This is just kinda sad. A bunch of ramen-eating realtors who still don't understand that the glory days aren't coming back are gathering to do some kind of rain dance, in order to change the collective consciousness of Arizonans and Americans back to "gullible and stupid and willing to commit fraud". They also want to fight against HousingPANIC and the terrible media who is finally reporting the truth.
No, you can't make this sh*t up.
A note for these poor six-percenters:
The days of rampant mortgage fraud, easy credit, no government regulation and an easily-duped public are over. Just like your careers.
You fuc*ed America for a commission. You're hated, you're discredited, and many of you may end up in jail for fraud. You and your peers did wrong, and now you're paying the price. It's over.
And when you try to bastardize a book like "The Secret" for your own gain at the expense of others, you've hit bottom. You're shameless, you're misguided, and you just don't get it. It's not the media's fault, it's not the blogs' fault. It's your fault.
Here's a bit of this bastardized babble from the ramen eaters. Man, this is just sad.
“Like all perception, and according to the Law of Attraction, Arizona residents will be enlightened by the positive energy created by the highly publicized symposium, and the market WILL begin to change.
By saying it’s OK to buy real estate again, it’s OK to re-finance your home, it’s OK to become a first time homeowner….the exhale, relief, and then positive action taken by the residents of Arizona will reverberate nationwide.
As a group, and with the media’s help, we can turn the industry around one person, one city, one county, one state at a time."
December 02, 2007
And then the desperate Arizona realtors, having no understanding of real estate fundamentals or classic financial manias, got really pathetic
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Labels: housing crash, realtors are not smart people, realtors will do anything to make 6%
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I love this flier. House is in the BUBLE. See the pic. lol
Hey realtors here's a news flash, pay attention....
Untill the median home price = 3 to 4 times the median household income there is NO chance of a turnaround in the residential real estate market!!!!
Man you people are pathetic.
The day my stomach turned
send them a nice email w/your thoughts
This event is a symptom of the sick and self-defeating mindset in America. "Just close your eyes and wish upon a star." That sort of magical thinking may be ok for little kids, but for masses of adults to believe that positive thinking will somehow turn the housing market is just pathetic. If our country doesn't wake up and realize that reason, discipline and work are the only things that will get us out of the mess we're in, then we don't deserve success. What we need is a good strong dose of realism, not mindless feel-good cheerleading.
I hope a lot of the people who are tired of this realtor BS will get as many of the free tickets and possible and protest at the event. How's that for positive energy?
This can't be real. You are making this shit up right QWEEFER? Come on dude, fess up.
These things are starting to look like "healing services" or camp meetings for "revival" like some holy Spirit filled congregation. Stepping out on "faith". "It's God's will for you to prosper". etc.
"...positive action taken by the residents of Arizona will reverberate nationwide."
i though all real estate was local?
Hey it works with George, with the war why not us too?
Remember "Mission Accomplished" like 4 years ago?
BTW I'm a 41 yr old geek virgin living in my mom's basement, but with my positive thinking I know I will get laid soon.
You just can't make this kind of horsesh!t up!!! FTLOG just stop the denial and get a real job!!!
These 6 per cent whizzbangers (not a complimentary description) are just stupid enough to try a rain dance. I don't think they'll get any rain, though. More likely to burn the place down with all the hot air they spew.
I don't know of any businesses that have their business logo/names splattered all over a brand NEW hummer. Just saw a new yellow Hummer COVERED with some real estate firm and some clueless agent's name. Let's all say it together "PATHETIC"!
You should not buy anything that depends on the Colorado river for its water suply.
If you want to know what Scottsdale will look like 20 years from now, go to Wikipedia and look up Leptis Magna.
Americans are the stupidest people on earth.
Nice sign. The Day The Real Estate Market Turned. Which way? Lower, and Lower, and LOWER???
The real estate clerks left Christianity and turned to Abraham's Law of Attraction and
:: The Secret ::
for their 6% commission.
Very desperate, imo.
Offical Web Site of The Secret
I'm glad they were able to turn the real estate market around on the 30th.
For a while, I was a little worried.
Ramp up the Death Penalty.
The hog is in the tunnel. Realtors, Title poeple and most contractors (Habla Espanol?)
They will gather under one roof.
Wouldn't it be a terrible shame if the roof caved in? Who would repair the housing market? (tear rolls off cheek)
are these people professionals or are they just superstitous propagandists? they could run a mega-church.
This is beyond pathetic. Instead of praying for the accumulation of more wealth, why not pray for something more useful, like the salvation of your empty, greedy, materialistic soul-less existence.
I have said all along that RE salespeople are not "professionals" and associating them with the word diminishes it.
There is a reason these folks weren't able to obtain college degrees and become "professionals".
Their collective IQ has just been exposed.
In 5 years their parasitic niche in society will be a historical footnote.
Instead of trying to wish away reality, how about facing up to the are were cutout to work a McJob and eat ramen.
Here, I'll help you. Try this chant...."Would you like fries with that?"
Things will return to the normal days of 2005 when everyone owned 5 houses and real estate appreciated at 50% per year. Banks will be handing out stated income loans to felons, homeless, and dogs again.
LOL! Only in Scottsdale!!
And people wonder why I rip on that town so bad?
How about this, Arizona realtors: The days of easy sham money are over. It's time for you to go out and get a real job or start a real business and start doing an honest day's work every day.
No more 6% welfare for you. The market will no longer tolerate it. Like like $3.00/minute long distance from the 1970s went away too.
Did travel agents ever do something like this?
Wonder if Greg Swann was there chanting away?
Don't they also have a "let's all keep a positive attitude" program like this for the terminally ill through Hospice Care ?
The good news is this crap will pull a few additional fruad victems into the mix and reinforce the real depths of broker induced stealing that will be refined out of the market place as they eventually starve off due to the five year or more price defaltion ahead in Phoenix.
Not only sad but SCAREY and WEIRD!!!!!!!!
Well, it worked, right? The housing collapse is all better now.
This very day, every Sunday open house is thronged with cash buyers suddenly aching to pay a premium over list. As of the start of business tomorrow, all bad loans with all banks will be "adjusted" back to "easy payments." All realtors' Lexis leases will be paid this month before the repo man comes.
What a relief! Magic works so much faster than dull ol' economics. Those dreary pessimists who don't *truly* believe cause all the trouble in the world.
Gotta go--it's time for "Flip That House."
The funny thing about this is that the it's free to attend. The conferences that I go to, with actual real estate and banking professionals (attorneys, developers, lenders, fund managers, a few brokers) charge around $1000 to attend. For $1000 you'll hear that nothing is going to get better until 2009 and that things are going to get a lot worse. A few people are predicting 2012 as the year that everything gets back to normal. A few less people are saying that everything is fine now, that the weak dollar is good, that stocks aren't overvalued, and that Santa Claus is real.
You know, I thought the western world had finally hit bottom on Friday when I read that the World Health Organization had declared night shift work to be a carcinogen.
And then you go and post this...
A world without realtors is coming
Just when I thought they couldn't get more disgusting or pathetic they get more disgusting and pathetic
every realtwhore and borker deserve to be shot and thrown into a river
Wow. And here I thought everything was ok in Phoenix. After all, don't people 'keep moving there for the jobs?' Don't people keep 'moving there for the good weather?' Isn't the price decline only about five percent so far?
Boy, imagine what they'll do when things actually get bad.
I'm looking for the Governor, and a few media talking heads to actually do the first blood sacrifice of a virgin in Arizona in 1500 years.
Can't wait. It'll be televised, too! Probably KPHO.
I think the widespread popularity of The Secret explains everything wrong with this country.
The Law of Attraction, my ass!
No amount of New Age, airy fairy bullsh!t will resurrect the housing Ponzi scheme.
It's over.
"I think the widespread popularity of The Secret explains everything wrong with this country."
I whole-heartedly agree. It's what got us into this mess in the first place.
The roadrunner does a sudden 180 and quickly hides behind a rock. Meanwhile the coyote, unknowing, runs on by and past the edge of the cliff. He continues on for a minute and then, realizing the action has stopped, he halts. It is only after he looks down that he realizes the chase is over and he is hanging out over the canyon with nothing under him. Then, suddenly, he drops into the abyss. The sound of the impact is barely heard by those who stayed safely back from the edge of the cliff.
"I think the widespread popularity of The Secret explains everything wrong with this country."
I second that. It's what got us into the problem in the first place.
Didn't anyone else recognize this as the "bargaining" phase on the Death and Dying chart? It's a classic example. Keith, now you know where Arizona realtors are.
The Titanic would have stayed afloat. IF everyone would have thought positive.
Don't know what "The Secret" is...but if it is anything like EST or Lifespring these Realtors don't even know what they are getting themselves into.
It's nothing but cult brainwashing and can be seriously psycholgically damaging.
Wow. And here I thought everything was ok in Phoenix. After all, don't people 'keep moving there for the jobs?' Don't people keep 'moving there for the good weather?' Isn't the price decline only about five percent so far?
LOL I think the people who believe that crap also believe that Harry Potter books are real.
The real estate sales people are a brainwashed cult .The gravy train is over and those commissioned sales people just can't believe it. The "Black Swan" event of
a easy money cycle in real estate will not return because investors have lost to much money.These real estate people are truly pathetic to want to fraud loan cycle back again with prices that are not affordable .
"As a group, and with the media’s help, we can turn the industry around one person, one city, one county, one state at a time."
- - - - -
No, you can't.
Assclowns. Really. Anyone watch the video?
Law of attraction? Anthony Robbins horse pile.
F these stainbags.
How very heavens gate or branch davidian. These people are so delusional it is breathtaking. I say everyone send your negative energy their way (emails) especially in the coming months! booyah!
OH MY GOD ......It just goes to show you how nuts the REIC is . These people are sick .....really sick .
Anybody that was thoughtful in that business would have remorse over how many borrowers they sold down a river, with all their cheer-leading and absurd investment advice . Are self-serving people usually this blind ?
Had the REALTORS refused to take people to houses they couldn't afford ,in spite of knowing the easy money lenders and appraisers would push the loan through ,than maybe the prices would of stopped going up .
These people better be praying that they don't get arrested for sitting up cash back deals and double escrowing deals, or fake bidding for that matter ,or promotion of false investment advice and false advertising ...etc..etc.
Repent sinners ....Go do public service for the downtrodden to make up for your sins against humanity . Stop wishing for higher prices and realize that you helped bring on the Greater Depression . Offer to list property for free for the Fucked borrowers you told" they could not afford to not buy". Make up for all the borrowers you sent to mortgage brokers you knew would push a fraudulent deal through .
Write letters to the NAR and ask them to tell the truth and tell them you are not going to pay the dues anymore if their Spokesman lies .
Realize that the market has come to a dead stop because people can see that the housing frenzy was false . Isn't it sad to realize that you commissioned sales people were nothing more than cheer-leaders for fraud in housing and a bogus investment scheme that had to crash . Wishing for high prices in real estate is like wishing for the rein of the devil and you already fleeced all the sheep .Repent (I'm just trying to talk their language )
The Secret is for suckers who pay to hear what they want to hear. Suckers will buy anything.
National Association of Realtors economic forecast model
It's always a good time to buy, or sell, a home in this neighborhood!!
Suzanne, marked to market
I didn't knowbeing a realtor was like being in a cult. Holy Sh*t, that is one scary advertisement.
I think the "Materialism" thread and this one should merge
REALTORS are pathetic losers who have no sense of shame
Is it just me, or does that look like smoke and flames rising from the roof of the house in the graphic?
Well, In SE Michigan the realtor rain dance was being done differently. Like around a pole at a topless bar.
Those women actually got results.
November 29 - real estate market crashing
November 30 - real estate market crashing. Realtors meet in Phoenix to miraculously change the Phoenix real estate market through the power of positive thinking of real estate agents. Real estate agents feelin' good!!
December 1 - Phoenix house values drop another 1 per cent in value.
December 2- Real estate agents hire voodoo magic men to place a curse on us HP'ers and the media.
December 3 - Real estate market still crashing.
December 4 - Realtors plan a late-night seance. All believers invited to attend.
oops! Keith, I put that the meeting was in Phoenix. Just replace it with Scottdale. Different city, same results.
Anonymous said...
Americans are the stupidest people on earth.
December 02, 2007 3:50 PM
Thanks God, Amen. Someone has finally spoken the forbidden word. And you wonder why this freaking stupid-ass nation is going down the toilet faster than a roller coaster.
Freaking fat-ass, obese, diabetic piece of human crap is dying left and right with this housing bubble. Joe6Pack and JaneZinfandel will be history in a blink of an eye. No more HICKS in this hicky nation...
With 21 reasons, who needs a rain dance...i mean Phoenix has year round golf....
"...positive action taken by the residents of Arizona will reverberate nationwide."
Positive action? The only way to save the housing market would be if people started buying overpriced houses again with loans they couldn't possibly repay. Where's the positive in that? I hope somebody went to the event and reports back here what went on.
This is one of the funniest ads I've seen in a while. It's just pathetic.
I wonder if your "free ticket" also entitles you to a free glass of the "Kool-Aid" from Rev. Jones followers when you arrive there ?
What we are seeing is called a Cargo Cult. These
come into play whenever you have a group of people
who do not understand the cause of their past
good fortune. They resort to all kinds of
rituals in order to bring the good times back.
I think I remember reading something about this in The Enquirer, or was it Star ?
I can just picture them around a circle, beating a drum, chanting, feel groovy ... just to get out of the session and try to screw the rest of them by trying to hook the 3 remaining people willing to buy in that market.
To: Realtwhore
From: People with an ounce of common sense
Regarding: Nov 30
It's not going to work. Find a new job. Turn in your Lexus, apologize, do something constructive for once. Make amends for your fleecing of America.
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