Full transcript here
It is nearly July 4th, Mr. Bush, the commemoration of the moment we Americans decided that rather than live under a King who made up the laws, or erased them, or ignored them—or commuted the sentences of those rightly convicted under them—we would force our independence, and regain our sacred freedoms.
We of this time—and our leaders in Congress, of both parties—must now live up to those standards which echo through our history: Pressure, negotiate, impeach—get you, Mr. Bush, and Mr. Cheney, two men who are now perilous to our Democracy, away from its helm.
For you, Mr. Bush, and for Mr. Cheney, there is a lesser task. You need merely achieve a very low threshold indeed. Display just that iota of patriotism which Richard Nixon showed, on August 9th, 1974.
July 04, 2007
Olbermann calls for the resignation of Bush & Cheney: MSNBC youtube video
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Labels: bush and cheney resign, impeachment, olbermann
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From the transcript:
I accuse you, Mr. Bush, of lying this country into war.I accuse you of fabricating in the minds of your own people, a false implied link between Saddam Hussein and 9/11.
I accuse you of firing the generals who told you that the plans for Iraq were disastrously insufficient.
I accuse you of causing in Iraq the needless deaths of 3,586 of our brothers and sons, and sisters and daughters, and friends and neighbors.
I accuse you of subverting the Constitution, not in some misguided but sincerely-motivated struggle to combat terrorists, but to stifle dissent.
I accuse you of fomenting fear among your own people, of creating the very terror you claim to have fought.
I accuse you of exploiting that unreasoning fear, the natural fear of your own people who just want to live their lives in peace, as a political tool to slander your critics and libel your opponents.
I accuse you of handing part of this Republic over to a Vice President who is without conscience, and letting him run roughshod over it.
And I accuse you now, Mr. Bush, of giving, through that Vice President, carte blanche to Mr. Libby, to help defame Ambassador Joseph Wilson by any means necessary, to lie to Grand Juries and Special Counsel and before a court, in order to protect the mechanisms and particulars of that defamation, with your guarantee that Libby would never see prison, and, in so doing, as Ambassador Wilson himself phrased it here last night, of becoming an accessory to the obstruction of justice.
This country (and the world) would be a better place if Washington DC would vanish from existence with all the fat white maggots who are eating away at everything that made America what it used to be...
Nothing less than jail and/or execution for the war criminals/pirates who have hijacked this country....
Don't stop with impeachment go to war crimes tribunal!
Had to watch it again.....DAMN!!!!
That was the best commentary I have EVER seen/heard!!!
Thank God for Olbermann....he just said in 10 minutes what just about everyone in this country (and the world) feels about Bushco...
Clinton PARDONED 140 REAL criminals in his last hour in office and you complain about one commute???
3-6 MILLION died in WWII and you complain about 3,500???
Hussien, Iran, Al-quida don't play by the rules of engagement. They are worse than Hitler.
Americans have become spineless and without resolve. Had things turned out differently in Iraq you wouldn't be complaining. Maybe not.
Olbermann is a twit of epic proportion. His misguided diatribes and virtual hatred for the administration make him look like an imbecilic dickweek.
He brings the far left wing whack jobs out of the closet and mimics the democratic party line, “HATE BUSH AT ALL COSTS”.
Bush shot himself in the foot on the immigration issue but the bottom line is that he is the president of the United States and Olbermann and his ilk only make themselves look bad by seething shrill hatred against the principals of the executive branch of our government.
In the old days, citizens were united in common causes just by being an American. Olbermann would be thrown off the air in record time. Now a days, we get the left and the right cutting each others balls off every chance they get.
It is tiring to hear the piercing infighting; red against blue states, religion against religion, gays against the world and idiots in the media taking potshots at our leadership.
We are divided and Olbermann has only widened the gap between brothers in our country.
I can do without his babbling foolishness.
I come to visit this blog for the first time in about 6 months, and I'll be damed if the first topic isn't more poli-ticks!
Bush sucks but Olbermann is a kook wackjob. He belongs on the Dailykook website spouting off his nonsense. What a waste of time and space.
Newsmen should not be calling for the resignation of public officials.
If we ever wind up in an "omega Man" world, Olberman will certainly be Mathias.
I find it pathetic that a journalist would abuse their platform for a personal political rant.
Surely the left can give us better than this?
Olbermann is a bombastic shillish
droid. If he's right on something,
it's to serve the ratings.
He again proves that spectator
sportscasters are just that.
Hedge funds print up documents and sell them to investors for millions of dollars. Just like at Kinkos. I got to get into the printing business.
Bush shot himself in the foot on the immigration issue but the bottom line is that he is the president of the United States
If indeed he is the president of the US, it would be nice if he could stick to constitutional guidelines. Clearly neither Bush nor Cheney consider themselves Pres and VP, at least their actions indicate that they believe themselves to be Dictator and VD of the US.
someone finally with the guts to speak the truth on air
Wow! Olberman is really hitting too close to home, judging from the squeals of the fascist pigs here.
If the GOP ever wants to win another election they should throw Bush over the side of the boat now like they did with Nixon
Olbermann is nothing but a troll trolling for ratings. His show was the lowest rated of the three major cable news channels. He was about to be fired until he came up with a genius idea - bash a lame duck President in an unpopular war. The sheepish left-wing nutjobs gravitated that way because they are unable to get that hamster running and think for themselves.
All you have to do is mention neocon or fascist along with Bush and the lefty loonies start frothing at the mouth and eyes bulge out like the wife in that Suzanne commercial
After reading the comments I am surprised by the reaction:
>>Clinton PARDONED 140 REAL criminals in his last hour in office and you complain about one commute???
So it is acceptable because Clinton pardoned 140? Remember we are talking about a party that wanted to bring honor and ethics back to politics. What happened?
>>3-6 MILLION died in WWII and you complain about 3,500???
I can't believe such a comment is being made. A life is a life is a life. To say 3,500 is not that bad is being pretty darn heartless. Imagine your child is part of the 3,500? If I were president I would only call a war if I am willing to let my own child go into war. Until then it ain't worth it.
>>We are divided and Olbermann has only widened the gap between brothers in our country.
It actually is not his fault. It is the fault of the extremes. Most countries in this new decade are at a cross-roads on many issues; gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research. This cross-road is cutting to the heart of what people believe in. This is causing the divide as there are people who are not willing to give rights to those that are not of our type.
Iraq + Libby commutation = 2008 sweep for the Dems. Most of the GOP's leaders know this and they have no idea what to do about the moron running their party right off a cliff.
Watching the GOP flail and point their fingers at various black sheep dems is amusing (clenis pardoned Marc Rich!!!, sandy burglar!!!), but it won't change the fact that 2008 is shaping up as a mass suicide event for their party.
Perhaps, just for kicks, Skippy McDumbAss bombs Iran on his way out the door. I wonder if all of the gooper trolls who frequent this blog own a Prius? Sucks to be them if they don't.
WTG Keith. It's nice to hear at least one voice in Big Paid Media say what at least half the country thinks.
Olbermann who???
Bush & Cheney should've resigned once they learned their reason to go to war was wrong.
What was the point of kicking N. Korea? That was just plain stupid as evidenced as Axis of Evil was scrapped quickly. Then they had to kiss ass to get N. Korea back to the bargaining table. Like the military needed to be saddled with N. Korea in addition to missions in Iraq and Afganistan.
Justice would be bush and cheney heading up the front lines and dodging IADs in Iraq, getting the military service both ducked when of age. Yet it's okay for them to direct others to do what they could never do themselves. America: what a country!
ABout Paraguay...
Isn't that where the Nazis went after WWII?
It's the Bush co. plan to take this once great country back to the stone age!
bush poll #s at record lows!!!!!!!!!!
Dude he's a windbag.
His professor-speak is designed to get him laid at green peace rallies.
Gotta love Keith Olberman. He ROCKS! It's about time we got someone to counter those dickheads Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh!
>> Murrow.
(Taylor) Hicks.
I'd like to recommend a forum topic:
If a nuke were to take out Washington D.C., New York, or some other major American city tomorrow morning, what would you be doing in the first 8 hours after the event, considering that within the 1st hour, (1) the Constitution would be suspended, (2) you would have no more rights, (3) Martial Law would be declared, (4) the banks would close and all accounts (including gold) frozen, (5) the stock market is closed indefinitely, (6) all major highways and airports would be closed, (7) you would not be allowed to travel, (8) immediate food rationing at your local grocery store, (9) the opening of the Haliburton Concentration Camps, (10) only 1 (Government) TV channel and radio station, (11) no Internet service, (12) cancellation of the next season of American Idol (just kidding about that one!), and finally (13) complete breakdown of civility ie. American citizens killing each other for food?
Note, this would be housing-related, as a few seconds after the 3-million degree fireball subsides, there's going to be much fewer homes on the market. Also, for the protection of the rest of us, we need to make sure that during the 1st round of citizen detainment for transfer to the Halliburton Camps, that the Realtwhores are the first ones to go. The few million of them will clog up the system real good, giving the rest of us a chance to run for the woods (where we'll all be living (if you can call it that) for years). It would certainly be poetic justice as the Realtwhores, entering the Camps, see the sign above the entrance that says "Work shall set you free! Minus your 6%, of course!"
Keith (blog-owner, not Olbermann), keep up the great work! I love you! And if that makes me gay, so be it!
It's starting to remind me of the days of my youth in Rome. When the true nasties, like Sulla, plied their style of politics, and the whole darned thing became farce. The two modern parties are only figuratively castrating each other - wait until there's heads on pikes lining the steps to the Capitol, and riots in the Senate chamber. Let me tell you, that'll be a reality show worth watching.
I'm having a hard time figuring out which leftwing nutjob you worship more...Olbermann or Paul Krugman??
I can't wait for the next time Krugman calls for a meltdown in the economy...I mean he's got to be right 1 time since he's been 0 for 16 the past 5 years....Kind of like your call of the Dow 8,000 two years ago.
And you're a so-called independent?? (LMFAO)
You rightly call out Faux News every chance you get, but then you quote Keith Olbermann?? He is the Sean Hannity of the left--Well I guess you would have to be an independent to recognize that.
Only the truth hurts, eh?
Well a stopped clock is right twice a day. You siad: Clinton PARDONED 140 REAL criminals in his last hour in office and you complain about one commute??? O.K.
3-6 MILLION died in WWII and you complain about 3,500??? Actually, only 250 thousand americans were killed in WWII. Look it up, or about the number of pople dying on the road over a 5 year period (50 k per year on average). The biggest threat to americans are other americans or drunk driving illegals... The Russians lost 20 million---now there is some tough Mo fos with some grievances...
RE: Clinton has PARDONED selected past basic criminals.
*All Presidents can do this, but NEVER AT THIS LEVEL AND SERIOUS COVER-UP CRIMES!!!!!!
RE: 3 MILLION died in WWII.
RE: Hussien, Iran, Al-quida don't play by the rules of engagement.
*Did I miss something here? 9/11 was not conducted by Hussien, nor Iran, nor Al-qaida, nor Osama, nor even the 13 hijackers who shut down NORAD? (um, right)
The 9/11 science professors, facts, evidence and investigations all show AND PROOVE that it was all planned by the Bush Regime Network, not from a man in a cave with a 1978 walkie talkie.
Anybody (or company) who supports the Bush Regime Network of criminals is COMMITTING A CRIME! * BEWARE * Bush supporting republicans are now considered dangerious. If you see one, avoid contact, keep your children away and call your local or state police or law enforcement agency immediately!
Haans Blix is laughing his ars off!
Bush is toast!
Why is it that all the unintelligent and foul-mouthed idiots always seem to be in the corner of President Bush as evidenced in the comments here. Unfortunately this goes far to explain why this crazy man is president and this country is in the mess it's in. How can you neocon unintelligi"bubs" carry on the way you do about what this country must protect and honor when you can't understand what it is you are protecting and honoring. If you had the intelligence to understand what you are really defending then you could speak about it in a rational and intelligent way. You can always tell a chain (the re"bubba"can party) by its weakest links (unintelligent "bubba" idiots that rubber stamp whatever the talking heads tell them to think). I guess that goes far to explain why this administration can't do anything well except break the laws which it swore to honor and protect. Come on and get a brain and spine to start thinking for yourselves. And then you may be able to communicate intelligently instead of foul-mouthing your way through arguments because that's the only way you know to communicate. I am always willing to listen to reason (even if I disagree with it) but only when the speaker is at least somewhat intelligent!
Keith Olberman is a total tool
WOW... I cried, it's so sad that we have this guy. God help us.
Olberman is a genius, but Hannity is a Nazi? Nonsense, they're both sides of the same coin, and their uneducated fanboys are legion.
We're headed for another civil war in this country and the outcome won't be pretty.
Great diatribe by Olbermann!
Hate to break it to you idiot pugs out there, but a lot of mainstream people who used to think of themselves as republicans or independents are now what you would call liberal "wimps" because this administration is just so bad. Call Olbermann a kook all you want, but he speaks the truth the way I and many other Americans see it.
Oh yea... and go F@ck yourselves!
"Clinton PARDONED 140 REAL criminals in his last hour in office and you complain about one commute???"
Do any of you left-wing ding dongs care to comment about this!? If not, then kindly STFU.
What an insane idiot. Typical liberal douche
Cannot stand Bush after the immigration debate. ( or Kennedy, McCain, traitors etc . )
But the Olbermann video just comes across like a wind bag. Make a big stink and people smell it -- ratings up.
I put Bush, Cheney, Rove, Libby, Perle, Wolf, Rummy, Rice, Clinton and zionists...
...in the useless eater column.
It's sad that there are still some people who consider themselves Republicans who still support Bush
Memo to people who call themselves Republicans who still support Bush: HE DOES NOT DESERVE YOUR SUPPORT
True Republicans - like Pat Buchanan, like Newt Gingrich, no longer support this administration.
And a true Reagan Republican would know why
Bush and this cabal of criminals considers YOU
Useless Eater.
Need proof...
replay clips of the days following Katrina.
You...your children...your friends are not worth the spit in his mouth.
He cares not about you ...yours...or this country...
On a day when we celebrate our freedom and independence, what do you Bush lovers celebrate? Losing those same freedoms and independence?
First off how does what Clinton did or did not do change what Bush has done?
Secondly, what have the majority of war supporting pugs done to actually support the war besides putting a yellow ribbon sticker, probably manufactured in China, on the bumper of their gas-guzzling SUVs?
Face it, this administration and the religious zealot neo-con base have ruined this country. I no longer feel proud to be American...
For all the Bush/Cheney/Iraq apologists out there, deal with it, there is more of this coming down the pipeline. Olbermann's message resonates with a lot of people.
Bush Cheneys little bit h
It is always funny how left wing whack jobs criticize our administration in shrill unabashed hatred for absolutely everything. So typical.
Bill Clinton, was busy negotiating his own immunity from prosecution in his final hours in the White House, which might have made it hard for him to concentrate on other matters - but his 11th-hour pardon of 140 people and the reduction in sentence of another 36 is unprecedented in modern political history, and Democrats now cry wolf over Bush’s pardon of Libby?
A few Bill pardoned
Marc Rich, the billionaire commodities inside trader.
Carlos Vignali, 30, had his 15-year sentence for conspiracy to sell cocaine reduced to time served, and walked free on Mr Clinton's last day in office.
Almon Glenn Braswell, a Miami-based businessman, was convicted in 1983 of fraud.
Roger Clinton, the former president's younger half-brother, was pardoned for a 1985 cocaine-related offence.
Bill even pardoned Hillbillery Clinton who wasted millions of tax dollars and everyone’s time on her healthcare fiasco.
Here is the whole list; http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pardonchartlst.htm
Another psychotic rant from a left-wing hack and the frothing raving libtards get worked up like a rabid pitbull. Anyone who doesn't agree with the raving left-wing lunatics has to be a Nazi
Olbermann seems like the lunatic Hitler making one of his angry speeches. Only a Nazi would be turned on by that garbage
You need to send this to everyone you know, everyone needs to see what is happening to our country, our democracy, our freedome. Impeach Bush NOW!
Who Clinton pardoned, is irrelevant. The issue is that Bush has pardoned someone who carried out crimes on his behalf, therefore turning the executive branch into a closed loop part of the government, with no CHECKS or BALANCES! Presidents are allowed to pardon people when they leave office, precisely because they are leaving office. Now that Bush is determining the law by his own decree, whose to say that Bush/Cheney will not somehow try to seek a third term, a fourth, infinite? In effect, turning a democracy into a monarchy. This is how it begins people....
"Olbermann seems like the lunatic Hitler making one of his angry speeches. Only a Nazi would be turned on by that garbage "
Then you must have a real boner right about now
"Buh....buh...buh...but CLINTON..."
Is that all you people got? Is his horrible record the only thing that makes Bush look good to you?
Your heads will explode when you realize that Bush, through his lies and screwups, has done more than anybody else in the world to put the Clintons back in the whitehouse.
Thanks a lot, assholes.
Anyone remember this, notice he is only half-joking.
Waaa! Waaa! Mommie! Billy Clinton did it too!
Why don't you tell me something good about GW instead of bringing up Bill Clinton all the time.
Probably because you can't find anything GW has done right.
"First off how does what Clinton did or did not do change what Bush has done?"
"Is that all you people got? Is his horrible record the only thing that makes Bush look good to you?"
I know it's hard for many liberals to think logically, so I'll use small words. We might think you had a point if you had been even 1/10 as upset when Clinton did the exact same thing on a much larger scale.
The punishment absolutly did not fit the crime, so he comuted the sentence.
Big bloody deal. Hard to believe Olberdork is whining about this.
( and yes, for the left leaning tards who want to say that THIS one matters but the drug dealers and family members pardoned by Klinton dont, are full of it )
Why should I care what a former espn sportscaster has to say again?
Oh I see so if Keith Olbermann says it, it must be so. Check.
Sandy Berger stole classified documents. He got a $10,000 fine. Libby lied under oath and will still pay $250,000 fine. Anyone who thinks Libby is somehow getting away is an idiot. Keith Olbermann included.
Keith Olberman and HP Keith both need a reality check.
If you want to start comparing presidential pardons by president, let's look at the number shall we children?
Reagan Pardon petitions - 2099, 393 granted (19%)
Reagan Commutation petitions - 1305, 13 granted (20%)
Clinton Pardon petitions - 2001, 396 granted (1%)
Clinton Commutation petitions - 5488, 61 granted (1%)
Here is the official DOJ page with the stats, read it and weep you right wing, can't read or do any of their own research, nutjobs.
Among the notable pardons issued by Reagan, two FBI officials who had authorized illegal break-ins of the offices of Vietnam War protesters. George Steinbrenner, who had conspired to make illegal contributions to Nixon. of Robert Wendell Walker, who was convicted for attempted bank robbery.
Maybe the bigger issue, is should we have presidential pardons/commutations AT ALL!
"I know it's hard for many liberals to think logically, so I'll use small words. We might think you had a point if you had been even 1/10 as upset when Clinton did the exact same thing on a much larger scale."
How upset were you when Reagan did the exact same thing, on an even larger scale. How is that for some logical thinking, Fascist Reptard?
"The punishment absolutly did not fit the crime, so he comuted the sentence."
The punishment was well within the sentencing guidelines set out for the crime of which Libby was found guilty by a jury of 12 of his peers.
When do the detainees at Guantanamo even get due process? In that case there is no proven crime, and they have been incarcerated for more than 30 months.
Oh, and just a reminder, this chart is always good for a laugh, Bush's "off the cliff" approval rating. Under 35% and still falling.
Hey Dorktaire, I suppose you don't remember another President who said
"Sometimes it's more important to do what's right than to do what's legal".
His initials are WJC. When I heard it I thought it was a rather strange statement coming from the chief executive, a guy who swore to uphold the laws. But for your ilk, moral relativism makes it all OK, doesn't it?
Did Clinton spend any time in prison for lying to the grand jury? I guess it doesn't matter because Bush is the boogeyman. What's good for the goose isn't good for the gander in the case of wild-eyed frothing left wingbuts with veins ulging out of their necks
Wackjob Goobermann found an audience with the DailyKook 9-11 conspiracy crowd. Goobermann will fade to black by 2009
BRAVO, Mr. Olbermann, you have the guts to say what needs to be said. Sorry, that the truth makes you Republican drones so uncomfortable.
It is unbelievable to me that people continue to support this insane President and his administration. He has all but ruined this country. Wake up you blind right-wing fools and open your eyes, think for yourself. Many people, years ago followed a similar type of man down a road of horror and were told to ask no questions and follow blindly. Can you say Hitler
"moral relativism makes it all OK, doesn't it? "
I don't think so, in fact I think presidential pardons should not exist at all. This comparison of presidents began because the faoming right wing, starting bringing up WJC, to justify what Bush just did. The truth is, presidential pardons will always be contentious, the executive branch invalidating lawful actions of the judiciary, so why not do away with them all together, for both Republican and Democrats. I don't agree with a lot of the pardons WJC issued, in fact I opposed them at the time. My point is, that a lot of the right are responding to the lefts complaints about Libby's pardon, by bringing up Clintons record. Well, I thought, if that is where the argument is. let's take a look at the Republican parties hero, Ronald Reagan, who granted 19% of all pardon petitions to WJC's 1%. The issue today is that what Bush did, while probably legal, was wrong. He has established that officials of the executive branch (or is the VP's office in the legislative?) can lie under oath to a grand jury, the FBI, commit perjury in an investigation concerning national security and face very little real consequence for that. That is wrong, from whichever side of the spectrum you are on.
"Did Clinton spend any time in prison for lying to the grand jury?"
No, because he was not convicted of that crime.
Apologists of Bush are treasonous morons of the highest caliber, who are neither conservative or competent .
Keep shooting barbs at the messenger, keep ignoring the obvious truths. Because your opinions hold more weight than the facts, at least in your own feeble minds.
Pathetic traitors to everything that is American....
'Clinton did this and Clinton did that' so this proves Mr. Bush is a saint. Get a grip man.... it's 2007 and Clinton hasn't been president for over 7 years. You guys are embarrassing yourselves, I feel my IQ dropping when I read these posts. Please present real substance when defending Bush's actions and policies.
Oh....and before any of you boot licking douche bag fake conservatives get all fired up about my post read this.
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."
-- Theodore Roosevelt
Pathetic traitors to everything that is American....
July 05, 2007 4:59 PM
Only ant societies do not have heretics. Without the questions concerning power, religion and morals we would be but ants. Blindly serving, unfeeling, unprogressive.
Someone help me with the exact quote; 'the last vestige of a coward is patriotism'. I think I'm a bit off on that but you get the drift....
Patriots can kiss my ass. You blind thoughtless hunks of flotsom.
I cried today over a story about the mom of a dead soldier still sending CARE packages to the soldiers. I did reprehensible things in the name of the USA and the USMC. I would never consider myself a patriot. I did it because I had educated myself as much as I could and took a stance. Of course I didn't have all of the facts, but I didn't wrap my ass in a flag to hide.
Patriots are cossacks. Stupid, blind uneducatable.
Wave that flag you turd. I wish I believed in a god so that every wave in the wind would be a lash against you.
And which American way are you speaking of; smallpox blankets to Indians?, Women can't vote, prohibition, killing Black men for whistling at a white woman, McCarthy, That assole Kennedy stealing an election, dying and leaving LBJ to have to sign off on all the ridiculous crap that JFK spouted?
You tell me which part is American other than our progression away from this sort of crap, the same sort of crap that we're going through now. The only American ideal is to right a wrong even at great expense. You're wrong, let's use great expenditure to make sure you have to read before writing, speaking, and god help us all, breeding. Not that you shouldn't breed, you just shouldn't be able to subject something as maleable as a child to your froth.
To all you Bush lovers stick a fork in this! Lewis "Scooter" Libby was Marc Rich's attorney. Look it up!
This is such a dis conjoined thought, that I am having serious issues with comprehending the meaning. At first I think that you support what I am saying then at the end you don't, there is no definable line of logic in your thought process to follow. It look like a chemical imbalance running rampant, so I can't really answer this diatribe of nonsense.
However, I can ask you one question...if I give a monkey a flag and he waves it....does that make him patriotic?
This is what I am referring to since I am quoted in this incoherent blathering that jumps the tracks half way...
Only ant societies do not have heretics. Without the questions concerning power, religion and morals we would be but ants. Blindly serving, unfeeling, unprogressive.
Someone help me with the exact quote; 'the last vestige of a coward is patriotism'. I think I'm a bit off on that but you get the drift....
Patriots can kiss my ass. You blind thoughtless hunks of flotsom.
I cried today over a story about the mom of a dead soldier still sending CARE packages to the soldiers. I did reprehensible things in the name of the USA and the USMC. I would never consider myself a patriot. I did it because I had educated myself as much as I could and took a stance. Of course I didn't have all of the facts, but I didn't wrap my ass in a flag to hide.
Patriots are cossacks. Stupid, blind uneducatable.
Wave that flag you turd. I wish I believed in a god so that every wave in the wind would be a lash against you.
And which American way are you speaking of; smallpox blankets to Indians?, Women can't vote, prohibition, killing Black men for whistling at a white woman, McCarthy, That assole Kennedy stealing an election, dying and leaving LBJ to have to sign off on all the ridiculous crap that JFK spouted?
You tell me which part is American other than our progression away from this sort of crap, the same sort of crap that we're going through now. The only American ideal is to right a wrong even at great expense. You're wrong, let's use great expenditure to make sure you have to read before writing, speaking, and god help us all, breeding. Not that you shouldn't breed, you just shouldn't be able to subject something as maleable as a child to your froth.
yeah, I did jump the track on that one. I'm on your side on this. The blithering screw you were answering made me very angry. The quote I took from you actually fit him more than you, and I was typing instead of rereading. Your patent patriotism comment was as off base as his, but I knew what you meant by it.
I'll never figure out what Bush supporters mean. Oddly, I've never met one in person. Are they lying in the anonomity here, or are too cowardly to try the defense of that boob when looking you in the eye?
So yes, the monkey would be just as patriotic as the flag waiving moron who unthinkingly wraps himself in patriotism. Patriot and monkey put the same amount of forethought into the action.
Think of them as a great and mighty pair. Monkeys will always ape actions, patriots will always parrot words.
Sorry for the confusion.
All good, and I believe we are on the same page. My family has fought in every war this nation has participated in, and I do believe in the American ideals. However, I do not believe in the this new perverted and corrupt greed driven Pepsi generation America. I believe in the founding fathers ideals, and the ability to be free and live and be happy, somewhere along the line this got screwed up and subverted. I liken this to the message in Christianity or hell almost any religion, they changed the message to suit themselves and make money off the masses.
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