Don't worry, I'm not turning into a "truther" nutjob, but damn, you gotta admit what's happening in the financial markets, combined with who's running the show these days, is a bit, well, obvious?
* The president is the son of a president, while the leading candidate to become the next president is the wife of a president. Both went to Yale.
* The US Treasury secretary is the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, who created the mortgage CDO, and is now in charge of cleaning up the mess, while also ensuring that Goldman Sachs survives and thrives
* JPMorgan, with $30 billion from the US Federal Reserve, supposedly buys Bear Stearns after doing a few HOURS of due diligence, for 99% off, avoiding bankruptcy and the unwinding of trillions in derivatives contracts, while wiping out the common shareholders. There are no other bidders or bids.
* Bank of America supposedly buys Countrywide, saving it from sure bankruptcy. There are no other bids or bidders.
* The stock market rallies yesterday minutes after Bush meets with the "Working Group on Financial Markets", i.e. the "Plunge Protection Team"
I could go on, but I figure you guys have the goods.
Follow the money.
March 18, 2008
So, after the Bear Stearns / JPMorgan / Fed hijinx yesterday, are you a believer in 'secret society', 'PPT', 'illuminati, and 'skull & bones' stuff?
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Labels: bear stearns, goldman sachs, hank paulson, ppt, secret society
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Don't forget that the Rockefellers created the Fed, and David Rockefeller ran JP Morgan until recently. Bernanke is their little puppet-go getter, hence the great deal of buying BCS for $2 / share with the Fed's (our) money. Here, you decide, read on Wikipedia about the Council of Foreign Relations, JP Morgan, its members, etc:
Also, Goolsbee, Obama's economic adviser, is a Skull & Bones member. See how they circle from all angles? I hope some of you wake up because these freaks have taken over your government and destiny.
And yeah, conspiracy is as old as prostitution, so it is the default analysis: Guilty until proven innocent!
Look at how the BSC CEO was telling the sheep how good everything was WHILE he was conducting a fire sale behind closed doors! Did any of our Government Officials in the know inform the public of this crime in progress? There is assuredly some law that they have to do so!
The Department of Justice is anything but. They aren't going to enforce the laws.
We are edging towards the abyss.
They may be back into a corner and they may just say F***** it and forcefully make us all slaves under a one world government, then again that may be another 20 years away, they still have leaders that they can put into office.
Also do not forget these secret societies are worldwide in domination, not just the US, althought the US is certaintly the headquarters up in SF.
So true.
And did you know that both Bush and Bernanke's names start with a B?
And check this out everybody. Bush was born in Connecticut. You know who else was born in Connecticut? JP Morgan. Yep that's right.
It must be a conspiracy.
You all need to stop reading Ayn Rand books. It's turning your brains into mush.
Watch Ring of Power to understand the history.
You're not a "truther?" You don't care about truth? Well, see you in the F3MA camp where I will slice your head off while you wear an orange jumpsuit, dumbass! And that's the truth!
Warning, Ed is the new agent of disinformation. This newbie's been trolling here at HP for the last couple of months. After all, why would anyone contrary to everything on HP, keep hanging around here? I bet that he's located in Washington DC or VA. Am I right, Keith?
Still, Bear shareholders may have been left with nothing if the firm wasn't acquired quickly and had to file for bankruptcy protection instead, experts said.
In that scenario, the firm's assets may have been sold at big discounts and counterparties may not have been able to collect quickly on their positions, leading to wider problems across the financial system, they explained.
"Had it gone into bankruptcy the systemic risk for the economy would be very large," Josh Lerner, the Jacob H. Schiff Professor of Investment Banking at Harvard Business School, said in an interview.
No. But there are such things as political dynasties, and the old machine politics which run counter to the ideal of democracy. Instead of simplistic conspiracy theories, how about a real critique of the system? The Bush administration in particular has done an end run around the best parts of the American Experiment, and has exacerbated its flaws.
There's always a chance to get it right in the future.
I never thought that I would have believed some of this stuff either Keith but holy hell it's all coming true.
The one Major thing that you left out was Zionism (Joos) and Protocols of the Elders of Zion. I could care less what anybody says: ALL of the stuff on the list is coming true. ALL OF IT. Think about it, Joos run all the (illegal) Federal Reserves of every country that has one. Every one of em! Joos own the 6 companies that produce 96% of of your media. Vivendi, News Corp, Aol Time Warner.
Protocol 4: Materialism replaces Religion. Check. Enforced by our media.
Protocal 5: World Government. The European Union was first. Next will be The North American Union with the Amero. The Amero? Yep. It's all happening. All perpetrated by the Jewish Federal Reserves of those countries and ours.
Protocol 11,12,17: Curtailment of Civil Liberties. You just gave up all of 'em.
Protocol 21: Economic Depressions. "Bankruptcy will best prove to the various countries the absence of any means between the interests of the peoples and of those who rule them." In other words ... they own everything, you own nothing. More ... "But when the comedy is played out there emerges the fact that a debit and an exceedingly burdensome debit has been created. For the payment of interest it becomes necessary to have recourse to new loans, which do not swallow up but only add to the capital debt. And when this credit is exhausted it becomes necessary by new taxes to cover, not the loan, BUT ONLY THE INTEREST ON IT. These taxes are a debit employed to cover a debit .... (Hence THE CRY TO BALANCE THE BUDGET!)" Keep in mind the protocols were written before the Jewish Federal Reserve was promoted and established by the Warburg's.
The Federal Reserve controls our government. It's pure evil run by the Jews. If you think any of this is hard to swallow, look at it this way: One Jew named Alan Greenspan will be completely responsible for a worldwide financial bubble and collapse. He is actively telling our allies to get out of the dollar right now do destroy our dollar. Now, why on earth would he do that?
I have Jewish acquaintances who are awesome. Even they think that some of their own are pure evil.
Lie to youself if you wish...Tell yourself you are in charge , I am in complete control & I hold the key to my future. Now look at the fuel gauge as you ride into work and notice its time to fill up again...You have just been tagged for $4/Gal petro and there was NOTHING you could do about it. Time for milk in Jr's bottle ? Go to the Grocery and pay $6/Gal for the white stuff...You just got bent over like a prison nelly and were smiling the whole time being your options were ZERO. Think you are voting in a new President? You have puppets put into place and elected way before you ever set foot into a booth. Two your poison. I don't claim to know who is calling the shots or what the name of the group is...but you have to be glassey eyed & stoned to not notice how they affect you every day.
Wow, until it is all listed out, it is easy to forget how f'ed we are.
Illuminati, Enlightenment, Lucifer (the light bearer).
Yep anon 10:51 I am writing this from the white house basement. You got me. Oh and look out behind you,I think there is a black helicopter about to land.
Simpletons always look for conspireacies where none exit. You prove the point.
It doesn't have to be a secretive "conspiracy" like the Illuminati for there to be an evil imbalance of power and wealth in our society. I'm not sure if there is an Illuminati or secret society or whatever...
What we do know is that these elites, the presidents, captains of industry, media barons, leading intellectuals and bankers get together at their high security and highly secretive meetings like Bilderberg, the Bohemian Grove and the Skull and Bones society. This is all well documented.
You might think Alex Jones is a nut but you can't deny that he has exposed what the elite get up to and it is very strange stuff.
Here is his excellent documentary:
Inside Bohemian Grove
It's impossible to say if there is a wide interconnected conspiracy as we don't have the information but nevertheless it should be clear to anyone that we do have a society of elites that have huge influence over government, the media and the board of directors of the major corporations.
This is why I listen to Alex Jones radio show every day. I might not agree with all of his conclusions because I don't have any way to verify everything he says BUT there is so much great information that comes out of his show that is hard to find anywhere else.
And yes, I don't believe that the story we've been told about 9/11 was as simple as a bunch of muslims hijacking some airplanes but that's a whole other story.
PS : JFK was killed by the CIA. His head was thrown BACK when the bullet from the book repository came from BEHIND. Nuff said.
This thread deserves a link to some of Alex Jones' best work:
The Order of Death (2005): Jones claims that the Bohemian Grove, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati are secretly ruling most of the world by proxy.
TerrorStorm: A History of Government-Sponsored Terrorism (2006) Jones covers what he believes are terrorist attacks induced by governments throughout history, most particularly the 7 July 2005 London bombings.
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement (2007): Jones covers what he believes to be the gradual erosion of national sovereignty in favor of a one world government via the Bilderberg Group.
There's many more listed here:
You can find them free on Google Video.
You should also follow what the WeAreChange folk are doing - non-violently confronting the elites and making them very uncomfortable with tough questions:
You bring this on yourself you know. The resident nut jobs, anti-Semites, conspiracy theory couch potatoes who sit online reading web pages that link to others with the same substantiated views.
So in the interest of FULL DISCLOSURE - God help me, I know what is coming next - I am a Jew AND...drum roll please...A Mason.
Yep, I am the walking nightmare of the lunatic fringe.
Here is the thing, and I hate to piss on their paranoid parade but I didn't get a special key, pass or other insight at birth to join some imaginary conspiracy. Frankly I got thrown into the free market and had to claw my way up, just like everyone else. Being Jewish didn't help when I lived in White bread Orange County, CA and was of little more use during my time in Miami, FL.
Being a Mason, well if these guys are going to take over the world they better get a move on. The average age of a Free Mason in the U.S. is 72 years old. Sorry gang but these guys are the pancake breakfast crowd, not the dark overlords of the hidden universe.
I could go on, but I am ALMOST CERTAIN someone will remark that of course I am a lying, its PART of the conspiracy.
To those people here is some advice: get a girlfriend, or get an outdoor hobby. If that doesn't work try therapy. It might help you, it probably won't hurt. But first try a girlfriend that is your best bet.
Spoken like a true Mason....Deception till..."THE END"
To those people here is some advice: get a girlfriend, or get an outdoor hobby. If that doesn't work try therapy. It might help you, it probably won't hurt. But first try a girlfriend that is your best bet.
Well that's just plain dumb. Of course there are kooks that we're ruled by a secretive alien race of lizards or there's a conspiracy hiding under every rock and behind every shrub.
The conspiracy in our society at it's simplest form are the acts of collusion, nepotism and the consolidation and preservation of power of our elites. How can anyone deny that this exists?
The "conspiracy" is just a natural consequence of the power elites preserving and elevating their status at the expense of us serfs. Put yourself in the shoes of the ultra-wealthy, all-powerful elite. You can afford to buy anything you desire, you can have any woman you want, you have immense power and influence over the serfs (that's us). Isn't it to be expected that the elites would see the rest of humanity as a sub-species that they can manipulate and use for their own desires?
This isn't a new phenomenon. Look at the Roman emporers and the kings and queens of past ages. Many of them were sociopathic, psychopathic and believed they were gods above men.
What I'm talking about is the mentality of the elites. We need to understand that they don't think like us, they don't care about us (maybe with a few rare exceptions) because an ultra wealthy, all-powerful elite has no way to relate to a working stiff like you or me. They don't associate with regular people and are oblivious to the lives of regular people. In the same way that most Americans are oblivious to the lives of Muslim people or homeless people.
It is a natural consequence for the sociopathic and psychopathic to gravitate towards positions of vast power over others.
This isn't conspiracy, it's basic psychology and sociology.
Is the illuminati hiring? I would like to apply! I would like to be part of a worldwide consipiracy, it would give me something to live for, the truth is out there!
"I'm not turning into a "truther" nutjob"
I'm worried if you are NOT a "nutjob". That would mean you are not as clued in as many of us thought you were. It doesn't take a genius to look at a basement I-Beam, cut at an angle as if with a knife, with molten metal running down the side, to say there's something willy willy wong here.
I'd like to comment on the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Those documents have been used for much anti-semitism and saying "the Jews did it all!". Since the Jews have been such an easy scapegoat for groups throughout world history, the trend sadly continues.
Anyone who wants to do an honest study of the origin of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" will find that they were written by the Jesuits, as plans for what the Jesuits have done and are doing. Then they get you to blame the Jews, and the Jesuits can continue their schemes behind the scenes and not take blame.
I don't believe in the illuminati. It's too organized.
But using the concept of an illuminati does help a person understand the extent to which our society is set up to favor certain people over others.
The conspiracy, for the most part, is not an organized one. We have the effect of a conspiracy without the conspiracy itself.
However, more than 50/50, I believe that the PPT has rigged the US financial markets to minimize and prevent declines. To me, it is the only thing that explains the behaviour of north american stock markets over the last 8-12 months.
I'm embarrased to admit to people that this is what I believe because it sounds so crazy. But so did a 40-50% reduction in home prices 3 years ago, didn't it?
This was planned long before we were born. People are brainwashed, and slide enters their mind when someone says "Conspiracy" and they just switch off. The conspiracy is the official story.
Lol, it's laughable to call it a "conspiracy theory" when it's actually coming true.
I used to have the same knee jerk reaction to talk like this. And I don't think you are part of some elite group or that you are out to rule the world. I also don't think Jewish people are evil devils. There are good ones and bad one's, just like any other group of people.
I've looked at this from both sides of the table, both as a skeptic of 40+ years and as someone who looked at this with an open mind.
So, I'd like to pose a challenge to you.
Get past the name calling and baiting and read into the Protocols. It really doesn't take imagination to realize that most of the items listed are coming true. Whether you believe they were written by Jews or not is laughably irrelevant at this point.
Btw, don't pigeonhole people to fit your belief system. I'm married (for 14 years now) and have two kids. I'm also a manager at the one of the largest banks in the world. Sorry I don't fit your stereotype.
you should all download the album "Outer Perimeter" by a group named Presage.
It is a dope mix of conspiracy theory based turntablism. It is one of my favorite albums, and definitely for illuminati believers.
Novus Ordo Seclorum
To Anon 9:57; Anon 9:53; Paul E. Math; and (ESPECIALLY) Anon 8:11
I keep swearing (ATLL) never to post on these - or any other boards again; but you guys are all so very close - without knowing it - that I will try one last time.
This whole financial debacle was created to lead this formally great nation to this very precipice, i.e. a country-wide demand for a TOTAL bailout of MILLIONS OF HOMEOWNERS, which will lead this nation to NATIONAL Socialization of the LAST piece of our economy that was not totally government controlled; namely, housing.
Now, even that will be controlled - even for millionaires.
If you don't believe me watch this scenario unfold AS THE current HOUSING DEBACLE/MIASMA spreads into the Alt-A mortgages this year and next; as it spreads into the Prime mortgages 2009-2010; and as it wraps up the game in the Option Arm mortgages in 2010-2011.
By that time everybody who bought a house since 1999 WILL BE UNDER WATER and DEMANDING government bailouts!
The future US Goverment will OWN AT LEAST 25-40% OF ALL THE (NEW 50 AND 80 YEAR) HOUSE mortgages IN AMERICA: Total Nationalist Socialism (NAZI) will have arrived - as demanded by a scared; impotent; angry; broke; spooked and totally ignorant populous!!
Truely, truely I tell that will be the beginning of the End!!!
All overseen by the most malevolent, evil force on earth.
NO FOLKS - Not the JEWS.
They didn't fare so well under the last Nazi Government!!!
You all need to read!
Ezekial, Sarasota, Fl
Anon 9:57
I have read the "Protocols of the learned elders of Zion."
Which as you SHOULD know was reintroduced by the Tsar's secret police and has been proved a hoax and silly dozens of times.
IF you are a bank VP then I presume you are educated enough to know we don't trounce out to the graveyard for spiritual enlightenment from evil spirits.
You should also know that it is largely a retelling of "The Dialogs in Hell" by Joly who was - this is the shocking part - A SATIRICAL writer.
The protocols give prohibitions and warnings that are as old as civilization, and can be updated for each new generation. Or do you believe the Jews are responsible from day one?
The argument you are making is anti-Semetic.
IF you are raging against nepotism and systemic abuse that has brought this country to the brink then I share THAT part of your opinion.
BUT if you are looking to make this a Jewish issue or a Masonic/Conspiracy issue I will not waste my time responding to your comments.
News flash - OC and Miami . . . white bread? You may be right, the Masons cannot plan something so heinous. Come on man, I have Jewish friends and believe me OC and Miami, tons of Jews. Back off of the white bread and look in the mirror.
Free Masons rule the world!
Burn Baby Burn
gold mine of info here: [newsmine_org]
Keith, never thought I'd be such a conspiracy theoriest, but since 9/11 what can truth seekers do? Cheney and Dubya... pu-lease, you know with the secrecy of this administration that serious sh*t is goin' down. I started getting some insights a few years back from some of the great documentaries that are out there and discovered some great authors. One important documentary I think everyone should watch to truly understand power in this country is "Manufacturing Consent" which describes the thought of Noam Chomsky. Everyone should rent a copy.
Won't lie huge conspiracy the strange and unexplained.
Do I believe there is a cabal of people taking over the earth?
NOPE...What I do believe is there are a group of highranking idiots with bad policies who through political power cause shit to happen AND their mess becomes our mess.
Case in point...Iraq...If you read the reasons for it, it does make sense...Free Iraq, kill saddam, great PR, help out their business buddies, take the oil to destroy venezuela, Iran and have new supplies for maybe the next 50 years of cheap crude.
Of course it was all best case senario...and all these fucking idiots are now hiding...Wolf/Powell/Rice/Bush/Cheney as the war reaches how many total dead for both sides?...Yes over a fucking million! though you never really hear about it except on the BBC.
BUT the plan sounded so doable...just as always book savvy doesn't translate to reality...and their arrogance is now costing us...Not them.
So maybe there are cabals I guess but not in a Austin Powers sense.
By the way JFK/MLK and Robert Kennedy were killed by higher ups...That you can't hide but thanks to people's stupidity and lack of attention is all but forgotten.
As for 911, those were Islamic Fanatics but were basically let by the government to do their harm...I don't think the higher ups believed it would have been that bad...and they wanted an excuse to implememt their policies and war.
Problem as always is we really are bleeding to death from a thousand cuts...So maybe those Islamic suicidal assholes did cause the economic downfall of America in a way and zoom up their cause by taking on the Great Satan...Or at least were the match that lit the fuse.
I realize that this is a sensitive issue because you're Jewish. But pulling the "anti semitic" card is a comical knee jerk reaction.
I hire and employ Jews. I was engaged to one before I met my wife many years ago and I have quite a few Jewish acquaintances. Don't assume that my statements are anti semitic or mean spirited or directed at you. There are Jewish people that I admire in this world. You and I might even strike up a friendship if we met.
I'm making a point that, regardless of who wrote the Protocols, the writings are coming true. Nothing more, nothing less.
You would have to be completely oblivious to read through them without making some connections to what some Jews are doing, or have done, with their positions of power.
I don't believe that a Rabbi whispers the secrets of the universe into the hungry ears of evil Zionists at a smoky ritual. But I do think that it's next to impossible to read through the Protocols and find everything contained within to be completely irrelevant to what some (not all) Jewish people have done both past and present.
This isn't anti semitic or racist. It's simply an observation.
I realize that this is a sensitive issue because you're Jewish. But pulling the "anti semitic" card is a comical knee jerk reaction.
I hire and employ Jews. I was engaged to one before I met my wife and I have quite a few Jewish acquaintances. Don't assume that my statements are anti semitic or mean spirited or directed at you. There are Jewish people that I admire in this world. You and I might even strike up a friendship if we met.
I'm making a point that, regardless of who wrote the Protocols, the writings are coming true. Nothing more, nothing less.
You would have to be completely oblivious to read through them without making some connections to what some Jews are doing, or have done, with their positions of power.
I don't believe that a Rabbi whispers the secrets of the universe into the hungry ears of evil Zionists at a smoky ritual. But I do think that it's next to impossible to read through the Protocols and find everything contained within to be completely irrelevant to what some (not all!) Jewish people have done both past and present.
This isn't anti semitic or racist. It's simply an observation.
+ 1 on the above post. it cracks me up how jewish people pretend like they aren't doing anything wrong while they are the root cause for so many ills of the world. There's a reason that they have been kicked out of 80+ countries over the years and that's because they pulled all the same garbage in those countries that they are pulling here.
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