Here's ABC's poll - Paul #1 with 56% of the vote
Here's Drudge's poll - Paul #1 with 36%
Feel free to add to his figures HP'ers. Or to donate here.
And here's an article on what you missed
Ron Paul, Debate Winner?
The Associated Press has it this way: Republican presidential contenders sparred over abortion on Sunday but generally agreed the United States must remain in Iraq as part of the war on terror.
"Just come home," countered Texas Rep. Ron Paul, the lone dissenter on a debate stage when it came to Iraq. He said there had never been a good reason to go to war in the first place. "Has he forgotten about 9/11?" interjected former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. He was obviously looking for his Rudy Giuliani moment.
August 05, 2007
Ron Paul, the only anti-war GOP candidate, destroys his competition in post-ABC Iowa GOP debate polls
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Here's the clip:
Just cut a $1000 check to Ron Paul.
Hope it helps...
The ABC poll is "broken" - the message I got was "The specified module could not be found" after submitting my vote.
The poll does not work for mac safari. But if you use Mozilla then the poll worked for me.
ABC new is disgusting. I just read the article over there and they stated that all the Republican candidates agreed with the war. They did not mention Paul's dissent at all.
Out off all the major networks I think ABC may be the most biased.
ABC poll error, (module not found) if you try to vote for Dr. Paul - but works fine if you make any other choice. (5:45 pm Eastern)
- Snow
Don't the other candidates have any supporters with internet connections?
You idiots can't possibly believe those online polls.
Anon @ 11:29,
They have internet connections, but they don't feel the need to flood online polls for their candidate. Online polls are easy targets for ballot stuffing. I'm not saying his followers vote several times or anything like that, but Ron Paul does have a large following on the internet. In my years online I've noticed that the typical "engaged user" (someone who takes the time to visit forums, participate in online polls, and create content) tends to lean towards the libertarian side.
That said, I love what Ron Paul has to say about certain subjects. Too bad there are other areas where I disagree with him 100%. I'm a registered Dem but if he was to run as an indepedant I might be tempted to vote for him. Even if he wins the GOP primary I will give him a closer took.
Keith, in general, I agree with you comments.
But you are also contributing to repeating the past supporting the Ron Paul approach.
The isolationist actions of the 1930's exacerbated the downturn and eventually lead to WWII.
You too are playing out the act as others, such as Greenspan, play the last act that lead us to where we are today. Your approach that we should only look inward will later backfire.
Al-Qaeda is really a threat. Remember Hitler went to prision shortly before starting the worst war of all time. If we enter of period of economic choas it will strengthen Al-Qaeda's hand.
Isolationism is not the way.
"Ron Paul, the only anti-war GOP candidate, destroys his competition in post-ABC Iowa GOP debate polls"
Yawn. The Republican Party isn't a democracy. Its leadership doesn't care what the rank-and-file think.
Will some kind soul explain Realty Trac thing to me?(hell no!) But just in case, when it lists a 3bed 2bath for $23,500, and it's a bank owned property, does that mean that is all you have to pay?
Right on!!!!! Give'em hell MR Paul!
such truth.......such truth........can we stand it? do we hear it? can we hear it? its been a long time baby.......
hey dopes, do you hear what ron is saying?
Poll is STILL open!!!! (even though keith says its closed under the video)
Sun eve 8:05 pm EST/NY zone
Why do people keep citing these internet polls? We all know that they are not at all reflective of the general public. Saying Ron Paul won an internet poll is like saying Jesse Jackson won a poll of NAACP voters. Any scientific poll puts Ron Paul at 1-3%.
Ron Paul pwns!
Well I guess he would have gotten 99% if the poll had worked not bad for a non contender
The poll does not work for mac safari. But if you use Mozilla then the poll worked for me.
I use Safari to vote for RP and it worked fine for me. I also noticed RP was voted the winner by a longshot!
Funny how ABC showed all the photogenic Romney supporters and one toothless hick with a RP sign. Pathetic!!
just come simplistic. Perfect for the sub-100 IQ renters here.
The link it to a series of screenshots of the various polls conducted online post debate. Ron handily won them all. The focus group that Fox set up to watch the debate and score the winners also chose Paul as the winner by an overwhelming margin. He blew them all out of the water last night!
According to ABC News link, Ron Paul is obviously the winner of today's debate, but... the Republican party won't listen to the polls anyways.
Ron Paul at 100% of the tinfoil hat voting populationand 0.02% of the general population.
I'd vote for Barrack Osama before this idiot.
Anonymous said...
Don't the other candidates have any supporters with internet connections?
August 05, 2007 11:29 PM
They have lives and don't spend every waking hour online.
"Out off all the major networks I think ABC may be the most biased. "
I had heard from a NASA scientist that said many people look at Gov incompetence as a conspiracy. I believe this is also accurate with MSM, they are so bad we believe they have an they are just terrible.
Ron Paul again fails the
functional IQ test.
Simple minds always make
things worse, no matter
how bad they already are.
GWB is not a simple mind;
he is an overachieving idiot.
Paul is not an idiot, but has
a child's approach to complex
I hope the vote for Paul doesn't
derail a mature candidate.
in just 2months, i've now personally lined up 50 votes for Ron Paul thru a network of friends and family.
i'm considering volunteering at an official level.
i honestly see him as the only person qualified for the job.
most importantly, he is the only front runner, dem or rep , who is NOT A member of the CFR.
the USA is in baaaaaaaaaaad shape. if we don't get Paul in there... this place will not be recogizible in 20 years. it will be a quasi 2nd world, facist police state with probably 100million illegal aliens unless we elect Ron Paul.
There is no difference between Bush Cheney and Obama, Hillary, etc... THEY ARE ALL MEMBERS OF THE CFR !!!! COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS IS THE NWO Orgization that is conspiring to bury the USA.
So what you are saying is: I want a conservative from Texas to be the next president.
Among people who are informed and pay attention, Ron Paul wins overwhelmingly.
Unfortunately 98% of the public is not informed and is only exposed to ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, etc.
It's amazing how the anti-Ron Paul trolls come out in force at times like these. Are you paid to do this? Referencing IQ's, calling him simple minded, or another "conservative from Texas", etc.
This is an uphill battle. So I just donated more money to Ron Paul. In addition to my 5-10 hours/week donating to the campaign.
""Just come home," countered Texas Rep. Ron Paul, the lone dissenter on a debate stage when it came to Iraq. He said there had never been a good reason to go to war in the first place. "Has he forgotten about 9/11?" interjected former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney."
Mitt's passing the Kool-Aid to dumb America, again. 9/11 has not relation to Iraq whatsoever.
Our American infrastructure is a mess (i.e., bridge collapsing) but the GOP warmongers want to spend trillions more on "building" Iraq. Well, in reality the GOP wants to transfer your tax money to the pockets of Halliburton, Lockheed, Blackwater, etc.
I see that PPT was printing money all weekend to make the market positive today. Man, this country is going down so fast!
Same here. My entire family, friends, and most co-workers are voting for Ron Paul. I'm asking everyone I know to vote for him.
"I had heard from a NASA scientist that said many people look at Gov incompetence as a conspiracy."
MSM is totally controlled by powerful shady groups. Geee...why is it so hard to believe that powerful groups (i.e., rogue ex-CIA and Mossad agents) or secret societies (i.e., Freemasons, Skull & Bones) can infiltrate any important sector (i.e., energy, defense, executive office, commerce, media, intelligence, FED) to become even stronger? Remember the false WMD evidence presented by Powell at UN as means to build a case to go to war in Iraq? Why the need to eavesdrop on American citizens while the borders stay wide open to any "terrorist" to get in? NWO is right on track.
Amazing how can anyone, at this age and time, doubt that pulling a phony terror event would be difficult for these legalized mafia disguised as wealthy businessmen, powerful lobbyists, politicians, ambassadors, officers, special agents, etc. Sure, government is incompetent, but these groups are not and thrive on gov's incompetence and people's stupidity. Case in point, Katrina brought huge contracts to Blackwater, Halliburton, and many other parasites of the taxpayer. Do you know that there are more private contractors with strong tides to GOP in Iraq than American soldiers? They are all there sucking your tax money and the future of your kids. That's why the GOP doesn't want to get out of Iraq...that place is a money making machine for their cronies! The bill is a trillion dollars and growing! And you guys elected Bush and Cheney twice. You are a bunch of geniuses! Yep, conspiracy doesn't exist but the entire gov and media build a case to go to war on the premise that Sadam Hussein had a gazillion WMDs, nuclear weapons, biological weapons. No to mention, that Cheney ousted CIA agent Valerie Plame to go to war in Iraq. Sure, sheeple, conspiracy doesn't exist.
First satisfaction of mine: watching you quasi-humans drool at the thought of buying a home for 90% off yet home prices fall 1%
second satisfaction: watching you quasi-humans drool over Paul, send him money and watch as he gets maybe 1% of the vote.
PS: I hear there is a tinfoil sale today, buy 1 roll get the 2nd 50% off, better run to the store
Dr. Paul is the only true conservative in the race. Traditional conservatives believe that our public servants in government should actually adhere to their oaths of office to abide by the Constitution. Amazing, isn't it? They also stand for fiscal responsibility in government, limited government, personal responsibility, personal privacy, strong national defense, and individual liberty. None of the current front-runners resemble this at all; in fact, they advocate the same big government solutions that conservatives always railed against.
Face it folks. The Republican and Democratic parties have been hijacked by a pack of self-serving, big government totalitarians. Do you want your country back? If you do, stand behind the very document that our Founding Fathers wrote to RESTRAIN the federal government. That document is the Constitution. To do otherwise, is voting for your own slavery.
Ron Paul for President '08 -- "HOPE FOR AMERICA"
>>> edd said...
Ron Paul again fails the
functional IQ test.
Simple minds always make
things worse, no matter
how bad they already are.
GWB is not a simple mind;
he is an overachieving idiot.
Paul is not an idiot, but has
a child's approach to complex
I hope the vote for Paul doesn't
derail a mature candidate.
August 06, 2007 5:18 AM <<
dopes? is that you dopes?
ron paul is the only real candidate on that stage and he also is the only real man on that stage. the rest of those scumbags are just there to try and confuse the masses. you notice how many candidates have been running for president the last couple of times. it is getting worse too it seems. this is all by plan. this is why i say, the vote does not really work. they elect who they want and i am sure they don't want ron paul unless he will do what they say. will he do what they say? i have to think that he won't. but the common man wants a change. he wants someone who is honest and forthright. he really wants a man like ron paul. the establishment does not. they want someone who they can control and to do what it is they want in these last days of this republic. we stand now at the precipice and we look over the side. we either take back this country or we lose it. the choice is ours. the time is now. we stand at the crossroads of history. will we blink?
I have voted in every election in the last 20 years. I am a registered republican who voted for Bush both times. I was wrong. I actually cringe when I think about my votes for Bush now. I guess I drank my share of kool aid. Never in 20 years have I ever donated time or money to a candidate. Every election I voted for what at the time seemed to be the lessor of two evils.
Ron Paul's message changed all of that. I donated money and I volunteer time. I hope more people will take the time to really listen to this man and his message, it really is one of hope.What could we have done to help solve america's problems with the ONE TRILLION dollars we have invested in Iraq?
Anyone who could possibly say this has no idea what they are talking about. Do a little research before running your mouths. Isolationist and non-military interventionalist are two ENTIRELY different things
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