Here's George W. Bush, The Worst President Ever, pumping the housing Ponzi Scheme in 2002, launching his Big Con to get the last suckers in (blacks, hispanics and "subprimers") with toxic loans that would end up bankrupting them and taking down the economy:
"I've set this goal for the country. We want 5.5 million more homeowners by 2010 -- million more minority homeowners by 2010. Five-and-a-half million families by 2010 will own a home. That is our goal. It is a realistic goal. But it's going to mean we're going to have to work hard to achieve the goal, all of us. And by all of us, I mean not only the federal government, but the private sector, as well.
George Bush yesterday, probably understanding now that he fuc*ked up royally:
"I like the fundamentals. They look strong but there are new signals that cause concern and one of the signals is the fact the housing market is soft. It's going to take a while to work through the downturn"
In the end, in this case I'm not sure if Bush was corrupt, or if he was just stupid. I'm leaning toward stupid. History will not be kind.
January 09, 2008
George Bush - soon to be on the run after bankrupting blacks and hispanics with his Great Housing Ponzi Scheme
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Labels: george bush the worst president ever, the late great housing ponzi scheme
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Lookie there. A chimp wearing a suit.
The Bush Cheney crime families are going to have to print a lot more money if they think anyone is going to be buying real estate.
I think they should be planning their early retirement to their 100,000 acre ranches in Paraguay.
there he is . sitting in that school down in florida on 911, looking stupid, after he has been told by andy card, that a plane had hit the wtc....yeh sure bush. we got your number boy. go ahead. move to south america. it won't make any difference. you will be prosecuted for crimes against these united states.
Keith, sub-prime = BAD credit!
Most of my sub-prime clients 65% were white. No joke. So please let's not make this a race issue.
As for minority doesn't that include everybody who is NOT white?!
FYI: The Mortgage Bankers (ie; Countryslime, New Century, Ameriquest, etc.) PUT everyone including Prime and Alt-A in Sub-prime LOANS!!! They did NOT give a $hit!
Blacks and hispanics? Ha? Now this is a racial issue?
Everyone I know who is going bankrupt thanks to a toxic loan is white. Look at Scottsdale - it's the housing crash poster boy and the place is white as snow. Geez.
But I forgot - it's 2008, which means:
1. Everything is Bush's fault. Everything.
2. All homedebtors will insist they're smart and we're stupid.
These two constants will never change, ever.
I am not sure if he is truly stupid or if it is just an act. Either way, he acts stupid, nonetheless.
bush is stupid and the people around him are corrupt
Wasn't it the NAACP, La Raza, ACORN and the rest of the race pimpsters who were demanding that banks give more loans to minorities? Besides, how are these people any worse off since most of them put nothing down for the house?
Let me get on the bandwagon.
Bush is stupid, no doubt about that. But much smarter people ran a con game on a good part of the electorate that was just way too eager to be conned.
They believed the smack.
Then of course, they got smacked down, along with the rest of us who didn't vote for, let's say it together:
"the worst President in the history of the United States".
Actually, I'm upping the ante. I think Bush is the worst elected leader in the history of modern western democracies.
Now is that stupid or what?
“Religion, evolution, sexuality, and race are all outside the scope of Federal business and have no place in political discussion except to divide the people”
Sorry to burst your bubble, but democrats have been pushing for more idiotic homeownership opportunities for years. This was not just GW's idiotic plan. Wanting to help people own a home is not a crime. A crime is providing programs and approving loans that gave people 100% loans when they could not even pay their credit card bills within 30 days of the due date.
Had the loans not been extended, I'm sure the "racist" tag would have been thrown around rather freely at lenders and those evil people denying loans. Better fire up a congressional hearing to find out why Timmy and Sally could not get approved for that $400,000 mortgage with no savings and a 580 credit score.
The Democraps were saying the same shit. This was an equal opportunity fuck up on both sides of the aisle. Remember, Jesse Jackson was bithcing that banks weren't lending to blacks. Well this is what happens when blacks get loans. Happy now Jesse?
bush is stupid
bush also orchestrated 9/11
and when he was done with that he convinced Hillary Clinton and John Kerry that Saddam had nukes in order to go to war so that his "oil buddies" could make a killing
make up your minds dummmies...he's either a moron or a mad genius, can't be both
When Bush tries to talk up the economy, the stock market goes down the same day. I have seen this happen over and over for years now.
When Bush started pushing his "Ownership Society" idea, it was just as good as his idea that there were WMD in Iraq.
These are not opinions, these are facts.
Vote Republican in 2008. What we need is more of this, isn't it?
More stupid lies.
Minorities were the last suckers in
I tripped and fell today.
Bush is to blame.
Nice troll keefer!
This is part of a final push to isolate a majority of America into a debt-enslaved inferior class. Conversely, there will be a tiny elite majority who will scoop up all the assets/resources from the desparate debtors. It's the only way to divy up the limited resources left in this country/world.
It's what happened in the Great Depression, except back then it was to steal ownership of industry and finance. This time it will be for the resources needed for life: food, water, electricty, high-ground.
All the moves in the past few decades have been a slick front to destroy the middle class and designate a superior elite class. We slept through it unfortunately.
This will most likely end up with lots of dead poor people.
WAKE THE EFF UP...they're coming for you!
good lord some of you sound like you are right off the daily kos! warms my heart to see you lefties so worked up and able to do NOTHING about it ;-))
Paranoid_or_awake may have a point. Eventually even if its a couple of years from now, someone is going to start buying up homes at fire sale prices that will turn them a tidy profit a year or two after that. Maybe thats what the large equity firms are waiting for. Instead of buying millions of shares of a company's stock, buy homes at 50% off their high, then sell them a year or two later for 20-30% more than what they paid for them. That still works out to a 20-30% drop from a home's high price at the height of the boom.
Dubya Shrub + Penis Shooter = "Little Boy" + "Fat Man"
This nation and its Americano citizen is as toated as a snapper turtle skewered on a stick from head to ass all sizzling, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill.
Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
So, tell me, does the average Americano take it enough in the butt yet by the forceful penetration of "Little Boy"
+ "Fat Man", or do you want more "Enter The Dragon" ?
Americano = Being Entered By The Dragon in the Kazook
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
Oh so it's just the Ni**ers and the Spics that go t screwed huh?
Just anuther case o' Whitey keepin them down!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
good lord some of you sound like you are right off the daily kos!
oh get out of here with that nonsense..... ha ha ha ha
"All the moves in the past few decades have been a slick front to destroy the middle class and designate a superior elite class."
Warren Buffet said that this is the best time ever to be super rich. There is a huge push to consolidate wealth into an untouchable elite class. Look at the tax breaks for hedge fund managers, the lower taxes for wealth accumulation vs income from employment. The biggest victory for the uber rich will be a total repeal of the estate tax which will allow all of this obscene wealth to be passed from generation to generation. The so-called death tax is probably the fairest tax ever. Taxing huge amounts of wealth generated from the American economy when someone dies harms no one. Dead people can't pay taxes so that argument is purely inflammatory propaganda. Dead people are only good at doing one thing. Decaying. The tax is on heirs who did nothing to create the wealth and even with a high tax recieve free money for simply being born to wealthy families.
Anonymous said...
good lord some of you sound like you are right off the daily kos! warms my heart to see you lefties so worked up and able to do NOTHING about it ;-))
January 09, 2008 10:19 PM
Many times I am convinced that Keith is Kos.
Both names start with K? Koincidence? I think not.
My guess is that he was not totally corrupt and not totally stupid. He (like a lot of people in Washington D.C.) is just out of touch with the average dude or dudette on the street or the average middle management "corporate warrior". Just out of touch - too long in Kennebunkport listening to dad and getting bailed out by dad when his decisions did not work out. He just thinks the whole world operates that way.
Faulkner wrote "Sorry to burst your bubble, but democrats have been pushing for more idiotic homeownership opportunities for years. This was not just GW's idiotic plan. "
Yup, just go back and look at what happened in the 60's and 70's and the guarantees made by FHA for minority mortgages - way back when. Same difference. I think LBJ pushed alot of that crap with the "Great Society" notions and a lot of developers and real estate agents made out well servicing the white flight to the suburbs.
umm, excuse me - but I believe there will plenty of blame to spread on this - dumb - o - crat and re - puke - i - can
Chris Dodd has been on this committee like forever and sets the damned agenda for crying out loud.
Debuting in India next week is the caps lock key.
"there are new signals that cause concern and one of the signals is the fact the housing market is soft."
Is it worth my time to work through the logic with Mr. Bush?
Ok, here goes.
Me: Mr. Bush, when you say the housing market is "soft" you mean the prices are declining drastically, correct?
Bush: Yes, yes that's absolutelely correct. That's preciselically what I'm saying the problem is.
Me: And isn't it true that after house prices drop significantly then many MORE average Americans will be able to afford to buy a home?
Bush: Well, supposibly that could be true.
Me: So then think about it for a second Mr. Bush, if house prices drop enough, then millions of people could then afford to buy homes. You could still see your goal of 5.5 million new homeowners by 2010.
Bush: Yes, yes that makes absolutelilly perfect sense, ...
but ... how do we make the lenders and the big business guys rich at the same time?
Me: That's it. I give up. LOOK! Someone just flushed a pheasant out of the field!
Bush: I got 'im!
...if you tripped over a dead Iraqi child you'd probably be right.
You misunderstood what Bush said. What he really meant was "5 familes will own 1/2 a million homes."
Social engineering always fails because it's based on the premise that some mandarin knows how to run people's lives better than they do.
The results were predictable, but the lemmings deserve to go over the cliff. Too bad I'm locked out for 5-8 years. By that time, I should be able to retire.
Fools and money will be separated.
It's an iron law of economics as valid as, "Thou shalt not go faster than the speed of light."
People are in debt largely because they cannot control their impulses.
Valid reasons for being in debt are: medical bills, job loss, disability and retardation.
Most of my sub-prime clients 65% were white. No joke. So please let's not make this a race issue.
There are more white people in America that is why you "see" "more" whites as SP.
Faulkner said, "Wanting to help people own a home is not a crime".
Maybe not a crime, but name one way the gov helps people own a home that doesn't result in homes being more expensive. It's a paradox, but probably the best way to help people own a home is to make mortgages HARDER to qualify for through tighter regulation; they would be LESS expensive!
good article
Blacks, Banks and "Institutional Racism"
What of black-owned banks? Black banks, in fact, reject black applicants at a greater rate than do non-black-owned banks. Do black-owned banks charge black borrowers the lower, same or higher interest rates as charged by non-black-owned banks? And if the lawyer's claims of discrimination are accurate, where are the entrepreneurial blacks, eager to start and run banks to cater to black borrowers getting ripped off by non-black banks?
Here's a take you've never heard of before.
The REASON they wanted blacks and hispanics and the poor in general in homes is a classic case of mixing up cause and effect.
They had polling data that basically said that "people in houses vote republican".
So, how do you get more republicans? How do you get more blacks to vote republican? PUT THEM IN HOUSES!! Brilliant!!
The cause of people in houses voting repub. was not that they owned houses. It's just that people with money, jobs, etc. and families who vote republican anyway typically own houses.
Oh, well.
Dubya Shrub + Penis Shooter = "Little Boy" + "Fat Man"
This nation and its Americano citizen is as toated as a snapper turtle skewered on a stick from head to ass all sizzling, juices dripping, fat popping all over a bed of white hot charcoal pit.
Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
So, tell me, does the average ignorant but blindly proud Americano take it enough in the butt yet by the forceful penetration of "Little Boy" + "Fat Man", or do you want more of "Enter The Dragon" ?
Americano = Being Entered By The Dragon up the Kazook
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
If it weren't for Bush, we would be speaking Arabic and praying five times a day facing Mecca. You folks who criticize our president have no shame. After 9/11 he saved modern Western Civilization from the Islamic Jihadist Terrorists and this is the thanks he gets? You folks should be ashamed!
"good lord some of you sound like you are right off the daily kos!"
Sheesh no doubt. I can't believe Keith tried to pull a Canye West with this thread. What the matter? In a bored haze traveling around Europe and decided to see what reaction you could get out of people by pulling the race card??? That bored???
I didn't pull the race card folks, I just told you what Bush said:
"million more minority homeowners by 2010"
Last I checked the two biggest minority groups in the us are blacks and hispanics
Now, the question remains, did the GOP and Bush want minorities to get into homes (regardless of the fundamentals, regardless of their ability to pay) out of the kindness of their hearts, or did they simply just want these last suckers in so that The Man would make a bunch of money?
I don't have that many gooper acquaintances, but back in the day they sure talked up their boy George W. Bush. They just loved that man and didn't mind telling me so.
Now, not so much. And of course, I don't mind reminding them that he's their president and the leader of their party. [...crickets...]
So, 7 years later, it's come to this:
Even the true believers (i.e., the mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, Darwin-hating throwbacks) are embarrassed of good old Skippy McDumbass.
I'd say he's got a lock on WPE (worst president ever). Say, that would make a good vanity license plate: GWB WPE
"Anonymous said...
If it weren't for Bush, we would be speaking Arabic and praying five times a day facing Mecca."
News Flash: Bush IS stupid AND entitr administration corrupt. To Wit:
Y2K - The future was bright. My income was sweet. Housing was affordable. America was loved. Gas was cheap. The dollar was strong. Civil liberties were intact. America was not fractured. The rule of law and order was still respected.
2007 - American is hated. The dollar is toilet paper. Your savings for retirement have been stolen and eroded by the elites. Jobs are created in China and India and America's heartland is dead. Illegals run rampant. America is divided like never before. The government is as trustworthy as your neighborhood child molestor. People are leaving America for better oppurtunities and affordable healthcare. The deficit is over 9 trillion.
I never thought life could change SO much in 7 short years.
Thanks GW. You did great.
Y2K - The future was bright. My income was sweet. Housing was affordable. America was loved. Gas was cheap. The dollar was strong. Civil liberties were intact. America was not fractured. The rule of law and order was still respected.
2007 - American is hated. The dollar is toilet paper. Your savings for retirement have been stolen and eroded by the elites. Jobs are created in China and India and America's heartland is dead. Illegals run rampant. America is divided like never before. The government is as trustworthy as your neighborhood child molestor. People are leaving America for better oppurtunities and affordable healthcare. The deficit is over 9 trillion.
I never thought life could change SO much in 7 short years.
Thanks GW. You did great.
You destroyed the Republican party in less than 8 years. I won't vote Republican ever again.
Looks to me like .....the terrorists already have won.
You destroyed the Country and your childrens future, Senior Jorge Bushco and Family.
couple of things:
1) there is no doubt that the housing activists and groups like ACORN,Rainbow PUSH, etc. are also to blame for this mess by constantly saying that minorities were being discriminated against with housing loans. we all read those newspaper articles about those studies done by "such and such group" that "proved" minorities were being shafted on loans...higher interest rates, not being able to get them, onerous documentation requirements, etc. (of course, the liberal press writing these articles never bothered to tell us that 50% of the minorities trying to get loans were illegal aliens...). while this is not the only reason for "the mess", it is certainly a contributing factor since it drove public policy efforts to get poor people to buy homes.
2) re: the post about Bush saying us from the Jihadists: that is absolutely CORRECT! There really are so many people on this board with a fanatical, almost cultist, hatred for Bush it's scary. The War on Terror must be fought, only because those savages want to fight it and it won't stop until they're eradicated. Bush has done some idiotic things: signing mccain-feingold, NCLB, pushing for illegal alien amnesty, etc. But the WOT is definitely a plus for him, and the world. Decades from now, history will prove him right on this one.
So Bush is damned if he does damned if he doesn't. When he didn't personally airlift blacks from the Katrina flood - that some of you believe he caused - it was proof he hates blacks.
But then he encourages blacks to become homeowners and gives them program after program to help that process. He also hates blacks.
I mean what the fuck? Is it Bush's fault blacks went out and got a loan they couldn't afford? Whatever happened to personal responsibility. I bought a home using an FHA loan 15 years ago. I was responsible. I didn't go out and blow $15K on DUB rims with a heloc. I didn't need a president to tell me not do that. I had some fucking common sense.
Many of you here claim to be great libertarians. Bullshit. As soon as anything in your lives goes badly you cry about the government not doing enough to help. Waahhh FEMA didn't help. Waaaahhh Bush didn't save me from buying an overpriced home. Waaaahhh Bush made it rain this morning on my way to work. Wahh waaahhh waaahhhh.
Bunch of hypocritical cry babies. You morons wouldn't know a libertarian idea if it came and bit you on the ass.
No race involved, huh?
Who the f*ck are you stupid sh*ts?
I looked through RealtyTrac listings for the greater Washington DC area....99% of city/suburb forclosures are in heavy black/hispanic areas. Some other ones are way out in the country.
The other people getting hit will be young buyers.....I don't recall one older person buying property during the bubble. It was the young and the minorities that got fleeced.
princess mononoke,
Does white include hispanics who are white? If so then 65% white is lower than you would expect given Los Angeles demographics indicating that non-whites are taking out more than there fair share of the sub-prime loans.
If it's not including white hispanics then every non-hispanic person in LA must have taken out a sub-prime loan with you to push the percentage that high...
As much as the lazy ugly white American makes me sick, the mexican invaders who actually thought they could just move into any neighborhood they laid their beady eyes on, set up baby making shop, and live as an American while being a racist loyal to mexico - makes me even more sick.
If "hispanics" lose their homes then the blue collar neighborhood I live in will final have its crime rates go down, go back to being quiet, and cost the local welfare system less.
But this problem started with Clinton. His people believed all people should own a house. They did not care if they could pay for it. You need to look back at the history of when this really started. Just wait for Queen Hilary to steal your house.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If it weren't for Bush, we would be speaking Arabic and praying five times a day facing Mecca. You folks who criticize our president have no shame. After 9/11 he saved modern Western Civilization from the Islamic Jihadist Terrorists and this is the thanks he gets? You folks should be ashamed!
January 10, 2008 6:59 AM<<<
oh sure, we are supposed to believe a bunch of dumb camel jockies pulled off 911????? get out of here....go drink your coolaid and stand in the corner. the ones who should be ashamed are people like you buddy, the ones that just don't get it.
Now, the question remains, did the GOP and Bush want minorities to get into homes (regardless of the fundamentals, regardless of their ability to pay) out of the kindness of their hearts, or did they simply just want these last suckers in so that The Man would make a bunch of money?<<<
keith, i think it is just a side effect. i really don't think anyone thought about it much. the main focus was making money and they didn't care about who bought what. if you could walk and you breathed air, they would sell you a house. but as the game went sour, this subject matter i am sure, probably came up, about how this could be turned into a racial and/or political issue.....of course...
I love the apologists, what Bush did nothing wrong we are just blaming him because he was only the President?
Get a grip you drooooling morons, this man is not only responsible but the main architect in the demise of USA. If it wasn't him who was it Bill Clinton....somehow he did it?
At this point I think we deserve all the pain and suffering we get, from retard apologists and believers of propaganda, that pepper this Country and take us all down with their collective stupidity. We wont elect Ron Paul, the economy will crumble, and we will probably get Rome 2.0.
I hope all of you anti-American apologists suffer for your idiocy.
I'd say he's got a lock on WPE (worst president ever). Say, that would make a good vanity license plate: GWB WPE
January 10, 2008 8:31 AM
He got elected as a result of the WPE (worst population ever). There is no way this joke could have gotten elected without the corruption of the population. And that's the real issue, what's wrong with the American population? Why is the country so corrupt and stupid?
All you see/read on this blog is the rantings of addicted gamblers betting the market and betting on which candidate will sink the Titanic.
Blogger Andrew Hac said...
Dubya Shrub + Penis Shooter = "Little Boy" + "Fat Man"
This nation and its Americano citizen is as toated as a snapper turtle skewered on a stick from head to ass all sizzling, juices dripping, fat popping all over a bed of white hot charcoal pit.
Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
So, tell me, does the average ignorant but blindly proud Americano take it enough in the butt yet by the forceful penetration of "Little Boy" + "Fat Man", or do you want more of "Enter The Dragon" ?
Americano = Being Entered By The Dragon up the Kazook
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
January 10, 2008 6:58 AM
Andrew Hac= a jealous chink who hates Americans because they are a successful society and his society isn't. He blames everything on "Americano's" and not his own people for the mess they are in so he relishes the fact that we are facing tough economic times. But Mr. Hac doesn't understand that if we catch a sneeze, then the rest of the world will catch a flu. Our country is the economic engine of the world whether you like it or not.
Here's a funny joke.
What does Dubai and Paraguay have in common?
No extradition treaties!
"If it weren't for Bush, we would be speaking Arabic and praying five times a day facing Mecca. You folks who criticize our president have no shame. "
First of all, some of us do that anyway and do just fine!!!!
Don't forget Bush was protecting our country BEFORE 9/11! It is HIS fault. He and his cronies did not do their jobs, and as a result those towers came down. The buck stops with GWB. If he won't take the blame for his mistakes, then he sure as hell shouldn't be able to take credit for any successes. I don't want to hear about how great a job he did cleaning up his own mess!
Bush had never caused a natural disaster (I'm not sure why every strawman makes this argument when I've never heard a real person say it), but his administration's poorly executed relief effort left thousands in the resulting disastrous conditions for way longer than necessary after Katrina.
Bush led us into two half-assed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Did our president ask us to plant a victory garden? Ration rubber/steel? Cut back/save on anything? Did he ask us to join the army to defeat the Arabian menace threatening our shores? Nope. He asked us to take out a $500K loan whether we could afford it our not. If the US was 100% invested in that war our troops would be home and the Afghans would be building Fords in Kabul right now.
We elect leaders to work for us, directly and indirectly. Saying what we want to hear is NOT leadership. If you are that dilusional, please leave our(once?) great nation (they still have satellite TV in Belize-BTW) and go somewhere where your opinion doesn't have such an impact on the rest of the world (apologies to my Belizian brother and sisters.)
OK, rant off. How 'bout that housing bubble?
Lame duck. Doesn't have to run and hide. Game over, we lose.
How we won the cold war:
Bankrupt USSR.
How Jihadists win the war on terror:
Bankrupt USA.
They used 20 dollar box cutters; Our billion dollar intelligence bureaus got wind of the plan but noone did anything.
We have spent 1 trillion dollars fighting 20 dollar box cutters.....See where this is going? Do you know your history? Do you know that our country will wither and die due to overspending and military imperialism?
Thanks GW - you did just what Bin Laden wanted. And the enemy has never had so many recruits....nor so much wealth thanks to 100$ oil.
Blacks are bound to destroy the US, and whites are cowardly enough to let them, and allow Obama to be inaugurated if he wins.
You know I was just thinking...
The President, George W. Bush is Commander and Chief of the U.S.of A right?! - Leader of the Free World right?!
Well then wouldn't that make him responsible for everything PERTAINING to the United States of America?!?!
Just as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) would be responsible for everything pertaining to a Corporation! If a Corporation's stock is tanking wouldn't the shareholders have a showdown to get rid of him (ie; Michael Eisner with Disney).
I just don't understand why you Bush republican chearleaders keep saying, "So when you run out of toilet paper, I guess you're going to blame Bush".
If you were a shareholder, which by the way is the same as being a CITIZEN, you too would want this Mo Fo out of the Whitehouse!
Anonymous said...
>>>If it's not including white hispanics then every non-hispanic person in LA must have taken out a sub-prime loan with you to push the percentage that high...
January 10, 2008 3:52 PM
For your information, my cause was to save as many as I could from these predators and put them in good loans.
Every lender PUSHED the Negative Amortization loans. They did NOT care if you qualified for a prime loan having excellent credit!
I'm not understanding your f%cked up rhetoric. I know what white is! and I too understand bad credit and I KNOW what Fiduciary Duty means.
>>>If "hispanics" lose their homes then the blue collar neighborhood I live in will final have its crime rates go down, go back to being quiet, and cost the local welfare system less.
January 10, 2008 4:36 PM
It's such a trip how you racist think... We had tagger's in our neighborhood a few months back. Everytime we called 311 to have it painted over, the taggers were back. Finally, my neighborhood watch group staked them out and finally caught them in the act!
Well well well, surprise surprise surprise to us all... They were two thugs from Fountain Valley, CA trying to lay claim in Studio City, CA! Like that will EVER happen.... NOT!
The thugs were Two WHITE males in their early 30s, go figure!
My point is SCUM is SCUM! and scum comes in every color. Bottom feaders if you will!
You have to take responsibility to either A) Do what is necessary to maintain your neighborhood or B) Take BACK your neighborhood from this scum.
If you don't care then why should the scum care. Get together with your neighbors and form neighborhood watch groups (one or two block radius). Then get together with your city councilperson and local police station to discuss whatever needs to be addressed in YOUR neighborhood.
Quit whining and playing the VICTIM! You are ONLY a victim as long as you let them victimize YOU! Take a STAND for your property, your block and your town.
January 10, 2008 3:52 PM
Yeah sure, I had the OPPORTUNITY to increase my income 5x's or more!
Lenders and banks were offering us 5 points/5% of your mortgage amount to put YOU in Pay-Option ARMS (Neg amortization) loans... You DO the math!
PLUS, they were offering their in-house Loan Officers big time pay-outs and incentives to put YOU in these loans regardless of your credit!
Nevertheless, I couldn't in good conscience screw my client's! I earned their business and referrals. I was in it for the long haul building relationships so that I could HAVE repeat business...
I feel like AMERICA has forgotten the meaning of client services!?!?!
princess mononoke,
So answer the question if you "know what white is" (I can't see what knowing what white is has to do with anything but...).
In Los Angeles the demographics are:
white: 74.2%
So if white's made up 65% of your sub-prime clients, then they were skewed dramtically to non-whites - which in LA would be asians and blacks.
However, the claim you were refuting was about "blacks and hispanics", so including hispanics in the white count would be a strange argument. "No X aren't over represented, the biggest group includes X"??? So if you aren't including hispanics then:
White, not hispanic: 29.2%
To get 65% of from that pool, seems unlikely...
>>>White, not hispanic: 29.2%
To get 65% of from that pool, seems unlikely...
January 11, 2008 2:54 PM
Ooooh geez! More f*cked up rhetoric! I AM one (1) mortgage person out of thousands of mortgage people. Quite possibly 100s thousands of mortgage people.
My numbers would mean that I most of MY clients 65% were white ~MY CLIENTS~ stupid ass!
Does white include hispanics who are white? If so then 65% white is lower than you would expect given Los Angeles demographics indicating that non-whites are taking out more than there fair share of the sub-prime loans.
If it's not including white hispanics then every non-hispanic person in LA must have taken out a sub-prime loan with you to push the percentage that high...
January 10, 2008 3:52 PM
>>>>>So answer the question if you "know what white is" (I can't see what knowing what white is has to do with anything but...).
January 11, 2008 2:54 PM
More of your f*cked up rhetoric... WHY don't you read what you wrote at 3:52 PM to find out what you asked me before that caused me to make clear that "I KNOW WHAT WHITE IS"...
You know Anon, I do have to give you credit. You ARE a Master of Spin! Weaving your web of words…
You ought to be working for Lawrence Yun.
And By the Way, this CRASH will NOT discriminate!
Everybody, at all levels of society will be greatly affected one way or another...
Does white include hispanics who are white?
I never knew there was such a thing as Hispanics who are white? According to the f*cked up U.S. Census, White does NOT include Hispanics. In fact, every category specifically says in parentheses (not Hispanic).
I know this too well. I'm French, Lebanese, Mexican and Japanese born in the U.S.! We only spoke English in our home. I learned my other languages from my grandparents and self-taught.
I have always chosen the 'Other' category growing up because I AM not just one. Since Bush, the U.S. Census has changed the 'Other' category to read (not Hispanic).
So the f*cked up U.S. Census forces me to have to choose Hispanic, even though I am only a 1/4. Making me discount my other heritage!
then they were skewed dramtically to non-whites - which in LA would be asians and blacks.
For your information, Los Angeles, California includes every CULTURE of the WORLD! Too many for me to list here... Get a f*cken clue would ya!
And for goodness sake, learn the mortgage terminology before you start making accusations.
Prime = Excellent credit
Alt-A = Average credit
Sub-prime = Bad credit
Types of mortgage products:
1) Fixed Rate: 10yr/15yr/20yr/30yr
2) Adjustable: 0 fixed/3mos fixed/6mos fixed/2yr fixed/3yr fixed/5yr fixed/7yr fixed/10yr fixed
3) Option ARM Negative amortization: Has 4 payment options - minimum pymt (neg am), Interest only, 30yr fixed, 15yr fixed. (The majority of the borrowers were placed in these loans selling them the minimum pymt NOT explaining the consequences) Negligent lending standards!
Prepayment penalties:
The majority of the borrowers were given a 2yr or 3yr prepay because the bank or lender got paid more when selling the loan in the secondary MARKET!
Any borrower Prime, Alt-A, and Sub-prime could have chosen ANY of these loan programs regardless of their credit!
The banks, lenders and mortgage people could have placed Sub-prime borrowers into Fixed rate loans!
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