An instant classic... Four stars!
Foreclosures, Casey Serin, Crisp & Cole, Arizona desperate homedebtor arson,, Donald Trump, this one has it all... and with a very 1929 feel...
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
An instant classic... Four stars!
Foreclosures, Casey Serin, Crisp & Cole, Arizona desperate homedebtor arson,, Donald Trump, this one has it all... and with a very 1929 feel...
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Labels: housing bubble, housing crash, youtube video
OMG what we have is a Subprime Chernobyl!
I like the Huge Cadillac Escalade and the credit card. Poor Casey Serin, it's not all good now that's for sure.
Keep it up Keith. Love your site.
I like the Huge Cadillac Escalade and the credit card. Poor Casey Serin, it's not all good now that's for sure.
Keep it up Keith. Love your site.
Funny but sad video - the small fry get screwed again, while the Angelo Mozillo's of the world cash out, take the money and run. . .Wall Street seems to be doing a pretty good job of papering over this mess. . .we will see how long they can do it.
that cramer video was so sweet and delicious though! suzanne will now have to team up with the "personal power" guru, tony robbins, to overcome cramer's "negative thinking."
"Poor Casey Serin"
ummm, Casey will succede, I think. he has some good skills-- for sure, and he'll hit it big if he directs his energy into a wining strategy.
While Casey might have the potential to succeed, I feel that his fate will turn out negative. He will either put (leveraged) money into a bad investment or he will miss the correct timing. The "sweet deals" will seem good for a short period of time and then crumble, but he will find a way to spin it as "it's all good."
One of his later blogs regarding excitement for cold fusion battery "thingie" made him lose credibility for me. He will continue to fall into many traps. Not to say he won't have his up ticks, but the trend is a spiral down for him.
Film creation was funded by the NAR...I believe.
One of his later blogs regarding excitement for cold fusion battery "thingie" made him lose credibility for me.
but look how much do David Lereah and Jim Cramer make?
The last picture - of the women holding her head down in utter grief - will be an all too common sceanario for milliions across this country as we head into 2008.
Right on.
Wall-Street will be able to keep the game going for awhile, but as foreclosures increase, and jobs are lost, the losses here too will begin to rise - it's just logical.
Mark in San Diego said...
Funny but sad video - the small fry get screwed again, while the Angelo Mozillo's of the world cash out, take the money and run. . .Wall Street seems to be doing a pretty good job of papering over this mess. . .we will see how long they can do it.
Hahaha...great video and song. The author forgot to cover the brainwashed zombies flocking into Wal-Mart to get more drugs and crap from China at the detriment of their own jobs...the only thing missing from the video!
You mean the guy that used to spend all his time shopping at Walmart and now WORKS there?!
That's over at jib-jab. I think they call it "Big Box Store". You'll wet'em.
Lou Minatti has done such a great job exposing the bubble. Good on him! I just rented "Zodiac" and while I'm not in a place to slam the chronology or credibility of the reporters and detectives, this much I know.
I don't want to be defined by the bubble (as their lives and careers became defined by "The Zodiac"). It's no place I want to be. Me? I'll keep it on "The Sunny Side of Life"! Thanks Lou!
Thanks for the comments! Very cool that it got picked up here.
Awesome video. good find! Caddys and implants...
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