Have at it - and vote in the poll (right hand sidebar)
I'll give you my take after you all chime in
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
Posted by
Red, white, and blue baybee! I am uber-patriotic, I even have the flag tattooed on myass. Keith, on the other hand, is an agnostic, anti-gun, anti-american, commie sypathizer. ;)
We are the real patriots.
Do you think we would be going berserk and tracking every last detail of say, the demise of Cameroon? The passion comes from the fact that we love THIS country!
But unlike those who would question us, we know that Americans are people JUST LIKE EVERYWHERE ELSE IN TIME AND PLACE!
We are subject to the same errors and lapses.
Self-destruction of a society is common in history!
We are trying to build a critical mass to help people interpret events that we cannot really forestall. This website or anything else I or we do cannot stop the inertia of 300 million plus people, but we can help them rebuild on the other side by providing what the Buddhists call "right view".
We are killing ourselves collectively by pretending that a majority can make right wrong and wrong right!
Iraq, sub-prime, deficits, Jim Crow, abortion, bail-outs, what have you! These are all things that AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER had the support of a majority of people. It doesn't make it right!
The question is settled.
I immediately switch off whenever someone says something is "unpatriotic". Asking questions and seeking truth is never "unpatriotic" or "un-American".
Claims of anti-patriotism or anti-Americanism are the refuges of the scoundrels and the intellectually bankrupt.
America is all about individual freedom. That's the very essense of America. It's not apple pie, it's not the large slab of land defined by the borders of the USA, it's not football or cheerleaders.
America is the freedoms defined by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and these freedoms are being steadily eroded every day by corporations, elitists and a totally corrupt and out of control government.
Wake the hell up people!
If you don't stand up now and get really freaking mad at what is happening to America then it's already lost. The only people that are not patriotic are the people that stand by, swill their beer, get their hair bleached, hit the tanning salons and let scum like the REIC, the Federal Reserve and Washington poop all over this country!!
Are you kidding me? It seems that HP'ers are some of the few who still care in this country. Just the fact that we keep an open discussion and show interest in the issues, instead of watching Idol and Oprah, is already worth some kind of medal (make that silver or copper b/c we're long). If I needed aggravation and sarcasm for no reason, I would just hang out with my nieces and nephews. But here we have a higher purpose.
Housing Panic is totally patriotic.
Although I disagree with you on many issues, you’ve always posted my views.
And for that I congratulate you..
IMO, shopping at wall mart is also patriotic, and there is a contradiction between supporting a cause like Darfur or Tibet or any other victims of evil and being against the war with IRAQ.
But this is what makes Housing Panic Patriotic; you have the courage to post other peoples views.
C. All of the above.
I think HP is patriotic in the tradition of using the written word and "town hall" type discussions to deal with complex issues that affect all its citizens. I've been a loyal reader for about 2 years now, and while Keith can sometimes dial up the rhetoric to 11 and there has been no shortage of armchair everythings to spout off in the comments, the overall tenor has always been "an average, hard-working American family should be able to afford a home adequate for the needs of their family in a safe neighborhood". Yeah, we've sidestepped to mock our incompetent leadership, China, DOPES, realtors, mortgage brokers, the media and a bunch of lone idiots in our fair country - but, overall, HP has been about a return to sanity in the country we love.
I think HP is un-American in the sense that its general tenets are in stark contrast to those of the American populace, at large. Anything that decries over-consumption, under-education (not schooling), not questioning leadership and any level of caring in what current pop-tart is flashing their privates while trying to navigate the arduous task of exiting a vehicle is un-American.
Thing is...I'm not so sure un-American isn't the very definition of patriot these days.
It's Patriotic! It's a free exchange of ideas and our countries troubles. My great fear is that this internet, being owned by the Government,,can be shut down in a blink if they smell popular insurrection. I think it was Jefferson who said we need a good insurrection every 20 years. God forbid we start quoting our founders - it might put us back in shape. Sometimes I think a body snatcher slipped into Washington D.C. while we all slept in comfort and prosperity. They let us fly the flag and sing the patriotic songs, but they ate our government without us suspecting. We are surely hypnotized by glitter,fluff,fairytales & money - all of us - nobody exempt. If you say you are, you're a lier. How do you straighten this out? I don't know.
I know someone is going to mistakenly quote Thomas Jefferson: "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism". Not that I disagree with the sentiment - it's just that Thomas Jefferson never said this.
I'm not actually American but I am human. This housing bubble is not just an American phenomenon, it's a human phenomenon.
There are a lot of great things about this country but the housing bubble is not one of them. It is the housing bubble that has destroyed American wealth, destroyed American families, American lives. In fighting the bubble, we HPers are among the most patriotic.
HPers stick up for the ideals of this country, it's high-minded principles, not the liars of the NAR nor the bought-and-paid-for Congress and MSM who have hijacked its very spirit.
It depends on the day and the time. I'm a blogger too and I sensationalize as well in order to keep traffic up so I understand.
At the end of the day, yes, I think HP is patriotic. Well except for that Obama stuff. I just can't figure that one out, unless you're trying to create controversy to keep traffic up.
I have Clarence Thomas's autobiography here freshly arrived from Amazon. He's my idea of patriotic and if I had to choose anyone for President it'd be him.
I'm stunned by the number of people who hide their greed (for power and/or money) behind a veil of patriotism.
Red White and Blue all the way.
I love HousingPanic. Keep it up Keith. You have been professing the truth for years, now that they see the truth head on, they want to take it up with the messenger. Screw them.
Failure to visualize the world from a pessimistic viewpoint is the reason why we could not conceive of a commercial airliner as a weapon of mass destruction. Failure to articulate the dangers of the credit bubble popping is why there will be food riots this summer. I understand why people have hostility toward the pessimistic among us, but I get enraged when I'm called unpatriotic for fortelling the inevitable.
This is the most patriotic website you'll ever come across. I especially like Andrew Hac. and, of course, the Snapper Turtle!!!
The US may have some problems, but this blog right here is what makes it worth dieing for. Freedom. You can't even google that word in China.
"I immediately switch off whenever someone says something is "unpatriotic". Asking questions and seeking truth is never "unpatriotic" or "un-American"...."
This post is too good to be anonymous - get an identity.
The 'A' in a.creampuff stands for "American". The creampuff is both a takeoff on slick realtor ad copy and a comment on the marshmallow-ization of people into weak, fat, zombies.
But this is to say we can do better.
In short, patriot through and through.
This is a very patriotic blog. People who post here are angry because they love this country and hate to see its people scammed.
Put the banner back where it belongs!
Call the banksters out by giving them shit.
Great job, Keith. More power to you.
If Americans seriously think they live 'in the land of the free' or that the constitution and bill of rights are in any way relevant then they are living in a fools paradise. Americans are merely slaves and cannon fodder for the industrial-political corporation who have transfered all the power and wealth through the paper economy and the eternal war. I'm sure the 'elites' sit and have a good laugh at the sheeple still waving the flag and spouting all that patriotic nonsense that just sounds pathetic given where the U.S is and where it's going.
i am a hard core patriot and think this blog rocks. it gets a bit out there at times, especially with anti-semitic comments posted by some bloggers, but telling the truth about the housing market is absolutely the correct...and American...thing to do. unfortunately, there are bloggers on the left here whose comments could be construed as unpatriotic...but that sort of defines the left, doesn't it?
No. But patriotism or the lack of it is irrelevant. The nation state is obsolete.
ditto all of the above with many exclamation points.
someone said:
"We are killing ourselves collectively by pretending that a majority can make right wrong and wrong right!"
yes, and of course the founders created a REPUBLIC, not a pure (mob-rule) democracy, as ron paul reminds us in this interview.
i live in LA and so many people i know with advanced degrees spend their time on gossip sites and obsess to no end about "celebrities" - is that supposed to be patriotic? the "celebs" are quite boring and vapid, and i just get so irritated with the chatter over Britney or the plethora of d-list do-nothings which they find so fascinating that I feel completely out of touch with my fellow compatriots. i just don't get it ...
Jesus, more talk about patriotism? That word has already been overused and abused this year. Please stop.
I disagree with a lot of what HP says, especially its gleeful attitude toward other people's misery... but I think the debate is healthy and that the values preached by this blog (frugality, realism, etc) are very AMERICAN in the traditional sense of that word.
Lose the "us against them" BS and this would be one of my favorite blogs. As is, I find HP useful if occasionally infuriating.
I'll tell you why this blog is patriotic. And it's not for any "good of the country" reasons. It's because every one here is looking out for his own best interests. We want housing prices to come down so we can buy something big. That's capitalism for you, baby, and that's as American as a slice of apple pie (for $4.99).
Truth! Give me truth, that's all I want, that's all that counts. Truth = strength = patriotism. Kieth (stop with the "F" word already!) has a handle on truth and shines light on it like few other bloggers in cyberspace. Thanks Keith
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Your a bunch of wrangler wearing, skoal toteing,toothless, good old boy, patriotic sons a bitches.That is why I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God bless keith.Can we get a confederate flag on the blog?
I am voting "Un-American" because right now being "American" means supporting the status quo and all the baggage that comes with it. Being "Un-American" to me means supporting a revolution in thinking, something that HP has been trying to do for some time and is finally getting a chance....
I am uncomfortable with the image of the flag in the "upside-down" position. The US Code specifies that "The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property." If I saw a flag actually flying in this prescribed manner I would hope others around me would run with me to see who needs aid.
HP un-patriotic towards the United States? Today, the answer is yes. Please reconsider. The flag stands for your rights to misuse it; it didn't get us in this mess.
You/this blog are a patriot/is patriotic.
(Though i don't agree with all you say - 80% is close enough)
Go Team America!!
If it werent for discovering HP in 2004 I would be a "GRILLED AMERICANO SNAPPER TURTLE" with a mortgage on a depreciating socal stucco shitbox, instead I sold in 2005 after a 6 year hold and I'm sitting on about 300K in cash from the equity.
Just a bunch of bitter and childish people.
VERY PATRIOTIC! Its all those loser REIC kids who F'ed everything up with Greed. Paid off Politicos dont care for you. This country has gone to S#$% cause of all the greed.
HP is showing America the right way to live-INDEPENDANT AND FREE! We dont need to be slaves to the government greed!
Having lived in Bush's world of lies these past years, I can only say that the truth (and I am not a Christain) will set us free.
This country is freaking falling apart and it doesn't seem to want to stop. When is it going to stop?
I'm starting to hate this country. I think what sent me over the edge is when the NAHB threatened to cut off the campaign cash and congress passed a bailout plan using my freaking money to give to the home builders!!!
I think it's time to leave this country before it turns into a 3rd world hellhole.
Patriotic? Aside from your far left politics?
The flag is a symbol. Patriotism is deeds--not mere sentiments.
Most people who wrap themselves in the flag are doing just the opposite of what the flag stands for.
There was a time when the flag meant a great deal to me. Under Bush, every time I see the flag, all I see is greed, racism, selfishness, war-mongering, subjugating the weak, misusing power, circumventing the law of the land, re-writing the constitution without a plebiscite, twisting the facts, controlling the media, shipping the 'American Dream' overseas, siphoning taxpayers' money to encourage gamblers and punish law-abiding Americans.
Being patriotic, which in today's lexicon means nothing other than being stupid, requires action--not words. It requires action to stop the pillaging of America and the systematic conditioning of Americans.
The American people deserve to have choices in their lives, because without choices, freedom becomes an empty word. The American people today have no real choices. Just look at the 70% who say they are against the war in Iraq. Look at those who are against lobbyists, Wall Street fat cats, greedy bankers and pug-nosed media moguls.
Did the 'elected' Congress change any of that? Did Bush and Cheney do anything about it? Nope! To the contrary, they are doing exactly the opposite. So where is the will of the people?
Just look at the candidates in this presidential race. Take a hard look at Congress--some folks out there look like they have been chained to their seats for ages. Folks! There is no hope in sight for a change.
Patriotism means correcting the dead-wrong actions of the government-- not waving the flag each time a politician tells us to do so.
I urge all the brave 'patriots' out there to act now, before it's too late.
Where to start? For one, sign that petition to stop the bailout scam. Start another one to impeach Bush and Cheney. Go to vote and throw those corrupt rascals out of Congress. Start a petition to enlist a responsible candidate for the White House.
In my book, that's patriotism.
No, but flank your heading with a couple of flags that should do it!
Myself, I'm considering an orange (for Mozilo) magnetic "anti-mortgage bailout" ribbon for the back of my car.
America all the Effing WAY!
We have a good thing going in America,and I ain't leavin.We are ,nevertheless,under attack by some seriously paranoid ,greedy,lowdown warmongering Banksters.
Washington DC is not America,and we should send the whole place back to ENGLAND.
HOUSINGPANIC is True BLUE for the fact that every comment is allowed.The proof is in the Pudding,after years of giving everyone their say the consensus is that America deserves our attention in order to preserve it.Only the people can do it.HP has some BIG EFFIN BALLS.
"I am uncomfortable with the image of the flag in the "upside-down" position. The US Code specifies that "The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property." If I saw a flag actually flying in this prescribed manner I would hope others around me would run with me to see who needs aid."
Maybe that is the point. The greatest swindle in the history of our country is under way. The bailout is our first step on the road to kleptocracy.
Run, Bryan, and get others to run with you. Our beloved country is in dire distress, and trillions of dollars worth of property is in extreme danger.
Your fellow America loving patriot,
John Gruskos
Over the top!The only way to be yeeaah.
Ditch England baby,I was there you know.
Gee Keith, I wonder what most of the responses will be. Might as well ask your readers if they think 1+1=2.
isn't that the point?
It's upside down because the whole country is in dire distress.
It is an overused bit of symbolism, then again who would have thought people would be rounded up into "free speech" zones so that their protests would not be seen, that people would be tazed by law enforcement for speaking at a university, that you'd have to show your papers (or take the "thorough" security check line) and take off your shoes to travel? In America?
And of course that the government/federal reserve would hand China (aren't they a communist state - you know "the enemy") the ability to destroy America's economy at the flip of a switch...
You actually may wish to consider putting upside down flag permanently by the HP title.
It is wonderful to see the national symbol of distress making itself better known in a blog such as Housing Panic. Iraq Veterans Against the War and Veterans For Peace have been displaying this symbol of distress and the people who are recognizing it and answering our call for help are YOU! Most recently the National Archives in DC were overtaken by IVAW and VFP on the 5th anniversary of the Iraq war and you can see and learn more about that at www.youtube.com/profile?user=tokyo73 and Winter Soldier at www.vfpdc.org
I have been following this blog since 04 when I decided not to buy into the house market. Housing Panic led me to study peak oil and from there I moved on to learning how money is created. The learning curve was steep but I am well steeped in the ways to change the government. The most important is to speak with our friends, family, coworkers on a daily basis about war, famine, oil, money etc and the misery of the have-nots. Let family, friends and coworkers know about the problems war creates. Acknowledge that as a nation, and we as citizens, benefit from this U.S. military and economic empire. By keeping our collective military boot on the necks of the people of the world we get control of a higher percentage of the world's resources. We, 5% of the global population in the U.S., use 25% of the global resource base.
Our enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption. . . we need things consumed, burned up, replaced and discarded at an ever-accelerating rate.
Watch The Story of Stuff http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9153550196656656736&hl=en
WRITE IN The people of this country need to hear from the troops, their families and friends, veterans of this war and service at other times, those who support and sympathize with them, and activists who are organizing against the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Through non violent action our outrage is being recognized at the grass roots level and more people will learn about what they can do to make a difference.
Keep it up Housing Panic.
Patriotism is for the masses and the great unwashed American working underclass..as some of the posts here indicate.
Even the word, patriot , has been bastardized, by the American wackos.
If you want to know what it really means, check out its Greek origin and not the English mutation.
I think we are very patriotic, with Andrew leading the way!
Wealth and power comes from the economy...not the military. Ask Russia about it. It appears they learned their lesson quite well.
As soon as we get these bunch of chickenhawks out of office...the better.
I must admit, pin lapels & flags on Hummers make me hurl chunks.
Here's my take:
HP'ers care. HP'ers are engaged. HP'ers want to see America succeed. HP'ers are PISSED OFF at the corruption in DC. HP'ers are AWAKE.
HP'ers are more patriotic than any idiot politician running around with a flag pin on his imported suit
HP'ers are more patriotic than any dumbass on Fox News cloaking themselves in flag graphics
And HP'ers are far and away more patriotic than ANY member of the REIC who went out and f*cked America for a commission these past few years.
I think it's irrelevant. No one takes the flag seriously anymore. In all honesty, I see America as a dinosaur. Keith's blog here is good, but I think a majority of people and their respective social circles in the USA are completely out of touch with what is going on nowadays. The first myth I see is that America is a superpower. I think not; if we have to import most of our junk from elsewhere (energy, electronics, military hardware, etc), then I say we aren't much of a superpower there. If nothing else, if we're having problems in Iraq and Afghanistan, how can the USA take on anyone else? Whether you agree with the Iraq/Afghanistan wars is pretty much a moot point; if backwards countries like these are a nightmare, what good are we against the rest of the world?
Two, I think many Americans' perceptions of the USA and what it used to be and what it is now come across as delusional. If you have ever dealt with your gung-ho patriotic types, the first thing that you likely notice is the perception of invinciblity. Americans see themselves as invincible and infallible. The sad fact is that the world is more than capable of ripping America's head clean off, and it doesn't give a damn who you are or what you did in the past. That is the reality. Furthermore, a lot of people seem to think that Washington DC is the end all/be all of everything. There is still something called state sovereignty. The states are still sovereign in the long run; most Americans, given their supposed entitlement to goods and services and priviledges from elsewhere, choose to remain a part of the Union.
Last, this whole idea of left vs right, Blue vs Red, is not even close to how the real world works. I don't believe in drinking laws. Does that make me a Blue Stater or Red Stater? Both groups strongly support drinking laws. Or how about the other victimless crime laws? Should we force people to use gold as money or should we let them use whatever they want? I take the contrarian opinion that the USA is much freer today than it was even 10 years ago. Anyone who takes a serious look at US history will agree.
"I see America as a dinosaur."
"America" is not a geographic locale, but rather, is a set of principles that exists in the hearts and minds of men.
"HP'ers care. HP'ers are engaged. HP'ers want to see America succeed. HP'ers are PISSED OFF at the corruption in DC. HP'ers are AWAKE."
One More thing:
HP'ers (this one at least) are locked and loaded and just hoping someone comes through my locked door...
Even BETTER if they are wearing a flag pin...
"We can *do* this."
"There are a lot of great things about this country but the housing bubble is not one of them. It is the housing bubble that has destroyed American wealth, destroyed American families, American lives. In fighting the bubble, we HPers are among the most patriotic."
Amen brother! Amen!
That is why we fought the bubble. Sure it would have popped anyway, but the sooner it pops the better.
"Furthermore, a lot of people seem to think that Washington DC is the end all/be all of everything. There is still something called state sovereignty. The states are still sovereign in the long run; most Americans, given their supposed entitlement to goods and services and priviledges from elsewhere, choose to remain a part of the Union"
Hmm... you've never been to China. Over there, people need permits to live in certain areas over others. In the US, a person from Caribou Maine can move to El Paso Texas in the time it takes 'em to do it. Now, no one's going to help with the moving expenses or even the Motel fees but still, the dividing lines between States is more for local townships, with their little community rituals, than anything else.
And finally, don't much of the other 48 states get their produce from FL or Cali? Now, given the tariff free interstate trade of these perishables, there's a notion of a union in place. Now, there are compromises like prostitution (only in NV) or liquor movements in quantities but I'd say those are more like concessions to the notion of semi-independent states than actual ones.
So yes, for good or bad, DC is the center of it all because all states want a piece of the overall pie.
Patriotic MY ASS !!!
The Americano better start worrying about the freaking gasoline price now. Damn oil barrel is $115.00 per barrel. Stupid-Ass GMC and Ford chunking out those chicken-coop, duck-barn Ford F350, Escalade, Suburban shits like that and the lame-ass Americano just bought it all in drove.
Well, now the chicken, or better yet, the good old Snapper Turtle is coming home to roost. And it wants to get paid for its piping music.
I'll believe in patriotism of the good old U.S.A when I can drive a car made in the Snapper Turtle land that will last me 300,000 miles, getting 35 miles a gallon with minimal maintenance.
Until then, The Snapper Turtle and its cousin, the Skunk rules in the land of the U.S of Americano...
The Americano Housing Bubble has revealed the true anatomy of the Americano Australopithecus species. And what that anatomy amounts to is a heap of putrid, rotten to the core, maggot filled, rat chewing pile of garbage.
Greed, Ignorance, Irresponsibility, Laziness, Materialistic-Craze, Hoity-Toity attitudes are all part of the Americano rotted anatomy, stinky gut.
How a fat-ass, obese, beer-gut, rotten teeth, putrid breath, dumb-ass Americano male driving by himself a Ford Expedition on the road, consuming 15-18 miles per gallon of gasoline is just beyond the realm of reasoning.
How a whole family of cracker-nuthead, GrandPa and GrandMa, Joe6Pack and JaneZinfandel, 6 of the spoiled-brat runny nose snotty kids swarming the Walmart aisle after aisle piling junks on the shopping cart is pure hilarious and pitiful at the same time.
How a whole family of Hicks and HillBilly chomping down on oily, greasy McDonal french fries and Wendy’s hamburger is just so resembling the scene of the bunch of hogs roosting and wallowing at the feed trough.
The Americano nation is pathetic and sinful beyond the point of redemption !
you are uber-patriotic! Too bad you never let me post. Check this out:
I feel we our patriotic. I can tell you I love my country but I am sick of doing the right thing and paying for other's mistakes .I feel so alone at times. I just can't relate to many other's I feel at home here at hp. I feel the truth is here for me. But I feel sad as many I know just don't get it.
America is a set of ideas and principals, you can take them anywhere. It is not the soil you stand on. Anyone who belives america is a place is an idiot.
That is why the country is donefor,
those ideals are no longer believed, those principals are no longer practiced. People gave them up for childish, selfish self intrest, and they will pay for their selfishness with decades of untold suffering. I myself have setup a place to live outside the country if it gets bad enough, for the time being i will stay to watch the show, only to see some of the opening acts. Good luck to you smarter ones.
"The Americano better start worrying about the freaking gasoline price now. Damn oil barrel is $115.00 per barrel. Stupid-Ass GMC and Ford chunking out those chicken-coop, duck-barn Ford F350, Escalade, Suburban shits like that and the lame-ass Americano just bought it all in drove."
andrew hac! Don't you ever speak the truth! Don't you know that is elitism in america?
"The Americano better start worrying about the freaking gasoline price now. Damn oil barrel is $115.00 per barrel. Stupid-Ass GMC and Ford chunking out those chicken-coop, duck-barn Ford F350, Escalade, Suburban shits like that and the lame-ass Americano just bought it all in drove."
andrew hac! Don't you ever speak the truth! Don't you know that is elitism in america?
Patriots do not comply.
Simple answer: Patriotic
HP represents the freedom to holler and scream at ourselves or anybody else that gets us mad. Keith has posted every one of my posts, even as quacky as my posts can be at times (or always). I don't always agree with Keith, but I know that my post will get online, because he's fair.
So, I say that overall, it's pretty good. Thankfully, we still have the right to rant and rave about the problems that faces the USA and the world in a public forum. Like everyone else, i'm just concerned for my country, when I see the problems that we face today and the favoritism given to the least deserving.
Now, about those real-estate agents and Yun....
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