Now that Obama has the US presidency wrapped up, what should the Dems do with Pelosi and Reid in 2009:
A) Toss 'em, and elect new competent and uncorrupted leaders who might know their heads from their asses (if any of those exist in the Democratic party)
B) Keep them in charge and see if they can improve on their shameful all-time-low approval ratings, while driving the country even further into the ground
Seriously, Obama already has one hell of a mess on his hands in 2009. But with the likes of Reid and Pelosi stinking up the joint, they'll be doing him no favors.
I hope to see the Dems elect new House and Senate leadership, but I'm doubtful this corrupt and incompetent party will do the right thing. Bush was the Worst President Ever, but I think Pelosi and Reid were the Worst Congressional Leaders Ever. And look where that got us - one hell of a mess.
February 26, 2008
HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day
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Labels: corrupt congress, reid and pelosi, tweedledee and tweedledum
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Grandma Pelosi and Reid should both take a powder.
Obama has a decent shot at winning... but to say he has it all wrapped up is wishful thinking. Complacency kills.
I'm just tellin you how it is. Obama has it wrapped up.
But damn I hope to see Reid and Pelosi tossed on their asses
It's hard to find an honest or unbeholden legislator anymore. Pelosi and Reid are failures at congressional leadership and need to be replaced.
Our only salvation is for much shorter election cycles for presidential elections, an end to the electoral college, multiple party participation instead of the duopoly of the Dems-Reps, a auditable paper trail for all elections, and a selection on every elective office ballot reading "NONE OF THE ABOVE".
The biggest problem in all of human history, and the biggest problem with Jimmy Carter and the biggest problem with George W. Bush is ABSOLUTE POWER.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Carter enjoyed Democrat control of executive, Senate and House. So did G W Bush.
If Obama or Clinton win, we will once again have absolute power. You will get more of the same.
The 1990s prospered in relative peace with a Democrat President and Republican Legislature.
Obama may have the Democratic primary wrapped up but no way does he have the general. Blacks are only what, 12% of the population? In order to win the presidency in 2008, you have to win most of the south and you have to win most Hispanics who will rule Florida, California and Texas. Rule in terms of being able to change sides. They are the decision maker. Whomever wins Florida, California and Texas will already have nearly 1/2 the Electoral votes to win the presidency.
Now, I know we shouldn't generalize but if you haven't been to Mexico or watched Mexican politics and humor, they are some of the most racist people against blacks.
Look at Mexican comedy, Mexican Politics, look at the street gang fighting, look in the prisons. Mexicans hate blacks. They will support a good white guy over a black any day.
That's just the uncomfortable truth.
Not to mention, the Southern Nascar whites are not going to vote for Obama in the same way that the guilty white liberal Oprah northeasterners will.
I think it's McCains to lose. And he's capable of losing it. He has foot and he has mouth and he's shown a great ability in using it.
Why would Obama get rid of Reid and Pelosi? They're exactly the same as Obama on policy.
He'll keep them around because they're on the same team.
Anyone who believes otherwise has been fooled and deserves to wear a big "SHEEPLE" sign on their foreheads.
Let's say Obama has it in the bag. What's he gonna do about Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, illegal torture, the dismal view the world has of the US these days, the housing collapse, imminent depression, failing dollar? If he can even solve a handful of those things and avoid a complete disaster then he'll be a great hero.
Pelosi is Hot! I wanna do her!
No imcumbents of either party.
Sweep in the GOP, they deserve the credit for this mess.
I hope to see Keith tossed on his ass.
The Republican congress together with Bush in the early 2000s was by far the worst run government in this country since the Hoover years.
The Democrats are just beginning to clean up the mess.
"keith said...
I'm just tellin you how it is. Obama has it wrapped up.
But damn I hope to see Reid and Pelosi tossed on their asses
February 26, 2008 11:05 PM"
I agree completely, BUT, there sure were a lot of people around the Clintons that got dead...
It is NO TIME for a campaign trail grassy knoll v1.2...
Pelosi and Reid both have to go.
Prison preferrably.
Also to go in Nor. Cal:
Crazy Liberals All.
Part of the Problem
Part of the Solution...
Obama Reid and Pelosi.
Welcome to the new USSR..United States of Socialist Republics.
congressional ratings are in the toilet, all of them turds except for dennis kucinich and ron paul. so let them stand on the rim, and flush the rest. well, maybe let stand on the rim too feingold but install extra powerful water jets to make sure the big turds take the plunge.
I agree with your political predictions - finally.
Yes, Democrats will have a tough job "skimming the fat" from their party and creating one that rational people can stand behind (without vomitting in their mouths). Lacivious liberals like whacksman, pelooserski, chris dudd, et al need the old heave ho'...
The Congress is worthless because we are no longer a nation of laws. On a grand scale the congress passes legislation to retroactively protect illegal wire taps. On a smaller scale I can add my 2 cents.
A guy I know has a friend that is a non-Mexican but still illegal. He came with his family to the US in 2000 on a visitor visa but just stayed anyway and got a job that paid cash. Meanwhile his 3 kids started school and their plan was to wait until his wife's kid from her 1st marriage (a US citizen by birth) reached age 21 to file for his mom. He turned 21 in Dec 07 and they filed for residence.
In their defense they did not take any welfare or social programs except going to the hospital 2 times for emergencies.
Anyway, last week both the guy and his wife got permits to legally work in the US. With this ID they can get social security cards. In April they have an interview with immigration to get their legal resident cards (green card).
To top that off one of the kids is graduating from high school and all of the state universities in Texas are giving the kid a resident rate of tuition and awarding financial aid from public funds.
I know for a fact they were reported to ICE at least 2 times in 5 years. Oh, to top that off the guy's sister was also living with them (she was illegal as well)...and got caught in a sting, was detained 2 weeks, and deported to South America. Before she was deported she told the immigration officals where they were living and how many people were in their household. Apparently, some guy from immigration came to their apartment 2 years ago, showed them a mug shot of the deported woman and asked if they had seen her, and just left never to come back when they said no. I guess they just did not want her to come back but the rest of them that were already here.....ICE did not give a **** about.
My biggest problem with this is WHY THE **** the man (not the father of the 21 yr old citizen) is getting legalized so fast and the university thing. The mom getting legal status is reasonable but still they should all have been told to go back home and re-enter the US after 5-10 years as a penalty for breaking the law the first time.
I had no clue anchor babies got people TOTAL AMNESTY and exemption from all law in a matter of 6-8 weeks.
Why even have a congress when this type of thing is going on each day? It would be more honest to go Mad Max.
I disagree with this post only in the description of them as "worst ever." That designation belongs to Trent Lott/Dennis Hastert/Tom Delay. After all, who was it theat passed that God-awful bankruptcy bill after bending over and spreading their cheeks for the financial industry?
Dont forget, that, with bush in charge, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!
He's like the wild card joker. (no, make that his wife.)
No seriously, he's a dry drunk. A chilling out-of-control loose cannon supported by a corrupt regime of elected liars and their greedy corporate alliances.
Their secret games and continuous lies are not very funny anymore.
What's Rush Pimpball doing today???
It's funny (yet sad) watching all these US government GOP/Bush-Co/Iraq War representives dig their own graves in front of millions of people, cameras, news shows, signed documents, business scams, bathroom sex, etc.
Bernanke, Greenspan at Fault as U.S. Faces Slump, Stiglitz Says
By Mark Barton and Ben Sills
Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel-prize winning economist, said successive Federal Reserve chairmen have left the U.S. economy facing a ``very significant'' slowdown.
Current Fed chief Ben S. Bernanke was too slow to cut interest rates as the U.S. real-estate market deteriorated, while his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, ``actively looked the other way'' as the housing market inflated, Stiglitz said in a Bloomberg Television interview today in London.
Obama is more corrupt than any of them. So nothing new here. He's involved in real-estate scam. He's used Senate election to sell books and promote his brand Obama. He'll corrupt the system even more. I am expecting more of the same and worse if he gets the nomination. Its unlikely he'll be elected president. But byt some odd chance he gets elected, he'll take country into the ground and fast with his lack of experience and penchant to sell books and promote brand Obama.
The system is degenerating each election. This is the worst bunch (I call Ugly bunch)of candidates on both Dem side and Repub side. This country already degenerated into a third world country with the likes of Barak Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain etc... Its going to get worse when one of these characters gets elected. Tighten your belts.
Nope, latest LA Times poll shows McCain now defeating both Hillary and Obama.,0,5452138.story
Obama has a more left leaning record than admitted socialist independent Sanders from Vermont!
All these troubles and we are suppose to go socialist? No way.
We have not not got to the turban yet either.
Should of stuck to Ron Paul. But oh no ...
Obama wants to give judges the power to re-write mortgage contracts. So if you owe 300K at 7%, the judge can re-write it down to 200K at 6% if he sees fit.
Can you say 20% interest rates if this ever happened?
Obama also wants to put mortgage brokers in jail for up to 35 yrs if they make mortgages to people that they can't afford. Good luck getting anyone to write a mortgage to anyone making less than a high 6 figure salary if that law is ever passed.
Keith, Obama doesn't have this presidency all locked up. I think he will win the Democratic nomination but the general election will be very close.
Obama has no experience in running anything and will have a difficult time in the general election. Also, as a black man myself I can tell you racism still does exist in this country.
Nothing is wrapped up.
A) uncorrupted leaders who might know their heads from their asses (if any of those exist in the Democratic party)
I guess that I am not too intelligent then. In that picture, I can't tell their heads from their asses either.
Some sanity by Peggy Noonan:
Hillary should run as an independent, if Obama gets nomination. I hate to see a life time of work go waste while a novice that has no experience, windbag, that sells books with no major policy experience gets the nomination. I think she'll win the presidency hands down. If there ever was a time for an independent candidate this is it. Go Hillary go.
Lets women teach a lesson to all men club of politicians including asshole that runs this website.
Hillary run for presidency as an independent candidate and let us make history. This is the time for it.
The worst president ever was FDR who brought socialism to america, confiscated people's gold, and prolonged the great depression.
Wilson was a cluster and got us the
16th amendment, an income tax, and the Criminal Reserve.
Lincoln ended federalism and the right to secede which made the above possible.
So maybe Bush is the 4th worst president ever.
Ditto for the current congress. 4th worst.
I have a feeling there will be plenty of sentiment to "throw the bums out" in about a year. For all the messianic hysterics over Obama from some quarters there's not a thing he can do to stop the economic train wreck about to hit our country. We need to drastically cut taxes, drastically cut government spending and we might be able to salvage the situation. Those moves are not in Obama's political DNA.
Hey - what about Nader?
elect new competent and uncorrupted leaders kill me! Competent...Uncorrupt! Snort!
Sorry to interupt all you Obamanites and your daily barakattacks, but you might want to read this first. CNN and the rest of the liberal mainstream media can't bury this for much longer. It's going to come out.
God, I hope they get new leadership or voters will decide to replace the Democrat majority 2 years into Obama's presidency.
The land of the Americano is slowly decaying away like a putrid carcass of a rotten whale washing up on a crowded beach for all the world eyes to see, view, commentate on the state of the once almighty nation, the land of the Snapper Turtle.
Who can we blame on this retro-deed except ourselves ? The mentality of the current Americano is just amazing if not stupefying. Empty of feeling, duty, obligation, morality, honor, sense of self-worthiness, the only way to go for the Americano is to be roasted slowly skewered from mouth to ass on a green Chinese bamboo stick, all sizzling nicely, fat popping, juices dripping over a bed of white hot charcoal.
Such is the fate of the fat-ass Americano. What a lowdown stinky shame for such a great nation once !
George Washington must be feeling real sad in his tomb by now !
Toss 'em - they aren't standing up to Mr. 19 Percent
Well gee, maybe we can turn the Congress back over to republicans and when you're all living in mud huts you can declare ideological victory.
There isn't a republican dead or alive fit to wipe Pelosi or Reid's ass.
Now that Obama has the US presidency wrapped up, what should the Dems do
Kill themselves! Jonestown style, bitch!
White House to Veto Democratic Housing Bailout Bill......
"But the White House said the $4 billion for purchases of foreclosed homes is too expensive and "would constitute a bailout for lenders and speculators, while doing little to help struggling homeowners."
"The provision rewriting the bankruptcy code, the White House said, would allow borrowers to effectively rewrite their mortgage contracts, leading lenders to tighten their standards and raise interest rates."
"The White House said both provisions would in fact slow the recovery of the housing sector."
Looks like Bush ain't such a dunce after all.
All together, Say it with me:
As it was with Ron Paul and the GOP, it will take more than one cycle for the Dems to shake total Zionist control; Obama is helping out, but he actually has to perform or we are right back where we started.
If he focuses on actual governance he can be very successful, Bush actually ran on a good governing platform, but abandoned it for ideology and fascism. Outcome? Worst. President. Ever.
$15B Bailout being discussed in the House Finance Committee. A crime!
stick to housing, keith
Pollyanna doesn't live in DC. Unless Obama brings some serious Chicago muscle with him, the PTB will treat him like a lost puppy.
Yes, it will be sad to see his ship with its sails made of hope and optimism dashed on the craggy shoals of inbred corruption and despair. The reality of DC today is far different from campaign rallies.
I think you are too harsh on Reid and Pelosi. They have had their little power for only one year now, against a bad president with veto power - what wonders do you expect? Tom DeLay was worse, with his buddy Abramoff.
A) Toss 'em, and elect new competent and uncorrupted leaders who might know their heads from their asses
(if any of those exist in the Democratic party) ~ you said it! and all of the above would also include your Barack Hussein Obama...
"There isn't a republican dead or alive fit to wipe Pelosi or Reid's ass."
i guess that means that only democrats are ass wipers
Obama wants to give judges the power to re-write mortgage contracts. So if you owe 300K at 7%, the judge can re-write it down to 200K at 6% if he sees fit.
Can you say 20% interest rates if this ever happened?
Well gosh, bankruptcy judges for hundreds of businesses that have filed for chapter 11 do this every day.
They cancel debts on secured assets, reduce interest rates to zero, etc. on corporate assets in Chapter 11. They cancel pensions and use the cash to pay operating expenses rather than shut down the business and preserve the pensions.
They allow senior executives to take multi-million-dollar payouts while small businesses who are owed huge sums get screwed and go out of business.
And the interest rates for business credit aren't anywhere *near* 20%, and if an effort to reform bankruptcy laws to make corporate debtors pay back every penny at the original rate was undertaken, Republican scum-lickers like you would be screaming at the top of your lungs about how "awful for business" such reforms would be.
Y'all are hypocrites.
Obama has the presidency wrapped up? Bwahaaa!!!
You've been hanging out in Europe too long, Keith. This country will never elect a nig president. McCain is a shoo-in.
Oh, I forgot. They don't like the nigs in Europe, either
Anonypuss 11:19 vomited:
"Our only salvation is for much shorter election cycles for presidential elections, an end to the electoral college, multiple party participation instead of the duopoly of the Dems-Reps . . . ."
Hey, moron, how are you going to break a two-party system without the electoral college? It will be virtually impossible. The only way to do it is if the STATES MATTER and individual states start going for alternative parties.
Go an read some more Rousseau, you hippie.
This presidential election dog and pony show is all bullsh!t anyway. If the constitution was obeyed and if the public knew that the constitution existed, electing a president would not be such a big deal. If the Constitution was obeyed, the president wouldn't have the absolute power to fling his dick around and destroy the country.
It wouldn't matter if a total dribbling retard were elected president because their power would be balanced and restrained by the Constitution. Having a bunch of monkeys in Congress wouldn't matter either because they would be restrained from ripping off the public through the redistribution of wealth - a right that they do not have under the constitution. It's very simple:
It's the Constitution stupid!
>> Pelosi is Hot! I wanna do her!
I *think* she was hot in her younger days, but I can't find any pictures - know of any, preferably nude?
>> Lets women teach a lesson to all men club of politicians including asshole that runs this website.
Hey, make me a sandwich bitch!
RE: Now that Obama has the US presidency wrapped up...
The way Al Gore had it wrapped up in 2000?
The way John Kerry had it wrapped up in 2004?
It ain't over till it's over.
Pelosi and Reid have no back bone to stand up against Bush and his Cronnies.
For those who don't have time to watch the whole hour and a half of last night's debate, I've summarized it into a little over two minutes:
"RE: Now that Obama has the US presidency wrapped up...
The way Al Gore had it wrapped up in 2000?
The way John Kerry had it wrapped up in 2004?
It ain't over till it's over.
yeah but don't you know Bush stole the 2000 and 2004 elections. I read it on the interwebs so it must be true
I agree that Pelosi is hot. Even today I'd tap that. In her younger days she musta been ssssssmokin'
If anyone out there doesn't think Obama has the presidency wrapped up and would like to bet me even money just send me a note, I'd like to take your money
I'm just telling you how it is folks. Do with it what you may.
Keith, Obama doesn't have this presidency all locked up. I think he will win the Democratic nomination but the general election will be very close.
It will come down to the economy. Historically, when the economy goes sour in an election year, the ruling party usually takes the fall. Since a recession is very likely now, I don't think the Repubs will be able to pull off a win.
"The worst president ever was FDR who brought socialism to america, confiscated people's gold, and prolonged the great depression."
The "worst president ever" will *always* be the sitting president. Always has been, always will be. People have short memories and always whine about today.
"The mentality of the current Americano is just amazing if not stupefying. Empty of feeling, duty, obligation, morality, honor, sense of self-worthiness"
Actually, you've just described most lazy Eurpoeans with their socialist societies and guaranteed month-long paid vacations, free healthcare, etc.
"Well gosh, bankruptcy judges for hundreds of businesses that have filed for chapter 11 do this every day."
And millions of individuals haven't? What's with the anti-business mentality so prevalent here? Do you not realize it's business that pays you a salary to do the absolute minimum work to avoid getting fired? Without business you'd be out on your a** to fend for yourself instead of an easy life of collecting a paycheck while you skate by every day.
How about this - go out there and start your own business with no guaranteed salary and benefits and unemployment insurance and all those other freebies if you think you can do it so much better.
Bush, worst president ever? I'd have to disgaree and say that Bush and Carter are in a dead heat.
All reports show that Iran will have the bomb by the end of the year. If it happens before November, Obama most likely won't win. If it happens after, God help us all.
"All reports show that Iran will have the bomb by the end of the year. If it happens before November, Obama most likely won't win. If it happens after, God help us all."
That's the one (and only) thing I like about McCain - he wants to level Iran. I say go for it. I'll sleep better at night.
If Obama wins there will be massive 9/11-style attacks on American soil.
Let Obama burn to make the American voters feel stupid again. American voters didn't learn the lesson with Bush/Cheney in the last two elections, so they need another round of stupidity. Idiocracy is alive and well.
America, the biggest POS nation on earth.
Obama on yesterday's debate:
* In favor of keeping troops in Iraq (smaller amount, but keeping nevertheless)
* If "invited", he'll sit down to "discuss" NAFTA, but didn't guarantee withdrawal from it. Good luck Ohio!
* Willing to bomb Pakistan. Hellooo, Industrial Arms Complex, time to create a phony conflict with Pakistan.
* Didn't exactly reject the nutcase Farrakhan and his even wackier right hand who likes to hang out with Kadafi in Libya.
* In favor of Amnesty for illegals
* Never ran anything in his life, just a stinky tabloid at University. The rest just dropped on his lap, just like the neocons created Bushco.
* Voted more liberal than Ted Kennedy, and considered the most liberal in Senate. Hillary is 16th place; Obama is #1 as most liberal. Prepare the wallet to support Africans who breed like flies and more welfare to Ghettos across America.
Oh, have I told you that Obama's top economics adviser, Goolsbee, is a member of the super-secret Skull & Bones society of Yale University, of which Bush 1 and Bush 2 are also members? Two presidents with the most dreadful administrations in US history, who not only were Skull & Bones themselves but also were surrounded by members occupying strategic positions in our government, from Embassies to critical Federal Agencies. You know the results.
Not only that, Obama's main foreign policy adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski, the notorious co-founder of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, and the mastermind of the disastrous Carter administration. The guy who come up with the idea of US controlling Eurasia for the oil.
What about Obama's wife, Michelle, who's linked to the Council on Foreign Relations?
Are you guys nuts voting for this shady empty suit who never been tested on ANYTHING and surrounded by secret society types? The same types who destroyed this country in the last 7 years.
We're in one of the most critical periods in America history and you guys are going to put this rookie puppet at the command of your lives? This is the guy, which according to his own memoirs, was doing coke and smoke pot in HI (some of his friends say that he used to smoke crack), while most of us was working our butts off to pay taxes.
You guys better have a plan to live overseas because this country is going down fast, especially if this secret society connected-empty suit becomes president. And the biggest red flag of all, the corrupt MSM is giving a free pass to Obama, while turning him into a rock star. You know something stinks here.
> how are you going to break a two-party system without the electoral college? It will be virtually impossible.
Easy: Run-off elections, either instant run-off or many rounds (most often two). Run-offs are more difficult to controll by the politicians and the rich and, therefore, bad for incumbents and gerry-mandering - just what we need.
> The only way to do it is if the STATES MATTER and individual states start going for alternative parties.
I don't think regional parties are the answer - they either attract voters outside their region or they die.
Anonymous said...
Pelosi and Reid have no back bone to stand up against Bush and his Cronnies.
Bushco has tech skill called wiretaps without warrants. Great skill to have in today's world. Keeps Democrats in line when they know that George & Dick are listening to them wheel and deal and beg for re-election money.
The whole lot of them are nothing but a bunch of slimy leeches.
Anonymous said...
All reports show that Iran will have the bomb by the end of the year. If it happens before November, Obama most likely won't win. If it happens after, God help us all.
Hurry, hurry the terrorists are coming, the terrorists are coming.
Just go hide under the bed.
Obama a third world type politician. He uses politics to sell books and make real estate deals and increase his name recognition. he does not care if he wins or looses. He makes money either way by selling more books due to name recognition.
If Americans are looking to somebody totally corrupt like that, country is in deep trouble.
Good lord...i'm tellin' ya, these Republicans are a bunch of crooks:
Bloomberg — Representative Rick Renzi, a Republican from Arizona who isn’t seeking re-election, has been indicted by a federal grand jury in an alleged scheme to profit from a land deal.
Renzi, 49, who was first elected to the House in 2002, was charged along with James Sandlin, one of his political backers, and Andrew Beardall, an attorney who had worked as general counsel of Renzi’s family insurance business.
The U.S. alleged that Renzi offered to sponsor legislation to help a company seeking to swap land with the federal government if it purchased property owned by Sandlin. Renzi, who sat on a committee that had to approve such deals, told the company that he wouldn’t support the request if it didn’t buy the land, according to the indictment. No deal was made.
Later, Renzi pressured a separate investment group, also looking for approval of a land exchange, to purchase the property, prosecutors said. That group agreed to buy 480 acres from Sandlin for $4.6 million, the government said.
At the time, according to court papers, Sandlin owed Renzi $700,000. Renzi also was having financial difficulties, the government said.
Hillary run for presidency as an independent, great idea. Obama is no competition in intelligence and experience and toughness. He's just a windbag. He's playing race card and blaming Bill for that. Go Hillary Go. Make us women proud and kick some butt. Keith, you moron, you must be scared of the woman that she'll make you wear panties.
Obama plays race card and blames Clinton
Obama will support Reid and Pelosi because of the impossible job they've had to do in the worst of times. They helped pave the way for Obama to get traction, they got out and fought a war everyday in Congress to help get rid of the cancer growing in it. They haven't been sitting on their incognito ass like you and having childish rants. Tell me Keith, why are you supporting Barak Obama when he would not support your Libertarian ideas?
>Pelosi and Reid were the Worst Congressional Leaders Ever. And look where that got us - one hell of a mess.
I actually agree with you on an entire post. Surely the end is near...
Keith I'll bet you 10 bones Obama won't win.
That's 10 bones, any kind of bones you like, chicken, turkey, beef, pork..........
Or I can bet 10 clams, or 10 male deer, or 10 lbs of raw bread, or 10loaves, etc.
I don't know why you think Obama is any different than Reid or Pelosi. All of them are reading from the same socialist playbook and will pander to the same left-of-center interest groups. You seem enthralled by little more than his speaking and motivational skills, which are, I'll admit, formidable.
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