What do you think we are more likely to see coming up:
A) You can keep your job, for the time being, but we'll need to reduce your salary 25%, and eliminate one of your vacation weeks
B) Sure, you can have a 10% cost of living adjustment raise and your job here is safe!
C) We're gonna have to let you go. There will be no severance. Have a nice day.
March 20, 2008
HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day
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Labels: job losses, recession, wage deflation
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C) Your position has been eliminated, rotsa ruck out there. Hey, maybe you can start a reel estate career- Mr Yun says bottom is in!!
fb - I added a C now...
none of the above unless you are in the REIC, or an illegal
One of my former employers (engineering) layed off 50% of it's work force last week. One of their competitors layed off 100% and closed their doors. None of these people received any kind of severence package. It was just sorry, there's no work, see-ya. I'm sure more firms are doing the same in the area.
Begins with C and then as the effect trickles down into the economy at large, it will evolve into a different form of A such as forcing early retirement onto high cost old paradigm Boomers and rehiring them on a contract basis at 25% of original salary!
They're going to find out that even if they don't want to retire, they'll be forced to. And that will mean depression, financial and psychological.
I got C just last month except I got a very nice severance. That's what working for a European company will get you.
Delta Air just offered buyouts to 30k workers. Chrysler, GM, Ford gonna start the same game, if you're a boomer take the out while they are still giving something.
Hey Keith - time for another bubble cycle survey, I think fear has arrived.
Everyone I know is scared. Though perhaps thats a contrarian indicator? We're screwed.
Harley Davidson has already been doing a variation of (A) - http://tinyurl.com/2lbqc7
Companies generally don't reduce wages or perks...they let people go. It's much easier and much cleaner. Not saying this is right, but that's the way it is.
I will have to say C on this one.
So many are going to loose their jobs that even the good ones will go. No way out.
"I will have to say C on this one.
So many are going to loose their jobs that even the good ones will go. No way out.
March 20, 2008 12:18 PM"
I hope those that can't distinguish between lose and loose are the first to go.
This only applies to people who work for others. Work for yourself and you will never be fired.
They just announced A) in an offf handed way at my old job I just left last month. It's a school in Florida heavily tied to the state budget.
Each FY they have all employees sign 12 month contracts outlining their pay and benefits, I heard they just announced that they will be having everyone sign 3 month "interim" contracts so they can figure out "new policies". The interesting thing is the 12 month contracts stipulate that employees must be given 3 months notice of contract termination.
See where that is going....
At my new job everything I researched before accepting the position and have seen since starting is looking like a B).... I hope....
Forced retirements first in Federal, State and Local Government positions.
Private industry is another matter, "C" is the option in most cases.
Finally, citizens better start brushing up on how to play Bridge, Canasta, Go, Chess,etc. Because there is going to be a lot of down time. Most will be only part time workers, of course no benefits.
Mickey D dollar menu here we come.
I got "C" last month, except with a few months of Severance if I stayed for 2 months to transition. After I found a higher paying job within a month, "C" turned into a $5K bump in salary +extra bonus for staying through end of the year, after they found that there was nobody who I could transition to.
"It's a school in Florida heavily tied to the state budget."
I predict that school jobs will be heavily impacted as "web competition" heats up; I expect that only lab courses, which require equipment, and younger children who need daycare, will remain classroom based.
As I've picked up the reading habit, I no longer see value in k/12, especially since the web a million times more.
I think that the teaching industry will survive after the huge bureaucracies crumble and yield to a web based system that connects k/12 students to experienced mentors.
Here in Minnesota, Governor Pawlenty even suggested, I think, a web based school that would be available to everyone, 24x7. Since I'm a proponent of MIT's Open Courseware, I'm crossing my fingers that this "open classroom" happens here in minnesota for k/12.
I'm a proponent of this since I believe that teachers need to stop being expensive talking books. Instead, they should help independent k/12 and their families create individual strategies for success.
I work in software development at a small company and just received a B at our annual reviews, per usual. In fact, I don't know anyone who has been laid off recently.. although I don't know any realtors or mortgage brokers either. But I know plenty of financial analysts and such who seem confident, and who are planning to become FBs soon.
A, is obviously correct;
here in minneapolis, businesses have been shifting (socializing) their tax burden onto individual taxpayers who are being hit with higher gas taxes, property taxes, etc... while business taxes are being made "more competitive."
so, factor in the tax increases together with a dollar, home, 401k portfolio that's losing value, higher prices and raises that aren't keeping up with inflation and that 25% number isn't that hard to hit.
as for working for yourself, I have had two companies and one went away due to illegal labor. I was paying our workers $12 an hour versus $6 for the competition.
The second one, well, unknown to me, some of my large customers were in real estate, and when those projects started failing, they pulled back on their outside consultants. Now I have landed a $9 an hour job, down from $65K last year.
Jobs? What jobs? people here get laid off when companies have record profit growth... go figure.
You should add a d) option: Where returning to industrila revolution and victorian era labour policies. Please, bring your kids to work as well.;)
In most American companies it will be "AMF, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."
Next year the Dems will "fix" all that and introduce sweeping wage and price controls that force employers to pay more for severance. Of course that will simply put more of them out of business.
Companies use these times as opportunities to get rid of excess baggage and deadweight.
Actually, I think this recession is not going to hit workers the hardest. The dollar degredation is going to help prop up any job sector with international competition (even IT jobs are getting relatively more expensive to outsource to India). Early retirements and Mexicans fleeing south will add another buffer to domestic employment.
This thing is going to affect those who can't or don't work the hardest. Retirees the idle rich will watch their savings and assets decrease in value, but the job market outside of the bubble sectors will remain relatively good (i.e. unemployment < 7%).
"I will have to say C on this one.
So many are going to loose their jobs that even the good ones will go. No way out.
March 20, 2008 12:18 PM"
I hope those that can't distinguish between lose and loose are the first to go.
That same guy just called Jim cramer a "Looser" two threads down from this one.
You really didn't really need no
stinkin ejukashun, but now we
have to let you go. A-Rod backed
out of that liquidity infusion.
A Great Repression lurks ahead.
We sold our machines to China,
and Mumbai does a great job
with the rest, and for peanuts.
They act like math is fun !?
Tell your kids they are moving
to a fun place with broadcast tv.
Think of foreclosure as a learning
experience. A free market is a
wild market, so we obey the law
of the jungle, predators and all.
Senior managers need at least
20mil to pay their bills, so it
had to come from somewhere.
Maybe you can get MS certified
online, if you can pay for it.
I hear there's a pink paper on
my desk, so I gotta go see.
Obama Messiah crashing in the latest poll among Democrats. Hitlary Clinton now has a 49-42 lead.
I'm leaning towards C then A, with variances in both. Only government jobs and executive corporate have B.
One version of C is that with downtimes, companies always re-organize, shuffle people around into new depts. and divisions, then eliminate the new divisions, after they stack them with the over-fifties. But then they will usually give a years severance pay to keep the over-fifties quiet and blunt the charges of age discrimination. I've seen this done many times before!
I'm seeing A done right now, but with reduced HOURS and salary. Get transferred to a new division with different job title, you take a pay cut. Get hours cut enough and you are part-time, with reduced benefit package, or no benefits at all. The idea is that the company really doesn’t want to let you go, but figures that survival of the fittest will make the also-rans give up, quit, and move on.
The really unfortunate thing is that GOOD employees are damned hard to find and they are leaving. Company execs only worry about their own over-paid butts, and what the balance sheets say TODAY, no real long-term vision!
There are laws for any company laying off more than 20(25?)% of any department and not entering bankruptcy/closing entirely - they have to give severance.
As for people losing their jobs, I have yet to read any story or hear any where a person who has the experience, education, and certifications (if/as relevant) for their career/position being unable to find work.
Sheep pull back and panic, bulls fortify their position with additional education, training, and certifications so they can maintain or gain ground while the sheep huddle behind and potentially flee. When the dust settles, the bulls are at full speed charging ahead and getting first-pickings while the sheep are stuck trying to just get *back* to where they *were*.
Poor Keith, life's so miserable without being able to incite a panic/stampede eh? How's that gold looking now? 20-35% losses expected in the next 3-6 months you say? No - can't be, gold and cash are where it's at, amirite?
If you work for the private sector C would be most likely. If you work for the local or state gov then I think A is a real possibility (except the elimination of vactation). If you work for the Feds or are upper management I would expect B, with a huge bonus payed to CEO's of failing companies. We need to retain failure.
HPers No worries.
Hillary will be our President for the next 2 terms, with massive focus on energy independence oil will drop to $10 a barrel, the American greenback will again reflect the strength of a creative, innovative and success driven nation.
The Europeans will likely be at war with each others shortly, the Euro as a currency will seize to exist.
I agree with a previous poster. Management consultants(my wife used to work for one) tell employers to give no warning so the fired people are stunned and don't have time to get mad or steal stuff. March out with your copier paper box and if you come back we call the cops. That's how they do it.
C for the big companies and A for the smaller mom and pop type shops.
I've already been through A once before. It was a 10% pay decrease across the board for everyone.
Companies generally don't reduce wages or perks...they let people go. It's much easier and much cleaner. Not saying this is right, but that's the way it is.
it is more efficient to reduce headcount (lower HR, building space, utilities, etc, etc). Not saying it is the "right thing to do" but from a pure business perspective it makes more sense.
for my company, it is B. The export side of my business is very busy and to date we haven't seen either decrease or leveling off of the local business.
A) is contradicting - 25% pay cut implies recession, while reduce vacation implies growth - unless not everyone got the pay cut...
B) is disputable with the wage and hours board if company policy had previously stated otherwise.
I think they need to lay them off with a severance package like the big boys get,
bye bye here's your 100 mil..enjoy!
D.) I am the police in a major market. I will not get laid off, but my city is not hiring more coppers so I will probably lose my pension. Furthermore, with the reduced manpower on the street and an expected uptick in violence, I am expecting GBH to my ass! hahaha
"As for people losing their jobs, I have yet to read any story or hear any where a person who has the experience, education, and certifications (if/as relevant) for their career/position being unable to find work."
I guess this as*hole poster is still employed fo now.
You are NOT safe. You may be NEXT, Hillary.
I don't think this is such a simple answer.
Unfortunately, North American infrastructure is essentially built on the car - you can't even get to the grocery store without one. Whereas in Europe (and other places) it's quite normal for people to take the train and bike to work. (Haven't you wondered how they stay afloat when gas prices are double?)
At any rate - if the economic picture gets much worse - the results will be explosive. I'm not making a moral judgement here - maybe they need to become explosive so that things change for the better.
But in the end, alot of people are going to suffer and there will be alot of turmoil in the process. I guess that's payback for living so high off the hog all these years.
The smart (and lucky) ones were those who realized that a financial storm was coming and actually had the means (ie money) to prepare. They didn't hoard money but actually invested it to prepare for the tough times.
Unfortunately, I was not one of the lucky ones even though I saw what was coming. I've managed to get a few coins to rub together these last days... but now it's a race. Can I prepare all I need to before Benny and the inkjets wipe out the dollar and single-handedly bring down the Western economy?
Time will tell.
I think it was VW that juiced profits by cutting pay and also holiday time last year
Circuit City fired their highest paid workers, but let them re-interview for their jobs at reduced pay
Watch the trickle turn into a trend.
How's that gold looking now? 20-35% losses expected in the next 3-6 months you say? No - can't be, gold and cash are where it's at, amirite?
good time to buy. wait for 800 then pounce!
You are spot on with this one,
and it will only get worse.
That's why many people say "screw-it" and try and run their own business, which is no cake walk, but it's a better bet in many cases than working for someone who'll let you go at a moments notice just to save their own arse.
It's just getting tough for too many people now - plain and simple.
One of my former employers (engineering) layed off 50% of it's work force last week. One of their competitors layed off 100% and closed their doors. None of these people received any kind of severence package. It was just sorry, there's no work, see-ya. I'm sure more firms are doing the same in the area.
This collapse is ALL Keith's fault. If he never brought the subject of over valued homes, CDO's, SIV's, and all this subprime stuff the market would still be a bull and my home would be worth $800,000 still!
It is easier to remove problem people when everyone times appear hard. It also give them an excuse for their job loss other than "I wasn't good at it." It helps eliminate "postal syndrome". Of course when times ARE hard, it just helps to cut costs.
You know, people like you Keith and HP'ers are some of the biggest losers I have ever encountered. Get over it, this nation will not fall into a 1930's like Depression. You folks fantasize about this over and over again and yet fail to realize that you will suffer right along with everyone else. Your wealth will be destroyed like everyone else.
When tech cratered after Y2K, people at the place I worked were laid off and brought back in as contractors for up to 50% lower wages.
Seems like an easier way to trim the fat than try to deal with employees that are angry about a pay cut.
The last place I worked (UnitedHealth Group) does a variant of A) as regular business practice - here's a 1% raise for 10 years. But lifers were disgruntled.
From a business perspective, C) seems logical.
FWIW and IMO - being your own boss is a different way of saying your customers are the boss. If someone else will do it for 25% cheaper, many customers will move on, leaving "the boss" with nothing to "manage".
I am a police officer and the last group of people they hired and they all went to the police academy. Then while they were filling out their paperwork, they said "oh oops, there was a mistake, we have to let all of you guys go, we will rehire you in June". Just two weeks ago, the city of Chicago announced they are on a hiring freeze. Less cops on the street and more and more older cops are retiring and thus that equals a man power shortage (sorry ladies, this is a man's job not a woman's job). Already for the past ten months there is a great uptick in property crimes.
4% raise recently for me. Possible 10% promotion + another 4% on top by Jan 2009. Educated, prudent people always prosper regardless of the national economy.
It depends on what kind of job you have. The BS jobs like interior designer or travel agent will vanish. The vital jobs like plumber or mechanic will still be there. Everything in between just depends on the industry.
Oh, the jobs where you move around fake money and do no real work of real value will be the 1st to go.
I work in the apartment industry and we were bleeding while the bubble was building. Vacancy rates were around 20-35% at many properties. We have recovered to about 15% vacancy on average but the execs of this company do not realize that rent will be harder to pay as the overall job market is suffering.
I mean if we had vacancy reach 40%+ and stay that way for 4-6 months we will be out of business.
"4% raise recently for me. Possible 10% promotion + another 4% on top by Jan 2009. Educated, prudent people always prosper regardless of the national economy."
Prudence is good though.
Only people who have anything to worry about are the weak and stupid. In recessions, the weak and stupid are the ones let go and with good reason. What happens is during good times payrolls get bloated with people who do nothing all day. When the shit hits the fan, all those people are exposed for the wastes of breath they really are and are shown the door. This time around is no different.
A, B or C, I hope you all enjoy your crony capitalism and the mess it has created. It's a corrupt, miserable way to run a culture but still, you support it.
So for that reason I hope you all suffer with it time and again.
wasaK-12 studen teacher 1:12 PM said…
“I believe that teachers need to stop being expensive talking books.”
Last week we had posters knocking Firemen, and today they are bashing teachers.
Perhaps next week they’ll be criticizing farmers.
Anonymous said...
How's that gold looking now? 20-35% losses expected in the next 3-6 months you say? No - can't be, gold and cash are where it's at, amirite?
good time to buy. wait for 800 then pounce!
You sound just like a real estate agent spewing those immortal words NOW IS A GREAT TIME TO BUY
Gold in 2008 = a Las Vegas house in 2005
Anonymous said...
4% raise recently for me. Possible 10% promotion + another 4% on top by Jan 2009. Educated, prudent people always prosper regardless of the national economy.
Arrogant, conceited, braggarts never prosper for very long. Their contemporaries take them down in the middle of the night. You will never know what hit you. :-)
Next week it will be farmers because they get subsidies don't you know. And those nurses, nothing but overpaid skanks. And how about those police officers, nothing but over paid donut eaters. And doctors, puhhleeze, they don't do anything except sit around waiting for their oversided paychecks every week.
Haven't you learned yet? Unless you work in IT or are an engineer, you are useless to mankind.
What do you HPers think of Federal Government Employee jobs?
Heard any gossip?
ha ha ha
NY Fed announced it will be buying up worthless mortgage paper, the bailout is in full effect
so much for your foreclosures and dreams of home ownership morons, you will be stuck in your decrepid 1 bed 1bath for the rest of your unholy natural lives
oh and dow up 250 and up for the week
renters with 2% CDs lose yet again
"Other banks and brokerage firms also advanced after Punk Ziegel & Co. analyst Richard Bove wrote in a research note that ``the financial crisis is over'' and it is a ``once in a generation opportunity to buy.''"
Nike Inc. shares had their biggest gain since June.In the U.S., Nike posted better-than-expected sales and profit increases and said it increased market share by 3 percentage points to 40% the past year. Orders, a gauge of future sales, rose 11%, also exceeding estimates.
It seems union/government do the salary reduction for all.
private sector does mass lay offs
It makes sense, pay cut bad for morale and less work gets done, the most productive employees/genuises will easily find better work and you are stuck with the lazy slobs who no one else will hire.
now for gov/union its no secret they are ALL lazy slobs no one else will hire and the pension/seniority keeps these serfs trapped 4eva in thier job, and productivity is a NON ISSUE with gov/union (espeically gov AND union)! haha double edged sword of union job hurts sometimes.
We are in the B, hard to believe, but we planned for this and are still and will do good. Not everyone is hurting, most of my friends are above water like us!
End Stupidity in America said...
"As for people losing their jobs, I have yet to read any story or hear any where a person who has the experience, education, and certifications (if/as relevant) for their career/position being unable to find work."
I guess this as*hole poster is still employed fo now.
You are NOT safe. You may be NEXT, Hillary.
March 20, 2008 3:55 PM
Hah - I'm employed, employers are begging to fall on their knees and worship me, I'm finishing my MS in August, and my 2nd industry-standard certification by May (maybe 3rd if I get bored). Work will have prepaid for 2/3 of my MBA by October when our contract ends. Life is what you make of it - just because you're too lazy to do what you need to in order to prosper/thrive, don't hate. I'm only better than you because you CHOOSE to let me be.
"4% raise recently for me. Possible 10% promotion + another 4% on top by Jan 2009. Educated, prudent people always prosper regardless of the national economy."
Prudence is good though."
If you think those numbers are out of this world, I would hate to take home your paycheck.
"NY Fed announced it will be buying up worthless mortgage paper, the bailout is in full effect
so much for your foreclosures and dreams of home ownership morons, you will be stuck in your decrepid 1 bed 1bath for the rest of your unholy natural lives"
Cool, now all we need is banks to start lending 400k to people making 30k again! Oh wait that isn't going to happen again. Watch out I think your home just lost another 5% in "value".
D. I'm already fired. I'm going to have to sell my pantsuit collection to put gas in my bimmer.
Good one Ed.
I am an Engineer AND a small farmer who sells vegetables and fruits.
And with the increasingly high price of food these days, I see the potential to make some decent money doing this. Without any subsidies.
If I get laid off then I will say “F*ck the Corporate World,” turn my back on a cubicle for good, grab a shovel and start converting more of my 5 acres into raised beds.
It is a good feeling to be prepared.
so much for your foreclosures and dreams of home ownership morons, you will be stuck in your decrepid 1 bed 1bath for the rest of your unholy natural lives
Who said that home ownership is our dream? F@ck it! I don't want to pay for dead woods, at least until it's cheaper to rent. I'll buy my house when it makes sense.
Who said that we rent 1 bed 1 bath? I can rent (and I do) exactly the same house as you own (actually your bank owns it) for %50 of your mortgage payments. Instead of paying property taxes forever I prefer going to nice vacations and driving nice (payed off) cars.
3/4 "B",and 1/4 "C".
Or maybe 1 /5 A 1/5 B,and 3/5 A.Which will eventually lead to 100% B with C coming on after at about 1/8.In any case the shit you would be paid if you didn't get your A handed to you would be as good as 100% B+S. So "9/10 C looks plausible with deflation making 1/10 B a bearable scenario.
...citizens better start brushing up on how to play Bridge, Canasta, Go, Chess, etc...
As a boomer who just turned 50, I'm teaching myself to play the piano. Bought a fine instrument for cash and am now collecting sheet music. Not only is this a low-cost, time-consuming hobby, the piano will still work when the rotating blackouts begin. :)
"4% raise recently for me. Possible 10% promotion + another 4% on top by Jan 2009. Educated, prudent people always prosper regardless of the national economy."
"Arrogant, conceited, braggarts never prosper for very long. Their contemporaries take them down in the middle of the night. You will never know what hit you. :-)"
Getting an education and carefully planning your career is arrogant and conceited? Geez, you've just revealed a lot about your life with that statement.
Not talking about the amounts. Talking about this "always" quote. BTW:I'm happy to not need a paycheck.
"Educated, prudent people always prosper regardless of the national economy."
"Educated, prudent people always prosper regardless of the national economy."
Agreed on prudence. I would argue there's a difference between educated and smart, or having a knack for something.
I work in IT as an architect (guy who deals with the big picture, if that helps). There are people all around me with degrees in computer science. Some even have two master's degrees. How did I get my job, with only a high school diploma? A former boss told me, "You just get it. It's like you were born to do this. And because you worked to get here, you're hungry to stay here."
Some people pick the wrong job and find out they don't like it. Then they spend the next 40 years chasing greener grass without ever trying the oats instead. No amount of education can make up for an unfortunate choice.
Hey all you retards that talk about your mba and how smart and untouchable you are, you fuckin fools, 750 trillion dollers of dirivatives, 40 times global gdp. As the four horsemen bear down on your dumb asses you (ha ha) educated fools will realize what the dumb fuckers realized as they jumped out their windows 75 years ago I'm no better off than an illegal Mexican.
A) You can keep your job, for the time being, but we'll need to reduce your salary 25%, and eliminate one of your vacation weeks
actually didn't Chrysler tell its workers they'd get extra time off this summer? unpaid, of course.
B) with inflation running at 20% but reported as 8% by the government.
I know how to solve this . All the Corporations have to do is give the employees a 25% raise . Than the employees can buy the stuff the Businesses want to market and than they get the money back again .See ,it's just a little give and take .
It'll be OK for some, like Isaiah Leggett, Montgomery County Executive who is dealing with financial woes in (formerly affluent, increasingly third world) Montgomery County, MD. He's requesting 65K for a bathroom with tub in his County office, as he has to "travel so far to work" and needs to bathe. Meanwhile, programs are cut and county employees are advised they may be forced into early retirement. I'm certain his commute is much shorter than the white-flighters who had to escape the hellhole that county has become. It's great if you're illegal though, and can avail yourself of free medical attention from the fleet of barrio Winnebago clinics. I expect the kleptocratic entitlement mentality to go into overdrive as resources dry up.
The government comes up with a idea of giving money to Americans to stimulate the economy ,yet the Corporations don't want to give any money to employees to stimulate the economy . The Corporations are smart ,they get the government (or the taxpayers ) to do everything ,so they don't have to do it .
Wall Street and the Corporations get the government (the taxpayers )
to pay for bail-outs so they don't have to pay for their folly .The politicians are the servants of the Corporations .
Americans can either sit back and let the Corporations make the CEO's and stockholders richer ,or they can demand a reasonable piece of the pie .
If the government didn't step in and pay for this stuff that benefits the corporations ,that the corporations never share with the workers , than the Corporations would have to do it .
The only time I ever saw real growth for a high percentage of people in the lower middle to upper middle classes was during a time in which the balance between employer and employee was fair .
The Great profit era of the Corporations needs to come back to earth . Americans ,the corporations robbed you blind while you were chasing after housing bubbles .
The Corporations and Wall Street took over the newspapers , the airwaves, and the minds of people . Who do you think paid for all those TV ads about flipping houses and buying upgrades .
Don't let corporations fool you about what their profit margins have been .
Sure corporations should get rid of the dead weight .
The powers went to far this time and tapped out their mark (the workers and taxpayers of America ). Anybody ever hear of the trickle up effect .
"oh and dow up 250 and up for the week
renters with 2% CDs lose yet again"
It's nice to hear the pitter patter of troll drivel again, I thought for a minute there the darlings were extinct.
Anonymous said...
"4% raise recently for me. Possible 10% promotion + another 4% on top by Jan 2009. Educated, prudent people always prosper regardless of the national economy."
"Arrogant, conceited, braggarts never prosper for very long. Their contemporaries take them down in the middle of the night. You will never know what hit you. :-)"
Getting an education and carefully planning your career is arrogant and conceited? Geez, you've just revealed a lot about your life with that statement.
Go and make a payment on your student loan little wannabe. You and the rest of your bragging little selves will be growing squash and beans in the backyard with the rest of America shortly.
Be sure and tell all of your neighbors how much money you used to make as you shovel shit on the veggies to feed yourself.
Andrew Hac has a green bamboo stick with your name on it.
Anonymous said...
"4% raise recently for me. Possible 10% promotion + another 4% on top by Jan 2009. Educated, prudent people always prosper regardless of the national economy."
I understand 4% raise, but what is a 10% promotion?
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