March 01, 2008

Get ready


Anonymous said...

I live on Maui and the cheap gas today is 3.86. Most stations are 3.95 for the low grade. I spend $15 per day on gas not including my wife. Work picking up kids etc. I coached a high school basketball team and the gas to and from etc add up through the season to be half the pay. I was not doing it for the pay but i don't want to lose money. A gallon of milk here cost 5.25 a gallon. My health insur is $625.00 a month and daycare is 625.00 per month for one kid.

Frank R said...

Thanks a lot, Ben.

Anonymous said...

Of course the timing of spring break has nothing do with the spike! LOL.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Currently jumping from OMG to WTF!


GT said...

looking forward to $5 gas...wont happen til next summer though

Anonymous said...

And watch the layoffs follow as companies can no longer profit with sky high commodity prices!

Anonymous said...


I'm not really sure what its like living in placid Europe, where you either take the subway or drive compact cars. Here in Los Angeles, tons and tons of people, putos, putas, soccer moms, obnoxious aholes, lots of people here drive a

ITS a POWER thing. Driving here is very aggressive. Its like you go to battle everyday, and the aholes driving the Ford F-150's,250's, the Dodge RAM, GMC trucks that are 10 feet off the ground, these putos park in spaces made for two; they drive with reckless abandon with a reckless disregard for the safety of the 4 cylinder drivers.

Just a couple of weeks ago, on my block, some puto driving a monster GMC truck ran a red light and t-boned a small 4 cylinder car, killing the occupant on impact. The guy had been drinking, of course, since his safety in the monster truck was never in doubt. This kind of crap happens here on a DAILY basis and no one talks about it.

So my reaction when I see gas prices inching up toward $4 dollars: More power to it!
I wish gas prices were $10 dollars a gallon. Literally, overnight, all these putos driving gas guzzling Ford pickups, Silverados and Dodge Rams- These trucks would quickly become obsolete.

And guess what- That would be the greatest thing to happen in this Fu#king city of illegals.

Anonymous said...

Good, I hope it triples...get these nutsacks off the road and onto buses where they belong.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with previous posts that I see some good in all of this. Americanos need a wake up call.

JC said...

I agree with the poster about LA. Driver's in most major cities in the USA are arrogant selfish pricks! I would love to see gas go to ten and beyond! That would force us to shift to public transit and cleaner fuels rather than all this bullshit back and forth and dealings with the middle east. Quite simply Gasoline and oil has been the downfall of the USA and I'd love to see us forced to get off it because it's not going to happen unless it hits people's pocketbooks to the point where it's out of reach.

Anonymous said...

Higher gas price WONT cut demand. Eventually smaller cars will replace the SUV's, but it WILL cut into people spending patterns, which WILL slow down the economy.

1. Consumption wont decrease
2. Cars will get smaller
3. People will skimp on spending

Anonymous said...

"A gallon of milk here cost 5.25 a gallon. My health insur is $625.00 a month and daycare is 625.00 per month for one kid."

Boo fucking hoo. Here are3 simple soutions:

1. Don't drive.
2. Don't have kids.
3. Stop bitching.

Anonymous said...

Took a 100 mile trip this weekend and I thought gas was going to be $6/Gal before I could get back home and park it. The obvious question is where will the adjustment be in peoples lives? Starbucks? Gone... Golf/Bowling/Movies? Those are toast...Eating out or even eating steak on the barbie...Just put that $$$ in my tank...So No. Folks we are in a world of Govt. incompetent hurt right now and more of the same old Repub/Dem crap will change it. It seems to me that you would have to try hard to screw a Country like we are getting it...Almost like...Well its like...I think they (Our Leaders) hate us.

Anonymous said...

Hello? Markets? An alternative to gasoline?

Take all the money spent on useless war and build alternative energy. High price tag? Take it from entitlements, the MIC, whatever it takes. This is a question of the stability and survival of America as a free and independent nation.

AndrewHac said...

The Americano is as toasted as a snapper turtle skewered on a stick from head to ass all sizzling, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill.

Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle

Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...

The mentality of the average Americano is just amazing, if not stupefying.

A Circuit City Sale Associate is able to buy a house.
A Shoe Sale Man is driving an Audi.
An uneducated, illiterate, ignorant Ford factory auto-assembly worker makes $40/hour.
The Iraqi has Weapon Of Mass Destruction.

Talk about brain-dead zombie, blind-as-a-bat crapper. Maybe that is the reason why there is such word as "Trailer White Trash", "BORKAFATTY" AKA The Pig chomping at the feed trough...

Anonymous said...


I am sitting in a starbucks in calgary, canada. Overheard one of the employees with two jobs (and working overtime) buying a house with a 40 year mortgage. She is about 23 years old and has a BA in design.

Thinks she can rent out rooms, build equity, renting is throwing money away etc. And real estate always goes up.

What is it about people (especially women) and delusional thinking anyway. The sheeple here think it is different here.. I wisely decided to smile and did not say too much.

They think that the oil sands in alberta will keep their prices high. They do not realize that short of a massive nuclear reactor building project for energy, it is not posbible to expand oilsands mining and reach their goal of 5 million bpd. At the moment it is powered by natural gas and barely exceeds 1 million bpd (if there are no shutowns of plants because of accidents). Oh the delusions.

But it is entertaining nonetheless..

PS Canuck banks are as deep in this as US banks. Not only do they give out similar loans but they also have exposure to the same financial instruments that are causing so much grief to the US banks. These morons actually think they can sweep it under the carpet and the rest of the world won't know.

Ed said...

"ITS a POWER thing. Driving here is very aggressive. Its like you go to battle everyday, and the aholes driving the Ford F-150's,250's, the Dodge RAM, GMC trucks that are 10 feet off the ground, these putos park in spaces made for two; they drive with reckless abandon with a reckless disregard for the safety of the 4 cylinder drivers."

Whatever. In my experience the guys with the F150 are the ones chilling out in the right lane. The aggressive asswipes are the ones in the BMW 325 or the Infiniti G35s. You know, the $30K millionaire leases. Those are the idiot aggressive fucks that tailgate, weave, drive 90 in a 55, etc.

And next time you are a Starbucks buying your $6 mocha, think about what needed to happen for your purchase to occur. Think long and hard about the milk in your mocha. A farmer who owns one more more F150s was involved. Think about the sugar in it. Some more truck driving farmers. Think about the building itself and the carpenters, plumbers, electricians that built it all driving their pickups from job to job.

Or maybe next time you're eating a any meal. Think of the cattle that was raised for your sorry ass. Think of the many pickups involved in raising, feeding, slaughtering and packaging the beef. Or the eggs you will eat. Or the bread. Or vegetables.

Get gas up to $10 and see how quickly your $5 burger becomes an $8 or $10 burger.

And furthermore, you do know that most cars today are 6 or 8 cylinders right? Even 10 in some cases. And you also know that some pick-ups are only 4 cylinders right?

Anonymous said...

Bend over and meet exxon mobil.This a total scam folks.

Anonymous said...

I came back from Europe and the gas there is ALOT more expensive. If people were driving smaller, more fuel efficient cars and using the shame train when possible, they shouldn't be complaining.

Companies that can need to start allowing more telecommuting. Forcing people to drive in to work 5 days a week is a joke when nearly 100% of the population has access to broadband.

This will hurt the Asians much more than it will hurt the West. They are manufacturing economies that use alot more fuel than we do. I have many friends form Asia. They tell me everyone used to walk or ride bicycles. Now they all drive cars or motorcycles. They all want air conditioning and other electronics. Energy prices will only be heading higher as everyone wants to live like Westerners

Anonymous said...

LOL was one year ago.

Anonymous said...

On the way to a gun show today in San Francisco, unleaded premium at $4.14 per gallon, self serve, cash price.

Revolt, Reprisal and Revolution next. Start at the TOP immediately.

F*ck Bush and his entire crime family.

Anonymous said...

"looking forward to $5 gas...wont happen til next summer though"

That's when the fun begins. I can't imagine what's going to happen when we do hit $5 a gallon. The majority of cars I see on the road are big pickups and SUVs. I have an SUV and I'm lucky that I only have to drive short distances but I still spend around $80 a month. I can't imagine how bad it will be for people with 15 mile commutes each way just for work.

Anonymous said...

That's funnier than a Chiuhuahua humping my bosses leg!Hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahaaa,and alot less painfull.We all will be phukkt right in the Gasshole.

Anonymous said...

Keith is trolling you again ladies and germs. Petrol in the UK is like ten quid per drop or some such amount.

Anonymous said...

Matt Simmons has suggested that Americans will just bear the costs of gasoline and oil as best they can.
What he says is coming, and will freak Americans out, is spot shortages of gas.
I think he figures within a year or two.
Simmons is President of the largest energy-only investment bank in the world. He keeps his speeches and his Powerpoint presentations online and accessible to everyone.
He sounds like a combination doomer, and Earth Firster.
Interesting guy.


Anonymous said...

What year do you think we will see $10/gallon gasoline? 2010?

I'd be happy with the price of fuel quadrupling... except that it means that food prices are going to go up significantly as well.

Lost Cause said...

I'm ready. I have my monthly bus pass. In LA.

Anonymous said...

I believe that if gas prices go higher, then the Federal government will come up with a plan. Perhaps our government will give out free gas cards so we can fuel our hummer's, suv's, trucks, etc...

Anonymous said...

At least banks are OK! Whew! Or are They?

Soaring food prices imperil U.S. emergency aid
Government to scale back donations, reduce number of recipient nations

WASHINGTON - The U.S. government's humanitarian relief agency will significantly scale back emergency food aid to some of the world's poorest countries this year because of soaring global food prices, and the U.S. Agency for International Development is drafting plans to reduce the number of recipient nations, the amount of food provided to them, or both, officials at the agency said.

Anonymous said...

The answer is obvious....a refinery in Mozambique is offline for repair. THAT is the reason for the big runup.

Oh yea, and RECORD PROFITS last year for the oil industry. They obviously are "passing along" slightly more cost than they used to....ya think?

Anonymous said...

If higher gas prices means less cars on the roads and less traffic then I will gladly pay $20.00/gal. or more. My time is too valuable to spend stuck in traffic daily.

Anonymous said...

How are lower income Americans going to afford this spike in gas prices. I make 60k a year and I am feeling the pinch....

gsanford said...

Oil production has been on a plateau for nearly 3 years and is unlikely to go much higher ever. I repeat, EVER. Not through tar sands, not through drilling ANWR, not through ethanol. Those are all just bandaids trying to compensate for the rate of depletion. Mexican oil is in steep decline. North Sea oil is in steep decline. US peaked in the 1970s. Venezuela only has heavy oil which is difficult to refine. Saudis have no reserve capacity. It's all downhill from here, folks. Start going through your phases of grief now. Denial comes first.

Peter said...

I lived in south Florida for 37 years and didn't know about how people lived in rural areas. I moved to rural NC in September of 2006 and am amazed at how much these big trucks are needed in farming.

The towing they do around here is unbelievable. If it weren't for all of the big trucks, we wouldn't eat. Crops come in from the fields using trailers on F250, 350 and 450 trucks.

Corn, sweet potatoes and all sort of livestock going to market are towed down Main Street every day.
The whole local food thing has been going on here forever.

Who would have thought it? Living in the city gave me no clue as to how we get what we eat. My perspective shifted radically when we came up here. One also gives them the right of way, all of the time.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of working 3 - 4 days per week.

If three days, you work 12 hours a day and every other week you do four 12 hour days.

Four days a week equal 10 hour days. BFD, most people work 10 hours a day regardless.

Oh wait, I forgot that we have two working parents and they need to pick up their children from day care. I guess they can work from home - fuck that shit!! It is called work for a reason, bitches. Cut out your keeping up with the Jones' lifestyle and learn to live off of one salary.

Anonymous said...

When they were completing the new Wilson bridge on the DC Beltway (I-95), it was closed one weekend. Narry a car, yet life went on as usual. Local news showed people stocking up and forgoing unnecessary trips.

There was an odd twist to this - IIRC, the first time they were not ready to do the work. So people were staying home that weekend, even though they did not have to. Maybe a preview of behavior under super high gas prices?

Anonymous said...

What about when Heating Oil reaches $4.00 and $5.00 dollars a gallon???? What is a home going to priced at when you no longer can afford to heat It????

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
How are lower income Americans going to afford this spike in gas prices. I make 60k a year and I am feeling the pinch....

March 02, 2008 7:09 AM"


YOU are a lower income America schmuck. Buy some Ramen noodles for the cupboard and pray for a better job. Try politics, there is a lot of loose stolen cash there.

Prison Guards are likely to be in big demand as well. We have a town named Vallejo that pays some of its firefighters $200K. The city is now facing a Bankruptcy action courtesy of the hero firemans union et. al.stealing from it.

Vote for more of the same. Vote for McShitstain and learn spanish.
Watch your $60K gig turn into a $28K gig performed by a messycan...

Anonymous said...

compound that health insurance costs and you will stop paying due to affordability just about the time you need health care that 625 a month every year and a HALF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Andrew Hac said...

The Americano is as toasted as a snapper turtle skewered on a stick from head to ass all sizzling, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill.

Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle

Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...

The mentality of the average Americano is just amazing, if not stupefying.

A Circuit City Sale Associate is able to buy a house.
A Shoe Sale Man is driving an Audi.
An uneducated, illiterate, ignorant Ford factory auto-assembly worker makes $40/hour.
The Iraqi has Weapon Of Mass Destruction.

Talk about brain-dead zombie, blind-as-a-bat crapper. Maybe that is the reason why there is such word as "Trailer White Trash", "BORKAFATTY" AKA The Pig chomping at the feed trough...

March 02, 2008 12:44 AM

The Ching Chong is roasted as a hot pepper oozing and brimming with lard..... Heeeeeeeee, heeeeeee, heeeeee, lol, lol, lol.

Ching Chong nation has over 1.5 billion people working in factories for 15 hours per day. Ching Chong people lack sanitary conditions, live in polluted cities, etc... But let's not worry about that, right "Andrew" (your real name is probably Wu Min Chow) and call Americans "stupid, lazy, bork fatty, Americano's, etc...".

Anonymous said...

(your real name is probably Wu Min Chow) and call Americans "stupid, lazy, bork fatty, Americano's, etc...".

March 02, 2008 6:35 PM

He is not Chinese. He laughs at your ignorance....

And you are just plain ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Ching Chong...LOLZ

Anonymous said...

Expensive gas will be our salvation. 99 cent gas or not I see tons of people drive urban assault vehicles (large trucks and SUVs) alone to jobs that don't require them. This sort of waste creates high energy prices for everyone.

I drive a 350Z which is a 6 cyl car that is not exactly light weight. Conservative driving results in 22-26 mpg. Yeah I could be driving a smaller car to top 30 mpg....$5 gas might make me trade up.

Once we cross $5 gas should have a surcharge added to it for large non-commercial vehicles. Once 2 tons of weight is passed you should have to pay 50 cents more per gallon per each additional 500 pounds of weight.

Anonymous said...

"He is not Chinese. He laughs at your ignorance...."

He could be, then again he could be bush afro, bone through the nose, cow shit smeared Masai tribesman for all you know.

I imagine him as that Thai guy in "King of the Hill", but names can be misleading, Just because I call myself Budvar doesn't mean I'm a brewery in the Czech republic.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

(your real name is probably Wu Min Chow) and call Americans "stupid, lazy, bork fatty, Americano's, etc...".

March 02, 2008 6:35 PM

He is not Chinese. He laughs at your ignorance....

And you are just plain ignorant.

March 02, 2008 7:28 PM

I am ignorant? What about this asshole "Andrew Hac" who always puts down us proud Americans on every one of his posts? Since he is bigoted towards us Americans, I will give him a taste of his own medicine. "Andrew Hac" you are toasted as a ching chong as a ching chong will be in salty savory ming wong hot sauce. You and your fellow countrymen are toasted as toasted bread.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you geniuses voted two oil men into the White House TWICE, so no surprise here for people with a working brain.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's the last year for Bush and Cheney in power, so the oil crooks have to make as much money as they can. The party will be over for oil companies after the two oil men-warmongers you voted into office finally get the f*ck out.

Oh and one more thing, if you voted for Bush and Cheney, please don't breed or vote ever again. Let us, the people with brains, clean after you freaking mess. Just stay put on your stained Lazy Boy chair, watching Faux News while stuffing your fat ugly face with corn syrup, ok? Remember, DON'T BREED AMERICAN ZOOMBIE, DON'T BREED! Were you able to get that?

Anonymous said...

That's a great picture!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am ignorant? What about this asshole "Andrew Hac" who always puts down us proud Americans on every one of his posts? Since he is bigoted towards us Americans, I will give him a taste of his own medicine. "Andrew Hac" you are toasted as a ching chong as a ching chong will be in salty savory ming wong hot sauce. You and your fellow countrymen are toasted as toasted bread.

Yea, he is ignorant too, but he is NOT Chinese. Goddamit, you keep throwing these Chinese insults out there and he isn't even CHINESE!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am ignorant? What about this asshole "Andrew Hac" who always puts down us proud Americans on every one of his posts? Since he is bigoted towards us Americans, I will give him a taste of his own medicine. "Andrew Hac" you are toasted as a ching chong as a ching chong will be in salty savory ming wong hot sauce. You and your fellow countrymen are toasted as toasted bread.

The problem with your logic is HE IS NOT CHINESE. It is like you throwing out insults about blacks to a reader who is a Mexican. WTF??

You work at Circuit City huh??

Tyrone said...

$4.23/gallon in San Mateo, CA.
$4.43/gallon for "V-Power", baby!

Nothing says special like gas prices in San Mateo.

Anonymous said...

If higher gas prices means less cars on the roads and less traffic then I will gladly pay $20.00/gal. or more. My time is too valuable to spend stuck in traffic daily.

The only problem with your naive and selfish theory is that you'll be robbed at gun point or probably shot every time you stop in a traffic light, since cost of living will make millions of aggressive people living below the poverty line and with nothing to lose. Make sure you and your family have a good bullet proof car that costs 2 X more original price to install. Never get out of your car to pump gas or shop either, because they'll be waiting for you. It happens every few seconds in Latin America and since this country is becoming a Third World Country thanks to 8 years of Republican power...