Ben Stein does a fine job of ending his career in this August 18 video where he recommends financial stocks right before they got destroyed. But just in case, Peter Schiff is there to stick the knife in and twist.
And an added bonus - watch William The Fridge Perry say that foreign stocks and the Euro were overvalued (remember - this is from August). And we all know what happened since then. He also calls Schiff anti-American for recommending foreign stocks. Now that, in addition to being uninformed, ignorant and pathetic, well that is just shameful. But I didn't know The Fridge was a financial advisor now, did you?
Bottom line - Fox and other channels are full of idiots who have no idea what they're talking about. F*ck 'em all. And listen to Schiff.
November 07, 2007
Here's a video from August where Ben Stein and The Fridge give some horrific financial advice
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Labels: peter schiff was right, there are a lot of idiots on fox news
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HA HA The Fridge, good one Keefer. I didn't think you watched fooozball, most liberal anti-Americans don't.
I recall seeing an interview with Ben Stein. He has a wad of credit cards. He's really into swapping different cards and playing the rates.
Poor Ben: soon no more credit cards.
"I gots me a new jizzob. I gots a gets me some a dat munny!" How bouts you lets me invest summa dat money you gots lyin 'round."
Them stocks, man they be goin up and down like a mug, but don't you worry, know what I'm sayin'? I gots me a game plan to weather tha storm, know wha' I'm sayin'?
Now excuse me, I gots a get back to searchin' fo rims on eBay.
oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh my.
reminded me of your three's company photo.
How's the stock market going to react when it realizes that the big C is insolvent?
Sadly, FOX news isn't so Fair and Balanced when it comes to the real estate and fiancial meltdown.
If the media only knew that all they have to do is state the facts and tell the truth and their ratings will sore.
To get honest reporting and facts that all Americans should know you have to search the blogs.
The media simply refuse to say anything about the economy because they think they will cause a further meltdown.
Idiots, if it's melting down it's melting down don't sugar coat what we can all see with our own eyes.
You want a laugher right now?
Look at the DJIA priced in terms of gold since the year 200.
See the chart entitled "Medium Term Dow / Gold Ratio".
hurts to see Peter Schiff treated like this by those morons.
only question is, when will the dollar be so weak that the new show will be "desperate US mail-order wives" -- heck it can be a reality show since the writers are on strike.
the US is on fire sale folks.
Ron Paul 08 if you care about sound money
I'm really getting to hate Ben Stein. Such an arrogant prick.
He's a classic example of the know-nothing-know-it-all.
Stein was a success in academics, as a lawyer and as a speech-writer for Nixon because he's very good at arguing in favour of one point or another. But that does not mean that he's any good at being impartial and objective and deciding which side is right.
Based on his statements in this clip from August, he wildly misjudged the credit markets and currency markets and he should learn to just keep his mouth shut.
Stein is a great mouthpiece to have on your side but he is not someone whose advice, judgement, predictions you EVER want to trust.
Peter endorses Ron Paul:
This is horrible journalism...letting analysts with different points of view debate. It seems Fox is the only channel giving Schiff any air time. I like CNN and MSNBC, by only offering one side of a debate it's much less confusing to the viewer.
"How's the stock market going to react when it realizes that the big C is insolvent?"
my credit card is current with no balance so I won't be holding them back.
I think CITI is sending me 5% loan offers so they must really be desperate. I didn't digg down and see if it's 5% forever or it upticked at some point...
Jesus H! I went out to the grocery store (before they raise the prices again) and now Morgan Stanley writes off 4 billion with more to come, and Cisco is crashing after hours. . .DOW 10,000 here we come!
It makes me puke when ever I see those baffling idiots talk on Fox Business. Long live Peter Schiff!!
Real Estate The great american crime story,makes the mafia look like nice fellas
I love Peter Schiff ! he's listening to all those oxymorons and still find power to smile !
"Fuck em all" - Keith you are right. How the hell to they get away spewing that nonsense.
Michael Jackson’s famed house in Santa Maria is in foreclosure.
Wacko is delinquent on his mortgage. If he can’t pay $212,000.00 then Neverland is going to the bank!
Stein still pushing financials last week. Check his website for more laughs. He sticks up for Sen Craig claiming it was bullying and entrapement. No it was lewd behavior he should have saved for his private bedroom or sex dungeon with his gimp.
A freak show of corruption through greed. Stein even mixes up "prime time" with "subprime".
And the obsession with the term "foreigners" is ugly. It's one thing to call for immigration control, but spitting on your own currency because it's owned by non-Americans will lead to more "foreign adventures".
Bush sparred with China in 2000, before the terrorist panic, and China may land some heavy blows before he leaves the ring.
No dollar crash any time soon, the worst is over, sub-prime is a tiny tiny blip, the big central banks still have plenty of big guns to fire, the fundamentals are strong, the credit crunch is over blown, the dollar is a perfectly trustworthy currency, a buying opportunity in financials like Ben has never seen in his entire life.
There's some seriously concentrated horsesh*t in a short span of time.
Ben, Charles, Tracy and Stuart should be forced to feed at a trough filled with their own concentrated Horsesh*t.
They spewed all this 6 short weeks ago?
The parade of write downs will continue to hammer the market and cause consumers to pull back as both their homes and their portfolios shrink in value. This will make this the worst holiday season in a decade, setting the stage for a recession in 2008, sealing the deal for either a democratic sweep or possibly usher in a 3rd party canidate.
Stick to chasing footballs will ya?? What a Dumb A$$ you are for even attempting to go head to head with Peter Shiff, an educated, humble and most of all "man who knows what the F he is talkin' bout"!!
You are an IDIOT beyond-compare.
No Doubt--Peter Schiff-you are a GOD amongst men. What the hell were you ever doing talking on the same program with those TWITTS?
The real laugh was seeing "The Fridge" try to play financial analyst and actually think he could debate Schiff! LMAO!! What a stooopid Mutha Fu@#$er...Talk about outwitted and outclassed!!
The thing I don't understand is how all the people debating Peter don't debate him on issues. They try to intimidate him. Yell, raise there voice, talk over him. I guess it is hard to take that what you believe is wrong.
"smitty said...
......I think CITI is sending me 5% loan offers so they must really be desperate."
Even more hilarious, I got an email from Countrywide this morning.
The 'orange one' is offering to re-fi (or 'fi' me, I guess, since I don't even have a loan with anybody) for 5% fixed, and they cover all closing costs because of my OUTSTANDING CREDIT SCORE. I am pre-approved, of course!
I put everything on credit cards (for the rebates,) pay them off every month in full, and have no installment debt of any kind, in other words, MY CREDIT SCORE IS CRAP!
Damn, I'm almost tempted to call and take him up on this deal. Finance this mill stone for about 3X what its worth and just walk away. Credit scores already crap anyway, like I said!
Bad phone!
Evil phone!
Sir!...Put...the phone...down!
Step away...from...the phone!
I actually agree with the Fridge that the Euro is overvalued- the economic fundamentals in the EU aren't much better than here (and maybe worse, judging by the size of the property bubbles in Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, and some other countries). They're going to experience what we're experiencing now in the US of A. Da' Fridge made an early call.
The Bush spin channel is getting desperate. Its great entertainment that way too many people think is real.
Ben Stein should stick to doing bit parts in movies. What a dumbshit.
Did The Fridge ever even graduate from elementary school??
Judging from his performance against Schiff, I would say NOT!
You know what they say Homie-If you can't run with the big dawgs, you gotts ta stay on the porch.
Seriously, you are wayyyyy outta yer league here. Thanks for the entertainment though.
I can't believe people watch that crap. I was in the middle, philisophically, between Schiff and Ben Stein - I sold my puts when they hit my target. Wish I'd held on for armageddon, but as the ubiquitous they say, no one ever went broke taking a profit. Besides, there's plenty of felines bouncing around to buy them back from.
This is the funniest thing I have seen in a while.
Bet "Fridge The Financial Whiz"'s clients are in all in Sub Prime loans, and I'm sure he made lots of $$ putting them there.
And yes, Peter- Have to agree with another poster, you are a GOD amongst mere mortals! Substance and class every time I see you no matter what kind of idiots you have to dumb it down for. Keep on rockin' in the free world, my friend. America needs to hear the truth!!
Can anyone explain why there are still so many ads for LOW INTEREST RATE ARM TYPE loans all over the mail/internet???
This is what makes blogging so great - you can put up these clips and just laugh your ass off at how totally wrong these "experts" were and also marvel at how totally right they thought they were. Schiff really holds his own. You almost want to see them all come back on to hear him say na-naa-na-naa-na.
My favorite is when the big guy says something along the lines of "anyone can predict something and it might happen years later" as if that means the prediction doesn't count. Of course in this case, it didn't take years...
you know you are in trouble in an argument when you have to play the patriotism card.
Peter Schiff pointed out what he believes to be fundamental problems with our economy - he is therefore unamerican! How did Ann Coulter shape shift from a skinny white trannie to a big black linebacker?
That was classic! Ben Stein demonstrated his head is in the sand and he had no sense of history whatsoever. He hasn't seen very many buying opportunities if he thought the financials were the bargain of his lifetime in August. He really shouldn't be commenting on the market with such a myopic point of view. Charles Payne (the Fridge) is another "know nothing" who will lead his followers to disaster.
The Fridge?
Get serious Keith.
William Perry had his own bricklaying business back in his hometown after his playing days were over. At least he isn't on Fox dispensing bad financial advice. Perry's being productive with himself long after the spotlight went off, unlike Casey Serin who should get a bricklaying job but is just a p*ssy.
The guy you label The Fridge recently apologized and said he "was wrong" about housing. Well, where's that leave anyone who listened to him? And more importantly, seeing as he made such a horrible call, why is he still on TV? At least Schiff is on to provide balance.
This country has no shortage of idiot talking heads spewing bad advice who are so damn sure of themselves it is almost funny.
Every one of these clowns wouldn't even qualify to stick to the bottom of Schiff's shoes...and they had the gall to attack him?
One would be better off taking advice from an organ grinder monkey than any MSM "expert".
Imagine you had taken this expert device a couple months
Fox news is a joke, I have watched cavuto and the disdain he has for peter shciff, in this episode he didnt show it, but go to youtube and you'll see how he allways loads the deck with 3 bull who basicly laugh at Mr Shciff and his tin foil idea's.
Politics is one thing because of different opinions, but how the hell can you ignore facts and still expect not to lose money,WTF?
The market can be irrational for a while, but eventually it say's show me the money, thats why these homebuilders, financials, and any one having to do with this ponzi schemes are getting whacked hard.
If Fox business news is going to suceed in this coming reccession, they are going to have to seperate themselves from their polical side, and wake up and smell the godamn coffee already!
You cant use willpower to make all these imbalances go away, or spin it in a positive light, since this show the financials chart looks horrifying, " mister clear eyes" Ben Stein should be happy now, since he loved the dip 2.5 months ago as a buying oppertunity, that dip is now a lunar crater.
Yup.. FOX sucks.. i would never turn it to their chanel if they did not have the Simpsons.. at least they get the cartoons right
Peter Schiff is no better. Watching this kind of "pro vs con" is like watching Vince Mcmahon and his stable of wrestling characters.
Pitting one against the other in order to rip off the audience.
All these guys are born of the same mother.
Great job Peter!!
It was laughable to see the Fridge think he could even hold a candle to you---I mean this isn't a football game where you can just run someone down by raising your voice louder! Haaaaaa
What a dumb asssssss!! and I agree with another poster--STICK TO PLAYING SPORTS--you have no business giving financial advice to ANYONE!!
They should have let Sweetness get the TD in Superbowl XX, then we wouldn't have had to suffer through that horror.
"If Fox business news is going to suceed in this coming reccession, they are going to have to seperate themselves from their polical side,"
Murdock has already thrown his lot in with Hillary. The coming transformation will be like the '70s radio stations that played country on Friday, and the next Monday had a disco playlist. The DJs were the same but they just switched themes like the past never happened.
Watch as hired help Hannity, Cavuto, O'Reily and the other minor players "get down" to the new beat at Fox.
Ben Stein said 2 years ago...
"Gold will NEVER go to $500 in my lifetime."
HAHAHAHH Hey Ben, gold is at $840 today !!!!!
Ben Stein said 2 years ago...
"Gold will NEVER go to $500 in my lifetime."
HAHAHAHH Hey Ben, gold is at $840 today !!!!!
The "Fridge" as a Financial Advisor makes about as much logical sense as Britney Spears for President of the Christian Coilition.
Good GAWWWD Mannnn-How Fu#$ing Funny is THAT??? Dude looks like such a moron trying to debate Schiff (and MAN, Schiff was so kind, when he plainly could have eaten him alive). I agree with a prior post- he is soooooooo out of his league.
"Anonymous said...
Ben Stein said 2 years ago...
"Gold will NEVER go to $500 in my lifetime."
HAHAHAHH Hey Ben, gold is at $840 today !!!!!
November 08, 2007 9:02 PM
ROFL !!!
ANYONE who take's Ben financial advice DESERVES TO LOSE THIER ASS.
Buh bye Ben, you were NOTHING more than an entertainer on tv, if that.
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