Ya think Jimbo will be getting a late-night visit from some "friends" from the NAR? HousingPANIC has gone mainstream. Sell sell sell.
Here's the video
And you just know everyone who works at the Today Show and CNBC "owns" homes and does NOT want this kind of stuff on the air. Instead, they've only got one question on their lips for all guests (pre-scripted): Have we hit bottom?
Nice to have Cramer join the HousingPANIC. And ya gotta believe he's come across this blog a few times. Hey Jimbo - Booyah! Now get your head out of Angelo's ass and talk about what's really going on there...
September 27, 2007
Jim Cramer goes on Today Show to tell people "don't you dare buy a home - you'll lose money". Hey, nice advice Jimbo. Boo-yah!
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Labels: don't you dare buy a house, jim cramer, reic lies, the center does not hold, the NAR has lost control
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Thanks for the link, can't get CNBC here in Zurich. . .yes, Jim certainly has become an HP'er. . .in San Diego, we call them "knife catchers" those who buy now!
Please Keith, don't make me start liking Cramer.
The only reason he woke up to housing's problems is that he went to sell one of his houses and had a harder than expected time doing so.
I like the video of him screaming like a little girl to the fed to open the discount window much better.
I just signed on the dotted line for a new job today. Amazing position, dream job really. Bottom line, I am getting a significant bump in pay, more vacation, and a better 401k plan.
Company will pay for moving costs as well as closing costs on buying a new home in the new city and selling my house now.
I've owned this house since 2000. Homes are selling (yes actually selling) in the $800K range. I'm going to list it at $750K for a quick sale. Assuming I sell for $725K I am still walking away with 400K in cash. A comparable homes in the new city costs $350K to $375K. I will make more money and also will be able to buy a house with cash.
It's not all doom and gloom out there folks. Some of us are doing more than well and struck gold in real estate too.
if cramer is saying sell, then it is about time to buy.
LOL, Cramer humilates, mocks and ridicules NAR on CNBC.
p.s. Erin Burnett ...YUMMY!!!
He may be letting the truth slip now but he's still a scumbag who deserves a bullet behind the ear!
I went to the liquor store and bought a scratcher, I went to my car hood and scratched it off. First I saw one $1,000 then another and then....another! I had just won $1,000 for a $1 investment! So please people lotto isn't all losers you have to play to win, and if you don't play you don't win.
I just thought I would add my long odds luck story in there as well....I bet mine happens more than yours also.
New sayings
My bank broke my ARM in two pieces
NINJA breaks ARM
The bank had to reset my ARM
The bank left me with this shirt
Not a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of
Spend $ 300K to resell at $ 186K
My stainless steel appliances made me rich!
Stainless Steel Appliances made me $10,000 overnight, ask me how!
Graduate of Freddie Mac
Freddie Mac Award Winner
Freddie Mac does Fannie Mae in the ARM
NINJAs kill Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, all you hear is HUD
Would you like a Freddie Mac with that?
Your parents don’t love you, they just had you as a tax deduction.
Homes, the new “Schedule C” 5 year Depreciation Asset
Homes: The new Accelerated Depreciation Asset
$ 400k is the new $ 125K
ARMs are fashionable
This Season must have accessory: ARMs
I am addicted to Housing Porn Channels
"........I just signed on the dotted line for a new job today. Amazing position, dream job really. Bottom line, I am getting a significant bump in pay, more vacation, and a better 401k plan..."
Well, good for you, really.
Now if we can just repeat this for the majority of Americans, everything will be just fine.
(By the way, it is bad luck to call a new job a 'dream job,' out loud to other people. Trust me on this.)
I thought I would never say this.
But, I like this video of Cramer, so funny and so true.
CEOs of HBs are very pesimistic about future but National Association of Idiots says otherwise.
"It's not all doom and gloom out there folks. Some of us are doing more than well and struck gold in real estate too."
...hope you choke on it - jerk! No sarcasm, I really hope you choke to death.
Anonymous said...
I just signed on the dotted line for a new job today. Amazing position, dream job really. Bottom line, I am getting a significant bump in pay, more vacation, and a better 401k plan.
Company will pay for moving costs as well as closing costs on buying a new home in the new city and selling my house now.
I've owned this house since 2000. Homes are selling (yes actually selling) in the $800K range. I'm going to list it at $750K for a quick sale. Assuming I sell for $725K I am still walking away with 400K in cash. A comparable homes in the new city costs $350K to $375K. I will make more money and also will be able to buy a house with cash.
It's not all doom and gloom out there folks. Some of us are doing more than well and struck gold in real estate too.
September 27, 2007 9:42 PM
Jeez bub, It's about time you caught up to us HPers. we're two years ahead of you.
"It's not all doom and gloom out there folks. Some of us are doing more than well and struck gold in real estate too."
Try being someone who would like to buy a home for the first time.
I never liked Cramer but I loved how he absolutely rips the NAR. It was great.
Kieth Gotta let em' have it!
CNBC Article asking for people opinions.
Should you believe real-estate agents when they say it's a good time to buy a house?
Email TheHeat@CNBC.com
CNBC Article asking for people opinions.
If you want to see more of the debate, Cramer is scheduled to return to the "Today Show" on Friday to face off with a member of the NAR. The expected verbal fireworks are set to air at 7:30 am New York time.
Should be funny!
Who you gonna believe
DOPES or Cramer?
Shoot, this one is harder than I thought!
Cramer is a total imbecile who made his money doing nothing of real value. People love him and want to be him because they want money for nothing as well. Screaming while moving your arms and jumping on furniture does not take any intelligence but it makes for good TV. Sinbad the comedian had a similar routine in the 80s.
I am kind of glad our economy will crash and then reset to make it so people who do real work will get real rewards for it. Just as the flippers did, the hedge fund managers just transfers commodities to e/o and profited from it. This did not benefit our nation or anyone but the traders alone.
Freddie Mac chief warns of recession
By Saskia Scholtes, David Wighton and Stacy-Marie Ishmael in New York
Published: September 27 2007 22:18 | Last updated: September 27 2007 22:18
The US economy faces a 40 to 45 per cent risk of recession induced by the housing market downturn, the chief executive of Freddie Mac warned on Thursday as data showed sales of new homes hit a seven-year low in August.
I just signed on the dotted line for a new job today. Amazing position, dream job really. Bottom line, I am getting a significant bump in pay, more vacation, and a better 401k plan.
It's not hard to find a job with better pay and benefits when you've made ZERO $ as a Realtor the past 12 months. Good luck with the Golden Arches.
I loved seeing Cramer expose the NAR for the fraudulent anti-competitive criminal organization that it is.
Now if only the NAR would expose Cramer for the shamelessly self-promoting egomaniac that he is.
By the way, it is bad luck to call a new job a 'dream job,' out loud to other people. Trust me on this.
I had a dream job once. As it turned out it lasted six months. The site manager made life an absolute living hell for everyone. I finally broke and pitched my keys on her desk and walked out and kept on going... I agree NEVER say the words "dream job" out loud. At least wait a year and see how things are working out...
(By the way, it is bad luck to call a new job a 'dream job,' out loud to other people. Trust me on this.)
--- No kidding. Hasn't even started his job and already drawing a conclusion. Needless to say, his "opinion" lacks credibility.
Maybe its time to buy? Cramer never gets it right.... The decline all started late 05. I think I'll wait at least another year...when all the MSM starts saying don't buy: Then I will know for sure its time to buy.
"The US economy faces a 40 to 45 per cent risk of recession induced by the housing market downturn, the chief executive of Freddie Mac warned on Thursday as data showed sales of new homes hit a seven-year low in August."
i'll put my $ on red please alex
Hey Jimbo - Booyah! Now get your head out of Angelo's ass and talk about what's really going on there...
Too funny! The best part is that you KNOW Cramer actually DOES read this blog. That's the image I got... the wrinkles and twitches Cramer is gonna have when he sees it.
Regardless of Cramer's self-interests in housing, he's correct.
It's an awfull time, and it will get worse before it get's better.
I was looking out a 4 story window today overlooking a neighborhood with probably 5000 houses over 400 up to 1 million. My towns average wage is 43000. This looks bad real bad
I've owned this house since 2000. Homes are selling (yes actually selling) in the $800K range. I'm going to list it at $750K for a quick sale. Assuming I sell for $725K I am still walking away with 400K in cash. A comparable homes in the new city costs $350K to $375K. I will make more money and also will be able to buy a house with cash.
I hardly think a 6.25% discount qualifies as drama pricing, and I would not be counting those chickens so quick. I have heard of people slashing 25% and still not getting a sale. Now, if you had the company providing a guaranteed buy after 60 or 90 days, THEN you would be all set! Why not get back to us when you have closed on that house, and provide a verifiable link to your Property Appraiser's site? If you pull off anything close to that, I will be the first to congratulate you!
First, Cramer doesn't care because he already sold his house .
Second ,Cramer has alot of nerve talking about the NAR or realtors saying "it's a good time to buy' when his show is based on "good time to buy stocks ".
Cramer would like nothing more than for people to invest in stocks ,rather than real estate, so he can get the bull run in stocks that makes his predictions look like hes a stock genius .
Cramer is pushing stocks when the economy is set for a recession . How is that any different than the realtors pushing home ownership .
Cramer should be telling people to put their money in a hole in the back yard if he was really being honest about the state of affairs in the economy .
Someone should ask Cramer if he is basing his bull run in stocks on the Feds giving ongoing rate cuts everytime he screams bloody murder live on TV.
My point is that it's to bad a creep like Cramer is the dude to take on the NAR-realtors hype .and it's clearly a case of the pot calling the kettle black .
I would feel much better if someone without their own agenda like Cramer tells the truth .
Clicked some more ads Keith give 'em hell!
This is off the excfc site. I think this CFC employee has this scam figured out.
Future_Ex_CFC Says:
September 27th, 2007 at 3:45 pm
If you are among those who believe the current financial difficulties are soon rectified by the lay-offs and this thing may turn itself around you aren’t paying attention. I still work in sales in one of the most profitable retail A-paper divisions of the company (very few axed thus far), and I can tell you based on current metrics, third quarter earnings are going to be in the toilet. Loan production and pull-through to funding sucks! I think the timing of the lay-offs is designed to wrap up about the time the earnings announcement comes out in November, so Tangelo can spin the awful performance by saying the reduction is complete and the company is lean and mean again, set to sail through the current climate and gear for the future. Then he’ll put on his sales hat and point to some bright spots in the 10-Q to try to string investors out more while he continues to explore his escape options. Buying time, that’s all this is.
It's not hard to find a job with better pay and benefits when you've made ZERO $ as a Realtor the past 12 months. Good luck with the Golden Arches.
LOL. Sorry, I laugh about anything when I work drunk.
I agree NEVER say the words "dream job" out loud. At least wait a year and see how things are working out...
Major jinx, no doubt.
I love it. The NAR wants an appology. For what? Its not like he called someones mother a whore.
What about the NAR's housing never goes down statements to every buyer? I think that has now been proven to be wrong.
The NAR is so desperate they cant even think straight.
I did love when Cramer mentioned how the NAR has been calling the bottom for how long now.
"It's not all doom and gloom out there folks. Some of us are doing more than well and struck gold in real estate too."
Better sell fast hotshot cuz that profit is vaporizing!
had a dream job once. As it turned out it lasted six months. The site manager made life an absolute living hell for everyone. I finally broke and pitched my keys on her desk and walked out and kept on going...
Site manager? WTF. Sounds like your dream job was working on an assembly line.
Here's a tip: dream bigger.
You renters are so pathetic. Nothing but a bunch of blue collar union thugs. All of you can go to hell.
My point is that it's to bad a creep like Cramer is the dude to take on the NAR-realtors hype .and it's clearly a case of the pot calling the kettle black .
True, but it's almost as good as Playmate mud wrestling. You want both of them to get plenty wet and dirty.
Cramer is a lying scumbag. However, he has more credibility than NAR. Most of us didn't need him to tell us that RE will be headed down for the next few years.
Lol, Cramer can't be trusted, but maybe he does have some smidgen of a conscience after all.
Troll said
"It's not all doom and gloom out there folks. Some of us are doing more than well and struck gold in real estate too."
Thanks for coming to HP telling us how great things are. I imagine this would be like going to Iran and telling them you are gay.
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