There is such a stench now emanating from the desperate and pathetic Clinton campaign, that even her supporters should be questioning her statements and tactics as of late.
Hillary Clinton is a power-mad freakshow, who it should be obvious by now will say and do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to become president.
She will not go away. She will not lose with grace. She will not do what's right for her party or her country. Lawyers will come next. Claws will come out. And this race is going to get very, very, very ugly now.
Hillary Clinton, you are disgusting. You are hated. And you are unfit to lead.
March 13, 2008
New Olbermann "special comment" youtube video on the disgusting and reprehensible Hillary Clinton campaign
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I never thought he would do a piece against a Democrat
The people are waking up to the New World Order, but is it happening fast enough?
Faster, please.
This guy is a knucklehead. First of all he uses the word racist several times and in the incorrect context. Ferraro is not a racist and her comments were not racist. The definition of racism is if one person has power over another and uses race. There is no power here. Ferraro has no power over Obama or any black people.
This is just silly predujicial nonsense. Ferraro is probably correct in that Obama would not be getting all of this attention if he were not black. So what, it is what it is. No, it shouldn't be advertised nor should it be thrown in our faces. Her comment was simply insensitive and this guy reads a lot more into it than most. Most of the sheeple have to be told how to be offended cause most of them couldn't figure it out on their own. That is what the media does, they create controversary over comments that only a few ever heard in the first place. This is politic of hysterics, nothing more.
This does not negate the entire life of Ferraro as so many would want to believe. I am so tired of this crap. It is so juvenile.
By the way, I am a conservative and I don't really care if the governor of NY hires prostitutes.
Ferraro hit the nail on the head. Obama is an empty suit running on nothing but MSM made "gee wiz wouldn't it be swell to have a black prez" hype. A white man (or white woman for that matter) with as little substance and experience as Obama would be laughed out of the room when announcing he were running for president. Obama is a bad choice for president and it has nothing to do with his race.
Figures a cretin like Olberidiot doesn't get it.
Vote Mc Cain!!
Keith Olberman is an idiot. I'm not sure what's the lamer part -- his pseudo-intellectualism, or his pseudo-dramaticism.
His message here is correct, but his elocution is very high school.
Geraldine was absolutely right. She has guts to speak her mind....
Now imagine how Olberman would be jumping out of his pants if a Republican said the same...
Keith Olberman is going to be arrested when Hillary wins, and will be Bubba's Bitch!
Oh my god. Who are you lamos that come here to defend Hillary. This woman is trash through and through. How many more Clinton scandals do we need? How many more populist lies do we need from this power hungry scum?
Hillary supporters - just sit in your rapidly depreciating McMansions, drink your zinfandel and STFU!!!
As Shakespeare wrote: "much ado about nothing." While I've always detested Clinton, her support of the Iraq was racism while I see these Obama comments as desperation I certainly think that Obama takes advantage of emotions too.
The book "The 401k Hoax" talks about Bill Clinton living a legacy of personal debt and, thus, Obama's promises won't have a silver lining either.
Geraldine is obviosuly just a sour puss racist.
Yeah Geri, he's only here because he's black. Just like all our other black presidents. I mean everyone knows what a huge advantage it is to be a black male in Amerikkka. I mean, they can dunk a basketball for gods sake how do we stand a chance??!!!
Ferraro's initial comments were borderline - eitherway. Thing is, in the modern game of politics, if you offend, you MUST apologize. Its not necessarily right, but it is what it is - apologize and move on.
So what did Ferraro do, dig in her heels, reaffirm, deny, allege it was taken out of context and then worst of all, she claimed she was the VICTIM!
I had some respect for her trailblazing of 20 years ago, but all that went right out the window in less than 72 hours - amazing.
OBama is running as the messiah who will forgive white America their sins of racism. That's why all the faintings at his rallies.
Who but a black person could do that?
How is it racist to point that out?
So if he were a white first term senator saying "change...change...blah blah", he'd be doing just as well? Don't think so.
Olberman has brought purple prose to television.
His overdramatic delivery, and his ridiculous attempt to give his comment extra weight by using twelfth-grade SAT study guide words just show what a cartoon he is.
I cringed in embarrassment for him.
He rants like a hysterical fourteen year old girl.
That said, way too much is being made of this comment.
I LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT that all these little dems are eating each other!!!!
(Not that McCain is all that great either).
WAAAAA.....WAAAAAA Billery is toast and I don't like it .... WAAAAAA WAAAAAAA ... Why is Obama doing this to her??? Why ? Why ? This is Hillery & Bill's Time for the White House....WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I love it when the cry babies come out to play as reality sets in.
Obama does not get all his attention because he is black, nor did Geraldine Ferraro get the vp slot so many years ago because she was a woman. Obama is an impressive orator, and is running a good compaign, and while thin on experience, Hillary doesn't really have much more, and her character is quite flawed. To be elected, people have to actually like you. That eludes Mrs. Clinton, and she reverts to this kind of crap. So, with that logic, is that people are not voting for her because she is female? Jon Stewart said it best, "Are you a misogynist, and voting for Obama, or a racist and voting for Clinton?"
It's about the whole enchilada,
I think Olbermann was really that upset, even for a guy who gets upset for a living.
The pussified white liberals have to support Obama or else they will be labeled as racist. They can attack Hitlary, but they will not dare criticize anything Obama does. Watch as the Rezko corruption case is swept under the rug by the MSM
Grandpa Munster, oops, I mean John McShitstain cannot win in November. Impossible.
This story will soon blow over.
The only thing Obamam should fear is a murder plot against him. My advice would be stay away from Rev. Jackson. Look what happened to Dr. King with that guy standing by...
This whole post explains perfectly why America is f**cked. Everyone that can't quite get their widdle heads around the destruction of our economy can come here when Keith posts one of his emotional political rants and emotionally vent. You are such a bunch of Gomers. Now go and listen to Eliot Spitzer's babe sing on You Tube.
The Great Presidential Popularity Contest is for those who can't get past 8th grade math. I would prefer a country full of Gumps to you dumb asses.
Ferraro is still bitter because her husband went to prison and got boned by a black man.
Shame be upon you, Keith.
With the US and probably the world teetering on the brink of financial ruin, you bring us this trivial snippet of a guy ranting about an old lady putting down a politician.
I had thought you realized that politics and politicians mean nothing in a country ruled by wall street and big bankers, but apparently not.
Leave these pointless comiedies to the thousands of other blogs out there that still somehow think elections are relevant in this country.
isn't this housingpanic? i think this blog crossing boundaries that are beyond the scope of what's pertinent in housing. Let's keep the politics elsewhere.
One could easily argue the reverse. That if Hillary Clinton were not married to Bill, she would never have been first lady, or used her name recognition to become a senator. Her so called experience was mostly gained in unelected positions like first lady that have no official status or role in government or accountability to voters. What she is is the Yoko Ono of American politics.
Ferraro is not a racist and her comments were not racist. The definition of racism is if one person has power over another and uses race.
we should stop calling skinheads racists because they don't have power over minorities. KKK? they lost their power long ago, so they are not racists
The thing is, Hilary Clinton isn't going to lose the primary race. The superdelegates ARE going to choose her, since after all, she's the "Bilderberger's candidate". She was chosen a long time ago.
As for Obama, he's just going to solidify and collect the racist (Blacks, Zionists) and progressive (youth, Jews) votes. Clinton will then get the superdelegate nomination, and will extend her hand to Obama as the Veep ... who will accept and hand her those racist and progressive votes like clockwork (since they weren't going to vote for the Rich White Person in the first place).
McCain or the Republican Dark Horse Governor is going to win the overall election, anyway. The Repub messages of "fear Islam", "we're keeping you safe", and "Ownership Society" have huge resonance in the US populace. No Dem can compete with that fear base. After all, Obama supporters will be dejected that their vote was stolen by the Rich White Person again, and enough of them will stay home, drinking 40s of beer and smoking weed as is their usual preference.
This is just silly predujicial nonsense. Ferraro is probably correct in that Obama would not be getting all of this attention if he were not black.
Geez, look at all the attention 2-year edwards receives and he is not black. At least Obama has state legislature experience!
What she is is the Yoko Ono of American politics.
OMG that is so true!
Let me say first that I think Olberman is a pompous asshole. His comments do however illustrate some important truths about Democrats and liberals in the HRC campaign
1) many are racist in their heart - IOW hypocrites
2) HRC and Bubba are no strangers to race politics
3) many have radical feminism as their religion
As a Republican, I think it's funny that Obama, probably the best candidate in the field, will have to suffer with an administration chock full of these closet racists and man-hating dykes.
LOL - can't run from the Karma!
"The definition of racism is if one person has power over another and uses race. There is no power here. Ferraro has no power over Obama or any black people."
I think you're definition is skewed to define the chronicled examples of American, Turkish or German racism. Power might contribute to racism, but it doesn't define whether an racist act occured or statement is "racist". Who had more power in 1994, the Hutu or the Tutsis in Rwanda?
Racism is intolerance, hatred, prejudice and discrimination against a person or group of a different race(ethnicity).
If you are capable of any of these things, then you can be racist too. Power is not a prerequisite.
Racism is defined below. I don't see the word "power" anywhere:
"1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Power as a prerequisite to define racism takes us all in the wrong direction, in my view. If you don't have any power or underprivaleged, then you are incapable of committing racist acts or making racist statement?
Saying Hillary is qualified is like saying "yoko ono was a beatle"....I heard that yesterday.
Obama is still a fraud though.
Change, change, blah blah blah.
Check out was his "Christian" pastor is all about. Trips to Libya with Farrakhan...saying black people should say "god damn america" not "god bless america"...saying white people deserved 9/11.
That's his spiritual "mentor"? Could any white person get away with idiocy like that? If McCain went to the church of David Duke, don't you think that would be an issue?
But raise it and get called a racist.
Hillary is the say anything do anything candidate. It is clear that the obama vs clinton race has come down to race and she believes exploiting the racial divide is the only way to win the nomination. The problem is that this may enable mccain to win in november.
As Carlyle Capital plunges 90% I wonder if Hillary Clinton can afford to repay those millions she loaned to her campaign.
Where are her 2006 tax returns anyway?
No dear, you're not watching power hunger, you're watching grit.
We haven't even begun to dialogue what needs to be discussed, for a nation on the verge of bankruptcy and collapse. We just haven't made a formal declaration of bankruptcy.
That will come on the day when there's a public announcement to go home and turn on your televisions and don't go to your bank.
You want her to be a wuss when she's only a hundred plus a bit measly points behind and still a long way to go. It could all turn on a moment's notice and you know it. I think the guys can't stand real competition from anybody. And I think they can't stand the thought of a smart woman asking hard questions and finding out what they've been up to...and saying, what about the kids? Or the roads? Or you need a jet for what?Or membership dues for ( Fill in the blanks ) The ________ Club..?
We are broke, collectively and personally. There isn't going to be enough money to take care of nearly enough. I'd rather have a woman who gave a damn about human suffering, and don't think you'll be so clever as to escape that one, who can take in the whole of a situation at a glance, than a man whose first impulse is going to be about how we are going to maintain our standing...what standing? Bush took care of that for us.We are going to have to be so bottom line common sense people will think we're in an alternate reality. We will be--we're going to do the 1930's and then some, all over again, and when it's done Capitalism as we have known it will be in the dustbin. We are at the end of that road and watching it fall from afar.We need a different point of view, backed by guts.
I've got nothing against Obama, just a little young still. McCain seems to reexperience war from a different vantage point. I don't know, he changed about 4 years back and I don't like the change.
Admit it, most of the stuff said about Hillary Clinton has been made up crap by someone on a mean drug, you know the ones that make you evil...Back up most of what's been said, if you can. Really.
Grandma PKK
Olbermann... that sorry cross-eyed pig you said?
Gimme a break.... and send him to a New York bathhouse...he will have more credibility there!
What blows my mind is that you supported Ron Paul, now seem to support Obama when it's down to the last three. This makes no sense at all, they are so opposite that your support cannot be reconciled. Paul stands for freedom and the minimization of governmental influence, while Obama wants more taxes, more government and NO! he will not remove American troops from Iraq, regardless of what he says. Obama is the worst possible candidate for this reason: he offers hope in words only, he is setting all Americans up for an even bigger fall. What we need is someone to steady the ship not promise false hope. We need to regain control then move ahead, he cannot do that, I'm not saying the others can, but he clearly cannot.
And Hillary is the tough candidate we need to beat the Republican Slime Machine and its bootlicker, the corrupt MSM. And the tough president we need to clean the Bush/Cheney mess.
Obama is too sissy with his empty speeches that only fool rappers, Hollywood celebs who don't know the price of milk or gas, welfare parasites from the ghettos who breed like flies and want more free goodies from the taxpayer, and the MTV Pot Smoking idiotic Gen Y who think that they're always special. Ask any manager who works or employs Gen Y types to find out what they think about those whiners. If you're not a Gen Y, you know what I'm taking about.
I want a tough president, not a pussy Obama. And Geraldine Ferraro was right, Obama got this far because he's black. Big deal to say that. Does anybody with a functioning brain doubts that? Does anyone here doubts that Oprah would endorse him if he wasn't black?
Goolsbee, Obama's "economic adviser", who happens to be a Skull & Bones member just like Bush, was meeting secretly with Canadian officials to sell American jobs cheap, during a campaign! But the corrupt MSM gave just 5 minutes of air time on that. On the other hand, for Geraldine Ferraro the corrupt MSM gave 2 weeks of 24/7 coverage. Funny how that works. On the Rezko real estate deal involving Michelle Obama the corrupt MSM doesn't even want to cover at all.
When the corrupt MSM pushes a candidate down your throat 24/7, don't be a fool and vote for the other candidate. MSM was pushing Bush, Cheney, and the war in Iraq, too. Have you forgotten? The corrupt MSM has been bashing Hillary from the get-go while trying to make you believe that Obama is the new Messiah. Can't you see that something stinks here? Of course, the irrational Clinton Haterz are loving it, even though they know that MSM shouldn't be trusted.
I really don't see this campaign being sooo negative like the corrupt MSM and the irrational Clinton Haterz are trying to portray. Hillary has been attacking Obama's position on the issues, his lack of experience, his empty speeches that have nothing solid to back it up. What's negative about that? Has Hillary brought any Swift Boat veterans to call Obama a traitor on TV? Has Hillary been so negative like Bush was to McCain in 2000? I don't think so. So let's stop with this biased attempt to create hysteria where it doesn't exist. Don't let the corrupt MSM and the Republican Slime Machine fool you once again, vote for the opposite candidate.
That's what I'm saying, Ron Paul supporters. The same corrupt MSM that has been ignoring, blocking, and making fun of Ron Paul all along, is the same MSM that Keith now supports here on the blog.
The corrupt MSM treated Ron Paul like trash, the same way they're doing to Hillary Clinton, but somehow Keith & Co are giving them credibility.
Some sexists pigs can't stand the idea of having a smart woman as president. They're treating Hillary the same way men treats women at the work place, at home, everywhere!
You women have a chance to fight back with Hillary, to conquer more rights. Don't waste this chance. You women work harder than men for less money and less rights.
Don't waste your chance of having a woman as president, supporting your rights, because that chance might not appear again soon. If Hillary loses the nomination, the sexist pigs will bring it up over and over again that women doesn't stand a chance getting elected so why nominate one.
Don't miss this opportunity, women. And I'm a man.
"Racism is intolerance, hatred, prejudice and discrimination against a person or group of a different race(ethnicity)."
I can dislike certain groups of people and be prejudicial and discriminatory, but it does not necessarily follow that I would also be a racist.
People, please learn the differences between the various terms.
No dear, you're not watching power hunger, you're watching grit.
We haven't even begun to dialogue what needs to be discussed, for a nation on the verge of bankruptcy and collapse. We just haven't made a formal declaration of bankruptcy.
That will come on the day when there's a public announcement to go home and turn on your televisions and don't go to your bank.
How deluded can you be? This is the woman that does not entertain any dialogue on the real issues at hand. Sure she might acknowledge them in a speech but she has no idea what to do about them. Socialism doesn't work dipshit.
anonymous 10:16 said:
"The definition of racism is if one person has power over another and uses race."
From Webster's:
Main Entry: rac·ism
Function: noun
Date: 1933
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
That being said, Ferraro's comments aren't racist, she's simply observing and remarking on the human condition. Obama's candidacy and groundswell of support is not entirely, but primarily, because of his race.
Here's something for you Clinton lovers to read:
Wow, I didn't know there were Billarybots here too!
As far as bending over backwards for lobbyists and BS there is no f-ing difference between Hillary Clinton and John McCain.
The AARP, NAR, Freddie Mac, Exxon, military money and other lobbyist $$$$ they are eating up left and right isn't going to do shit to get the economy out of the toilet.
Wake up folks!
Olbermann has been the only individual in the MSM to have the balls to speak up to the Billary campaign's Rovian BS.
If you believe otherwise,
Good night and good luck.
Anonymous wrote: "This guy is a knucklehead. First of all he uses the word racist several times and in the incorrect context. Ferraro is not a racist and her comments were not racist. The definition of racism is if one person has power over another and uses race. There is no power here. Ferraro has no power over Obama or any black people."
The definition of racism has nothing to do with someone having power over another.
The definition is: "A person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others."
Ferraro's comments were, indeed, racist. As a black man, Obama's success, she claims, has nothing to do with his ability to run a campaign, to inspire voters, to pull in independents and republicans, etc., etc. It has nothing to do with his merit, but has only to do with the color of his skin.
By making those comments, she desparaged his success, attempted to diminish his qualifications to be president, and has tried, as other Hillary surrogates have done, to inject racial prejudice into the nomination process.
We all know that she's waving a big red flag to white people to see if she can tap into their uncertainties about having a black president, thus tipping them over to Clinton. It's really pathetic.
But, no. It has nothing to do with one person having power over another. You're thinking of racial discrimination or something, not racism as an -ism.
ANY man who tried to run for ANY political office by claiming his wife's resumé as his own would be laughed at. Yet Hillary gets to claim all of Bill's political career as her own.
Hillary is getting annoying although I like waht Obama stands for he seems to be getting positive media coverage while hillary gets negative press coverage. The thing that the sheeple are forgeting is if one of these 2 Dems dosent get in we will be stuck with an older version of Bush. Mccain will compltely flush whats left of this once great country right down the crapper with the rest of the neo facist right wing crazies and all rest of the republiocan pigs who will keep this filthy disgusting war against the people of Iraq ongoing for war profiteerinig. The god damn fucking stupid sheeple are falling right into the GOP trap via our fake disgusting main stream media with Dems bickering with each other meanwhile the new Reich Nazi War Thug Administration with McCain being ready to be used as the next puppet for power mad corruption is being formed.
"ANY man who tried to run for ANY political office by claiming his wife's resumé as his own would be laughed at. Yet Hillary gets to claim all of Bill's political career as her own."
I'm glad to see the "co-president" concept get shut down on Hillary. I was just Googling around to remind myself of what exactly the circumstances were in the 80s that had people outraged with Nancy Reagan. I remember the news conference where she was caught whispering to Ronald how to respond to a question, but there was more to it. Anyway, I found too many articles to count dinging Clinton on this same issue. Well, back to Googling...
Assuming the US will be going as a nation through a BK and huge changes will be forced affecting the everyday way of life - who is able to lead and what are the qualities that are needed?
If this is the most critical question then McCain has possibly enough spine, moral compass and seniority - Obama can leverage youth and being American of modest heritage. Both will be able to call up bi-partisan support in the time of need.
And Hillary?
"The definition of racism is if one person has power over another and uses race."
Your definition is false and self-serving. It absolves all members of the 'victim classes' from racism. I reject it.
I am enjoying this immensely.
It is the Democrats who are racists. The Democrats who view all as members of groups to be categorises and assembled into a coalition.
The Democrat Party is tearing itself apart on its own alter of identity politics, and it is about time.
This guy belongs in a nut house.
With friends like these Obama needs no enemies.
Hillary should thank heavens this guy is not on her side.
I wonder when was the last time this nutcase got laid ???
You are a fan of this nutcase.
You got lucky on housing crash thats the only thing I agree with you..
Everything else, you are a strage kook and nutcase. Which explains why you like this guy. I will not be surprised to see both of you in the same asylum one of these days.
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