This is unacceptable, scary and if true, dangerously corrupt. If true, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and his Director of Secret Service Mark Sullivan should be immediately called before Congress to testify. And I mean IMMEDIATELY, as in today, as in right now.
Americans should ask - what would Bush, Paulson and friends have to gain if something were to happen to Obama, why this order to drop his security was given, and who gave it.
Obama is running against the entire military industrial complex, the Clintons, the Bushes, hundreds of years of racism, the insurance companies, Rove and Rush, and more than a handful of crazies. And yes, he's also running against the GOP establishment, led by Paulson and Bush.
Until he can have full faith in his Secret Service protectors, or better yet a private security force of his own, he needs to go into hiding. He is not safe, and nor are we.
Police concerned about order to stop screening
DALLAS -- Security details at Barack Obama's rally Wednesday stopped screening people for weapons at the front gates more than an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage at Reunion Arena.
The order to put down the metal detectors and stop checking purses and laptop bags came as a surprise to several Dallas police officers who said they believed it was a lapse in security.
Dallas Deputy Police Chief T.W. Lawrence, head of the Police Department's homeland security and special operations divisions, said the order -- apparently made by the U.S. Secret Service -- was meant to speed up the long lines outside and fill the arena's vacant seats before Obama came on.
February 22, 2008
The only thing that can stop Barack Obama from being the next President of the United States might be Henry Paulson and the US Secret Service
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Paulson can't be trusted with ANYTHING
Relax. No one will assassinate Obama Hussein Barack.
He is destined to die on the Cross at Calvary, silly.
We will then base our culture on His teachings and parables.
Fox guarding the henhouse
He needs to hire his own
You all didn't think the Military Industrial Complex was just going to let Obama stop the war did you?
Drudge is leading with the Secret Service / Obama story I commented on yesterday. Other news outlets have picked it up as well.
Let me make sure I have this straight, k? The TSA won’t allow people to carry bottled water, pool cues, or snow globes (huh?) through an airport security checkpoint. But yet, the Secret Service orders police to not screen people for weapons at an event held by the presumptive Democratic nominee for president?
All together now.
How can this possibly happen in this day and age in America? The government has spent the last 6 years telling us that terrorists are going get us unless we surrender our civil liberties for greater security. And by and large, we have stood by passively and watched as they took them from us, one by one. But when it comes to protecting a very high profile member of the opposition party, they are suddenly lax and carefree with security?
This evokes memories of the Bhutto assassination. How could it not? She was a popular member of the opposition party, who was assassinated because of lax security due to meddling by the ruling party.
You osama people sound like you in a cult...
OMG, they are going to do it right in front of our face, the balls, I hope the US burns if something happens to him. This explains why Hillary hasn't stopped yet. OMG it is so clear now. Obama PLEASE be carefull!
You don't think I was going to lose did you?
"He is not safe, and nor are we. "
It's the usual GOP bullshit machine people - WAKE UP!!
kooky keith said
"You all didn't think the Military Industrial Complex was just going to let Obama stop the war did you?"
Oh please, Hussein is one of them, a corporate whore. He won't stop the war especially since he kept voting to fund it.
Just because he's black and has a funny name doesn't mean he's going to "change" anything. He's a corrupt corporate whore lawyer and fooling all you retards.
Note to SS:
No No No. The grassy knoll v.II is supposed to be for GEORGE W. BUSH, NOT Obama....
"Obama is running against the entire military industrial complex, the Clintons, the Bushes, hundreds of years of racism, the insurance companies, Rove and Rush, and more than a handful of crazies. And yes, he's also running against the GOP establishment, led by Paulson and Bush."
Keith, you are getting closer and closer to being a carricature of a crazy blogger.
HUndred of years of racism? WTF dude, you hanging out with Al Sharpton over there in jolly old England?
Running agaisnt insurance cos? You forgot phramas too. Great let's run the pharmas out of business. We'll get the great Barack to come up with new drugs.
Let's get rid of the military too. We'll use 'hope and change' to guard ourselves from crazies out there.
Oh an military industrial complex? Geez man how very 50s/60s of you. Maybe you and Oliver Stone should collaborate on a project.
You can hate all you want anonymous. Obama didn't ever support the war and has vowed to pull the troops by the end of 2009.
He is the only hope to slow down the utter bankrupting of America by the military-industrial scum.
To christiangustafson:
I haven't laughed that hard in ages - thanks for capturing the moment.
Keith -- good for you for catching this one. It reflects on the 1) terrorism threats when politically convenient and advantageous meme for this administration; and 2) something fishy regarding Obama's protection by our SS.
When Obama talks change, I hear "throw the bums out" if they're not willing to work to help change direction of US.
p.s. I love the boldness of "anon" posters who hate Obama and yet stamp no name on their comments. They shout their opinions from dark dank corner.
"You Obama people are like a cult" Ha, ha, ha. Kind of like the cult of Ronald Reagan.
You would think that they would be more careful in Dallas.
Had the worst case happened, this would have been fodder for every conspiracy theorist for the next 50 years.
Not only is this a screw-up, it will now create more work for the Secret Service, as every nut job in the country sees their opportunity to get in the history books.
Unbelievably short sighted.
You're grasping at straws here
If long lines where stopping people from seeing Obama, the police/SS would get blamed for delaying him or not allowing enough people at the rally. They are in a no win situation.
RE: DALLAS -- Security details at Barack Obama's rally Wednesday stopped screening people for weapons at the front gates more than an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage at Reunion Arena.
Is it possible that the ruling elite have become so callous that they no longer fear reprisal for their crimes? Will they really commit a politically-motivated hate crime in broad daylight?
This is not wild speculation.
Hillary Clinton may have let the cat out of the bag when she made this thinly veiled threat concerning Obama: "Tell him to meet me in Texas — we're ready."
Let's parade in Dallas, the City of Hate!
(But be especially careful of that unusual curve when turning from Houston onto Elm.)
Is it possible that this scenario might really play out? Here? In America? The home of the brave and the land of the free?
If so, millions of people would immediately suspect the truth behind this event. The riots to follow would result in martial law being imposed in many large cities.
As usual, terrorists would be blamed for the incident.
Hillary Clinton would then make a series of rousing law and order speeches which would propel her into the White House with authority and power previously unknown to any former US president.
i could see a wave of high profile assassinations and/or low rent riots if he's taken out.
He is not going to stop the war, he said so himself. He is going to phase out of Iraq and into Afghanistan and Pakistan. But did he ever once say he would close the bases in Iraq?
Why have we allowed the Treasury Department to guard Obama?
Too scary....
Dude, weapons of mortals cannot kill the morningstar.
Additionally, why should any individual, other than a sitting or former president, even get SS protection?
Isn't Obama supposed to be martyred? At least the cultists think so.
This is a huge issue. Someone needs to contact radio stations and news networks. After it hits TV airwaves. You will immediately see security titghtn back up on him.
Good Find Keith
Keep up the good work !!!!
call new york times and nbc today
At the uiversity of MD, College Park Obama speech, toward the end of the line they stopped security screening people.
Why have we allowed the Treasury Department to guard Obama?
You moron, the Secret Service has always been part of the US Treasury. Their original job was fighting counterfeiting.
Please loosen the tin foil, it's cutting off the circulation to your brains.
The story itself gave the reason for the dropping of the weapons check. An Obama staffer probably saw that the arena wouldn't fill up in time for the TELEVISION start time, so they've got to fill the place up. Can't have our Dear Leader leader seen in front of an empty arena on national television, now can we?
Don't ascribe actions to a conspiracy when stupidity will suffice.
Let's parade in Dallas, the City of Hate!
I love to see leftwing idiots make a fool of themselves.
current mayor - democrat
mayor 2002-2007 - jewish female(D)
mayor 1995-2001- black man(D)
previous mayor - jewish woman(D)
elected county sheriff - lesbian Latino
eleted district attorney - former civil rights lawyer
100% of Dallas County elected offices held by democrats
majority of city council - blacks and hispanics
I bet the leftwing dailykooks still think everyone is riding around on horses with boots and cowboy hats.
Obama = Hope = Messiah = Cultists
Now wait a minute! Wait a minute!
(what movie was that from?)
In reality his stage is surrounded by secret service. A gunman would have to be 20-30 feet away and be a good shot to hit him with a pistol. It's not like it's a mosh pit.
A rifle would be a lot more accurate but he'd have to put the thing together and it would be kind of obvious. Otherwise he'd be walking in with a guitar case to hide the rifle.
But it does seem like poor judgement. If something did happen to do you live it down?
I only hope he picks a good running mate to step in just in case
I love the blog, but links would be nice to sources would be nice. Sometimes I am incredulous of the stuff I read here. The current administration is so corrupt and idiotic it's hard to beleive, but even so....
grandma pkk here--
I agree that this is definitely questionable protocol.
But to the person who made the crack about Hillary not losing; what's with you guys? What has she ever done, really that you can actually back up with anything but your own warped vision?
"Survival kit contents check. In them you'll find: one forty-five caliber automatic; two boxes of ammunition; four days' concentrated emergency rations; one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills; one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible; one hundred dollars in rubles; one hundred dollars in gold; nine packs of chewing gum; one issue of prophylactics; three lipsticks; three pair of nylon stockings. Shoot, a fella' could have a pretty good weekend in Dallas with all that stuff." -Major Kong
The original line was changed for some reason prior to release.
HIllary is the Bilderberger candidate....and their candidate ALWAYS wins.
>> But did he ever once say he would close the bases in Iraq?
Or undo all of W's Executive Orders?
Or undo all of W's Signing Statements?
Or shut down the IRS and at least a dozen other illegal departments?
Or come clean on the UFO coverup?
Or come clean on the USA concentration camps?
Oh crap, I forgot my meds this morning...
The only thing that can stop Mr. Empty suit Obama, from becoming president,
is his own self.
No one is stupid enough to turn him into a legend.
This issue is a non starter.
Is it possible that the ruling elite have become so callous that they no longer fear reprisal for their crimes? Will they really commit a politically-motivated hate crime in broad daylight?
They saw it work in Pakistan. Assassination in front of 10,000 people. And somehow nobody exactly knows who or how "They" did it.
Suppose you were Karl Rove. And you needed to keep the GOP in power, no matter what.
the tinfoil scenario:
Barack Obama, Democratic nominee is assassinated 3-4 weeks before the election. Black neighborhoods riot like it's 1968. Always good for GOP votes.
CA and NY are declared to be "in rebellion", Bush---with legal support from DOJ lackeys---suspends habeus corpus. Election happens with Obama still on ballot, and Dems promising a boring 'healing' candidate, e.g. VP candidate Richardson.
Bush and DOJ declare CA and NY electoral votes to be invalid being downgraded from states to "territories", refuse to seat electors, automatic win for GOP.
Cheney sworn in to presidency immediately by fawning Supreme Court chief ""Justice"" Roberts. along with VP Hucksterbee. Promises to crack down on "enemies, foreign and domestic".
Anyone that thinks that the Bush Crime Family will give up power on 01/20/2009 is a fool.
American fools need to back off their video games, chasing Brittany's panties, eating "fast" poision food, and wake up. We do not live in a free country, we live in a Facist nation. We are not a nation of laws, we are a nation of Christianist-Jihadist Theocratic militants. We are serfs on a plantations, and not if, but when the Establishment decides that it is time to bury or lynch Obama, the nation will have it's head so far shoved up Lindsy Lohan's ass that they will not even be aware.
My suggestion is, like the Pilgrims, get on a boat or a plane and find yourself a free country, a nation of laws, where your wive's won't be felt up at airports, beaten and tazzed by cops, or your kids forced anti-depressant suicidal-school-shooting making drugs.
Have a beer, watch some TV, and Trust Jesus, everyone will be fine....Long Live King Bush Forever...War you really believe in American Democracy?
Obama has already stopped himself from winning. He's screwed himself because he's gone too far with this messianic "I'm Jesus" stuff and now the paid actors pretending to faint in the audience.
He's like a criminal who gets away with a few jobs, then starts to get bold and goes too far and gets caught. Obama has taken things too far with this cult messianic campaign strategy and his trying to resemble Jesus and now the paid actors fainting have pushed him over the edge.
Of course, he has presented zero solutions to the nation's problems, so hiring paid actors is al he has left.
The only reason Obama looks so damn good right now is because who he's running against. Hillary Clinton has to be one of the most unelectable, unliked dem candidates ever. Her schtick might work with the uppereastside liberal in Manhattan, but get her out of the liberal alamos, and she's truely hated. Obama is soo far to the left.
Either of them are going to get crushed worse than Kerry did in the general election. And why? Because the swing voters, especially the southern ones, will not go for Hitlery or Hussien Obama. They will vote McCain this time.
Anon 4:29 -
It sounds like the only people who are hated in Dallas these days are white males (surprise, surprise).
I will say that Dallas is probably the only place I've ever been to that's as pretentious as Scottsdale.
I don't want to believe that this was intentional. He is an obvious target for propagators of hate. Killing him (or any popular candidate) could touch off a civil war. You wouldn't see a lapse like that if KADDAFI was visiting the US.
Of course, the intelligence community didn't see the fall of the Soviet Union coming, so maybe it's just mind-boggling incompetence.
Did this order come from Dick Cheney??? Where was Karl Rove yesterday? We need to seriously look at the Bhutto Assasination as well as JFK, MLK and realize what the republican party is up to. If Hillary concedes to Obama then all the GOP has to do is take Obama out to put there McCain in there and keep the war going...AND DONT FORGET THAT OBAMA PROMISES TO ROLL BACK THE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH
All they have to do is have a security lapse one bullet from say a Blackwater sniper and either blame it on the Clinton campaign which would allow arresting Hillary just like Bhutto under enemy combatant or simply find some mental crazy like McVey to use as a scapegoat. Bush and McCain and the rest of the thugs would give there condolences bullshit on TV then riots would break out then next up Martial Law and BushCo remains puppet governemt for the Military Industrial Complex
WELCOME TO 1984!!!!!!
DALLAS -- Security details at Barack Obama's rally Wednesday stopped screening people for weapons at the front gates more than an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage at Reunion Arena.
Relax Keithovski. The first communist president of the Shattered States of America will be fine.
Obama probably told them to quit doing illegal search and seizures on his voters! Maybe they found too much pot in the Kollege Kidz pockets and locked some of them up.
Nice fake story to drum up media coverage......
hundreds of years of racism
Isn't BHO 1/2 white???
How come we see Hillary's mother on stage but not BHO's? Is he embaressed by her?
Damn white people! Never did no good!
the ONLY candidate that has a chance of being wacked is RON PAUL.
abolish the Fed? check.
REALLY pull out of Iraq? check.
get rid of Federal Dept of EDucation? check.
balance budget? check.
Obama aint doin done of dez! Sorry cultist, Obama will live.
I bet the leftwing dailykooks still think everyone is riding around on horses with boots and cowboy hats.
Did you expect those cultists to be reasonable and informed? Try debating them on anything and they get that crazed look in their eyes and start foaming at the mouth like rabid dogs.
That's OK. If Obama gets assasinated on a Friday he will rise back from the dead on Sunday. He is after the new Jesus is he not?
Where did you hussien supporters get the idea that he will pull us completely out of iraq?
He has said he would reduce our presence in iraq and redeploy into Afghanistan and attack Pakistan if they don't cleanup osama.
and your ron paul who went against the treasury, and the bank did not even get the chance to be threatened that way being he was wearing some sort of muzzle.......
and i saw the former prime minister of england was running around LA with a goon squad of machine gun armed self protection hired help ala al capone and the roaring 20"s just before the great depression, and what about the hundreds of other countrys and their govt employees and former employees??????? and obama too????is there not something fitting and somewhat truthfull in this er crapshoot?
Boy this sinks it for me. You people really are soft! You all don't even know who your candidate is, do you?? Well, I'll help you out.
Obama is a MACHINE politician from Chicago. Do you know what that means? No ofcourse you don't. That means he A.) has a boss, and B.) Knows how to follow orders.
Here is a picture of Obama with his boss:
Awwwwe, doesn't Da Mayor look proud?
Here's a pic of Obama's boss celebrating the current POTUS's b-day:
Hmmmmmmm, I thought they were deadly arch enemies!?
The only thing that the no searching story indictes is that Obama is in absolutly no danger what so ever! Carry on.
what we may need is a depression yet before anyone wjll say "bring it on" is after they think they have prepared themselves for it and will come out top dog, another crapshoot
hell all i gotta do to get this page in the top 25 of google science is type adenosine wrong like _"adneosine"... A...C....G...T.........ACGTTACCGTTGGCTA......FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH AGED CELL AGE REVERSAL CODE...LIFESPAN RECHARGE METHOD...FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS......adneosine ...CtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTggggggg.... see Adneosine
Yeah the SS is purposely going to allow Obama to get killed. So then we will have riots all over the land. And Bush can then declare martial law and like you know man become like king and stuff man. Yeah man it's true, it's all true, I read it on the internet and so it has to be true man.
someone needs to start an online petition to get the SS to publicly explain why this was done.
Here is the SOLUTION
OBAMA, have HILLARY as your VP and NOBODY would dare touch you.
I mean... she would replace him ... scary.....
Keith and Followers:
Paulson conspiracy???
Treasury Dept conspiracy???
US Secret Service has actually been part of the Dept. of Homeland Security since '02 or '03.
I agree with almost everything you say regarding the housing bubble, but you really are pushing the boundaries of sanity with conspiracy theories this far-fetched. At least villainize the correct cabinet branch.
Yes, I agree with other recent posters. This blog is becoming a branch of Daily Kos with all the leftist conspiracy theories running rampant.
>charlottemom says
"When Obama talks change, I hear "throw the bums out" if they're not willing to work to help change direction of US."
Yes, that's right - you hear exactly what you want to hear, while Obama said nothing of the sort and commmited himself to nothing. You are a perfect exemplification of the hystericals embracing Obama.
"p.s. I love the boldness of "anon" posters who hate Obama and yet stamp no name on their comments. They shout their opinions from dark dank corner."
Pretty funny for someone who posted as anonymous! LOL
Anonymous said...
He is not going to stop the war, he said so himself. He is going to phase out of Iraq and into Afghanistan and Pakistan. But did he ever once say he would close the bases in Iraq?
February 22, 2008 3:52 PM
yep yep yep But i wouldn't expect the Obama followers to really listen to what he says they are so blinded.
I will say that Dallas is probably the only place I've ever been to that's as pretentious as Scottsdale.
WTF are you talking about?
FYI 70% of Dallas is trashy ghettos and barrios. The rest of it is rich old Jewish people and carpetbaggers from NY and CA.
The pretentious people live in Frisco and Westlake surburbs.
Anyone that thinks that the Bush Crime Family will give up power on 01/20/2009 is a fool.
Yet another dailykook. The dailykooks were predicting that the 2004 election would be cancelled by a faked terror attack. When it wasn't and they lost, they claimed it was "stolen" again.
They saw it work in Pakistan. Assassination in front of 10,000 people. And somehow nobody exactly knows who or how "They" did it.
They know exactly who did it but the dailykooks won't accept anything less than a government conspiracy.
These are the same dialykooks who believe MLK was assasinated in a CIA-FBI-military-KKK-Mafia-NSA conspiracy like they saw in the movies by Oliver Stoned. Only a dailykook would dream up of such a conspiracy. If you were to kill someone, why would you want to get everyone in the world involved in your secret?
I love Barack. I want to marry him and bear his children. I will protect him with my life.
The most appropriate scenario for the shady group (mix of rogue CIA-Mossad-MI-6 agents + Skull & Bones, etc) carry this attempt on Obama is to use one of those brainswashed CIA lab rats, but of Muslim origin, so they can keep on making trillions with the phony terror threat and boogeyman.
If the shady groups picks a racist scenario, there'll be too many riots across the country and won't do any good to the phony terror thing that helps them to make money. So they'll pick a Muslim to add fuel to the phony war on terror they invented in order to transfer trillions from taxpayer money into their pockets.
They may also come up with a similar plan used on 9-11. Some undercover rogue agent from the shady group may infiltrate some dumb Al-Qaeda cell in Europe, for instance, and push a pre-arranged/pre-financed plan to kill Obama in the US. Like happened on 9-11, decent agents from the intelligence community, who usually are monitoring this Al-Qaeda cells close, will receive orders from some obscure superiors (members of the shady group who made their way into sensitive areas of the government) to let the cell get into the US and be free for a while. Easy as pie.
Then, the shady group, along with its corrupt mainstream media (i.e., Chris Matthews, Anderson Cooper, Faux News, Tim Russert, Hannity, Glen Beck, O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, etc) will all receive the fax with instructions to blame the Muslim cell, and they will play it on TV to death until the sheep watching gets into that American zoombie state. You know the American sheeple will certainly buy it because they are a bunch of retards, just like some posters here.
Trillions of dollars are a good incentive to kill ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.
Yes, I agree with other recent posters. This blog is becoming a branch of Daily Kos with all the leftist conspiracy theories running rampant.
Please, don't let the door hit you on the a$$...
I think you stick to Housing and forget about politics. You dont know your ass from your head in politics. Obama will never be elected because:
1. He has no experience.
2. All he did was sell books instead of making some policy in the Senate.
3. One of the highest absentee record in Senate.
4. All he does is promote brand Obama so he can sell more books and charge big fees for his speeches.
5. He is not in it to do some major policy changes or do something useful for any but himself.
6. All his speehces sound like he is naive about real problems facing the country.
7. He has dreams, so do I. It means nothing. All his speeches are full of hot air with no basis in reality or any realistic solutions.
8. His speeches are good for immature kids and immature adults like you.
9. He is not capable of making tough decisions. He is like a preacher, talks for hours but says nothing, absolutely nothing.
on and on..... too long a list why he is unfit even for a Senator let alone for a president.
Perverts are coming outta woodwork.
You guys are so naive. Don't worry, Keith, your candidate Obama is safe and the war will go on:
WASHINGTON DC -- Barack Obama's top economics adviser is a member of the super-secret Skull & Bones society of Yale University, of which George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and John Kerry are also members.
By adding the infamous Skull & Bones secret society to his campaign roster, Obama, who bills himself as the candidate of change and hope, has attained a prefect trifecta of oligarchical and financier establishment backing for his attempt to seize the nomination of the Democratic Party for 2008. Obama's main overall image adviser and foreign policy adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski, the co-founder of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, and the mastermind of the disastrous Carter administration. Obama's wife Michelle is reputed to be closely linked to the Council on Foreign Relations. Behind the utopian platitudes dished up by the Illinois senator, the face of the Wall Street money elite comes into clearer and clearer focus.
No shortage of desparate fat middle aged white women in this country.
"How come we see Hillary's mother on stage but not BHO's? Is he embaressed by her?"
The word is spelled embarrassed, and no he isn't. His mother is DEAD, but way to show your ignorance (like most of the other wingnuts here).
The roots of liberalism – and its associated madness – can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind," he says. "When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
Local reports say that it was Obama's people who pressured security to speed up the process because it would take nearly a day to get 17,000 people through 8 metal detector stations
>You all didn't think the >Military Industrial >Complex was just going >to let Obama stop the >war did you?
The question that one must ask him or her self must be the following below.
1.) The United States of America will have invested approximately 2 trillion dollars by the end of this war. Is it safe to say that they will allow someone like Obama to just come in and end this war, and allow two trillion dollars to be flushed down the toilet along with the vast amount of Iraqi Oil(Peak Oil is here folks, hence, the reason why we attacked Iraq) and in doing so leave a country in turmoil like Iraq in the hands of tribes and terrorist, along with 3000+ soldiers that have already perished?
I think we all know the answer to this, I think not. Peak Oil is here folks and that means that the world economies are in a decline because of it. Unfortunately in order for this Great American Empire to sustain it self it must control vast amounts of Oil, without it America is doomed and many at the top(Bush's Base) know it.
Do you think these people will allow a Black Man like Obama to stop this war just because his running for president.
I think Obama is the right man for this country to be president but he is in danger because of his ideas and because of the top hierarchy that he threatens to topple.
Obama is in danger and he must protect himself , Keith is right!
How come we see Hillary's mother on stage but not BHO's? Is he embaressed by her?
She's dead, so she's unable to appear.
I recently attended a rally with Michelle Obama in SLC and there was no security. I was a bit surprised. Security is something they have thought about. Mrs. Obama even mentioned it in her speech.
I hope this country has passed that kind of violence in politics now.
McCain will be President regardless. It has already been decided by the European Central Bankers that control the Fed.
Next question.
Who Cares!
Every day that he lives is a miracle, and everybody knows it.
KEITH! Obama is not running against the military industrial complex, Clintons, etc. He's the same!
Google "Global Poverty Act". Obama wants to initiate a global tax collected by the UN.
He is 100% status quo. Global government, centralized power, destroyed sovereignty, etc.
WTF are you thinking?
These people all are ding-dongs. Want to know who's actually cool... Russ Feingold.
Now wait a minute! Wait a minute!
(what movie was that from?)
In reality his stage is surrounded by secret service. A gunman would have to be 20-30 feet away and be a good shot to hit him with a pistol. It's not like it's a mosh pit.
Uh, I dunno...Regan? Ford? Kennedy (both of them), John Lennon, The Pope, Versace, Columbine, Virginia Tech?
The termination of screening has
happened several times in recent
Despite the "friendly crowd" gaffe
by the Deputy Chief, there is a
rationale that could excuse the
late termination of screening.
If the screened folks are near the
stage, and the unscreened folks are
kept away from the stage, then
that's a reasonable compromise.
But don't think we are past
political assassinations.
Skinheads with wigs; Jihadists in suits; and all variations that fester in the uneducated masses might be in a crowd, either screened or not, with a weapon that might evade detection.
Sometimes a policy of blowback
is the only way to discourage
some fanatics.
You know there are a lot of people in America walking the streets that are off their medication. Others, like the guy who followed Reagan to "let Jody Foster know who he was" before he fired the shots. Then there are the obsessed people like Lee Harvey Oswald, who want to make a dent in History.
Is the implication here that because Dr. King was killed, and Bobby Kennedy was killed then the next true "hope" candidate will be killed? Someone who cares for the common person?
Already we are lining up stories and mythology to prepare for the worst. The Secret Service "relaxed" security. That is Dr. King stuff. There was a book out some time ago "Did the FBI Kill Martin Luther King?" This must stop! We need to stop it now!
Nip this nonsense in the bud. People are crossing ethnic lines on this one and age lines, and every kind of line. Don't feed some nut or give him or her ideas. Drop the subject and don't bring it up. Some nut will think it's a signal to make himself important.
That is Dr. King stuff. There was a book out some time ago "Did the FBI Kill Martin Luther King?" This must stop! We need to stop it now!
Nip this nonsense in the bud.
No, we won't stop. You be the sheep. Go sell your Kool-Aid somewhere else, fake American. As a matter of fact, leave the country before we kick your butt on the streets. The more you wants us to stop, the more we come swinging. We won't listen to disinformation agents, Corporate and Republican Fascists, or plain unintelligent individuals like you. Nice try, troll, now go back to your Fascist bootlicker job.
Remember when I told you all that the corrupt mainstream media (i.e., Chris Matthews, Tim Russert, Anderson Cooper, Glen Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, etc), would slowly shift their constant daily bashing from Hillary to Obama, after their plan of getting Hillary out was achieved?
Here's Chris Matthews talking about Obama, as his corrupt Hardbal program shows the image of Osama Bin Laden:
Folks, there's no apology for this, as the TV network studios are full of producers and managers who control these programs as it broadcasts life, and with the 30 seconds delay to correct mistakes. There's no "mistake" here. It's a deliberate plan by the shady group controlling everything, including the media and the Fed.
There's no coincidence about oil @ $100 / barrel after you voted two oil men into the White House. Stop believing in "coincidences".
You better wake up because the shady group is playing you all for a fool. Don't pay attention to some disinformation agents posting here either, who work out of a desk in Washington, always trying to convince you otherwise. They get paid to spread the Republican Corporate Fascism on the "internets" all day.
Don't you find interesting how the mainstream media worked so hard last week to make that MCcain scandal go away fast? For instance, one of the arguments by bootlicker Anderson Cooper was that the McCain's case was at least 8 years old. Like it was old news that shouldn't be brought up.
Well, what about the constant hammering by the corrupt mainstream media during the Swift Boat case, which was an event that occurred more than 30 years ago? The corrupt mainstream media, that works as bootlicker for the Republican Corporate Fascists, didn't think that more than three decades were a factor then, as they bashed Kerry day and night for months.
So I want you to start paying attention to all these details and start adding them up. There'll be bootlickers coming here to spread lies, as the agents of disinformation they are, but don't pay attention and keep observing how these Fascists operate and constantly try to play you for a fool, in order to steal your money and your liberties.
Anyone who doesn't vote for Obama is a racist. Does America deserve Barack Obama?
IF HPers are concerned about government intervention into the Housing Mess, then you should also be concerned about all the promises of free goodies and bribes that BO makes to voters.
Why would I vote for a relentless self promoting IDIOT (who doesn't understand seriousness of problems faced by the country and you expect him to come up with solutions with endless meaningless naive speeches full of hot air)? He should not even be a Senator let alone president. Its the dumming down of the country thats creating this manic bevaviour of going after what ever fad of the day, be it cabbage patch doll, dotcom , real estate, pet rock and now Obama. How stupid can Americans get ?? How low they have to sink before we see a turn around ???
I would be glad to be called racist than vote for an absolute moron like Obama.
Here's your buddy Obama Hussein Obama. His true colors are dripping in slowly...
[A][URL];_ylt=AjIGy3bElxabukoxdEha.AI__8QF[/URL][TXT]Farrakhan compared Obama to Nation Of Islam's founder!!![/TXT][/A]
I'll try again with the link:
Farrakhan compares Obama to Nation Of Islam Founder
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