September 11, 2007
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
Too all the innocents who perished on this day and to all the service men and women who've sacrificed since that day I give only thanks and praise and want you to know that you are all forever in my prayers.
I salute you!! God Bless!!
our generation's day of infamy.
Well after 6 years the feds still can't find bin laden.If anyone of us wanted to be found by the feds it would be done in a day.Something is not right here.
Unfortunate taboo smoke screen used to manipulate millions without question or accountability.
U must see this... Watch the whole thing.. It may (will) change Ur mind on 911 and other topics as well it is the most important video on the net. bar none. 1hr and 52min it's a movie. U will thank them over and over again for makeing it.
I agree with the first anonymous comment. The rest of you will never get it. This crash, our fiat currency and what's happening in the world with regard to weather, natural disaters and the middle east are all related to bible prophecy.
The zeitgeist movie is part of the many coming deceptions to lead you away from Christ.
Study the bible or go online and read, listen or watch. Open your eyes before it's too late.
Sad truth is they all died for nothing.
And all the brave troops in Iraq and Afghanistan died for nothing.
The illegals pour over our border every day and enjoy the fruits of the promised land, while red blooded Americans die for nothing every day.
I have lost my country.
I owe no allegiance to this corrupt government and people.
I see a future of an ex-pat.
Perhaps I will return to the lands of my forebears. Perhaps it is a good thing........
Ahmadinejad got one thing right:
"The US is racing to hell."
Or racing to Mexico...
Same difference........
We sure are lucky that the Bush brothers were on the job protecting them there towers.
.....And then team bush attacks Iraq. amazingly, he gets re-elected.
We as a nation deserve the upcoming bush built depression. consequences for his actions, and consequences for being really wantonly stupid.
Johnny, happy birthday dude.
Many people in this country don't care much about this country or 9/11. Everyone will give their speeches and the rich will will get richer and more powerfull and the middle class will lose more. The borders are still wide open and the US is changing rapidly to a debt ridden, 2 family income, hire anybody who will do the job cheaper society. The liberals believe in hiring the cheapest blue collar illegals but want pay raises for all their welfare gov employee's. Why should all the firemens family who died on 9/11 get anyhting more than the life insurance the paid on. Why should the Gov give 1000's or millions to those family. While the soldiers from every war get very little or the workers who die on the job. The republican runs around talking about abortion(what a joke)they should do something that might make a difference in the average guys life. The american motto is get what you can get.
Remember the fear we were being "sold" everyday by the "leadership". The constant barrage of color changing crap. Anything to unsettle us enough to encourage the hatred of another country, or "the unknown enemies
at large". Sad, an extremely sad series of events which gave power to those who deserved it least.
Oh please. Enough with the maudlin sentimentality. 3000 greedy republican bond traders lost and we've killed, what, 60,000+ Iraqis? How many kids' lives have we ruined over there? How many maimed? How many generations of Iraqi lives have we destroyed? Then you have the nerve to whine about 3000 people?
And why do any of you care? Is it patriotic pride? Most of you don't give two sh*ts about your fellow countrymen and would sell your citizenship for a few shiny objects. There's no country here, just a land mass we all happen to occupy. The only time people pretend to care is when they think they can turn the situation into a violent, vengeful act of aggression.
Boof*ckinhoo. Why do they hate us???
The only thing that we have learned is that we are ruled by militant fascists.
people, like myself, want to know why WTC7 fell, but then a lot of other real estate crashed to ground zero too! so it seems like WTC7 was a prophetic moment!
In reply to the "Zeitgeist" post and to 9/11 conspiracy theorists in general:
#1: Christianity is extremely similar to scores of other religions that preceded it? WOWWWW. Mind-blowing stuff there. Not.
#2: If that conspiracy theory was true, you and the film-makers would be buried with the aliens in Area 51.
And Keith, I'm very disappointed in your site for allowing such ridiculous dreck to be posted.
I'm in NYC and will not make the trip downtown in the morning because I am afraid I will lose my cool and assault at least one of the conspiracy-theory-activist-douchebags that will surely be on hand to mar what should be a day of solemn remembrance.
Please use TinyURL, people. Anything over about 45 characters gets cut off.
My thoughts for 9-11 to the blogging community. Lets spend tommorow thinking about what did not happen on 9-11-2001. In my opinion middle eastern terrorists by orders of Osama and Al-Queda DID NOT hijack 4 commercial planes using box cutters on that day. HP'ers we called thew housing bubble because we could see the obvious and watched those who had financial gain (NAR etc) tell us to buy buy buy bullshit.
This is not Liberal vs Conservatives this is a real crime and the obvious terorists in Washington, Texas and Wyoming have hijacked our entire country and we allow them to continue on.
another site for 911 wingnuts
FUCK Radical Islam!
Now to see the the type of people that really lurk here.
Mostly creeps. Shocking.
In slow motion video, a 5th grader can tell that pre-planted, sequenced controlled demolition charges were used to bring down both WTC buildings - at a free fall speed. Just look at the damn mushroom clouds and charging plumes AT EACH FLOOR! WAKE UP CALL!
Also in slow motion video, a 1st grader can tell that pre-planted, sequenced controlled demolition charges were used to bring down WTC building #7- at a free fall speed. Ahhhhh GEE GEORGE!
But according to the "BUSH APPOINTED INVESTIGATION 9/11 TEAM", all 3 WTC buildings that collapsed on 9/11 were from basic kerosene fires (jet fuel) that reduced all 3 buildings to nothing but dust and rubble in under 10 seconds flat! Bwaaaa! Suckers!!!
Hmmmm... Funny how Osama bin Laden (Bush's former business partner)is still controlling the american media networks some 6-years later from just using a single 1973 walkie talkie from a cave in afghanistan! Hello? Can you hear me now?... He must have a damn carton of 9-volt batteries!
To sum up my own investigation on the 9/11 attacks, 6-years later, I'd say 100% the Bush and Cheney administration (and mass media and bush-co agencies, representatives and homeland agents) are one massive bunch of sad as*hole f*cking theives,liars and crooks.
And I have scientific evidence to proove it - along with thousands of other investigators.
Its also a damn shame that the democRATS have all been paid off by the bushies to keep their silience about the 9/11 neo-con GOP fake attack.
Bush wasted $2 trillion dollars on a fake attack, 2-country mass invasions and thousands of humans killed and injured, and then destroys the American economy to top it off. I wonder how much bushs terra fear mongering program in the mass media has cost America in lost productivity over the last 6-years of LIES, DECEPTIONS AND TERRA ALERTS!!!!!!!!
MAY GOD HELP US ALL! (Except the neo-bushies criminal network)
Where's Osama?
and remember the anthrax? The *military-grade* anthrax? Ahem?
Between 12/7/1941 and 10/*/45 the USA had resupplied Britain, invaded Italy, then invaded France, while fighting a two-front war with a fanatical dictatorship with troops dug in on inhospitable islands, and defeated the biggest war machine on the planet with an even bigger one.
And, in the meantime it undertook the most radical industrial/scientifc project in the history of mankind and invented an A-bomb.
And emerged as the economic titan of the planet.
W has gotten TWO years more than FDR.
And what do we have to show?
No Osama, and a trillion IOUs to the Chinese.
Socialist cretins celebrate the death of Americans then they want us to take up their retarded Communist religion of Marxism
I have to say you have the worst of the housing bubble websites. I haven't seen so many hateful nutjobs on a website since....never. Are you sure these aren't trolls trying to sabotage your blog?
Please PLEASE Keith delete these insane 9/11 conspiracy nutjob posts!
Don't conflate being a rational intelligent HP'er with a completely unhinged conspiracy theorist.
And no, I will never "thank" anyone for wasting my time with stupid You Tube videos that "prove" 9/11 was rigged.
And I know I shouldn't take the bait, but bitterrenter's comment about greedy wall street types was gross and inaccurate. Gross because we grieve for all those lost on 9/11 and inaccurate because the victims were a heterogeneous (that means varied) lot, including working class people, new immigrants, moms, etc.
And yes, I am a New Yorker! (And a lifelong renter)
In reply to the "Zeitgeist" post and to 9/11 conspiracy theorists in general:
#1: Christianity is extremely similar to scores of other religions that preceded it? WOWWWW. Mind-blowing stuff there. Not.
#2: If that conspiracy theory was true, you and the film-makers would be buried with the aliens in Area 51.
And Keith, I'm very disappointed in your site for allowing such ridiculous dreck to be posted.
I'm in NYC and will not make the trip downtown in the morning because I am afraid I will lose my cool and assault at least one of the conspiracy-theory-activist-douchebags that will surely be on hand to mar what should be a day of solemn remembrance.
September 11, 2007 5:32 AM SOUNDS like deep inside that you know you are being lied to, but just dont want to admit it, so you want to take it out on someone that has done their homework and is trying to wake up the sleeping to what is going on!the truth can be really cold!!!!!!!!
And Keith, I'm very disappointed in your site for allowing such ridiculous dreck to be posted.
I'm in NYC and will not make the trip downtown in the morning because I am afraid I will lose my cool and assault at least one of the conspiracy-theory-activist-douchebags that will surely be on hand to mar what should be a day of solemn remembrance.
You people don't deserve to be saved from radical Islam. Enjoy the Freedom that will be denied your children as you piss it away. Buy burkhas for the bitches.
More will die as a result of stress and illness wrought by the credit and housing bubble......
More people murdered in B-more in Philly in last 5 years than killed on 9/11. Death and violence are all equally bad--be it a plane crashing into a building killing 3000 people (and justifying a war and and more death and violence, hundreds of thousands and profits for our friends), or the 15,000 americans killed every year by our own whackos, crime, illegal aliens, gang wars, robberty. Not so cinemantic but a far more serious issue...God we are a stupid people....
>blood in the white house
How do you make it through the day, knowing what you know?
Keith: What are you gonna do if/when dollar collapses? I remember you writing about that your salary comes from the US but you live in UK?
I think Keith lets these conspiracy theorists post their drivel on here to help boost the commentary, even though it quickly reaches a lower common denominator.
Funny how we can use the unbridled hate of those in power to justify anything we want in our own minds. Also love that these conspiracy theorists are suddenly civil engineering experts.
After reading these posts its clear we are a nation with lots of mentally ill and low-iq types posting blatherings.
Pretty scary times. What if the terrorists kill Musharraf and put Osama in power and he has the nukes! Scary indeed.
I really do miss those buildings. The skyline just isn't the same.
In slow motion video, a 5th grader can tell that pre-planted, sequenced controlled demolition charges were used to bring down both WTC buildings - at a free fall speed. Just look at the damn mushroom clouds and charging plumes AT EACH FLOOR! WAKE UP CALL!
blood in the white house - You jackass. Don't you think someone might have noticed all those demolition charges just lying around these buildings? Get a freakin clue...
Someone called for a general strike on this "Patiot Day". The cause? All of 'em! I am staying home from work and writing my representatives.
As we remember those who were murdered that day (it goes without saying that's part of the general strike, as this should not be purely a political time), recall that other countries were represented in the Twin Towers. Symbolically, it was an attack on the global financial system.
I saw a presentation at the National Institute of Standards' WTC collapse computer model. It is so good, it shows parts of the building blow out that are seen failing in video or were reconstructed forensically from photographic evidence. The bottom line is that the shape of the interior (halls and shafts) combined with the intense heat and the building's superstructure actually account for what you saw, down to the last puff of smoke. Finally, the scientists doing this painstaking work impressed me as people of the highest integrity.
NIST FAQ here:
p.s. - Instead of questionable conspiracy theories, how about getting angry over the blatant trampling on the constitution we know for a fact?
And the countless families that lost loved ones in this senseless brutality.
This thing has lasted longer than WWII. It's time to come home.
This crash, our fiat currency and what's happening in the world with regard to weather, natural disaters and the middle east are all related to bible prophecy.
Umm ya what he said...
I have watched all the conspiracy vids, read all the investigating reports on 9-11, and have concluded that there was some kind of government involvement in this...but be that as it may, those involved will take it their graves and will meet their maker for sure.
wow you freaks are even freakier than I thought. All I can say is thank god your views are shared by the same proportion of the public who thinks Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul make good candidates.
You sound like a reasonable kind of guy. A little to the left for my liking but whatever. I have to question your judgement as to why you would allow these types of comments here.
Every time some nutjob thread like this appears, it makes you and the whole blogging community lose credibility.
You often ask readers if we ever point people to this blog. My answer is always HELL NO. Not because I don't think it would be valuable information housing wise, but of threads like this. I would be embarrased to admit I frequent a blog where comments like "blood in the white house" are posted. This is not a dem/rep issue. This is a sane/insane isue. It appears quite obvious that a majority of your posters are literally insane and need help.
Congrats Keith your blog is now firmly entrenched in the wingnut category.
BitterRenter said...
Oh please. Enough with the maudlin sentimentality. 3000 greedy republican bond traders lost and we've killed, what, 60,000+ Iraqis? How many kids' lives have we ruined over there? How many maimed? How many generations of Iraqi lives have we destroyed? Then you have the nerve to whine about 3000 people?
And why do any of you care? Is it patriotic pride? Most of you don't give two sh*ts about your fellow countrymen and would sell your citizenship for a few shiny objects. There's no country here, just a land mass we all happen to occupy. The only time people pretend to care is when they think they can turn the situation into a violent, vengeful act of aggression.
Boof*ckinhoo. Why do they hate us???
September 11, 2007 4:32 AM
I'm a frequent poster- 9-11 deniers/ rationalizers and people who blame the Bush administration should be shot.
Not for political reasons, or even because you're a traitor (to humanity, not just to US), but to cull the gene pool of complete retards.
Identify yourself and I will do the honors.
You are my hero. You remind me of Count Olaf in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Shout out to everyone who likes to acquire at fire sale prices!
I'm in NYC and will not make the trip downtown in the morning because I am afraid I will lose my cool and assault at least one of the conspiracy-theory-activist-douchebags that will surely be on hand to mar what should be a day of solemn remembrance.
You are SO RIGHT that no one can question your action or authority after the TABOO SUBJECT 911 without being wrong. I respect your freedom of speech but not your disrespect for mine. The people that mar the solemn remembrance are in Washington throwing out the Constitution not on the streets questioning your authority.
area 51 said
shouldn't you be on myspace with the other children and pervs?
Jesus nor the bible did not attack Iraq, Bush did! Reality check.
Jesus nor the bible did not attack afgahnistan, Bush did! Reality check.
Jesus nor the bible did not attack America on 9/11, Bush did! Reality check.
Anybody who thinks the christian bible is controlling bush's war of blood spewing aggression needs to seek the aid of a mental professional.
Sure the bible might have "good-nature philosophy," but beyond that, its just an old, out dated book of fairtayles, myths and non-scientific stories to CONTROL THE MASSES - who cant think for themselves. Sure you can believe anything you want, you can even believe that jesus will some day return, but history shows and prooves, that it never happened, and never will. But again, if you believe he will, and it makes you feel better, than good.
But please dont think for one moment that the bibles prophecies are carved in stone and 100% true. We the people, world leaders and YOU, control our destination on earth, not a book of fairytales thats 2,000 years old.
As a longtime HP reader, I am shocked -- SHOCKED!!! -- that the vast majority of respondents to the twin-tower image feel that 9/11 was an inside job. Perhaps the following questions will stimulate clear thinking:
Haven't our leaders assured us that 9/11 was orchestrated with a cell phone and a laptop computer by a madman hiding in a cave? And even though three World Trade Center buildings collapsed in a classic controlled demolition pattern, hasn't the government assured us that there were no explosives used?
Is it possible that our esteemed leaders allowed -- and even assisted -- the tragic events of 9/11? Was this event used as a springboard to destroy the Constitution, strip Americans of their rights, loot the US treasury and allow US military occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq?
Is America quickly becoming a police state as a result of the 9/11 events?
After carefully considering the above questions, the truth becomes obvious.
Blood in the White House isn't a very smart person. He is a follower of something that doesn't make any sense.
There is no conspiracy. Bush is, in fact, just stupid.
I love how these conspiracy theorists believe that Bush is a complete moron, except of course when it comes to plotting out and carrying out these attacks.
Your reasoning doesn't make sense because it doesn't answer the question "Why would Bush jeopardize the power he already had?"
Conspiracy theorists, and their many, many different theories muck up the waters so much that many believe of this stuff simply fail to comprehend reality.
The reality that the US government is greedy and inept and that Muslim extremists want to kill the free world.
...It don't get much simpler than that my man.
"Most of you don't give two sh*ts about your fellow countrymen and would sell your citizenship for a few shiny objects."
My favorite is the people who support the troops. How exactly are you sacrificing and/or supporting the troops? How many that are well off have given up everything and have enlisted TO FIGHT in the war? Why are Jenna and Barbara not serving their country- its such a noble cause. This country needs the draft with no exceptions for anyone.
Never forget what the muslims did 6 years ago.
Most of the commenter hare are sick people. You should all kill yourselves. The world would be a better place.
Something this adminsitration
has forgotten:
Speaking of Countrywide... I found these great photos of Angelo and his buddies on
see the link below
Lessee,19 drugged out ,supposedly mideastern religeous fanatics with limited flying skills ,and a near dead leader OBL conspired ,and allegedly hijacked 4 757s ,defeated the greatest defense system in the universe,outmaneuvered the greatest fighter jets,flew around the eastern US to find their targets then crash them into WTC 1,2,and the Pentagram all successfully,except for one.Then within hours the Towers1,2 fall straight down into their own footprint all the way to the basements at freefall speeds,and the Pentagram is penetrated through 6 walls of reinforced concrete by tinfoil.Amazing.
F@ck Man, thats the looniest WinGNut Conspiracy Theory EVER.
Your Tinfoil Hats are bigger than Mine.Dratz!
It gets better-The FBI had figured it all out within days of the attcks,and even found Videos.Then they found passports in the debris of WTC! WWWWWWOW!They're gooood.Not!
These Mideastguys(yeah sure thing skippy) are the smartest guys on earth,and can even place aircraft into exact spots to cause perfect implosions of STEEL FRAMED BUILDINGS. Up until 911,that had never occurred before without a few thousand precisely placed explosive devices at the critical joints,but these Amazing Magicians of Arabia did it with a few Jets,and some fuel.WOWWW!!!!
I,being a Wingnut,and Tinfoil guy,am so envious of your positions.Your Conspiracies are more FarFetched than Mine!Crap!
Anyway ,get back on the Special ED bus ,and keep your Headguards firmly strapped,but keep in mind that you are The smartestTards on the Bus,if it makes you feel any better.
They hate our FREEDOM!!!!AHAhahahhahahahhhahahahahahahahaaa!
OHhhhhhYeah,thats why.LOL.
It's fun to watch Bill O reilly get all defensive ,and resort to stonewalling,namecalling,and yelling when anyone questions the "Theory" of 911.
To the 9/11 nuts who don't see that a bunch of angry muslims with boxcutters hijacked some easy-to-hijack planes and crashed 'em: Wake up. It happened. If you want to say Bush let 'em, or Bush funded 'em, or whatever, cool, but bring us a conspiracy theory that makes sense.
To the 9/11 nutjobs don't deserve to be heard crowd - wrong answer. That's like saying the "there's a housing bubble" crowd should have been silenced.
You may not agree, but people deserve to say what's on their minds. Some of it, shocking as it is, ends up being the truth.
Here's to the families of the firefighters and cops and innocents that died on that day.
And to Americans who care - America has two enemies today that need to be fought with everything you got - radical islam, and the Bush Administration.
We need to wake up! Anon 3:39 hit the nail on the head, It seems the people who want to smear bible prophecy, are the ones who have never just sat down and taken the time to actually read the bible. Do you realize that the Old Testament prophets would be regarded as the "tin foil hat" gang is now? The old prophets warned of impending doom, and of course the people NEVER want to listen to news like that! America, change is in the wind. We are living in interesting times.
How come none of the coincidence theorists respond with logical rebuttals, they just scream insults?
"Oh please. Enough with the maudlin sentimentality. 3000 greedy republican bond traders lost and we've killed, what, 60,000+ Iraqis? "
Wow, your pretty low. I guess everyone in Iraq is a republican?
The odd thing is most of those civilian Iraqis killed by car bombing -- on a near daily basis -- were murdered by exactly the same people -- OBL and his henchmen.
Its odd that under the Clinton Administration the same muslim radical group tried to blow up the trade center. Of course, the left was totally convinced Clinton was responsible! ( sarcasm )
Well said, Keith.
I love the wingnuts here and their "logic".
On one hand Bush is dumber than a stool. Yet at the same time he orchestrated a grand scheme of creaing 9/11 in order to invade Afghanistan and Iraq in order to make Haliburton shareholders rich. Oh and all this without anyone spilling the beans to the NY Times during the planning stage.
Bush can't take a shit without someone leaking it to the MSM. Yet he setup 9/11 and nobody said a peep.
Makes sense to me.
Nutters. Tin foil hatters. Wackjobs.
Funny. Same thing was said about dissidents questioning the housing LIE half a decade ago.
Have a new 3-part poll question for HP:
a) Does the government lie?
b) Does the media lie?
c) Can BOTH the government and media be lying about the same thing at the same time (e.g., housing, war in Iraq, etc...)
why didn't Bush tell us the hijackers all came from Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran?
I saw a presentation at the National Institute of Standards' WTC collapse computer model.
The CIA did a similar cartoon of a 747 climbing without a nose.
Nice thing about a cartoon. Don't have to prove it in real life.
I think the government MAY have known on some level but figured it would benefit them to let things play out - they never thought 3000 would die and the WTC would fall! The guilt of doing nothing would have been unbearable - even for a politican.
But, irregardless, anyone saying that the neocons didn't eat up 9-11 for their own power play on American sheeple are clueless. They did - this is fact. Also, it is fact that our intelligence knew they were going to attack buildings with planes, likely in NYC. The point is - they did nothing. And everything they have done since has been EXACTLY what O.B.L. would have wanted. More debt, more enemies, distracted war machine, less freedom.
If my roommate claimed every few days that he was protecting me from theives in the night who were going to break in and kill me - I would ask for proof! If he limited my freedoms or increased my rent or caused the neighbors to hate me, I would surely demand proof. If he was found to be taking revenge on neighbors he didn't like, I would report him to an insane asylum and begin ignoring every word he said. This is just common-sense.
I've gotta say - Republicans are as NAIVE as democrats.
God bless the soldiers. I just feel sorry for their place in this big shell game.
My poll answers:
A) Yes, most of the time.
B) Yes, until the truth is obvious.
C) Duh, yea.
Trust me, if their was no other benefit from the internet and global communications (commerce, ect.), the government would have prevented this free communication as long as possible owing to national security or something. They hate blogs like this. The end of fostering ignorance on the people has come.
911 was a jewish mossad operation from beginning to end. arabs did not have anything to do with it, nothing. they were made to look good for it but even if they wanted to, they absolutely coulld not do it. they do not have the technological or the intel to accomplish this. someone else did it. either the israelis or the americans or both , somehow....
some of you , can continue to blame the arabs all day long ,but it still does not change anything. as time goes by, this truth will be born out....
those buildings were blown up, using some kind of explosives , not sure what but the planes were merely a distraction for the dumb stupid goyim......
jail bait said...
Well after 6 years the feds still can't find bin laden.If anyone of us wanted to be found by the feds it would be done in a day.Something is not right here.
September 11, 2007 2:52 AM <<<
where is osoma? good can you find a man that does not exist?
the bin laden family are jews living as arabs in saudi arabia.
the house of saud are yemeni jews pretending to be arabs......dontcha just love it when a plan comes together?
Anonymous said...
I agree with the first anonymous comment. The rest of you will never get it. This crash, our fiat currency and what's happening in the world with regard to weather, natural disaters and the middle east are all related to bible prophecy.
The zeitgeist movie is part of the many coming deceptions to lead you away from Christ.
Study the bible or go online and read, listen or watch. Open your eyes before it's too late.
September 11, 2007 3:39 AM <<<
granted, but no where in the Bible does God say to lay down and take it like a man. there are many of us in this land who will fight and die for it, just like the men who did that during the first go around in the late 1770's...
Hey republicans and toilet sex members, Washington DC is a NO FU*KING FLY ZONE!
Get it?
7 USA AIR FORCE F-16'S are standing by 24/7, 365-days of the year backed up by our $842.7 billion dollar NORAD air defence system, the world's FINEST, to protect Washington DC and the entire USA! It even detects aircrafts with NO FAA tracking bleeps. It can even fu*king track clouds if it wants too.
I know the truth is painfull trolls, and yet still others dont want to hear the truth, and some could care less - which is your freedom of choice obviously. Nevertheless, the belief of peak oil by PNAC and GOP'ers does not justify chilling mass murder, mass destruction, 9/11 cover-ups nor illegal war crimes.
Face it. The Bush and Cheney middle-east invasion is a massive clusterfu*ck failure started by one big scam and cover-up. 9/11. And now bush wants to end his term and retire in Crawford, counting his oil stock profits - while the failed middle east invasion is passed to the next sucker in charge.
soho said...
people, like myself, want to know why WTC7 fell, but then a lot of other real estate crashed to ground zero too! so it seems like WTC7 was a prophetic moment!
September 11, 2007 4:45 AM <<<
why did it fall? it was blown up like the other two buildings were...
wtc7 never was struck by a plane and only had a few controllable fires going in it when it was blown up on purpose at about 5:00 PM cst
and remember the anthrax? The *military-grade* anthrax? Ahem?<<<
that military grade anthrax came from the labs in israel. in case anyone is interested, israel is a big producer of bio weapons. they are a very dangerous suicidal terrorist state, run by madmen and yet we call them our allies.........what rubbish.........
the sooner we realize who the real enemy is the better off we will least i think so..
My heartfelt tears to the:
a) children who will never again be hugged by their fathers or mothers.
b) spouses who will never again feel the embrace of their loves.
c) mothers and fathers who will never again share the love you can only feel for your child
d) brothers, sisters and friends who lost a big piece of their heart.
e) lastly...all the New, you toughed it out and the rest of the nation looks up to you.
God Bless You All.
Anonymous said...
You sound like a reasonable kind of guy. A little to the left for my liking but whatever. I have to question your judgement as to why you would allow these types of comments here.
Every time some nutjob thread like this appears, it makes you and the whole blogging community lose credibility.
You often ask readers if we ever point people to this blog. My answer is always HELL NO. Not because I don't think it would be valuable information housing wise, but of threads like this. I would be embarrased to admit I frequent a blog where comments like "blood in the white house" are posted. This is not a dem/rep issue. This is a sane/insane isue. It appears quite obvious that a majority of your posters are literally insane and need help.
Congrats Keith your blog is now firmly entrenched in the wingnut category.
September 11, 2007 2:03 PM <<<
oh poor baby......don't like reading some of the comments around here huh? you know what that is called? free speech...something we as americans have forgotten about...but if all of this makes you unconfortable , you can go back to watching your boob toob and eating your hot dogs and chearing on your favorite football teams....and pretend that life is good and there is nothing wrong.......
Oooh, someone called me a commie retard.
This is an interesting timeline project.
You can make up your own minds.
I find the crazed islamist story too simplistic. People just do not wake up in the morning and blow themselves up. They have reasons, and are very angry. Why don't we ever read about why?
Blaming a religion is also crazy. When civil authorities fail, people turn to religion. It has been that way for many years. Religion is usually the source for good and comfort. Why don't people realize this?
I am just not buying these crazy explainations any more. For the past six years this country has been mired in a swamp. Mainly because of these fairy tales. Say what you want about wild conspiracy theories, but the official version is the most far-fetched.
XYXYZ said:"I really do miss those buildings. The skyline just isn't the same".
I couldnt agree with you more. I'm lucky to had the chance to ride the elevator up 100 floors in (can't remember exactly)40 seconds back in 1988. Sat in the bar at the top and admired the view of the(BMW)bridges.
The NY skyline will never be the same.
Jambu and all others who fall for the DOD's official story of 911. Jambu were not saying that Bush himself orchestrated anything. He may or may not of known what was being planned.Do you think that the plotters would have trusted Bush to be able to keep it a secret? Even during the 9-11 commision Bush had to have Cheney there at his side and no one would agree to testify under oath.
However Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, Bush Sr, Douglas Feith, James Baker III, John Negroponte, Bin Laden Family, Zionist Jews, William Kristol, Richard Perle and many others including Mr. Silverstein (owner of the WTC these folks possibly are some of the ones who most likely are behind 9-11.
Most likely they didnt clue Dumbya in on the plot preying opon his ignorance.
Rather then discredit every "conspiracy theorist" which is a buzzword heavily used to discredit anything other then what the DOD has told us what happened...research the facts and the coverups by those folks who greatly benefited from 9-11 and THINK OUTSIDE OF THE FUCKING BOX A LITTLE!!!!! BTW how did we end up in Iraq?
no such word as irregardless moron.
You give youselves away every time for the uneducated, working class morons you really are. Why don't you get back to installing my toilet and let me worry about geo-politics.
Total inside job. WT7 is the smoking gun. Those who ignore the facts are in denial that elements of the US government killed thousands. Is this too much to wrap your head around?
You all probably bought into the WMD lie and even the recent poorly fabricated video lie.
it is 9 11. can we have a honest debate on what happened on this day? at least this one time , on this blog, on this day? if not, then what does this say about us as a people? one thing you have to learn to do. and that is to go into all things with eyes wide open. if we refuse to look at facts, then we accept the lies that have been spread before us. the truth is special. the lies are many and worthless.
Sam; you are the exact tool that the Bush Administration depends on to control the people. Sam you fit the mold of a typical close minded blind faith following American pawn. One day you may not be so ignorant to research the facts but by then you may not have the right anymore to speak out.
sam said... I'm a frequent poster- 9-11 deniers/ rationalizers and people who blame the Bush administration should be shot.
Not for political reasons, or even because you're a traitor (to humanity, not just to US), but to cull the gene pool of complete retards.
Identify yourself and I will do the honors.
September 11, 2007 2:35 PM
"Honey!!!! Git my flag...9-11 got out again".
9-11 was an inside job.
Ask questions!!
Demand answers!!!
I saw a presentation at the National Institute of Standards' WTC collapse computer model.
The CIA did a similar cartoon of a 747 climbing without a nose.
Nice thing about a cartoon. Don't have to prove it in real life.
1. Sir, did you read the NIST web site?
2. Other than loose conjecture, how did you form your opinion?
3. What would convince you it is at least possible the WTC was knocked down by the airplane/bombs alone?
Several planes were foiled on Sept. 11th, and the Pentagon was possibly a secondary target. All of downtown DC is quite near the Pentagon.
Bin Laden's stated goal was to instigate a costly war. Not only is he still at large, but his dastardly plan worked!
We're just making our way to Armageddon.
How can you fight Armageddon without nuclear weapons?
Of course the Iranians have to get nuclear weapons and then nuke all their Arab neighbors to seize the oil.
Remember, Bush did lie about one thing: "Isl*m is a religion of peace."
By the way, F*ck the Iraqis. Who cares how many of them were killed?
They had the government they deserved...Saddam!
The people attracted to power over others do not share our morality. Many are psychopaths. ie. they have no feelings one way or another and do that which benefits them the most.
95% of the public does not want power over others, or at least their morality places a limit on the extent of that power.
Watch American Psycho.
Short answer: many in the government elite are self-interested sociopaths who could care less if 300,000 people died if it gets them rich and laid.
This thing has lasted longer than WWII. It's time to come home.
Uh, hate to break it to you, but we are still in Germany!
"I find the crazed islamist story too simplistic. People just do not wake up in the morning and blow themselves up."
Lost cause, your name is apt. You are dumber than the dumbest. Is radical Islam a conspiracy theory?
GW thanks all conspiracy retards. You are his enablers. Faced with a choice of traitorous retards like you coloring the opposition, any middle american fool will pick GW, or some reprehensible equivalent. AND THEY WOULD BE RIGHT! If there is anything more damaging than the Bush administration, it would be paranoid, semi-retarded mystics such as yourselves having any influence on society. I'm sure your mother (who you live with on welfare) doesn't even buy your crap!
You are America's (ineffective) version of terrorists- unable and unwilling to comprehend reality other than what you create in your tiny disfunctional brain, or maybe what reality your mystical teacher creates for you.
Fortunately, you do not have the conviction to blow yourself up on a bus full of people (you would probably f this up, being a retard and all), you piss your 9/11 conspiracy nonsense into the wind of the blogosphere.
To the extent anyone is listening, you are only enabling your enemies. So thanks again from the Bush administration and the militaristic wing of the Republican party. Your stupid antics give them a perfect straw man.
Given your contribution to the state of the nation, you doubly deserve to be shot in the head by your next door neighbor. Or maybe you don't have the balls to spout such nonsense in public?
Sam said:
You are America's (ineffective) version of terrorists- unable and unwilling to comprehend reality other than what you create in your tiny disfunctional brain, or maybe what reality your mystical teacher creates for you.
Your definition of a US terrorist sounds EXACTLY like a GW/ neocon SUPPORTER. Ignore reality and follow your leader.
Given your contribution to the state of the nation, you doubly deserve to be shot in the head by your next door neighbor. Or maybe you don't have the balls to spout such nonsense in public?
Skip your 'dissidents are not patriots' rant. That worked ONCE and will never work again. You can thank your monkey of a leader for that. The last time they tried it, we shut up and let them make policy. Guess what? We ended up more f*cked than ever, mired down in Iraq. We will never be silenced again.
As for your comment on having balls, I would crush you ya little piss ant. Us real conservatives are tired of you over-spending, under-thinking, sabble-rattling neocons and we are taking the country back. Call me a liberal if you want. I am actually one SCARY CONSERVATIVE AND I WANT MY PARTY BACK. THAT'S MY WAR OF CHOICE. PUNK!
Gulf of Tonkin
You have been warned.
W = 23rd letter of the alphabet. Its symbol is 2 points down, 3 up.
1. Sir, did you read the NIST web site?
I've looked over their public WTC reports before. Should be as reliable/credible as public Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports, another govt agency.
2. Other than loose conjecture, how did you form your opinion?
Quants (and their little models) have a long, illustrious history of being WRONG. For example, Sec Def Robert McNamara's math whiz kids mathematical models of how to win the Vietnam war (body count strategy), global cooling climate models of the 1970s, Long Term Capital Management (LTCM) with its math whiz Nobel lauretes -> kaboom!, global warming climate models, collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) models blowing up recently (i.e., Hell Freezing Over).
3. What would convince you it is at least possible the WTC was knocked down by the airplane/bombs alone?
PROVE IT. Build a steel frame structure with a reinforced concrete core just like the WTC out in the desert somewhere. Set off TNT (to simulate the airliner impact) and a kerosene fire about 3/4 up the structure. Show structual implosion into footprint. Open experiment. Independent observers (not cherry picked by the govt) with free 24/7 access to site.
ALSO. The commercial demolition industry using single-floor TNT+Kerosene detonation to implode the entire structure of steel frame buildings becoming standard practice. Currently, commercial demolition firms spend millions of dollars and days wiring buildings for demolition the ole fashioned way. If single point TNT+Kerosene detonation could cause implosions then any demo firm would have a competitive advantage. Translation: $$$. Why aren't firms using this new method discovered on 9/11???
Several planes were foiled on Sept. 11th, and the Pentagon was possibly a secondary target. All of downtown DC is quite near the Pentagon.
Several? Only heard about plane in PA.
Bin Laden's stated goal was to instigate a costly war. Not only is he still at large, but his dastardly plan worked!
Yeah right. OBL forced us to attack Iraq. Please...
OOOOOHH -Death threats from zombies.The easterbunny will scratch your name from the good book for that.LOLOLOL.
Welcome to Fairyland,and be sure to notice the US Citizen.
Sam sound like a very simple minded thinker. People dont just wake up in the morning and blow themselves up. Yes Sam however has it ever dawned on your tiny little brain that these "freedom fighters" mainly in Palastine and Iraq may plan these suicide bombings over some time and feeling as if theres nothing else to live for because of what Israel and America has done to there well being?.
We have people here in America that grab a gun and shoot other people before shooting themselves. Do they maybe feel as if there is nothing else left to live for as well?
A very small amount of people become suicide bombers....Think about it Sam!
sam said...
"I find the crazed islamist story too simplistic. People just do not wake up in the morning and blow themselves up."
Lost cause, your name is apt. You are dumber than the dumbest. Is radical Islam a conspiracy theory?
September 12, 2007 8:40 AM
I'll make one last response, and respectfully read your reply.
Should be as reliable/credible as public Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports, another govt agency.
I submit NIST is highly respected an their exacting work is relied on by researchers in industry, academia, and the government. Unlike some other agencies, their published work undergoes peer review. From a rhetorical perspective alone, you are making an unfair, sweeping generalization.
Quants (and their little models) have a long, illustrious history of being WRONG.
So if some computer models are inaccurate, all computer models are inaccurate. I detect another logical fallacy. As per older climate models, they actually worked amazingly well, and were known to be limited by computing power, not to mention the climate is even more highly stochastic than the admittedly complex three-dimensional problem of the WTC fires.
PROVE IT. Build a steel frame structure with a reinforced concrete core just like the WTC out in the desert somewhere....
ALSO. The commercial demolition industry using single-floor TNT+Kerosene detonation to implode the entire structure of steel frame buildings becoming standard practice.
Would be nice, but highly impractical unless you want to foot the bill. But you raise some interesting points. The structure of the towers had a lot to do with how they failed, which is pointed out at length on the NIST site. So a demo company could use this method on a building put together the same way. A suitable model does constitute proof, just as, given initial conditions, I can say how fast you will be moving when you strike the ground if you jump off a tall building.
Several? Only heard about plane in PA.
Didn't they ground Heathrow in time to stop another one? Of course, like good chess players, they probably knew that all planes would be immediately grounded, but still.
Yeah right. OBL forced us to attack Iraq. Please...
Not to attack Iraq per se - just to blow a ton of money on some sort of military response. I can't imagine that not happening - can you? Perhaps it was stating the obvious for effect, but look where we are now.
I think there are many logical fallacies in the conspiracy theories surrounding 9-11. The Bush administration has committed several high crimes and misdemeanors that are well-documented. No need to invent more. Impeach away, good man!
FORGOT to point out - at the very bottom of that FAQ, it says in no uncertain terms that they have not ruled out controlled demo of WTC building 7. No plane hit directly that building, which only happened to hold many important documents.
It sounds like theory number two, but it is at least on the table. I daresay NIST will not be the ones to investigate the whodunnit question, in the event it was timed to go along with the WTC collapse.
So - it ain't over yet for all the conspiracy theorists out there.
Kay? Bye!
panicearly said...
Gulf of Tonkin
September 12, 2007 2:14 PM <<
even back then i always wondered why some small north vietnamese boats would commit suicide and cause certain repercussions by attacking us navy ships of the line in the bay of tonkin. it made no sense even then. now we know that the entire episode was made up and never happened and was used by LBJ to ramp up the united states involvement in that horrible unncessary forward to today......any similariites here? hmmm..
I see the morons are out in force, but on the defensive.
They don't even believe their own garbage conspiracy theories.
Arab hijackers, 7 of whom are still alive.
WTC7 controlled demolition.
Complete standdown of air defences because of 'war games' coinciding with the 'hijackings'.
Yeah Bin Laden did it, he even 'confessed' on a fake tape.
You who are covering for the demonic cabal, listen to me.
You have lost. Too many people have done their own investigations, and most of the public knows that 9/11 was an inside job.
You traitors will be outed, your day is over, scum!
I think some of you belong on the gallows with Bush.
Gotta agree with your comment here.
Everyone - read up on Islam! Islam commands good muslims to terrorize other countries, take hostages, plunder and all sorts of nasty stuff. Rape is specifically allowed. They can even rape women if they have made a pact not to, as long as they practice coitus interruptus. I could go on. Osama bin Laden is a good muslim, and he was behind 9/11. There is a significant movement in Islam to overthrow western civilization, and it currently enjoys the support of perhaps 25% of muslims in the world.
However, we have all determined Bush is pretty evil, and he does seem to have profited from 9/11...Paul O'Neil's memoirs state Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were planning to invade Iraq immediately upon taking office, and 9/11 gave them an excuse.
The fact we couldn't get ANY planes scrambled to so much as meet any of the hijacked planes seems pretty suspicious, does it not?
Those of you that think the WTC was demolished need to look into the issue of the fireproofing used in the WTC. Asbestos was banned in midconstruction, folks. There was some in the older building, but only up to the 65th floor or some such.
That's why earlier fires in skyscrapers didn't bring them down - they had asbestos fireproofing, as well as possibly more robust construction.
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