* Nice to see a candidate who doesn't believe in evolution win the GOP primary. Just when you think a party can't do worse, they do worse.
* Nice to see Obama knock off Hillary. I hope he wins NH and SC next and puts a dagger in her heart. I'm not for many of Obama's policies, but damn, I the idea of a Hillary presidency was scary! It was also nice to see a black man win nearly 40% of the delegates in lily-white Iowa. Maybe we have moved on as a country.
* Ron Paul taking 10% is acceptable. Not good, not bad. New Hampshire (where independents and Dems can vote in the GOP race) is what's important for RP. He needs to come in 1st or 2nd, if not then he'll simply run out the rest of the states with his millions, try to get 10% of the delegates, and be kingmaker at the convention. If he wins or comes in second in NH, then a more important role.
* Obama has the Dem nomination. It's over. The GOP side will be fierce and fun. McCain will be the candidate people go to after throwing all the other bums overboard. And I expect a brokered convention with the lesser candidates playing a huge role.
* Bloomberg has to like his odds even better this morning.
* The spreading housing crash will become the #1 issue in this campaign. The Dems will want government bailouts of housing gamblers. I hope to see a Rep candidate go the exact opposite direction but ain't holding my breath.
January 04, 2008
Thoughts on the Iowa results and presidential election
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Keith Im positive you came from an ape.
If Jesus Christ himself were a Republican, he couldn't WIN...
The GOP id F*cked but good thanks to Daddy Bush (its the economy, stupid) , Junior Bush 43 (ex-drunk and just plain stupid), Fla. Bush (voter fraud anyone?)and Savings and Loan Bush (unconvicted Felon) and the evil sinister white-haired grand Mother (Babs)of the tribe.
This "family" has done more harm to the USA than Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini combined ever DREAMED of doing, all wrapped up neatly in the Red White and Blue flag.
The Bushco - Sickening. They should be deported to their oil friends, or worse mexico - permananetly!
Ron Paul got 10% to Rudy's 3%, it's a small consolation in evangelical-heavy Iowa.
the big surprise, to me at least, was Fred "Who?" Thompson taking 13% and edging out McCain for third. i guess there are still some fiscal conservative Repubs who don't realize that small govt at home + big govt abroad = still big govt.
I wouldn't call it for Obama this soon. The Clintons will be in full force attack mode and Edwards might be able to peel away enough of her support to put up a fight. Edwards is the only Dem promising to repeal NAFTA and go after the banks and corrupt CEOs, all big issues this year as you should know.
For the record, the United States was in a state of sports-insanity ``suspended animation'' as the Iowa caucuses took place, with every U.S. news report sounding like a cross betweena bunch of gamblers making book on a horse race, and the overlords on a ``reality'' TV show voting some schmuck out of the``survival'' game.
The one thing I don't understand is how the party of big business, wealth and screwing the poor became the party of jesus
Talk about a con game
Bottom line is you're watching the implosion of the Republican party. There's a schism underway and I'm not sure it will survive as a single party. And that would be a good thing
There should be the Christian Republicans, and then the Business Republicans. The two don't go together.
Stick to housing analysis dude, you simply don't possess the same keen insights into politics that you do with housing and real estate markets.
As a life long Republican I will not vote for Huckabbee. I do think though that he will fade soon enough.
Obama is as bad as Huckabee for different reasons though. Just a run of the mill socialist who happens to be black and hence gets media attention. If her were white and said the same gibberish he says now, nobody would pay any attention.
Remember both Clinton (Bill that is) and Reagan lost Iowa and ended up winning the nomination. Iowa caucuses are given so much importance but is not only not representative of the country, it's not even representative of the state. Something like 5% of the population votes in them and they are mostly party activists. So you get the far left Obama and the crazy Christian Huckabee winning.
Honest Abe,
I was thinking the same thing last night. Especially about Juan Williams:
"And coming up on the inside we have Obama, Obama, Edwards, and Hillary in third, it's going to be a close one . . ."
I like how Obama, with his open door policy for illegal immigrants, won Iowa. Yeah, that'll be real good for the middle class if he gets elected while we head into a massive recession.
Same old BS. Both Democrats and Republicans are useless to us now. Their hatred towards each other is far greater than any love they have for this country.
God help us. Yes, GOD!
I wroke a haiku:
Huckabee has won
Iowa is full of hicks
So I'm not surprised.
I know a PhD in microbiology and another in physics that don't believe in evolution.
Your religious insistence on evolution scares me.
Huckabee is another shyster from Arkansas. Haven't we learned our lesson with pols from that state?
Speaking of shysters from Little Rock, rent the movie Face in the Crowd. It's truly prophetic in the way it predicts our current political and media circus acts.
Huckabee is for the fair tax. I don't give a shit if he beats off to a picture of Jesus every night. He's got my support for the tax policy.
anon 3:58 you lose credibility when you say stupid shit like Bush is worse than Hitler or Stalin. That is why you dailykos/HP types are never taken seriously. You can disagree with Bush all you want and make valid points. You start saying he's worse than Hitler and the tinfoil hat starts showing up.
The MSM is Paul's biggest problem. I watched the entire caucuss on CNN last night, 4+ hours. I'd love to see him clean up in NH.
Paul was getting up 20% or more in many counties, even placing first in some. He was closely tailing McCain and Thompson most of the night in fact was ahead of Thompson at one point. All the while solidly trouncing Giuliani.
You Think CNN in 4+ hours of coverage could mention his name once or even put him on the tally board??
Hell No!
Yet, they gave Giuliani a full 5 minutes of screen time with Wolf Blitzer so they could discuss his crappy single digit placement.
I for one am enthused that he made double digits, it's a good thing.
I'm rooting for Huckabee.
I'm one of your European readers. (the housing bubbles over here seem to play out one year after yours, so reading this blog is like looking into the future) I believe in a strong Europe, and want the EU to sever it ties with the USA. (not that I'm ungratefull, but you've become a liability rather than an asset, and not being able to recognice a liability from an asset is what makes the difference between a smart investor and a stupid one)
Bush Jr. has done more for european unity than any US other president. We hate him so much, we've almost forgotten how much we mistrust each other. (now THAT is an accomplishment)
And this guy is worse than Bush. I love him alreay.
A dagger through Hilary's heart. See , I dont think you can kill her that way, I'd more of less be certain you have to get her under a Peepal tree, sprinkle her with asafoetida, then beat her with a silver cross till all the green blood runs out and solidifies, and in that time you cannot let a cat, dog or cow come within her eye shot. As you are doing this, she will get stronger and stronger till the very end.
"I know a PhD in microbiology and another in physics that don't believe in evolution.
Your religious insistence on evolution scares me."
From a scientific perspective, "evolution" is not a very good theory because many of its tenets have never been supported by experimental evidence (abiogenesis for example) and it completely fails to explain numerous non-linear shifts in species and populations seen in fossil records.
The politics behind it are even more dubious. You don't have to be a Pentecostal Baptist to question the fundamentals of evolution.
What % of Huckabee's supporters last night are in favor of his fair tax position? Probably 0%.
He won because he was endorsed by God.
Meanwhile, you're right, fiscally I'm for him. He's the only GOP candidate in favor of the fair tax I believe. Ron Paul is even better - get rid of the IRS. But the Fair Tax is a start
I'm looking to pick up some cheap tinfoil hats...any of you freaks have recommendations?
keith said...
What % of Huckabee's supporters last night are in favor of his fair tax position? Probably 0%.
In Ioaw, close to 0%. Elsewhere, a lot more than you think. Besides who cares how he wins? As long as he wins and at least tries to implement the fair tax, I'm all for it.
Bush ran as a Jesus freak too. And what happened? Abortion is still legal. Last I checked nobody was forced to go to church. Porn is widely available everywhere. This whole running as a Christian is nothing but smome and mirrors. You are as gullible as the rubes who vote for him by thinking he will actually do anything "christian" once in office.
QWAFFER you think Hitlery is just going to roll over and play dead?. This is the KKKLINTONS you are fucking with dude. They kill people who get in their way.. Vince Foster, Ron Brown ring a bell? How about 110 children executed in Waco, TX?
If you for a second think that Hitlery and will not be president you are a bigger fool than I thought.
I keep reading that Ron Paul doesn't believe in evolution either. Is this true??? I didn't think he raised his hand, but now I'm not so sure.
I may need my $200 back...
I just read about a PhD in microbiology and another in physics that are complete morons...
While I generally believe in evolution to a degree, you would think that there would be a bunch of 1/2 man 1/2 ape creatures running around the joint.
"the United States was in a state of sports-insanity"
I must admit, I was all pumped up by the NHL winter classic- just wish I could have been there.
Keith - the Religious Republicans have been necessary for the Business Republicans because of union and workers issues - Marx was right - Religion is the opiate of the people, and in this case it keeps workers stupid and quiet - they believe all the rewards are in heaven, so they hate unions. The Republicans will use this "opiate" for their benefit, and give lip service to anti-abortion, gay marriage, etc. Rich in America do NOT need to pay any attention to local laws - if the daughter needs an abortion, like in the 1960's, she simply goes on a "shopping trip to Paris" with her mother.
The one thing I don't understand is how the party of big business, wealth and screwing the poor became the party of jesus
That describes both parties. As if LBJ's Great Society helped anyone get out of the ghetto. Anyone who got out of poverty had to work their way out. A welfare check is just enough to keep the sheeple lazy, alive, and voting Democrap
On 5/4/07, Ron Shank wrote:
Dear Ron Paul team:
Does Ron Paul believe in evolution? I didn’t see his hand raised in the debate when asked “who does not believe in evolution.”
Thanks for your quick reply.
Thank you,
Ron Shank
They quickly replied.
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Didn’t see his hand
Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 16:15:06 -0400
From: Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee
To: Ron Shank
Ron Paul did not raise his hand during that question, it was Tancredo, Huckabee & Brownback who raised their hands. Dr. Paul is physician and believes in evolution.
The thing that turned me off to Ron Paul is his pro-life stance (he's a retired gyn/peds MD). That sure seems an apparent contradiction to the libertarian philosophy of keeping government out of people's lives.
Frankly, I think we need MORE abortions, not less. Why? I don't want to pay for bad choices made by fucktards who can't keep their legs closed (or use a condom), despite being unable to support their current brood without being dependent on welfare. We have citizens who are actually PROUD of being 5th-generation welfare! Ridiculous...
So Paul's stance is odd, as it seems even Huckabee and Romney are downplaying any religious agenda.
I used to be a Republican, but I'm sick of these evangelical nutjobs and their Neocon allies. On the other side, we have socialist nutjobs who want to give welfare to every illegal immigrant who breaks into our country and thinks that people who make $60K/yr are rich. I'm dropping out of the political scene. We're doomed either way.
If America doesn't want Ron Paul or the US Constitution there are many other nations and people around the world that would gladly take them. The US can keep their preacher boy president Huckleberry and Denzel Washington wannabe Obama.
There are a lot of very smart people who do not believe in evolution. Things in the world tent do break down and get less complicated, not more. If you walked into the desert and saw a complicated structure, such as a pyramid, you would never think that it just came to be on its own. Now compare that to a single cell in your body--it's more complicated than the space shuttle. They don't even fully understand it yet, not one single cell and there are 5 trillion in your body all working together. I simply cannot believe that this would happen by chance, I just cannot. At the same time, I think all religions are nonsense.
The housing downturn as the #1 issue in this election? Are you sure? What about:
- The employment rate, which could be at 8% or 9% by September?
- A spiraling dollar, and thus inflation. Have you noticed that the Chinese RMB has traded outside the band more times in the past week than it did on all of 2007?
- A major correction in the equity markets? (though I hold out the possibility that the Fed will print so many dollars, it won't look quite so bad)
- All bets are off if Israel decides they need to strike Iran before a Democrat is elected president
Edwards is the only Dem promising to repeal NAFTA and go after the banks and corrupt CEOs, all big issues this year as you should know.
January 04, 2008 4:04 PM
He has to. He's only a White Male. He has nothing else. Nobody wants one of those to be president anymore.
Understanding evolution is understanding the work of God in action
The thing that turned me off to Ron Paul is his pro-life stance (he's a retired gyn/peds MD). That sure seems an apparent contradiction to the libertarian philosophy of keeping government out of people's lives.
Frankly, I think we need MORE abortions, not less. Why? I don't want to pay for bad choices made by fucktards who can't keep their legs closed (or use a condom), despite being unable to support their current brood without being dependent on welfare. We have citizens who are actually PROUD of being 5th-generation welfare! Ridiculous...
So Paul's stance is odd, as it seems even Huckabee and Romney are downplaying any religious agenda.
It's not odd at all. His argument is where does life begin and at what point should a baby be recognized as an individual whose right to live needs to be protected by the government? A baby is not a tumor. He argues that it shouldn't be up to the Federal government to decide that life begins at 3 months or 6 months or the moment of birth. This is a very difficult question and shouldn't be handled at the local level. Why? Because the Federal government is a big blunt instrument that is far removed from the people and therefore can not respond to challenges or public sentiment as effectively as local government.
Whether you like it or not there are a lot of people that don't agree with your view of abortion and are forced to live with Roe vs Wade by Federal mandate.
So I don't think Ron Paul's stance on abortion conflicts with his ideals at all.
keith said...
What % of Huckabee's supporters last night are in favor of his fair tax position? Probably 0%.
He won because he was endorsed by God.
I this it was a slam against the Morman. Most Repugs just like white toast. None of that fancy pants stuff.
Did anyone see the speech Obama gave last night? It was one of the best speeches I've ever seen.
Now, I'm going to discuss the camel in the tent that will become very apparent in about 4 months if Obama wins the Dems nomination.
Despite what some people say, I don't see how any man with the name Barack Hussein Obama can win a general election in the USA. The republicans will destroy him and his fathers Islamic past. Trust me, they'll do it.
In fact, I'm going to go the hook here and say if Obama wins the Dem nomination, he'll lose in a landslide. It won't even be close.
I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that Rudy, Hillary and Mitt got spanked last night.
I still don't think Huck has the legs for the full run.
I still think that McCain will be the eventual republican nominee.
That being the case, I still see a landslide for Obama.
And frankly, despite my disagreement with some of his policies, I still think that a President Obama will do more good than harm.
I know a PhD in microbiology and another in physics that don't believe in evolution.
So? I know a PhD in economics that thinks lowering interest rates will fix our economic problems.
The paper degree means only that they completed the course work with a passing grade. What matters is what they do with that education and believe in.
QWAFFER, when the hell did this become a religious blog? Evolution, bible, who the fuck cares. We are here. Nobody will ever prove one or the other. I can't imagine why anyone would waste their time even giving a shit about it.
So anonymous, your one of EU's finest.
I'm one of your European readers. (the housing bubbles over here seem to play out one year after yours, so reading this blog is like looking into the future) I believe in a strong Europe, and want the EU to sever it ties with the USA. (not that I'm ungratefull, but you've become a liability rather than an asset, and not being able to recognice a liability from an asset is what makes the difference between a smart investor and a stupid one)
I can't wait for your europe to sever ties with the US. My father was sunk twice in the First World War and Three times in the Second World War (Murmansk run) pulling your chestnuts out of the fire. We americans are tired of your "when the going gets tough call the americans". Can't wait to see how it goes with a europe that is in rapid demographic decline (socialists don't like to reproduce do they), an influx of Moslems who don't know how to sing cum-bai-yah, and a renewed and "re-armed" Russia that wants it all back.
Don't call my "Uncle Sam".
Anyone got popcorn?
I supported Ron Paul until he said he doesn't ACCEPT evolution either. You can see the video of his idiotic answer on youtube.
It's got nothing to do with belief by the way, rather acceptance of reality.
I'm looking to pick up some cheap tinfoil hats...any of you freaks have recommendations?
though they don't hold up well to rigorous testing
Great a Bible thumper and a Bed Wetter....God help us....stupid Americans.
Some of you idiots won't for for a person unless they agree with you 100% on everything in life?
"Their hatred towards each other is far greater than any love they have for this country."
well said!
ron paul doesnt believe in evolution either, no?
What % of Huckabee's supporters last night are in favor of his fair tax position? Probably 0%.
He won because he was endorsed by God.
exactly. The church goers managed to skew the results, just like RP supporters throw off the online polls. Once a better representative block of the population votes we will see huck fall to 3rd or 4th.
The thing that turned me off to Ron Paul is his pro-life stance (he's a retired gyn/peds MD). That sure seems an apparent contradiction to the libertarian philosophy of keeping government out of people's lives.
So you are a one issue voter? Look beyond what he believes to what his policy would be as president. Have you? Often a candidates beliefs are separate from what they would do as president. RP does not believe in abortion but would allow the states to choose, there he is consistent with getting out of peoples lives.
BTW, most people are not truly for abortion. Are you ok with abortion at 32 weeks? how about 31? 30? in some states this is ok. What if science advances so that a fetus can survive outside the uterus after 4 weeks. Would you be ok with all 1st trimester abortions? clearly there is a huge gray area and the definition of the gray area is constantly changing.
There is absolute and incontravertable evidence of evolution in every human. Your genes are full of viral inserts. They occur only in the germline (sperm, eggs, and the cells that make them) and are passed only parent to child. You share hundreds of thousands of these viral inserts with every other ape on the planet - same virus, same place. Because they don't occur often, you must have tens of millions of shared ancestors with every other ape.
Every cell of your body is absolute living proof of common ancestry between humans and apes.
Ron Paul says that he doesn't believe in evolution.
Ron Paul, M.D., does not want the Federal Government to regulate medical quackery.
Congressman Ron Paul and his aides "regularly meet with members of the Stormfront [neo-Nazi] set."
Ron Paul is right about the falling value of the dollar. So what?! Most of Paul's views on science and politics are directly opposed to the reality-based community, of which I would wish to count Keith and HPers as members.
I know a PhD in microbiology and another in physics that don't believe in evolution.
Your religious insistence on evolution scares me.
And where did they acquire their degrees? Pat Robertson university?
Get out of the stone age, my friend. Evolution is fact. Creationism is fiction. And every time one of you nimrods says something to the contrary, you embarrass the rest of us in this country.
So if you want to believe in God snapping his fingers and making the heavens and the earth and Adam and Eve, I lump you into the same category as the Scientology idiots who believe Overlord Xenu nuked a bunch of pesky aliens in a volcano.
Understanding evolution is understanding the work of God in action
That's it. I have officially given up on the human race. Let armageddon come. If we are this asinine, we don't deserve to exist any longer.
"I know a PhD in microbiology and another in physics that don't believe in evolution.
Your religious insistence on evolution scares me."
From a scientific perspective, "evolution" is not a very good theory because many of its tenets have never been supported by experimental evidence (abiogenesis for example) and it completely fails to explain numerous non-linear shifts in species and populations seen in fossil records.
Long time lurker, first time poster.
I have a PhD in Microbiology and I also know a PhD (not me) in Microbiology who does believe in Evolution. Most of her colleagues think she is an complete fool. Just because someone with a PhD believes something doesn't make it true.
As for the second part, there is actually quite a plethora of experimental evidence supporting evolution. The problem is folks don't really understand what evolution is. Evolution is the change in the frequency of allelles in a given population over a period of time. This activity is something we can show experimentally by simply adding antibiotics to a flask of bacteria. The drug resistant bacteria will survive and become dominant while the rest of the bacteria will die off.
As for the evolutionary record, the non-linear shifts are adressed by a concept called "punctuated equilibrium" which can also be demonstrated at a microbiological level. I won't bore you with the details but I think wikipedia has a rather good summary.
The fundemental basis of most biological technology (drug development, medicine, all the cool stuff you see on CSI) is predicated on evolutionary biology, and advances you see in the future will be as well. Spreading this "New Earth" kind of foolishness is silly and counterporductive.
Go to Paranoid Ben's Boring Blog if you want a secretary reporting the housing stories
Come to HousingPANIC if you want a bit of politically incorrect anarchy
Politics, religion and money - we're not supposed to talk about those things right?
But oh, aren't they fun?
Did anyone see the speech Obama gave last night? It was one of the best speeches I've ever seen.
Now, I'm going to discuss the camel in the tent that will become very apparent in about 4 months if Obama wins the Dems nomination.
What the hell?! Why was it a good speech? Because he speaks well and has a commanding voice? I listened to that whole speech and at the end of it I was left with nothing. He blabbed on and on about change, experience and how hard work pays off. Whaaat?!!
I'll agree that he delivers a speech well but that speech could not have been more meaningless or empty. I'm amazed at how so many of these candidates can speak for so long without actually saying anything of substance!
Anonymous said...
Did anyone see the speech Obama gave last night? It was one of the best speeches I've ever seen.
Were we watching the same speech? It was lame and quite boring. Lots of meaningless platitudes. Reminded me of The Simpsons when the aliens were running and one of the alines was speaking. He was like "we must go forward, not backwards, upwards, not downwards" etc.
Obama is a hack. An unexperienced pretty boy.
I have a PhD in Microbiology and I also know a PhD (not me) in Microbiology who does believe in Evolution. Most of her colleagues think she is an complete fool. Just because someone with a PhD believes something doesn't make it true.
I don't even know why we're still having this discussion in the 21st century. America will be left in the dust if so many of it's population continue down the path of religious fundamentalism and willful ignorance. It's OK to be a Christian but come on people you're basing your world view on an allegorical book that was written 2000 years ago and has been translated and warped countless times since then.
The USA is really a nation of children. Not everyone of course but it seems like the majority have the underdeveloped mental capacity of a child. In an environment like that there is no way a democratic process can work. You end up with a Lord of the Flies situation.
The children vote for a guy that preaches ancient fantasy and plays guitar with Chuck Norris.
The children vote for a guy that represents "change" and looks and sounds like one of their favorite movie stars, Denzel Washington.
The children vote for a woman because it's time for a woman to become president.
Meanwhile anyone hear any of the favorites say how they were going to permanently fix social security or medicaid/medicare? Anyone hear any of em say how they were going to get out out of our $50 trillion deficit? Or our massive annual deficits?
How about saving the US dollar? Or ending illegal immigration?
Addressing global warming? Bringing our manufacturing base back? Ending our subservience to China? Support small business? Take on the REIC? Clean up campaign finance?
No, but I do know what candidates think unions are great, which favor torture, which want prayer in school, which candidates want flag burning amendments, which favor discrimination, and which candidates want to raise my taxes.
They suck you in with the stupid things they know win easy votes, and don't address the important ones that would scare America if they only knew
And that's American politics today
Only real conservatives are Ron Paul and Thompson. Both got about 10%.
We're doomed.
I'm one of your European readers. (the housing bubbles over here seem to play out one year after yours, so reading this blog is like looking into the future) I believe in a strong Europe, and want the EU to sever it ties with the USA. (not that I'm ungratefull, but you've become a liability rather than an asset, and not being able to recognice a liability from an asset is what makes the difference between a smart investor and a stupid one)
The last I heard, Europe is in deep shit too so I don't see how you have a right to brag. Which specific country are you from? Oh, I guess it doesn't matter because all European nations are being rolled into one giant bloc with a socialistic constitution.
Don't get me wrong. I love Europe and I'd rather live there than the cultural backwater that is the USA but Europe has some major problems that it is facing too. And I agree, the USA is not going to be in any position to play the role of "policeman of the world" in the near future when it's economy collapses.
Yeah yeah
I predict a Hillary landslide from here on
With Huckabee, a right wing religious whacko, first in Iowa, Rethuglicans are now involved in an election primary demolition derby that will end with all of them in a circular firing squad. Another "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" for the chimp.
With a black mulatto male from Chicago,(Barack HUSSEIN Obama), first in Iowa, with 2 years fed gov't experience,and wife/first lady that looks like she belongs on a pancake box, Democrats better have a serious deep-down reality check and realize what America they're living in, before they believe he can be elected POTUS.
As for the Paulistas,...time to face the truth and accept that Dr. FrankenRon is more than slightly "off" for the American masses and will never ever have a chance on the national stage. Stop spanking your monkeys, wasting energy and money on a hopeless cause and get behind a winner.
Is this a sick country or what?
Please do not spread the Chicago corruption cancer to the rest of the country. Please do not vote for Obama.
I have lived in Chicago my whole life (30+ yrs). I understand Chicago is the Capital of the Flyover Country. But there is stuff going on here that the rest of the nation needs to know about.
Anyone one from outside the City that is a Obama fan needs to wake up and do some reseach about this guy. Obama does not operate in a vacuum. He is a cog in the Daley Political Machine. Vice, corruption, nepotism, wasteful spending and very, very poor services from poilce to roads to the awful public schools are the Daley legacy.
Daley begat Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Daley begat Cook County Board President (the cnty that Chicago resides in) Todd Stroger. Daley begat Obama as a Ill. St. Sen., and as a US Sen from Ill., and now US Pres candidate. The current Daley was obviously begotten by his father, the Old Man Daley.
Richard M. and Richard J. share the same dream: get one of their "guys" in the White House. It worked for the Old Man in 1960 when JFK (who's father was very close friends with the Old Man) "squeaked" by Nixon for the win. The assassination of JFK was a huge blow to Daley's plans.
Richard the Second wants to keep "his guy" in the White House for longer than JFK. Obama, being from Ill., will be more favorable to Chicago, Cook Cnty and Illinois. Favorable to the corrupt politicans that win with out fear of losing. An Obama Pres will be key for the corrupt Chicago pol's to steal without fear, not just from Chicago residents, but from the rest of the country.
Do some research. Google all those pols I mentioned above. You will quickly find there skeletons. It's no secret, execpt to the MSM. Google "Tony Resko" he is tie that binds all of them, Obama included, together. Obama has been around these people long enough. His silence equals complacency. Google Chicago's policies regarding taxing and spending and slashing of personal liberties.
As a Dem voter, after you read up, if you find all of this acceptable, feel free to carry on. But, atleast become aware.
Thank you.
Sorry I cant resist. Here is a slice (or square) from the wacky world of popular opinion. This one comes straight from the beautiful Sheryl Crow. It's a doozy
Sheryl Crow returns with her first album of new music since 2005's "Wildflower" when "Detours" hits the stores Feb. 5. Crow also wants to impose a mandatory one-square per sitting toilet paper standard in order to save the planet
Anonymous said...
'While I generally believe in evolution to a degree, you would think that there would be a bunch of 1/2 man 1/2 ape creatures running around the joint.'
ever been to Europe?
Britain, France, Germany,or Eastern Europe?
Ok maybe they're more like 1/4 man 3/4 ape, but close to 1/2 - 1/2.
Anon said:
‘- All bets are off if Israel decides they need to strike Iran before a Democrat is elected president’
Iran is a threat to the entire world.
Why should tiny Israel carry the load?
Don't worry, be happy! Just go out there and vote for the market cultist republicans, watch as your culture declines towards a South American-style culture of billionaires and poor people with not much in between.
Personally, I hope to witness lots and lots of pain and suffering in this culture before I die so I can watch the people who voted for this mess of capitalist ignorance be punished relentlessly. Especially fun will be watching their kids suffer. Wanna bet I get my wish?
Praise be to God and the Reagan Revolution! HAHAHAHA
From amicable:
"I have a PhD in Microbiology"
... who then followed with
"Just because someone with a PhD believes something doesn't make it true."
Indeed. I find it interesting that any challenge to any precept of evolution is usually met with anger, arm-waving allusions to authority or ignorance of the masses, or even (LOL) suggestions to look it up on Wikipedia.
Evolution, as prostheletized by Thomas Huxley, was as much a political philosophy as a scientific theory. Of course true science is above mere political concerns and it welcomes new ideas and inquiry -- right Mr. PhD?
A scientist who claims certitude is as flawed as any religious figure who claims to own piety.
What % of Huckabee's supporters last night are in favor of his fair tax position? Probably 0%.
He won because he was endorsed by God.
Meanwhile, you're right, fiscally I'm for him.
This country is blind and brainwashed. Like my favorite band Rush said:
"Now it's come to this, like we're back in the dark ages. From the Middle East to the Middle West, it's a world of superstition."
I'm sick and tired of seeing people vote on religion.
Meanwhile anyone hear any of the favorites say how they were going to permanently fix social security or medicaid/medicare?
It's not fixable. What we need is an HONEST candidate who will come out, say that the entire program needs to be scrapped, and explain that we are not an entitlement, socialist country.
Medicare/medicaid/social security is exactly why socialized healthcare will NEVER work - we can't even pay for the programs we already have.
IF YOU DIDN'T WORK FOR IT, YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE IT. Plain and simple. This is why I'm happy to contribute to charities that help the disabled and "special" people, but I will never donate to a charity that gives free handouts to able-bodied people. They can get off their butts and help themselves.
"In fact, I'm going to go the hook here and say if Obama wins the Dem nomination, he'll lose in a landslide. It won't even be close."
I agree. There is a lot of America between I-95 and the Golden Gate bridge, full of reactionary, harsh, judgemental christian fools.
Not quite half of them voted in 2004. If Barak Obama is on the ballot they will all vote, and not many will vote for him. It will be the greatest blowout in American history.
The GOP could nominate a toasted cheese sandwich with Huck as VP and carry every state between Vermont and California.
Omigod...you mean Overlord Xenu DIDN'T nuke a bunch of pesky aliens in a volcano?
(pssst...hey, Keith...Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare don't need fixing. SocSec is fine, just remove the artificial 90g income ceiling. Done. And fix the healthcare system, that's what's broke. Just sayin'.)
I just don't understand, who are these morons voting for the Huckster and for McCain?!
A knee grow and religious nut.
What the fuck happened to this once great nation?
The funny thing will be when Obama comes up with a bail-out, taking his naive young supporter base for a good ass-reaming. A good reminder to those who don't remember the last Dem surge in the '70s what leftism about and why socialism doesn't work.
Not that O's supporters will be smart enough to realize they are being played for fools. Or at least not until 2016 when they realize politics isn't about "the audicity of hope", but about stealing your neighbors cheese.
This is what we will get from the coming "i-crackhead" generation, mentally damaged by their overindulgent boomer parents and their elementary school ritalin addictions.
I am waking up to the fact that politics is no longer about Republican vs democrat, or conservative vs liberal.
Politics in this century is now about populism vs corporatism.
The American people vs the corporations.
Don't get me wrong, I am no socialist, I love capitalism and I love the free market.
However, Corporations now control the MSM outlets, It became blatent last night when they left Ron Pauls 10% slice of the pie blank rather than give him name recognition.
Corporations now also own most politicians with their campaign donations, special interest groups, etc.
Corporations now determine what legislation gets passed and senators/congressman work for them instead of the American people.
Wake up people.
Hillary doesn't care about the middle class, she works for wall street and citi bank now.
Same goes for Romney and Giuliani.
There is a new war now, and it populism vs corporatism.
Give all of your money to Ron Paul, he's sure to win.
Actually, Huckabee will win, warts and all. So start getting used to it.
Oh well, at least your money went to a worthy cause. Yuck yuck ;)
I agree that there's too much fluff and too little substance in Presidential campaigns, but there *is* a lot of substance addressing your issues, Keith.
Obama has proposed fixing social security (which currently faces only a possibility of a moderate shortfall, and that far in the future) by raising the payroll limit.
Many of the candidate - most of the Dems, plus McCain - have proposed various carbon limitations or taxes for global warming.
I know Edwards has proposed substantial reforms to campaign finance (matching for small contributions, cutting the max contribution, and public financing for congressional candidates). McCain cosponsored a reform back in 2002. I'm sure others have some plans too.
Most candidates have policy proposals for illegal immigration. Repubs lean towards walls and Dems to employer sanctions.
All three of the top Dems have extensive and specific proposals for healthcare reform. Obama and Hillary both have distinct wonky streaks and regularly put out detailed proposals on a variety of issues - Obama more than Hillary, probably for political reasons. The Republicans tend to be fluffier (and does it matter what Romney says today anyway?) but McCain, Paul, and Huckabee have a number of specific proposals out, some of them very bold.
From a scientific perspective, "evolution" is not a very good theory because many of its tenets have never been supported by experimental evidence
Whereas creation "science" is completely rigorous and on the same plane, and should be taught as alternative theory, because it's from a 3,000 year old book of fairy tales!
No wonder we're screwed. With idiots equating creationism to evolution, real scientific thinking and enquiry has gone out the window in favor of "deeply held beliefs."
You know, like man and dinosaurs lived together.
And that home equity credit spending is "income" because "housing prices never go down."
And that now is "a great time to buy a house."
I know a PhD in microbiology and another in physics that don't believe in evolution.
Your religious insistence on evolution scares me.
I have a PhD in physics and a masters in microbiology. I don't need to believe in evolution to know that the religious myths of creation are not based on FACT.
Watch the Movie HERE
I agree wholeheartedly with Keith that he claims to be different and bold without asserting any actual ideas.
Given the lack of any definition to his beliefs (other than his few votes as an Illinois State legislature that were pretty traditionally leftist), I can't really say if he'd be better or worse than Hillary or Huckabee. They all suck, but RP.
My favorite ahole politico though is Edwards who has a "depression platform"- an actual firm plan to repeat 1930-38 in 2 terms.
Take the recession that will be brewing. Then throw in some protectionism (Smoot Hawley) and "soak the rich" political posturing (FDR's 90%+ tax rates, arbitrary politically targeted criminal tax prosecutions) and a roving government takeover of substantial swathes of the economy (1930's, it was the electricity industry vs. healthcare today).
Keith, I will be joining you as an expat shortly.
So you are a one issue voter?
Oh come off it. Most Ron Paul supporters are single-issue voters too -- on Iraq, or the gold standard, or on "states' rights."
Y'all decided to abandon the libertarian movement a while ago to sleep with the right wing Republicans. Ron Paul became a Bible-thumping homophobic anti-choice Jesus freak and all it did was limit his appeal to 10% of Republicans in Iowa (less than 3% of the voting population there). Even if he manages to hold that support level, he's polling at third party levels.
And the whole business about "single issue" voters being bad is bullshit. Most voters have an issue that they personally place above others. Just like you care about the gold standard, a woman doesn't want jackbooted FBI thugs shining a flashlight up her vagina. A real libertarian would understand that and could cater to both audiences -- a win-win proposition for freedom.
Unfortunately, the Ron Paultards have decided that a social conservative approach rammed down everyone else's throat in the name of misleadingly labeled "freedom" was the way forward. Women, gays, blacks, immigrants, small businessmen who do business across national borders, etc. were thrown under the bus to get there. And you can see the results -- the utter failure of Ron Paul's campaign to have a significant impact.
If you want my vote, you'll not support anti-gay shit. If you want the vote of most women, you won't support laws to make their vaginas and uteruses into federal property. If you want the support of immigrants, you won't support draconian restrictions on immigration. If you want the support of successful small and medium business owners, you won't support restrictions on trade.
You made the decision to screw all of them over, and now you're reaping the (pitiful) electoral results of that decision. Stop lecturing us on "single issues" while trying to shove your preferred non-negotiable single issue down our throats.
Even though I will vote for RP, it's funny how you spin the housing crap on the Dems, even though most of it was created by the GOP. Bush anyone. As a matter of fact, the GOP is coming out with a new bail out plan every freaking week.
Oh please Keith. Just say you are a disgusted Republican. I would vote for any democrat over any republican anytime. Unless it's Ron Paul. Period. Republicans have and will continue to destroy this country. It amazes me how people still vote for the GOP..
It's called change, change, change.
It's a repudiation not only of BushCo, but of the last 30 years or so.
America has fallen off the wagon. Our leadership-across the board-is in the toilet. This was a shot across the bow to everyone who calls themselves a leader, to step it up or step down.
My predictions. Whoever can stay as far away from special interest money as possible, will win.
Now I haven't talked about policies. That's another post.
Obama Economy
Obama wants to give you a 500 dollar tax credit. What are the Neocons offering?
Why do you think that a bunch of fat ass farmers in a forgotten state, will decide the fate of the country?
It is all a joke.
IOWA and NH do not count, not even if CNN,NBC or FOX try to force it upon us!
Wait for Super Tuesday and you will see.
You don't have to print this one.
From time to time people take shots at you because you bring in other issues or express yourself. F@@k'em.
You've got opinions, they've got opinions, I've got opinions.
Keep doing what you're doing. You're doing a great job here. Far better than the drivel put out by much of the MSM.
I'll agree that he delivers a speech well but that speech could not have been more meaningless or empty.
Like I've been saying, BaCrock Obama is an empty suit. He gives a speech like a movie star, promises everything, and will deliver nothing except amnesty and expedited citizenship for 30 million illegal immigrants who will be loyal to him in the following election.
“Religion, evolution, sexuality, and race are all outside the scope of Federal business and have no place in political discussion except to divide the people”
Every cell of your body is absolute living proof of common ancestry between humans and apes.
The genes of chimps and horses are also very similar. I guess chimps came from horses? What most people don't know is that the genes of all living organisms are very similar. The religious evolutionists only want to point out the similarities between chimps and humans.
BTW - I am not a Christian, yet I think the debate is far from over. How did life itself begin? The scientists say it was from lightening or plasma striking water, yet they cannot reproduce it.
Arrogant mankind thinks he knows everything. We can't even send a man to mars yet and we think we know the origins of the universe and life. Modern physics and biology has only been around for about 150 years. We're just scratching the surface.
"While I generally believe in evolution to a degree, you would think that there would be a bunch of 1/2 man 1/2 ape creatures running around the joint."
Evolution is a complete and utter load of tosh.
I believe in "Adaption", ie polar bears etc grow white fur on account of their environment.
Evolution, basically means we evolved from amoebas, fish, monkeys etc.
If this was the case, how come there's still amoebas, fish and monkeys that haven't evolved into humans, also how come humans havent evolved into there next stage of development or genetic throwbacks like humans being born with functioning gills, feathers or reproduce by laying eggs? and more importantly, where's the links between species in the fossil record?
Anyone with PHD friends who can answer these questions get back to me and I might change my POV.
diogenes said...
The US saved your arses in 2 world wars etc..
Listen up dipshit, if it wasn't for the Brits, you wouldn't even have a fucking country, and 2 if the allies had fallen, how long do you think the good ole USofA would have lasted with battle hardened Germans on one side and the Japs on the other?
Anonymous Budvar said...
diogenes said...
The US saved your arses in 2 world wars etc..
Listen up dipshit, if it wasn't for the Brits, you wouldn't even have a fucking country, and 2 if the allies had fallen, how long do you think the good ole USofA would have lasted with battle hardened Germans on one side and the Japs on the other?
January 04, 2008 10:23 PM<<<
hmmm, but germany and/or japan have never invaded my country. so if that is so, then who has invaded my country not once but twice? Who was it that attacked and burned my capital in 1812? was it japan or germany? who was it that got involved in our so-called civil war and attempted to manipulate this war of northern aggression in order to split the united states into and benefit somehow from this war? was it germany or japan? no it wasn't. as far as germany or japan invading the united states during world war 2, it would never have happened. that is obsurd. not enough man power and not enough supply chain to get that job done. homeland security says that it will take 400,000 united nations troops to quell any unrest during the coming troubles here in the states. sir I submit to you, that 400,000 men could not even hold the texas hill country much less the contiguous 48. during that last world war, we fought the wrong people anyway. we should have fought the british and the russians since both of them are so heavily influenced by the same kinds of people.
Ron Paul did very well. He thoroughly beat Giuliani, an MSM anointed front runner. He's only a few points away from Thompson & McCain, or possibly closer since all the precincts haven't reported. He also thoroughly beat Bill Clinton's Iowa results that still didn't prevent Bill from winning overall. Doubt Huckster will have the same appeal in many of the other states.
Happy for Obama & Edwards, though Kucinich is better.
Marx was right - Religion is the opiate of the people, and in this case it keeps workers stupid and quiet - they believe all the rewards are in heaven, so they hate unions<<<
nope, incorrect. marx , aka , Moses Mordecai Levy was wrong. television and professional sports are the opiates of the people. religions can be wrong at times and some men are false teachers, there is no doubt. the problem is and always has been that man wants to do what he wants to do and not what God wants him to do. this is the problem. Ron Paul the other day quoted Sinclair Louis and said, that when fascism comes to this country it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. this is true. but to blame a perfect Creator for the actions of men who do things in His name is just plain wrong. one day you will grow old and you will die. and at that time, they will gather and say words over your body and throw dirt in your face and then go eat. and it is over. eternity is a long time. the Creator of all things has made us to live forever but we have to meet Him halfway. It is a small thing to ask, would you not agree?
bank dick: From a scientific perspective, "evolution" is not a very good theory because many of its tenets have never been supported by experimental evidence
Creationist nonsense -- all known experimental evidence completely supports the fact of evolution. This is fully covered at the Index to Creationist Claims [Claim CA215].
If you have a creationist claim that you believe refutes evolution, please avoid making yourself appear foolish and make sure that it is not covered in the Index to Creationist Claims before you comment on it publicly.
Budvar said...
"Evolution is a complete and utter load of tosh."
If you have any objectivity and scientific understanding, the following entry in Wikipedia should comfirm the likelihood that evolution is real. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evidence_of_common_descent
I am a Christian and a PhD Chemical Engineer. I cannot help but view evolution as real based on the incredible amount of evidence that backs it up.
I also belive that there is a spiritual side to us that supports many of the faith-related beliefs that are taught by the various religions.
However,taking stories out of the Old Testament as fact is flat out ridiculous. For example, anyone that believes in the literal truth of the Noah's Ark story is delusional. There is absolutely no physical way that it could have happened a couple of thousand years before Christ's birth. There are overwhelming facts that dispute this account. I think it is acceptable to have faith in spiritual things without feeling compelled to believe in the literal occurrence of the Genesis stories.
Saying that "Evolution is a complete and utter load of tosh." only reveals a person that hasn't taken the time to research and ponder the facts that have led most scientists to easily accept the basic theory of evolution.
Nice Picture. What a pair... A short-cicuited stem cell research project gone horribly wrong...
They should take their act onstage in Vegas. They could be like the New Rat Pack.
Huckleberry could be the token and jump into Hussein Obamas arms on stage, like Sammy Davis Junior and Dean Martin.
All we need now is someone to Play the role of Frank (there is only ONE Frank though).
Any suggestions? Maybe Bill Clinton who is beginning to resemble WC Fields with that nose, or Al Gorlioni could be the snake oil salesman selling Global warming in tonic bottles.
Call the Act IOWA's eleven, then the sequel could be New Hampshire's thirteen... Get Teddy Kennedy to play a cameo role as the town red-faced drunk. Teddy could ask for a young woman in the audience to volunteer to ride with him to Nantucket on a bridge..
Alice through the lookingglass, Up is Down and Down is Up. Pleas pass me the crackpipe, I need another hit to go with my tinfoil hat.
The Horror, the horror...
Dear Ron Paul freaks:
Your guy came in 5th place in a 6 man race. Third place is considered the end of the road in Iowa. He never had a chance and he still doesn't.
But he has $20M in the bank to live out a nice retirement in St. Lucia. He played you fools like a violin.
I hope one of these tards gets elected. They'll deserve the shit storm that Dubya leaves in his wake.
It will serve them right for being a couple of sleezy little corporate whores.
Huckabee's been spinning shit since he was a 15 year old preacher boy.
"Anonymous said...
A knee grow and religious nut.
What the fuck happened to this once great nation?
January 04, 2008 7:56 PM"
... your great nation? you mean
the one started by a bunch of
"religious nuts"?
BTW - I am not a Christian, yet I think the debate is far from over. How did life itself begin? The scientists say it was from lightening or plasma striking water, yet they cannot reproduce it.
*sigh* I am getting tired of educating the uneducated.
Yes, they HAVE reproduced it. They were able to synthesize rudementary proteins in a specific medium that mimicked the conditions of the primordial earth.
The GOP could nominate a toasted cheese sandwich with Huck as VP and carry every state between Vermont and California.
Dick Cheney isn't running dude.
Anonymous said...
‘A knee grow and religious nut.
What the fuck happened to this once great nation?’
Several hundred years ago brave men and woman took a very dangerous voyage, crossed the Atlantic to an uncivilized new world to start a new civilization,
They did that great risk to escape the ‘Church’.
The Church, which has destroyed civilization for over a thousand years.
I know, I know, the word ‘god’ is mentioned in their documents.
Today there is a Church in every town and village in this country, there is a Church for every 5 people in this country, and that is apparently not enough.
That’s what happened to this once great country.
To the degree that ‘the Church’ influences our society is the degree that this once great nation, slowly marches into the second round of ‘dark ages’.
The creator of all universes did NOT kill his own son.
Only a culture that produced leaders like Caligula can force such a brutal and gory story as ‘religion’.
“Religion, evolution, sexuality, and race are all outside the scope of Federal business and have no place in political discussion except to divide the people”
Someone should tell Ron Paul that.
He has:
1) Made *religion* and *evolution* a federal issue by pushing legislation that would unconstitutionally allow state schools to teach religious dreck (aka creation "science") as an "alternate scientific theory" in science classes.
2) Made *sexuality* an issue by attempting to overturn the Supreme Court's ruling throwing out anti-gay sodomy laws, pssionately advocating for the anti-gay DOMA law in 1996, co-sponsoring a law ruling that otherwise qualified parents in Washington DC may not adopt if they are gay (but of course they still have to pay the taxes), and opposing efforts to equalize immigration and benefits treatment for gay people (but of course they still have to pay the taxes)
3) Made *race* an issue by publishing a series of racist screeds in his 1990s "Political Report" newspaper describing blacks as "criminals" and warning of "race war."
I get so tired when Paultards try and pretend their guy isn't part of the problem. He is, and demanding that people stop talking about his (recent) past and pretend that his positions on those issues don't have political ramifications shows just how out of touch they are. Oh, not to mention the dismal polls.
Obama wants to give you a 500 dollar tax credit. What are the Neocons offering?
Out of his own pocket or ours?
if cnn estimates are correct, Ron Paul has almost as many delegates as Thompson and McCain. Paul is doing way better than Bill Clinton did in Iowa.
why the ufck does iowa and NH get to decide this important stuff?
I couldnt even find NH on a map.
Cali should decide baby!!!!
Unfortunately, the Ron Paultards have decided that a social conservative approach rammed down everyone else's throat in the name of misleadingly labeled "freedom" was the way forward.
Geez, only a lib could make such a logically twisted statement. Turning Paul's "get federal government out of your life" into "
social conservative approach rammed down everyone else's throat in the name of misleadingly labeled "freedom""
All three of the top Dems have extensive and specific proposals for healthcare reform.
Reform?? I wouldn't go so far as to say any candidate has a reform plan, dem or repub. All the plans are more of the same.
Sure it is good to cover more people but what is needed is to completely burn down the current system and go to a single payer structure. But the real problem is that we as a nation, can't afford universal coverage for everyone. No country can, so what happens in healthcare rationing of non-emergency services like they have in Canada (and I am sure in other countries). Sure you can get that hip replaced.... come see us in 2010.
Due to resistance of the healthcare industry we won't get true reform. So we will continue on our current course of temporary fixes and increasing numbers who are not covered until costs spiral so high that nearly everyone cannot afford insurance, then something will finally be done.
Obama wants to give you a 500 dollar tax credit. What are the Neocons offering?
Out of his own pocket or ours?
He will say he is taking from the rich (yea! stick it to the capitalist pigs and evil corporations) but in truth he is simply printing more money which in turn devalues what money you currently have.
... your great nation? you mean
the one started by a bunch of
"religious nuts"?
they were religious but they were not nuts. Being religious or having a religion, contrary to liberal beliefs, does not make one nuts.
They realized that while religion and religious freedom were important, religion should be kept separate from government.
Well, I see Obamas win really helped out the stock market today.
Anonymous said...
Obama Economy
Obama wants to give you a 500 dollar tax credit. What are the Neocons offering?
January 04, 2008 9:00 PM
Who's going to pay for the housing bailout then??
Reform?? I wouldn't go so far as to say any candidate has a reform plan, dem or repub. All the plans are more of the same.
You may not *like* the plans (I also favor single-payer health insurance) but you can't say nobody is addressing the issue. All the Dem plans would drastically change the cost and availability of healthcare in America. Whether they are the *right* plans is a legitimate topic of discussion but Keith was claiming none were even addressing the issue and that's not true.
A Presidential candidate should be Objective NOT Subjective for the good of ALL the People!
Religion and Politics do NOT mix!
This is the land of the FREE to practice or worship ANY beliefs!
Those who impose their beliefs on the PEOPLE of the United States of America are just as bad as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran who persecutes non-muslims and Christians in his country!
I ask you who is worse?
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran who is an outright tyrant?
Our Presidential candidates who disguise themselves as wolves in Sheppard’s clothing leading the sheeple to the slaughter?
Huckabee is not without major faults in my view.
However, for the purpose of this financially-oriented blog, I would like to mention that I think he has a good stance on the housing fiasco. I heard him plainly and unequivocally state that he thinks that the government should not bail out mortgage losers. He wasn't pandering and he wasn't leaving himself wiggle room. He was on NPR and he came off like Ayn Rand. He sounded like he was reading a Ron Paul speech, but with more emphasis on the mortgage business and homeowners who gambled and lost and less emphasis on the Federal Reserve.
Frankly, I think that sound bite could hurt him when the housing crash really hits and they make him look like a big meanie.
Also, the FairTax is very cool. It is a lot more than just a plain old consumption tax. The devil or magic is in the details. Take a couple hours and read The FairTax Book.
I'm curious - why do you hate Ron Paul?
Do you want him to die like Kennedy by backing the gold standard and getting rid of the Federal Reserve?
The better he does, the more dangerous it is for him.
Quite frankly, what you say and we say or vote doesn't matter until the populist revolution.
And with TV acting as anesthesia, that may not happen.
HOWEVER - I think there are enough people who order cable - and Cable Internet who do not believe the Faux News channels, that all is not lost.
And, even if we continue to meddle along in our mediocrity, the Internet has made available the LifeStraw (and other survival tools), so that even the worst case scenario is not so worst case.
Party On, Wayne!!!!
"I know a PhD in microbiology and another in physics that don't believe in evolution.
Your religious insistence on evolution scares me."
Logical fallacies above:
1. Appeal to authority.
2. If a million people think the world is flat, that does not make it so. Evolution is supported by hard evidence. What evidence do your friends offer to support their views? I can offer you library stacks' worth.
3. Semantic fallacies with the words "believe" and "religious". Although the latter is obviously being used sarcastically, the point you are trying to make is wrong. Well-established scientific facts are not a matter of choice. Your degreed friends may have as-yet-to-be revealed reason not to 'believe' evolution, but no one 'Believes' in evolution any more than we 'Believe' Earth is round.
Until such time as you strengthen your rhetoric (that is building a logically sound argument), you will appear to the rest of the world as a jackanape.
"But the real problem is that we as a nation, can't afford universal coverage for everyone. "
I see. We can't afford health care. Can't afford all schools of equal high quality. Can't afford to maintain our bridges and infrastructure. Can't afford decent housing, public transportation, a clean environment or investing in R&D to get off oil, keep us competitive, and cure the sick.
But we can afford a billion dollars a month to protect Haliburton and Exxon's profits. We can afford corporate bailouts and obscenely overpaid CEOs. We can afford just about any other means of wasting trillions of dollars - God forbid anything useful comes of it.
Time to insist on getting the things we want and need from whomever gets elected. Republican tax hawks, your man Bush proved you wrong. We most certainly can afford to do the things that will give us true pride in America. The truth is, neglecting these things is ultimately going to be far more costly than addressing them now.
In anticipation of being labeled a communist, may I point out that "socialism" is an economic, not a political system. It is entirely possible to have a democracy (or in the case of the U.S.A., more accurately, a republic) that also has a social system.
We use - and love - the existing socialist aspects of our country such as fire and rescue, roads and highways, the postal system (OK, maybe we don't love the postal system, but still).
On the other hand, the free market has proven over and over that it cannot be trusted to handle anything involving the well-being of the public or the public trust.
Capitalism is very good at creating cheap goods, but does so blindly. It is highly vulnerable to corruption and scams, which is what this entire blog is about. The goal of a corporation is monopoly, which is the opposite of much-vaunted "competition". We The People - and unless you are in the top 5% of the wealthy, that includes you - own this country, and We should get the things We want and need. Don't be suckered by the Horatio Alger myth. Hell, if you do become a gazillionaire, exactly why would you whine about taxes? Have taxes ever caused anyone on this blog to go hungry, or even the least iota of financial pain?
Again, I am not merely ranting. My views are formed from what's actually happened, and what actually works. How did you arrive at your opinion?
Basing your religious views on a 2000 year-old book is like trying to use Microsoft Windows Millenium for computing for the next 20 years with no service packs!
Capitalism is very good at creating cheap goods,
Capitalism (Free Trade) is good at producing cheap labor. What country in their right mind wants a free trade system that creates this mass of unskilled cheap labor.
Doesnt anyone know anything about American System Economics? That's what built the nation, not capitalism or socialism.
Time to insist on getting the things we want and need from whomever gets elected. Republican tax hawks, your man Bush proved you wrong. We most certainly can afford to do the things that will give us true pride in America. The truth is, neglecting these things is ultimately going to be far more costly than addressing them now.
It doesn't work dude. Government is inherently inefficient and corrupt because it doesn't have the profit incentive like a private company has. A private company HAS to provide good and affordable services unless it is a monopoly or it will fail in the marketplace.
You can't beat the free market dumbass. How many historical examples of failed government bureaucracy and socialist systems do you need?
It's so sad that people can't understand this basic concept which America's greatness is based. It's just like the morons that can't understand evolution.
You shouldn't even call yourself an American if you don't believe in free markets, individual freedom and if you don't vote Ron Paul.
Anonymous said...
January 05, 2008 4:36 PM
A leader/government is supposed to have an "How can I serve you" "What do my people need" intention.
NOT "Serve me and my self-interest" intention.
United States of America is supposed to be a Democracy NOT a cloaked dictatorship rule.
It doesn't work dude. Government is inherently inefficient and corrupt because it doesn't have the profit incentive like a private company has. A private company HAS to provide good and affordable services unless it is a monopoly or it will fail in the marketplace.
Right.....like Enron??
That is all nonsense. Government and business are both corrupt nearly on the same level. The only difference is that (our style of) Government is more transparent.
I used to work for a VERY large law firm. The group I was in was auditing / accountant liability. Our clients were all Blue Chips. And guess what? They cheat too!
Besides, the CEO does not go and wrangle a popular vote from the secretary and the rubberband man.
Both the G and Buisness are cooking their books. One you are not allowed to see, the other they scare you away.
humble girl said...
>>>>Several hundred years ago brave men and woman took a very dangerous voyage, crossed the Atlantic to an uncivilized new world to start a new civilization,
January 05, 2008 12:35 AM
I am not in any way writing to disagree with your comment...
I just wanted to say that after taking the time to study several indingenous cultures from our past around the World... I have decided that they were far MORE civilized and far MORE advanced in many ways.
Regarding God appearing in our "Declaration of Independence", on our money, in the 'Pledge of Allegiance', etc. Our founding father's had very good intentions and gave this nation a strong foundation. I have read the "Declaration of Independence" and "The Constitution" they were beautifully and eloquently written. I just wish this great nation of ours would adhere to these documents! Wouldn't that be a dream come true...
BTW - our founding father's were part of the Illuminati movement.
"You can't beat the free market dumbass."
Ad hominem attacks don't make very convincing arguments.
You are right that government is also susceptible to corruption. That was the point of my comment. The way it is supposed to work is that the constituents insist on what they want and need or kick them out of office. Not to mention hold the corrupt officials accountable and throw them in jail.
In short, I am advocating true democracy and the rule of law.
Some problems with this are that the Fourth Estate, the press, has been co-opted by...corporate interests! Thus people are ill-informed. Also, the electoral system is horribly broken, so we can't really trust that our votes count. Just how fundamentally important this is should now be clear as Bush was never fairly elected either time and is not who the people wanted for President and has mode changes that are repulsive, especially to conservative Republicans (because he is not a conservative Republican, more of a fascist). I am a liberal Democrat, but would welcome a centrist conservative republican president at this point. Where is one?
Item one on Barack Obama's web site list of issues is to restore the ability to vote. Note - it was 100% Republican vipers who wrecked the electoral system.
Can I call you an insulting name now? I think I shall refrain from doing so, because I hope for a new day when we can respectfully disagree. Besides, I'm all ears for someone to prove me wrong or provide information that may help me adapt my point of view. Things are horribly messed up, brother. Corporate America has a lot to answer for and will do little to fix the mess. At every opportunity, it's profit before people.
I personally feel that the 'savages', the 'un-civilized' were and continue to be the CONQUERORs...
Evolution, as prostheletized by Thomas Huxley, was as much a political philosophy as a scientific theory. Of course true science is above mere political concerns and it welcomes new ideas and inquiry -- right Mr. PhD?
True scientific inquiry is based on the scientific method, which requires gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.
"New ideas" are terrific, if it has some basis in observable, testable fact. New ideas are not great just because they are "new ideas." In fact this blog is a testament to many, many bad "new ideas" foisted upon the populace by the REIC. Ideas, especially in a scientific context, are only as strong as the evidence supporting their validity.
Evolution is no more a political philosophy than the theory of relativity. It is a political flashpoint because evoluiton is a demonstrable challenge to a portion of our societies world-view.
I believe the purpose of my post was to illustrate that their is a substantial amount of scientific evidence supporting evolution, whereas there is little to none supporting Creationism. If you have such evidence, great, show it to us and we can all take a look.
Yeah. Go to the Smithsonion exhibit on evolution. They have an elaborate display. They also have a card in front saying the display has been PROVEN wrong and they have no idea if evolution is true. It is at the Smithsonion Natural History Museum in D.C.
Even if they were right before, who is to say that God did not ceate the big bang anyway.
I love these smug people who think they are so smart that they don't believe in a higher being. Of course in the whole scheme of things, we are nothing more than ants on an ant hill. It is beyond our comprehension.
To call a housing bubble is childs play. To call the origins of the universe is folly
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