What was life like before the housing bubble and Iraq debacle? I forget. But it must have been a simpler time...
July 15, 2007
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
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People lived in homes and we were running a budget surplus
The public is going to be PISSED they were pumped and dumped out of their savings by a government that looked the other way during a an artificial credit boom. Just wait until seniors, too old to return to productive work, find out their retirements were invested in 'sound cdo products' and that the values of their homes come crashing down. They'll be so ticked they'll make the color world black and white again. Mayberry on crack!
Nothing a little S&M can't fix. Or a home grow house operation...
OBL message today and al-Zawahri's three-warning video last week
Could be an interesting week
It's not pre-Iraq or pre-Bubble, it's pre-9/11
osama won
were are ruined 4 years by what they did to us. the history books will show this, the real damage was self inflicted of course by opportunists.
Yeah, Lucasfilm and Dreamworks do a great job of putting OBL and his sidekick together whenever W gets in a bind!!
Have most Americans detected this "pattern recognition" yet?
Even Arabs will tell you that the OBL scripts are 'suspect': he uses terms and expressions that are not heard in common Mideast dialects!
Irrational exuberance, .com bubble, budget surpluses, impeachment over hankey-pankey, Newt Gingrich, Hillary haters, and $1/gal gasoline. Some things change but some don’t.
I want to know how Wally got his hair to do that double bun on top?
Materialism, consumerism, greed, elitism and on and on. We have lost our way. People have forgotten that happiness is a state of mind and not an objective far off into the future when they to can be "RICH".
I subscibe to all the financial periodicals, and Fortune and Money both recently had covers that dealt with being "RICH", as if you couldn't possibly be happy without being "RICH".
Sad really!
Before 2001...let's see...an administration that did zilch, nada, zero to fight islamofascism and what else....hmmmm or yea I remember a .com bubble.
We were going thru the wonderful dotcom ponzi scheme courtesy of Sleazy Willy, the best used car salesman to every become president
One of the earliest reality TV shows was set on a Pacific island, where the contestants got to vote each other off each week. Probably 5 or 6 years ago.
Their supplies were delivered by boat from the mainland every few days.
One day the boat was coming to shore, and one of the bikini-clad contestants ran down to waterline, crying, "How's the stock market doin'?"
For me, that was the day the US broke it's last link with reason.
Gee Wally..........
RE: "What was life like before the housing bubble and Iraq debacle? I forget. But it must have been a simpler time..."
Oh, to return to those happy, carefree Cold War days!
The family's sole breadwinner, Ward Cleaver, could afford a beautiful, two-story house in the San Fernando Valley on his salary alone. There was always a brand new Plymouth in the garage. Mr. Cleaver's lovely wife June could stay home all day doing housework while wearing a cocktail dress and high heels. And, this style-wise mother was never without her pearl necklace and earrings, even when she was vacuuming the drapes.
Of course Wally and Theodore were always involved in some kind of harmless mischief. Yet, even in this ideal world, June Cleaver did have occasional problems with her husband: "Ward, don't you think you were a little hard on the beaver last night?"
Still, with no illegal drugs, no wars to fight, no runaway inflation and no premarital sex, life was wonderful.
>> People have forgotten that happiness is a state of mind and not an objective far off into the future when they to can be "RICH".
That's what I tell my poor friends so that they don't kick my ass (I'm rich). It works, and has worked for thousands of years. Keep believing it - there will be more for me...
I actually grew up in a town very much like Mayberry, with red brick streets and a town square with Sunday band concerts.
4th of July was a childhood fantasy!
That was 48 yrs ago, how I yearn for the gold ol days
"I want to know how Wally got his hair to do that double bun on top?"
That's not his hair, that's the shape of his skull. He got hit with a baseball bat when he was nine months old.
Things weren't always nice in those days.
Face it keef, this country hasn't been the same since the 1950's. That's when fascism took over. It didn't happen in 2001 or whenever the kooks think it did.
Fascism is control by a corporate/government ruling class. It is what happened in Red China, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, USSR, Cuba etc. Fascism happenes when the extreme right or left takes over a country. The people lose power and are ruled by an elite ruling class. It happened in Europe with the EU.
Women knew their place and were under control back then.
Well educated, but women stayed at home, had at least 3-4 kids, raised their own children, supported their husbands, did serious community work, and made the best they could on one salary.
God bless my mother, a real women who did just that, like most of the others in her generation.
Today, U.S. females are out of control (e.g. Paris, Lohan, etc. etc.) that are narcistic, self absorbed, shrink / therapy junkies. They are drunks and drug addicts, power obesessed with their pointy party shoes and own careers, they warehouse their own children in day care for other females (less wealthyones ) to raise, are materialistic social climbers always trying to out do the Jones next door, who consider husbands inconvient long dates that need to be jettisoned and think of unwanted babies as mere medicate waste and are just one abortion away as a their own 'final solution'.
And we wonder where this culture went wrong.
Hmmm, I remember, it was the dot com bubble where people lost their whole retirement savings (not that their 401ks were really worth that much).
I knew the dot com had peaked when I saw an evening news report about some "successful" dot com. they showed the mail clerk delivery the mail while riding a tricycle and wearing a beanie cap.
"impeachment over hankey-pankey"
Geez, moron, it was not strictly about the hankey pankey. It was about the lying, dumb-ass.
Secondary was the "hankey pankey" with a low level subordinate that would get any private sector high level manager fired without a chance to explain.
>> People have forgotten that happiness is a state of mind and not an objective far off into the future when they to can be "RICH".
first rule about being rich is to never let the other know that they will never be able to make it. you are blowing it dude.
That's what I tell my poor friends so that they don't kick my ass (I'm rich). It works, and has worked for thousands of years. Keep believing it - there will be more for me...
Beyond food, shelter, clothing, and some basic creature comforts extreme wealth is often about ego. As the above demonstrates. You feel superior to other people. People LOVE that feeling. Feeling you are better than the other person. Whether it be in smarts, athletic ability, beauty, money, whatever... More addictive than crack cocaine.
I'm referring to showy wealth. Conspicuous Consumption as it was called in the Gilded Age. Not referring to private, concealed wealth (e.g., ton of gold in Zurich). Latter is driven more by a sense of security.
My own personal experience is that whatever financial goal I have hit it felt good upon reaching it, but then I soon became dissatisfied. Wanted more. Insatiable. When I had nothing I thought $10,000 would make me happy. When I reached that felt good. Then I got bored. Thought now $100,000 would make me happy. Made that, felt good, then got bored again. After that I am sure that $1,000,000 will definitely make me happy. Bah! It will NEVER BE ENOUGH. I will always want 10 times more money than what I have. You think I am making this up. Look at any wealthy person. They NEVER have enough money or homes or cars or boats or planes or whatever...
The image of a rat on a hamster wheel chasing its tail its WHOLE LIFE comes to mind.
"When I had nothing I thought $10,000 would make me happy. When I reached that felt good. Then I got bored. Thought now $100,000 would make me happy. Made that, felt good, then got bored again. After that I am sure that $1,000,000 will definitely make me happy. Bah! It will NEVER BE ENOUGH."
Speak for yourself.
My first $10K was a sense of relief. Ok, I had an emergency fund in place.
My cross over into $100K land signaled the fact that if I had to change careers that there was enough to hold me over for some time.
Now, I'm working on that final goal and I know that once I have that then I wouldn't need to work for anyone else and can live off my investments (i.e. swing trading, not buy 'n hold) while pursuing my hobbies and interests unencumbered.
Sorry folks, but I love what money can get me!
:I love what money can get me!
Finally, someone who's embraced the truth. Money can (buy or enhance) happiness if you know where to look.
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