When he is eventually sentenced and convicted, what do you think Angelo Mozilo's sentence will be (not "should be" - go with "will be")?
# of years in Federal prison ______
$ fine ______
(For reference, Bernie Ebbers got 25 years and $45 million in fines)
April 03, 2008
HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day
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Labels: angelo mozilo is going to jail, angelo mozilo is orange, angelo mozilo mortgage fraud, angelo mozilo self enrichment program, countrywide bankruptcy
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Nothing, or he'll "die" just before going to jail.
He'll just flee back to Mexico
He is Mexican right?
Will join his friend in Paraguay.
50 years in prison. This should be enought to make sure he doesn't see daylight again.
I say they will fine him about $15 millions. I don't know I just thought this was a number a "judge" would go for, after taking his kickbacks of course. His family will be the ones that enjoy all of this.
I don't think he's Mexican, but if I was him, I would be crossing the border right now. Plus think about it, he can get all the Tacos he wants with all his money. Heck, he could problably buy out the Mexican government and destroy Mexico with subprime loans too.
I believe he'll have a fatal heart attack first. There will be a closed casket funeral.
angelo mozillo is a demonic schoolgirl pinko Nazi. He ran his company like garbage, and it's no wonder that the stock is...garbage. To be honest all of your CEO types are idiots. Big stupid idiots who are more concerned with their mansions and the secretary (aka laptop computer). Of course, if anyone in Amurica is actually dumb enough to believe anything the so called experts say, well, no wonder they elected Bush twice. Quite honestly, we need more rebels in Amurica. Too many commies and Nazis running around.
Hey, at least this isn't like Ben's candyass site. Here you can speak your mind without dealing with Professor Bean or Stin Kee Face or whatever they call themselves over there.
He's not going to jail. He'll go to Brazil or Switzerland or some other place that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US until he gets a presidential pardon.
The closest he'll ever get to jail is going to be your April Fool's post, Keith. Sorry!
I'm telling you right now, this POS is going to get no jail time and probably no fine.
Roland Arnall got to be ambassador to the Netherlands. With him dead I expect the tan man will get the same.
He will do a Ken Lay, no brainer.
How is the real estate industry in Paraguay?
Mozillo will NOT go to jail. He'll walk off just like all the wealthy get to walk off in America.
Keith you really have been living in Europe for too long, where justice and rule of law prevail.
This is AMERICA. land of corruption and where money really does talk.
Know this is OT, but it looks important:
Henry Blodget | April 2, 2008 8:21 AM
Goldman Sachs (GS) taking the rest of Wall Street to the cleaners is nothing new, but now comes word that Goldman played a direct role in the destruction of Bear Stearns (BSC). According to Fortune's Roddy Boyd, several days before the collapse, Goldman decided to stop backing up Bear Stearns derivatives deals--and it announced this decision to hedge-fund clients in an email that spooked an increasingly panicked Wall Street:
[On the morning of Tuesday, March 11], Goldman Sachs's credit derivatives group sent its hedge fund clients an e-mail announcing another blow. In previous weeks, banks such as Goldman had done a brisk business (for a handsome fee, of course) agreeing to stand in for institutions nervous, say, that Bear wouldn't be able to cough up its obligations on an interest rate swap. But on March 11, Goldman told clients it would no longer step in for them on Bear derivatives deals. (A Goldman spokesman asserts that the e-mail was not a categorical refusal.)
"I was astounded when I got the [Goldman] e-mail," says Kyle Bass of Hayman Capital. He had a colleague call Goldman to see if it was a mistake. "It wasn't," says Bass, who is a former Bear salesman. "Goldman told Wall Street that they were done with Bear, that there was [effectively] too much risk. That was the end for them"...
When word of the Goldman e-mail leaked out, the floodgates opened. Hedge funds and other clients, eventually running into the hundreds, began yanking their funds.
The next afternoon, Bear CEO Alan Schwartz announced on CNBC that everything was hunky-dory (which, according to Boyd, it wasn't). And two days later, Bear Stearns effectively went bankrupt.
Should Goldman be blamed for this? Absolutely not. Bear Stearns was under-capitalized, over-leveraged, and stuffed to the gills with crappy debt. Once again, Goldman seems to have outsmarted the rest of Wall Street, spotting a problem before everyone else did. Because "runs on the bank" are often started when smart players cut and run, however, Goldman's decision appears to have at least contributed to the stampede.
Goldman Sachs: Giving new meaning to "crushing the competition"
>> 50 years in prison. This should be enought to make sure he doesn't see daylight again.
But, if he never sees daylight again, won't his gorgeous tan fade?
110 years
500 million
6 months, $100,000.
I doubt he'll even be charged.
Life term, $500 million fine.
Why? He fucked over the world's economy.
0 years and $~20/share of CFC. If he can't pay, then it's labor camp. Never understood why financial crimes wouldn't be limited to financial punishment.
This is easy. Our current government system is corrupt so the sentance is likely to be quite small. That is, unless, the powers that be are looking for a patsy for the whole sub prime mess. Nevermind that tens of thousands of wealthy hoes were involved in butthumping America, let's just blame it all on one fall guy. The great Orange One.
785 years, $1 Trillion in fines.
A non-binding Congressional resolution condemning his actions
This guy won't spend one day in jail/prison, nor pay any fines.
Investigating him thoroughly will bring our government's policies too much into the light, and that isn't going to happen.
Fine him $10 Million and sentence him to another 3 years in the tanning bed with no lights out.
And nothing but carrots to keep that healthy orange glow going.
100 years in prison, auctioning off of all assets to pay investors and liens.
$2 trillion in fines
His sentence will be 5 years as a private in Iraq.
No prison, no fine. He will drag this out until the melanoma kills him first.
Forced labor for life: mowing lawns of foreclosed homes.
He'll get to keep his tan!
I think 'they' will make him the poster boy for this mess first, when in fact the problem was and is the rating agencies: Moody's et al. I can see him suddenly having "health problems" and somehow not being around anymore. How much money is enough? The guy is not a success in my opinion he's just a overpaid con artist. So many stuff but no soul - a jerk.
I believe he will be sentenced, but his sentence will be immediately communted when they find out he has skin cancer & prison is no place for a man with cancer.
He will then spend the rest of his days on a tropical island paradise somewhere.
I think spending a few months in jail as Casey Serin's roomate would be punishment enough.
Anonymous said...
He'll just flee back to Mexico
He is Mexican right?
April 03, 2008 10:52 AM
No, he's not "Mexican."
He's an Orange, so he'll flee back to the Florida groves.
has anyone seen tAngelo and michael jackson in the same room together? didn't think so. maybe they are the same person with different makeup. :P
anon April 03, 2008 10:52 AM:
I'm guessing Italian, not Mexican. maybe his fam can have a TV show called "growing up orange"
Presidential Medal of Freedom, baybee!!!!
and a January 19, 2008 pardon.
"For the sake of the financial system"
Wow, that Goldman memo is astonishing.
Here's what the translation to traders is:
We're organizing a long squeeze on Bear. We're short the bejeezus out of it. If y'all put a short on and then withdraw all your capital (like us) it's a guaranteed risk free trade! Well? What are you waiting for?
PS: After giving you, our dear clients, this free gift, we have a little request. Please learn what this lesson means. Don't ever, ever, think about ratfucking us.
As someone who works at CW, I can tell you that Mozillo won't spend one day in jail because he did nothing wrong. CW did nothing wrong. The only thing they did was exactly what Wallstreet asked them to do, sell them increasingly dangerous and high yielding mortgage paper. If banks and hedge funds didn't buy the paper, the credit crisis, the mortgage mess, the housing bubble, none of it would have happened! You want to point fingers? Fine, point to Bernanke and Greenspan for fucking with the dollar so much that it's ruined. Everyday you get poorer because of them.
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