Still a long way to go, with more twists and turns, and a fun-as-hell nominating process this year.
Forget who you support - who do you think is gonna win this thing?
February 06, 2008
Open thread to talk about the Super Tuesday results
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i will not vote for McCain, Obama or Hillary. NO MATTER WHAT.
i will vote for Paul, a 3rd party , or Romney. in that order
The real winner is Diebold.
Lyndon laRouche All the Way!
11:00 PM EST:
Ron Paul shown with "000" delegates.
You can stop posting about him now.
Whether Obama, McCain, or Clinton gets elected, the real winner is israel as always.
In the last super Tuesday thread, people were talking about lobbyists and their monetary contributions. People need to realise that the israeli lobby plays a HUGE role in what candidates are actually there in the end. In reality, they are the deciding factor in who we get to choose from.
Why do you think Paul was ignored and shunned by the entire msm/jewsmedia??????
Folks, I'm not just some crazy ass anti-semite. PLEASE, do America a favor and read the book by Walt and Mearsheimer, the two Harvard professors, it's entitled "The israeli lobby and American foreign policy" and is a real eye opener.
With all that being said, if I had to bet on who the next puppet president will be, I'd bet on McCain.
I will NOT vote for Mccain, not now, not ever. Glad that Romney has enough of his own funds to stay in the race. But if it comes down to choosing between Mccain or the Dems I may just not vote at all.
what difference does it make? do any of you think the president of the united states is anything but a puppet on a string?
Hillary Care.
Mrs William Clinton will be next president.
it hath been foretold
I voted for Ron Paul. I know he doesnt have a chance in hell, but gave him my vote anyway-because I want to send a message.
Back in 92' I voted for Ross Perot and never regret it, even though he only got 17% of the votes. I vote for the person I wanted in office, even if they have a chance or not.
However, I think Obama is going to win this election - hands down.
It's gonna be a fun next 4 years for you peeps. Here's what you get:
1) McShitStain - bombing Iran in the name of the Endless-Global-War-On-Radical-Extremist-Islamo-Fascist-Jihadist-Terrorist-Threat-To-America and dragging the USA into a very dangerous conflict with Iran and Russia. Probably leading to a draft and a massive increase in public debt.
2) HillaryCares - Bailing out the housing bubble and keeping those Mexican gardeners in their million dollar homes by freezing the resets on their ARM loans. Free cash handouts to all newborns. Free health care for all. Mexico becomes an empty dust bowl as the entire population charges across the border to settle in Southern California. A virtual utopia of wealth with Hillary raining Ameros upon the populace from Ben Bernanke's B2 Bomber.
Both scenarios should be enough to tip the USA into a full economic collapse.
In the case of McShitStain, he will likely launch a nuclear first strike on China in a fit of senile dementia when China turns off the credit spigot. World War III ensues.
In the case of HillaryCares, the bankrupt are rounded up into forced labor camps to provide for the common good of the people. To repay the enormous US debt to China, Hillary introduces the Patriots Sacrifice Act a plan to harvest the body parts of US criminals for Chinese patients.
Nice endorsement Ted and Caroline and Kerry...bwahahaha F-you back stabbers.
Go Hillary!
A Clinton vs McCain contest will be God's punishment to America for electing George Bush...TWICE!
If true, then I am moving to Australia.
If you would have asked me 3 months ago about what Honica Jewinsky just stated, I would have laughed in your face.
Let's just say I've had an awakening and I am no crazy anti Semite as either. I, frankly had nothing but respect for Jewish folks.
Google "Patrick Grimm" for some reality.
A third party candidate who is truly independent of the puppet masters or I'll stay home.
This is some dog and pony show they are putting on, isn't it?
People really think they are choosing, isn't that cute!
When I put my toddler in a play pen he can choose which of the toys he wants to play with. He isn't climbing out and running down the street. I won't allow that.
Our masters are not going to let us freely choose. We get just enough freedom to believe we are free and no more.
New boss, same as the old boss. Go ahead and get fooled again...Suckers!
The person who is elected president will not have a fun term because of the economy .Does the man/women make the office or does the office make the man/women .
Someone on the TV said that McCain might be the right choice because hes a man that knows how to be alone (meaning he was a POW during the Viet Nam War ,therefore he might be strong enough to take the heat.)If McCain was tortured in Viet Nam ,hes heading into torture with this upcoming term whereby the shit will hit the fan .
Clinton ...well....can't stand the thought of her running the Country.
At this point ,I just don't know how much a President can do about the pain that America is going to have regarding the economy .
Adolph Hitler for President.
Dr. Mengele for VP/Surgeon General.
Caligula for Joint Chief
Benedict Arnold for Head of Fed. Reserve.
Martin Bormann for SEC Chief.
Angelo Mozillo for Audtor General.
Alan Greenspan for Dog Catcher.
I think McCain will win in November.
Having said that, I think the best thing that could happen to this country would be a Hillary presidency. She'd come into office with all the old infamous Clinton gang, rule with an iron fist, nationalize healthcare, garnish everyone's wages to pay for it, ad nauseum.
The 2010 congressional elections, after 2 years of the Hillary regime, would be a house-cleaning that'd put 1994 to shame and would banish these extreme left socialist dems once and for all.
I don't see what's so bad about McCain. Rush & pals hate him, that's enough to earn my respect right there!
"what difference does it make? do any of you think the president of the united states is anything but a puppet on a string?"
First rational thought I've read here in awhile now. Personally I'm all for the woman, or the black, any change outside a white male is a start.
Obama or Clinton because I think they'll end the war sooner. Also Democrats don't get a free ticket to spend -- everyone is on their case because they are suppossedly the big spenders. Democrats spend less. Republicans spend more -- welcome to 2008.
It's 2:06 AM Eastern time. Hillary is ahead of Obama by over100 delegates. About 657 to 541.
I voted for Obama, but will settle for Hillary.
We do not want Republicans in the House.
I think Hillary will win hands down.
In November it'll be Hillary versus McCain. And judging from the voters, I say Hillary gives McCain a beating.
Hillary Clinton is unelectable. The same for Obama, only less so. Also Ron Paul, unfortunately, but for different reasons.
McCain is a jerk. in addition to being someone who wants to amnesty millions of illegals.
Another bleak election with only the worst of choices, none visibly less worse than the others.
You really believe all the crap these candidates are saying.
McCain could give a sh*t about illegals. He just wants the hispanic vote.
Once elected, these candidates will do none of the stuff they preach now (well, maybe a thing or two).
I keep hearing people talking about this candidate has this stance on this issue, and that one has this stance on that issue. Come on people, go back to the previous presindents and see how much of this BS really matters.
I still think Hillary defeats McCain easily in November.
Hillary's plan is a good one. Think about what an interest rate freeze for housing gamblers will do to the credit markets. Exactly, nobody will loan out any more money to anybody in fear of government changing the terms of the contract/loan and turning the lender into a bag holder. Same would be true for our government debt. If they can change the terms of any contract at will I might as well invest my money in Zimbabwe or into a Nigerian Scam. This will put the US housing market and our economy into full Hooverization mode. Hillary will successfully finish what Bush started. Batten down the hatches, here comes the depression.
What's good about all this you ask? If you see the shitstorm coming early you can take evasive action and profit from the looming economic collapse. For example, Miami condos will be for sale for pennies on the dollar on a cash basis only.
Anybody other than Clinton meaning McCain.
Obama is a pacifist from the Jimmy Carter school of National Security. If Obama wins, he will be known as Osama. I would have voted for Edwards, but I cannot vote for Obama, perhaps Hillary. Problem is Democrats are too far left, and the Republicans are too far right. Social domestic programs are fine but deal with IRAN first. With these choices, Ronald McDonald should run for President.
Everyone is too rich to care about the economy at this stage. I'm Ron Paul's biggest fan and I've been very lucky to meet him twice in Virginia. That's his issue, monetary policy and you. When you have a $500k house new cars a great job and vacations who cares? In 2012 people might care.
The mark of an HP'er is having foresight. We saw the housing bubble coming. We see the trouble ahead. We like Ron Paul. 2008 will be a one term President because he'll be presiding over a different America than he campaigned for.
sorry, but (and let me preempt any nasty, angry, hate-mongering that might follow this message by saying that in NO WAY do I subscribe to this idea nor do I condone it) there is no way on the face of G-d's green earth that a woman or a black man are going to be elected president at this time. Too many narrow-minded, Budweiser-chugging, Lipitor-munching bigots, sexists and idiots out there. If either Hillary or Barack wins the democratic nomination you can be assured the next president will be a republican.
Me, I always write myself in - I figure I can do just as good a job as anyone running (maybe better since I don't care about power one way or the other)
The greater of two evils will win.
You know who that is.
Isn't it funny how the open, progressive Dems in MA cast their votes along racial lines?
Bunch of closet racists!
All of the housing crash states have voted already, so Hillary has run out of voters to pander to with talk of foreclosure and interest rate freezes. This is something that has been overlooked by the media, who think Hillary won California, Arizona, Nevada, and Florida because latinos don't like blacks. If that was the case, explain the New Mexico results. The real truth was the Clinton's saw their opportunity with the housing crash and played into it, but that play has been just about exhausted and she's still only in a tie with Barack. Obama will now win the nomination in the remaining non-housing crash states and will trounce old man McCain in the general election.
Hillary Clinton has been telling America that she is the most qualified candidate for president based on her 'record,' which she says includes her eight years in the White House as First Lady - or 'co-president' - and her seven years in the Senate. Here is a reminder of what that record includes: - As First Lady, Hillary assumed authority over Health Care Reform, a process that cost the taxpayers over $13 million. She told both Bill Bradley and Patrick Moynihan, key votes needed to pass her legislation, that she would 'demonize' anyone who opposed it. But it was opposed; she couldn't even get it to a vote in a Congress controlled by her own party. (And in the next election, her party lost control of both the House and Senate.)
Hillary assumed authority over selecting a female Attorney General. Her first two recommendations, Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood, were forced to withdraw their names from consideration. She then chose Janet Reno. Janet Reno has since been described by Bill himself as 'my worst mistake.' - Hillary recommended Lani Guanier for head of the Civil Rights Commission. When Guanier's radical views became known, her name had to be withdrawn.
Hillary recommended her former law partners, Web Hubbell, Vince Foster, and William Kennedy for positions in the Justice Department, White House staff, and the Treasury, respectively. Hubbell was later imprisoned, Foster committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.
Hillary also recommended a close friend of the Clintons, Craig Livingstone, for the position of director of White House security. When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of up to 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (“Filegate”) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, both Hillary and her husband denied knowing him. FBI agent Dennis Sculimbrene confirmed in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in 1996, both the drug use and Hillary's involvement in hiring Livingstone. After that, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office, after serving seven presidents for over thirty years.
In order to open “slots” in the White House for her friends the Thomasons (to whom millions of dollars in travel contracts could be awarded), Hillary had the entire staff of the White House Travel Office fired; they were reported to the FBI for 'gross mismanagement' and their reputations ruined. After a thirty-month investigation, only one, Billy Dale, was charged with a crime - mixing personal money with White House funds when he cashed checks. The jury acquitted him in less than two hours.
Another of Hil lary's assumed duties was directing the 'bimbo eruption squad' and scandal defense: ---- She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit. ---- She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor. After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr's investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs. ---- Then they had to settle with Paula Jones after all. ---- And Bill lost his law license for lying to the grand jury ---- And Bill was impeached by the House. ---- And Hillary almost got herself indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice (she avoided it mostly because she repeated, 'I do not recall,' 'I have no recollection,' and 'I don't know' 56 times under oath). - Hillary wrote 'It Takes a Village,' demonstrating her Socialist viewpoint.
Hill ary decided to seek election to the Senate in a state she had never lived in. Her husband pardoned FALN terrorists in order to get Latino support and the New Square Hassidim to get Jewish support. Hillary also had Bill pardon her brother's clients, for a small fee, to get financial support. - Then Hillary left the White House, but later had to return $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork she had stolen. - In the campaign for the Senate, Hillary played the 'woman card' by portraying her opponent (Lazio) as a bully picking on her. - Hillary's husband further protected her by asking the National Archives to withhold from the public until 2012 many records of their time in the White House, including much of Hillary's correspondence and her calendars. (There are ongoing lawsuits to force the release of those records.)
As the junior Senator from New York, Hillary has passed no major legislation. She has deferred to the senior Senator (Schumer) to tend to the needs of New Yorkers, even on the hot issue of medical problems of workers involved in the cleanup of Ground Zero after 9/11. - Hillary's one notable vote; supporting the plan to invade Iraq, she has since disavowed.
Quite a resume’. Sounds more like an organized crime family’s rap sheet.
We line in a Bizarre’o world..
A country where 70% plus want illegal immigration stopped yet the pro-amnesty candidates keep winning in the primaries. A country where 70% want to stop the war yet the war hawks keep winning in the primaries.
A country that just passed legislation “The Veterans Disarmament Act” To disallow the 2nd Amendment to Veterans documented by the TPTB to have PTSD
YET! We are close to electing a candidate with the ultimate case of PTSD and allow his finger on the ultimate trigger…
Anyone else see the problem here? It’s one of two things! The majority of We The People are extremely stupid OR We the people are not determining the election outcomes…
I believe the latter.
Let me make this clear, I can not stand George Bush who has finished off the old Goldwater Western Republican party and turned it into the "Party of God". A feat started by Newt by the way. That said, I think McCain has a real shot at it given that he is somewhat of an anti-Republican. Voters seem to want an adult in the White House. His election will hang on continuing improvement in Iraq and a stable economy (or at least a minor recession).
westwest888 said...
Everyone is too rich to care about the economy at this stage. I'm Ron Paul's biggest fan and I've been very lucky to meet him twice in Virginia.
Do you live on Planet Hollywood?
I met OJ Simpson at the Orlando Airport at check in once. Also met David Crosby (CSN&Y) at the baggage pickup in SLC and then met him again later that nite at the New Years Street festival where he was singing with Graham Nash. I was very lucky.
Everyone here cares about the economy or they wouldn't be here, and they don't all live on your Planet Hollywood.
The joos don’t only control all the companies here in the US, all of the global media, all of the leadership decisions across our Milky Way galaxy.
but they also have a tight grip on the rotation speed of our only shiny star the sun.
Joos have so much power that an average Hasidic woman can crush a re-enforced Abrams tank with both her hands tied behind her back.
Elder insider..
Anonymous said...
Do you live on Planet Hollywood?
No, but honestly people look at you as if you're crazy when you warn them about housing and the stock market and a possible global financial event. Americans only react in hind sight.
People talk about the recession while finishing up a meal at Ruth's Chris and waiting for the valet to retrieve their new German car. They're not thinking two steps ahead, nevermind two or ten years ahead.
I want Obama (after Ron Paul), I think Hillary will win, but McCain will be elected (see Ohio 2004, Florida/Supreme Court 2008).
I hope the dems tap Bill Richardson for VP. From what I know I like his Foreign Policy credentials and I really want the western states to be represnted.
Washington can hardly see past the Potamic, let alone the Mississippi.
(Bush is a pretend Texan and Texas has more in common with the bible-belt than the western states.)
honica jewinski said...
'People need to realise that the israeli lobby plays a HUGE role in what candidates are actually there in the end. In reality, they are the deciding factor in who we get to choose from.'
Man, this is such an understatement:
Are you aware of this super duper underground extraordinary humongous powerful secret organization called AIPAC?
Did you know that they are 6 Hundred billion men strong,
with average height above 6’5?.
Did you know that an average AIPAC members annual income is twice all the world economies combined?
Who do you think is responsible for global warming?
Who do think is responsible for us having Wisdom teeth in the first place?
Yup you guessed it.
The jooooos..
Do you drink straight Vinegar for breakfast or do you prefer Kosher sour pickle juice?
Hey, Jewinski guy, WTF!
Oh, My..
The Israelis are sooo very bad, they actually attempt to lobby for allies with other international countries.
Bad bad bad …
I’m willing to bet Honica Jewinski is an FBer and is upside down on his mortgage.. Ha.
Anon said:
'Who do you think is responsible for global warming?
Who do think is responsible for us having Wisdom teeth in the first place?
Yup you guessed it.
The jooooos..'
Look mister, it is Bush that’s responsible for all that.
Don’t you read the papers?.. Everything that happens, is Bushes fault.
OK not everything, only bad things.
Good things like, say.. creating the Internet is not Bushes fault, Gore is the one that created the Internet, he even said so…
all these insurance company owned pawns are planning on taxing your house and/or imprisioning you for the unrestrainable costs of health care and health insurance while collecting the increase of inflation adjusted wages that cover the costs of taxation and the prices of tax defaulting properties, which will be owned by foreign buyers who may allow you to then slave for them...."treasoners"...??? theives?
miami condos already down 50 percent in asking price and not selling... been drinking straight vinegars acetic acid content as a cholesterol reducer for a while as the chemical drug edta made in germany is somewhat composit of it...can only hope it works as the costs of testings and the concern of harmful side effects of all the other "medicines" not to mention costs "offended" me
First rational thought I've read here in awhile now. Personally I'm all for the woman, or the black, any change outside a white male is a start.
February 06, 2008 6:56 AM
yes yes my liberal American friends. keep voting for Obama. Soon, my people will be free.
romney taxed the feet.(slavery)and the houses or properties (feet) if non compliant for the health insurance companies who own him while keeping his money off shore to protect it from non restrainable expenses and taxes, for the future owners of those tax deficient enslaved people and properties, probably foreigners who buy them from insurers
if,,,health insurance is a necessity, or when,,, and inflationary..having more than doubled in 3 years in a time of 2 percent inflation
(hahaha), how long can most afford housing that doubles in cost to keep every 3 years? compounding?
i see distress in 10 years or sooner
Blogger westwest888 said...
Anonymous said...
Do you live on Planet Hollywood?
No, but honestly people look at you as if you're crazy when you warn them about housing and the stock market and a possible global financial event. Americans only react in hind sight.
You are right. They do. Personally, I find they get downright hostile. Then, when you stop talking about it, they want to know why?
They all know that it is caving in around them. They prefer to pretend. Even here at HP there is a sort of denial that goes on. This is going to happen to everyone but us.
I used to wonder as a kid when we studied WWII how the Germans let this happen? They saw the ghettos, they knew something wierd was going on at the Incinerator, and at the train station, but they didn't bring it up or talk about it. Everyone just pretended all was okay.
We are so vulnerable to something like this happening again.
Hillary or Obama over McAin't. McAin't to be the next George McGovern. Even repukelicans hate him.
Hillary will win and she'll run with Obama as VP to get:
- Women's vote
- Hispanic vote
- Black vote
- Asian vote
- Independents vote
- Tech vote
- Dems vote
- Young vote
- Income below $50k vote
- Anti-war vote
- Edward's votes
- Union vote
- Everyone else who hated Bush/Cheney administration vote.
And I especially love that McCain will race all the way to the end just to lose by a landslide and look more pathetic that this Keating-Five warmonger is already. I really enjoy that McCain's endorser, Giuliani, won't be getting those shady "security contracts" any longer, which did nothing but praying on 9-11 to suck millions from taxpayers.
Under Bush/Cheney, and taking advantage of 9-11, this administration was a free for all, with all the cronies/crooks opening "consulting" firms to cut a commission check on multi million dollar "security contracts" that were paid by taxpayers.
If you haven't noticed, Hillary alone had double the amount of votes than McCain on Super Tuesday. About 6 million to 3 million to be more exact. Imagine with Obama as VP.
Your GOP is toast.
Oh and don't worry about amnesty, people, because it can only pass with Congress approval, otherwise it should have passed already since Bush, McCain, Ted Kennedy, and the Senate tried hard to push it through without any success.
Hey Ron Paul people, come on over join Hillary and Obama to change this country for better.
Am I the only one who can't stand that sissy way of McCain doing speeches? He sounds like a little girl telling stories in kindergarten. That senile Keating-Five sucks at public speech.
I'm disgusted by what happened to Romney in West Virginia. I support Ron Paul, but I would rather see Romney than Amnesty McWar win. I do not understand how Mr. Amnesty, who knows little to nothing about the economy, can win even with the support of fairly dumb voters.
Anon said…
‘I used to wonder as a kid when we studied WWII how the Germans let this happen? They saw the ghettos, they knew something wierd was going on at the Incinerator, and at the train station, but they didn't bring it up or talk about it. Everyone just pretended all was okay.’
Dear Anon,
It appears that you are making a distinction between the Germans and the Germans.
You see, the Germans were not observers; the Germans were the perpetrators, along with the overwhelming majority of Europeans.
The horrible truth is; that today as we are discussing this, there are people investing time and energy each day, writing books, spending their money spreading hate.
Yes it really is amazing, why some would choose to spend their short miraculous life bringing down others, rather then building up their own.
Look no further then some regulars on this blog, and the amount of hate literature avail on the Internet.
Although, the damage done to mankind in the first half of the 20th Century is so large and may never be reversed.
The good news is that the Reich and its Furor are dead, and the Mighty Hebrews are thriving and are very successful.
While they wake each day with anger and misery.
The Jew wakes up focuses on creating a better life for their children.
Who do you think is going to win in the long run..
honica jewinksi,
Your are an anti-semite. I grew up in a very Jewish area and many Jews are staunch Republicans. I know several who voted for Ron Paul and Romney yesterday. Grouping any race/religion as an absolute is just what some "crazy ass" person would do. Get a life and realize that people are individuals and in any race or ethnic group you will have differing opinions on politics.
nothing against foreigners, but being a slave to a foreign government rankles me
The RIGHT question to ask is: "Who will be the most profitable for the corporations?"
The answer to that is Hillary. Therefore Hillary it is.
i am positive i am the only person who saw hillary clinton tell people during a speech on feb 2 2008 that in order to make her health care successful you MUST sign up for it and if you don't make the required payments your check will be GARNISHED so what kind of medical plan is that, the kind that still benefits her buddies, because it is guaranteed money and no more of that bankruptcy stuff. I wonder what the co payment will be your big toe or a thumb and gradually signing away the rights to your internal organs. I hope she boots every illegal mexican right back to where the f ever. They deserve it for being so racist. If Obama can win Idaho and we know the KKK is in residence there Mexicans are worse than they are. I have bought my last burrito (LOL) because if they don't like blacks they damn sure don't like my money. Same with those fuckin asians no more fried rice for me and walmart can go to hell.
For those criticizing Honika, you don't address his points, but in true Frankfurt School style, paint him as a nut. MSM is heavily Jewish and the MSM snubbed Paul and floated smear stories about him. They did the same to Pat Buchanan, since he was unafraid to criticize the Israel lobby. Who were the core neocons who used sleight of hand to get us into a ridiculous war with Iraq, a country which posed no threat to USA- but who did pose a threat to Israel- answer that. Zionists and their dopey fundy Christian Zionut allies have done no good for the US, in fact, done much ill.
new york money men support mccain. well well well, just who might they be?
Adolph Hitler Jr. said-
"Folks, I'm not just some crazy ass anti-semite. PLEASE, do America a favor and read the book by Walt and Mearsheimer, the two Harvard professors, it's entitled "The israeli lobby and American foreign policy" and is a real eye opener."
Should we read that before or after reading "the Protocals of the Elders of Zion?"
In 1945 as the Allied troops were closing in Adolph Hitler shoved a cyanide capsule up his ass and a Luger in his mouth. Follow your leader.
Listen... I know some of you brain washed and brain dead, pathetic American lemmings, could'nt possibly care less about this once great nation we call America. But seriously folks, let's not make fun and compare great exagerations, and other assorted B.S. to what these two HARVARD PROFESSORS have put together in their book.
It goes along in lockstep to what Jimmy Carter, Senator Fullbright, and countless other unsuspecting elected officials have said throughout recent American history.
"I am aware of how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out foreign policy (in the Middle East) not approved by the Jews.... of the terrific control the Jews have over the news media, and of the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen... I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don't approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to congress through influential Jewish people in the country." - Senator Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: 10/07/1973 on CBS "Face the Nation"
McCain's big wins were all in states with lots of electoral votes that historically (and definitely this time around) will go to the Dems which means that McCain will lose huge in November.
Poor righty lunatics. They did it to themselves. Did they think Gawd was going to bail them out? Poor deluded bastards.
I agree with caveat. People PUBLICLY say that they are voting for Obama, because they do not want to be accused of being racist. Obama SAYS that race is not an issue (until it was convenient for Obama to say that Bill Clinton was being racist, but then Obama runs around essentially saying "a vote for Obama will prove that all you whiteys have finally accepted blacks as your equals". But when the curtain closes and the lever is pulled- people are voting the way the really feel. Obama does well with educated rich white guys because the HATE Hillary more than they hate blacks. Hillary is the anti-christ to them. This blog is proof of that. They are threatened by ANY rich powerful woman. They don't think woman should be their equals. Thley think women should kiss their a**. That is why the exit polls are so flawed- people are afraid of being viewed as racist, so they say one thing and do another.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Adolph Hitler Jr. said-
"Folks, I'm not just some crazy ass anti-semite. PLEASE, do America a favor and read the book by Walt and Mearsheimer, the two Harvard professors, it's entitled "The israeli lobby and American foreign policy" and is a real eye opener."
Should we read that before or after reading "the Protocals of the Elders of Zion?"
In 1945 as the Allied troops were closing in Adolph Hitler shoved a cyanide capsule up his ass and a Luger in his mouth. Follow your leader.
February 07, 2008 3:23 AM<<<
anyone that attempts to point out the obvious to mind numbed robots is immediately branded a nazi. sorry buddy, but in these days of free information flow on the internet, those silly attempts at framing contrarian points of view as being evil, just simply do not work. what i suggest you do if you want to learn more about these things is to start reading and researching our true history while you still can. soon such things will be disappearing on the net and elsewhere as the united states falls in line with the rest of the nations of the world and adopts strict hate crime laws, where the mear mention of anything deemed inappropriate by the powers that be, will result in jail time. can't happen you say? guess again. to go to jail in germany now, all you have to do is say you don't believe the holocaust happened.
Ok, here is the deal..
Jews more then most other peoples are a very diverse group.
There are Jews that range from medium to extreme liberal views.
There are Jews that range from medium to extreme conservative views.
There are Jews that range from to medium extreme libertarian views.
There are Jews that range from to medium extreme religious views.
There are Jews that range from to medium extreme atheist views.
There are Jews that range from to medium extreme pro Israel views.
There are Jews that range from to medium extreme anti Israel views.
On and on
Within Israel itself, as you can imagine you have every possible view and opinion expressed.
So, anyone; whether a dumb white trailer trash looser or a Harvard professor or a high ranking politician, bundles a group of such wide range into a specific category.
Is a hateful and bigoted looser. Period..
This is a fact.
Also, a little reality for you all, the people we are discussing (the Jews) here are less then ½ of 1% of world population.
To prop them up and sell a story that they are soo incredibly powerful, is not just hateful but plain old insane..
Dopes! if they really had soo much power and control, don’t you think they would own a little more then a small sliver of disputed desert.
Don’t you all think that People named John would change their names to Yakov instead of Chaim changing his name to Charlie, just to survive?
Attention all you super losers:
Spreading last century’s lies will only expose your stupidity.
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