Let's give it a shot. This I'm sure would make a search-engine-manipulator flame-baiter fake-contest-awarder like Greg Swann's head explode
We are the Greatest Real Estate Agent In The World!!!
HousingPANIC hates the greatest real estate agent in the world!!!
I have no idea how google search works, but I know it's magic, so HousingPANIC should be the greatest real estate agent in the world.
He he he
What is this” GREATEST REAL ESTATE AGENT IN THE WORLD ” phenomena that has been spreading across the web like a California Wildfire?
It’s an SEO contest concocted by creator, Eric Bramlett and fat prize donator, realestatewebmasters.com held to determine who can rank #1 on Google May 1st 2008 for the term Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World.
February 25, 2008
So the ramen eaters are doing a google search contest for "greatest real estate agent in the world". Wouldn't it be funny if HP ranks first?
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Labels: greatest real estate agent in the world, greatestrealestateagentintheworld, greatestrealestateagentintheworld.org, i love google
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I am not sure how it works either, but I think you can pay to be #1.
Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World.
It has a ring to it.
Greg Swann wanted to be the greatestrealestateagentintheworld before he killed himself
FWIW, I added links from Westside Bubble.
Suzanne is the greatest real estate agent in the world.
I like to call her the greatestrealestateagentintheworld when we're having pork-flavored ramen together.
Real estate agents are loser except for greatestrealestateagentintheworld, which is Suzanne.
I am the The Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World, and I approve of this posting. :)
Just minutes later HousingPANIC is now winning this contest
I wonder if they'll disqualify us tomorrow?
Here's a message for the 1.2 million ramen eaters losing to us:
Find a new job.
Swann just killed himself
In-bound links do it.
Every HPer with a site, give old Keefer a hot link and he'll have it cinched. Unless the Greatest Real Estate Agent In Teh World reads this post!
I guess the prize should go to this agent from WCI Communities Inc., who put together this ad:
"What Are You Waiting For? Its Pelican Preserve community in nearby Fort Myers features a 2,400-square-foot (223-square-meter), three-bedroom carriage house marked down to $339,350 from $628,995, a cool savings of 46 percent. The association fee for the complex is $500 a month."
Bloomberg's John F. Wasik wrote a nice piece titled: Homebuyer Patience Triumphs in a Waiting Game, in which he says:
"Upon further investigation, I discover that WCI, like most large builders these days, is struggling. The cancellation rate for their houses was 44 percent in the third quarter last year, and the company had a loss of almost $70 million. Sales fell 61 percent."
Wasik's advice to you:
"Prices are going to fall a lot more than Freddie Mac's forecast 12percent in the most overpriced areas, which may experience 50 percent declines or more.
Patience is a virtue in this market. It will also net you a better deal if you can turn off your game-show impulses."
I've had the World's Best Hamburger, too.
True story:
I went to Real Estate School in 2005 hoping to be the THE GREATEST REAL ESTATE AGENT IN THE WORLD, but then I found HP, and I WAS SAVED!
I passed their "test", but never bothered to find a broker to hang my license with. I just couldn't stomach it after I learned how the whole racket worked in Weichert Real Estate School. I remember sitting in class thinking... people pay people to do this? It just didn't make sense, but I had paid my $350 for that demystification seminar so I stuck it out.
Thank you Keith for all your work here. Hopefully you will be the force that continues to show that "profession" for what it is. A giant joke.
Retitle your post with the spaces. I'm pretty sure that's how they are operating the 'contest'
title the article with it, and it will move higher up the list.
It helps if you have it in the browser title and Header of your site.
Also, Im not sure if you have access to your keyword and metadata, but add it in there if you can.
Oh and it might help to mention the contest every other day. Perhaps a nice entry on what it takes to become the Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World.
Oh, another one that might help.
Have people search google for GreatestRealEstateAgentInTheWorld and click on your link... which is already showing up.
I agree that by far Suzanne is the greatest real estate agent in this world.
Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the U.S.Treasury.
you need to have "greatest real estate agent in the world" in the url. then you need a ton of inbound links to it, using this URL with those terms in it
So create a new post http://housingpanic.blogspot.com/2008/02/greatest-real-estate-agent-in-the-world.html
And then everyone reading this blog put an inbound link to it from their site (or on a post on any site you want!) and it will increas your relevance.
oh - and don't use the same tag 20 times, that is a spam technique that Google controls for.
I'm surprised "Ed" hasn't chimed in yet about how this is yet another stupid topic....
Yo Ed where you at?
You are now number three on google for
"the greatestrealestateagentintheworld"
Greatest Real Estate Advisory Blog in the World.
I think it would be illeagal to use "agent",or Real Estate.Real Estate is a patented term from what I have read,Thus the true reason for a license.Who Knew?
The Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World would counsel his clients not to overpay for property.
The Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World would insist on an independent appraisal.
The Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World would advise his buyers to get a survey.
The Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World would not take kickbacks.
The Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World would understand income/expense analysis of investment property.
The Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World would understand the meaning of the word "fiduciary".
The Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World would advise his clients to get independent legal advice.
The Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World would understand that there are market cycles.
The Democrats are ready to pull the trigger. The Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008 will destroy what is left of the credit markets and world economy.
The Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008's most important - and most controversial - provision would allow judges to reduce mortgage balances for at-risk borrowers to current market prices.
House prices have fallen sharply during the past year, taking many mortgage borrowers "underwater," meaning they owe more than their homes are worth.
Under the bill, a mortgage balance of, for example $200,000, could be reduced to what the home would sell for, say $160,000, on the open market. That would save the borrower hundreds of dollars a month in mortgage payments.
Senate Democrats will seek to force an immediate vote on the bill, according to Jaret Seiberg, senior vice president at the Stanford Group, a Washington policy research firm.
keith- HP is the greatestrealestateagentintheworld!!
they should get consulting firm pricewaterhousecoopers to auditthecontestresults.
Sorry Keith, I even gave you a boost on Housing Panlick with an entire post, but Greg Swann is running at #50 for:
The Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World.
And HP doesn't even come up. I'll go click it a few more times.
Housing Panic is The Greatest Real Estate Agent in the world?
I'd pay money to see HP as The Greatest Real Estate Agent
(UPDATE - after reading the 6%ers rules, it looks like there's spaces between the "greatest real estate agent in the world" words, so I redid it, let's see how that goes)
"Anonymous said...
I'm surprised "Ed" hasn't chimed in yet about how this is yet another stupid topic....
Yo Ed where you at?
February 26, 2008 2:36 AM"
Anon, I appreciate the fact you are so fascinated with my thoughts. Is your Obamagasm over for today?
#203 on Google search. Pitiful.
Sweet! You are up to page 19! Here is a link.
Count me in - I'll Google Bomb from all of my high page-rank sites. It's worked in the past :)
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