That's my theory...
Many HP'ers have emailed in the past month letting me know that one night a few weeks ago Yahoo removed HousingPANIC from its search listings. Right after we really went after the corrupt Orange Man Angelo Mozilo and his insider dealings at soon-to-go-bankrupt Countrywide. Gee, maybe something to do with the millions of dollars of ads that Countrywide does on Yahoo? Ya think?
Type in "housingpanic" in google (a real search engine, vs. yahoo's corrupted bulls*it) and guess what, you get as the #1 result. Of course you do. Any search engine who didn't give that the #1 slot isn't worth your time.
Type that into Yahoo what do you get? Not HP. Not to be found. It's like we've never existed. Like we don't have over 3,500 posts and 5.6 million page views. Nope, it's like Mozilo and Countrywide want. Silence.
Here's a few more tests of where HP rates at random - do your own test too for fun:
"countrywide mozilo corrupt" - google #6, yahoo not in top 50
"countrywide housing crash" - google #2, yahoo not in top 50
"housing bubble blog" - google #3, yahoo not in top 50
"housing crash mozilo" - google #1, yahoo not in top 50
"housing panic blog" - google #1, yahoo not in top 50
"angelo mozilo is orange" - google #1 (of course!), yahoo not in top 50
If you'd like fight the evildoers at Countrywide and Yahoo, report this unfairness and censorship here
I made sure HP was on the Yahoo domain register (it is), and sent a note to Yahoo and got back a note that everything was fine. I sent them back an email that they're corrupted and a bogus search engine that deserves to get clobbered by google. Needless to say the as*holes didn't respond.
And here's a personal note from HP to Angelo Mozilo at Countrywide - that you'll find one day only if you google it:
Note I'm short CFC and think Angelo Mozilo and Yahoo suck. If you use yahoo search, stop it, and switch to google. Fu*k 'em.
September 23, 2007
Countrywide has HousingPANIC Censored!!! HP Removed from Yahoo seach listings by the Big Orange Advertiser
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Labels: countrywide housing crash, countrywide mozilo corrupt, housing bubble blog, housing crash mozilo, housing panic blog, housingpanic
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Doesn't surrprise me.These big companies have so much power to quiet the little guy. Our country is run by a bunch of bafoons.At leat keith gives the people with a brain an option to find the truth.
Lets get on board the ron paul and keith revolution!!!!!!
Did you guys see the fbi busted crisp and coles balls in bakersfield? These darelicts are in deep sh@t.If a realtor owns a jet run for the exits!!!!!
I don't know of anyone that uses the Yahoo search engine anymore. They're going the way of Netscape.
Some people still use Yahoo?
And as a side note about mortgage brokers...
I ran an employment ad for my company for an administrative assistant this week and about 70% of the resumes that showed up listed a job in the mortgage industry as their most recent employer....Hmmmm...
Yahoo still 28% of all searches
That matches Bush approval rating. Coincidence?
This is why GOOG ate EVERY OTHER search engine for lunch.
Goog doesnt filter porn, smut, filth, 'non advertisers' or political dissidents or even bad words.
ALL OTHER ENGINES filter massively AND you have to pay them to get to the top of the the search. GOOD invented the 'organic search result' everyone else is a whore.
I have used only GOOG and nothing else for probably 7 plus years. no idea what people doing elsewhere.
Who gives a crap about Yahoo? Google is the undisputed king of internet search engines.
Cramer says booyahoo.
"angelo mozilo is orange" - google #1 (of course!), yahoo not in top 50
Keith ole chap,
Yahoo has managed to screw up as many things as they could but keep outdoing themselves. Their stock message boards have been wrecked.
is a much much better format for message boards. It is a google service BTW. Try to check a stock on your crackberry through the yahoo browser and even though you enter a ticker symbol you get what looks like a phone directory that is probably sorted by who paid the most money.
Just short yahoo and be done with it.
As far as search engines go, I use to locate this blog while away from hy tube - where this and other sites are filed under "housing crash" and this blog pops up in several of the top spots.
Yahoo is a corrupt POS.
Do you yahoo?
Yahoo recently reset their whole search engine (part of Panama?), frigging up publishers around the world. This time it may really just be a coincidence.
Maybe so...but if you think google does not manipulate sites and positioning you're dreaming.
Remember XMAS 2004? It has never stopped.
Orangeman and Yahoo belong together!
Boycotting their search engine starting today. does you justice.
You need to type in "housing panic" as two words, not one, in the Yahoo search engine. I had no trouble at all. Your conspiracy theory is hooey.
It only shows that Orangeman is getting desperate. He cant blame anyone but himself for stealing people's money!
HP is #1 on Ask Jeeves.
Sounds like how me and every regular commenter on my site got banned from, a corrupt site run by crooked realtor hacks who are still trying to trick people into buying in Scottsdale.
you can give it but ya can't take it, so american, so human.
Congratulations. I would take that as an extreme badge of honor.
You have provided much in the way of evidence regarding this housing bubble. And yet, there exists in all of our minds at least the question that it isn't as bad as housingpanic suggests.
This type of censorship tells me more than any single recent event that this is for real and getting scary. For me it validates your message.
Stay safe my friend and keep up the effort. Who knows what these powers will do to silence the truth that threatens their bank accounts.
You really should try to get Drudge or even MSM to pick up on this. It's amazing.
These are the same guys who were happy to self censor for the Chinese Communists.
I'm not reporting it to Yahoo. Worthless waste of time. I just sent a tip to Drudge.
F them. I'm a Yahoo shareholder and always thought they were the retarded little brother of the evil Google.
I filled in a comment form and linked your story here.
It works fine for me...
When on Yahoo search enter..
I stress the .com and it will appear.
Thanks for the tip, I f*cking hate censorship. I checked, you come up on top for "housing panic". For "housing crash", #3 on and #5 on I use google sometimes too but I get the feeling they censor shit as well.
I don't usually use Yahoo search, but this got me curious. For me, your site came back as the 5th result.
Maybe it should be first, but it was there.
You're not listed because you've
shed some light on what is *really* happening in the housing market.
I never use Yahoo anyways ... trashy search engine, and managed by media mogols.
Yes I noticed when Yahoo took away the comments option on there news stories a year ago that something stank.They silenced the dissenters and free thinkers so they now can freely churn out their status quo propaganda unchallenged.
I'm not surprised Yahoo would censor a website that spreads negativity toward pillars of the business community who pay big bucks their search engines like Countrywide.
Google will limit hits too if your site is deemed vulgar, racist or degenerate.
I admire HP for allowing posters to speak their mind, no matter how insane it may get.
Enough people know how to get here without a search engine, and this site is linked all over the net from other like-minded sites.
Yahoo has declined but 28% of searches is still significant.
Personally, if I want to find it, Google is the most comprehensive but is getting too big for their britches if you ask me.
Just sent them a message. Did you?
I told you months ago Keith. I know a worker at Countrywide who was unable to open HP links I emailed her because Countrywides computer system blocked them.
Even though it may be naive I am shocked! I tried it for myself. It is not there. I emailed yahoo. If I don't hear back a reason for this that I consider valid I am going to terminate all business I have with them including my flickr pro account.
Get a life. Must you see a conspiracy in EVERYTHING?!!
Here's some fun Yahoo searches:
"george bush is god"
Top hit:
"george bush is an idiot"
Top hit:
Number 1 hit on google! Man that's fast!
All I use Yahoo! for these days is for checking an occasional stock and for their excellent Fantasy Football leagues. If I'm using Firefox instead of Safari, I block just about all of their ads.
Yahoo! is sad and in serious decline. Their webmail spam filters are nonexistent.
Yahoo Blows. They are running the same game on RP.
Shame on yahoo. Shit I've had my email on yahoo for almost 10 years, and now I pay them $20/year for the "mail plus" mail service, which at one time actually would block the spam. Now I get nothing but spam again.
That said, I forgot that yahoo had a search engine. To me it's just email and a home page. I've only used google for search for a few years now.
Still, shame on yahoo. Seriously. As for CFC, I'll have a few beers and pee on their graves when they finally bury that company.
I see the same problem with news print like the LA Times. Majority of their ad revenue is from real estate ads so they only print the bad news when it makes a difference in circulation. Same nonsense with Yahoo.
Hey this censorship is just like in China. Must be just a coincidence. Oh wait...
Don't forget, Yahoo has been implicated in human rights violations in China, contributing to arrests.
Dont worry Keith. The bushies are doing everything they can to hide their financial failues, clusterfu*ks and disasterious leadership skills. Including, but not limted to: Lie, steal, cheat, distort, erase, hide, manipulate, revamp, misdirect, miscommunicate, turn-away, stonewall, blackmale, bend, spin, delete, destroy, cover-up, shred, audio bleeps, media black-outs, delay live broadcast transmissions, falsify, forge, remove, destroy, con and renig.
Its just a mater of time before bush and cheney (and many other repugs) are arrested for numerious crimes against humanity, our nation and others. Their un-patriotic ship of con-artists is sinking fast as they go down one-by-one by-one.
Yahoo! has a search engine?
Seriously though, the other day my mother asked me what I thought of Google stock. So I asked her: "Name another search engine" to which she said "well Uhh.. I know Microsoft has one" so ok, "Well mom do you know the URL for it or how to reach it?" "Well.. actually.. no" and that folks is why Google is worth every penny. I don't actually know anyone that doesn't use Google/Google Toolbar/Firefox's built in Google as their default search.
Is Bush still in double digits?
The Gestapo is slowly trying to limit freedom of assembly and the right to protest. This is happening both physically (note that you cannot protest in Crawford TX anymore because it is x miles from the chimps cage) and virtually...via blacklisted blogs and discussion boards.
I believe the new term is "free speech zone", which will probably manifest itself as a remote patch of dirt in the Sonora Desert for physical gatherings and in the virtual world, as blacklisted/unsearchable blogs. It will be interesting to see how long Google carrys HP.
Buried somewhere in the "patriot act" is the justification for all of this. Or maybe there is some high sounding operation to stamp out "opposition"....perhaps Operation "Muzzle".
It is interesting that Yahoo closed down their news article message boards claiming that a few people were "abusing the boards".
It truly was a forum of "instant public opinion" and gave those with dissenting voices a place to be heard....quickly. Since the feedback was tied to specific stories, the feedback was very precise and focused. And it was extremely easy to see where public sentiment truly was. For a while one could actually get independent thought on various issues to counter the one way street that is the MSM.
Best feature was that the strongest opinions could be "Recommended" so one could easily and quickly see where public sentiment was.
Consequently specific politicians, corporations, and agendas were called out and crucified. In fact to this day I believe those forums helped the Democrats take control in the last election. Bush and his cronies were totally exposed on the Yahoo Message Board forums. Clearly, something had to be done....
So what happened was the wheels of democracy, freedom, and liberty turned and a MSM hack [] was installed as new ruler of Yahoo news and within several months had shut down the Yahoo News Message Boards. Thus ended this highly effective forum for public debate and outrage.
Eventually Yahoo replaced the New Story message boards with a much less volatile and strictly controlled version which is designed to dilute and defuse any rising public outrage against specific news stories/actions on the part of government/business. Comparing the new message boards with the old boards one can easily see the "sanitization". The contrast is almost laughable. Now you get cartoon characters asking burning questions like "How do I get a flu shot?" (Ans: Bend Over)
To this day when a story breaks people cannot log their outcrys against that story in such a precise and easy way. And now they are going after the blogs.....
Bush, the WTO, the war, Orangzilla,, and the FED are now heros again.
How do I know?...I heard it on the MSM.
God Bless of the free.
What , someone uses Yahoo ?
The housing bust is impacting online ad revenues, so the Orange Man does have a lot of leverage over struggling companies like YHOO:
Internet Recession Watch: Google Sees Ad Cutbacks
I've been contemplating shorting YHOO too, on top of CFC.
You should be wearing a tin foil hat by now Keith.
If Countrywide was really after you, don't you think that they could intimidate Google (the owners of Blogger) into deleting your site.
You better keep a good backup, since you'll never know when they might get you ;)
By the way, Is boring Ben also in on this, since he does not link to you or acknowledge you existance. I thought all you Gold bugs were in it together.
#3 #4:
No that I can see.
Incidentally, isn't blogspot owned by google?
"housing panic" (two words) on yahoo - not in top 50. #1 on google of course.
If China can convince search engines to tailor and censor results, what makes you think Bush & Co can't do the same
But my money is still on The Great Orange One. It's ad dollars that talk for yahoo.
First they censor you then they show up at your door
“If you'd like fight the evildoers at Countrywide and Yahoo, report this unfairness and censorship here”
Not going to waste my time, intelligent people don’t use Yahoo! There’s a reason why they call it Yahoo! You have to be one to use it. It’s a Soviet style search engine. I don't use it!
I emailed them yesterday and still haven't heard back. I always use GOOG anyway.
what a crybaby you are Keith
Buba said: "Yahoo took away the comments option on there news stories a year ago that something stank".
I noticed that too. I hardly read there news articles now because of it.
dude Yahoo is not the government. they are not censoring you. they are making a business decision. just like google puts up a cute little cartoon on their home page for every foreign holiday but ignores the 4th of july.
If you don't like it, start your own search engine. You sound like those blithering idiots going on about Microsoft and how what they do isn't fair. Well guess what, life isn't fair.
And stop seeing a conspiracy everywhere.
Posted my thoughts to Yahoo..
Thanks for the great blog!
[quote/You need to type in "housing panic" as two words, not one, in the Yahoo search engine. I had no trouble at all. Your conspiracy theory is hooey\quote]
Ok, I typed it in that way, here are the results, starting with #1: [on my RSS with housingpanic]
So, Keith made 9th as a RSS add on for google. The ten are the first page I get displayed.
I don't think this is important. Noone uses yahoo anyway.
keith, you are definately on to something. yahoo link to every body else that 'mentions' HousingPanic but just not to your site directly.
I did a test with my own blog bubble tracking. whether I do bubbletracking, or bubble tracking, it always show up as #1 on yahoo or google.
yours is far more popular than mine, so to not even make it to top 50 there is legit problem here.
like most everybody else that expressed their sentiments here already, I have pretty much stopped using yahoo as well.
You don't really expect me to get a Yahoo! ID just for this do you? Egad, pull your head out man. There's some pretty serious stuff going on over here, and you're upset about a little search engine censorship? You'll be in the gulag before 2020.
wow! housing doom is number 1 on yahoo. way to go twist. kick that bootie.
A pungent Asian delicacy made from duck droppings?
interesting - just last week my daily check of the HP site was blocked by Web Sense (my company uses this to filter worker access to 'inappropriate' internet sites)
so HP was also added to Web Senses list of 'inappropriate' sites last week along with
Yahoo is already the worst search engine there is.
I can't ever find anything on that goddamn site.
Google is the only search engine for me! Yahoo sucks!
I think angelo is turning yellow!
Websense at my company also started blocking Housing Panic about a month ago.
When I type housing panic into yahoo, the auto suggest/complete feature adds your name, blog, blogspot, and there goes the neighborhood. Yahoo's autocomplete feature is wide aware that you exist, but the actual link in the results has clearly been censored.
It's also interesting to note that Yahoo obliterated the message board associated with Indymac Bank for months on end during a critical phase of that bank's difficulties.
Now to be sure, Yahoo has one of the worst records of reliable function of it's groups and boards in general, however in this case, it really smelled of suspicious withholding of a free flow of critical information the IMB board had to offer to investors and other interested parties.
I personally made a point of contacting Yahoo directly to make the issue known. Of course, there was no action, no resolution and no substantial reply.
Months later, after attention to IMB cooled abit, the message board mysteriously reappears. Major suspicious circumstances there.
you're number 1 in the yahoo search...
It is how yahoo works, if you do it lists you as 1
if you do housing panic, it can't find you.
So yes yahoo does list you as #1 when someone searches for your website
Google is no better. They just haven't bothered to clamp down on this little insignificant blog. They have bigger fish to fry - like supressing the truth from reaching a country of over 1 billion people (China).
Websense at my company also started blocking Housing Panic about a month ago.
That's why God invented the BlackBerry.
Hey this censorship is just like in China. Must be just a coincidence. Oh wait...
Don't attribute to malice what can be attributed to incomptentence. I really doubt if Yahoo has the internal controls to remove listings. The inmates are running the asylum.
But then again it is really really odd that yahoo returns sites that link to housingPanic but not the site itself. This might be due to Google just being a better search engine figuring out what I want to find.
Congratulations Keith, this confirms that your blog has become a threat to them. Your blog is something they need to worry about now. Nice work!
It also shows they are acknowledging that the content in the blog is factual, otherwise they wouldn't care about it.
Just dropped my yahoo email account. F*ck them.
Google only from now on.
Google isn't much better.
I run a site critical of a major corporation that is also a big dollar Google advertiser. The corp. tried to get me banned from Google by spamming my link to thousands of blogs, using a robot through open proxies to avoid identification.
It didn't get me banned, but it did negatively affect my Google ranking, and Google refuses to do anything about it. No one should be penalized for things that are out of their control, like who is linking to them. It encourages competitors to use black hat tactics, and it goes on all the time.
Google also encourages spam by allowing its Adsense ads on obvious spam sites. Out one side of their mouths they preach about stopping spam, and out the other side they are paying the spammers to continue doing what they do.
On Yahoo, I couldnt find
mish's blog
using keyword "mish" -- whereas
google shows it as the first result
In both cases, it could be
just Yahoo's
incompetence shining through
The mighty goog is going
to lick the yahoos into oblivion
I got HP at #5 just now. Seems to be OK. better to be #1 though, like Google faithfully fetches...
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