I feel sorry for any fool who takes the "NAR Chief Economist" job. It's pretty obvious that "sell your soul", "permanently destroy your future job prospects" and "lie, deceive and distort" are at the top of the job description.
Here's Yun saying that home prices are NOT GOING TO DROP in 2008. He also has a message for Bernanke - stop cutting rates. Why? Because inflation is going to roar, long term bond rates will soar, and a 30 year mortgage will be at a double-digit rate soon enough. And on that, I think we can agree with Yun.
That said, a special HousingPANIC message to Lawrence Yun, who reads this board:
Lawrence, do good in this world. Quit. Resign. Blow the whistle. Testify in front of congress. Spill the beans. Redeem yourself.
Your predecessor David Lereah was obviously a slimy snake, a used car salesman, pretty much scum of the earth. You seem like a nice fellow. But both of you have done very very bad things to America.
Lawrence, we're pulling for you big guy. Walk away. Go out in a blaze of glory. Step away from the Dark Side. Join forces with us. Become an HP'er! You, my friend, right now, have the ability to rock this world and make history.
Or not.
March 28, 2008
HousingPANIC calls for Lawrence Yun to resign from the NAR and become an HP'er
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Labels: lawrence yun is paid to lie
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But I thought he wanted lower interest rates?! Isn't that what the NAR is about, lower interest rates? "Interest rates are at historic lows making homes even more affordable." Now Mr. Yun seems to have had an epiphany. The FED causes inflation. When did he finally figure this out?
Mr. Yun leave your job, and on your way out please blow up the NAR headquarters.
Where in the World is David Lereah?
Couldn't watch more than about 2 minutes of it. Painful. Just painful.
One gem, making excuses for why he was so wrong on housing: "Noone foresaw the decline in the housing market". Noone? Noone?? Thousands, if not millions, of bubble bloggers saw the bubble and foretold its contraction and this shithead wants to act like we don't exist.
Another gem: "Median home prices went down about 1% last year and we predict the same for 2008". Huh? What world is he living in? Someone should explain to him why his NAR data is bogus and introduce him to the S&P Case-Shiller index so he doesn't say stupid things like this anymore.
L. Yun, Ben Bern, Paulson should resign and lead the way for many other equally corrupt people.
Blogocrat talks here about bloggers' outrage, citing Housing Panic, and says the economic downturn won't be over befoure the US elections.... of 2012!
The guy interviewing Yun had a "I don't even believe you" attitude when interviewing. The question about the mortgage rates is a good example. When Yun-dung answered the mortgage rate question the interviewer said "interesting" with the conotation of you are full of sh!t opps I mean dung!
He's right on the rate cuts. Credit where credit is due.
Shoot yourself in the head, Yun.
YOU, personally are responsible for immesurable grief and devastation to the American FAmily.
You and Suzanne should form a suicide pact and act on it immediately.
You and your ilk are sh*t, Yun.
Fun Yun will most probably no longer be cheif economist this year.
sounds like he has one foot out the door.
"When did Yun figure it out?" ...
When he realized *his* pocket-book was going to be affected.
It's the same with anyone else entangled in this housing ponzy scheme, everything's "A-OK" as long as *my pocket-book is full*.
It's this short-term thinking, solely on self-preservation, why we're in this economic mess.
With out a *major* thought shift within the US population, we'll never recover from the economic disaster all these experts have put many people in.
Anonymous said...
But I thought he wanted lower interest rates?! Isn't that what the NAR is about, lower interest rates? "Interest rates are at historic lows making homes even more affordable." Now Mr. Yun seems to have had an epiphany. The FED causes inflation. When did he finally figure this out?
Fa Rah Rah Rah Raaah Ra Ra Ra Raaaaaaaaaa.......
Someone needs to say this - the USA is not chinkland. I resent this asian in such a position of power. I resent it. I wouldnt mind a black american as much because at least black americans have been here for 300+ years and have a stake on the USA. I have talked to endless asians, mostly chinese, and can say that they are 100% pure racist and hate whites and see the USA as a land of idiots to conquer ... PERIOD.
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