"The American people don't want to make their neighbor's payment when they're having trouble making their own"
- Rep. Randy Neugebauer, R-Texas, May 2008
May 09, 2008
Anti-Housing-Gambler-Bailout Quote of the Day
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"When you rob Peter to pay Paul...you get the vote of Paul"
Life as politicians see it...
Shakespeare was RIGHT.
Kill all the lawyers (AND POLITICIANS)...
the politicians will soon realize there are alot mroe peter's than there are paul's.
Me paying? Get the f*ck out of here! I have this fine looking piece of ass renting one of my condos. She's not paying much rent though if you know what I mean. She was a realtor and now there is little work, so she works under the table while you f*cking butt ugly morons are working in totally pointless IT jobs doing imbecilic for next loops or writing drivel in sequel. Jobs like this result in 1BR shit hole rentals or residence in a trailer in the worst part of town. International stars like me are impervious to crashes and bashes. All of you ponytail dog faced baldheaded code whores are going to lose your sorry ass jobs this year to some slit-eyed meat-headed gook in China. Yeah, it was very smart of you to study something that can be taught to a f*cking monkey. Renters are the scum of our ownership society, low life bottom feeding trailer trash. Ahhh, finally got that off my chest!
The problem is, the bill has simply come due for a whole lot of bad fianacial decisions--and SOMEONE has to pay the piper!
Our politicians know that their efforts to keep people in their over valued houses are a bunch of crap. All they are really trying to prevent, is their banker buddies from taking on more write-downs, and prevent housing prices from falling back in line with fundamentals, which is the only thing that WILL CURE THE PROBLEM!!
Like someone said recently, you just can't stop a hurricaine. You can't legislate this problem away!!! If someone loses their house, they need to move out and RENT--it is not the end of the world.
This is the only thing holding up recovery right now!!
CURRENT INCOMES simply do NOT support these artificially inflated prices!!
BEN B!! Why do you not get this simple premise??
Dear Mr. HousingPanic,
Mr/Ms NYCHousingBubble is closing up shop. My daily routine, to locate the truth about the housing market was to start at housingpanic then click thru to nychousingbubble. I am crushed that one of the two is now gone. Can you give nycHB the equivalent of a 21 gun salute?
Trashed foreclosure in Orlando.
We are talking 2% of the population - but it's not as if they are the most impoverished - most deserving 2% - perhaps a handful of them are elderly people that were swindled - the rest are flippers that gambled or just stupid people that thought their mortgage brokers had their best interests at heart. I would feel better about it if these were people truly in need. I'm trying to look on the bright side - it is only 2% - it's as good as holding your finger in a dam
I think all those signatures on NO BAILOUT web sites are starting to have some impact. . .also the Barney Frank bill seems to be being gutted today according to the Financail Times. . .fewer than 500K homes would be covered, and that is the high estimate.
Sound good to me but I'm on Welfare anyway......SuckaS!
Or like the good old proverb:
"You Cover Your Ass and I Cover Mine"...
Stay tune for the long running episode of:
Americano Albusto !!!
Yeah, and hopefully fuel prices will fall back in line with the housing prices. Funny how the price of everthing rises but incomes don't.
Recently heard a story about a neighbor that "bought" a house in my neighborhood with 100% financing in 2004 for 250K. Then, they lived in the house for 3 yrs., taking out 300K in home equity. Then, when they couldn't sell it, they packed up in the middle of the night and drove away.
So, they basically got paid $300K to live there for 3 years. So, now the taxpayers are paying to bail out the stupid banks for loaning money to irresponislbe/dishonest people? WTF?
this guy is a raging brainiac and as a fellow texican i am so freekin proud of his silly ass.
"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races...and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel...will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition..." (Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574)
oh my. shame on the mess.
DOW 14,000 soon!
There are some IT software guys that make more in a year than a Condo is worth. Yes none are Asian. No you can't get there with a High School education and a vocabulary consisting of a curse word in every sentence.
Anonymous Blowfly said...
Me paying? Get the f*ck out of here! I have this fine looking piece of ass renting one of my condos. She's not paying much rent though if you know what I mean. She was a realtor and now there is little work, so she works under the table while you f*cking butt ugly morons are working in totally pointless IT jobs doing imbecilic for next loops or writing drivel in sequel. Jobs like this result in 1BR shit hole rentals or residence in a trailer in the worst part of town. International stars like me are impervious to crashes and bashes. All of you ponytail dog faced baldheaded code whores are going to lose your sorry ass jobs this year to some slit-eyed meat-headed gook in China. Yeah, it was very smart of you to study something that can be taught to a f*cking monkey. Renters are the scum of our ownership society, low life bottom feeding trailer trash. Ahhh, finally got that off my chest!
May 09, 2008 3:05 PM<<
blowfly, when is your tee time tomorrow morning?
You idiots need to flood Barney Frank's and Chris Dodd's offices with faxes and emails. They are trying to get the FHA to buy all the sewage from the banks and hedge funds. Maybe 10% of the foreclosures were victims, but the rest were scam artists, flippers, and zero down garbage that came from the trailer parks and ghettos to infest the good neighborhoods. Send them back where they belong.
Have at it
If you think it's bad now, wait until the Democrat majority in Congress and in the Senate get together with Obama to sign everything those crooks send him. Enjoy your poverty.
Stay tune for the long running episode of:
Americano Albusto !!!
Send it over, Andrew. We do need a beer and a good laugh...while The Snapper Turtle is toasting in a bed of white hot charcoal, juices dripping...
Nation, vote this Barney Frank clown out of office so he can retire in West Hollywood with his boy toy, while the honest and responsible taxpayer pays for his pension. He can't even talk anymore, as it looks like he says the mouth always full of d!cks!
I would endorse this legislation only if the banks promise to audit each and every defaulted mortgage application and prosecute anyone who lied about their stated income and assets. Anyone found guilty of lying will go to jail and pay a penalty equal to the amount of principal being reduced on their mortgage.
Nation, vote this Barney Frank clown out of office so he can retire in West Hollywood with his boy toy, while the honest and responsible taxpayer pays for his pension. This fat clown can't even talk anymore, as it looks like he has the mouth always full of d!cks! Does anyone understand a word he says?
Let's get serious here .
Have you ever heard of anything so corrupt as the government using hard earned tax dollars to bail out fraudulent easy money borrowers that for most part don't have a earned money down-payment invested in the shit-box they bought .
Have you every heard of a more corrupt concept than bailing out Wall Street and the lenders (who gave anybody a loan based on real estate going up rather than getting a down payment and qualifying the borrowers .)
When you have a scheme ,that turned into a mania ,that turned into the biggest crime wave in history ,you don't even utter the words "bail out."
How dare these bought off politicians even dare try to cover up crimes with bail-outs using innocent parties hard earned tax dollars. Grounds for impeachment I say ,grounds for impeachment .
btw a REPUBLICAN made this comment !!!
Anon said:
‘Dear Mr. HousingPanic,
Mr/Ms NYCHousingBubble is closing up shop. My daily routine, to locate the truth about the housing market was to start at housingpanic then click thru to nychousingbubble. I am crushed that one of the two is now gone. Can you give nycHB the equivalent of a 21 gun salute?’
BIG Ditto!
Anon said:
‘The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah.’
Blah blah blah.
‘(Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574)’
So you’re quoting something supposedly from 2 Jews written by the Jewish media?
Aren’t you smart enough to come up with your own quote?
To feed your paranoid little peanut brain, you need to rely on a people who make up less then 1% of our global population?
It is no wonder Jews are so successful, they compete against people like you.
Me paying? Get the f*ck out of here! I have this fine looking piece of ass renting one of my condos. She's not paying much rent though if you know what I mean. She was a realtor and now there is little work, so she works under the table while you f*cking butt ugly morons are working in totally pointless IT jobs doing imbecilic for next loops or writing drivel in sequel. Jobs like this result in 1BR shit hole rentals or residence in a trailer in the worst part of town. International stars like me are impervious to crashes and bashes. All of you ponytail dog faced baldheaded code whores are going to lose your sorry ass jobs this year to some slit-eyed meat-headed gook in China. Yeah, it was very smart of you to study something that can be taught to a f*cking monkey. Renters are the scum of our ownership society, low life bottom feeding trailer trash. Ahhh, finally got that off my chest!
Its SQL not sequel. If you are going to insult at least do it well.
keith , are you coming to the ron paul revolution march , july 12. we have to take this country back. we have to do it now, this year, this election cycle. there is no time for any other solution. this is it. you can see what we have running now. they are all bought and sold and paid for. they are not going to do what we want them to do. what have the democrats done about iraq since they were elected in the mid term? nothing. we are still there. foreign interest are running our counry and they must be stopped. this man, ron paul is our only hope on this earth at this time. he came along at just the right time saying just the right things. this cannot and must not fail. we have a chance here. i submit, that it would be easier for us to do it this way, than have our country look like chechnya in the late 90's. it is up to us now. i am going. is anyone on here going? let us go now before it is too late. go ron paul....
What's the deal with quoting some dead schmuck? It doesn't make you seem any smarter to the rest of us. Just because some dead guy said something, quoting him doesn't make your point any more valid
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