If money and entanglements weren't in your way, and you could live anywhere on earth, where would it be?
(yes, this is related to the thread below)
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
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amsterdam. at least in summer.
North FL or south GA.
RIght where I am right now. It is not where you are that makes you happy it is who you are. The place really does not matter and if anyone thinks it does they have a serious fantasy flaw. Move all you like but you still have to take YOU with you and if you get that fixed you will be happy anywhere...except phoenix!!!!!
Me, I'd live in Bill Gates' house - his wife is teh hawt!
Just saw this headline on the CNN website:
Stocks in slight gain on Fed minutes
2:23pm: Release of meeting minutes adds to bets that the central bank can cut rates again this year.
Is is just me, or is it kind of insane that the entire fate of our (world?) economy rests on the *words* that were uttered by a bunch of guys in a closed-door meeting?
Keith, future Question of the Day: If you had the power to design a country's economy from scratch *for the benefit of the common citizen*, how would you do it?
San Francisco Bay area. The cycling is heaven!
Right where I live now - Washington DC. I have everything I want cheap thanks to China, my Indian landlord, easy credit, and the downward price pressure American consumers put on the things I buy like airline tickets and other mass market luxuries.
It's a little embarrassing to admit that and call myself an HP'er. I guess I'm fed up with housing, fiscal policy and monetary policy getting in the way of my long term goals.
Maybe I'd live in San Diego. Or Germany (but it's not like their government is better).
Any place with the least amount of socialism - this would delete almost all the NE cities that are democrat strong holds and most CA cities.
Maybe we could get a ranking of freedom va socialism for all US cities.
Marky Mark
i would live in the French Pyrenees, perhaps Bareges.
Hey foreclosureboy, Amsterdam is my choice as well.
I visited last spring.. now there is a country who has thier sh*t together.
I cant tell you because you would trash it.
South of France OR Martinique - no question ...
"Is is just me, or is it kind of insane that the entire fate of our (world?) economy rests on the *words* that were uttered by a bunch of guys in a closed-door meeting?"
Don't forget, these guys don't work for the government.
Marrakech Morocco
Pariah Canyon, UT (pic)
Bryce Canyon NP, UT (pic)
Moab, UT
Next to McWay Falls in Big Sur (pic)
Next to Alamere Falls, CA (pic)
Death Valley NP, CA (pic)
Sequoia NF, CA
Anywhere but Europe, cause it smells.
Don't really know. I do know that I want 5+ acres of land, and would put my house smack dab in the middle of it....oh and did I mention the 20 foot tall fence around the property? jurassic park style.
Pang-Nga Bay, Thailand (pic)
Mars, away from all you "loosers".
hamdinget said...
RIght where I am right now. It is not where you are that makes you happy it is who you are. The place really does not matter and if anyone thinks it does they have a serious fantasy flaw. Move all you like but you still have to take YOU with you and if you get that fixed you will be happy anywhere...except phoenix!!!!!
Amen, although the Verde Valley north of Phoenix is close to heaven in my opinion. We are hoping that values come down enough that we can get a little 2nd home retirement place for the winter around Cottonwood, so I can do my rock art and he can fly. Husband is a pilot and we have a Piper Pacer (built by husband) and we just want to be able to fly in our retirement with our friends and camp out "under the wing". I wish that we could find more friends that have hobbies and interests besides money. I can't begin to count the number of BBQ's we have had that the entire time was spent talking about investment properties, house flipping, granite, distressed wood, who has the better private school, who went all the way to San Francisco to get just the perfect dining suite, and on and on.
Housing Panic has many interesting people with different lives. Is nice.
I don't think I'd move. I like it where I am just fine. You can keep your Paris and Amsterdam in the summer...best place in the world is where all you pretentious assholes aren't.
quito, ecuador. cheap, close to many marvils, safe for south america, great weather.
stanley, idaho or maybe even glacier park. i'm pretty happy where i am cause, here in minnesota, i have 60,000 home to choose from, why go someplace else with less choice?
Right where I'm at, Northern minnesota.
25 below zero will keep all you southern losers away.
apleanee, you need to hang out with us sometimes. BBQ on the beach right next to the dunes on Ocracoke island. Enjoy brilliant sunsets in Death Valley while soaking in natural hot springs in Saline Valley. Go hunting for fossilized footprints in Anza-Borrego desert.
Not a single granite countertop in sight (unless you want to carve and polish one yourself). Not a single distressed wood besides the ones you hung your camping lines to. No yammering about flipping unless it's the shrimps / clams that need flipping ...
There are so many places that are nice, but I really want to get out of the big city. I'd move to a small town where I could walk to the store. I just want to get out of the ant hill.
la jolla, california
Housing Panic has many interesting people with different lives. Is nice.
October 09, 2007 9:16 PM
HP Types:
1. Bitter renters who pretend to be making $500K a year
2. Bitter rernters who pretend to make $250K a year
3. Bitter renters who pretend to make $100K a year
4. Bitter renters who admit they are piss poor and make $10 an hour. In the minority of course.
I see you are #1 or #2
Things are getting way too nuts here in the US. Guiliani and all of the other NeoCon nuts are going full steam ahead with the plan of wiping Iran off the face of the Earth with the nuclear option just to kill a few terrorists. Of course we know they're just fulfilling the military industrial complex's goals and the quest for oil.
Get me outta here!!
Stan Fran's Disco
Lake Taupo, NZ or almost anywhere else on the North Island. Gorgeous place, great people, stable society, solid education, internet.
Anonymous said...
quito, ecuador. cheap, close to many marvils, safe for south america, great weather.
My daughter goes to Quito most summers with her Dad to see her massive extended family. It is the most beautiful place I have ever been. Has been 25 years since I was there. You used to have to be rich to live a middle class lifestyle. Perhaps it has changed?
C'mon, Frank@neveracoldcall.com, please chime in on how you would love love to live anywhere besides Scottsdale.
Oh, please, pleeeeze, Frankie, don't let us down!
We all know that you're just dying to say this so just give in and let your comment fly.
We're all waiting...
right here, 30mins east of Sacramento.. or, the area around Lyon France... both places for quality of life, skiing and cycling...
Boulder, CO
Go Buffs!
South Island, New Zealand(Bay of Islands perhaps)
Hill Country, Texas(this isn't a specifc place, but more a frame of mind)
French Alps..or somewhere where a ski bum is respected more than a stock broker
Panama...why the hell not
Dope's spare room in his PAID-FOR penthouse trailer (pic).
I am pretty happy where I am now. It would be interesting to live in The Netherlands, but I'd rather live in a small village rather than a larger center. Amsterdam is too busy, and there is no place to park your auto. South of France would be interesting too. It gets kind of warm there, but there are some things (lifestyle, excellent wine, excellent food, fresh fruit and vegetables) that are very nice. The cheap wine would be my undoing I think. Calgary, Alberta, Canada (where I live now) can be nice, but in the winter it can be very cold.
I don't think it's pretentious to want to live in certain European cities. The culture of those cities appeal more to some people than others.
Remember that a vacation experience is much different than living in a place and working. You may find that you already live in your ideal place....
That's easy Gulf Shores Alabama. You talk about paradise. You not only have the beach but a fanatastic selection of strip malls (alot of them empty. If you like cheese this is the place to live.
I'd spread out a bit...
Montreal in the summer (lots of music festivals and parties),
I'd then stop over in NYC and Boston to see friends and family for the week and a half around labor day and then it's
Amsterdam in the fall,
Australia/NZ (rotating around the regions) in the winter [their summer time],
and finally,
Thailand (outside of crammed Bangkok, of course) in the spring with perhaps a week in Singapore to check on my intl bank accounts.
The above, to me, is the life.
Anonymous said...
..l. I see you are #1 or #2
C'mon status junkie, go ahead and try and classify me. You don't know jack shit about me unless I tell you. And then I could lie to try and impress you. Impress you??? Why would your opinion matter to me??? Assume away. Time better spent checking all of your credit card balances and late fees and making sure that your neighbors know how rich you are. Phony
Exactly where I live right now -- San Francisco, in my sweet little victorian condo (built circa 1896, so you know it's earthquake-safe).
Tried living in San Diego, Capetown, and Seattle. Nice places, but not home.
Bubble or not, sometimes you just know where you belong.
BTW, y'all hear about the firesale out in Manteca? Anderson Homes is auctioning off ~50 homes that were recently selling for $625K+. Starting bid is ... (gulp) $285K.
Mark to market, indeed. That's more than a 50% drop!
Even so, I still think they're overpriced. You couldn't PAY me to live in a craphole like Manteca!
Florence, without a doubt.
Park City, Utah or Destin, Florida
Spring: Southern Virginia
Summers: Glaciar National Park, MT
Winters: Key West, FL
Autumn: Vermont
But in the meantime, our place on Morning Glory Circle will have to do!
Blackstone, Va.
I moved to my dream location earlier this year. The only downside is it's a blue state but the taxes aren't much higher than Arizona was (since Arizona is a blue state masquerading around in a red costume).
frank....always mentioning AZ and Scottsdale....give it a rest dude
hamdinget said...
RIght where I am right now. It is not where you are that makes you happy it is who you are. The place really does not matter and if anyone thinks it does they have a serious fantasy flaw. Move all you like but you still have to take YOU with you and if you get that fixed you will be happy anywhere...except phoenix!!!!!
Move to Bagdad and see if the place really does not matter. I am living in fantasy land according to you because I don't think I would be very happy in a place like that.
Agree with hamdinget. . ."it is not where you are that makes you happy, it is who you are.". . .I "could" live in Cleveland and probably be happy (hey, they do have good teams cheap houses, and the lake is now clean since all the factories closed). . .but I did come to San Diego for nice weather, because I love to bike, kayak, and do outdoor stuff. . .SD is a Navy town with delusions of grandure (except La Jolla is the real deal), but if you have 5 good friends, a nice wife/partner/whatever, a nice pet, and money in the bank, then being happy can happen anyplace.
I do spend enough time every year in Zurich, and they have their act together, but the winters are more overcast than Seattle, and they speak that crappy "Swiss German" that nobody can understand (except them), so I would always be an outsider.
Venice Beach,Ca nowhere in the world like it!
Clifden, Ireland
Clifden, Ireland
The last bastion of freedom and sanity: India - where you don't get stopped by the cops for driving a car without a seatbelt, or having three on a bike with a broken headlight and no helmet while beating traffic driving on the sidewalk...where you can start a business anywhere anytime without hassles...where you can take your sweetheart for a movie, a fancy dinner with wine and taxis there and back and in between all for under $50...where a 2 bdrm in a nice part of town will run you $300, 50 cents for a 1.5 litre bottle of water, $5/month for wireless DSL, and a teeth cleaning and check up for $15. I could go on...
I dont know why,but
I don't know why,but Searchlight,Nevada is beckoning me.
Hey I was just in Florence. Wouldn't live there though...
I would travel around the world, living in a different place for a few weeks at a time, with the ability to stay longer if I found someplace really wonderful.
Favorite places: The Isle of Mull,
Sorrento, Taipei, Charleston, SC,
Kansas City.
Sea Ranch in Mendocino County, California.
"Living in a vibrant college town" - I know that it's a slogan now used to get you to spend money on overpriced real estate, but the idea appeals to me: culture, some of it odd; a large library and interesting lectures; a lot of biking; people using green lawn to sit or lay on it. Another wish: I want to have people of all ages around me, not only kiddies, teenies, or greyhairs.
Peter T
Prague - suits my gloomy kafkaesque outlook, and the legs on those women.
Frank provides an extremely valuable service in exposing the horrid truths of the Scottsdale "lifestyle".The phonies and shysters massed in that shithole are like cockroaches that need to be exposed and targeted for the greater good of America.
Summers: Salzburg/Prague
Winters: Dalmation Coast
- dissolutioned American
cool places to be:
* San Francisco
* Buenos Aires
* Sydney
* Perth
in 5 years, anywhere that will survive Peak Oil.
That would be SF, Portland, Paris, Amsterdam, maybe Madrid.
Any place with the least amount of socialism - this would delete almost all the NE cities that are democrat strong holds and most CA cities.
Maybe we could get a ranking of freedom va socialism for all US cities.
Now that would be Houston. Which is gonna be a hell on earth.
Deep within blowfly's loving embrace!
Idaho, Colorado, Washington or Oregon, about 20 yrs ago, before they were discovered by self-indulgent Californians.
Monaco, Austria, Japan or perhaps Australia... Anywhere but here!!!
To amplify what I said, I would live in the same place but do whatever I felt like.
Hey people, just don't even think about moving to Florida, not even to visit, because they will rape your wife or kids. I hope the poor woman hasn't gotten a VD, Hepatitides, or Aids:
Assaulted, Woman Brutally Raped
MIAMI (NBC6) -- A couple was kidnapped, assaulted and the woman brutally raped in Miami on Monday, according to police.
Police said the sexual assault lasted 45 minutes, at which point the couple was forced to help the man look for more victims.
The assault took place near Miami Methodist Church across from Bayside just after 1 a.m. on Monday.
According to police, the two were tourists visiting the Miami area.
"He robs him and then proceeds to sexually assault her in his presence at gunpoint," Detective Willy Moreno of the Miami Police Department said.
Immediately following the sexual assault, police said, the man forced the couple into a car. Holding them at gunpoint, he forced them to drive him around to find another victim.
The couple said the man jumped out of the car, ripped a chain off a man's neck on the street and then fled the scene.
Police and fire rescue immediately responded to the scene just yards away from a fire station. The woman was transported to a rape crisis center.
"This is a heinous crime," Moreno said. "This is an extremely violent individual that we need to bring into custody."
There were several events in downtown Miami over the weekend that kept people in the streets late. Police said it was a perfect situation for the man in the police sketch to strike.
He is described as a black man in his 20s, slim, 6 feet 2 inches tall and clean-shaven with short hair. The victims said he was wearing blue jeans and a white tank top with red, white and blue sneakers.
Oh, BTW, Bayside is where they are building all those thousands of "luxurious" 1 bed/1 bath for $500k to $1.5 million condos. Good luck stepping outside your condo or just drive around the neighborhood with your family. Folks, US is the new third world country marketed as superpower.
Novgorad, Russia from May - September. 15th century city with wondeful culture, spectacular women, same charm as old Italy and France without any tourists.
The Island of Malta, virtually any coastal village, from September through May. Affordable, few tourists, wonderful food, and classic med climate.
Zermatt or Lugano, Switzerland as a home base. Is there anywhere like that in the United States? Then I would move.
Somewhere in Scandinavia.
Just to give you an idea, I went to the post office a few times this week to ship the exact same thing, in the exact same envelope. Every time I got a different paper pusher-government job parasite that quoted me a different price. Let me remind you that I used an USPS scale and its own Web site to quote the price in advance, as well as print the labels. Even if I had used a precision scale from NASA, the parasite-low IQ-government paper pusher would charge me a different price.
When I told the minority lady that I had used the USPS scale and their own Web site's shipping calculator to calculate the price, she got offended and yelled at me: "Are you calling me a liar?" I just got my boxes and went look for another decent human being at UPS.
Ladies & gentlemen, the US is a third world country marketed as superpower, make no mistake about it.
externalities limitations impediments are not a problem for me.
I would live nowhere else than the lovely mountains of western NC. I have before
Any place with the least amount of socialism - this would delete almost all the NE cities that are democrat strong holds and most CA cities.
You mean the blue states that carry this country on their backs, since Republican hicks are usually too busy doing funny stuff in public bathrooms, unable to do anything productive or revolutionary like what happens daily in the Silicon Valley or in Seattle, for instance?
Do you really think that a red state would ever be able to create a Google, Oracle, Microsoft, Apple, Hollywood Movie Industry, Amazon, Boeing, etc, etc, etc?
So, you keep kissing Republican butt to make a buck, Bushbot, while the blue states make everything nice for you, including the computer you are typing on.
Funny, Republicans love socialism when Bernanke socializes finance and prints trillions of IOU with taxpayer dollars which are transferred to Republican bankers, Republican cronies, and other crook gamblers alike. Sheeple will always be sheeple, no wonder this country is going down fast.
So you keep bitching about socialism, low IQ, while the Fed rapes your kids' futures, that if you had the misfortune to breed.
"If money and entanglements weren't in your way, and you could live anywhere on earth, where would it be?"
I have been almost everywhere on every continent except Antarctica.
I don't have entanglements or money problems; I live in Phoenix, the best place on the planet to live.
There is no single place anywhere better than here where the overall quality of life is bliss.
Although its hot in the Summer, the rest of the year has perfect weather.
Its clean, its fun, it’s a world class destination.
I am glad your site degrades Arizona so much, that way the scum stays away.
For those who know, we laugh when reading your tinfoil hat wearing legions of doom.
Please stay away.
Lake Tahoe area in the US
Switzerland in general, at least for a couple of years
SOmewhere off the Great Ocean Road in Australia.
C'mon, Frank@neveracoldcall.com, please chime in on how you would love love to live anywhere besides Scottsdale.
Oh, please, pleeeeze, Frankie, don't let us down!
You really need to move out of Scottsdale and then go back and visit 6 months later. You'll be shocked at how much of an ugly dump it is and how slow and dumb the people are once you're gone.
You mean the blue states that carry this country on their backs, since Republican hicks are usually too busy doing funny stuff in public bathrooms, unable to do anything productive or revolutionary like what happens daily in the Silicon Valley or in Seattle, for instance?
Do you really think that a red state would ever be able to create a Google, Oracle, Microsoft, Apple, Hollywood Movie Industry, Amazon, Boeing, etc, etc, etc?
What you're leaving out is the fact that all those entrepreneurs and business owners who started Silicon Valley and other ventures are all ... Republican!!!!
What happened is people like that turned the old red cowboy gun-toting red state of California into a business capitol. Then, all the looters, moochers, and other loser dirtbags who believe in "take from the rich and give to the poor" showed up, voted their democrat scum into office, jacked up taxes, and put the money toward social programs so they could receive money, food stamps, free healthcare, and a lot of other things they didn't work for and don't deserve, at the expense of the "evil rich" republicans who own all those businesses.
So much for your wacko theory.
anon 5:45 you are kidding right?
California was about as Republican as they got. Reagan was governor twice and Nixon was a US Rep. Reagan carried CA twice as did Nixon. All the while they had a movie industry and silicon valley was growing.
You are a very simple person if you believe in this whole red/blue garbage. Only very simple people on both the left and right buy into this MSM made phenomenon.
Ooooh Florida voted for Bush 50.001 to 49.999 therefore it is a RED state. And EVERY SINGLE person in California is a Democrat because Kerry won 55% of the vote there?
Seriously, what kind of low IQ do you have to buy into this?
Zurich or one of the smaller farming towns around there, I love Switzerland, Italy also, but its not as clean and organized as the swiss.
In US, anywhere in Mendocino county California, or Boulder Colorado my old town,
Go Buffs!
I'd alternate between Edmonton, Canada (where we are now) which is where our parents and whatnot are, and Hamburg Germany (where other parts of my family are, and the sea is nearby).
Where I am now is good.
Virginia, North Carolina, or Oregon are good,
Hawaii doen't suck.
White people in America have lost their minds. I'm moving to a neighborhood where the only skin color I will see is black.
Baghdad, Pyongyang, or L.A.
Any Scandinavian county, if they'd have me. :-)
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