March 05, 2008

It just keeps coming back from the dead...

AAAAUUUGGGGHHHH!!! Make it go away!!!


Anonymous said...

Quote of the day:

If Obama answers a call at 3 a.m., it's probably from Tony Rezko. Or Louis Farrakhan.

Go Hillary!

Anonymous said...

Not much changed but she's still going to take it to the convention.

Anonymous said...

"Now That The Dust Has Settled" Yeah, right. Anymore insightful forecasts, Keith? Anymore bets?


Hillary is your next President.

Anonymous said...

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

blogger said...

Take a look at the upcoming states - Obama will take 10 of 'em.

The big question is what to do with FL and MI. I see lawyers.

Should be fun

Anonymous said...

Nobody ever won the presidency without carrying Ohio for the last 100 years. Hillary won big tonight in Ohio.

Hillary can use this powerful bargain chip to draw delegates or get the nomination. The Democratic party won't risk Obama, especially now that he showed weakness with the Canadian Nafta fiasco. The corrupt MSM hasn't even put the squeeze on Obama yet because they want Hillary out, but Obama's already folding with minimum allegations. Not good for Obama.

Plus Obama hasn't won any major state and the young vote is not reliable. Hillary is getting all the above 30 years vote + blue collar + women + Latino votes. She has a major position of strength against Obama.

I said many times here, DON'T COUNT THE CLINTONS OUT!

Anonymous said...

Take a look at the upcoming states - Obama will take 10 of 'em.

Are you sure, Keith? The dust has settle on that, too? bwahahaha

Go Hillary!

Anonymous said...


Hillary is your next President."

She isn't going to win the nomination, but she's going to try and destroy the Democratic party on the way down. This nomination was supposed to be hers and some black guy came in and crashed her party. If she can't have the white house she sure as hell isn't going to help Obama get it.

Anonymous said...

Americans are secret royalists.

If it wasn't for the militant fervor of a minority,this country would still be in the clutches of Britain with a per capita income resembling India's.

We are stuck with the greater of three evils because they aren't going to let Obama win; it's that simple.

blogger said...

For the pro Hillary troll - at least give us a user name so I can mock you in a few weeks

And here's a hint - go study the map

Anonymous said...

I'd also like to add for all those dopes that think McCain will have a chance in hell of beating Huseein... HAHA! The economy is going to be even worse by the time election season rolls around. Think the public is going to want to keep the trillion dollar war going for another ten years? Don't think so! Also, guess who's going to be promising thousands in stimulus checks to the public? Obama and his majority congress will be!

Anonymous said...

She is still not ahead in delegate counts, and there are states ahead that she won't do well in. She won't go away anytime soon, but really, for her to litigate her way as nominee is really distasteful, and I would hope the superdelegates think about that long and hard

Ed said...

Hey what do you know, she won Ohio big and Texas was 51/49.

Who could have predicted that? Oh I know, it was me.

blogger said...

Oh, for any of you who believe what the MSM tells you, and think Hillary "won" last night, you might want to take a look at the delegate total for yesterday

As of right now, Obama won 5 net in Texas and 3 in Vermont, lost 5 delegates in Ohio and 4 in RI, and is down 1 net for the night by my count. This will be updated today, but the bottom line is Clinton won nothing except some incorrect press coverage

Gotta love the MSM. But that's why there are blogs - you have to do your own reporting these days to find the truth

Anonymous said...

And here's a hint - go study the map

Ok, I'm looking the map. Do you really think that the Democratic party will drop a candidate who won major states just because of a minuscule difference of less than 100 delegates? Are you guys insane? Hillary has won the most important states for a presidential election: CA, OH, FL, TX, NY, NJ, RI, MA, MI, TN, AR, NV, AZ...soon to be PA, KY, IN, NC, etc.

What has Obama won? Only little states that don't matter much like AK, HI, LA, MS, etc. Obama won a bunch of meaningless states.

Not only that, Obama outspent Hillary by a margin of 2 x 1 in TX, RI, OH, and still lost.

I think that you Obama fanboys and Clinton haterz should drop this irrational wishful thinking and come back to reality.

BTW, Obama already showed weakness just with a few punches about his shady dealings with Canada last week. And the corrupt MSM has been giving him a free pass, while bashing Hillary daily for months. Even with all that, he pulled less than 100 delegates and lost all really important states. Is that a winner?

Bye bye Obama.

Ed said...


Clinton: 62 Delegates
Obama: 46 Delegates

Net 16 Clinton


Clinton: 16 delegates
Obama: 10 delegates

Net 6 Clinton

How do you figure she didn't win anything?

Anonymous said...

Just a question to the Obama cheerleaders here: Aren't you a bit disappointed that Obama's economic adviser was meeting secretly with Canadian officials to tell them that Obama's ranting on NAFTA was just to fool voters during the debate? Is that the guy who was saying that Washington was broken, that he was the righteous one? Yeah right, just another bull$hitter.

Have I told you that Obama's adviser, Goolsbee, the same who was doing shady deals with Canadian officials last week, is a Skull & Bones member, just like both Bushes? Yeah, that's right.

What about that Michelle Obama's salary jumped from $120k to more than $330k right after Obama became Senator? Nice career change and timing, Michelle! And she still has the nerve to say that just now she's proud of America. I bet, with a shady salary increase like that!

Wake up, sheep!

Anonymous said...

As of right now, Obama won 5 net in Texas and 3 in Vermont, lost 5 delegates in Ohio and 4 in RI, and is down 1 net for the night by my count.

Once again, these pathetic difference in delegates don't matter much after Hillary won all the most important states for a presidential campaign. Obama just won meaningless states and lost big in OH, TX, RI, after outspending Hillary by a margin of 2 X 1. Not only that, Obama lost 3 major states right after coming from a 11 state win streak. She kicked his butt.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the MSM. But that's why there are blogs - you have to do your own reporting these days to find the truth

What are you talking about? You've been trolling here for months, doing polls and telling everyone that Hillary had lost already. I won't even mention how wrong you were about Ron Paul. Now you're saying that the MSM had it wrong?


Don't fight it, Keith. Have a scotch or something. Hillary will be your next president.

lee said...


Long live the Queen !!

Terrible call by the way.

Malcolm said...

every time I think we're out...she pulls us back in :(

I still say she can't get it without stealing it with the super's.

Anonymous said...

Dont count her out Keith, she still in there.

This is a very tough choice for the democrats here. Two EXCELLENT candidates.

The Republicans continue to be jealous as they always strive to come up with crappy candidate every election.

I am not sure how the hell they have won in the past. Well, then again, the media supports them (Fox news anyone). After the last 2 Republican governments, we damn well know why. They will rob Americans. Period.


Anonymous said...

The fix was in, as usual. F*ck Texas and stupid Texans. Look what they have produced -The Bushco clan and now the monster rises from the dead.

Now the Dems can continue the charade for a few more weeks and dominate the news wth this BS while the Bush-Cheney family continue to loot and the kids continue to die.

I am embarassed to be an American.

Obama should call Tony Soprano or Don Corleone at 3 a.m., and be done with it...

I will celebrate the day when the hillbillys go back under their rocks in New York, Arkansas or lower Detroit, whoever will take them in after their crushing defeat and shame.

America id Dead. Time to feed on the corpse.

Anonymous said...

My son just said, 'look at those two pictures mommy!! it's freddie kreuger and chuckles the clown.'

Anonymous said...

Nobody ever won the presidency without carrying Ohio for the last 100 years.

I don't think nobody won the presidency without getting enough delegates at their conventions either. Obama's ahead to stay.

consultant said...

"Gotta love the MSM. But that's why there are blogs - you have to do your own reporting these days to find the truth"

Yes you do. Our house is on fire, but you wouldn't know by reading the MSM.

More on Hillary a little later.

Anonymous said...

Go Hillary!

I love how she's kicking ass, getting support from the often-mocked middle class and working class in this country, and pissing off all the wannabe kingmakers who have declared her campaign "over."

She's going to make a great president.

Anonymous said...

for any of you who believe what the MSM tells you, and think Hillary "won" last night, you might want to take a look at the delegate total for yesterday

It doesn't matter.

The superdelegates will decide who wins the nomination, and they're not going to support your empty-suit "hope" dope who cannot carry a single major state outside of his home state.

Democratic superdelegates will choose the candidate who can win the major states like California, New York, Florida, Massachusetts, etc. and the major swing states such as Ohio, Tennessee, etc.

Those are all Clinton states.

Add in Clinton victories in a couple of the upcoming contests, mix in a strong showing in Pennsylvania (which is almost certainly Clinton's to lose), and a 30 or 40 delegate lead for Obama isn't going to matter.

Democrats aren't going to run a candidate who cannot win in major states or swing states. Obama's "lead" comes from wins in the Dakotas and Wisconsin, and from the fact that the Democrats have excluded major states like Florida and Michigan (both big Clinton wins) from the process. You can bet that superdelegates will note Clinton's strength in those states and her significant lead in the popular vote, and name her the nominee.

Sorry, Keith. You were wrong when you endorsed that neo-Nazi Republican racist homophobe Ron Paul -- and even more wrong when you predicted he had a chance. And you're wrong about Mrs. Clinton's chances as well.

You should stick to economics and avoid politics.

Anonymous said...

I am a woman and I even went to a very liberal all women college (rival to Hillary's alma mater, Wellesley) and I voted for Obama because I just like him better. I see Hillary as a meglomaniac with an agenda that goes with what the people want so she can get elected. I do not find her to be geniune and I have been repulsed by her use of her attack dog, Bill. As a woman, I thought that was a very weak move. She is highly intelligent and knows a great deal but she turns me off to no end. Whereas, I find Obama to be genuine that is so refreshing. I know that even if the country were supportive of the Iraq war, Obama would still speak out against it and how it has hurt our country in many ways. I feel that if the majority of people liked the Iraq war, Hillary would be praising the war and touting her vote to give the president the "authority" to use force (she is cunning). I can't bring myself to trust her and she is ultimately very weak. Obama is strong, multi-dimensional, inspirational and capable of such great things to help us, this country, repair our self-esteem, self-worth, and world image. But I am afraid that in the end he, the nice guy, might finish last and we will be stuck with Hillary as the nominee and then she will lose by a hair to McCain. That's the thing people, all the polls and even my personal observations say that Obama would beat McCain by a wide spread, because he can bring over the all the independents and even some disenchanted republicans; Hillary can NOT do this. Wake up!! God, I just want the nightmare of the past 14 years (Republican revolution, Ken Starr, Newt Gingrinch, conservative, far right shitheads, and the Clintons, Bush Jr., 9/11, Iraq, Rove, Cheney) to just GO AWAY!!!! Hey, people, our forefathers, who were pretty f'ing smart, didn't have much political experience either but they were incredibly intelligent, profound, intellectuals...Obama reminds me of that kind of statesman.

God help us all if Hillary gets the nomination. WE WILL LOSE AGAIN to the Republicans.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect in a rigged election process. Do you really think the assh#les at the top are going to let a black man become president? Just look at the mentality of this country Mccain has already won the nomination and he will be elected (or forced down our throats) as the next president.

Anonymous said...

The result is that I have to choose from which of the Three Stooges I believe will do the LEAST STUPID SELF ABSORBED CORRUPT VOTE MONGERING IDIOCY to my country IF THEY WIN THIS UGLY DOG CONTEST!

Anonymous said...

Damn it!

Here comes the arrogance and entitlement personality that she thinks she so rightly deserves.

Go away Hillary! I am a democrat and if she wins, I will vote McCain!

No way in hell I will vote for this socialist women!

Mark in San Diego said...

And to think I was born and raised in Huckabeeanna (Ohio). . .since I left, it has obviously gone WAY downhill. . .actually, that is the problem - all of my friends with a college education from OSU, etc. have left Ohio because there were no jobs. . .it has left Ohio with and old, unskilled, and underemployed population who are suckers flim flam politicians.

Anonymous said...

Like I posted here weeks ago, in the middle of the Obama hysteria and when Keith folded up on Ron Paul and moved to Barack Hussein Obama and completely trashed Hillary Rodham Clinton:
My post then and Now:

Brintney Spears has a better chance of being elected as America's sweetheart than Barack Hussein Obama as President of the USA.

Another post made, almost two months ago:
Hillary Clinton will wipe the floor with the Republican opponent,
elected as President of the US and enjoy large Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress.

You can bet on it.

Anonymous said...

McCain is going to be a shoe in. Just mention "Hillary" or "Hussein".

If Obama is not nominated, I'd wager the blacks wont show in November.

Fun watching the dems self destruct on identity politics. They'll be counting hanging chads in their own primaries soon enough.

Anonymous said...

All of you shit eating idiots need not worry. Blowfly will be your next president! I will put chitlins in every pot, birth control pills in every purse and we're gonna have a mothaf*cking orgy every weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hillary by the numbers looks unlikely to take the nomination but I wouldn't count her out yet.

I do think that Obama has shown he can bring more people to the polls and can better stand apart from the McCain-Bush legacy.

What strikes me is that most every state that Hillary has won is overrun with illegals whereas Obama is taking the bread-and-butter American states.

Anonymous said...

Keith, you're right -- Hillary's "landslide" victory has at this time netted her 1 delegate. I'm quite amazed that people who visit this blog and know how the media distorts reality cannot see how this Hillary victory is a PR manipulation.

Hoping these wins give Hillary the graceful exit she needs. (we know that won't happen)


Anonymous said...

Although I voted for Obama, but I would rather have Hillary then McCain or any other damn republicans. 8 years is enough of Corruption and greed.

Anonymous said...

emmy said...
She is still not ahead in delegate counts, and there are states ahead that she won't do well in.

Which state? Mississippi? Why would Obama win that one? Because they are black people there? racist asshole.

Anonymous said...

Can't stand the B@tch.

Anonymous said...

My eyes! What a horrible photo! It's your fault Keith, that photo is going to haunt me. Sign her up for the next Batman movie.


Anonymous said...

The big question is what to do with FL and MI. I see lawyers.

how can they let FL and MI back in? They broke the rule and must suffer the consequences. letting them back in is like a bailout for FBs.

Some say let them have a do over but that doesn't seem fair. if they do then other states should be able to do over if they want.

Anonymous said...

Your posts about the elections and esp. view of Hillary are too stupid to waste any more energy on.

Anonymous said...

Dear, Hillary..

America Loves you!!

You got my unconditional vote.

It is impossible to stop thinking of you.
Since all of the evil ‘Christian right white male media’ have been talking about you every hour of every day for the past 20 years.

The haters hate you because they’re full of hate
The lovers love you cause your light will remove the black cloud hanging over our Country.

I predict:
1) Hillary President of the US of A for the next 2 terms.
2) Pivot point for cheap Oil and strong Greenback; the day Hillary is confirmed Democratic candidate.
3) Apple goes back into the closet and Microsoft quadruples market share, eats the stupid socialist Linux before breakfast.

Republican for Hillary

Anonymous said...

This forum is about housing, NOT politics..go somewhere else to talk that political fiction

Anonymous said...

The tight and contentious race between Hillary and Obama does one thing above all.

It helps that crazy SOB McCain get more votes as the rejected dem supporters launch suicide votes for him in protest.

Unless of course one thing happens to stop McCain- Obama/Clinton or Clinton/Obama ticket.

or a well funded and appealing 3rd party candidate comes along.

Anonymous said...

Who are these people that vote for the Clintons? How can anyone be so deluded and ignorant to vote for these people - again??!!!

Never mind the endless scandals, the dubious connections to drugs, drug dealing and murder, the totally insincere speeches or the completely infeasible policies.

Hillary and Bill love you!!!!

Vince Foster anyone?

Anonymous said...

This whole political arguement is a waste of time. It's like argueing if Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi tastes better. It doesn't matter. Hilary, Obama, and McNut are all the same. Pro illegal, pro housing gambler, they're going to stay in Iraq no matter what they say (oil is at $103 today), they're all bought and paid for by the same Investment banks and lawfirms.
This whole process is just American Idol for CNN, MSNBC, and FAUX.

Frank R said...

Clintons are like roaches - they never go away.

She'll continue to be stubborn and take it all the way to a brokered convention. Osamabama will still get the nomination but not until she's done major damage to the party and the fall campaign.

Anonymous said...

Hillary kicks butt. Fainting goat parade rained on. Mr BO stinks after last nite. He ran on idiot wave as long as supply of idiots lasted and nobody asked tough questions. The failed Senator worried about his constituents asking him questions "what have you done since you got elected Senator, other than warm up the seat", decides to run for President. Only in Amerika.

Mr BOs Fainting goat parade

Peahippo said...

Wow. I love all this faux surprise. The fix was in for Clinton from the beginning. The Democratic machine already chose her.

So, what's Obama doing? He's collecting and organizing the STUPID VOTE -- the racists (Blacks, Jews) and progressives (Liberals, young) -- so that when Clinton gets the nomination, she only has to extend her hand and make Obama the Veep. Obama's supporters (being by definition, STUPID people) will just shrug, hold their noses and vote for Clinton since that's what stupid people do.

The Democrat racists and progressives are just being set up to put their votes being a White elitist. This happens each and every time there's a Presidential election. It happens this way since the racists and progressives are stupid and can't be counted on to contribute votes in any other fashion, by definition.

All this is academic, anyway. McCain has the Republican nomination, unless the Repubs wise up and run a Dark Horse (i.e. a Republican Governor) at the 11th hour. And the Repubs will continue to capitalize on the fear of Islam abroad and Socialists at home, and they will again win the Presidency by a minimum majority.

Keith, I wish you luck and I greatly respect your backbone when taking on the REIC. But your stance on Obama is simply wrong, and by supporting him you're just giving in to the well-practiced Democrat Deception machine. Ron Paul was our candidate. I voted for him only yesterday in my primary. I cast the vote that counted: The vote in favor of the person I wanted to win. Whatever happens next is the fault of the majority.

Anonymous said...

These are still not final numbers, since all counting of the Texas caucuses -- stuck at about 35% -- has yet to resume. But for now, Clinton has picked up a few delegates.

Vermont (15 delegates)

Obama 9
Clinton 6

Rhode Island (21 delegates)

Clinton 12
Obama 8


Primary (126 delegates)

Clinton 65
Obama 61

Caucuses (67 delegates; tentative results based on a straight percentage from 36% reporting -- 52O 48C)

Obama ~35
Clinton ~32

Total (Nowhere near final)

Clinton ~97
Obama ~96

Ohio (141 delegates)

Clinton 76
Obama 65

Anonymous said...

Do we want to replace one sitting idiot president with another idiot (Mr. BO). We need a smart woman to clean up the mess.

Anonymous said...

Mr BO must be taking showers these days. No one is fainting any more when he walks by the rallys.

Anonymous said...

As a life long independent, I will forgo voting for Nader or some other independent, to vote for McBain or whomever the GOP throws up against the Dems.



E N O U G H.

Anonymous said...

Illinois voter: What have you done Senator since you got elected ?

Mr BO: Oh, I dont know what to do in Senate so I go on vacation most of the time. When I do attend, I fall asleep and dream alot. So I wrote a book about dreams.

Illinois Voter: You stink in Senate so you decided to run for President ? What are you going to do when you run out of idiots to vote for you ?

Mr BO: write more books about it and give more speeches. No matter what I can make more money with the name recogniton.

Lost Cause said...

Mc Cain cancelled the $35 billion Boeing contract, that is now going to Airbus, for $40 billion. Even Orange County had many more voting for Hillary than John.

Anonymous said...

BHO's luster is starting to come off.

Anonymous said...

This country needs a break from greed so you want to elect another greedy sob that makes shady real-estate deals with Rezko and canadians and writes books and sells them instead of working in the senate !!!

Anonymous said...

//Your posts about the elections and esp. view of Hillary are too stupid to waste any more energy on.//

good - go waste your energy somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

We need a smart woman to clean up the mess.

there isn't a smart woman currently running for president when you find one let us all know

Anonymous said...

I think Hillary's hot. I'd tap that.

Anonymous said...

another greedy sob that makes shady real-estate deals

you must be talking about hillary and her whitewater deals

Anonymous said...

If the red phone rings at 3 am, Hillary has the experience to hand over the phone to Bill...but what if the poor guy is sleeping on the sofa with the secret service guys?

Anonymous said...

The Bilderberger candidate always wins...and she will.

Anonymous said...

Even with all that, he pulled less than 100 delegates and lost all really important states. Is that a winner?

Bye bye Obama.

remind us all again who is still ahead in the delegate count on the dem side

Anonymous said...

What about that Michelle Obama's salary jumped from $120k to more than $330k right after Obama became Senator? Nice career change and timing, Michelle!

remember the quick 100,000 dollars that hillary miraculously garnered in cattle futures with the help of one her politcal buddies. wasn't that nice timing too?
you remember that don't you?

Anonymous said...

Well, I just sent another $50 to Hillary.

Say No to Mr. Empty Suit Obama, who does shady NAFTA deals with the Canadian government, while lying with a straight face to American workers during the debate in OH.

When the press confronts Obama about selling the American jobs in a secret NAFTA meeting with Canada right during the debate in OH, Obama first denies that such meeting ever happened but then comes back to confirm it, when presented with an official memo from the Canadian Embassy, which proves that his Skull & Bones "economic adviser" Goolsbee indeed met with Canadian officials in Obamas behalf.

Obama is not even elected yet and he is already selling America cheap in secret deals with Canada, just like Bush sold it to the Chinese and Arabs.

Anonymous said...

I don't think nobody won the presidency without getting enough delegates at their conventions either. Obama's ahead to stay.

What's going to decide this election are Superdelegates, and after Hillary won the most important states for a presidential election, these Superdelegates will vote in her favor. The Superdelegates are being worked out as we speak.

Obama hasn't won any major state and won't have enough delegates to be nominated, just like Hillary. If you compare the two factors, Hillary has an advantage because winning major states is more important than having a small margin of less than 100 delegates.

Not only that, on the eyes of the Democratic party and Superdelegates, Hillary has proven to be the a tougher candidate, as she has come back over and over again, enduring daily bashing from the MSM for months, while Obama has been given a free pass and turned into a rock star without showing anything substantial to back his BS up.

Plus, Hillary is getting what they call, "the reliable votes", which is the above 30 crowd, Hispanics, blue-collar workers, white men, under $50k income, and women. Obama is just getting unreliable College kids and Blacks votes. If they drop Hillary, those reliable votes will disappear. However, if they drop Obama's, a minimum amount of votes will be lost (i.e., MTV Pot Smoking Kids, Blacks).

As the economy gets worse, Hillary will gain more votes because Obama just keeps philosophizing in vague speeches without addressing the important issues head on, with a convincing plan. Hillary, being a Clinton, has been more specific with numbers. That's why she's been loing the stupid MTV Pot Smoking College Kids and Blacks, which notoriously don't pay much attention to numbers. But the reliable votes pay attention to specific, numbers, a clear plan. For those Hillary voters, money talks, BS walks.

The Superdelegates are being confronted with all these critical factors that clearly favor Hillary as the nominee.

They will tell Obama to wait for his turn in a few years, since he's a young guy. Or they will make him VP.

Hillary will be your next President.

Anonymous said...

She isn't going to win the nomination, but she's going to try and destroy the Democratic party on the way down.

Even if that absurd speculation was true, what the democratic party would risk losing? The MTV Pot Smoking Video Game Kids or the unreliable Black Ghetto votes who are minuscule and didn't come out of the house to vote for Gore and Kerry?

I don't think that the democratic party will pay much attention to these segments, especially now that the Latino vote has been destroying in numbers those unreliable groups. Hillary is getting most Latino votes, as proven in California, NV, TX, NM, FL. Obama is not. Just look what these MTV Pot Smoking College Kids voters did for Ron Paul. I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

As a life long independent, I will forgo voting for Nader or some other independent, to vote for McBain or whomever the GOP throws up against the Dems.

Apparently you haven't compared the democratic turnout with the pathetic Republican turnout. The Democrat voters are destroying the Republican votes. Hillary votes in TX alone were 2 X larger than McCain & Huckabee votes combined. We're not even adding Obama votes here.

Sorry to bring bad news to bad people but, NOBODY WILL MISS YOUR UNIMPORTANT REPUBLICAN VOTE. Oh, on that note, "lifelong Independent" means "I only vote Republican". So who cares about your vote, really? Stay home, save your gas money because your Republican vote won't make a difference. anyway. You did to yourselves by voting for Bush/Cheney twice. You won't see a Republican President for decades if ever again. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you all realize that the powers that be have chosen hilliary to be president quite a long time ago. This is just the horse n pony show to keep the sheeple quiet.

Anonymous said...

remember the quick 100,000 dollars that hillary miraculously garnered in cattle futures with the help of one her politcal buddies. wasn't that nice timing too?
you remember that don't you?

Hillary made an investment in the futures market like anyone else with high income and made $100k. So what? Don't you make money with your investments in the stock market? I've invested in futures myself and made money. Am I a crook because of that?

Michelle Obama, on the other hand, goes from a salary of $120k to $330k right when Obama becomes Senator. Favors to be paid back with taxpayer money, anyone?

And Michelle still spits on the face of every American by saying that she's never been proud of her country. She's earning $330k to do nothing and she's not proud of the United States? I guess she should work in Africa for a while, or earn your own miserable salaries, to learn how to be a bit more grateful. Do you earn $330k or even $120k per year to do nothing? I didn't think so. But you're helping to pay for Michelle Obama's $330k, while she doesn't like our country.

Meanwhile her husband, before even being elected, has been selling the American jobs in a secret NAFTA deal with Canada, while lying to the workers in OH that he's against NAFTA.

And you Obama cheerleaders don't even question this? It was proven with official documents from the Canadian Embassy. Plus the meeting and the topic of meeting was confirmed by Obama's own economic adviser, Goolsbee. But the corrupt MSM refuses to press on, to give Obama a free pass, just like they screwed Ron Paul. Funny, have you noticed that the MSM doesn't even publish Ron Paul's name after election results. They call Ron Paul now as "other". The same MSM that has been pushing Obama down our throats, day in, day out, while bashing Hillary relentlessly. Huge red flag here!

What, with this mountain of evidence, are you still going to look to the other side? That's why people like Bush & Cheney get elected twice in this country. Because of people like you.

Anonymous said...

you must be talking about hillary and her whitewater deals

Sorry, the right wing tried to make something out of that but nothing was proven and it didn't stick. That's why Hillary is the toughest candidate, as she has been bitchslapping the right wing for decades. Any false accusations that the right wing fabricates doesn't get stick against the Clintons. The Clintons are smarter and stronger than the right wing nutjobs.

Obama, on the other hand, is already folding like a little origami, even with a free pass from the corrupt MSM.

Anonymous said...

My son just said, 'look at those two pictures mommy!! it's freddie kreuger and chuckles the clown.'

Oh, that coming from a guy who helped to destroy his own state. Michigan is in the toilette because of "child educators" like you. Here son, let me teach you how to disrespect a 60 year old first lady, mother, so you can go on in life abusing women along the way. Nice human and father you are! Great education to your son.

Anonymous said...

I don't think nobody won the presidency without getting enough delegates at their conventions either. Obama's ahead to stay.

Really? According to everybody's math, Obama will not have enough delegates to reach the minimum required amount of 2,025 to win the nomination either.

Geez, let's see, both candidates can't reach 2,025 delegates but one won all major states and critical swing states, like OH and TN, plus won the popular vote. Guess who are the Superdelegates going to nominate? Think too, Keith.

Anonymous said...

The Superdelegates are being worked out as we speak.
they're breaking for hillary? what was the original superdelegate vote a month ago? look at it now
obama is wiping the floor with the witch
yeah obama just got three more pledged to him yesterday

Obama will be your next president

Anonymous said...

Here son, let me teach you how to disrespect a 60 year old first lady, mother, so you can go on in life abusing women along the way.

no thanks papa i do not need to learn how to disrespect her
there is no need becuz you see your hero bill clinton has been abusing the witch for years-affairs etc

Anonymous said...

as she has been bitchslapping the right wing for decades.

she has? rememberr what she said about her husband bill when bill clinton was presedent and serviccing monica
hillary said that bill did nothing wrong and that THERE IS A VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY AGAINST MY HUSBAND
it turns out that bill was serviccing monica and hillary was leftovers with no clue at all
is that what you call hillary bitchslaping the right wing?

Anonymous said...

Who are these people that vote for the Clintons? How can anyone be so deluded and ignorant to vote for these people - again??!!!

Those are voters like me, who had a better quality of life and economy under the Clintons, with oil price @ $8 / barrel, Euro @ US$0.50, affordable housing, lower inflation than now. Plus we had no wars, no fake terror threat BS, no out of control deficits. It's a no brainer, really, for hard working people, who actually work for a living. Republican cronies, welfare parasites from Detroit, rappers, and MTV Pot Smoking Kids who are leeches of their parents may disagree with us. So be it.

Go Hillary!

Ed said...

Hillary made an investment in the futures market like anyone else with high income and made $100k. So what? Don't you make money with your investments in the stock market? I've invested in futures myself and made money. Am I a crook because of that?

She made $100K profit from a $1K investment in the span of a few months. Only the most partisan, gullible Democrat believes that was above board.

Anonymous said...

The Clintons are smarter and stronger than the right wing nutjobs.

bill clinton said that he did not have sex with that woman monica

and then the dress showed up with stains on it
this was found by a right wing investigater that was hired by the right wing congress that caught bill with his pants down

was bill clinton smarter than the rightwing nutjobs that time?

Anonymous said...

the unreliable Black Ghetto votes who are minuscule and didn't come out of the house to vote for Gore and Kerry?

that is a racist remarc and you should say you are sorry for that
do not let your children read this remarc that you put on here
you are setting a bad example for your children
are other hillary voters racists to?

silly papa

Anonymous said...

For all you people who think that people are upset that OBAMA didn't win, before the election closed yesterday I knew he was not going to win and I told my co workers he did good real good he got futher than any black man ever did and I am proud. PS if Hillary gets a phone call at 3 a.m. it's Monica telling her Bill won't stop coming over because she is always busy running the country. SO F YOU.

Anonymous said...

Tell it like it is!

Barack Obama Supporters Unleashed! (Part 1)

Barack Obama Supporters Unleashed! (Part 2)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

don't you mean Chuckles the Bitch?

Anonymous said...

Hey Americans,

Why is that you claim to have the "best democracy" in the world, but in reality depend on an archaic, outdated and quite stupid process called "primaries"?

If so:
1) All states vote on the same day.
2) No super delegates.
3) No caucuses
4) You can only vote in your assigned party primary. No party affiliation, no vote.

Before you insult me with your replies, please think about fixing the whole process.

For Now you are in for a big MESS. Good luck !!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG Keith this one had me holding my sides LMAO!

Anonymous said...

How much weight has the opinion of an anonymous? Not very much, if it contains:
> Democratic superdelegates will choose the candidate who can win the major states like California, New York, Florida, Massachusetts, etc.

Every democratic candidate will win California, New York, and Massachusetts. If not, the campaign was dead on arrival.

Equally uninteresting are wins in Alaska, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas etc. They will be taken by the Rebuplican candidate, except if the democratic wins anyway by a LARGE margin.

If you look on swing states, neither Hillary nor Obama seem to have clear advantage. What Hillary gained in Ohio, Obama gained in Colorado etc.

> the Democrats have excluded major states like Florida and Michigan (both big Clinton wins) from the process.

Big wins when the opponent are not on the ballot are not wins but signs of a derailed process. If Hillary was oppoesed to their exclusion, she should have protested before the vote not after. I do hope personally though that Michigan and Florida will get their chance to have a later run-off between Clinton and Obama, because both states are swing states.

Anonymous said...

More on Suburb of Cook Cnty the comments. over 500!! Learn for yourselves the dispise you will soon have for Obama and his ilk.

Anonymous said...

Hillary is power mad.

Her "35 years of experience" include staying in a sham marriage where she knew and supported her husband for political poweer even though she knew her husband was a sexual preadator and rapist.

Nor was she just a suffering wife in silence.She supported him and lead the smear efforts against the women he raped and assaulted as well as those women he had affairs and one night stands with.

She sold her soul for political power and is totally ruthless against anyone who gets in her way.

Her and Bill being back in the White House would be a huge disaster for this country.

zapparulez said...

I am not an Obama maniac, so I hope Clinton wins because I'd rather have the idito I know than the idiot I don't know. What has Obama done anyway? NOTHING. Screw him, Screw Hillary, and Screw McInsane! I'm voting for Micky Mouse this year. That would be the least offensive vote I could cast, the others would just go against my ethics as a human being.

Anonymous said...

Hillary gets a phone call at 3 a.m. it's Monica telling her Bill won't stop coming over because she is always busy running the country. SO F YOU.

L-M-A-O!!!!!!! That is funny indeed.

Anonymous said...

Pot Smoking Kids who are leeches of their parents may disagree with us. So be it.

remember when bill clinton said that he smoked marijuana but he didnt inhale
bill clinton would not appreciate you calling him a leech

bad poppa

Anonymous said...

Hillary, independent candidate for president. She will kick some butt. She won most of the big states so far. Obama, democratic candidate will be totally trounced. McCain, republican candidate can be beaten too.

Anonymous said...

Obama will be a total disaster for this country, he will turn it into a third world country. Americans must be suicidal. This guy is corrupt, racist and no experience. He has dismal record in Senate. He's already making deals with Canadian government and real-estate scamsters.

I was going to vote for Democrats this year. If he's the candidate, absolutely NO.

Anonymous said...

who had a better quality of life and economy under the Clintons, with oil price @ $8 / barrel

remember when bill clinton was presedent and the oil price was

"In a letter to Clinton, the senators also expressed frustration with the Department of Energy's failure to take steps to convince OPEC to lower oil prices."
Senators said the administration claimed to have solved the problem of high oil and gas prices in March by convincing OPEC nations to increase oil supply if prices topped $28 per gallon, but noted that prices are now at $33 a barrel and there has been no action from OPEC.

this may help your fading memory a little better, poppa