Can you short Bush, Pelosi and Reid? ("short" I said - not shoot!)
It's all unraveling now. I'm glad it's happening while they're still in charge. But no matter who leads in 2009, they're all gonna have one hell of a mess on their hands.
The Worst President Ever and The Worst Congress Ever, working together to screw America. History will not be kind. Both parties should be run out of town, and these corrupt and incompetent leaders should be sacked. If any of you still identify yourself as "Democrat" or a "Republican" I ask you to challenge your beliefs. You've been taken for a sucker. These parties and their leaders are not worthy of your support.
It's time for the revolution. The housing crash and economic meltdown changes everything, and who knows, might even bring America together.
January 15, 2008
Home prices are crashing. Stocks are crashing. Layoffs are soaring. Inflation is roaring. The dollar is tanking. How those approval ratings now?
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You forgot to say: WORST Supreme Court ever!!!!!
Supreme Court Curbs Investor Lawsuits
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday handed corporations another securities lawsuit victory, ruling 5-3 that investors can't bring private lawsuits against third parties in corporate-fraud cases unless they relied on actions by those parties when making investment decisions.
"We conclude the private right of action does not reach the customer/supplier companies because the investors did not rely upon their statements or representations," Justice Anthony Kennedy said in the majority's opinion. (read more at )
same url packaged up.
A good read of things to come.
Banks getting killed today
Government has lost control
For supporting government and all its evil (taxation, regulations, foreign wars, affirmative action, aid to Israel) I will enjoy watching many of the sheep go bankrupt.
Hey this is just the beginning too... man I stocked up on popcorn waiting for this moment.
I heard George Bush might not return stateside until after the election and will hide out at Micheal's place in Bahrain to avoid the FBI and discuss common interests - the rape of your children
Home prices crashing
Stocks collapsing
Layoffs soaring
Inflation is roaring too
GDP's falling
J6P's bawling
The whole world's gone to hell
But how are you?
I'm super
Thanks for asking!
what are you complaining about. they have made massive changes with more to come all for the better. america is in good hands, see:
we now have Brie!!!
"The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday handed corporations another securities lawsuit victory, ruling 5-3 that investors can't bring private lawsuits against third parties in corporate-fraud cases unless they relied on actions by those parties when making investment decisions."
government knows "monkey see, monkey do" is the "rule of law" these days!
liars can't convict other liars!
stocks would be down far more today if there wasn't the big metals sell-off in the last couple hours to throw money back into the market.
watch gold and silver swing back the other way after trading hours.
Well by all means, put the republicans back in charge of it all. After 30 years of conservative fiscal policies (even under Clinton) we've only begun to plumb the depths of where we're headed.
I know how chic it is to tar both parties with the same brush, but the truth is, if we hadn't abandoned liberalism right around 1980 we wouldn't be in this situation.
I listened to NPR this morning about how Michigan is suffering badly and then how they voted republican in the last 4 elections. All those "Reagan democrats" who left the party because Reagan promised them unending prosperity if they elected him and he cut off all those pesky poor people. Now all their cushy union jobs are GONE and they're f*cked.
Good. And may all those who voted republican follow them into poverty. America is getting what it deserves for it's sordid affair with conservatism.
great picture! the subtitle should be: "know they know we're all useless; government sucks; corporate america sucks; let us pray for our salvation!"
keith, its the bogus political bubble that is bursting now. people are waking up and realizing we have been had. there is no difference in the parties. they are all the same and are all beholding to jewish bankers. the american people are waking up fast now. they are starting to understand that in order to have a more perfect union, we must eliminate the federal reserve and the IRS and cut down the size of government. Ron Paul would do such a thing. Will the american people listen to his message at this time in history?
i just can't believe people don't understand all these people coming from other countries with their own culture, beliefs, driving habits (bad), ideas, hatred, and what the hell is the American dream some more bullshit the government keeps telling us to keep us in debt. Is one of the reasons there is no unity in the US people coming from who knows where think they have made it because they are in the USA, they have got an expensive car, big house, (a nursing job)a job, credit cards and expensive furniture. Bragging about buying stocks, having the absolute nerve to be very vocal racist. There will be no unity in the country until the USA quits allowing chinatowns, koreatowns, mexicotowns(in Oakland CA), russiatown (in san francisco), and middleeasterntown I think that is in detroit or somewhere in Chicago. They run an underground economy they have their fair share of illegal immigrants, just that mexicans came like in two days that is why we notice them more. Everyone here has racism and stereotypes among their people and as long as web sites like this keep saying that mexicans and blacks are the reason this meltdown has occured and starting the evening news with the most hated race crime report this country will never come together. Quit wishing. Most people see the bad in everyone else and never the bad in themselves.
By the way I never could understand what exactly did Google do to make the world a better place for 600 a share stocks. As long as people are still greedy (as I see in your posts)no one will learn, no one will care, and everyone still blames everyone else.
One thing you have to admit is at least George Bush didn't give a damn what you thought and cared, he was doing exactly what he wanted and F you. HA HA HA so the american people took the que and followed suit. He isn't worried about ever trying to come up with the money to pay his bills the tax payers will be paying for his family until he dies in his 90's and Laura when she dies at 106 He may have low approval ratings and did that ever stop him from doing whatever he wanted, NOOOO.
Grow up and realize that all these new comers from various countries thought that the good times would never end and the roads were paved in gold and this was the land of milk and honey, there is nothing like america anywhere. shopping, eating, dancing, partying,(no bombs at the disco, no police riding around in flat bed trucks with M-16's as in Venezuela, no not speaking your mind as in CHINA, not wearing a burka as in the middleeast, and let's not even discuss the horrors in AFRICA) excessive pay for virtually doing nothing, charging ridiculous amounts for services and then doing a lousy job. Yep don't blame no one but ourselves for thinking the good times would never end. Unfortunately the people who didn't buy into the game are suffering for the greed of others. I knew things were bad when at my favorite clothing store over the summer the prices rose 3 to 10 dollars a week prior we are talking 15 dollar jeans now 20 dollars. They saw the last of my business and I bet a lot of people felt the same way. GREED.
the communists are crying again
you people are so fucking pathetic
The 109th Congress debated the sex lives of homosexuals and communed telepathically with brain dead Terri Schiavo while Bush dismantled the Iraqi Army. 110th is an improvement. Things are getting better, all the time.
It see G.Bush pretty much acted the same way as the leaders of Enron/WorldCom/etc.
He opted for irresponsible, easy leadership with the most immediate political return, irregardless of the legacy of his actions.
He boosted his short-term approval ratings 'stock' with things like tax cuts, huge deficit spending, patriotic invasions.
All of his lazy leadership and unsustainable policies have doubtlessly encouraged all the problems we face now. The fish stinks from the head down. Too bad he gets away with leaving his successors with such a mess.
"Can you short Bush, Pelosi and Reid? ("short" I said - not shoot!)".
I prefer the latter to the former.
Where are the grassy knolls when you need them most? What rock is slimy Cheney hiding under these days?
These turds will have to live out their lives in exile when JSP is thrown out onto the street (coming soon).
This is so fun watching it unravel!
Great Job, Team USA.
Meanwhile, Bush is hanging out with his master, the Arabs, while selling America and Americans cheap to them. Paulson and Neil Bush sell the US cheap to the Chinese, while Bush and Cheney sell it to the Arabs.
So keep working hard to support Arabs and the Chinese, bunch of geniuses who voted for them TWICE.
The Arabs now will make money with you at the gas pump and with your American banks. Keep on paying interest and fees to the Arabs, American slaves.
Americans are nothing more than slaves of Arabs and the Chinese, have you noticed. Vote for Giuliani now to really destroy what's left (if anything), bunch of geniuses. hahaha
Quick reminder: Price of oil right before you put those two oil men in the White House = $8 / barrel.
Price of oil now = $9 / barrel
Please, for the good of our country, don't breed slaves.
If there's any proof that limited government is the way to go then this is it. Which makes the choice for president incredibly simple: Ron Paul. The only candidate committed to defending the Constitution and reigning in the government and the only one who understands the root cause of this economic meltdown!
I'm back for a few weeks from overseas. Oh my, oh my, this country is a mess.
Bush is gonna freeze my interest rate and next year home prices will be up 20%!! My Citigroup stock will also triple in value.
Sorry - I was just getting a little nostalgic.
Hey would you look at this article in today's
"Sellers' pain is renters' gain"
The first paragraph says it all...."There's one bright side to the housing crisis: some lower rents."
Exactly what we have been saying on this blog for 2 years now! DUH!
I am 30 years old and have voted in every election, but have never voted for a Democrat or Republican.
My great state of Minnesota did it right when we voted Jesse Ventura for governor... giving both parties the finger and telling them all to go F themselves.
Hopefully we can all do the same in this coming national election... I'm just afraid most of America is too stupid to do it.
Oops, typo, price of oil now is about $94.
Yes, sir. The day of Judgment is coming and It is coming soon...
This country is going down the toilet and so are most of its citizens.
The Americano fate is now worse than "The Grilled Snapper Turtle".
New flash:
Wall Street to Fed: Cut rates now!
More gloomy economic data has investors crying for Ben Bernanke & Co. to slash rates sooner than later. But should the Fed listen?
NEW YORK ( -- A nearly $10 billion loss from Citigroup. Weak retail sales last month. Rising inflation pressures. It's ugly out there...
I disagree with a lot that Nancy Pelosi says (I don't know Harry Reid good enough to say that), but they hardly bear responsibility for the economic mess we are in. Bush, Greenspan, deLay, Frist, (Bill) Clinton, Cheney have ruled the US and ruined it.
And the crooks on Wall Street were pumping the market a couple of days ago because IBM had some fake earnings. Anyone who took a basic class of Finance knows how easy it's to fake earnings and sales. I bet that a bunch of suckers, like DOPES, were buying stocks two days ago during the phony rally.
Better yet, Jim Cramer was telling people to buy Citi stocks a month ago because, according to his "always insightful" forecast, it was supposed to skyrocket. Look at Citi now. bwahahahah
crooks and sheeple abound!
Word: ETFC is the next CFC. Load up now while it's $3. It wil double after the bailout/buyout.
Finance lots of homes and charge a lot on the credit cards, American slaves, because your master Saudi Arabia wants to suck your wallet dry. The Saudis are not happy only with your money at the gas pump; they're your bankers now. Good luck!
Thank Bush and Cheney and the GOP.
I love how the crooks on Wall Street and the rest of the sheeple cheerleaders think that a 50 points cut will fix anything.
Anyone knows if the chances of getting into recession is still 50-50% because I really need to adjust my finances and life according to this very meaningful forecasts from the crook annalists.
/sarcasm off
" but they hardly bear responsibility for the economic mess we are in."
the democrats kept us in Iraq and wars aren't good for the economy as history suggests; based on what i've seen, they create boom and bust cycles that depend on never ending war.
if the democrats had the guts-- they don't, the started every war but Iraq, they'd end this war! and create the department of peace!
just looked at marketwatch front page and saw 10,000 jobs being axed.
That's another 10,000 folks (plus anyone living in their spheres) who aren't making any large purchases right now.
OK I'm predicting capitulation.
"Salander and his wife, Julie, plan to ask for $25 million for the eight-bedroom, neo-Georgian trophy, according to a court filing. They paid $4.75 million for the property in 2004."
Place probably rents for $10,000 a month.
I hope most of you sign this, especially the Ron Paul supporters
The current crop is unacceptable. It's time for a well funded social moderate fiscal conservative independent who can win.
That's Bloomberg. Let's get him in the race and see where things go
DC needs an enema. And the Dems and Reps need to be shown the door.
Bloomberg is a maggot billionaire.
Stock market crash even worse tomorrow Intel just killed everyone down 14% after hours
Intel 4Q Falls Short, Stock Plunges After-Hours
I saw a kid buying an iphone so everything is fine.
I'm not endorsing Bloomberg here as there's more I need to hear from him first. But damn I sure want him in the race
I do NOT want to be limited to a choice between a Dem and a Rep this November. In my lifetime I've never seen a better opportunity for a centrist Independent candidate.
This is the year. And if Bloomberg doesn't run I hope someone else credible does
Keith, you are an alarmist. You keep saying on your own blog how the financial world will collapse and it still hasn't happened yet. We will tread into rough waters but in the end everything will be alright. Oh, but you will still be posting on your blog that "oh, the world will end pretty soon", "financial meltdown is underway", "folks, stock up on guns, ammo and beans", etc.... You are the real joke Keith and all of your followers too. Go get a life and be productive instead of always being pessimistic.
Felix Rohatyn is running Nancy Pelosi. Felix is an old line fascist from Lazard Freres,
Figures you'd plug a Bloomberg candidacy. After all it was the British who put Hitler in power.
Say hi to the Queen from all of us here in the USA.
If anyone thinks any competent person can be accepted for a presidential candidate, they have not remembered that no one meets all of your requirements.
bloomberg has about as much chance of being president as snowball in hell. he would absolutely no votes in the south, on that you can be sure. he has a lot of money but he is not for this country. he is for israel and he would make us stay in the middle east fighting wars for israel until doomsday. nobody with half a brain wants bloomberg for anything, not even dog catcher.
oh stop being so dramatic already, geez it's as if we've never had a recession or an unpopular president before
As to "In my lifetime I've never seen a better opportunity for a centrist Independent candidate."
and you think Bloomberg fits this criteria? Centrist? Dude have you actually seen his record? His is so liberal he makes Hitlery look conservative. My god man, get a clue.
Intel is going to crash the market tomorrow
Cut could cut to 0 and folks will not quailify under the new guidelines. Mess ah big mess.
This is all leading to the New World Order!
1) European Union ~ Check
2) North American Union ~ Pending
3) African Union ~ Pending
4) Asian Union ~ Pending
The BIG joke is on us ALL!!! We need to wake up people...
i think ya'll might want to check out a book - "Financial Armageddon"
just read it and it lays out the path we are on and what the final outcome will be - if he's even half right we are soooooo screwed.
FAt chaance of bringing America together, Keith. I was listening to interviews of working people in Michigan, and they were still talking about voting for anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage candidates or voting in a Republican because big businesses need more tax cuts. If these people, long in the middle of an all-out economic depression, still don't get it, there's no hope for the rest of us.
Inquiring Mind sez-
Interesting. "despair, anger, political upheaval" were part of my 2008 predictions.
That's a little scary because that portends a worse crash to unfold.
"i think ya'll might want to check out a book - "Financial Armageddon""
Good advice. I read it over a year ago. I read it AT Borders because I'm cheap....I mean FRUGAL. Yeah! That's the ticket, FRUGAL. Time to watch Kudlow freak out.
Weren't you all the same people who though the world would end at 00:00:01 on Jan 1, 2000?
"No matter who leads in 2009, they're all gonna have one hell of a mess on their's time for the revolution."
Or perhaps things are so screwed up, that who ever wins will have it easy in a way. Don't have to do anything brilliant, just undo all the bad decisions (we all know the list by now).
Is a revolution really needed to restore the constitution and bill of rights which we already have?
Dems sure have been asleep at the wheel, even on the take. But sorry - Repugs have actively ruined everything. Up-thread poster is correct - Repugs have done major harm from Reagan era on down. It's all coming to an operatic climax with Bushco. Moneybags take their jobs and wealth offshore, dodge environmental safety and labor laws and taxes, then have the gall to wrap themselves in the flag. Mostly beloging to which party? You tell me, Mr. Patriot. Who stacked the court with justices to the right of Atilla the Hun?
And what, exactly is wrong with Obama and Edwards? Even Billary will be a vast, notable improvement, for crying out loud. The Republican field looks like a bunch of Rotarians and used car salesmen. If Paul won and did everything he wants, gutting the government and hoping the Invisible Hand takes care of everything, it would be ruination. Dems are not angels, but notably better.
Bloomberg is essentially a 'successful HPer'.
But I hope he does not run.
I do NOT want to be limited to a choice between a Dem and a Rep this November. In my lifetime I've never seen a better opportunity for a centrist Independent candidate.
This is the year. And if Bloomberg doesn't run I hope someone else credible does
yea, that is what I thought in 92. What happened was RP enabled clinton to win with something like 38% of the popular vote.
Keith you are anti-American if you support Bloomberg he's a Zionist Jew who supports Israel and not us Americans...I think we've had enough of those neocons under Bush.
If there's any proof that limited government is the way to go then this is it. Which makes the choice for president incredibly simple: Ron Paul. The only candidate committed to defending the Constitution and reigning in the government and the only one who understands the root cause of this economic meltdown!
Ron Paul would ""trade"" with China without restriction no matter how sleazy they get, and no matter how many high-technology jobs and processes and factories and knowledge get vacuumed away.
Ron Paul believes in no restrictions on HMO's screwing you, and no recourse for individuals.
Ron Paul believes in doing nothing for the healthcare clusterfuck.
Ron Paul would eliminate all US-supported R&D funding; just about the only government programs which really pay off with long-term prosperity. (There would be no high-tech capable PhD level workers without US research funding).
He is a Twue Believer of the majic of the free market; that invisible hand which has flipped us the bird.
Leninism-Mercantilism is going to win.
A gold standard is going to do nothing except ensure that banks will remain insolvent for decades to come.
The only upside is that Ron Paul doesn't care about your dick, and he doesn't want to bomb people.
Anonymous @ 7:47pm wrote:
"Quick reminder: Price of oil right before you put those two oil men in the White House = $8 / barrel.
Price of oil now = $9 / barrel"
Ugh. I know you corrected the $9 as a typo, but you forgot to actually look up the price of barrel of oil in the year 2000. (Hint: it wasn't $8/bbl)
Points about inflation, supply, demand, and politics can can all be made without exaggerating the truth.
Keith, I hate when you get into to your deeply personal Libertarian "agenda" tyrades. instead of walking in unison towards finding out who will be the best overall for our country. I have as many problems with the Libertarians as I do any other party. And besides that, you aren't in this country anymore, and your agenda always seems purely economical. Do you have feelings on any other issues that mean something. I can't be won over to a party just because someone gets on a soapbox, including you, that generalizes that everyone in "other" parties are wrong or wants to tout that anyone that doesn't agree with you is bad. My desire to observe beyond that is what attracted me to Housing Panic, but when you get into this mode, then I begin to question even this website which I want to believe in so much. Maybe I am just naive.
In 2008, there will be a brief, but decisive, worldwide banking collapse starting in Japan as the yen carry trade unwinds out of control. Corrupt or incompetent banks will cease to trade under their present boards and major shareholders. Particularly vulnerable in this regard are banks such as Northern Rock, Paragon, Bradford & Bingley, Alliance & Leicester, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Citibank, Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns, New York Mellon, Credit Suisse, Al Rajhi, Banque Saudi Fransi, Leumi, Hapoalim, Japan Post and Sumitomo Mitsui
Northern Rock is history.
Shoot Straight And Keep Your Powder Dry
it's as if we've never had a recession or an unpopular president before
But when have we had a President so corrupt and incompetent?
History is not going to be kind to Bush, just as Bush has not been kind to history.
who is really hurt by the subprime explosion, not the borrowers who lose the house-they never put anything down and already had bad credit. i'm thinking all with all this easy credit, the smart ones are the ones livin large on banks money. huge homes with small 2-5 year below market rates, household equity withdrawel ATM machine, credit card crazed consumer. what do i get by being responsible...well nothing, but possible economic collapse. i'm thinking i'm a fool by being responsible and not joinin in on the free for all mentality of Americans! $4 gas, what the hell drive the SUV and just charge it, the SUV and THE GAS! WE DESERVE A DEPRESSION!
"But when have we had a President so corrupt and incompetent?"
See Carter, Jimmy
Jimmy Carter was corrupt?
Never heard that one before.
Maybe he was not a good leader, and thus incompetent as a leader, but at least he isn't stupid as a door knob.
I listened to NPR this morning about how Michigan is suffering badly and then how they voted republican in the last 4 elections. All those "Reagan democrats" who left the party because Reagan promised them unending prosperity if they elected him and he cut off all those pesky poor people. Now all their cushy union jobs are GONE and they're f*cked.
They truly got what they deserved.
Anonymous said...
I do NOT want to be limited to a choice between a Dem and a Rep this November. In my lifetime I've never seen a better opportunity for a centrist Independent candidate.
This is the year. And if Bloomberg doesn't run I hope someone else credible does
yea, that is what I thought in 92. What happened was RP enabled clinton to win with something like 38% of the popular vote.
January 16, 2008 1:05 AM
And Perot was actually the best option. If more people voted for the best candidate, rather than one that the media tell them can win, a well-funded independent could get elected -- especially now.
The problem is that Bloomberg appears to be in favor of illegal immigration and so-called "free" trade. As I recall, Perot was for balancing the budget and against NAFTA.
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