"They're shooting our people like dogs"
- Tenzin Norgay, Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy, March 18, 2008
[UPDATE WED 3/19 - my original post had the only photos I could find last night of the Tibet protests which showed monks getting beaten in Nepal. This morning you may have heard photos are leaking out of the areas in Tibet being brutally put down by Chinese troops, of bullet-ridden corpses. If you want the truth, they are here.
For the "oh, we can't boycott Chinese goods - it's toooo haarrrdddd" crowd - yes, it's hard. It's darn near impossible. But isn't that just so telling about American culture today - people don't do the right thing because it's hard. Once again, I ask you to think about your actions.
And a special HousingPANIC message for the evil Communist rules of China who are shooting monks, doing house-to-house searches now and terrorizing a country that should be free - GO F*CK YOURSELVES, F*CK YOUR OLYMPICS AND F*CK YOUR AMERICAN SUPPLY PARTNERS. Too bad people can't read that message in China. Damn I hope to see rage erupt in that country as we head into the Olympics. The world will be watching]
March 18, 2008
The Chinese are slaughtering monks in Tibet, while you buy their cheap crap at Wal-Mart. Stop it. Seriously, think about what you're doing, and stop
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Imagine what the Chinese will do to us if our dollar craps out and in 30-40 years the Huan is the world's currency of choice. On top of that, recall that the Chinese are using the profits off Wallmart purchase to fund a new war machine capable of anialating the US. Thank you Boeing and others for giving
China technology to launch satellite attacks. I'll be dead by then, but its in the works.
Do you remember about ten years ago when wal-mart bragged that everything they sold was made in america? I bet you can't find anything made in america now.
I noticed these chinks look like mexicans - interesting.
You are a communist if you shop at Walmart or support the Olympics this year.
Quit supporting that toxic country.
Have you recently tried to buy stuff _not_ made in China??? Good luck...
Stupid stupid stupid.
If we stop buying stuff at Walmart, how will we REALLY be helping the Tibetan monks?
Most consumers don't care if the products come from hell itself if the products are at better prices than somewhere else.
Pretty much any big company you buy stuff from has its unsavory business practices, with some aspect of the work farmed out to sweatshops or forced labor, somewhere.
Stop being such a bleeding heart d|p$h|t.
Its a terrible thing.
Those Tibet Monks are pretty neat.
Just last week Bushy dropped China from the list of the world's worst human rights violators.
We have the bestest president ever.
Where's Rambo?? I thought he was in Tibet!
Also boycott american made stuff since they are killing Iraqis and Afghans
Keith - we have enough problems in the old USA to be concerned with another. Hey, they're communists; what do you expect! I'm against "free trade", too. Again, we have a ton of problems here and it would be arrogant to think we could prescribe for them. A little humility, please. (We should get out of IRAQ, too!)
Has anyone else noticed the cheap crap at walmart isn't really cheap anymore?
It's not like they have our bill of rights and the first amendment!
I still shop at WalMart, but they lose my purchases on made in China products, as does any other store. They still have some stuff that's made in Canada, Italy, Japan and the USA. A distributor address in the US is not enough for me though. I especially like labels that show both origin and assembly locations.
All of the coffee pots I've looked at so far at BOTH Target and WalMart are made in China, so I'm not going to get one until that isn't the case. After hearing of the deadly Chinese pet food, toothpaste, lead tainted toys, aqua dots, etc, it's not even worth the alleged savings anymore.
I'm not sure if WalMart employees get health insurance benefits, but I doubt it since they barely speak English, and look pretty whipped. If they don't get health insurance, I seriously wish WalMart would stop wasting $ on stupid marketing efforts to look friendlier, and just give their employees health insurance. If anyone could get a good deal on health insurance, it's them.
Anybody that shops at Wal-Crap hates America!
Everyone should be telling everybody they know to boycott the f*ckin Beijing Olympics!!
That tired old corrupt institution glorifying that corrupt, oppressive and murderous Communist regime. They'll be glorifying China with pageantry and ceremony while the Falun Gong and Tibetans rot in their prison cells. Disgusting.
Don't support this crap people!!
Then again, when you put it into perspective - this pales in comparison to the genocide that the US has delivered upon the Iraqi people - but we don't like to talk about that.
They are not Chinese soldiers! They are Nepalese! These soldiers in the pictures beating Tibetans are Nepalese. These uniforms are paid for by American taxpayers (in their fight against Maoist rebels); btw, I do not like the Maoists rebels either, but not sure about the wisdom of American taxpayer subsidy. Chinese soldiers and police do not wear those uniforms; nor do they use what looks like bamboo sticks for riot control. Some websites showing these same pictures have the correct captions. Apparently, the Nepalese and Indians are giving the Tibetan protestors a hard time.
I don't even order Kung Pao Chicken with Wonton Soup anymore!
Keepa da mouse kroze.You buya da clap fwom China ,anna you rike it!
You Plicks!
Ahmerrycan peeper jaks off widda da send papah anna comprain abouda raw dear.Shoulda get Vasarine froma da Wah Mott.Ah so hohohohohohohohohoohohoo!
Enter shakster
Keith, I'm finding that I agree with everything you post. I can't say that about any other media outlet.
It's depressing enough to go to Walmart, especially here in California...feels like I'm surrounded by zombies.
I'm going to tell the capitalist Bush-supporting conservatives on you. You my friend are a pro-unionist traitor and am not afraid to say you will regret it when they warrantless wire tap you. Mark my words. How can you insult one of the backbones of this great country of ours. They represent everything that free-capitalism can offer, how dare you call them Communist you sicko! Also, Go America and kick those evil-doers butts! in unions and also in the Middle East.
C'mon now. Capitalists will deal with anyone they can make a buck off of. That's what most of you voted for.
"I noticed these chinks look like mexicans - interesting."
And you look like Hitler. BTW, none of those guys in the beating pictures are Chinese; they are Tibetans and Nepalese. The photos are from a confrontation in Nepal; how do I know? The soldiers are wearing the uniforms of the Nepalese Army, paid for by American taxpayers.
I wonder if China Gets their bullets from Walmart?
You think Walmart is bad! you should see their 3rd party warehouses they outsource to. Waste Waste Waste.
Hold It!!! Aren't we killing innocent Iraqis that have no part in terrorism???
but how else will I spend my HELOC money.
I mean, aside from the Hummers, granite countertops, and other shit I don't need.
We need our economy to falter so we can filter out the toxic crap (literally) from our supply chain and bring more jobs back to our side of the world.
I have faith that our country can evolve out of this mess - but we need to feel the pain.
Well we should be glad that we are half way around the world from the damn Chinese. Look what they had done to all of their neighbors, from attacking Russia for a piece of land along the border to taking Eastern Turkestan, Mongolia, Manchuria, Tibet, and stealing land from India, Vietnam, Burma. The US should have let Japan finished them off during WW2.
We'll bomb people for "freedom" but we won't give up a few days worth of sports?
We are lurching towards the abyss.
interesting historical fact.... Hu Jintao was the Communist Party Secretary in Tibet during Tiananmen and supposedly orchestrated a strong crackdown there. the recent protests may be the Tibetans way to get back at Hu personally as well as to the CCP in general for their invasion in 1959.
It's not to late to nuke China. We must act while there is still time.
and the two guys in the background are huge - or maybe you yanks are all built like tanks?
China is more than its government. We should stop buying its crap, but China will influence the world in this century, and abstaining from China is not a choice.
If they go into battle the way they drive in traffic they don't stand a chance.
Keith, I live in China 6 weeks per year. It's a rich culture with friendly, wonderful people. The have evil tyrans running their country who have no respect for human rights.
Tell me again why we should punish the Chinese people because they are oppressed by a cruel dictatorship? Because an economic boycott worked so well in Cuba? Oh wait, that never works, does it?
Wal-Mart sells whatever it's local customers want to buy in large volumes.
Today I went to Wal-Mart. I bought a polo shirt made in India for $10 and a tub of skin care lotion made in Germany for $5.
Are India and Germany in on the conspiracy with China?
The Waltons are war criminals, plain and simple.
Could you please open your big eyes? These police are NOT Chinese! Oops, I remember American did this to its own people in 60s......
Yeah but I can get a brand new tv at walmart for $399. Now I can watch American Idol, Biggest Loser, Flavor of Love, Thats Amore, Property Ladder, Trading Spaces, Oprah, Jerry Springer, American Best Dance Team, Real World, Road Rules, I love New York, Making the Band...God Bless America.
Let's not be too harsh on trading with China. We owe them a trillion dollars, and they're going to collect it either by buying goods from us or buying our assets. It would be much better for us if it's the former. And it will be as long as we don't start a trade war.
If it seems strange to think of the US exporting to China, let me tell you I can already see it happening in my industry (high tech capital equipment). Orders to Asia, and China in particular, have taken off the past 6 months.
The soldiers pictured in the gray
cammies are likely Tibetan, but
they act on Han Chinese orders.
Clinton provided China with
guided missile technology from
Loral Systems to improve
their satellite launches.
He was so proud of his
"progressive" "China policy".
"Shooting our people like dogs."
Uhhh, bad analogy. Chinese people eat dog as well as snapper turtle. Right Andrew Hac?
Ching Chong Ping Pong Wang Wong Ding Dong
Because an economic boycott worked so well in Cuba? Oh wait, that never works, does it?
ha! but it is working, i bet the castro regime has only a year or two left.
kind of tough to break a country's economy when they don't really have one to begin with.
Has anyone else noticed the cheap crap at walmart isn't really cheap anymore?
anon March 18, 2008 10:55 PM
= = =
yes. even their clearance toys are getting pretty expensive. I read that China is having major problems with inflation as well. we're taking them down with us?
Get off your high horse. America lost the moral high ground a LONG time ago. Warrantless wiretraps, rendition, etc.
This will cool down in a few weeks and everyone will go back to watching Desperate Housewives. Because in truth, America doesn't give a f*ck about anybody outside the US, unless they serve a purpose as the new bogeyman.
Great post.
The U.S. should boycott the Olympics. We won't.
But... in addition to avoiding Chinese goods, let's boycott products of those companies that advertise during the Olympics. Let the word spread that this will be done unless changes are made.
Forget just WalMart. You have to boycott Apple (all of Apple's products are made in China), BlackBerry, Levi's, Nike...
Check the labels of all goods.
Please keep this topic alive and don't let it sink. Attention spans are too short these days.
This is nothing. Wait till Americans rise up against our own govt and the fed reserve. Our cronies will send Blackwater to put us down and throw us in the FEMA camps.
This is what the unfettered free markets are all about. Just shut your eyes and count your money.
Keith, I totally agree with this post, but by many responses, I see it is asking too much for people to stop shopping at Wal-Mart altogether. However, how about asking them to not shop there, or at Sam's, for "one" day, like a Saturday before the Olympics. Enough to send a statement anyway. Maybe like-minded bloggers can band together and get the word out to their bloggees and we can coordinate. Wal-Marts biggest fear is that the light will be turned on to expose their ways and then they can no longer fly under the radar. A one day protest would be a nightmare for them.
"Have you recently tried to buy stuff _not_ made in China??? Good luck..."
If you don't want to support China, who in NOT America's friend, then DON'T BUY SH!T made there!
Have you instead tried looking for what you need in a thrift store, or checked out a garage sale?
Follow your principles and you'll be better off.
And Melanie, a one-day boycott of Wal-Mart won't do squat, because it only lasts ONE DAY.
After that one day is overwith, it's 'back to business as usual. Get it?
Bush declares Iraq invasion and continuing genocide a resounding success.
The economy is strong, too.
Now, back to you're local stations...
What's the source for the picture with bodies on the ground?
But still ... remember this? From MSNBC.
America no longer has the moral high ground to judge the actions of China. No, Americans lost that right when they ignored the abuses of Abu Graib, the continuing illegal assault on Iraq and past atrocities of the Gulf War.
Sorry America, you're no better (far worse actually) than China when it comes to human rights abuses.
"Hold It!!! Aren't we killing innocent Iraqis that have no part in terrorism???"
You mean the US is driving car bombs into crowds every other day? News to me.
You guys are tools. The tibetans are using the olympics to try to piss off china into overreacting. So far, it's not working. Think goddamnit! Why would china instigate something like this before the olympics. The tibetans started the recent events buy rioting, looting and killing. They burnt people alive, looking for any non tibetans to kill.
I thought this was a pretty good blog, but stupid posts like this and comments show you are no better than the next average stupid Joe.
And one more thing, the CIA is behind the tibetans and all those free tibet organizations. It's a fine line between terrorists and freedom fighters, and at this point, I'm not sure which one they are.
The US is not "far worse" than China. The US still permits youtube and HP access, even for the anti-free Tibet propaganda that has been showing up all over youtube lately.
The US is not "far worse" than China. The US still permits youtube and HP access, even for the anti-free Tibet propaganda that has been showing up all over youtube lately.
Talking about human rights abuses and genocide not farking internet restrictions.
You guys are tools. The tibetans are using the olympics to try to piss off china into overreacting. So far, it's not working. Think goddamnit! Why would china instigate something like this before the olympics. The tibetans started the recent events buy rioting, looting and killing. They burnt people alive, looking for any non tibetans to kill.
Riiiight, now the Tibetans are the terrorists and the Communist state is the poor misunderstood good guy.
I guess it's the same line of thinking when the US government classifies Muslims as an inherently dangerous and evil race of terrorists that will bring the end of civilization. Makes invading their nations and killing countless innocent people far more palatable.
We don't want to piss off the Chinese either as they're being a big help in bankrolling our consumer economy.
Give me an f'n break dipshit. You're the one that needs to do some thinking!
F*ck that! The pictures you uploaded are nepalese police, not chinese agents: try to find pictures related to chinese police please, we won't succeed in the free tibet's process if people like you keep saying those photos are about chinese government!
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