So much you can do on this site - it's like a MLS on steroids. Here's a look at the 1000+ foreclosures in Scottsdale just for fun!
If you want, pick one out, maybe your realtor or mortgage broker's pre-foreclosure home, and now you can even take a walk down the street with google earth. It'd be cool if you could also knock on the virtual door, go inside and submit a low-ball offer, that's phase 2 I guess...
I love the internets and the google. Bunch of tubes and wires, but it's magic and it's gonna get rid of the 6%'ers once and for all. You'll still have "housing helpers" but at $10 an hour or so.
Thanks to Diana at CNBC for pushing me there - I meant to cruise the site earlier never got around to it, being a zillow fan and all.
Wouldn't it be great if google simply bought trulia and zillow and became the dominant and free realtor-killer we've needed? Hopefully they'll figure it out soon. Goodbye MLS. Goodbye NAR. Hello google.
April 17, 2008
Checked out yet? And yes HP'ers, the end of the MLS, the NAR and the realtor profession is fast approaching...
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Labels: disintermediation, realtors are dinosaurs, the end of 6%,,
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tried both Redfin and Trulia.
I like Redfin better.
Buy Google, short REALTORS
The listings are a compiled list from the local MLS systems. This is not a freestanding product, without the MLS data it would not exist.
So, I have this fantasy where I'm a homeowner who's 100k underwater on my house, doing a for sale by owner.
Diana Olick is the buyer's agent and she presents the lowball offer wearing thigh-high boots and slaps me across the face every time I try to counter-offer, calling me a 'fk'd homedebtor'?
Do I need professional help?
Most listings on trulia link to real estate agencies. Very few, if any, are for sale by owner.
anon 12:36 said . . .
"The listings are a compiled list from the local MLS systems. This is not a freestanding product, without the MLS data it would not exist."
This is true. Trulia and Redfin are never going to bring about the demise of the MLS.
However, they have already broken the REALTOR(r) monolpoly over the MLS; their major contribution has been to take away REALTORs'(r)ability to engage in information arbitrage.
There is no reason to pay commission to a six-percenter anymore. Maybe competent real estate professionals could provide valuable consultation on an hourly basis, but that's about it.
Zillow useless for me. Numbers are inaccurate. Waaay optimistic.
Probably wired to Mozilo's attorneys office in Wash DC...
Get an orange and put it under your car tire and back over it.
Doesn't it feel good when it 'pops' open and the juice squirts out?
Now, Imagine the REIC head under your tire and...
Anan 12:36 pm - No one is saying to get rid of the MLS - just get rid of the need for a realtor to enter the data for you. If I want to use a realtor - I want to do it for a flat fee based on the level of service they provide - not based on how much my house is worth
Not bad! May not have a full listing of where I live, however, their info are better than local RE brokerages. I like their per square foot price feature
I've been using Trulia for months. Too bad postings are mostly from realtwhores or foreclosure companies. The realtwhores are trying to dominate the space there to manipulate prices. I'd like to see more FSBO.
I agree that Redfin is better. I wish it could cover more states.
"Here's a look at the 1000+ foreclosures in Scottsdale just for fun!"
Foreclosures, in Scottsdale? But according to their wikipedia page and everyone who lives there, Scottsdale is dirty rotten filthy stinking rich!!!!
Now, that would be Cool! No MORE NAR or Yun.
Maybe Yun could get a job down here at the "China Food Emporium" restaurant nearby. He could be the clean-up boy. You know - the one who cleans up after somebody pukes in the place.
And, all those other NAR people could get jobs selling all those used cars that are flooding the market.
Zillow - Angelo Mozillow.
Thanks, I needed that!
Zillow is complete garbage in regards to their home values.
The 1800 sq ft. double wide across the street from me they value at $144k. My stick built 1600 sq ft all brick rancher they value at $114k. In the most recent revaluations (which occurred last year) the county increased my assesment to $122k and reduced the double wide across the street to $79k.
Additionally, the trulia website is merely another portal for real estate agents to spin as much BS as they possibly can.
Whenever a potential home"debtor" asks a question it's a real estate agent that answers. A waste of time.
Maybe I'm missing something, but as far as I know Trulia has been out for over 6 months. Did they just go national or something?
I prefer Redfin, as it seems to be a bit faster for San Francisco listings.
Old news, dude. You could have paired that with the Foreclosure Map I posted to the open thread a few days ago.
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