May 13, 2008
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
McCain will lose worse than Dole
yawn, fart, scratch
McCain put his life on the line and suffered greatly in service to this nation.
Neither demorat has done so.
If you are unwilling to make the ultimate sacrifice for this nation than you are undeserving of this nation's highest office.
'nuff said.
I can't stand McCain. Compared to Obama, I'm crazy in love with him. And before you throw out some idiotic comment about race, save it. I'm against Obama for his policies and views. If you'd open your eyes you'd figure out he (Obama) would be a disaster for this country. If he were white with the same positions, he would have been laughed out of the room by now.
Yeah - instead we got 4 more years of Clinton...
Things get a little nutty around here whenever the subject turns to politics.
BTW, where does Obama stand on bailing out housing gamblers?
McCain will be LUCKY to remain in the Senate once this is over.
He should make reservations at Arlington where all the REAL heroes are honored.
McCain will be torn to pieces by the Dems.
The GOP is DEAD.
If Obama were an average white then he would most likely have to work in the private sector till he became a full fledged millionaire then the public one 'cause he wouldn't be connected enough to move up like a Romney (private equity) or McCain (Admiral's offspring).
Two words come to mind:
1) Pineapple
2) Viagra
I'm not sure how you equate the two. Dole was boring, and like Bush senior, he lacked the "vision thing".
McCain is scary. He always was a loose cannon, and now he's senile too. This is guy who could start WWIII because his aides didn't bring in his favorite imaginary animals to entertain him one morning.
" Anonymous said...
If Obama were an average white then he would"
IF the queen had BALLS she would be the KING (or Hitlery)dipshit.
Put the chicken bones down and get your fat racist ass off the porch. YOU are The PROBLEM.
IF we didn't have a country full of dumbshits like you it would be a pleasant America again.
Why not be a part of the SOLUTION.
Think about it...
"McCain put his life on the line and suffered greatly in service to this nation.
Neither demorat has done so."
"most likely have to work in the private sector till he became a full fledged millionaire then the public one 'cause he wouldn't be connected enough to move up like a Romney (private equity) or McCain (Admiral's offspring)."
Sorry folks, there's nothing untrue about the above. If you think about it, the typical white applicant had come from either an established family line (i.e. current Prez) or had made it in commerce or law before becoming a Presidential candidate. BO is the first person of minimal financial or familial clout who's now at the head of his party's ticket for President.
"McCain put his life on the line and suffered greatly in service to this nation."
And that makes him qualified to be president how exactly? All he did was get shot down and taken prisoner.
By the same standard if I get into a car accident do I get to be CEO of General Motors?
Anonymous said...
"McCain put his life on the line and suffered greatly in service to this nation.
Neither demorat has done so."
May 13, 2008 5:53 PM
1-He is not my Rapeublican Monkeyand
2-I did not vote for him for the very reason you cite. He was a silver spooned baffoon that hid behind the national guard to prevent himself from being deployed to ROV.
3-Unlike U I am in independent in both political belief and thought.
Anonymous said...
"McCain put his life on the line and suffered greatly in service to this nation."
And that makes him qualified to be president how exactly? All he did was get shot down and taken prisoner.
By the same standard if I get into a car accident do I get to be CEO of General Motors?
May 13, 2008 7:56 PM
You're obviously not a veteran.
Proof of having a truly sincere belief and conviction of purpose regarding the ideals of this nation exists by a showing that you are/were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for it.
Slick was a lying draft dodger & never got my vote. Dumbya was of the same ilk and also never got my vote.
I voted for Dole, Gore, Kerry and now McCain. Party obviously was not the common theme, it was military service.
Your analogy to GM is plain and simple trite non-sense.
He was thousands of miles from home; he was shot down over hostile enemy AAA flack and severly wounded/disabled for life due to the damage suffered from the ejection. He has given minimal medical care and was in great pain. He was treated like an animal in violation of the geneva convention. Do not make light of the sacrifices of the veterans who've provided you with the freedom and prosperity that you unwittingly were born into. I suggest you try to do the same before you belittle it.
Go to Burma if you do not care for the gifts that he gave you.
McCain put his life on the line and suffered greatly in service to this nation.
Neither demorat has done so.
If you are unwilling to make the ultimate sacrifice for this nation than you are undeserving of this nation's highest office.
'nuff said.
"BO is the first person of minimal financial or familial clout who's now at the head of his party's ticket for President."
Right, because he's black.
"Right, because he's black"
Half-Black/Half-White or in USA speak, Creole or South Asian/Indian.
You see, there's a deliberate attempt here at separating from the Al Sharpton's or Farrakhan's 'cause it's about a so-called unifier, not a divider.
It's almost like a Hispanic person with an Arabic/Muslim dad and an Italian/Catholic mother trying to bridge the gap between the races as a political stunt. But talk to any Argentinian and he'll proudly tell you that unlike Brazil, Argentina isn't a black (or half-black) nation but a white one of fair toned Spaniards and Italians. Sorry folks, but racism wasn't invented in the American south.
John Mc Cain's military skills got him captured and held prisoner for many years. That is the kind of wartime leadership that this country needs right now.
As Bob Dole would say, there is nothing wrong with Mc Cain that a paper bag and a few dozen Viagra won't cure.
Anonymous gutless and lazy spikes down another puke said...
McCain put his life on the line and suffered greatly in service to this nation.
Neither demorat has done so.
If you are unwilling to make the ultimate sacrifice for this nation than you are undeserving of this nation's highest office.
'nuff said.
May 13, 2008 10:20 PM
Please seek help for your cognitive projection disorder(s).
Lost Cause said...
John Mc Cain's military skills got him captured and held prisoner for many years. That is the kind of wartime leadership that this country needs right now.
As Bob Dole would say, there is nothing wrong with Mc Cain that a paper bag and a few dozen Viagra won't cure.
May 14, 2008 9:47 AM
And what have you done for this nation?
What are your military skills, if any?
Hey Kieth,
I like your blog, but all this flaming is a drag.
Since you moderate comments, why not just replace the more obvious rants against other posters with a "flame deleted" note?
I want another 4 years of Bush.
Do you think Jeb may help us out?
This way we will know for sure that Amerika will be totally looted and destroyed.
Viva GOP!
Military always want you to think that you can't survive without them. It is like the idea that Iraq will descend into chaos if they leave. Peace might break out, or something.
But the fact is: first they were the hired thugs of greedy princes, and so they remain. This country is being bankrupt by the military right now, and the last thing we need is a General Mc Cain.
Lost Cause said...
Military always want you to think that you can't survive without them. It is like the idea that Iraq will descend into chaos if they leave. Peace might break out, or something.
But the fact is: first they were the hired thugs of greedy princes, and so they remain. This country is being bankrupt by the military right now, and the last thing we need is a General Mc Cain.
May 14, 2008 9:53 PM
Good thing George Washington did not get your memo
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