In other words, they're just getting started.
The dollar death spiral is firmly underway...
Thank you REIC!
September 26, 2007
One week into a historic dollar implosion, not one peep from this administration about protecting the dollar and reassuring foreign reserve holders
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Labels: china reserves, dollar collape, exchange rate, trade deficit, trade imbalance, us bankruptcy
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It was the plan all along, welcome to AmeriKa where we use the AMERO as the currency, and where the Constitution is SO LAST CENTURY....
Works all the time.
The administration does not need to protect the value of the Dollar, the Japanese will do it for them.
The fact that gold bugs are lining up to try and scare you into buying that relic, should be a sign that it is time to buy the Dollar.
Since when does the president control the value of the dollar?
"One week into a historic dollar implosion, not one peep from this administration about protecting the dollar and reassuring foreign reserve holders"
Here in Boeing - country, we have a term for this:
"Controlled flight into terrain."
Get it?
Social Security shortfalls.... Medicare problems... debt troubles....
What can we do?....
Wait...let's just makes those debts worth pennies!
Perfect solution!
Here's a fine legacy bequeathed to us by Skippy McDumbass and his best pal Easy Al (buy an ARM) Greenspan:
Chart of 25 years of the USD index
Thanks Skippy. Thanks Al.
This deal to drop the dollar was sealed months ago Keith. For now, the central banks are keeping the dollar index above 78, and eventually (by '09), it will fall to 70.
>> Since when does the president control the value of the dollar?
Since all he (or Bernanke) has to do is get on TV in the evening and say "The dollar sucks!" and the markets will crash the following morning.
It's absolutely incredible to me that we have to live under a financial system where *one* key person can utter *one* sentence and bring everything crashing down.
This is just great - our country's entire financial system is teetering on the edge of an abyss, just waiting for one little thing to push it over...
buy more gold!! they won't RAISE rates any year soon....
The fact that gold bugs are lining up to try and scare you into buying that relic, should be a sign that it is time to buy the Dollar.
September 26, 2007 11:54 AM
Ya right. Go buy a condo on the inner coastal and some WaMu stock while you're at it pal!
I know all the goldbugs and Amateur Investors here like to believe they are smarter than Fed members, but even your "Hike Hero", "Inflation Harpie", Plosser concedes that a rate cut was the right thing to do.
Gold bugs are like Ron Paul supporters. Pretty much ready for the loonie bin.
Gold bugs believe in the one physical asset that's been respected as a store of value by humanity the world over for more than 5,000 years.
People who see a big future for wood pulp printed with portraits of dead presidents are nuts.
Every fiat currency eventually goes to zero.
Gold holds its value. And it will continue to hold value. Long after today's stucco crapboxes rot into the ground.
Again, this is part of a master plan man.
Kill the Dollar.
Bring on the Amero!
Canada and Mexico welcome to the North American Union.
Americans Please be nice to the Mexicans from now on.
almos breaking even on a twenty year hold of gold and should expect some profit???????????
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