In tribute to the housing-bubble created far-flung suburbs, and the owners of gas-guzzler SUVs.
Shame on all of us.
"Every time we put our credit card in the gas pump, we're paying so that the Saudis get rich - filthy, obscenely rich, and that money then ends up going to funding madrassas," schools "that train the terrorists," said Huckabee.
"America has allowed itself to become enslaved to Saudi oil. It's absurd. It's embarrassing."
November 25, 2007
HousingPANIC quote of the day
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And yet you left wing scum won't allow drilling in ANWR because a caribou might be harmed.
Get over it gas and oil is cheap, and nothing will change. ANWR only will suppy the US for 1 year not nearly enough for the US. Sooner its gone the better we will be.
Anonymous said...
>>And yet you left wing scum won't allow drilling in ANWR because a caribou might be harmed.
November 25, 2007 11:33 PM
You IDIOT! More drilling is NOT the answer. We have ONLY one planet with a limited amount of resources. The Arabs are pumping so much oil to meet demand that they are not allowing the earth to replenish itself.
How about looking into an alternative source of energy for transportation, heating, etc.
BTW, I hope you get abducted by aliens so you will know what it's like to be "harmed" for the sake of science, greed and selfishness!
First anon...You're an idiot.
Educate yourself...How about instead of running huge gas guzzlers we learn from everyone else and go electrical or gas/electric or as in the case of Brazil whom in 5 years went 96% off oil and is now using corn.
Oil sooner or later will be gone learn to use reusable: solar, water, wind...Electrical up to a point etc.
Instead you are crying about a small space in Alaska that was a strawman would take several years to get running and it would run out soon.
Europe has diesels that give 45+ mpg with torque/ they have v-8's with 30+ mpg...While we over here go to the corner store in a hemi-charged dodge for cigarettes...Hmm? We will have to learn the hard way.
huckabee is such a idiot. number 1, i don't think we get one drop of oil from the saudis. our oil mostly comes from canada, mexico, venezuela, nigeria and alaska...
they are building him up real good i noticed. of course they do not say a word about the man, ron paul....of course not...
i think the oil shortage is a joke. we have more oil than we know what to do with. they pretend to have shortages to drive the price up. the russians put forth a theory of ambiotic oil back in the sixties i believe. that of course was shut down, that and their deep drilling projects in vietnam and elsewhere..
we can't let the dopes and useful idiots (sheep) know that they oil shortages are fake and that they have plenty. we might get the idea that we do not like paying large amounts of federal reserve notes to fill up our tanks...
Saudis #2 US supplier behind Canada
Anonymous said...
And yet you left wing scum won't allow drilling in ANWR because a caribou might be harmed.
November 25, 2007 11:33 PM<<<
its not the so-called liberals that are causing this. it is the oil companies themselves. they are the ones that don't want to drill there. they are the ones that fund environemental groups because these groups act in a manner that is good for the bottom line of big oil. big oil is one of the biggest con games on this planet....when you go to a oil company corporate building, you see many useful idiots working there. that gives the exterior look, of a legitimate enterprise. but in the central core, there are those who know what is really going on. they are the ones that you never see. heck the real scamers at enron were never brought to justice. only the useful idiots went to jail. they were the puppets that were used for a purpose. the money that was stolen from the enron stock markets, went somewhere, but no one ever traced it down. because if they did, they would uncover things that many do not want to get involved with. and so it goes.
You know the resources Planet Earth has are diminishing. There is an ecological imbalance that will soon correct itself, with one natural disaster after another.
We are like ants when it comes to nature. If we can stop thinking Republican Democrat Ron Paul etc and start paying attention to our one and only home "Planet Earth".
Then maybe just maybe we can ALL start to make progress towards a solution.
Oil sooner or later will be gone learn to use reusable: solar, water, wind...Electrical up to a point etc.
Instead you are crying about a small space in Alaska that was a strawman would take several years to get running and it would run out soon.<<
how do we know oil will run out soon? who has told us that? alaska has enough oil in it alone to run this country for over 200 years. now if we believe the russian theories about field replenishment over time, then we have a never ending resource. also let us consider that we have not been told the truth about where oil comes from and how it is formed. one thing, it does not come from decaying fossils....put that in your corn cob pipe and smoke it....
this false theory about oil being a disappearing resource is exactly what they want you to believe so they can charge you more money for the product. the same can be said about diamonds. this world has more diamonds than we know what to do with, but the price is determined by the so-called scarcity. the de beers people( a rothchild company)... sit on their stashes of these rocks and then parcel them out in order to drive the price go to some jewelry store and buy some chick a big rock to put on her finger, and they tell you that it is one of a kind. oh bs.......i is one of many.......many, my friends.... believe it or not...
Go buy a suv and support the economy you cheap asses.Use all the oil before the asians get warming is a hoax so go fill up that tank and cruise around endlessly.
It isn't the Sauds driving up the price of oil, it's the Americans. 20+ mb/d consumption is plumb friggin' ridiculous.
I guess I'm an anomaly.
Right Wing Conservative, Drive a 45 mpg car, and rent a small townhome, no debt.
I have to add that nature is NO respecter of persons.
Nature doesn't give damn if you're rich or poor.
Nature doesn't care if you are white, black, brown, red, or orange.
Nature can decide to humble humanity in a blink of an eye!
That's odd.
I recall watching the first super bowl game after 9/11, in 2002, and the Bush-Co US goverment was running major info-mercials that said, "Marijuana smokers and drug dealers were the main people in the USA that were supporting the terrorists." (LMAO)
Must of been just another past mistake from our $36 Billion dollar US intelligence agency back in 2002.
Cant they find at least one person with just "basic intelligence" for $36 billion per year??? OMFG
Huckabee is a right wing fundamentalist whacko that is a hypocrate. Only if you grow your own food, make your own clothes, use animal power for transportation, heat your home with wood you chopped down, etc....can you lecture other people about oil consumption.
But but...I thought the terrorists win if we change our way of life. What a moron.
Brazil whom in 5 years went 96% off oil and is now using corn.
Brazil uses sugar cane, you moron. Corn is not an efficient fuel source. We cannot grow sugar cane here because our climate is not moist enough.
Where do you think electricity comes from? Most countries burn coal or go nuclear. You nutjob wackos liberals put a stop to both methods as well as diesel.
Oh, I forgot.
Someone from the US intelligence agency DID say that we should start to conserve gasoline and start to produce alt-vehicles back in 1974.
Never mind.
Did Huckabee talk about how much of a gallon of gas goes to government taxes? I think its about 30%. If they really wanted to help the poor & middle class cope with high prices, couldn't they cut their high tax rate? What a scam, government publicly bashes oil companies for windfall profits when they themselves are taking in windfall record tax revenue!
huckabee is such a idiot. number 1, i don't think we get one drop of oil from the saudis. our oil mostly comes from canada, mexico, venezuela, nigeria and alaska...
He's not an idiot.
Since petroleum is substitutable and producers will always sell to the high bidder, it doesn't matter exactly where the oil molecules come from.
The fact that we have high, wasteful consumption means that the Saudis (and others) get really rich.
I really really loathe unscientific magical thinking like:
1) we'd have oil for centuries if it weren't for those damn environmentalists.
2) there's no oil shortage it's just a scam, what about abiotic oil!!!
Fact: amount of oil in USA areas off-limits is SMALL. Ain't but a small blip next to mid-east. Sure, it will eventually be drilled, but it doesn't begin to solve the problem. (thank god for environmentalists for keeping our true strategic petroleum reserve unused until we really desperately need it!)
Fact: Abiotic oil is a scam too. No serious geologist who works for bottom-line oil companies believes in it. When they prospect they use standard geology which shows where to get oil. Oil is distributed only in special regions---former shallow seas were algae could settle and not decay fast, and instead turn into oil. In any case, the timescale for this supposed abiotic oil is so enormously long (5 10, 100 million years) it's totally irrelvant.
No oil company has discovered any quantitatively significant 'abiotic oil' in places where conventional geology would say there's none. Think about it. There would be such enormous money to be made if they found some.
Of course there's some tiny amount (and maybe a little more abiotic methane), but it's irrelevant economically.
Please, go to and ask actual oil engineers.
Oil is NOT like diamonds. Diamonds are artificially inflated due to a cartel and aren't as rare as they make it seem.
Oil in the 70's of course was artificially limited under true capacity due to political reasons. Today, it isn't.
People would rather believe idiotic science and dumb conspiracy theories rather than looking at their and our own actions.
That's because they don't want to take any responsibility for changing anything themselves. It isn't just big government, environmentalists, blah blah blah. It's everybody. It's me. It's you. It's Russians, Saudis and just about everybody in the developed world.
But some other developed nations have gotten to the level that they are starting to take responsibility and deal with the problem reasonably maturely.
What's wrong with America?
Conspiracy garbage, blamemongering and inert complaining is one of the most classic signs of dysfunctional third-world banana republics which collapse.
Oil isn't running out tomorrow. We are at peak oil *production* about now (barrels per year), which also means we have probably used up about 50-60% of all resonably recoverable oil.
It means much higher prices as demand increase has been relentless.
Ironically, it it Republicans like Reagan who led us to addiction. Jimmy Carter tried to get us off foreign oil by encouraging use of alternative energy. He even put solar panels on the White House. Of course Reagan took them off when he took office because he wanted to keep the contributions coming from big oil. What a douche bag.
buy some gasoline said...
Go buy a suv and support the economy you cheap asses.Use all the oil before the asians get warming is a hoax so go fill up that tank and cruise around endlessly.
November 26, 2007 12:40 AM<<<<
buying a expensive car at this juncture would not be prudent. perhaps what is happening to the real estate market now, will one day happen to the car market and then cars who have a silly starting price of 50k will come down in price as well....
Ok 12:26 anon lets go with your arguement before I put it in my pipe and smoke it...So you are saying we should gamble everything on a theory that oil repleneshes itself INSTEAD of applying ourself like every other 1st world nation and either getting off of it or making it last longer using scientifically proven technologies.
As for your thought on how oil is just magically taken out...I work with several ex-oil workers and when they talk about what a bitch it was to work the fields I say "Hmmm if only regular Americans really understood."
Lets say your right about anwar and lets hope that the pro-drilling teams weren't maybe exagerating about the abundence there...Where is your brain when obviously that's what got us in trouble in the first place?
Or are you some ass who doesn't care as long as there is enough for him till the day he dies?
Not some hippie either ass@@@e, I come from a military family and am a cop...And I say look long term not short term.
If you want workable, real life example look at Brazil, Norway, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Greenland and most of Western Europe.
Pucker up kids...
Expect $700 oil in 09.
Because oil will be too expensive for you to will also be too expensive for you to buy.
Google "the oil we eat"
Enjoy the dieoff.
princess mononoke should be renamed princess moonbat.
peak oil, Y2K, global warming, 9/11 conspiracies...all the same noneense spewed by the same foolish people.
And people like Al Gore who come along and you gullible fools line up to kiss his ass. All the time talking about freedoms and talking about Ron Paul.
If you really believe in freedom you won't ban SUVs. You won't force people into driving a Prius. You wonn't dictate to people how big a house they can own. You won't tax people for daring to drive a car.
You are such hypocrites and you don't even realize it. You are nothing but communists. Now go hug a tree morons.
Europe has diesels that give 45+ mpg with torque/ they have v-8's with 30+ mpg...While we over here go to the corner store in a hemi-charged dodge for cigarettes...Hmm? We will have to learn the hard way.
November 26, 2007 12:03 AM
Europe also has 60% tax rates and double digit unemployment. Thanks but no thanks.
Next topic.
Americano = Fat-Ass
Americano = Ford Excursion
Americano = Housing Bubble
Americano = Stupid, Pompous Pricks !!!
"America has allowed itself to become enslaved"
Eat me!
The first thing people can start doing is start using less energy/oil and water. Conservation is a good idea and at least it will lower your bills (even if we have enough oil and water ).
It would not be hard for all Americans to change over to the energy saving lite bulbs for instance .
Buy a gas saving car in the future.
.People in California water their lawns way to much ,and stop having real long showers.
Turn down the heat at home and wear a sweater, or get a extra blanket at night .
If people in American would just start doing the few things that I mentioned above ,than we at least can stop waste, and in the event that we have limited supply it will help .
Whenever I feel powerless in a situation ,I look for what I do have power over .Often times when people feel powerless it becomes a excuse to do nothing . Millions of people doing little things adds up to big things .
Also, why waste food ? It takes money and energy to produce food .If you can't stand to eat left over food the next day ,freeze it until you feel like eating it .
We are all in this together and just because you can afford to waste natural resources ,think about the future and don't waste it for future generations .
I don't mean to preach ,but I'm just making a point about doing what you can do until better answers come about .
Huckabee has a good point:
The arabs are spending this money to our detriment.
Don't enrich the arabs. kind of like don't feed the bears at the zoo. Theyll just spend it on suicidde bombers, yachts, medrassas, guns, WMD's, and other conspicuous consumption.
That first step to robbing someone is to convince yourself that they would just waste the money anyway- that its no good for them to have it in the first place.
Keep using oil until something better is available.
Only 12% of oil imports to USA are coming from Middle East.
The majority of oil in the US comes from Canada, Mexico and US oil fields.
The oil is running out. It's a fact. I suggest if you don't believe it then you should read what Matthew Simmons has written about the topic. "Twilght In The Desert" Mexico has peaked, the North Sea fields have peaked, and most likely Saudi Arabia has peaked too, but they won't tell us that if it has.
It's a fact, the Saudi's are pumping as much seawater into their wells as they are getting oil back out. The seawater pushes it up and out.
Face it. The easy oil has been discovered and pumped out already.
Alternative energy solutions is not the solution, it will help mitigate the decline. The ONLY real solution will be a huge shift in how we shoose to use the oil we have left. Conservation is the only solution. SUV's and NASCAR will be a thing of the past in 5 - 10 years.
Take a look at some of Matt's PowerPoint presentations and educate yourselves on what is fact and what to focus on for the future.
This isn't a liberal or GOP debate, it's all of our problem. Now learn how to deal with it.
Based on that quote alone I'm considering his candidacy
Bush and Cheney don't like quotes like that
Want to get the US off of Saudi oil?
1) Raise gas taxes dramatically
2) Raise fuel efficiency standards dramatically
3) Use revenues from #1 to build mass transit all over the nation
Will Americans pull their heads out of their asses far enough to ever go for such a thing? Don't think so.
So status quo is what we'll get, and we all know where that's got us
How's that war in Iraq doing btw?
Wake up people, google Peak oil.
I wrote a paper in College on it back in 1994.
What I found was shocking, so much so that when I started working I invested mainly in oil and coal stocks, thats when gas was 1.10 per gallon.
People laughed at me because the .coms was the place to be.
I bought Cameco stock, the worlds largest uranium mining company, and people snickered, atomic energy no way, no how.
I have tried to disprove Peak oil for the last 12 years or so, and very very hard the last 4 years, because my investments have taken a pretty scary steep climb, I dont want be caught in a commodities bubble, no different than a housing bubble.
But I have not seen anything that leads me to believe this is going to be an easy fix, ANWR is a band aid, no fix.
Conspiracy theorys are a dime a dozen, Princess Diana was killed by British MI-6, Twin Towers was dynamited, moon landing was a hoax, UN is about to take away American sovereighnty and will be disarming gun owners anyday now, Hitler escaped to Argentina, Elvis faked his own death etc etc..
If big oil is causing this artificialy, than all we have to do is sue them, or pass a new law.
Than we can go on business as usual, driving our gas guzzling hummers.
Its very comforting to believe that, because If Peak oil is arriving, then it is geology that will control our future.
I am desperatly looking at alternate energy stocks, thats were the next fortunes will be made, I bought evergreen solar, and Archer Danial Midland, and other such alternate plays, made a killing on them, however they cannot deliver the energy equivilant of oil, not even close.
We will just wean ourselves off oil is easy to say, hard to do.
I get the quarterly reports from big oil, I have a big stack next to my dinner table, I havent had the time yet to read them, but the profit is going down for the big American companys as they have to pay huge amounts to buy oil from the countrys that own it, the execptions are the big foreign nationals like Norsk-Hydro, Statoil, that are owned by the oil producing countrys, my favorite are the Norweigians, lots of oil, stable and predictable laws, unlike Venezuala or Iran.
Exxon or Chevron no longer hold the cards of power, and will be hard pressed to compete with a company like Petro-China.
The Chinese know its not a corporate greed problem, but a geological problem, and they are working feverishly to lockup the resources using full cooperation of the chinese government, while our government tries to impede our companies.
We have to let our companies drill more, and consumers need to appriciate the value of oil and stop wasting it driving around tanks with only one person in it, and increase our research into all alternates, clean coal, solar, atomic, switchgrass ethenol, hydrogen, geothermal.....
"huckabee is such a idiot. number 1, i don't think we get one drop of oil from the saudis."
WRONG! We get 14% of our oil from Saudi Arabia.
"Only 12% of oil imports to USA are coming from Middle East."
WRONG! The real number is about 24%.
What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you incapable of typing "US Oil Imports" into Google and looking at THE SECOND SEARCH RESULT?
Ya diamond arent rare, everytime I go hiking I stumble opon them, ever try river rafting in a canyon, you'll see the walls of the canyons full of diamonds, or go to a rock quarry or gravel pit, tons and tons of diamonds, gets in the way of gravel operations, same as oil were drowning in it.
Damn Corporations bunch liars,
next thing they will try to monopolize the price of pot.
They wont make me pay as I grow my own, I think I'll put some in my pipe and smoke it.
Yea stick it to the man!
Come on people! Here is an article taken from the Guardian UK dated August 2, 2007.
"Russia symbolically staked its claim to billions of dollars worth of oil and gas reserves in the Arctic Ocean today when two mini submarines reached the seabed more than two and a half miles beneath the North Pole.",,2140202,00.html
Conspiracy theorists, buy "Twighlight in The Desert" by Matt Simons.
I bought this book years ago, maybe 04 or so.
Everything has been foretold.
Saudi's are pumping seawater to keep pressures up at Ghawar and Safinaya, this is done at the end of a fields life.
Cantarell(Mexico)output is going down every single year, Pemex is in trouble, North Sea 40's peaked years ago, Russia planted their flag on the sea floor in the North Pole, they want to claim oil that may be underneath.
People who refused to believe there was a housing bubble are no different than people who think this coming energy crisis is a GOP money grab, the info is there if you want to look.
Oh and thanks Anon. I'll take that as a compliment! At least I know I have your attention. ;)
"Right wing Anomoly"
Same here, no debt on my home in California, my parents helped, back before the bubble made prices unaffordable.
Also get 40mpg in my daily driver, little honda civic.
On weekends throw my Armalite AR-15 in the back of my Jeep and head out to the desert.
But hell if I will waste gas, and send my money to unsavory regimes, if I dont have to.
Dont need no Hummer to pick up milk and eggs, or commute back and forth to work, its only me and I dont weigh more than 200 pounds.
Would ride my harley to work, but these soccer moms cant see over the hood of their gynormous status mobiles.
Google Pemex oil fiel decline,
Pemex is not a private company, its owned by the government of mexico.
The oil revenue pays for 35 percent of the mexican federal budget, its in their interest to keep the oil flowing or the budget will have to be cut drasticly.
The problem is their fields are in decline along with their revenues.
This is not only happening in Mexico, most of the worlds fields are in decline, the cheap easy to pump oil is going away, the remaing stock is hard to turn into usable fuel, such as Canadian tar sands, Orinoco heavy oil, high sulfur oil.
Also look where the oil is, Iran,Russia,Venezuala,Saudi Arabia,
Even the our friends like Canada, Norway, Mexico, are not going to give it away for less than its worth, business is business.
We need to fundamentaly change the way we think about energy, we cant just sue Exxon, because they buy the majority of oil from other countries,paying the going rate.
Can we sue the Canadians for charging so much?
Congress tried to sue OPEC a couple years ago, using anti monopoly laws.
The nerve of those people, trying to charge us for our oil that happens to be under their sand!
So if you want to believe in big bad oil robbing us, just keep your head in the sand and all will be ok.
By the way do you want to buy a used McMansion out in the exburbs, its a cant lose investment.
"Alternative energy solutions is not the solution, it will help mitigate the decline. The ONLY real solution will be a huge shift in how we shoose to use the oil we have left. Conservation is the only solution."
Alternative energy IS the solution. Your argument states oil is finite, so conservation will only slow the draw on this finite energy. Once it it is all gone (if this happens, I don't proclaim to know this for fact), then what is the "solution" at that point?
A combination of conservation and use of alternative energy (wind, solar, hydro) may be costly upfront, but has *huge* benefits later. I like the idea of a sustainable society. Imagine how much power the U.S. would have if it was not dependent on oil? I wish others thought as I did.
But we are not a long-term country sad. Our problems will be solved with much more difficult pills to swallow.
Brazil just discovered oil fields equivalent to Venezuela's reserves. Whenever you peak oil freaks get the most hyper the biggest new discoveries are made.
There has never/will never be an energy resource as simple to get or as energy dense as oil. Pump it out of the ground, refine and ship. It's an almost perfect energy source. But when it's gone, it's gone. Not gonna come back. Thinking that Ethanol will save us is a pipe dream. Ethanol is a net "zero" after manufacture. You might think your being patriotic by purchasing your American, gas guzzling, full size truck/suv but you are really much more of an anti American hater when you do. Yes, some people do need to have a truck for work, etc. No problem there. It's the clown with the daily driver pickup/soccer mom with a full size suv that uses it to haul groceries ... that's a problem and a complete waste of resources. Wake up America, your making countries that hate you rich beyond their wildest dreams!!! Anyone that says drilling in ANWR is the answer is a complete and total short-sighted idiot. America used to be a net EXPORTER of oil. Do you remember those days? Well, they are long gone. It's called Peak Oil and we hit our peak in the 70's and we will never, ever get back to it. The oil in ANWR will just be pissed away like we piss away gas now and we will be in a worse position after it's gone than we are now. Three dollar gas will be looking mighty cheap soon. Got bike?
Thats a false statement. The price of oil is skyrocketed by the "paper oil traders".
If we had a President and a rational population then that President would by pass the speculators are enter in to government to government agreements for oil. This would cut out the speculators and reduce the cost for gasoline and heating fuel.
What I'm about to say will not make our car crazy culture happy.
About two-thirds of the oil we use everyday is for transportation-most of that personal.
I'd like to see the US rebuild our passenger train system for trips of 250-300 miles. We also need to start building street cars (the new technology is not your grandmas street car) in all the top 25 metro areas of the US.
Folks, we passed peak a little more than a year ago. We are not running out of oil. We've run out of cheap oil. No matter how much you protest it, the way we currently do transportation (mostly individual), is just going to cost a lot more.
We've invested in an infrastructure (individual commuting) that doesn't have much of a future.
BTW-most of those carbon emmissions come directly from our tail pipes.
Hey, I like the personal freedom of my car as much as the next person.
Reality bites.
I'm seeing some really crazy posts here.
The earth can and will replenish oil deposits. But here's the rub. It takes millions of years to do this. The geologic processes that turn organic matter under pressure into oil and gas don't happen in say, a few years. Nor can we turn it off and on.
After we use the oil we can get to easily-it's gone. All the other oil is the hard to get to stuff-and that oil costs a ton of money to extract.
EROI-energy return on investment.
If it cost one barrel of oil to extract one barrel of oil, what's the point? If it cost two barrels of oil to get one barrel of oil, it's a desperate act of madness and futility.
Currently, the world is consuming more oil than it can produce. We use to have swing producers who could put more oil in the system to control price to keep economies going. The US lost it's role as a swing producer when we passed peak in 1970. Now, all evidence shows the Saudis no longer can effect oil prices with higher production-they don't have the additional oil.
they can power cars from water vapor but the oil companies bought the invention and put it on the shelf. certainly we don't need that now do we? i was reading about some other guy that invented a way to get 100 mpg off of your regular car engine. i haven't heard too much about that , lately. gee, i wonder why. i think that anyone that invents a better mousetrap is either bought off or suffers a tragic accident...
Anonymous said...
"huckabee is such a idiot. number 1, i don't think we get one drop of oil from the saudis."
WRONG! We get 14% of our oil from Saudi Arabia.
"Only 12% of oil imports to USA are coming from Middle East."
WRONG! The real number is about 24%.
What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you incapable of typing "US Oil Imports" into Google and looking at THE SECOND SEARCH RESULT?
November 26, 2007 10:15 AM<<<
ok, i was wrong. i got one out of five wrong, so that means i am batting 800. that fact alone should put me at the cleanup position...
Anonymous said...
"huckabee is such a idiot. number 1, i don't think we get one drop of oil from the saudis."
WRONG! We get 14% of our oil from Saudi Arabia.
"Only 12% of oil imports to USA are coming from Middle East."
WRONG! The real number is about 24%.
What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you incapable of typing "US Oil Imports" into Google and looking at THE SECOND SEARCH RESULT?
November 26, 2007 10:15 AM<<<
by the way, i may have been wrong about the saudis but i still stand by my statement that huckabee is a complete idiot and moron...
bacon turkey club w/fries said...<<<
i love that handle....a little fat to go with that no fat....
people are so silly. they go and buy a turkey sandwich for lunch and then they defeat the purpose of it all and buy some fries to go with it...oh well...i digress...
Not some hippie either ass@@@e, I come from a military family and am a cop...And I say look long term not short term.<<<<
oh so you are from a military family and you are now a cop......???
that certainly is reassuring and helps me completely believe everything you are saying....ho hum....
I guess I'm an anomaly.
Right Wing Conservative, Drive a 45 mpg car, and rent a small townhome, no debt.
Up until 10 years ago, you were a typical conservative. I don't know what the hell happened, but now conservative = conspicuous consumer. Waste all you can to annoy the throngs of hippies peering at us from the trees.
If I were a bit more paranoid, I'd say it was a Greenpeace PR plot to make conservatives look like asses and get the pendulum swinging left.
Strange times.
That's the ONLY source that will provide the huge volume needed. Windmills, corn etc is feel good crapola and pork.
Up until 10 years ago, you were a typical conservative. I don't know what the hell happened, but now conservative = conspicuous consumer. Waste all you can to annoy the throngs of hippies peering at us from the trees.
Yea cuz nobody in San Francisco or Boston or New York or Austin drives big SUVs right? And there are no malls in any of those cities either. Everyone grows their own food in blue areas. And everyone rides a bike to work. And no liberals in LA own a Mcmansion in the exurbs and commutes 40 miles to a job.
Not too many people in Arkansas or Mississippi can afford a hummer. Those are mainly sold in SoCal, Seattle, Boston, NYC etc. I don't think you can even find a Hummer dealer in most red states. Yet in LA alone there are 10 Hummer dealerships.
In other words you are dumb ass.
I guess I'm an anomaly.
Right Wing Conservative, Drive a 45 mpg car, and rent a small townhome, no debt.
Actually it's the left-wing wacko hypocrites who are the SUV drivers. Go to California sometime and all you will see are huge gas-guzzling SUV's and sports cars.
Fact: Abiotic oil is a scam too. No serious geologist who works for bottom-line oil companies believes in it. When they prospect they use standard geology which shows where to get oil. Oil is distributed only in special regions---former shallow seas were algae could settle and not decay fast, and instead turn into oil. In any case, the timescale for this supposed abiotic oil is so enormously long (5 10, 100 million years) it's totally irrelvant.
You're a total idiot. For an oilfield the size of Ghawar in Saudi Arabia to form 250 billion barrels of oil from algae would be impossible.
How do you account for the new Brazilian oil field. The Tupi field lies under 7,060 feet of water, almost 10,000 feet of sand and rocks, and then another 6,600-foot thick layer of salt. That doesn't seem so shallow to me. It also doesn't explain how algae was able to gather under 10,000 feet of rocks and 6,600 feet of salt. That's more than 3 miles beneath the earth's surface under almost 1 1/2 miles of ocean. That really shallow there.
they can power cars from water vapor but the oil companies bought the invention and put it on the shelf.
moonbat conspiracy nutjob lefties are funny
I now am more afraid of the future of this country than ever before. If the number of clueless, left wing useful idiots are being represented on this blog, then our days are numbered. F the caribou, drill ANWR, drill the coast, build nuclear plants, develop coal to oil, and yes, start developing REALISTIC, ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE alternative energy. But to give up on fossil fuels today shows your idealistic idiocy. God help us all with so many E-tards!
Sure, nuclear...we'll just bury the waste in your backyard. It's safe.
Or are you another NIMBY?
I don't think ANYONE wants to drop oil right away - it's not possible or practical. I guess I could be called a tree-hugger...bring on re-newable energy! Wind, solar, and hydro are not "feel good" technology, THEY WORK. If we would just put forth the effort like we did building the A-bomb or going to the moon, it could be done. I'm 100% sure of it. The technology can be transitioned intelligently and economically. It's already slowly happening with people using solar panels and hybrid cars.
One of the problems is there is simply no WILL when we go to "democratize" the countries with oil and buddy-buddy up with the countries who's citizens flew into the WTC.
"Only 12% of oil imports to USA are coming from Middle East."
WRONG! The real number is about 24%.
What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you incapable of typing "US Oil Imports" into Google and looking at THE SECOND SEARCH RESULT?
And you should learn how to count and which countries are in the Middle East.
According to the source you posted, the actual imports from Middle East are 18.7%. From Saudi Arabia alone, it's 12.7%.
FYI, only these countries from your source are in the Middle East: SAUDI ARABIA, IRAQ, KUWAIT.
Anons seem to be great at namecalling but have no answers...When confronted by real life examples of alternative fuels and power sources they don't even speak about them.
When you say well lower the size of cars/trucks and raise the MPG they stay quiet.
When you say use solar in the desert, natrual gas in the midwest, water in the northeast they bitch and moan about the costs of 2-4 billion yet don't even blink an eye at what 2-4 billion a week in Iraq?
While we're arguing...The europeans have accomplished, hell even the arabs are prepping for the day they have no oil left look at Bahrain and their infrastructure.
Same people all angry are the same saying that there is no bubble, is no peak oil, that there is no prob with the economy, no problem with how we do business or behave like hogs.
Fine in the end it will all come out...AS for the guy that has no respect for cops nor military families...Funny how you're only pro-families and military as long as they follow the same ideology as you?
Guess what there's plenty of us and idiots like you are running out of excuses and lies...Sooner or later even your guilt will get to you. Look around you can't possibly be happy how the country is being run into the ground?
Anonymous said...
they can power cars from water vapor but the oil companies bought the invention and put it on the shelf.
moonbat conspiracy nutjob lefties are funny
November 26, 2007 6:40 PM<<<
instead of dismissing something, poke around on the net and read it for yourself and make your own determination. something else you might consider is this. whatever you see in the form of inventions, machinery, etc is always about 50 years behind what they really now have. one good thing about the net is blogs, which are helping a dark horse like ron paul and the tons of information available on the internet, to us all for study and research. soon this will be a thing of the past. do you know anything about the.........homegrown terrorism prevention act of 2007.....????
soon many of the people that post on this blog could be arrested for what is said around here. think i am kidding? you don't know half of it. all i can say to you is wake up and do it asap!
Anonymous said...
Fact: Abiotic oil is a scam too. No serious geologist who works for bottom-line oil companies believes in it. When they prospect they use standard geology which shows where to get oil. Oil is distributed only in special regions---former shallow seas were algae could settle and not decay fast, and instead turn into oil. In any case, the timescale for this supposed abiotic oil is so enormously long (5 10, 100 million years) it's totally irrelvant.
You're a total idiot. For an oilfield the size of Ghawar in Saudi Arabia to form 250 billion barrels of oil from algae would be impossible.
How do you account for the new Brazilian oil field. The Tupi field lies under 7,060 feet of water, almost 10,000 feet of sand and rocks, and then another 6,600-foot thick layer of salt. That doesn't seem so shallow to me. It also doesn't explain how algae was able to gather under 10,000 feet of rocks and 6,600 feet of salt. That's more than 3 miles beneath the earth's surface under almost 1 1/2 miles of ocean. That really shallow there.
November 26, 2007 6:38 PM<<<
well it would appear that many on here would rather consider big oil to be their friends and to say that everything big oil says is gospel. i have news for them. big oil is not your friend and never was. big oil funds environmental groups. they use them to stop them from looking for oil because this fits into their overall planned deficiency scam. oil is plentiful and always will be. shortages are made in order to drive the price. the sheep go along with it and never question why. you look at this country back in the early 20th century. every city in this country had rail lines for moving people around. of course the emphasis on rail died in many towns and cities because it is better for people to drive cars which use gas and tires. i used to live in houston. there was a time that houston had rail lines running here and there that you could ride. it was clean and efficient. what do they have now? cars, cars and more cars and traffic and noise , pollution and traffic jams......yeppers, we are advancing as a culture , no doubt about it....
Anonymous said...
"You're a total idiot. For an oilfield the size of Ghawar in Saudi Arabia to form 250 billion barrels of oil from algae would be impossible.
Can you tell us why it is impossible and perhaps give a reference to a credible source?
Also, the Brazilian oilfield was created hundreds of millions years ago and at that time it might have been a shallow lagoon. For example, Guadalupe mtns in West Texas were a shallow lagoon at that time...wait...I forgot some people thought that Earth was created 6000 years ago...that may explain a total lack of knowledge.
Anonymous said...
>>God help us all with so many E-tards!
November 26, 2007 7:27 PM
It's nice to see that you can grace us all with your time and energy. We all echo your sentiment!
Just curious. Who is Anonymous? Is it one person, or many?
Anyway. He or they represent the massive investment in the status quo. Which makes them resist reality. The status quo always wants things to stay the same. Our oil equation is changing in ways they don't or refuse to understand.
Energy is at the base of all modern economies (even ancient ones). Oil drives the modern economy and going forward it is going to 1) cost more and 2) become increasingly scarce.
How we deal with this ever apparent reality is the big question for all of us in the coming years.
BTW, unlike the message that is starting to come out of the MSM, this will impact you and me-not just our kids and grandchildren.
We've entered a period where mutually amplifying events are going to force our hand (i.e. global warming, mortgage fiasco, peak oil, Iraq war). For example, are we (the USA) rich enough and willing enough to make the sacrifices to change how we live in order to deal with these events?
Most people want the world to stay the same. But any read of history will show you the world never stays the same.
I'd like to see the US rebuild our passenger train system for trips of 250-300 miles.
Here, here, now there is a policy I could support. It's stupid not to build and deploy "maglev trains".
. For example, are we (the USA) rich enough and willing enough to make the sacrifices to change how we live in order to deal with these events?<<<
do we have a choice? nope...
water powered car.......
if this guy thinks for one minute he is going to get this into production, he doesn't have any idea who he is messing with. he probably will have a wreck or die of a heart attack or something convenient like that, and this invention........oh this invention will disappear of course....
Brazil just discovered oil fields equivalent to Venezuela's reserves.
Not true. Venezuela's reserves are 7 times larger than Brazil's current discovery. Nigeria's is 3 times bigger than Brazil's.
One more thing, I believe it when Petrobras is actually pumping oil out of those fields in 2015, that are very difficult to reach. Geez, nice timing on that discovery announcement by the Brazilian government, right when Petrobras stock was sinking...
We need better public transportation like Europe has, more bullet trains, and more bike paths so the obese and lazy Americans can walk and ride bicycles for a change.
Oh, stupid me, I forgot that Ford, the Saudis, and the Rockefellers still hold the Congress and Senate by the balls.
Actually it's the left-wing wacko hypocrites who are the SUV drivers. Go to California sometime and all you will see are huge gas-guzzling SUV's and sports cars.
Sure they are, Republican Fascist™. We believe anything you guys say, including your heroes Cheney, Bush, Kudlow, Cramer, Hannity, O'Reilly...look how nice our country has become with you guys in power.
nasa confirms abiotic oil theory....
say what? oil doesn't come from fossils???? but, but , the government schools taught me that. surely it must be correct..?????
Anonymous said...
>>soon many of the people that post on this blog could be arrested for what is said around here. think i am kidding? you don't know half of it. all i can say to you is wake up and do it asap!
November 26, 2007 8:39 PM
Wow! I can not believe you have the audacity to enter this blog. You either work for the government or are completely brainwashed! Trying to instill fear. GIVE ME A BREAK... We haven't quite reached dictatorship yet. Hopefully never!
We still have a constitution in effect. 1st amendment rights, etc.
I want to share a story with you all. I had a friend who worked for the man who designed the first prototype of the hover car. Yes I know this is spacey! Moon batty as you call it. But it's true! Time period was 1980s. My friend was responsible for bringing investors into the project.
Well needless to say, this could have been a true possibility back then, but the project was scrapped by BIG gov't. Too many auto manufacture's hands up gov't pants!
Imagine how many other AMAZING projects have been scrapped!?!?
Wow... I just got a flashback of the move "Bladerunner". I think I'm going to rent that movie this weekend. If I remember correctly everybody who had money and were of a certain class lived up in the skyscrapers. The rest of the population lived on the ground level. Geez! I truly hope we are NOT heading in this direction.
Huckabee reminded me of the lawyer from Idiocracy when he tried to counter Ron Paul in the debate with, "We are one nation, under god and we make one mistake together and we stick with the mistake [Iraq]."
He's frighteningly thick headed, substituting populist and religious values where reason is supposed to go.
Way to single out the Saudi's, our only outspoken ally in the Middle East besides the nations we conquered. I'd like to read the Huckabee Doctrine on foreign policy...
Anonymous says...
"nasa confirms abiotic oil theory....
NASA confirms that methane on Titan is abiotic. This has NOTHING to do with oil on Earth. Instead of reading some wacky website, read the paper in journal Nature they reference. The title of the article they reference is " The abundances of constituents of Titan's atmosphere from the GCMS instrument on the Huygens probe". Not a single mention of oil and Earth. The anon should quit reading nutjob and lier websites...I am still waiting for a credible source.
Princess Mononoke said...
Anonymous said...
>>soon many of the people that post on this blog could be arrested for what is said around here. think i am kidding? you don't know half of it. all i can say to you is wake up and do it asap!
November 26, 2007 8:39 PM
Wow! I can not believe you have the audacity to enter this blog. You either work for the government or are completely brainwashed! Trying to instill fear. GIVE ME A BREAK... We haven't quite reached dictatorship yet. Hopefully never!
We still have a constitution in effect. 1st amendment rights, etc.
November 27, 2007 6:09 AM<<<
you obviously don't keep up with what the bastards are doing do ya? for you to say we still have a constitution belies belief. have you read the patriot act of 2001, which was signed into law about a month after 911 and no one except ron paul read it and in it, they suspend freedom of speech? in the domestic security enhancement act 2003, they suspend habeas the military commissions act of 2006, they suspend posse comitatus and now with the violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism prevention act of 2007, you can be arrested for things you are thinking and things you say , etc.....
usa patriot act 2001
Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003
military commissions act 2006
violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism prevention act 2007
several days ago the boston police started warrantless searches for guns...
last week the houston police department started testing spy drones. now i ask you , what are these for???
oh shall we forget what happened in new orleans in 2005 after katrina, when cops from other jurisdictions as well as blackwater security goons started breaking down doors and taking guns from law abiding citizens...????
so you see princess , our little darlings have been very busy trashing the constitution. so please don't patronize me by making silly statements about the constitution and our so-called rights.....the president himself has been on record as stating that the constitution is nothing but a god damn piece of paper (sic)...
Anonymous said...
November 27, 2007 4:18 PM
I am quite aware about all the changes you mentioned. However, that will not stop me from speaking my mind.
I choose NOT to be afraid or live in fear for my life.
I choose NOT to accept and be complacent about the status quo.
The moment we allow FEAR to penetrate our mind we are doomed! And that is precisely what they want. As long as I still have breath, I will not let my spirit die!
Respectfully, Princess M
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