Every dog has his day
I never understood why any six-percenter would want to be associated with Swann. It can't be good for what's left of their business or reputations.
It's tough to keep up with the downfall of Swanndive and all the associated realtor-on-realtor violence, but I guess this is what happens when homes don't sell. Here's the latest below, and also check out the drama-filled comments here. Thanks HP'ers for the links.
Prominent Bloggers Leave Bloodhound Blog
Jay Thompson, Kris Berg, Jim Duncan. If you read real estate blogs, you know these highly respected and talented writers. All were contributors to Greg Swann’s Bloodhound Blog. No longer.
Jay Thompson (Phoenix Real Estate Guy), was the first to announce his withdrawal in a comment to this post. Later, it was learned Kris Berg (San Diego Home Blog) and Jim Duncan (Real Central VA) also left.
Greg Swann had no comment on why the bloggers decided not to write for his blog any longer.
One can only speculate the reason(s) for the mass exodus. I use the word “mass” not based on numbers or posts but on the impact to Mr. Swann’s blog with the departure of such prestigious and popular bloggers.
February 22, 2008
The stench over at Greg Swann's Bloodhoundblog grows, his fellow realtors turn on him, and his writers are leaving in droves
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Labels: how about those 21 reasons, ramen eating realtors, unprofessional hacks
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He's not making it as a REALTOR anymore so now he's trying to charge people to come to his conference on marketing
What a hoot!
Swann's little world is collapsing
Look at how happy that dog is!
Take a cue from him. Find a little mud puddle to wallow in and keep it simple.
And Swann gets one day closer to working at Taco Bell
$1000 says Swan will be unemployed\bankrupt within 6 months.
Perhaps sooner...
Someone find out how many houses he's sold if any
Here's Swann from 2006. Wonder how that 2008 closing did for him (can you say cancellation?)
A richness of embarrassments: My soup-bowl runneth over with Top Ramen . . .
By: Greg Swann,
I keep thinking that I’m going to have free time for blue sky projects at Christmas, and I just keep getting busier. I accidentally sold another house today — 166,800 packages of Top Ramen to me, but it’s a new build that won’t close until around July of 2008. As the Phoenix market recovers, we could end up with a lot of Top Ramen in the pipeline.
I can hear him "bawling balefully" in the distance.
I don't know why Swann's blog disgusts me so much, but it's a visceral sickness in my gut.
I think it has to do with him being articulate enough to verbalize every dispicable trait of human nature that has caused this disaster.
Most human beings think in an intuitive haze, doing whatever seems right in the moment. This is why people signed option ARMs and why they think forclosure freezes will solve everything. It's what "looks right".
It's hard to pin people down on this because their thinking is so convoluted.
But on Swann's site, evil is laid bare. This latest soap opera is further proof of the sort of man he is...
I don't understand the point of Bloodhoundblog and other related blogs. They seem to just be Realtors chatting with one another about Realtor topics (like whether Marketlinx or Risco is a better back end service provider for ARMLS) rather than being a marketing vehicle for Bloodhound Realty. If you are selling your services as a Central Phoenix neighborhood specialist or whatever, what value does it add having all these out of area Realtors blogging on lightly related topics.
Anybody want to play a game of 'dead pool'? I pick Greg Swan - that guy should be on a 24-hour suicide watch as of right now.
Greg Swann's life is over
Can someone explain what actually happened? Some bloggers left the Bloodhound Gang, but why? I did follow the links, and one of them has a Google cache of the Bloodhound blog, I read it but couldn't see anything that would cause outrage (unless I missed it).
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