Oh dear.
Seriously though, if the US threw open their borders and did an "EU-thing" with Mexico and Canada, that would add 108 million Mexicans (a good chunk of which are already in the US illegally) and 33 million Canadians. First step would be an open-immigration economic zone, next step would be a common currency, and then a hundred years from now, one big country. And why stop with Mexico and Canada - watch for a massive increase in visas for workers from around the world.
The United States is $53 trillion in debt, we have 20 million vacant homes ready to move into, we have 78 million Baby Boomers retiring soon, and soon we'll only have two workers supporting every one retiree (down from 3.3 today and 15 to 1 at the start of the Social Security ponzi scheme).
In other words, at this rate we'll need people. Lots and lots of taxpaying, baby-producing legally-registered people. And if we decide we want the Big Ponzi Scheme to continue, we need them now. If we DON'T want the Ponzi Scheme to continue, and we want to preserve America, then we need to kick out the illegals, raise the Social Security retirement age and dramatically cut spending (by bringing all of our troops home for starters). The time to choose is now here.
Our leaders are also eyeing Canada's resources, and Mexico's land. Mexico for their part wants our investment, jobs and trade, and Canada, well, they'd just be nuts to join, so maybe we'll just have to invade them like we do other countries with oil.
You know my take folks - I think the US has lost control of its border and its credibility as a nation of laws thanks to decisions made by the corrupted Democratic and Republican leaders in DC and the illegal invasion. I don't see the US kicking the illegals out, the anchor babies are here no matter what, and this was all planned.
Whether you like it or not, I think we're about to see the borders thrown wide open, the illegals made legal, and a radical change in the ethnic and social makeup of the United States. And with McCain, Clinton or Obama leading the way, the deal is now done.
Welcome to the New United States. The old one is dead, never to be the same. It's already happened in Europe, where if you go to Great Britain you're more likely to meet someone from Poland, Lithuania, France or Spain than you are a Brit. It's globalization, it's 'progress' and with our current leaders and asleep voters, it's a done deal.
$53 trillion in debt. 20 million empty houses. Just waiting for people.
More reading here, here and here.
April 29, 2008
Is throwing open the borders with Mexico and Canada the solution to the Great Housing Crash and Entitlement Ponzi Scheme?
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Labels: illegal immigration, open borders, social security ponzi scheme, vacant homes
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"In other words, we need people. Lots and lots of taxpaying, baby-producing legally-registered people. "
No, Keith. We don't need more illiterate peasants clogging up our ERs, ruining our schools, re-decorating our neighborhoods with graffiti, and draining our state revenues.
Have you lost your mind, Keith?
BTW -- you should know by now that the UK is having a serious problem with muslims raping western women and trying to shove shariah law down the throat of the Brits.
Aww Keefer, does that mean we are going to be seeing signs in French as well as Spanish? Aw, jeez.
Well the currency is already there... dollar on par with the loonie. Next up dollar on par with the peso, now that's a good deal.
I modified the sentence so that you get my point. America faces a choice:
1) Open the borders, continue the ponzi scheme.
2) Close the borders, kick out the illegals, drastically cut back spending, raise the SS retirement age
Here's the cleaned up sentence:
"In other words, at this rate we'll need people. Lots and lots of taxpaying, baby-producing legally-registered people. And if we decide we want the Big Ponzi Scheme to continue, we need them now. If we DON'T want the Ponzi Scheme to continue, and we want to preserve America, then we need to kick out the illegals, raise the Social Security retirement age and dramatically cut spending (by bringing all of our troops home for starters). The time to choose is now here."
1. Nullify the citizenship of all anchor babies
2. Default on debt and say F U to world. we have missiles and bullets.
3. Start a new currency backed by gold and silver
4. put the politicians and other conspirators in jail or public square for the guillitine.
nation fixed in 10yrs or less.
This country faces financial collaspe now. Imagine supporting 120,000,000 lazy, criminal desiese ridden third worlders. Our sick and elderly would die by the millions for lack of medical resorces while younger healthier third world peasant laborers would recieve those resorces because they are better able to labor for the one worlders (the firm). The US,urine soaked third world barrio full of desiese, violent crime and poverty while the elite run for their lives to escape the nightmarish hell they have created (oosp my bad), and I'm sure the Chinese will agree to submitt to one worlders and behave, while anglo western culture and economic power in the US has been completely destroyed. These fuc*in elites have lost control of this global shit and are much more likely to see an all out civil war in this coutry rather 120,000,000 third worlders running rampant raping, pillaging and oh ya paying taxes. For those of you who think an open disscusion of third world poverty and corruption is racist, move to Mexico. (Not to one of those heavily policed safe zones in Mexico city, only the very very rich are offered security in this new world.
History will be a guide. North America was once inhabited by Native Americans. Most were systematically slaughtered and replaced by Spaniards who were then supplanted by English
In a few hundred years, North America will be over run by Chinese and Indians. It's all in the numbers. Easy peasy.....
I'm all for free trade but, as a Canadian, what would I have to gain? Why would Canadians, in their right minds, want to assume responsibility for the massive US debt?
Also, being inferior in numbers, Canadians would need to sacrifice their superior political system for an American one that is in the control of special interests and corrupt to the core.
Don't get me wrong, we have the same problems in Canada as in the US, just not nearly as bad.
I can see it's time to show you the "by the numbers" video from Roy Beck again...
We don't need a bunch of third world gardeners Keefer...
Is the Mexican invasion of the United States the largest unarmed takeover of another country in World history? If they did it with guns and missles, maybe someone in Washington would have noticed.
Be careful what you wish for Keefer. This is just one step closer to the New World Order promoted by the elite to tighten their control over the population of the globe. What do you think the United Nations, World Bank, IMF, Trilateral Commission are all about? All organisations founded and funded by the Rockefellers?
Do you think the EU is a good model of society? Where government is highly centralized and the bureacrats are far removed from their constituents? Who voted for the EU - was it the citizens of Europe? Who voted for the EU Constitution - it sure wasn't the citizens of Europe? Why is London being turned into a Big Brother surveillance police state? Why are police being armed with machine guns on New York subways, London streets and in Chicago?
I don't know what to make of you Keefer. On the one hand you say you agree with Ron Paul who is all about less government, localized government that serves it's people at the local level and obeys the Constitution. Then on the other hand you think globalization is a good idea. The global socialist New World Order ruled by the elite and the corporations.
I don't think you know which way is up and which way is down.
Current Executive Branch =
Illiterate Corrupt Peasants, all of them.
Line them up against the wall, offer a blindfold and cig and TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS.
Mexican slaves for everybody !!
No offense but... can you put yourself in Canada's shoes?
We have a semi-decent economy and a semi-decent standard of living.
Can you imagine if we opened our borders to a country of 350 million people (which is almost 11 times our size) and let them wander freely throughout the country?
Canada has strict gun control laws - can you imagine how many Americans would freely stroll across the border thinking they can carry their guns without even notifying the authorities?
Combine that with the fact that 1 out of every 5 Americans can't read or write (and I'm talking about the citizens who grew up there - not the illegals).
You are complaining how you are being overrun by a country which is one third your size. What would you be saying if there were 3 billion Mexicans on your southern border? The you might appreciate Canada's position.
The fact is, I could picture many Americans coming up to Canada, looking for a welfare handout or even welfare housing. Our free medical services system would collapse.
The only thing which might keep people away is our freezing winters and with global warming that isn't looking too certain either.
Now... before you go all out being uppity, keep in mind that every country has it's own 'home grown' parasites. I complain about the Canadian ones all the time - especially those that are third generation on welfare, and the idiots in the beaureaucracy who fund them. But I notice how everyone complains about the Mexicans who are working but wont say jack squat about his fellow parasites.
Remember - no illegal could get a job unless some parasite was willing to hire them. Why don't you fix your own system first before brutalizing the innocent who are just trying to feed their families.
Fix your education system, fix your media, fix your economy, and for crying out loud, elect some decent leaders who can at least find their way out of a paper bag. Obama, Clinton and McCain? Are you people serious?
God help us. Especially if we remove the borders.
PS... And I didn't even touch on the subject of paying off your debt.
Keith, I believe your surmisal is correct, however, there is one phenomenon that will have a significant effect on the future course of events: peak oil. It appears globalization is doomed to fail without a steady supply of cheap oil. I suspect the powers that be are all for a NAU however I'm not sure that is possible any longer.
Canadian point of view (obviously my own and I don't profess to represent everybody)
All these border eliminating scams are there so crooks like Mozillo can move money around to avoid labour, tax and environmental laws.
For Canada (my very biased point of view), we keep getting screwed by these deals as we become more and more of a commodity supplying colony. We don't seem to be strong enough to have our Boston Tea Party moment.
Canada is one of the few countries in the world with a surplus of food, oil, uranium, potash, metal and fresh water. Right now we should be charging an arm and a leg for that but we have let the foxes into the hen house (in this case, the House of Commons). I say, the anti-Free Traders in the US are our best friends.
Five years ago the american wannabes up here were saying we should hitch our currency to the US dollar for some stupid reason. Funny, you don't hear that unpatriotic crap any more...
the founding fathers thought that union was better than confederacy. thus, america's biggest historical mistake might be that the US, Mexico and Canada didn't form a more perfect union and instead are sort of a confederacy.
How about remove the entitlements and open the borders? So that the old Americans can retire to condos south of the border, much much less expensive than Florida or California, better weather and higher standard of living (think of having hard working Mexicans waiting on you). It's already happening in many American enclaves in Mexico.
At the same time, self-sustainable talents can come in. As for the racial ethnic make-up, well that's already way too late: the blue-blood Americans of British descent should never have allowed the racist and big-government (that would be nationalist and socialist) German immigrants into this country.
Either my writing is not clear or you're not reading my writing.
I'm not FOR a North American Union. I'm just telling you what's coming, especially between Mexico and America, which have already merged you just don't realize it.
As to Canada, I think they'd be fools to open the border or join a union with America. Canada has the resources, they have the weather (global warming is a boon for Canada) and they have a relatively safe and cohesive society (except for those crazy Quebecers)
Keep the Mexicans and the Americans out, I'd say if I was Canada. And no, you can't have our oil.
Go to Nuevo Laredo or Ciudad Juarez where they kill people like we kill termites. I think the last 6 police chiefs in Nuevo Laredo have been murdered. Imagine that happening in a major American city. If the police chiefs, judges, and politicians aren't safe, you know you sure as hell aren't safe. Put up a 20 foot high concrete border wall NOW. Dont allow the cancer to spread into America. We don't need anymore MS-13 lowlife scumbags and drug gangs. We have enough problems to deal with as it is
I'm doubtful that a North American Union would work. Sure, Washington/Ottawa/Mexico City could put all three countries on lockdown and try to hold themselves together by force, but all three countries are at best barely able to hold themselves together. Mexico is a mess, the USA is nowhere near as powerful as it appears to be and Canada is pretty much in the same boat.
The most likely scenario I see playing out is that all three countries break up over the course of the next 5 - 20 years. Face it, a lot of people in North America don't like each other, and even in the USA I can see where there are seperatist movements gaining ground. Go and listen to what people are saying online and offline. Personally, I think the NAU is a paper tiger.
Fix your education system, fix your media, fix your economy, and for crying out loud, elect some decent leaders who can at least find their way out of a paper bag. Obama, Clinton and McCain? Are you people serious?
Hey, dipshit from Canada, after the US economy collaspes you leeches can defend yourselves instead of the us doing it, you welfare beoooooooches.
Can you imagine if we opened our borders to a country of 350 million people (which is almost 11 times our size) and let them wander freely throughout the country?
let me see if i get this straight. you don't want millions of people coming across your borders and yet you jump to the head of the line to condemn the united states for not allowing illegals to come in to 'feed their families'. i think you put it this way.
'Why don't you fix your own system first before brutalizing the innocent who are just trying to feed their families'
if thats the case then why dont you compassionate canadians take all the illegals. that way they wouldn't be brutalized by us here in the united states. you want to be the first to volunteer? since you're the first self righteous snob to mention it you can set a good example for your fellow canadians. we'll send you all fifty million of them. it's easy to set up there and cast stones southward. you have the united states to thank for being between you and mexico or you would be speaka spanish right now amigo and you would have 50 million illegals just trying to feed their families wandering across your frozen countryside. comprende'?
Keith you are such a fool. As soon as all the rest of the third worlders come running across the border they will follow the path of the Ghetto Blacks. SSI, Sect 8, Food stamps, free health care, free this, free that. Your plan will only ADD to the entitlement requirements! People are not stupid, but they are lazy.
So that the old Americans can retire to condos south of the border, much much less expensive than Florida or California, better weather and higher standard of living (think of having hard working Mexicans waiting on you).
where have you been? americans are doing that by the droves already. places like belize and other countries south of the united states border have seen big jumps in retirees from the united states. we don't need open borders for that.
I have been wondering when you were going to speak on this.
I have been trying to tell people about this for 2 years. I think you have finally awaken the sheeple. And remember most of these folks are the same ones that foolishly believed that there was no housing bubble.
A nice dream, but not likely to happen in our lifetime. I went to Austria yesterday from Zurich, and passed through Lichtenstein without any passport control (there was a guy, but he didn't stop me when I came back to Switzerland). We could likely pull it off with Canada, but Mexico is a whole different story . . .13 people were just gunned down in TJ last week in a drug war, because the police there can't stop them - the Army still is on patrol just on the other side of the US border.
As for buying all those houses - there are only 30 million Canadians, and 35 million people in California!. . .Mexicans don't have the money to buy the houses, and most Canadians I know would maybe buy a vacation condo in Miami or Palm Springs, but NOT all the empty houses in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Riverside County, etc. . .
I don't think adding 130 million people to the list of those expecting to RECEIVE social security and medicare would really help our debt situation--especially since none of them have been paying in.
let me give this a try. keith is being IRONIC here. he is not advocating the NAU. he is saying it is an escape hatch politicians will use that only cause more economic havoc.
"where have you been? americans are doing that by the droves already. places like belize and other countries south of the united states border have seen big jumps in retirees from the united states. we don't need open borders for that."
Well, like I mentioned in my original post, it's already happening, so we have been to more or less the similar overseas tourist/American-settler/retiree/vacation spots.
As for open borders, we do need to replacement population for the outflowing retirees . . . someone has to run the companies they leave behind and buy the houses they sell so they can retire. If the entitlement programs are removed, only the ones who can make good use of the opportunities that we have here would be able come here and keep themselves alive.
Like I said before, the real immigration problem with the US has been the masses of national socialist racist Germans who flooded to this country in the late 19th century. They were the ones who brought the big bad government from the old world with them, starting with public brainwashing (Prussians wanted to recruit cannon fodder for the state when they were young), then Bismarckian social welfare state for the poor and the old, then outright communism as founded by Karl Marx and Frederick Engles; Even today Hitler's invetion of national healthcare is gaining popularity in the US. It's all the Germans fault! Tongue firmly in cheek of course, most Americans today trace their ethnic origin to Germans.
I pick close the borders and kick all the illegals out and require the old geezers on social security to go back to work, because that ponzi scheme is over. I'm tired of people looking to the government to fund their lives and solve their problems. It is so pathetic!
All the world is a huge ponzi scheme waiting to collapse. Stupid people keep breeding like roaches while the greedy are destroying the economy
We would only take the northern part of Mexico; that's where all the oil is, they can keep the southern portion.
I agree Canada is f*cked if the US economy is f*cked, but that's BECAUSE of our integration with the US. Anybody who bashes the US too hard is ignoring the obvious similarities between Canada and the US.
As for the US defending us? They are the only country to ever attack our territory actually: 1775, 1812, Fenian Raids (and in 1812 I think we were pretty lucky to not lose significant territory as a result).
There is a word for a "defence" from somebody who is the main source of threat. It's extorsion. Of course you can't expect Mr. Niceguy in international politics, historically might makes right, for a while anyway. So yes, Canada is not wise to have so weak a military, especially with an unstable and heavily armed superpower next door. It would certainly be wise to create more disincentive to kick our asses and take over. (I mean, take over more than the sovereignty we lost from NAFTA)
This is your local neighborhood Blockbuster store calling to remind you to return Idiocracy as it is six months past due.
Well me personally I'm thinking of moving to Venezuela I think Chavez has the right idea
Pretty soon Canada's gonna have an immigration problem with millions of angry former homedebtor Americans in a crumbling bankrupt country trying to get in.
Canada has problems of their own in a massive regulatory state and huge housing bubble, but the Canadian government has been paying down their debt, and Canadians if I remember correctly have much more personal savings. Plus the average Canadian has had superior education and skill training.
Everytime Keith brings up Mexico out comes the hate speech on the comment boards. This is when you people show your true racist colors, and you can't even spell right when you do! Really sad to see a bunch of toothless uneducated illiterate white trash talk about how ingorant third worlders are as they sit in their mothers trailer complaining about how expensive homes have gotten. Its ok, your mother, who is only 10 years older than you, she understands and lets you skip yet another month on your rent...
Keith I'm a little confused here.
You praise Europe and the EU all the time. Yet you freak out at the mention of an American version of the EU. Hypocritical much?
It makes sense for Canada, US and Mexico to join up. Think of all the oil in Canada and Mexico. Not to mention the fresh water in Canada along with gold, silver, copper, etc.
It is a perfect union. Only reason you are opposed in purely for racist reasons. It is pathetic.
The main reason behind the creation of the EU was to stop them from killing each other after two horrific wars
I don't see Mexico, Canada and the US going at each other very often
Post of the month.
This place used to be an intelligent discussion on housing. And I mean discussion, not echo chamber. While the most people were gung ho for a crash, other opinions were at least listened to.
Then something happened and this blog became a hodge podge of paranoid Ron Paulites, members of the aryan nation, DailyKooks and every fringe group out there. Their only common thread being unable to afford a home...surprise surpise...since they work as $8 an hour McWorkers in between the time spent spewing their filth online.
Threads like this expose these fools for what they are.
Then something happened and this blog became a hodge podge of paranoid Ron Paulites, members of the aryan nation, DailyKooks and every fringe group out there. Their only common thread being unable to afford a home...surprise surpise...since they work as $8 an hour McWorkers in between the time spent spewing their filth online.
I can't wait until morons like you come face to face with the third worlds best and brightest, ms 13. I will laugh myself silly watching you shit yourself and beg for mercy. East LA coming to your town soon you pompass ass.
"I can't wait until morons like you come face to face with the third worlds best and brightest, ms 13. I will laugh myself silly watching you shit yourself and beg for mercy. East LA coming to your town soon you pompass ass."
Pompass? worlds?
Your honor, the prosecution rests its case of proving HPers are nothing but illiterate racists.
Oh and if you're confused....
world's not worlds
pompous not pompass
Had you stayed in school past 8th grade you'd probably know these things.
Here's what will happen to Social Security in 20 years.
Free bed in the shelter and a free ticket to the soup kitchen. That's all geezers. Want more? Get a job at Wal*Mart or as Guinea Pig.
I have similar projection for all other entilement programs. That gravy train just about reached the end of the line.
I am 43 now, I know I won't see a penny in SS. Actually I am worried that government might confiscate all IRA/401K accounts to spread the wealth a bit.
" It's all the Germans fault! "
No, it's the fault of asshats like yourself.
notice how mexico looks like the turd in the picture.
why worry? the fed will stop cutting rates and this will solve all our problems. we will have no inflation since the fed rate will be ata mighty 2 percent. a 2 percent rate will slaghter oil and gold prices and the euro will be cut in half. The folks on CNBC are already predicting the end of inflation and the commodities cycle. Got to love em. Like 2 percent is so tough and responsible. God, they will probably keep them the rate there for moths like assin gresnspan did in 2003-2004. At 2 percent my dollar will turn into an english pound!
The fed now "being tough" WILL ALSO DETER ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!! Why? Because the fed are just so good with tough love.
Hey sea donkey, I am an acomplished pilot with a great deal of education. Oh ya I guess that means I have my own plane and office staff to handle correspondence. Oh shit I have my own office and a company. You pompasssssssss liberal dickhead. Hey, somebody hook a word processer up to this thing I'm upsetting Einstien. You remind me of the arrogant doctor talking down his nose to me about the 3 multimillion doller homes he purchased in south florida. Ignorant brain dead mechanic with a degree and NOTHING ELSE. Tell me you didn't lose your ass in housing and now are lurking housing blogs seeking revenge against those who make you look like a mental midget. Loser.
"Had you stayed in school past 8th grade you'd probably know these things."
Before you slam someone for making a mistake, you might want to take a look in the mirror. You need to remember that everyone makes mistakes. This includes you.
Please note the sentence that I have quoted. You have a punctuation error in this sentence. You should've put a comma after the word, "grade".
I am sure that I can find additional errors in your other sentences. Would you like for me to try?
What level of education did you complete? You didn't mention that in your last post.
look up www(dot)spp(dot)gov or www(dot)keeptexasmoving(dot)com if you people don't think the NAU already exists. They didnt create the Amero currency for shxts and giggles folks. governments know that civilians will continue to bitch and moan from their computer desk instead of doing what really needs to be done to make real change. You stand NO chance against what the government has coming to you. You simply dont have it in you. All of you. So quit complaining.
---Your government.
"Really sad to see a bunch of toothless uneducated illiterate white trash talk about how ingorant third worlders"
Could you tell us what the word, "ingorant" means? I have searched in a number of dictionaries, and I cannot find a definition for this word.
Plus, you might want to check your sentence for punctuation errors. In fact, you may want to check your entire post.
Your illiteracy is exposed to the world. Could you tell us how it feels to be exposed in this way?
Keefers wtf? Why are you endorsing the Banksters North American Union. Again I say wtf has gotten into you...have you been compromised?
"Actually I am worried that government might confiscate all IRA/401K accounts to spread the wealth a bit."
IMHO, that will be accomplished in two ways:
(1) Inflation . . . since you can't get the money out until you are 65; that's 20+ years of inflation. If the net return on capital, the difference between inflation and interest rate, persists at -5%, two thirds of the purchasing power will be gone in 20 years.
(2) National sales tax and "sin" tax. Sure, that Roth IRA won't be subject to income tax at that time, but if you have to pay sales tax to spend it . . .
"especially since none of them have been paying in."
I think the congress borrows this money for the general budget anyway...
You know what you get when you merge Canada and the US? Hilary Clinton. That's right, genealogists studying the presidential candidates family trees have discovered that her mother's French Canadian roots include relatives like Celine Dion and former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Certainly that explains the hard headedness that has allowed the French minority in Canada to dominate Canadian politics for half a century. She has also shown flashes of the moral ambiguity, and self-serving sanctimony that has characterized such great Canadian leaders as Jean Chretien.
If you like Louisiana state politics, you will love Canadian style federalism with its distinctive Gallic twist.
Well, princess,
you have a point, I misspelled ignorant not because I don't know how to spell (like one who thinks pompass is a word) but because my fingers got away from me (thats a figger a speech as your harvard educated buddy gw bush would say). Anyway, you seemed to have figured out what I meant and what I was talking about pretty easily (did I strike a nerve? I think so!). Truthfully, the ignorance is not so much given away in the grammar of the posts here, but in the racism inherent within them. I really do not like racists, they are ugly people regardless of their own race, and thats what makes you ugly, not whether my description of you is 100% accurate or not. Further, by the reactions I got, it is apparent my description was too close to home anyway.
-I think I'm done with this blog
Hey princess, your new name is troll slayer. Well done.
Signed: Ignorent white trash. (get err done)
"Anyway, you seemed to have figured out what I meant and what I was talking about pretty easily (did I strike a nerve? I think so!)."
No, my nerves are fine, but I thank you for asking.
By the way, I did figure it out with no problem. Isn't it ironic that you love calling other people
ignorant, and you couldn't even spell it correctly? I'm just trying to help you. Now, do you want my help or not?
I find it odd that you have now decided that grammar is not such a big thing any longer. That's not what you said in your earlier posts. Would you like for me to quote your other posts? I'll help you anyway that I can.
"I really do not like racists, they are ugly people regardless of their own race, and thats what makes you ugly, not whether my description of you is 100% accurate or not."
Well, I am certainly glad to hear that you don't like racists. I'm proud of you. I was just giving you a little taste of your own medicine. From the hateful tone of your last post, you must've received a bitter taste in your mouth. Could you give us your thoughts on that?
By the way, your opinion of my motives means nothing to me. But, if it helps you in your attempt to hide your illiteracy, have at it.
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