* Home values crashing
* Record gas prices
* Soaring food prices
* Job losses
* Flat incomes
* Lousy savings rates
* Plummeting dollar
* Stuck in a middle-east quagmire
* Loss of trust and respect for America around the world
Yup, I'd say things are looking good for the Incumbents this November.
The good news? I'm not sure it can get much worse, so maybe (except for houses) we're hitting rock bottom.
April 30, 2008
America has been down in the dumps before. It's just been awhile since it's sucked this much
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Miserable Failure 1.0
Miserable Failure 2.0
Only the kool-aid drinking morons on the left are still defending Carter
Only the kool-aid drinking morons on the right are still defending Bush Jr
Two sides of the same coin
The wife of Texas Supreme Court Justice David Medina burned down her house and caused almost $1 million worth of damage to three homes in the process.
Was she drunk? Is she schizophrenic? No.
"Investigators became suspicious after discovering a mortgage company sued in June 2006 to foreclose on the $300,000 home. The lawsuit, filed after the family missed payments for five months, was settled in December 2006."
On the bright side, the charge of tampering with a document AGAINST THE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE himself has been dismissed.
Good grief. It's going to get worse before it gets better.
"Only the kool-aid drinking morons on the left are still defending Carter
Only the kool-aid drinking morons on the right are still defending Bush Jr"
and only morons think a president can control things like the price of oil or housing or rice.
Maybe Carter was a failure....I mean he certainly couldn't match the cheerleading of Reagan. High gas prices suck but maybe it should be a wake-up call to all the lazy Merican's that they should embrace more fuel efficient transportation. As I recall Carter didn't get us in any foolish wars like Bush II. If only we had a Fed chairman that had the balls of a Volker (Carter era) maybe we could get our economy back on track. Lastly, I think most Merican's are babies. Most have their heads so far up their respective small intestines that I'm surprised they can type on their computer keyboards.
What Carter was saying about Mideast Peace, Human Rights, Olympic Boycotts, energy conservation and consumer restraint seems pretty wise in the long run.
The Gipper told everybody it was morning in America when in reality he merely launched the debt driven, manufacturing depleted economy we have inherited today.
Did Reagan destroy the Soviet Union, or did they merely destroy themselves first, with us a close second?
20 years doesn't mean squat in history.
If Gerald Ford had beaten Carter would have Ford replaced Carter for mr. malaise?
LMAO the retards on the left are still defending the mealy mouthed peanut-brain loser. I figure in 20 years the retards on the far right will be defending Bush just the same
Go flog yourselves, you foolish serfs
This is old news. Where was America 30 years ago? Where were all of those moral and gung-ho patriotic types back in those days? People have whined about the price of rice and politicians and their personal problems since the colonial days in America. Yes the economy has gone to hell (like it does every other year), yes Bush and the government are corrupt (well most of America elected them in last time I checked), yes people get in fights and scam each other all over the states (no shit what else is new). You would think that the 'middle class' would get sick of it, no? I think alot of people actually like America's problems because it gives them something to complain about. Something to argue about with each other on this site and all over the Internet and the media. Golly, does anyone think of the horrors if gasoline falls back down to $0.75 a gallon or if a barrel of oil falls back down to $25 a barrel? What would we do with all of the unemployed shysters and shills on Wall Street? Heaven forbid if we did actually solve the stupid problems in America, we'd find something else to complain about. Keith, you got a good site but I think the whole country is way out of whack with reality.
Well as bad as carter was no one ever thought he was a retard.
Crappy, ineffectual in over his head? Yes.
Suffering from FAS? No.
Man, a whole lot of that doesn't sound like you can really blame the Prexy, but whatever - Carter was an incompent boob the equivalent of Bush, who actively screws up everything he touches. Riiiiiight.
Maybe I'm missing something, but the anti-Carter numbers aren't adding up, somehow:
Carter Presidency: 1977-80
1973 oil crisis: before Carter;
Depleted (note spelling) military: need I mention Vietnam?
Panama Canal: so what?
Three Mile Island: really?
1979 oil crisis, Middle East problems, hostage crisis: direct results of Iranian Revolution. You gonna blame Carter for that? Or do you think he should have nuked Tehran?
And before you call me a Kool-Aid-drinking moron: I'm not on the right, or the left, or even a Merkin. We don't even get Kool-Aid here (Ireland). The history of the USA looks oddly repetitive from outside the USA... 8)
Carter exacerbated existing problems that Johnson and Nixon created.
Reagan probably fixed more problems than he created and was a good prez until about '87 when the deficit spending came to a head and he brought in the hack Greenspan.
Bush has created some brand new problems instead of cleaning up the Clintons mistakes and building on that administrations accomplishments (WHICH WHILE OVERSTATED BY LEFTIES STILL EXISTED).
Obama can be the Reagan to Bush's Carter.
Hillary would be the Carter to Bush's Johnson.
McCain won't be squat 'cause he doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell :-)
Didnt Carter put solar panels on the roof of the white house?
Right next to the weed he was growing?
Willie Nelson for president
This is bullshit Keith. You know that you can't blame the entirety of these problems on a single president. If anything Nixon is more to blame for the state of the country when Carter came around.
If Obama gets in the right will try to blame him for exactly the same things that are the result of Bush, Clinton, Bush, Greenspan and Bernanke and all the other fools men.
Stop falling into the stupid left/right paradigm and thinking all of the nations problems can be blamed on a single scapegoat.
The economy is screwed thanks to the failed economic interventionism of the past decades, inflation of the money supply to cover outrageous government spending on pointless wars and welfare and a massive debt and future obligation burden. The military is in disarray thanks to this so called "war" on the tactic of terrorism.
Sure Bush has done more damage than most but he's not the only one.
Wake up people. This isn't about left or right this is about government running rampant over your economic and personal freedom.
Carter is directly responsible for deposing the Shah of Iran and bringing this colorful bunch to power!
Thanks jimmy!
As a conservative, I would never try to claim that bush jr has a done a good job. The only thing he has done which is notable and often missed is restored american respect to the military. When I was in, people hated the military. They wouldn't even rent us apartments! But sadly, that is about it.
However, Carter is one of the worst failures of all time. Did you know that Clinton authorized Carter to give nuclear technology to north korea? Yep, he did. Carter got a nobel price for that one I believe. Pure genious... sarcasm off.
AP News
WASHINGTON (AP) - Al-Qaida has rebuilt some of its pre-Sept. 11 capabilities from remote hiding places (caves)in Pakistan, leading to a major threat against America's freedoms, the Bush administration said Wednesday. He also said they are coming to the US by small speed boats. We should watch for boaters near the beach, and be afraid at ALL TIMES.
In other news....
+ Good grief. Hitler wasnt even that parinoid. Bush has a severe mental problem and is a very sick man (and supported by other wacko's.) He is such a massive failure, I'm getting scared that none of our elected officials have come down from their kool-aid buzz.
Ford(R) hated the Bush regime.
True fact.
Leave the Carter Bashing to the Israelis Keefer they are the pros at it.
I agree with Afterthought and Waitingtobuy. Also, if Ford had been president you would not have had anybody bribing the hostage takers to hold back the release until the election passed.
How people can think Reagan's "let your kids pay" policies were good always amazes me.
Trust me, it can get a lot worse, and it was during Carter.
Bush ain't no prize, but he still hasn't managed to top Carter even with two terms in office.
"...not sure it can get much worse..."
Ain't seen NUTHIN' yet.
BEST PART: The rubes will blame the next Prez, and each other.
America is still the world's largest economy. We are still the world's wealthiest nation and we have the highest standard of living in the whole wide world. No one else even comes close. We are the envy of the world. I don't know what planet you are living on Keith. You are always negative about this great country.
Carter put you know who in as Fed Chair.
next question.
Carter didn't communicate well with the public, but he started a turn-around that came to fruition under Reagan. Deregulation started, serious inflation fighting started (he called the Republican Volcker to the top of the Fed), confronting the Soviets started about not holding their part of the detente in Europe - the Soviets installed middle-range missiles in Europe, and Carter answered with a credible threat to install American missiles that could reach the USSR from Europe. Inflation had started much earlier than Carter, and he didn't deal with a lot of inherited problems efficiently, but his presidency was far from any WORST. Bush's two terms ARE a candidate for worst, however, and I find it fortunate that the current unavoidable recession hits Bush in his last year in office, to give the next president more freedom to act.
Dems in control of congress, might be time for change!
Peter T I beg you please get off the meth.
Carter has done more good after being out of office than any other ex-President.
carter runing mideast trying to be prez agan
he secrews up when he in prez of u s and he secrews up now. he needs to go to u s and go to penuts farm
Reagan did half of the same stuff that Carter did. Carter was the one who wanted to streamline the federal government. (Actually Jerry Brown made it an issue in 1976.) Carter gets a bad rap, because Reagan came after him, and his henchmen spent plenty of time making him look bad, so that he would look good.
and only morons think a president can control things like the price of oil or housing or rice.
Wow. I mean wow. News flash, no regulation/free trade=economic armogeton. Wow.
Bush ain't no prize, but he still hasn't managed to top Carter even with two terms in office.
What are you smoking? We did not have 4000 dead soldiers and a 3 trillion dollar war under Carter.
We did not have our economy depending on a COMMUNIST country like China for loans and cheap labor.
Suck it up Repubs. Carter is a genius compared to the brain-dead presidency of George "the kind of guy I want to have a beer with" Bush.
You guys were warned what a loser Bush was, but you loved his "folksy charm" and you made fun of "Al Bore" and his nasty habit of using reason to guide his decisions and reading books.
Carter never would have said something as stupid as Bush's famous "I looked into his soul" quote about Putin. Suck on that repubs. You elected a president who makes us look WEAK in the eyes of those nasty ol' Russians. What would have the Gipper said about that?
You elected Bush knowing what a dim-bulb he was. You were warned about his failed businesses and lack of intellect. You were warned and you still voted for him...TWICE!
You can scream and yell about Carter and Clinton all you want. History will record it was a Republican president who lorded over the gutting of the American Economy and the worst military failure since Vietnam.
And you call Carter a "failure"? The full bill for the Bush era hasn't even arrived yet...but its safe to say Bush has done two things I never thought possible.
He makes Carter look good.
And he ERASED the Reagan era from the history books. Reagan will be a mere footnote in history. No one will remember or care about the Gipper...but they will remember Bush. The broken nation he leaves behind will not forget for a very long time.
The funny thing is that if I didn't own a TV or had internet access I wouldn't notice anything wrong at all in the world.
America is Dead.
It really doesn't matter at this point who was worse, because we are F*cked and everyone knows it but on one wants to do anything about it! Just prepare for the sh*t storm that is going to hit for the next few years. You people arguing over Bush, Carter, Obama, Clinton's & McCain is exactlly what is wrong with this country, instead of being Americans we're divided into Democrats or Republicans. Just F*cking stop the bickering!!!
Hello, Weimar.
Unlike the 70"s & Reagan's tax cuts, which helped end the 70's malaise, we can't deficit spend like Reagan did. Not without running the printing press. Presidents have little legal power in this process but to propose legislation and spending, but have some significant influential power, a la bully pulipt & back room meetings/calls. I wonder how many phone calls wen one between Clinton/Bush & Greenspan...
But the problem is the federal government spends waaaaaaaaaaaay too much. Face it, folks. We're broke. Busted.
The only way out is to seriously cut federal expenditures. Massively. Not just raise Social Security retirement age.
But the monkeys who seek office, regardless of political persuasion all think that MORE programs & spending are the answer. DIdn't thy just propose to expand the power of the Fed? These same fools who created in large part this bubble and economic crisis?
It isn't just the Fed chairman, it's Congress, those sex-crazed, NFL/NBA-obsessed fools who haven't met an expenditure they don't like. FYI - Hillary leads earmarkers - over $3bln. These same fools want to dress down CEO's & other execs. Many of those execs deserve it, not doubt. But Congress' malfeasance is far, far worse than anything they accuse the private sector of, and it's unprecedented in modern history.
We're screwed.
If Gerald Ford had beaten Carter would have Ford replaced Carter for mr. malaise?
good question. as a previous poster pointed out, only morons think the president can do something about gas prices. so i don't think ford could have fixed everything but I don't think he would have been a man of "inaction" like carter.
Maybe I'm missing something, but the anti-Carter numbers aren't adding up, somehow:
clearly carter couldn't stop those things, just like bush couldn't stop katrina but it was their actions (or rather inactions) afterwards. carter could have revitalized the military. he could have taken a much stronger stance against iran (why did they suddenly give the hostages up when Reagan took office?)
Sorry, republican scum. The Carter years were NOT as bad as conservative revisionists say they were. What they're doing is obscuring the Carter years with the Nixon and Reagan years.
High inflation was rampant under NIXON when we had one of our most severe recessions EVER in the early 70s. We also had the first gas lines and shortages in 1973, 3 YEARS before Carter took office. Then after we forced that republican criminal from office, Ford took over and inflation got WORSE. Remember Ford's WIN button campaign? Stood for Whip Inflation Now. What a fucking idiot. Typical republican.
Carter inherited a MESS from those two scum republicans. Despite that, unemployment NEVER got to double digits under Carter. The rate was 7% when he left office and it wasn't until two years into Reagan's first term that it hit 11%. See, that's how republican scum cures inflation. They throw millions out of work, cut wages and destroy lives.
Salaries were HIGHER under Carter, people were happier and things were never as good since. Reagan ushered in an era of decreasing wages (especially for the blue collar, the "Reagan democrats so FUCK EM), increasing class separation and social deterioration. The conservatism craze has led us to this place where we are now, a crumbling, economically unjust, corrupt, ignorant shithole of a culture.
That's why I hope things get really ugly, McCain gets elected and a liberal populist emerges who whips the people into a frenzy of violence that is turned on republicans. I'm thinking work camps in the desert or worse. :)
America is still the world's largest economy. We are still the world's wealthiest nation and we have the highest standard of living in the whole wide world. No one else even comes close. We are the envy of the world. I don't know what planet you are living on Keith. You are always negative about this great country.
Ha! Spoken truly like one of the majority of American's who doesn't have a passport and has never left the US. If you've been to northern Europe, Skandanavia, New Zealand, Australia, hell - ANYWHERE in the world you would see that the US is rapidly approaching third world status, if not there already. Unfortunately, most of the rest of the world falls for the US media-promoted image of the "average Americans" lifestyle. They haven't been to the slums in most US cities, they just assume we're all living like on some crappy network show when in reality most are barely scraping by.
Yeah, if you've been to many parts of South America or Brazil you'd see folks who have it far worse, but Americans just have too much pride and/or blind ignorance to recognize the truth. We DO NOT have the "highest standard of living" in the world by any stretch of the imagination. Sure, Gates and Buffet are richer than anybody, but compare the AVERAGE American to say, the average Swiss citizen and tell me who comes out on top.
Try visiting some other countries on this planet before you spout this "greatest country in the world!" stupidity...
-Bub Diddley
You forget another Carter fiasco: Losing Iran. Thanks, Jimmy, for bringing the world Khomeni, Ahmadinijad, a nuclear Iran and the rest of the Islamic psychos now in charge of that country. Great going, Jimmy.
Quoted by Kind-Of-Dumb-Ass Americano:
America is still the world's largest economy. We are still the world's wealthiest nation and we have the highest standard of living in the whole wide world. No one else even comes close. We are the envy of the world. I don't know what planet you are living on Keith. You are always negative about this great country.
May 01, 2008 4:37 AM
... Oh yeah ???
The Americano nation and its pitiful occupants's fate has entered a dark age, an ominous age filled with peril and uncertainty. An age of unimaginable stench emanating from the fart of the Housing Bubble. Who do you have to blame but yourself when you bough a $700K house on a $40K annual salary as a low-life telemarketer, a StarBuck cashier, a convenient store sales associate ? Add in a fat-ass, lazy, couch potatoes, hoity-toity wify, a couple of redneck, foul breath, rotten-teeth kids and you now have a perfect storm for the crashing of not only the Americano economy but the Americano family value as well.
Thus, with all due respect, I will ask you these $69,000 Americano-going-down-the-toilet-dollar-currency questions:
IS THE AMERICANO roasted nicely yet like a grilled snapper turtle ?
WILL THE AMERICANO ever find a shred of WMD in Iraq, the little Islamic nation that the Americano president DUBYA SHRUB and his side-kick PENIS SHOOTER had decided to invade few years ago ?
WILL THE AMERICANO take on the role of the world leader: Free the Tibet Monk"ey" and Invade Red China ?
WHAT IS INSIDE the tummy of most Americano ? Greedy Worm and Sh*ts mostly, perhaps ?
WILL the famous Snapper Turtle outlive the obese, pigeon-brain, pompous, ass-head Americano Australopithecus ?
Cartyr was never really the president of the American people, and shouldn’t be treated with the same respect as other US Presidents.
On a personal level he’s an A hole.
For one, the Carter era was only a single term, hence, it wasn't an era but a bridge between the 50's/60's culture and that of the post-industrial age. Before Carter had entered office, the middle class was defined by a manufacturing based society along with value added services. In addition, the bill for 'Nam was coming due along with the decoupling of the gold exchange window and the last of the classic muscle cars (due to increasing gas prices). "American Graffiti" and "Happy Days" were timed well with the knowledge that those times had come to an end, for good or for bad.
Then came the Carter interlude with it's media frenzy (see hostage crisis and Amy Carter talking platitudes about arms reduction [and Jackson Browne's "No Nukes" concert along the same lines]). All and all, that's all it was, a feeding frenzy, very little happened which wasn't already in motion like stagflation and higher energy costs. I mean c'mon, it was 50 hostages, not a few thousand like in 9/11, and they were still alive.
Quickly upon Carter's departure, the Rust Belt went into full implosion along with the oil patch bust, however, our only recollection of those post-industrial years was the go-go 80s, big hair bands, Gorby, and perhaps a small Iran-Contra hearing. You see, Carter's administration was an insignificant blip in the broader stroke of modern American history.
NADSAQ up 3% today
dollar rallying
Toyta sales up 12% year over year. People are still buying cars, just not the piece of shit GM/Ford/Chrysler cars.
Face it losers your doom and gloom scenarious just aren't panning out.
The people who complain about Bush today never lived under Carter.
anon said...
America is still the world's largest economy. We are still the world's wealthiest nation and we have the highest standard of living in the whole wide world. No one else even comes close. We are the envy of the world. I don't know what planet you are living on Keith. You are always negative about this great country.
Debt isn't wealth, stupid.
We are the biggest debtor nation in the world. Our biggest export is our increasingly worthless dollars. We need $2 billion a day in foreign investment just to stand still. If the money being lent to us by foreign nations suddenly stopped, our country would implode.
Sure, the top 1% of the population is quite wealthy, but half the population has a negative net worth (they owe more than they own). Most of the rest that do have a positive net worth only show that because of their homes - which are now rapidly falling in value.
I'd estimate that 80% of the nation is ass broke right now. They're just able to keep up the facade of wealth by putting ever more debt on their credit cards and HELOCs.
Somehow you forgot to mention Nixon on this one. Problably most of these "Malaises" were heredited from the Nixon years.
This is probably what people will remember from this crisis though. I can see this poster 20 years from now, (Ah, the "Obama" or "Clinton" years). At the end of it, noone will probably remember Bush, the f*ckup.
You Republicans are a bunch of loosers.
Umm. My understanding is that Carter supported the Shah...not deposed him. That was the cause of the overthrow by the Mullahs.
Freeze! Hold on a minute... Now, lets all sing our favorite song. God Bless America. Anyone who refuses to sing along and take the loyalty mark will be dealt with in the most severe manner. After all Water-boarding is not torture. Get ready for the future SUCKERS!!!! Tyranny is just over the horizon...
The unemployment and inflation references are probably a push. In all likelihood, we currently have double-digit unemployment and double-digit inflation but the present govt figures are so manipulated and spun that it’s almost impossible to discern the truth.
When Jimmy Carter handed over the Presidency at the innaugeration of Ronald Reagan, the national debt stood at just under 1 trillion dollars. Presently it's well over 9 trillion and sure to grow rapidly as an economy that's either already in or just on the verge of a recession causes government revenues to fall and expenditures to rise. The purchasing power of the dollar has certainly dropped in the 27 years since Carter left Washington and the economy has grown, but certainly there's no good reason except for lousy management for the debt to have grown more than 9 times in nominal terms. And most of that staggering public debt was piled up in the time of Reagan, Bush I and Bush II, all self proclaimed fiscal conservatives.
This is sick.You are a bullshitter keith.You are
unnecessary evil. You are Carter in reverse: pure devil!
Triple F conjob.
The big differences between bush and carter is Carter didn't loot the treasury threw deficit spending like bush. Carter didn't lie us into a projected 3 trillion dollar US taxpayer funded 'Iraqi freedom', and you could believe and trust Jimmy Carter. Jimmy carter was trust worthy, honest, and sincere. Bush is none of these things. As a fact I hope one day this left winger gets the chance to through these crazie right wing nut jobs in guantanamo where they all belong. With water boarding daily, for breakfast!
HPers get skooled again.....
Home values crashing
TRUE, and a good thing.
* Record gas prices
SO WHAT?, still lower than Europe and Japan. Oil prices will turn around, just ask DOE, XOM, OPEC, currently overpriced due to speculation and weak dollar, does not correlate to fundamentals...gas will go back down.
* Soaring food prices
Not really...which of you can't afford to eat? None, I thought so so shut up. X-port costs will abate when dollar rises and oil goes back down.
* Job losses
WRONG, Net job gains this month.
* Flat incomes
WRONG, employment index up due to increased cost of benefits. True wages are flat.
* Lousy savings rates
WRONG, does not account for 401k's, 403b's and other forms of non-bank or CD savings, which dominate nowadays.
* Plummeting dollar
SO WHAT? Exports up, Euro and Asia slowing down, therefore dollar will rise again.
* Stuck in a middle-east quagmire
TRUE, can't arugue that....
I my opinion, the biggest f*ck up from Carter was allowing Castro to ship that flotilla of cesspool to Florida. Huge f*ck up!
Continued from original topic...
**Idealistic, ignorant foreign policy.
**Activist on social issues
**President wears religion on his sleeve.
**Massive federal spending on social programs.
I could go on. This could be Carter, Bush, or LBJ. They're all essentially the same president.
>>>America is still the world's largest economy. We are still the world's wealthiest nation and we have the highest standard of living in the whole wide world. No one else even comes close. We are the envy of the world. I don't know what planet you are living on Keith. You are always negative about this great country.<<<<
You don't travel much do you!!
Try visiting NORWAY, or any other Scandanavian country. they have a standard of living that the US can only dream of:
Virtually no crime, no gangs like the crips in LA, no guns, no smog and filthy traffic, health care, much longer life expectancy. Low obesity in children, low asthma in children. No Virgina Tech style killings, much more fuel efficient cars.Homes that will last century's and not made of stucco. MUCH higher minimum wage, longer holidays, shorter working week.
GERMANY has the Autobahn with no speed limit and a higher life expectancy in Adults. A High speed railway that the USA can only dream of with trains that travel 250mph.
Twin Turbo diesel cars that get 50mpg plus with performance that will squash the crap cars in the US.
FRANCE again a public transport system that has left the USA in the dark ages!! Roads that a re as smooth as butter, unlike the pothole ridden crap we drive on.
The life expectancy of a typical European is almost 10 years longer than the average US citizen, due to diet, job satisfaction, better (and free) health care. and NO GUNS!!
Sou think $53 trillion in debt is wealthy!!!
Go visit the ghettos of Michigan, LA, New Orleans,Chicago and detroit then hop on a plane and visit Germany and see if you still think we have the highest standard of living!
Trust me on one thing, we are not envied.
OPEN YOUR EYES YOU BRAIN WASHED FOX WATCHING MORON, oh and did i mention travel more!
GWB sucks, and I see the poll has him worse than Carter, but I think that's either because he is in now or people are too young to remember Carter. They are both failures and to have them so close in time is a real problem for the U.S. and world. I have to, however, say Carter is worse because we may be paying the same (adjusted for inflation) price for gasoline, at least we can get it. In the 70's you had to wait on line and only on the days you were allowed.
Another thing about Carter is the failure to defend our 'allies' in the Middle East leading to the fall of regimes and the take over by extremists, which directly lead to our current problems.
Too much to talk about Carter, but I agree we've been through it before and we will weather the storm.
Still stuck on the "Iraq quagmire" script, Keith?
Come'on, get some new materials - the 60's and Vietnam are WAAAAYYY over...
and only morons think a president can control things like the price of oil or housing or rice.
April 30, 2008 10:57 PM
Hey there Mr. Expert, President's can intervene to make things better. Bush could go to the Saudi's for example and enter into government to government fixed price for oil. That move would completely take out the speculators on the London exchange who are behind this $113.00 barrel oil.
You guys who believe in the magic of the markets should submit to lobotomy.
and only morons think a president can control things like the price of oil or housing or rice.
April 30, 2008 10:57 PM
Hey there Mr. Expert, President's can intervene to make things better. Bush could go to the Saudi's for example and enter into government to government fixed price for oil.
man, what la la land are you from? what is the president going to say? pretty pretty please? start a war? the arabs will lower prices just because they are nice guys?
bitter renter said:
Sorry, republican scum. The Carter years were NOT as bad as conservative revisionists say they were. What they're doing is obscuring the Carter years with the Nixon and Reagan years.
High inflation was rampant under NIXON when we had one of our most severe recessions EVER in the early 70s. We also had the first gas lines and shortages in 1973, 3 YEARS before Carter took office. Then after we forced that republican criminal from office, Ford took over and inflation got WORSE. Remember Ford's WIN button campaign? Stood for Whip Inflation Now. What a fucking idiot. Typical republican.
Carter inherited a MESS from those two scum republicans. Despite that, unemployment NEVER got to double digits under Carter. The rate was 7% when he left office and it wasn't until two years into Reagan's first term that it hit 11%. See, that's how republican scum cures inflation. They throw millions out of work, cut wages and destroy lives.
boy, one idiot responding to another. hey bitter: did you even google historical cpi before you responded? me thinks you did not. here are the numbers from the years before, after and when carter was IN office:
1976 5.75 Ford
1977 6.50 Carter
1978 7.62 Carter
1979 11.22 Carter
1980 13.58 Carter
1981 10.35 reagan
1982 6.16 reagan
1983 3.22 reagan
I know libs are terrible at math but come on, in what number system do you use to interpret those numbers as low inflation for carter but high for the repubs?
Andrew Hac said...
WILL the famous Snapper Turtle outlive the obese, pigeon-brain, pompous, ass-head Americano Australopithecus ?
I love it when you get all Jurassic on us.
Oh yeah, republicans always blame their democratic predecessor for everything that goes wrong. Carter was so bad, that is why the federal government had to tax unemployment benefits under Reagan just to keep from going broke. It was Clinton's fault that the threat of 9/11 was so severe that Bush left the city for a month long vacation.
And what do republicans do before they leave office? Bush The First sent troops to Somalia, sort of a parting gift / hand grenade to Clinton. Expect the same from Bush The Lesser.
Carter won the Nobel Prize, and created a lasting peace between Israel and Egypt.
Reagan took $2 million from a grateful Japan, babbled, and with pee in his pants, retired to Bel Air.
Amusing how the America-hating liberal HPers tell the America-loving conservative trolls to "travel more" so that they can find out how much America sucks... Consider this, if every American took as many jaunts to Europe as the typical liberal America-hater, the energy crisis would be even worse! Maybe you guys could save some BTUs on your next flight across the pond by NEVER COMING BACK. It sucks here anyway right?
It's easy to Carter Bash but its harder to think.
-He inherited inflation from the "great society" spending and vietnam.
-he didn't get us into any awful wars.
-he actually has compassion for people and regular folks.
-he is right about isreal, that god awful zionist state is going to get us all killed. Nothing against judiasm but isreal needs a leash. Awful human rights abuses.
-he appointed PAUL VOLKCER. gee he didn't appoint a lacky? That appointment saved our asses.
-Do you think we could haveinvaded Iran in 1979? give me break. however he botched the rescue attempt. Bush junior would have invaded and we still be in Iran.
I get a kick out of the right. Its like the death of our soldiers and thousands of lives is insignificant to being a "weany". But what do I know, the last liberal president I elected actually gave us a surplus.
In the late 60's dems were angry and Johnson couldn't run and we got a republican. hey Republicans, its okay to be angry at your party. you don't have to defend Bush until the ship is gone under the water.
Good thread.
I was incommunicado during the Carter years but I find it difficult to believe anyone could be worse than Bush2. I think the myth of the fiscally conservative Republican can now be officially put to rest.
'Borrow & Spend' is much worse than 'Tax & Spend', as far as I am concerned.
That $53 TRILLION DEBT wouldn't be here if not for FDR. This welfare state wouldn't be here except for LBJ. The national debt wouldn't be here if not for the Vietnam War started by JFK & LBJ.
Bush is no conservative. He is a NeoCon. They are just as destructive as the liberals
Anon republican 9:48,
I notice you didn't post the CPI numbers from the Nixon years. Why don't you and come back and let us know how that goes.
I also notice you didn't post unemployment figures for the Carter vs Reagan years or for that matter an unemployment figures at all. If you did you'd find that unemployment is always higher under REPUBLICANS.
Stupid republican, selective memory and your child-like belief that republicans are anything more than selfish scum of the earth is what led us to this shithole culture,
dingleberry @ 2:05, since you don't have the cojones or creativity to pick a nick, I did it for you. Seems to fit like a glove.
Anyway, I remember Carter....I was there, dumbass. I didn't just read it out of a history book some prof made me read, or assumed that bitterrenter actually knows what he is talking about.
And watch who you are calling a Republican, or are assuming voted for Bush twice (or even once). Wrong on both counts, dingleberry.
I am still gonna throw a huge-ass party when that evil Hamas-loving, Kim Jong Il-blowing sumbitch dies. I will put up a flagpole on my property for the first time ever and categorically refuse to lower the flag for a month like a dead president is entitled to.
I'll dedicate the first round to you, dingleberry. Because I care.
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