Doing a heckava job Greenspan
Doing a heckava job Bernanke
Doing a heckava job Dodd
Doing a heckava job Bush
What a clusterf*ck
Monkeys I tell ya. Monkeys.
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
Doing a heckava job Greenspan
Doing a heckava job Bernanke
Doing a heckava job Dodd
Doing a heckava job Bush
What a clusterf*ck
Monkeys I tell ya. Monkeys.
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Labels: we're run by monkeys
Yes monkeys. We're All a bunch of idiot monkeys.
That's why we need to limit our power. We don't know what the F*ck we're doing!
Or we could vote Queen Hillary into office. She knows what she's doing...
There seems to be a fine line between letting people play like adults and make their own mistakes and having the government regulate what can and can’t be done (in the name of profits, of course). I have no sympathy for the morons who somehow believed they could make mortgage payments totaling twice their gross income, but have to wonder just a bit if perhaps the government did the proper thing in staying out of the way. Sure a lot of companies are turning turtle, but that is what is supposed to happen in a free market system when corporations make exceedingly bad business decisions – the active cheerleading by the Fed and MSM will just amplify the impact a bit.
I’m thinking a Wile E. Coyote–like rocket-assisted convergence with the ground.
love the last half of that vid!
"What a clusterf*ck"
Sums everything up
it's amazing how these politicians can deadpan w/o flinching even though they're aware of M3 and fiat money,... he's one slick m*th*rf*ck*r.
to him: look in the mirror buddy to find out who dropped the ball!
At least monkeys are innocent.
These are con-men and modern day pirates who manipulate economies into cycles of boom/bust so they and their cronies can buy low and sell high....and to hell with everyone else.
Believe it sheeple!!!
You missed the lack of oversight of the CDO market Keith. That's where the risk was offloaded to associated with NINJA loans. No regulation produced a runaway credit expansion just like the '20s.
How come I am as naive as they come, with minimal education, but I could see the hand writting on the wall long ago!
My checkbook is never off by a penny........but if it is , I find it!
These are the so-called professionals in charge?
I do enjoy seeing Greenspan taking one on the chin though.
I still think Greenspans exit timing was interesting, based on what is happening now!
My mentor Rush limbaugh says the same things except for that last one about monkeys.That's a joke right?
They are your government,not mine.
Government of the people....... ass!
Just think ,alot of those homes without signs are for sale too,and the ones that aren't, are empty.The little craphole of a town near me is fun to drive thru ,and count empty homes,with dead lawns,no lawns ,dead palms,and weeds 8ft tall.Even funnier is the trolls moving there mini Billboards 12 miles outside the city limit just to get someone to realize there is an actual town out there.People move there,then are struck by the pergatory like ambiance,dust storms,really bad roads,gangs(low income),no college,dead end,meth lab busts etc.
God I cannot wait to get somebody with a brain in at the top.
Ron Paul and the Constitution cannot possibly be worse than what we've had the past couple decades.
And they may even be a whole hell of a lot better!
The Dems, the Repubs and the Fed all make me sick
Lets strangle government in a bathtub. Then we can have Halliburton/Bechtel take over running this country on a renewable 4 year no bid contract.
ahhhh gotta love politicians. enact stupid policies and laws. watch said policies and laws implode while doing nothing. rampant finger pointing and committee formation to investigate why this happened. now comes your part dear taxpayer, put on your speedo cause hears comes the hosing!
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