the Messiah Al Gore who claim that every tornado, hurricane, and flood is caused by man.
The Kyoto Treaty is useless because none of the signatories have complied. The treaty doesn't even require anything of China and India, which have nearly half of the world's population. The US Senate rejected the treaty by 98-0. Not even the most left-wing nuts would vote for it. Mr Sierra Club SUV driving John Kerry and fat drunken slob Ted Kennedy voted against it. All the left coast Senators Feinstein and Boxer voted against it.
Why not ask if good ol' Dubya Bush can do the same? Betcha he can't come up with more than 2-3. Yeah, leader of the 'free world'.
Betcha Obama and Clinton can't do it either. You neo-lib hypocrites are pathetic
Global Warming is now global big business. The Wall Street firms are now making billions of dollars trading carbon credits. The UN wants to tax carbon emissions. Universities are getting millions of dollars from taxpayers to fund these studies that "prove" global warming exists. These "green" companies are popping up everywhere. The propaganda has permeated the media and brainwashed the foolish masses who are unable to think for themselves.
The earth was warmer 1,000 years ago than it is today. Greenland used to be green. The climate changes rapidly all the time. The Sahara desert used to be lush and green just 5,000 years ago. It became the most hostile and arid part of the earth 3,400 years ago. Frozen wooly mammoths were found with fresh undigested daisies in their stomachs in Siberia, suggesting that the temperature dropped by over 100 degrees in 10 minutes. The period from 1930-1955 had more cat 3-5 hurricanes than 1980-2005.
This is a ponzi scheme that dwarfs the housing bubble. Notice how the global warming cultists personally attack anyone who disputes their claims. They resort to insults and name-calling instead of backing up their claims with facts. A hurricane or cyclone does not prove that global warming exists. It's the same tactics the NAR kool-aid drinkers and conmen used.
There is no global warming just like smoking doesn't cause cancer and there was no housing bubbles in Miami, Vegas and CA.
Everyone is an expert. Me, myself I'm no expert but I respect the science that says our activity is having an impact on global warming.
If smoking causes cancer, then surely there must be global warming. It all ties in so nicely.
housing bubble = smoking causes cancer = global warming
The science is irrefutable.
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