February 08, 2008

HousingPANIC calls on Congress and Bush to give every single American $100,000,000

I figure if everyone got $100 million, our problems would be over.

That's $100 million for everyone. Paid on a prepaid debit card. Even the illegals should get one, and also people who've never paid taxes.

If everyone gets $100 million, then home prices will be fine. Our economy will roar. Our problems will be over.

Join me HP'ers in this plan. I even have a nice catchy name for it:

The In God We Trust America is the Greatest Country on Earth Homeowner Rescue Wal-Mart Everyday Low Prices Fiscal Stimulus Patriot Red White and Blue Freedom Act of 2008

No way any member of Congress seeking re-election votes against this plan!


Anonymous said...

Why the heck not.

Malcolm said...

After the Patriot Act passed, I’ve always said that if they pass the “Peace and Freedom for Everyone” act, I’m heading for the hills.

I think the name of your act will guarantee its passing. If anyone complains, make sure to accuse them of “not supporting the troops”, that always gets ‘em.

Anonymous said...

That would be sweet. $250 for a gallon of milk? Count me in!

Anonymous said...

According to a recent poll, over 75% of Americans have great confidence in The Federal Reserve. We are forked

Anonymous said...

Keith, you forgot "elimination of all taxes for the rest of eternity" as part of the plan.

Anonymous said...

Americans would actually support this

Anonymous said...

By the U.S. Gov'ts logic, I could be flat broke, and in deep debt even, but I should 'stimulate' my home budget by going out and getting another credit card and run it up to the max.

R.I.P. America!!
The Feds killed it.

Anonymous said...

1 million a piece would be fine enough for me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah baby.If had a million I might get laid.The basement is rough these days.My blow up doll is tired.On my realtor wages I cannot afford a new doll.Can you guys help a homie out?

Anonymous said...

That sounds like NESARA Keith!

(National Economic Security And Reformation Act.)


Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

Creates new US Treasury currency, "rainbow currency," backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals.

Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters.

Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.

Eliminates the Federal Reserve System.

Restores financial privacy.

Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

Ceases all aggressive, US government military actions worldwide.

Establishes peace throughout the world.

Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many decades.

Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

Enables the release of new technologies such as alternative energy devices.

I'm not sure what to think about it, but they do have some good ideas. Some people call it a scam.

Although its much better than the bushco senate/house crash, constitutional crises, PNAC, GOP lies, surging bubbles, 9/11 cover-ups and massive global war agressions!

Stand up Americans!

Check it out at www.NESARA.us


Mitesh Damania said...

The NWO maybe doing to us (using debt as a weapon) what they've done to the third world.

Anyways, another interesting John Perkins video. near the end he talks about the media:


Anonymous said...

Small town broker says:

Take your government check to the bank and cash it.

Take it all in coin.

$1,000 USD in coin is about 50 lbs in copper.

Copper @ $3.00/lb x 50 = $150.00 intrinsic value.

It will always be worth face and how long before intrinsic value exceeds face?

Bonus, If you don't deposit it they won't be able to use is as reserves for more lending.

Anonymous said...

I am so freaken pissed off at the congress. $75k cut-off is not a high limit in my part of the country! It should be $100 to $150k to cover the entire middle class.

The congress screws me again.

Anonymous said...

I get $100,000,000 and I'm shopping at WalMart?

Think again, Keith.

I'm splurgin' on COSTCO baby!

Wal Mart is for them poor people.
And no more Mack-Donalds. We're going to Appleby's and we're orderin' STEAK! Yeah, suck it. Woooooooooooooooo!

Whaddya mean they cost $1.5 million a pound, now? I want my gol-durn STEAK goldurnit.

Anonymous said...

If everyone is a millionaire, then nobody will work anymore and we'll all starve to death.

Anonymous said...

Small town broker says:

Hmmm, Nickels

A nickel weighs 5g

453.59g = Lb.

459.59 / 5 = 90.72 nickels per lb

90.72 nickels / 20 = $4.54 nickels per lb

A nickel is 25% nickel and 75% copper.

2/8/08 nickel spot = $12.30/lb and copper spot = $3.40/lb.

So intrinsic value of a pound of nickels.

$12.3 x .25 = $3.08
$3.4 x .75 = $2.55
Total = $5.63 intrinsic value?

Anonymous said...

Wonky said...
Keith, you forgot "elimination of all taxes for the rest of eternity" as part of the plan.

February 08, 2008 10:24 PM


Right, the goobermint can just print all the money it needs.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I am so freaken pissed off at the congress. $75k cut-off is not a high limit in my part of the country! It should be $100 to $150k to cover the entire middle class.

The congress screws me again.

February 08, 2008 10:59 PM


Yeah, $75K does not go very far in Southern Mexifornia, unless you want to live like an illegal, that is. I guess then you could have an Escalade with some big shiny rims.

Anonymous said...

Wow! A Million MIGHT even pimp my bicycle. Phat tires & bling wheels!

Loaf of bread,..well who need to eat when your looking guuud.

Anonymous said...

If we were prepared to perpetually balance our books, this would be the right thing to do. A one time giveaway that erases all debt, all inherited privilege, and let free markets and liberty reign!

But we are not prepared to do that.

Too bad, really.

Princess Mononoke said...

I'm game! Count me in... ;)

Princess Mononoke said...

Ha Ha Ha...

President Bush said today that HE inherited a recession when HE took office! What a maroon...

Anonymous said...


I thought of this at a very young age but after i thought about it I realized that if everyone had money we would have even more problems. The biggest problem would be, how do you spend money when no one works because we are all rich? You think the USA is dumb now, there would be no incentive to go to school because everone already has money. Most of the smart people would simply take the money and leave the country. And last but not least how do you control rich sheeple?

This plan is flawed even in theory. Nice try though!


Anonymous said...

I'm all for it. Can I get Greenspans picture on my debit card?

Paul E. Math said...

This is what makes me think that inflation is more of a threat than deflation. With a Democrat in the White House and a Democratic controlled congress, there could be no end to the series of 'fiscal stimulus' packages issued.

There could the the universal health care / fiscal stimulus package. There could be the social security / fiscal stimulus package. Where will they stop?

I see a government that is entirely devoid of fiscal responsibility, utterly myopic in it's outlook and shameless in attempt to garner votes. The electorate has already proven an inability to see through this grand-scale scam.

It doesn't end until foreigners wake up and stop lending us the money to go deeper into national debt. Only then will the long rates on govt bonds rise and then we get deflation.

Asset deflation and commodity inflation now; asset deflation and commodity deflation 2 years from now. This thing is ugly and it's going to stay ugly.

Anonymous said...

Bonus, If you don't deposit it they won't be able to use is as reserves for more lending.

Do you really think they need deposits to loan out money??? The 10:1 ratio of fractional reserve banking went away long ago. Just borrow the money into existance.

Anonymous said...

When you get your checks, just remember that I have a 1983 Toyota Corolla for sale. Runs good!
Only $35,000

It'll be great when we get those checks. No one will have to work anymore. We can all retire!

Osman said...

Thanks for the laugh Keith. Literally found myself chuckling out loud on this one. I think we're on the same page with how ridiculous the tax rebates are. Flippin' ridiculous.

AndrewHac said...

OK... Joe6Pack & JaneZinfandel, let's get this simple, no brainer fact into that fried-burger brain one more time.

Owning a house is not for every one in the planet Earth, particularly in the land of the Americano AKA the land of the Snapper Turtle. If a person, a married couple or a family of chumps are poor, ignorant, uneducated, illiterate, buck-teeth, obese, fat, plain ugly or just looking like a piece of human crap, then that entity or organism is not entitled to own a house, or allowing to think of owning a house, or even dreaming of owning a house. Got it ? A very simple truthful fact to internalize based on Charles Darwin's famous theory: "You don't own jack if you ain't got jack to prove that you've got the jack to jack with..."

Furthermore, if that particular Americano had voted for "Little Boy + Fat Man" AKA "Dubya Shrub + Penis Shooter" in the last 8 years, then homeboy and homegirl HillBillies and Homer Simpson all alike out there should not consider a house as a place to live in. His and/or her adobe is to be in the horse ban, the chicken shack, the ass stall, or more fittingly, the Snapper Turtle lodge.

So, Hicks and CrackerNutheads out there, the 64 millions dollars question is:
"Is the Americano roasted yet, and if not, how long before the Americano will be roasted slowly, nicely and juicely like a snapper turtle skewered on a Chinese bamboo stick from mouth to ass sizzling, fat popping on a bed of white hot charcoal ?"

Are we there yet ? Is Joe6Pack still alive, breathing and kicking ???

Anonymous said...

If everyone is a millionaire, then nobody will work anymore and we'll all starve to death.

Not true.

If Everyone is a millionaire, the median house will cost a billion.

Anonymous said...

Why not?

I've got a couple billion in weimer marks in a drawer in the kitchen.

Hey I'm a billionaire!


Anonymous said...

Read this on the kitco.com gold forum. Chew on it:

Like usual, DC is right on! The definition of Recession is negative GDP growth for two consecutive quarters. Inflation must be subtracted from growth numbers to calculate GDP or all that is being measured is the relative cost of things. Therefore, if inflation was being honestly reported (which it is not), the USA would have been in 'Recession' for more than a year.
Gold is up $250 year to date.
The 'Official' remedy for Recession to to lower interest rates, ie. print more fiat.
Bullish or Bearish for Gold?

I'm not trying pushing gold. Just think the GDP - Inflation = recession sits heavy.

whitetower said...

Make it a cool billion and I'm with you.

Anonymous said...

As this is the end of an Empire I want to get everything "due to me" not only do I want my $100,000,000 I also want the 200 and some holidays they enjoyed at the end of the Roman empire. I feel I am due this because I live in DC. DC=Rome. I want my circus maximus, I want my bath houses, I want my vomitoriums, I want my coliseum (with games) I want it all one last big feast for Bacchus.

Anonymous said...

Holy _ _ _ _! The S&P 500 is below 1400 which is where it was when Helicopter went into full blown panic and lowered the FFR by 3/4 point!

Oh man! Helicopter it's ok! I bet he is having a teleconference call this weekend! It's ok Helicopter we are all still alive! The stock market is still breathing!

We worry about you Helicopter! You are looking a bit pale! Possibly you should take a vacation until all this depression talk blows over. If you can't handle the pressure maybe you should step down!

Ed said...

Come on Keith stop being so negative. My local realtor says it's people like you that are causing the housing crash with the doom and gloom. Cheer up dude and all will be well.

Ed said...

Mock this bill all you want. But this mentality is exaclty what Hillary and Obama are promising on the campaign trail.

They won't send you a check in the mail but they will give you "FREE" health care. They won't send you a check in the mail but they will give you a "FREE" college education. And if Hillary has her way she will send you a $5K check for having a kid. Mazel Tov!!

And on and on. Listen to any speech made by either of them. It is nothing but 'vote for me and I will give you free shit'. The fight between Hillary and Obama has come down to who will promise to give the most free shit to the most people.

And yet every time Keith has a poll Obama and Hillary come in #1 and #2. Make up your minds people. Do you want socialism or not? You can't bitch about it one day and then vote for it the next. Well you can, but that would be incredibly stupid.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I am so freaken pissed off at the congress. $75k cut-off is not a high limit in my part of the country! It should be $100 to $150k to cover the entire middle class.

The congress screws me again.

February 08, 2008 10:59 PM


Yeah, $75K does not go very far in Southern Mexifornia, unless you want to live like an illegal, that is. I guess then you could have an Escalade with some big shiny rims.

February 08, 2008 11:53 PM


Then move away from Mexifornia and stop whining like a little bitch.

Mammoth said...

Anon 5:08 AM said...
"Gold is up $250 year to date."
Oh, really? So, Gold was below $700/oz on January 1st this year?

No, it was not. Please check out the facts next time, before you parrot someone else's BS.

Unknown said...

My family will be happy with the $1200, but I'd like to make one request. Could it please be paid in $20 gold coins at face value?

Anonymous said...

Remember, you must pay the "rebate" check back next year, it will be deducted from any refund due in the 2008 filing year. If you don't get a refund next year, that is, you owe the gov instead of them owing you, you'll get to keep the check.

Anonymous said...

"President Bush said today that HE inherited a recession when HE took office! What a maroon..."

leave it like you found it, as they say!

Anonymous said...

I've been paying attention to the Porkbuster effort, and found this small victory:

"...Here are ...members of the House who have either never sought an earmark since entering Congress or have taken the pledge not to do so in the future.

John Campbell, R- CA
Jeb Hensarling, R-TX
John Shadegg, R-AZ
John Boehner, (OH-08)
John Kline, R-MN
Tom Price, R-GA
Lynn Westmoreland, R-GA
Virginia Foxx, R-NC
Trent Franks, R-AZ
Michele Bachmman, R-MN
Marsha Blackburn, R-TN
Eric Cantor, R-VA
Patrick McHenry, R-NC
Marilyn Musgrave, R-CO
Peter Roskam, R-IL
Paul Ryan, R-WI
Walter Jones, R-NC

Coburn of Oklahoma,
DeMint of South Carolina,
McCain of Arizona
Cornyn of Texas
Claire McCaskill, D-MO
Richard Burr, R-NC"

Anonymous said...

I can see the home builder and car dealer promotions now:


And the game continues.

Anonymous said...

Make up your minds people. Do you want socialism or not? You can't bitch about it one day and then vote for it the next. Well you can, but that would be incredibly stupid.

They don't want socialism, they just want everything free as long as it's taken from somebody else and not them.

I remember an old saying that there's no such thing as a free lunch. If you tax the corporations, they will just pass the cost on to consumers or leave. If you tax the rich, they will just move to another country. Just ask Clownifornia how that works. Businesses and wealthy people are fleeing the state, destroying to economic base. Businesses that don't leave the state are choosing to expand in other states.

Do I support the Bush criminals? No, but I'm also mature enough to know that nothing comes free.

Anonymous said...

Govt's job is to redistribute wealth. Fuck the over-paid CEo

Anonymous said...

There is no printing presses guys.

As we are currently finding out. If there were printing presses wouldn't Citi, JPM, BofA, etc, etc. Be loaded with cash. In the mean time, they have to go to Dubai, to get a loan at an 11% rate. What a deal.

There is no printing presses here guys.


Anonymous said...

Hoo boy, I sure am glad I decided to become a no-good slacker last year. Went from $130k to about $50k, so there's a big, fat $600 in the mail for me as we speak! W00T!

If they gave me a million, I would emigrate instantly and renounce my citizenship. By the time Joe Handout figures out that the Deficit Fairy isn't going to wave her magic wand and erase the national debt, it will be too late.

Anonymous said...

I've got a better idea: abolish money and make all goods and services free for everybody. Gasoline will be free - just take what you need and so will food and guns and luxury goods. We just have to work and do our jobs to keep it all working.

C'mon sheeple you can do it. C'mon.

Thank you King Bush II.

-Big Cheese

Anonymous said...

Yes, $100 mega bucks for everyone!

Oh, BTW, the top marginal tax rate has also been increased to 99.999%.

Anonymous said...

Lets do it

Anonymous said...

give everyone 100M.... I am sure it has been talked about as a way to eliminate poverty.

along the lines of hillary healthcare: force everyone to buy med insurance, problem solved!

I have a solution for hunger: pass a law that requires everyone to buy enough food so they won't go hungry!

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha...

President Bush said today that HE inherited a recession when HE took office! What a maroon...

jokes on you. he did inherit a recession. How old are you? to young to realize it was a recession? Parents won't let you onto wikipedia? try searching wiki for "early 2000s recession"