Nothing to do with housing. Yet everything to do with the over-extended mess we find ourselves in today.
Ron Paul: A Republican Takes the Lead Against the War
"We are now spending close to a trillion dollars a year, when you add up every single thing we do overseas. You could start off easily cutting $100 billion. Bring the troops home, you could save $200 billion the next year. And maybe $250 billion the year after that.
Quit paying to blow up bridges in Iraq and then paying to rebuild them. Bring that money home. Our bridges are falling down. Our levees are falling down. The only way we can get enough money is by stopping this insane foreign policy of running this empire that we can't afford. Policing the world? It's impossible.
I say, just quit it. Let's come home. Bring the troops home. Quit spending the money. Get rid of selective service. Don't have the draft. And no more wars like this. It's a real tragedy and a real black mark on our record."
November 15, 2007
Ron Paul on the stupid US foreign policy of trying to police the world (while going bankrupt in the process)
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It's about peak oil. Grow a garden.
For the last 2 decades, Canada has barely spent any money in its military. Why bother when the US is ready to do it for us.
Whether we spend or not it wouldn't make a dent anyway!
Ron Paul is brilliant on domestic economic policy, taxes, banking, the Fed, and so on.
He'd really fix things as far as our economy and ever-deflating dollar goes.
The problem is that under his defense and terror policies, all of our finanical markets and probably all of NYC would get blown up by al-qaeda and then we'll be in a far, far bigger mess than we are now.
Yes the war is causing Peak oil prices. The prices are simply peaking to the sky.
Well that is one opinion. Ron Paul should get a lot contributions from suspected terrorists groups and China just like Hillary.
Isolationism always a great idea!
idiot bush came on the television today about noonish and what did he have to say? on something very now our economy is going in the toilet, mexicans are invading this country and we are fighting wars for israel and what does he talk about.......???
oh he was talking about how he was going to make it easier for americans to travel by seeing if he could find a answer to the terrible lost baggage problem...
thank you mr bush, thanks for all that you do and all that you have done to us.......
GE money market fund loses $1.00.
I dunno
but this falling dollar crap means Canadians are goin to come across the border and steal all of the lap dances! THAT CANNOT STAND!
Hey did anyone catch that $49 billion Dollar infuse by our local cabal...$$
Oh thats right Britney Spears had to go to court today.
Speaking of Ron Paul, did you know there are Ron Paul Gold, Silver, Copper coins made by Liberty Dollar?
Well, there *were* until they got raided today by our criminal government goons squads.
Pointless article - not a single important question put to the candidate.
Help me Obi Ron Kenobi! You are our only hope!
Whenever those crazy tax and spend Democrats want to add a few million more to some moonbat liberal socialist program like education the cut taxes (to the rich)and spend and spend and spend Republicans say you can't solve a problem by throwing money at it.
OK. For the sake of argument let's say that is true.
If you support the troops-
If you want democracy in Iraq-
If you want peace in the Middle East-
Let's get the USA back on the right track instead of trying to remake the world in our currently f*cked up image.
It is our patriotic duty to bankrupt our nation through meddling in foreign affairs.
Whenever those crazy tax and spend Democrats want to add a few million more to some moonbat liberal socialist program like education the cut taxes (to the rich)and spend and spend and spend Republicans say you can't solve a problem by throwing money at it.
OK. For the sake of argument let's say that is true.
If you support the troops-
If you want democracy in Iraq-
If you want peace in the Middle East-
Let's get the USA back on the right track instead of trying to remake the world in our currently f*cked up image.
Hear one crazed mans opinion of Paul here.....
Beware though, the lies are numerous.
Its about tricking the sheeple so that you can loot the treasury.
I decided I dont even care what the fed spends money on, I sure as hell wont get that money.
So we get a dem in the WH and they will scale back war spending and give more money for welfare programes (free education, free health insurance, etc) Its all money from my pocket that is 'stolen'.
Arguing about the war or federal spending is simply arguing about how the mafia spends the money they steal from you. Pointless. You have no control over it. who cares. How is that for a hopeless attitude?!!?
Have you seen Ron Paul and Dopes
in the same place at the same time?
I say it's time to kick the mudder fargin' whole bunch of 'em out of office, kick the MIC's a$$, and get Ron Paul some help to clean this frigging nest of vipers out of gubbermint. But then, what do I know? The American people are stupid and deserve the gubbermint they have.
Bring the troop home ? Are you nut ? We need to police the world. Like Vietnam... Oh wait, we'd lost that damn war to a bunch of commies, didn't we ? Yaaaaa, yaaaaa, yaaaaa, but Iraq is different this time. Beside we definitely had intelligent information from the CIA that Iraq has or had WMD... WMD, you say. Yes, but they destroyed the evidence before we had the chance to catch them red-handed. I mean I swear to the God-Almighty that the Iraq government had WMD !
Haaaaa, haaaaa, haaaaa. Very funny ! The Americano mentality...
my thought exactly. Let Japan defend itself, let Isreal defend itself, let South Korea defend itself. Let BP and Exxon fight their own wars. A President is not a King!
Who is this Ron Paul guy? Another f**cken republican who voted for the war and now when it comes to election time, he tries to blame it on his own republican buddies and make himself look good here.
Isolationism didn't work out for the USA too well in 1914 or 1938, I doubt it will work out well in 2009.
In a perfect world, you don't need any policemen. But it's a sad fact that in the real world the thugs take over when there are no policemen.
Take a few minutes to picture a world without the United States. If you're realistic, you know it would become a hellhole.
Luckily, only a small percentage of delusional, head-in-the-sand dreamers are going to vote for Ron Paul.
South Park and Ron Paul together ... i am in heaven!
Another reason why we are where we are:
Annon said:
Who is this Ron Paul guy? Another f**cken republican who voted for the war and now when it comes to election time, he tries to blame it on his own republican buddies and make himself look good here.
Clearly a.) you are an imbecile, b.) if in your universe facts are relvant Ron Paul voted against the war. O.K.--you can check these things--facts we call em here on earth? God--if idiots could fly we would never see the sun.
Isolationism didn't work out for the USA too well in 1914 or 1938, I doubt it will work out well in 2009.
Yea, but being the world's police force is breaking us. Perhaps it is better to have a big bad-ass war every couple of generations rather than what we are currently doing.
There's nothing to do with policing, but creating chaos and puppet regimes to secure rich contracts to cronies such as Blackwater, Halliburton, Arms Mfrs, etc.
Another fave of American and British shady groups is to create fake environmental conservation funds that are supposed to protect the nature but in reality is a front to rape natural resources from foreign developing countries. World Wildlife Fund (aka 1001 club) is an example that comes to mind.
As you can see, there's no noble cause behind anything, just powerful shady groups creating opportunities to rape the planet. So this so called "Policing of The World" is just another trick to transfer taxpayer money to the same shady groups.
Wanna get wiser? Read this:
Am I the only one who heard the CEO of Well Fargo calling the Great Depression yesterday? Helloooo, how can HP pass on this one?
The problem is that under his defense and terror policies, all of our finanical markets and probably all of NYC would get blown up by al-qaeda and then we'll be in a far, far bigger mess than we are now.
Please Frank, stop drinking the Al-Qaeda bogeyman Kool-Aid...and stop talking about Newport Beach like you have found Jesus. Some of us lived in Newport B. more than 15 years ago, when it was clean of AZ was a much nicer place.
Um, Ronald, The draftr ended in 1971. Is it me or the more Ron Paul gets publicized, the harder it is to parse the good ideas from the strgiht up idiotic. I liked him alot more when he had a few ideas on protecting the dollar. His foreign policy ideas are retarded.
Thanks Frank (and others here) for being reasonable voices on Ron Paul. Anyone that does not agree with the general line of thinking here does not seem welcome. I hope that you folks that don't agree, but are not inclined to post what you think, will start doing so. We need a little more balance here.
Of course, I could be wrong, maybe 95% of all HPer's are in lockstep.
Bad news guys, Ron Paul will not ever be President. I agree with some of what he says, but I would rather align myself with the evangelical christians than the conspiracy theorists and Holocaust deniers.
The terrorist are the fascist freeks that reside in the US thinking war is great just as long as they don't participate.
Ron Paul is crazy. He wants us to pull our military out of the 47 foreign countries they are currently stationed and spend those hundreds of billions at home instead of foreign aid. That is insane. We have to make sure there are American military bases in every country in the world. That's the way it has to be and you HP nuts are just too naive to understand.
All empires will end but we do get to choose how ours does. The British chose the easy, just sayin.
Paul 08! he has seen more **** than bill clinton.
The terrorist are the fascist freeks that reside in the US thinking war is great just as long as they don't participate.
RE: "The problem is that under his defense and terror policies, all of our finanical markets and probably all of NYC would get blown up by al-qaeda and then we'll be in a far, far bigger mess than we are now."
Get real bro. All they have is spoons, forks and box cutter knives. We have thousands of WMD's. Bush has gone over the edge dont you think? 5-YEARS!!!
His illegal war mongering has cost us so far $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)vs 17 box cutter knives @ $12.84 and a 9-volt battery for Osama's 1973 walkie talkie. (add $1.99)
Besides, Al-qaeda didt attack us on 9-11. The bush/cheney/pnac group did. The WTC towers turned to DUST - DUST - just for starters. The whole GOP 9-11 story is WRONG and a big LIE.
100% false, which prooves everything they still say about ANYTHING could be FALSE as well.
You should read more science books, (not) science-fiction. The 9/11 truth remains and 84% of Americans know this.
Sorry, but 9/11 was just a big, bad joke. (you can now remove the duct tape from your window sills.) Although with bush still in charge, ANYTHING can happen. ANYTHING BAD (and worse)that is...
* * RED ALERT! * *
This is for all of you Republican crooks who keep calling us isolationists just because we don't want to be China's bitch:
China Stand on Imports Upsets U.S.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15 — Few American industries have had more success in selling goods to China than makers of medical devices like X-rays, pacemakers and patient monitors. Which is why a recent Chinese decree was so troubling.
The directive, issued in June, called for burdensome new safety inspections for foreign-made medical devices — but not for those made in China. The Bush administration is crying foul.
Even more worrisome to the administration is that the directive seems part of a recent pattern in which Chinese officials issue new regulations aimed at favoring Chinese industries over foreign competitors, despite efforts by Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. to ease economic tensions.
“There is clearly a growing economic nationalism in China that is leading to discrimination against foreign investors in pillar sectors of the economy,” said Myron Brilliant, vice president for Asia at the United States Chamber of Commerce. “It’s not only a threat to foreign investors but it also undermines China’s transition to a market-based economy.”
Wow, that's what I call free trade, Republican crooks. Nevermind that Neil Bush, the monkey's brother, has a company in Washington that lobbies for Chinese interests. You hicks are destroying this country.
Wow, that's what I call free trade, Republican crooks. Nevermind that Neil Bush, the monkey's brother, has a company in Washington that lobbies for Chinese interests. You hicks are destroying this country.
November 16, 2007 5:41 PM<<<<
its not about republican, democrat, conservative, liberal.....can't you see that? there is no difference between the parties. if there was a difference between the parties, things would be getting better in america , not matters not who is in the white matters not who is elected...they all are controlled by the same people who make them dance...they are puppets on the strings and until you realize that, you have not taken that first step toward liberty. liberty of the mind must happen before liberty of the body.......the two must go hand in hand.....the mind can be free by itself, but its only a matter of time before the mind tells the body to make itself free as well.........this is called bloody revolution....i, myself am a man of peace......but i realized a long time ago, that the only way to true liberty, is through the use of violence......our founding fathers knew this quite well......wasn't it jefferson that said , that the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots?
to understand what is really going on, all you have to do is read the quotation of the scion of the rothchild banking clan, Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 - 1812) who uttered the now infamous words.....Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws.
when someone else controls a nation's money, it matters not who is in some political office....they are all just puppets on a string and the act of voting by so-called citizens, is just pissing in the wind....
Anyone who labels Ron Paul too extreme to be President is mistaken on the way government operates. He doesn't have the final word. Above anyone, he believes in the Constitution and separation of powers and would respect that balance - no executive orders, no executive privilege, no sending back inquiries and subpoenas to Congress with an "F-you" stamp, etc.
Why not put someone opposite the Congress who will negotiate for a more reasonable size of government? Why not have a discussion in Washington instead of insiders deals behind closed doors? A President can march into Washington aiming to take and spend more of your money, or to give back and spend less. When you hit "vote" in November 2008, just think about that. It could cost you a few thousand dollars a year more than you pay now.
He cannot and will not be president. And frankly it does not matter why. Romney won't be president because he is Mormon. Again, it does not matter why. It's just the way it is. Examine it all you want, debate it all you want.
Really, all you can do is throw your support behind someone that can win, and influence him. We saw what happened with Perot, he put Clinton into office with less than 50% of the votes. Republicans are not going to make the mistake of going with a candidate that can't win again.
I am being paid to troll this website right? That's the accusation for people that don't agree. Oh well, lay it on me, it doesn't changes the facts.
Yes Dear
Ron paul is a dildoe!
OOHHHHH,I know a certain politician that will be sleeping with mommy tonight.
God Bless Ron Paul.
You cant deny basic logic, if we leave they cant kill Americans.
Basra attacks down 90% since British troops left
U.S. Troop Death Rates Fall in Iraq
1ST LEAD: British defence secretary holds security talks in Basra
ROUNDUP: British-Iraqi talks seal handover of Basra by Christmas
A spokesman for the British Army said violence in Basra has fallen dramatically after the British forces withdrew from the southern Iraqi city early this year. By next month, British will end its combat role in Iraq.
In early September, 500 British soldiers left one of Saddam Hussein’s palaces in the heart of the city in early September and they also stopped conducting regular foot patrols. Since then, the overall level of violence is down 90% according to the British Army spokesman.
The spokesman said, the violence is still there, the Iraqi security still come under attack from the militants in Basra, but has declined by more than 90%.
British forces will fully relinquish control of Basra province to Iraq officials next month and will officially end Britain’s combat role in Iraq. Will US army be the next?
Supporters of war had said if army forces leave the violence will rise, but in Basra, the opposite is being seen. The US army can leave and until normalcy is restored an UN International Peacekeeping force with Arab countries participation to mollify the locals can remain in Iraq. Al-Qaeda or the separatists will have no excuse then to cause violence in Iraq.
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