Some people are just scum. And then there's stories like these, which show a level worse than scum.
The United States is no longer a nation of laws, so I'd imagine nobody is following up on going after the failed housing gamblers who are now abandoning and abusing their animals as they skip town.
How these people sleep at night I'll never know. Screw the bank, sure, but for the love of god, the dogs? The cats?
If you want to help, here's an animal shelter in Stockton. Give 'em a few bucks if you can.
Foreclosures lead to abandoned animals
STOCKTON, Calif. - The house was ravaged — its floors ripped, walls busted and lights smashed by owners who trashed their home before a bank foreclosed on it. Hidden in the wreckage was an abandoned member of the family: a starving pit bull.
The dog found by workers was too far gone to save — another example of how pets are becoming the newest victims of the nation's mortgage crisis as homeowners leave animals behind when they can no longer afford their property.
Pets "are getting dumped all over," said Traci Jennings, president of the Humane Society of Stanislaus County in northern California. "Farmers are finding dogs dumped on their grazing grounds, while house cats are showing up in wild cat colonies."
The abandoned pets are overwhelming animal shelters and drawing fury from bloggers, especially as photos of emaciated animals circulate on the Internet.
February 06, 2008
OK, this really pisses me off: Failed housing gamblers who are abandoning their pets as they abandon their houses
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I hope there is a hell for these people!
That's it. Now I'm mad.
Kill the people save the animals
We live out in the sticks, prime dumping ground for unwanted pets. We found our mixed breed husky was out on the road one night. Friendly, obviously lost, trained, collar, no tags. I put found notices in all the local store bulletin boards and vets offices. No luck!
A friend who works at Animal Rescue said that you would be amazed at the number of pure-bred, expensive, trained dogs that are winding up there. When things get tough, fido is the first thing to go!
It’s illegal in PA to dump an animal, but you gotta catch em!
One a$$hole that they did catch came up with "Well, I was just returning him to nature"
A domesticated dog, a family member?
Ba$tard should have been shot.
Hidden in the wreckage was an abandoned member of the family: a starving pit bull.
Pit Bull? Poor Guy. But you know what kind of people get those animals- yup, totally ghetto from the get go! Wanna bet the owners had names like Gomez or Ramirez and they drove a leased Escalade with spinning rims- the scum of the earth!
The punishment for abandoning your pet should be spaying or neutering.
Seriously, it should be a felony. How can people have such utter disregard for life? Is it that hard to take the animal to the shelter?
If an abandoned pet is found on a property that's being foreclosed on, the last owner of record should have a warrant for arrest issued on them. Then next time they get pulled over they'll get justice.
I'm sure they walked away from the pet and the house but they probably kept the car.
Yeah, as far as I'm concerned, these "people" that are doing this...... They deserve an equal amount of physical torture/pain to that of which the dog has endured.
I'm also betting that the majority of these cases are perpetrated by criminal mexican invaders. 99.999999% of all European Americans would never do such a thing.
We adopted a great kitten from an abandoned (locked up) condo. He seems to know how close he came.... he was pretty sick and weak. He stays pretty close.
A few weeks later, some "home debtors" abandoned their house and threw their female kitten in a dumpster. Now we have two rescued cats and a lot of laughs in our old trailer house.
The vet bills were a little crazy, but that's ok 'cause were just trailer trash renters. We have cash, that's our credit.
Whoever threw away our critters don't know what they missed out on, the dumb shits. I think we got pretty lucky.
Many of you are pissed off about this so do something, like adopt a pet that was abandoned. Give it a home, have a friend, and know you took that away from the jerks. You can get even a little bit, right?
I read the other day the animal shelters in Sacramento area are filled to capacity with unwanted pets from all the forclosed homeowners.
Most of these people giving up their pets (or keeping them tied up in their abandoned homes) look at animals as only as property, to just toss out like a worn out piece of furniture.
This is the unfortunate side of the housing bubble.
Stop being racist. Pull your head out of your ***. Why would I consider anything a racist person has to say? If you are so wrong about your fellow man, you are probably blind to all truths.
makes me sick and sad.
"Moral codes adjust themselves to environmental conditions" wrote William J. Durant.
Cruelty? Inhumanity? We ain't seen nothin' yet. Get ready to hunker down and protect what's yours.
"..For a small number of individuals, the decaying social network will unleash the most savage of instintcs, leading to an increase in random acts of barbaric violence and murder".
M.J. Panzer, Financial Armageddon 2007
They should know who lived at the houses previously, so charge these low lives with animal cruelty. This is as criminal as those idiots who dress up in camouflage to blast, with a shotgun, little animals that are performing their function in nature. I'm telling you, this country is doomed.
Anyone who owns a pitbull or similar breed is obviously ghetto trash. Have you ever seen a well-educated person with a pitbull?
What's next, they start abandoning their kids?
Again, it just goes to show the pathetic kind of no-class people who bought into the housing ponzi scheme and the tricky fake loans that went with it.
These kind of stories tick me off. I don't care how down and out you are, find a home for your animal if you can't take care of it. That's what animal shelters are for.
My cats are way too spoiled to survive on their own. And I'm sure that most of these animals were the same way before they were dumped by the side of the road.
And these home owning scum have the hide to look down on us renters???
disgusting. Just goes to show that the same irresponsible scumbags who would borrow against their non-income to buy houses they couldn't afford have no regard or compassion for anything other than their own bloated, fast-food, big-screen-tv sized asses. Makes me ashamed to be called a "human being".
My heart goes out to those animals. They're the only real innocent victims in this whole mess. (Ok, the kids, too....but I feel more sympathy for a critter than I do for someone else's teenager with an attitude.)
Maybe the renters here can answer this it harder or easier now to find a landlord who will accept pets? I had a hell of a time finding anyone in this county who would rent to us because I had two big dogs at the time (they freaked at the mention of the words "shepherd mix" and kept saying their insurance wouldn't let them take anyone with such a dog, even if I could document that they were so lazy all they could catch were fleas). I couldn't believe that I could have an ill-tempered yappy rat dog that likes to bite ankles and toes, but not a dog over the magical 50 lb mark.
I remember one particular idiot rental agent who flat out told me to leave my dogs behind. WTF??
I'm not excusing this behavior in the slightest, but I wonder if difficulty finding a rental after getting kicked out of your home has something to do with people abandoning their pets.
Anyone who abandons a domestic animal to starve or abuses it rather than taking it to a shelter (where it at least has a chance to be adopted and if it dies, will usually do so with as little pain as possible) deserves a bullet in the forehead, but only after having had their skin ripped off in small strips, waterboarding, and then having their limbs chopped off one joint at a time, in each case only after smashing the limb and breaking the bone before chopping off the segment, and cauterizing after each step with a flame not quite hot enough to kill the nerve before a lot of pain.
Don't remember who said it, or where:
Most of these POS have been conditioned to view their houses, cars, PETS, etc. as just props in a reality show about their sh!tty lives...when the show is over, the hell with the props.
Pathetic. K1ll any fuck3r who does this.
I am sure the banks are also outraged with stories like this. The utter disregard the ex-homedebtors have by trashing an otherwise perfectly good prospective CDO....
Strange...despite all the talk about abandoned pets, I NEVER see a stray dog or cat wandering around in Chinatown...
Don't give Mr. Hac any ideas, now.
We recently got a gorgeous dog from the local shelter... sweet like crazy, trained, obviously an expensive purebred...
Thin coat, dark color, snow/rain and no street light here...
Shelter had her for 3+ weeks, no one even made a call... was found wandering around a busy road, picked up by the pound staff...
On cold and crappy nights here, I think what would have happened to her if someone hadn't noticed her... and all the pooches not as 'lucky' as her...
Makes me sick to my stomach. She wouldn't survive more than a night, unless she found an open shed somewhere. Think those scum POS people should be thrown out of whatever hole they live in now, made to sit in the rain/snow wind for nights on end with no food or even a coat...
Go starve and freeze and stay wet a few nights and then get hit by a car, you bastards. Then go find that special place in hell reserved just for you.
That should happen after they spend time in jail.
"Kill the people save the animals"
I'm ok with that...
My cousin has rescued a couple Pits and they are one of the most loyal dogs you could ever have. They will give their life to save yours without question. How the F can you abandon an animal like that?? How can you abandon any animal?
Sorry, the older I get the more compassion I loose for people...
Both my dogs are from rescues.
I'm betting these dogs were not treated that well even when the people were still living there. Face the facts, these people didn't just become irresponsible trash when they couldn't pay their mortgage. They were that way long before that.
This is a classic example of why people should become vets instead of doctors. Why would anyone want to save people like this?
Amen 5:05 - the day they signed the papers on a loan they knew they couldn't pay. And I agree with The Punisher - kill 'em all. Slowly.
Then there was the asshole who put pigs in his house. I hope he got his.
What's next, they start abandoning their kids?
No, not necessarily. Through the ages mothers (especially) have found their daughters to be an economic asset if used for Prostitution. Happens now with crack mothers in cities. My boss visited Peru a few years ago. Widespread poverty. Guess what? Lots of young girls into prostitution. In rural, poor areas of Asia (I know that narrows it down) parents will sell off their pre-pubescent daughters to older men as wives. If the young girl is very pretty get a lot of money + one less mouth to feed. But about developed countries, if things get real bad (e.g., hyperinflationary depression) expect to see some of the same things Germany experienced in the 1920s. Barter economy. Mothers dressing up their preteen daughters and putting tons of makeup on them. Then wait on the street corner with their daughter to negotiate the price.
It's happened before. It will happen again.
As another poster quoted:
"Moral codes adjust themselves to environmental conditions" wrote William J. Durant.
Seriously, it should be a felony. How can people have such utter disregard for life?
Gee , why don't you go and GOOGLE "Earthlings" and watch the WHOLE friggin video !! Want to see the truth ??!! Want to see what they really do when you are not looking??
When I came across this article, I saw RED.
Gives you a good view into the TRUE character of these people. Good luck trying to play the victim now you pretenteous, greedy, self-centered douchebags.
I often feel the same way about people like that.
is that why my one feral cat brought "home" company twice this week, after being kidnapped by the humane society last month and had to walk clear across town to get back, saw him on the pet adoption channel complaining like he does if the door can not be pushed open, shoul hve drven to get him but i hoped someone would take better car of him than someone making him be ferel.....
now you go out and eat those mice that have been eating the fruit trees miniture blossoming fruit and also the cockroaches on the roof and those new moles that have been digging in the yard,,,,guess its time to find a treat you like....
happy homeowner in the stix said...
Maybe the renters here can answer this it harder or easier now to find a landlord who will accept pets? I had a hell of a time finding anyone in this county who would rent to us because I had two big dogs at the time (they freaked at the mention of the words "shepherd mix" and kept saying their insurance wouldn't let them take anyone with such a dog................
I has the same b.s. with my homeowners ins. Got a call out of the clear blue, from the oh-so-friendly customer service people. A$$hole beat around the bush with some innocent inquires, updating my coverage, that kind of thing, then he got down to business,any wood stoves, kero heaters, DOGS!?
Agent: What kind of dogs do you have SIR?
Me: Dunno, mutts?
Agent.: Oh no Sir! You must give us a breed for our records.
Me: I no dog expert, they are just big dumb mutts.
Agent: BIG, SIR? HOW BIG?( you could just smell the fear AND the policy cancellation)
Me: I dunno, never weighed em!
Long story short, I made up a mix of the biggest, gentlest breeds I knew,(huskies and shephards are big time no-no's) and estimated their weight. Hey, maybe I was right, I never picked em up ether!
What's next, they send our soldiers to war without armor? ooops...never mind.
now you go out and eat those mice that have been eating the fruit trees miniture blossoming fruit and also the cockroaches on the roof and those new moles that have been digging in the yard,,,,guess its time to find a treat you like....
Mr. I don't get it even if they hit me on the head, there's no reason to be shooting animals in the wild. if you haven't noticed, Americans are freaking obese, so HUNTING FOR MORE FOOD SHOULDN'T BE A CONCERN IN THE LAND OF GREED, EVIL, AND GLUTENY.
Apartments are not place for pets. Nobody wants to hear your pets all the time either. Sink your retirement money into vets and rip-off pet food and meds, bunch of bankrupt and soon to be laid-off geniuses.
Through the ages mothers (especially) have found their daughters to be an economic asset if used for Prostitution. Happens now with crack mothers in cities. My boss visited Peru a few years ago. Widespread poverty. Guess what? Lots of young girls into prostitution. In rural, poor areas of Asia (I know that narrows it down) parents will sell off their pre-pubescent daughters to older men as wives.
And the biggest customers are sleazy "conservative" American men.
Should you as a landlord allow tenants with dogs? I wouldn't:
2 arrested over homes filled with dog waste
Broward investigators on Tuesday uncovered a third house of horrors inhabited by a mother-daughter duo and 16 of their 62 dogs.
Deputies arrested Ann M. Centofanti, 44, and Ann Hesse-Centofanti, 24, who investigators say then confessed to leaving dozens of animals in squalor. The women had 16 dogs and one bird with them when they surrendered Tuesday at 1344 NW Sixth Ave. in Fort Lauderdale.
The search for the women began last year after they were evicted from an Oakland Park home for not paying rent.
They fled, investigators said, leaving behind a home filled with dog feces -- it covered the walls and was even in the washing machine.
The pair found another unsuspecting landlord to rent them a spot four blocks away, in Oakland Park's Floranada neighborhood.
But Centofanti and Hesse-Centofanti fled that unit, too -- on Sunday -- and they took some dogs with them and left behind about 50 others to fend for themselves.
The women were charged Tuesday with grand theft and two counts of criminal mischief.
The charges stem from the Oakland Park homes, where investigators claim the mother and daughter caused more than $100,000 in damage and stole everything that wasn't ruined by dog feces, urine and vomit.
Investigators couldn't hide their disgust at the living conditions inside the homes.
''There were large portions of walls that had been chewed past the wire mesh and the stench was unbearable,'' Detective Brian Rupp wrote in a report about the first home, in the 4400 block of Northeast 15th Way. ``As I walked through the residence I was attacked by thousands of fleas.''
Anonymous Said: "The vet bills were a little crazy, but that's ok 'cause were just trailer trash renters. We have cash, that's our credit."
Hey, that's OK. You're good white trash. You are the noble poor, the honorable trailer trash.
I can deal with your types. You've had a hard life, you smoke too much, drink too much, lay around the trailer too much and sex it up too much, but you don't hurt people, and you don't do dope.
You've a few missing or rotten teeth and look 20 years older than you are. But you know what? You're still a thousand times better than these sleaze-ball, evil rats that will let a little puppy or kitty die.
You are the noble poor that helped build this country, but you just couldn't ever get it together for yourself.
I forgive you. Smoke up, and drink up. Enjoy what little pleasures you have but love the kittys!
And the biggest customers are sleazy "conservative" American men.
Nope. In Asia it is Japanese businessmen (sex tourism is big in Japan) and wealthy Middle Easterners. In Peru it is Argentinians and, of course, Peruvian men. In 1920s Germany it was Germans. Common theme? The wealthy men had money. The poor women did not. So the WOMEN prostituted THEIR own daughters. The only way to put bread on the table.
Women have sold off/got rid of their daughters since the beginning of time. Though the process is usually delicately called marriage...
If you're going to call anyone sleazy start with the parents, specifically the mothers. I wouldn't call them sleazy though. Only desperate from having no other choice.
To all you wacko somewhat righteous violent pet lovers on this thread- show of hands & speak up, how many of you are vegetarians?
What's that I hear? Crickets chirping?
So it's perfectly ok to raise animals for food in squalor like tight conditions and slaughter them off but when it comes to your cat or dog now they are given nearly the same rights as a human being?
I believe the phrase that comes to mind is "Fucking Hypocrite"...
If you are an animal lover or so passionate about your pets why aren't you a vegetarian?
Apologies if you are and also a passionate pet lover. But I'll bet most of you aren't so re-read the phrase above.
-Big Cheese
We sold our house in early 2007 and had no trouble finding a landord who would allow us to rent with two cats and a 90 pound very hyper yellow lab. Cash and 750+ credit does wonders for changing the landlords opinion on animals.
The unspoken pact I have with my animals is loyalty until death.
The people leaving their "friends" behind really need to be taken out and shot.
Big Cheese said...
>>>So it's perfectly ok to raise animals for food in squalor like tight conditions and slaughter them off.
February 07, 2008 5:36 AM
No Big Cheese it's NOT acceptable that the farm animals we eat are raised and kept in deplorable conditions!!! Nor is it okay that the FDA has approved cloning of these farm animals for our consumption. THIS MUST be exposed!
I admit I am a carnavore. I love my steak and I am not ashamed of that. However, a farm animal is not usually considered a house pet. I'm sure if I lived on a farm and had a pig, turkey, chicken or cow as a pet I would most definitely NOT eat them.
I have indoor cats and also feed the squirrels, birds and any other animal that enters my yard ~ just because...
What these loosers are doing are just as BAD as those slaughterhouses that are acting inhumanely! These loosers are abandoning their dogs tied up with no food or water. Their leaving their cats locked up in the home with no food or water.
The Punisher said...
February 06, 2008 9:18 AM
Your description is so fitting to the crime. I so feel that way with regard to every creature on this planet!
People who abandon their pets are scum of the earth.
Princess Monokote,
I enjoy reading your postings and respect your ideas so please take what I'm saying constructively.
If you are true animal lover you would be a vegetarian. The notion that you shouldn't eat a pig because another pig happens to be your pet or live on your farm is a bit silly if you are eating all sorts of other animals. Example: In Malaysia Muslims don't keep dogs in the house or as pets because they are considered filthy and some other racial groups eat dogs within the country. So now since a dog is not a pet it's ok to eat it?
I agree that leaving an animal in a foreclosed house to die is not cool, however neither is eating that juicy steak because an animal suffered dearly though at someone elses hands (unless you work in factory farming that is). People just find a way to deal with the latter by denial. I should know, I was a big meat eater for 15+ years of my life.
Think about it. Are you enough of an animal lover to give up eating meat? That's why I stopped.
-Big Cheese
I totally get your point Big Cheese. However, I am a lover of nature and everything in it. I respect life in general.
I have also made it my cause to fight against the over fishing of our oceans, the mass slaughter of dolphins and whales for research, the slaughterhouse animal abuse and cloning, etc. I am raising awareness on this matter.
Nevertheless, it is natural for there to be vegetarians and carnivores living on this earth. This holds true in the animal kingdom as well as the human race.
A lion kills his/her meal for necessity once a week let's say. The Human Race, for the sake of CAPITALISM is guilty of greed and justifies their atrocious actions based on demand NOT need. That IS the problem.
Let's say I live in a hut in Fiji away from any other population (I can dream can't I) I will fish for my daily meals, gather fruits and nuts etc. I will live off the land BUT ONLY for necessity.
Nature will provide for my daily existence and in return I will respect nature for providing. Because without nature I would not be alive!
These are a few examples:
1) China is guilty of shark finning. They capture the sharks, cut off their fins without killing them and then throw them back into the ocean to drown. Just so they can charge $200 for shark fin soup!
2) Japan is guilty of murdering whales for research. I just posted this atrocity on my blog showing Japanese fisherman killing a mother whale and calf!
3) Iceland, Denmark most of the nordic countries are guilty of mass murder of school of dolphins I have videos of this on my blog posted last month.
4) Slaughterhouses are guilty of the inhumane treatment of chickens, pigs, cows and turkeys. Like you said they're raised packed in shitboxes in deplorable conditions for our consumption. This has to be exposed and stopped!
5) Europe is guilty of raping the oceans. "Their own waters largely fished out, European nations have steered their heavily subsidized fleets to Africa. Worldwide, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that 75 percent of fish stocks are overfished or fished to their maximum." This is NO JOKE!
I can go on... This is all WRONG!
I'll give you another far off example...
Sex is a natural act. Every living creature on this planet has sex either for pleasure or procreation.
It's NOT wrong to have sex. However, it is WRONG for a father or mother or any adult to have sex with his/her child or any child for that matter! That is called rape or molestation...
You have a cool attitude and I appreciate the discussion.
Being vegetarian is an individual choice so I won't try and convince you. But realize that a human can survive fine on a vegetarian or a meat based diet whereas a pure carnivore (such as most animals in the cat family) physiologically cannot.
You are right there is a natural order in nature between predators and prey. I saw that firsthand while on safari in Tanzania. But we humans really have a choice not to add to the suffering in this world especially when it comes to factory farming (sadly the only economical way to feed so many people with meat everyday). I think being vegetarian makes the world a better place and that goes around to everyone ultimately. One of the things that freaked me out is the scale of factory farmning due to the extreme concentration of animals and this is because so many people are in the habit of eating so much meat everyday. We are creatures of habit and those habits can create powerful effects in the world, are people stopping to think about the consequences of their actions?
Kind of like if a few people don't respect property it can spiral out of control and before you know it you have created modern Detroit.
Anyway if you turn vegetarian one day you have my congrats but if not that's ok too as you are contributing in other ways.
Sorry if I sound preachy here but it's from the heart, honestly.
-Big Cheese
I'll give you another far off example...
Sex is a natural act. Every living creature on this planet has sex either for pleasure or procreation.
It's NOT wrong to have sex. However, it is WRONG for a father or mother or any adult to have sex with his/her child or any child for that matter! That is called rape or molestation...
I've found that adult women will often define right or wrong based on whether something personally benefits them.
Men having sex with younger females or going overseas to find a wife does not personally benefit adult women so adult women define that act as wrong.
Murdering babies (abortion) does personally benefit adult women (e.g., keep their figure, not saddled with a kid) so adult women define that act as right.
Owning versus renting is another example. Women want a house so men with a house are winners. Men who rent are losers. Even if the economic conditions dictate renting is the rational choice.
Remaining single versus marrying is another example. If women want to stay single and focus on their career those women are strong and independent. If men want to stay single and focus on their career they are Peter Pan boy-men who refuse to grow up and get married.
You can go down the list. Anything women define as RIGHT is usually 100% correlated with personally benefiting them at the moment. Anything women define as WRONG is usually 100% correlated with not personally benefitting them at the moment.
That is called malignant narcissism.
Anonymous said...
>>>I've found that adult women will often define right or wrong based on whether something personally benefits them.
Anon, I agree with you that there are many women in the world that are superficial and only out for their best interest. I have to say that I am not one of them.
While the above may be true... it is still WRONG to rape anybody at any age and it is still wrong to molest a child PERIOD!
and BTW- how on earth am I benefiting from this WRONG???!!!
Hi Big Cheese,
I completely respect your decision to become a vegetarian. That is your personal choice and this is your contribution to the world. Kudos!
But let's not stop there... the rain forest is being annihilated so that we can have hardwood floors, houses and furniture etc. Opec is pumping out oil like it is an inexhaustible resource so we can fill up our transportation. Now they want to drill in the Anarctic and Alaska. The population around the world is growing exponentially and we are paving over nature like it's a worthless piece of shit!
My point is planet Earth is also alive and we are destroying her. The fruits and vegetables we eat also have life.
The problem in this world is a lack of RESPECT for ALL living things and taking more then our share or what doesn't belong to us ~ all for CAPITALISM vis a vis commercialism.
If humanity does not change its ways very soon, the consequences of our actions WILL be quite severe. The financial crisis will pale in comparison!
I forgot to mention that a rubbish dump was just found floating in the Pacific Ocean that IS TWICE the size of America!
This drifting "soup" stretches from about 500 nautical miles off the Californian coast, across the northern Pacific, past Hawaii and almost as far as Japan.
This is mainly CAUSED by large cruise liners, oil platforms and ships!!!
Anon, I agree with you that there are many women in the world that are superficial and only out for their best interest. I have to say that I am not one of them.
While the above may be true... it is still WRONG to rape anybody at any age and it is still wrong to molest a child PERIOD!
and BTW- how on earth am I benefiting from this WRONG???!!!
I don't think you're still getting it. Women will say rape is wrong. Women will say molesting a child is wrong. But then many of those same women will turn around and murder their own babies. And view killing their own kids as a right.
Can you understand, to a reasonable person, how that is a warped ethical, morality system?
That's why I roll my eyes when I hear women give men morality lectures. Women have butchered 60 million of their children since Roe vs. Wade. Females don't have much credibility in the morality department. For many of your sisters ethics is an elastic concept bended and stretched by the shifting sands of personal convenience.
Women have a lot to answer for.
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