And the Great Housing Crash is just gonna make matters even worse...
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
And the Great Housing Crash is just gonna make matters even worse...
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Bush said it but he sure as hell didn't mean it
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
This should be mandatory viewing for all Americans
Yep proud to be American. Lets vote for him again since we didn't elect him the first time I think he might be able to run.
For supporting the government, Americans are rotten to the core. And Democrats are just as bad as Republicans, don't kid yourself.
I totally disagree with the anti-war folks. Of course we went for oil - of course lies were told. Boo effin hoo. Suck it up baby. Granted, with or without the oil we're f--ed anyway. I'm proud of GOP America for taking on this fight, for taking on the Russians (it was they, and the weasly French, who had the oil contracts before we went in - not "the Iraqi people" who progressives" like to bloodlet their hearts for). I just wish Rummy was President.
withcleaver editing, you can prove or disprove just about anything!
A little john lennon music in the background. Very cool, or not.
Why do stupid people insist on trying to play fair by calling democrats as bad as republicans? Are you just trying to justify your past votes for the savage republicans? Are you so selfish you can't imagine abandoning the republicans because you think they'll drop your taxes to zero and then you can go out and buy more stuff at the mall?
If it weren't for the liberal party in this country you crackers would still be sh*tting outdoors and paying a rich feudal Lord for the right to do so.
Keep kidding yourselves that there's no difference in the parties.
I have no problem with an unending war as long as they keep sending republicans over to fight it. Not wishing anything bad for them but if they don't come back that's less problems we have here in the future. After all, we liberals didn't send them there.
It would be even better if we levied a special tax on republican voters, say confiscating their SS and Medicare to pay for the war. Everyone knows that the only way to get through to a brainstem conservative/republican is through their wallets.
If it weren't for the liberal party in this country you crackers would still be sh*tting outdoors and paying a rich feudal Lord for the right to do so. Keep kidding yourselves that there's no difference in the parties.
Amen, brother....
One day Americans will wake up to realize that the big fence being built on the US/Mexico border was not to keep illegals out, but to keep Americans in.!
Print this you coward!
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"!
Der Schlickmeister
With just a basic review of the facts and evidence from the 9/11 attacks, you can simply see it was conducted by the bush-co neo-con cult network...that also controls the national news.
My question is, how long will the 125+ million Americans that know this truth be able to maintain their silence as this creepy regime digs deeper into a "communist type control" over its citizens, laws, rights, truths and freedoms?
And how long will our non-corrupted elected officials and justice leaders (if there is any left)let our government to be operated under a gang of liars conducting chilling criminal activities day after day, year after year?
Why has nobody been fired or impeached?
Why isnt the CIA or FBI investigating and arresting bush and cheney for their criminal activites?
Something is very, very sad and 100% wrong in DC. Unfu*king believable.
Heck, there's a difference between the Neo-cons and Christianists and standard issue Republicans! The Repugs got taken over by fools and knaves.
Mr. GOP is right - we did need an oil war, because the Republicans did everything possible to hamper efforts to get us off oil all these years. Now it's too late. Let's have the record straight on that, too.
Tens of thousands dead and Bush joking about WMD
W 08
I know who was behind 9/11, It was the Martians! Remember Bugs Bunny blew up Mars and the little Martian was he ever pissed! Oh yea airplanes cannot really fly either what a bunch of nuts!
Bullshit editing. You could easily re-edit this and replace the Bush speeches with Clinton speeches circa 1998 warning of Saddam's WMD, or later speeches by Kennedy, John Kerry, Pelosi, etc. making exactly the same claims. And why weren't THEY lying about WMDs?
In short, there's 3,000 people in a mass grave in lower Manhattan that likely wish Clinton had done something about Al-Qaeda in 1998.
I'm waiting for the great liberal die-off. You know, liberals don't have kids because it interferes with world-class careers, kids hurt the planet and most libs are too selfish to have children anyway.
Die liberals! Die!
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