JFK: "My fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country"
Suze Orman: "What you need to focus on is not what your government wants you to do for the national economy, but what you can do for your personal financial security. Help yourself first"
February 12, 2008
It's JFK vs. Suzy Orman
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I'll bet Suze reads Housing Panic.
Hi Suze!
I love when she points out that a HELOC is actually a worse deal than a credit card.
People like JFK don't last too long with all these vultures ruling the roost; Orman is just teaching the sheep what the wolves do everyday to them!
she's preaching to the choir. like most of these people ever cared about helping anyone but themselves?
In general I think Suze is full of hot air, but she's right on this one.
I love Suze! She woke me up, gave me a revelation about the IRS.
Why have state and federal government taxes taken out of your paycheck?
We are simply giving the government OUR hard earned money today with NO interest earned and pray that we get some back when we file. Then we play the game of searching for tax write-offs and loopholes to maximize our return, break-even or pay as little as possible.
Of course, it takes a lot of discipline to put money away (SAVE) to pay our taxes in April. That's something the sheeple have quite NOT yet learned as reflected by this housing mess!
Largest tax cuts in American history
Pro-gun (NRA Life Member)
Anticommunist and not afraid to use troops for America’s national interest
Anti-abortion (we can assume by being a ardent Roman Catholic)
Bona fide war hero - personally brave and deeply patriotic
Assassinated by a devout Marxist leftist named Lee Harvey Oswald
“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”
“To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required”
“Lift your eyes beyond the dangers of today, to the hopes of tomorrow, beyond the freedom merely of this city of Berlin, or your country of Germany, to the advance of freedom everywhere, beyond the wall to the day of peace with justice, beyond yourselves and ourselves to all mankind.”
“Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free.”
—JFK would be shunned by the left today...
Marky Mark
The difference between JFK and Orman is that JFK knew you couldnt run the nation like a household manages it's budget.
JFK's space program was the most expensive peace time government program in history. Today the "my money" cult (which includes HP'ers) would be screaming for his head if he proposed such a program.
This is a new low. Orman? Worship of the self and the Idolatry of materialism.
Anonymous said...
>>>This is a new low. Orman? Worship of the self and the Idolatry of materialism.
February 12, 2008 2:48 PM
Suze teaches the average person what the wealthy already know and don't want the sheeple to learn...
That is financial responsibility, wealth creation and wealth preservation. The sheeple have NEVER been taught this...
Q: WHy do conservatives like Marky Mark always try and adopt liberal heroes like JFK?
A: Because their ideology never produced a leader worth the dirt to bury them under. Unless you count the Alzheimer's-addled walking brain stem of ronald reagan.
The hilarious thing about JFK is that if he were alive today and in politics, his own brother, his own flesh and blood could not in good conscience vote for him. This speaks volumes and shows how much movement the Democratic Party has experienced. Like the feel good politics of today that outlines the Dems, any party that moves that far in essentially one generation is in dire need of a huge dose of self-examination.
Having said that if the Reps don't get their conservative act together soon, they will experience the same levels of movement away from the right.
The bottom line is that we are driftly ever so closer to a socialist government with a socialist mentality shared by the people. This is unacceptable and must be reversed before our country is gone forever.
Shame on all of us for letting this happen.
I'd take Suze over Hillary anyday. At least she has a tough love approach. Hillary is just about handouts to everyone.
I wish the Republicans would nominate someone as conservative as JFK.
JFK would be run out of town today for suggesting such heresy. Today's politicians are elected by promising more and more freebies. Whoever promises more free money and welfare programs will be elected by the ignorant masses.
Mr Welfare BaCrock Obama and his cult followers compare themselves to JFK? Obama is the polar opposite of JFK
>> Hillary is just about handouts to everyone.
The only way I'd vote for Hillary is if it was about handjobs for everyone, er, guy. You know, a free reach-around...
Today the "my money" cult (which includes HP'ers) would be screaming for his head if he proposed such a program.
Dude, back then we had the money and a manufacturing base. Today we have servers at Olive Garden.
Princess Mononoke:
You love Suze, huh? Love this - Google "IRS underpayment penalty"...
What you "save", you will pay back...
Discipline? Try homework...
Q: WHy do conservatives like Marky Mark always try and adopt liberal heroes like JFK?
A: Because their ideology never produced a leader worth the dirt to bury them under. Unless you count the Alzheimer's-addled walking brain stem of ronald reagan.
February 12, 2008 4:03 PM
No, it is because Marky Mark is a populist boob. He doesnt understand FDR and he shows equal ignorance of JFK.
JFK gave a tax credit for investments/capital improvements in plants, equipment etc. On the other hand JFK punished speculation by taxing the profits earned from such endeavors at a much higher marginal rate.
JFK used government to regulate the economy, based on the general welfare principle of our constitution. JFK was rabidly opposed to the British free trade dogmas that have gripped the USA since the time of his murder.
So Suzy is advocating investing, or using the rebate to pay down debt rather than going out and buying crap you don't need. I'm sure Wall Street is royally pissed at her for suggesting such an unamerican thing.
Keith, nice contrast of the quotes!
Big difference between "ask not what your country can do for you" and "help yourself". By helping yourself, you reduce the burden on the taxpayers as you're not begging for a handout.
The ponytail man in 1992 during the debate asked "what are you going to do for me, Mr. Clinton?" Funny how far left the democrats have lurched.
Thanks to our 24 hour, 2000 channels of all news - all the time media, we will NEVER get a President or government that is worth a damn. Anyone that is worth their salt, would NEVER want to run, since most people of experience and honor probably have experienced life and did something 20 years ago that some Jackass would bring up now and use against them. Even if they did, they would also have to make Billions just to have the money to run. Our sheeple are so addicted to the glow of the boob tube, and feel that nothing but the truth comes out, they would never actually look at a candidate and his credentials. They are too busy working two jobs to pay for their Hummers. JFK would never have a chance at election now. Kind of a shame really.
Orman is a Hack!
Assassinated by a devout Marxist leftist named Lee Harvey Oswald
Amazing how many sheeple are out there believing in fairy tales.
Suze is a hottie!
educating the financial clueless is an honorable calling in this country. Its good to have her on the air.
Discipline? Try homework...
February 12, 2008 5:08 PM
I didn't say she or I for that matter, condone NOT paying taxing EVER!
YOU will be earning interest on the money you are saving to pay taxes in April INSTEAD of the government keeping it and then refunding YOU in April...
To Princess Mononoke: RE: Orman Financial responsibility, wealth preservation and wealth creation are all principles laid down in a society that follows a moral code.
Can we say the same for Orman? You don't understand the theological perspective that I am trying to convey. The pursuit of unbridled materialism, the self and wealth for the sake of wealth creation is IDOLATRY and that is why America is suffering today. The greed, the it's ok to rip someone else off by charging them high prices for flipping homes, etc. is all ACCEPTED as a natural way of making money. We are going to pay a penalty for this because of the lack of a MORAL Compass and Orman cannot claim any stance on morality if you know about her background.
I never really bought into this from JFK. As I see it, government does f*&k all for it's people, all the while stealing money from our paychecks, and then proceeding to run up giant debt bills on our behalf. To be honest, whatever the government wants, they can take a flying leap, because I don't give a s*&t, they got themselves into this mess, they can bear the pain and get us out of it. Sure, I'll take my free money, and stick it in the bank, nice and safe.
>>>We are going to pay a penalty for this because of the lack of a MORAL Compass and Orman cannot claim any stance on morality if you know about her background.
February 12, 2008 7:53 PM
If I'm understanding you correctly, you are referring to her sexuality.
Who am I to judge her or you for that matter. I say this respectfully.
Nevertheless, her financial advise is noteworthy and sound. If you could just get passed your pre-judice, perhaps you can learn something that could benefit you.
Have you read any of her books? or watched her show with the Q&A she does with the sheeple?
She doesn't teach selfishness as you referred to, she teaches SELF-RESPECT and RESPECT of your resources NOT abuse of the above.
Princess Mononoke said...
> We are simply giving the government OUR hard earned money today with NO interest earned and pray that we get some back when we file ...
> Of course, it takes a lot of discipline to put money away (SAVE) to pay our taxes in April.
Sorry, it does not work this way. If you owe more than $1000 in taxes, you have to pay it every quarter during the tax year. Otherwise, the government will charge you interest for not paying it! (I've had such an experience ...)
Otherwise, the government will charge you interest for not paying it! (I've had such an experience ...)
February 12, 2008 9:35 PM
I have been self-employed for the past few years. I chose to wait until April to pay taxes first year and got hit hard. Then I wised up and began paying every quarter.
However, prior to this when I was a w-2 employee I did claim 99 and my employer only deducted medicare, SUI & social sec. I filed my taxes in April with no problem and never got charged interest??? That's strange.
I don't know what would cause them to charge you interest? Hhmmm...
I know that people who do NOT pay their taxes on the due date in April have to pay interest until money is received.
Other than that I can understand why they would charge you interest if you are paying on time??
Princess I don't really care about Orman's sexuality. The Moral compass I am referring to is that she represents the new breed of American. Like Greenspan was a Randist.
"The Virtue of Selfishness" was one of Rand's works that Greenspan bought into.
Orman is advocating self sufficiency, which is OK, but the whole basis of self centered acquisitiveness IS IMMORAL from a religious view.
For example, the Catholic Church has periodically warned the United States to be careful of its materialist, money greed over many years. We often disregard this as nonsense and during the 60s through the 90s when these things would appear in the paper I would say "well they are just jealous".
However, I can see that in this last 15 years or so, the Greed of people here has definitely contributed to exactly what these warnings were talking about. A society of haves against have nots and slaves in the form of mexicans, etc. to run the low end of the economic necessities. This is IMMORAL.
"The bottom line is that we are driftly ever so closer to a socialist government with a socialist mentality shared by the people. This is unacceptable and must be reversed before our country is gone forever. "
I'm not sure if it can be reversed. The sheeple today are too lazy and too entitlement-minded not to be seduced by the words of a tried-and-true gun grabbing socialist like Obama.
I hate to say it but I think the only way to reverse it is to plunge America into four dark years of a socialist Presidency. Then and only then will the stupid sheeple finally realize that socialism does not work (because they're too stupid to look at what happened to the USSR) and will finally reject it only after it has ruined their own lives via the Second Great [Obama] Depression.
By electing this communist, we'd be pressing the proverbial "reset" button. Any senator or congressman with any socialist leanings (meaning most of them) would be swept out of office in 2010, effectively paralyzing Obama in his 2nd two years in office, and then the damage can begin to be undone.
We'll then have 20 years of capitalist rule, everything will be great and the economy will expand as it did from Reagan's election all the way through Bill's two terms, then the stupid sheeple will forget and get lazy and greedy again and elect another socialist, starting the cycle all over again.
Princess, I am easy...
And u are starting to piss me Off.
catholic church warnings from 60's thru 90's.... too bad they didn't pay as much attention to priests banging choir boys. they coulda saved a couple billion in court judgements.
Ate up said...
And u are starting to piss me Off.
February 13, 2008 2:06 AM
I thought this was an open forum for open dialog where we can FREELY exchange thoughts, opinions and ideas.
This is who I am Ate Up. I can't force you to love me. So I guess you will just have to deal with your emotions toward me because I am not going anywhere.
A society of haves against have nots and slaves in the form of mexicans, etc. to run the low end of the economic necessities. This is IMMORAL.
February 12, 2008 11:39 PM
I hear you. Many doctrines teach that money in and of itself is NOT evil. We need it to survive, to exchange for goods and services in this day and age.
It is the LOVE of money that is evil.
Macaca: If you put your faith in people you will always be disappointed. This includes all Church people, from priest to any Christian. There are some Christians that I would never trust and others who don't believe in God who I have trusted for years.
People should not stop going to Church or lose their faith because Priests were caught in sexual stuff. The Church should NOT have treated this lightly by transferring, etc. I agree. But when I was in the system in the 60s there were terrible nuns, priests,etc. but there were also decent ones.
The same is to be said of our leadership. Don't think they will be free from sin. JFK after all, was sought after by a lot of women back then and no doubt he took advantage of the situation.
He made bad decisions too and a few good ones. But the tragic death in 63 definitely changed the nation. I remember it. There is no doubt. After '68 we lost hope in unification of our nation and I think the current Democratic candidate is instilling something in young America that has been missing since then. The difference however, is that our nation is a whole lot more greedy and lack the same dedication to faith that was present back then. Just take a look inside the door of the Church and see who is there. Over 50s! Very few younger people.
Ate Up, how boring would life be for us ALL if WE all thought the same thoughts, AGREED with each other ALL the time, looked the same, etc. you get my point.
Every person on this planet is UNIQUE as God intended us to be.
Your anger toward me will in no way cause me to bend into submission to become a clone, a follower so that I can FEEL accepted by the group.
I AM an independent thinker PERIOD.
I accept that NOT everybody is going to like me, that IS life!
Ate Up, another reason why I think you hate me so much is because I do NOT blend in with all the other ANONYMOUS posters.
My photo and username stand out in the comments. This makes it easy for you to attack me.
This link will help explain why I chose the name 'Priness Mononoke'.
I wanna know what buzz-saw thinks...Hey Buzz saw! where U at dude?
I miss Mammoth, Edgar, Devestment, Flyingmonkeywarrior, Mr. Bill, Sluggo, Westwest, and all the other regular HPer's that were here when I started blogging on HP.
i beleive its a penalty for not paying the prepayment or estimate of the estimated tax prepayment and i read it somewhat as the owing of a thousand dollars in penalty... tax???? o god no!!!!! not 1000 in tax. penalty?????? i will try to calculate the ammount of income needed to generate a penalty of 1000 if you did not pay the quarterly estimated tax tax payment as it seems to me it would be high by my lately dailys, even this does not come out clearly....also the income ammount needed for to require quarterlys i beleive was 19,000 loeaving years it would not be necessary, as ditto to if, if the penalty was less than a thousand and the income ammount it would require to set that in>>
Momonoke-chan said: "I hear you. Many doctrines teach that money in and of itself is NOT evil. We need it to survive, to exchange for goods and services in this day and age.
It is the LOVE of money that is evil."
i believe a more accurate rendering of the biblical quote is "the love of money is a root of many kinds of evil". pride is the original sin.
Momonoke-chan said:
February 14, 2008 3:50 AM
Hello Macaca, I looked up Mononoke-chan to find out why on earth you would call me that and discovered a profile that a finnish girl created. I can assure you this is NOT me. So, please HPer's don't go harrassing this young girl who has probably never heard of HP before.
There are millions of people around the world who love Hayao Miyasaki's anime movies. I am one of them! 'Princess Mononoke' is otherwise known as 'Mononoke Hime'.
I am NOT Finnish. I am French, Lebanese, Mexican and Japanese! I am thirty-something. I live in Los Angeles, California. Is that enough information for you Macaca????
The a-holes on this blog who don't like my comments usually call me 'Princess Moonbat'. So feel free Macaca to join the crowd.
thanks for the ethnic information. actually i like miyasaki's anime films also. no insult intended.... as i'm sure you know "chan" is just a term of endearment.
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