* Invade our country by the millions, jump the line, game the system, ruin our cities, and flagrantly break our laws - check
* Wave Mexican flags and "this is our land - not yours" signs at illegal immigration rallies - check
* Steal jobs from working Americans - check
* Don't pay taxes - check
* Plant anchor babies - check
* Create severe burden on American taxpayers - check
* Enable the housing bubble - check
* Demand Spanish language option and don't assimilate - check
* Boo Miss USA at Miss Universe pageant - check
None of the other stuff matters to Americans until you get to that last line. But the booing last night in Mexico for poor Miss USA just shows how much Mexicans hate us, even as they steal across our border and break our laws.
That's it though - their sense of timing couldn't be better. Watch for a lot of new additions to the "deport all the illegals and close the borders" cause. Break our laws, sure, but don't disrespect our girls. Them's fighting words. And immigration reform is doomed. Nice work Mexicans.
Miss USA Rachel Smith was booed and heckled by an audience in Mexico at last night's Miss universe competition. The reason given for her treatment is that the audience in the third world country is unhappy with American immigration policies.
No - I'm not kidding. The people in attendance actually slammed a beauty contestant because they want to be able to use American services and cash American checks without any restrictions.
May 29, 2007
Is booing Miss USA the last straw for Mexicans?
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Being ignorant about the contributions of immigrants from latin america - check.
They put much more into our economy then they take out. Man, you're losing credibility here fast.
La Cucaracha
La cucaracha, la cucaracha,
Ya no puede caminar;
Porque no tiene, porque le falta
Marijuana que fumar.
Ya murio la cucaracha,
Ya la llevan a enterrar,
Entre cuatro zopilotes
Y un raton de sacristan.
Con las barbas de Carranza,
Voy a hacer una toquilla,
Pa' ponersela al sombrero
De su padre Pancho Villa.
Un panadero fue a misa,
No encontrando que rezar,
Le pidio a la Virgen pura,
Marijuana pa' fumar.
Una cosa me da risa:
Pancho Villa sin camisa;
Ya se van los carrancistas
Porque vienen los villistas.
Para sarapes, Saltillo;
Chihuahua para soldados;
Para mujeres, Jalisco;
Para amar, toditos lados
Keith, what foreign country would a US citizen not risk getting booed in right now?
I thought you hated illegal immigrants no matter what country they were from. I thought it was just that they were "illegal", you know, kind of like how Casey Serin is an "illegal" homeowner.
Yet, from this post, it sure seems that you just downright hate Mexicans. Glad to see you are starting to just let out your prejudice, it's much better than trying to cloak it. Keep going, start calling for war with Mexico. Come on, don't stop with just this, you wanker.
There, now do you hate me, too? Call for my head, damn it! Be consistent!
For the twenty years since I grew up in South Texas, I've been giving this issue serious consideration, and I have come to a conclusion.
I don't want the illegal aliens to go back to Mexico. I just want Mexico.
I want all of the oil and the beach front property to belong to the United States. We are going to be paying to support one third of the mexican elderly anyway, so we deserve something in return...like the Yucatan peninsula for instance!
Everyone worldwide says we are an imperialist nation, it's time we started acting like it. It's time to move the border southward and send the Las Vegas and San Diego city planners down there to start the rebuilding of that country. Starting with the plumbing.
We'll probably have to buy off the corrupt government officials and give them cushy jobs, but American's know how to develop real estate. Then, of course we'll have to start taking a good look at Hugo Chavez. I hate being called an evil imperialist American and not getting any free land out of the deal.
You need to add a few VERY important lines to the title..
*Murder more Americans each and every year than were killed on 9/11.. check
*Rape tens of thousands of underaged American children.. check
they booed the US soccer team in los angeles and nobody cared, well mayve people cared but politicans sure as hell didn't/don't and that's what matters
Anne Coulter has figured out the illegal immigration issue ( http://tinyurl.com/cunsn ) and why so many liberals seem to favor uncontrolled borders. The illegals are just a 20th Century version of the slavery abandoned after the Civil War. Instead of owning the slaves outright, liberals like the idea of making them an invisible caste and sharing them so they won't feel any guilt or shame.
You may love Ann Coulteror hate her (him?), but damn if she hasn't nailed this one to the wall.
As a Canadian, it's been most interesting to watch the situation down there set itself up and now play itself out in exactly the way that everyone knew it would.
We have had a somewhat similar situation with Quebec separatists in that there are a minority of people who live within the country and at the same time have thinly veiled contempt for it. This contempt bubbles to the surface, often in unexpected ways.
The government's inability to deal with the situation decade after decade boggles the mind.
You guys are in for a rough ride...
Much like the housing bubble situation, all you can do is try to protect yourself and otherwise stand back and watch it happen.
Being ignorant about the contributions of immigrants from latin america - check.
They put much more into our economy then they take out. Man, you're losing credibility here fast.
If they are so beneficial, then why is America so concerned about the rates of native born high school dropouts?
Well, at least you get to hear what ordinary people think. It's as good as watching a stick insect collapse on her arse. And definitely better than the fluffiness of the MSM.
Right on, Keith.
These bean-eating losers need to be booted out of this country NOW.
The midgets chant "Osama" when our soccer team visits Mexico and now this.
I am f*cking sick of it.
Legal "immigrants from latin america" are fine.
Foreign nationals illegally entering/invading a country, working in the country illegally, illegally utilizing public services (roads, buses, health care, education), etc., etc. is wrong.
Anyone in the USA illegally should be deported immediately. Anyone providing housing to a foreign national in the country without permission should be incarcerated. Anyone knowingly hiring illegal foreign nationals should be jailed.
Instead we pay to send poor Americans to jail or give them welfare and we pay pennies to criminal foreign nationals.
The face that launched a thousand ships...
i just threw up a little in my mouth. i hope this wakes up middle america though, the illegals arent there (yet) and they watch this crap.
Miss USA fell on her ass during the evening gown competition. Seemed a fitting metaphor for the U.S. these days, with the gun-boat diplomacy of Bush making friends around the globe...
"Being ignorant about the contributions of immigrants from latin america - check."
You are being ignorant of the fact that the baby boom happened in Mexico, too, and these "illegal" immigrants all grow old and need government assistance - check.
Ignoring the fact that only the young and honest illegal aliens contribute to our economy - check.
Or do you believe that when they grow old they'll just go back to Mexico to be needy?
The video in question does demonstrate that our porous borders and lax execution of the immigration laws has resulted in USA commanding no respect in Mexico. His credibility is in tact.
"They put much more into our economy then they take out."
Please provide credible statistics for your claim. Sorry you can't. My grandmother came to the US from Aguascaliente and she ASSIMILATED. Many coming from Mexico now are just looking for a better life but there are alot of scum coming now as well.
Yes, if the Canadians were breaking into our country, ignoring our laws and booing our Miss USA, I'd take issue with the Canadians too
"Anne Coulter has figured out the illegal immigration issue"
No she hasn't. She's just found a way to distract rank-and-file conservatives from the fact that businesses hire illegal immigrants by blaming it on liberals.
Miss USA taking a fall is the ultimate in irony.
— Many here south of the border reveled in her disastrous evening: First Miss USA Rachel Smith slipped and fell on her bottom during the Miss Universe evening gown competition. Then she was booed by hundreds in the Mexican audience.
The treatment of the Tennessee beauty queen was nothing personal. It had more to do with Mexico's sometimes tense relationship with its powerful northern neighbor.
U.S. athletes have sparked a similar response. In 2005, when the U.S. played Mexico during a World Cup soccer qualifier, the crowd booed the U.S. national anthem and a smattering of fans chanted "Osama! Osama!" during the game.
"the crowd booed the U.S. national anthem and a smattering of fans chanted "Osama! Osama!" during the game."
Instead of killing Iraqis - who had nothing to do with 9/11 - we should be killing Mexicans.
i have to say, this is the last straw for me.
these mexicans are lucky i'm not president, because i'd have artillery on the border firing on them..
F iraq... invade mexico.
put the troops on the rio grande and machine gun turretts every 1/2mile.
i've had it.
Can you picture Americans booing another country's Miss uSA candidate?
GLYNCO, Ga. - President Bush attacked opponents of an immigration deal Tuesday, suggesting they "don't want to do what's right for America."
"The fundamental question is, will elected officials have the courage necessary to put a comprehensive immigration plan in place," Bush said against a backdrop of a huge American flag.
He described his proposal — which has been agreed to by a bipartisan group of senators — as one that "makes it more likely we can enforce our border — and at the same time uphold the great immigrant tradition of the United States of America."
I was getting some lunch. The mexican ladies making the sandwich seemed a little pissed today about something. Hmm, I don't watch t.v. I thought. Wonder what could of happened?
Now I know why! Its miss USA!
As usual, wrong way GW is tooting his horn to do the completely wrong thing. Great timing!
Anonymous said...
"Anne Coulter has figured out the illegal immigration issue"
No she hasn't. She's just found a way to distract rank-and-file conservatives from the fact that businesses hire illegal immigrants by blaming it on liberals.
Yeah that's right, Bevery Hills, Santa Barbara, Malibu et al are populated by conservatives that hire illegal nannies, maids and gardners?
Sure blame the amnesty bill on Bush even though it was written by Ted Kennedy.
You liberals make no sense.
it simply boggles the mind that not more americans are taking notice and demanding enforcement of immigration laws.
I'm finding it hard to believe that rank and file people attending a freaking beauty contest in Mexico are all that concerned with middle east politics?
Some may find this a "perfect metaphor" but I seriously doubt the jeering had anything to do with the war. Since we're basically a world AT war, why weren't any of the other contestants boo'd?
"Keep going, start calling for war with Mexico."
Any and all biases or prejudices aside, that wouldn't be much of a war.
People are demanding, politicans aren't listening to the demands,
I am convinced that if each of the 50 states had a referndum on this bill each of the 50 would say no and in some cases by 80%+. Yet this bill will pass with 65 or so votes, reporesenting every state, or at least close to every state.
And come election time in 2008, 2010 and 2012 these same senators will for the most part be re-elected since voters have the memory of a gnat.
yeah this has nothing to do with Iraq and everything to do with immigration and a general hatred of the US by mexicans for us "stealing" their land and daring to at least try to enforce some immigration laws. This was true long before anyone heard of George W. Bush. If you idiots think the booing had anything to do with Iraq you're fooling yourselves.
RE Coulter "She's just found a way to distract rank-and-file conservatives from the fact that businesses hire illegal immigrants by blaming it on liberals."
Are you implying that only businesses owned and controlled by conservatives hire illegals? That's pure BS and you know it. The Barbara Streisands and Tim Robbins' in Hollywood all have their maids, gardeners, and pool boys, and these illegals are no different than the ones who work off the books for builders or use fake papers to toil away in a Tyson chicken plant or a Hormel slaughter house.
Our modern-day "slaves" are just as important to likes of Ted Kennedy as GWB, and that's why neither one wants to really try to stop the flow. In private libs all joke and laugh about the cheap Mexican labor and then when it suits their purposes they try to claim some "solidarity" with the oppressed and propose drivers licenses or health care, or any of the other welfare state bennies libs don't have to pay for directly.
At least the slave holders of the 19th century had the decency to accept responsibility for their chattel!
Who's at fault? The people that hire these people 'off the books' or the actual workers who send the money south tax free! I'd say there is s problem with the current system. I'm a 1st generation American ... Dad is from Europe,he learned english, he went to school here, he went to war here: fought in WW2 (D-day yikes!). WE CAN DO BETTER, WE HAVE TO - WE OWE IT TO THOSE WHO WNET BEFORE! We have laws for this stuff let's all follow them - including our Mexican friends.
>> Man, you're losing credibility here fast.
That's just your worthless opinion.
"Can you picture Americans booing another country's Miss uSA candidate?"
I don't know. Do other countries HAVE Miss uSA candidates?
HEY! Don't any of you liberal guys dare mock Ann Coulter - she's more man that you'll EVER be!
Anon 7:46,
Well said. It's high time we implement the Honica Jewinski 3 three step plan to a safer America.
1. Deport all criminal mexican invaders and any children they may have had. (including those that were granted amnesty from the treasonous politicians of the past)
2. Land mine the entire mexican/American border. (This will be not only cheaper, but much more effective than any fence, and yes, there will be signs)
3. Write new legislation making it easier and incentive laden for white Europeans to come to the States.
These criminal mestizo invaders have gotta go right?
Deport them, problem solved.
The border needs to be secure because of all those evil arab "terrorists" right?
Land mine the somebitch, problem solved.
We need more people here in the states to work jobs and add to the economy though, right?
Sure, so why don't we make it more appealing to the folks that will assimilate, follow the laws, not rape and murder in disproportionate #s ect, problem solved.
There are no holes in this plan. Simple and effective. Probably not to popular with the jews, but sound none the less
raynla said...
Miss USA taking a fall is the ultimate in irony.
May 29, 2007 7:35 PM
raynla said...
Miss USA taking a fall is the ultimate in irony.
May 29, 2007 7:35 PM
My concern is the fact that no one has noticed that Lady Liberty has taken a greater fall these last few years!! In addition to the fact that she has fallen!!
Anon 8:12,
No, most of the blood-lusting jews in israel hate Americans as well (as well as most jews in general). They call us filthy American goyim behind our backs.
How exactly would we go to war with Mexico, considering the amount of soldiers in our armed forces who have Mexican heritage? That would be an interesting idea , to say the least.
I also love how the same people who posted on blogs supporting the Iraq war (or in Keith's case, a hope for a war with Iran or Mexico) would never join the armed forces and fight for their country, yet they also then turn around and despise Mexicans, many of whom have joined our armed forces to fight for their country.
Take a look at the last names of soldiers killed in action sometime, then think about that next time you spew some hateful anti-mexican or anti-immigrant rehtoric, you a-hole.
I don't want the illegal aliens to go back to Mexico. I just want Mexico.
Ron Paul talked about the North American Union, it's coming!
If you go to wikipedia, I think they even have a flag already, blue with three white stars.
"Yes, if the Canadians were breaking into our country, ignoring our laws and booing our Miss USA, I'd take issue with the Canadians too"
- Keith
So, why don't you ever link to stuff along the lines of this:
Because it doesn't involve booing?
Or because it doesn't involve Mexicans?
You might as well just be honest about it.
Americans would never do this. Yet Americans are supposedly the rude ones.
That miss USA looked like she was from Korea.
Mexico will go the same way as Venezuala. Freedom has a price and unfortunately the Mexican folks just run for the boarder instead of fighting for there freedom. Unless they go home and take care of there own country they will have no home.
Why go to war with Mexico? Seems like we're doing a pretty good job of killing them already....
Spc. Genaro Acosta 26 Fair Oaks, California Killed when his Bradley fighting vehicle hit and detonated two roadside bombs while on patrol in Taji, Iraq, on November 11, 2003
Pfc. Steven Acosta 19 Calexico, California Died from a non-hostile gunshot wound in Baquba, Iraq, on October 26, 2003
Cpl. Andres Aguilar Jr. 21 Victoria, Texas One of six Marines killed when the seven-ton truck they were riding rolled over in a flash flood near Al Asad, Iraq, on April 2, 2006
Cpl. Nicanor Alvarez 22 San Bernardino, California Died from injuries received due to hostile action in Anbar province, Iraq, on August 21, 2004
Cpl. Carlos Arellano 22 Rosemead, California One of two Marines killed when a suicide car bomb detonated during combat operations in Haqlaniya, Iraq, on January 20, 2006
Pfc. James J. Arellano 19 Cheyenne, Wyoming Died of injuries suffered when his patrol encountered enemy forces using roadside bombs and small arms fire in Baghdad, Iraq, on August 17, 2006
Sgt. Roberto Arizola Jr. 31 Laredo, Texas Killed when a roadside bomb detonated near his Humvee in Baghdad, Iraq, on June 8, 2005
Spc. Raymond S. Armijo 22 Phoenix, Arizona One of four soldiers killed when a roadside bomb detonated near their vehicle in Taji, Iraq, on October 2, 2006
Spc. Richard Arriaga 20 Ganado, Texas Killed when his unit was ambushed with small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades in Tikrit, Iraq, on September 18, 2003
Spc. Robert R. Arsiaga 25 Midland, Texas Killed when his unit was attacked with rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire in Baghdad, Iraq, on April 4, 2004
Lance Cpl. Andrew Julian Aviles 18 Tampa, Florida Killed when an Iraqi artillery round struck his amphibious assault vehicle near Baghdad, Iraq, on April 7, 2003
Spc. Luis G. Ayala 21 South Gate, California Died of wounds suffered when a roadside bomb detonated near his unit while on combat patrol in Taji, Iraq, on December 28, 2006
and those are just the A's...
A war with Mexico would be a cake-walk; the grateful Mexican people would welcome us as liberators. The oil revenues would pay for the war and reconstruction.
Our only casualties would be the occasional G.I. slipping on all the flowers thrown at them.
U.S.A.! U.S.A!
Keith said "Yes, if the Canadians were breaking into our country, ignoring our laws and booing our Miss USA, I'd take issue with the Canadians too "
Keith, don't worry about Canadians breaking in to the U.S. I don't think there is much interest in that.
In fact, Canada better start worrying about Americans breaking into their country looking for work and free health care. Pretty soon we'll be booing their hockey team...
It's anti-illegal immigrant rhetoric, actually. The operative word being "illegal". Meaning that "laws" were broken. Inferring that they entered the country "illegally". Intimating that the ones who fought for this country were in fact "legal" - like most of our own "legal" immigrant ancestors - like my grandparents who came from Lithuania.
Enforce the law! No duplicate social security numbers; felony crimes for falsified documentation and we won't have to deport anyone, because the jobs will only be available to "legal" immigrants. If we enforce the law, we stop the bleeding.
If fact, if police departments and local governments started prosecuting business's for federal crimes, Congress could not stop them, because the immigration is already illegal.
Ron Paul's 15 minutes is officially over.
deepcgi, why is it that illegal immigration is the only crime that gets a person's entire persona branded as being "illegal"?
Why aren't thieves branded as "illegal shoppers" then when they are let out of jail, referred to as having been given amnesty?
Where is the outrage at the fact that illegal shoppers are being given early amnesty every day in this country, damn it!!! I have nothing against shoppers, I just want the "illegal" shoppers to be locked up for ever or to be deported!!! They're illegal!!!
Anonymous said...
How exactly would we go to war with Mexico, considering the amount of soldiers in our armed forces who have Mexican heritage? That would be an interesting idea , to say the least.
I also love how the same people who posted on blogs supporting the Iraq war (or in Keith's case, a hope for a war with Iran or Mexico) would never join the armed forces and fight for their country, yet they also then turn around and despise Mexicans, many of whom have joined our armed forces to fight for their country.
Take a look at the last names of soldiers killed in action sometime, then think about that next time you spew some hateful anti-mexican or anti-immigrant rehtoric, you a-hole.
Just because someone has a Mexican sounding last name doesn't make them a Mexican, you door knob.
Just because someone has Mexican heritage does not make them Mexican.
As far as getting soldiers with Mexican heritage to fight for the USA, you give them an order.
Do you really think there are no Iraqi-Americans in the military? There were plenty of German-Americans in the military when we were kicking Hitler's ass.
Didn't we already stomp the shit out of Mexico? Using your logic,why would any people of Mexican heritage sign up to serve in the US Armed Forces? Oh, Yeah. Because they are Americans.
Read a book.
My wife is a genuine green card holding Mexican. Born in Guadalajara, smuggled illegally into the USA when she was 2. All of her brothers and sisters were born here.
Her whole family hates wetbacks,they call them "broncs", they are embarrassed by them. They would be the first in line to sign up to forcefully prevent more Broncs from coming here.
Follow the republican leadership, and pick on the lowest tier of society who cannot even vote -- instead of the rich and powerful, who can really make a differnce -- check.
that's a prelude of the whole country - the good old us of a, falling on her ass - economically.
Anne Coulter has figured out the illegal immigration issue ( http://tinyurl.com/cunsn ) and why so many liberals seem to favor uncontrolled borders. The illegals are just a 20th Century version of the slavery abandoned after the Civil War. Instead of owning the slaves outright, liberals like the idea of making them an invisible caste and sharing them so they won't feel any guilt or shame.
You may love Ann Coulteror hate her (him?), but damn if she hasn't nailed this one to the wall.
Liberals??? You mean the Conservatives Jack Ass!!
The British are represented by the lion, fearless and strong, the Americans represented by the eagle, bold and majestic, the Mexicans, "La Cucaracha" the cockroach, turn on the lights and away they scurry back to the filth from whence they came.
Americans would never do this.
two words: "freedom fries"
150 million women in the USA and that's the best we could put up as Miss USA? Jezuz I could find 10 women hotter than than at the local grocery store. No wonder the beaners booed
deepcgi, why is it that illegal immigration is the only crime that gets a person's entire persona branded as being "illegal"?
Why aren't thieves branded as "illegal shoppers" then when they are let out of jail, referred to as having been given amnesty?
Where is the outrage at the fact that illegal shoppers are being given early amnesty every day in this country, damn it!!! I have nothing against shoppers, I just want the "illegal" shoppers to be locked up for ever or to be deported!!! They're illegal!!!
Dear anonytard,
"Forever" is one word.
Also, the essence of illegal immigration is one's illegal presence in a given country. It's what we call a "status crime".
It's a continuing crime by virtue of a continuing illegal presence.
Shoplifting, on the other hand, is a crime that's committed and then done with. When a shoplifter is set free back into society, he is no longer de facto committing a crime.
Nice try, though. Keep working on your schtick, and you might be a shitty standup comic someday.
Liberals??? You mean the Conservatives Jack Ass!!
May 29, 2007 10:29 PM
You are mentally challenged so I'll be gentle. Liberals are the ones that hire illegals as nannies, pool boys and maids in California you turd. Not many conservatives live in Malibu or Beverly Hills or Santa Barbara you ignorant tool.
"Sure blame the amnesty bill on Bush even though it was written by Ted Kennedy.
You liberals make no sense."
I'm no liberal but you administration apologists, if they're like you, are too ignorant to realize it was co-written by republican John Kyl and promoted by the administration.
How's the view from your own poop chute?
mira, gringos! ju dont get eet! we are ear to stay, dawg! we dont nee no steekin ithde.
we dont nee no steekin driber licen.
we dont nee no steekin notin from ju! dats de way it eez, comprenden?!
dis eez our cuntry jus as much as it eez jurs. we do de stinkin work for ju and look de way ju treet us, jes?
we goin to ta deez cuntry back por los gentes de mexico.
i speet in jur steekin taco o burritos and i peez in jur margarita wen ju comer a la restaurante mexicana pero ju dont no dat, no?
ju steekin pendejos americanos! go back to europa wer ju ca fron!
Ron Paul making headway on Intrade (real time political futures market).
He's at 1.8 (a $1.80 bet will win $100 if RP wins the Repub nom), catching up to Huckabee as the top also-ran.
Giuliani is still 1 @26.2, an easy short.
"Yeah that's right, Bevery Hills, Santa Barbara, Malibu et al are populated by conservatives that hire illegal nannies, maids and gardners?
Any evidence for this, you cretin? Never mind that you ignored all the gardeners, nannies, and maids in rich, conservative Orange County, which is far more populous than the small communities you mention.
Perhaps you failed to read these headlines:
Police: Wal-Mart site raided
About 125 arrested on immigration violations at Pennsylvania construction location.
Immigration agents arrest 100 at poultry plant: Raid in Missouri tied to investigation into ID thefts, false documents
Raid nets illegal immigrants
195 janitorial workers are arrested around the country, including 20 from Orange County.
You are such a tool. You think the gardeners and nannies hired by a few thousand movie stars are the entire problem. But the kitchens of thousands of restaurants, any construction site, and all private janitoral services don't exist to you. No, you don't bother to think about any of that. You are just happy to be a tool and let people like Coulter and Rush tell you what to think while they are peeing down your back.
Oh, look, a Republican presidential candidate:
Illegal immigrants toiled for governor: Guatemalans say firm hired them
Isn't that sweet?
Ok Ok Ok....
Here is the plan folks on how to get the mexicans to go home.
Start a war with Mexico, totally bulldose the place and all the mexicans will go home to rebuild it.
Only one problem.
We still have to pay for it.
DINor said:
Some may find this a "perfect metaphor" but I seriously doubt the jeering had anything to do with the war. Since we're basically a world AT war, why weren't any of the other contestants boo'd?
Good question: why don't you answer it, too?
Anonymous said:
"Keep going, start calling for war with Mexico."
Any and all biases or prejudices aside, that wouldn't be much of a war.
Puleeze: isn't that what the "experts" and pundits claimed about Iraq, where victory would be easy, and we'd be welcomed as 'liberators'?
Five years later, did you learn NOTHING from Iraq? Whoever said Americans have the long-term memory of a gnat were correct....
See, there's more to war than simply bombing and sending in invasion forces to dislodge leaders; there's the significant issue of setting up a puppet government, fighting off insurgents (not all citizens disarm themselves after defeat), getting the invaded country's economy flowing again (yes, having one's country invaded tends to slow the economy, just a tad..), etc.
Please, let's NOT invade Mexico: the U.S. CANNOT afford to continue with this Bush "nation-building" trend (Afghanistan, Iraq, etc).... Hell, at least Clinton/Reagan/Bush Sr. knew you had to get out ASAP (Lebanon, Serbia, Haiti, Grenada, etc), rather than be left holding the bag.
Come to think of it, Bush is the ultimate symbol for a failed real estate flipper! He should be filming episodes for "Flip This Country", rehabbing countries and putting them back on the market after (5) years of riding the bubble down to the bottom! Talk about your bad timing!!
There is a parallel with the housing bubble. "I know a guy who made a bundle flipping houses, so I will too." Turns into the lemming mentality. "I know a guy who went north and is sending home a bundle"...could it be a similar sheeple effect? Long term negative consequences (for all parties in both situations) are ignored for short-term high gain.
Malkin's write-up:
Not the first time this has happened.
Ann Coulter has her/his head so far up her/his bottom... I am surprised that anyone would quote her..... Whenever someone quotes her... it says so much more about themselves that is ever addresses any issue.....If you want credibilty... leave the witch out of the discussion...
Drunk mexicans seem to be doing a good job of eliminating the rest of us!
Drunk Mexicans is redundant!!
Fell on her ass.....sad but somehow appropriate for the USA.
"put the troops on the rio grande and machine gun turretts every 1/2mile.
i've had it"
Now that's a plan that I could put some money behind.
"2. Land mine the entire mexican/American border. (This will be not only cheaper, but much more effective than any fence, and yes, there will be signs)"
As long as the signs are in english. Must have incentive for them to learn.
Oh my...where to begin...I suppose it'd be easier to begin with what's less nuanced about this situation. To do so, I'll just narrate what goes on around my neighborhood nearly every single weekend:
A Latin American family rents the "guest house" they built on their TINY suburban backyard to anyone willing to pay $400+ to throw obnoxious, loud parties that go on until late, and which usually results in trash (beer bottles, food containers) left on neighbors' lawns, etc., and/or loud drunken fights. Did these people have a permit to build this guest house the way they did? Nope--this is info gathered from someone who knows these people more or less well, and thus knows they didn't have a permit to build this monster addition. Now, to say the least, what this family has done and is doing is incredibly annoying, illegal (building codes violations) and embarrasing. Why the later? Because I'm Latin American myself (born and raised in South America) and DO NOT want to be mistaken as one of them. These people are not the only ones who seem to be engaging in this type of practice, from the outrageous "additions" to tiny suburban house without permits, to nuisance parties, to renting rooms to 10+ tenants (yes, daily tenants...this family in question also rents their regular house to a bunch of people). There are others, mostly Hispanic, who do that and more, and make me feel like I need to set myself apart from them.
Now, some of you might think I'm a sell-out, self-hating Hispanic, but I'm not. I'm discriminating when it comes to building friendships to be sure. But I neither hate myself nor all Hispanics for that matter. I just dislike the ones that seem to be uninterested in assimilating and being respectful to their neighbors.
Now, as for the less simple consideration: illegal immigration is by definition relocation in which the newcomer is breaking immigration laws. If we're to take the upholding of laws seriously, then we should punish these trespasses. But guess what? Mexicans are not the only ones who show up illegally here; but they seem to be the main target of xenophonic sentiment and racial/ethnic prejudice. How often do we hear of efforts to rid the country of illegal Europeans and Canadians? (Sorry, Canadians frequenting this site, but some of your countrymen/women DO stay here illegally with little to no consequence for their law breaking activity). They do exist, you know...But they blend in more easily because white American phenotype is very similar/the same to white Europeans' and white Canadian', at least compared to the mestizo phenotype of most Hispanics...
So what to do? Enforce immigration laws equally? Give the illegal immigrants (Mexican or otherwise) a break? Recognize their contribution to this country? Recognize some tendencies that exhacerbate Hispanic immigrants' "otherness"? Recognize that ALL Hispanics share with Americans a common cultural source: A Western cultural, political and philosophical base? What to do...what to do...what to do...? I'm not sure....
One last thing: to use the booing of Miss USA as an excuse to engage in anti-immigrant rhetoric is too theinly veiled, Keith. I like your posts about the housing situation here on your blog and on Bubble Meter, so I'm surprised (and not pleasantly so) to read this post... :(
"They put much more into our economy then they take out. Man, you're losing credibility here fast."
Wrong! Mexicans take $2 in welfare for every $1 they put back into the system. This is a comprehensive study made by unbisased parties.
If Mexicans do so much for the US economy, why don't you guys go back to Mexico and fix your own POS country?
Let it go, the most prominent Mexican figure in the US: Attorney Gerneralissimo Alberto Gonzalez. I rest my case.
Mexicans, Cubans, Russians, and Central Americans are destroying the United States. It's a fact.
That pageant is sooo fixed. The Brazilian and the Venezuelan contestants were much hotter than boring Ms. Japan. Let's see if Donald Trump will bankrupt this event, too.
Forbes is right, Donald Trump never was a billionaire, and the only thing he had was his father's inheritance of $350 million. Now "the billionaire" is trying to make a buck with stupid Anexx courses and steaks. Sure buddy, you're a billionaire.
Americans are hated around the planet. No big surprise here.
I heard that cooks and waiters spit or pee on the food of American tourists around the world. Americans are the most hated people on earth. Nice title.
Why do you guys beleive that there was only Mexicans in the audience. There was people from all over the world in the audience. The US was booed by the entire planet, don't you get it? Even out of space aliens hate the US.
I love reading the rants of paranoid white men. Sorry folks, your time has come and gone. You're old news, nobody gives a fuck what you have to say anymore. Latinos are the future. Every election who is the target? Latinos. That's why even racist assholes like Jon Kyl are realizing that Latinos are the future and you better kiss our ass if you want a chance in hell of re-election in AZ or TX or CA or CO or NV, well you get the picture.
20 years from now your kid will be cutting my kid's lawn and i'll be there with a big smile.
You fucked us over in 1848. We got mad but we are also finally getting even.
Can somebody clarify something?
If illegals are taking jobs from Americans resulting in a net loss to Americans (instead of also providing cheap labor which probably creates jobs from some)...
And unemployment is low...
And there are tens of millions of illegals... (or 15 million....pick your guess)
Wouldnt we be screwed if they all went home and unemployment went to near zero? Wouldnt that create crazy inflation?
I'm not flaming...I just dont understand. If they are taking so many jobs, and there are so many of them. where are all the unemployed?
And how did California just hit a record low for jobless when we've got the most illegals? Shouldnt we all be unemployed because the Mexicans took our jobs?
Bush sold the US cheap to Mexicans, Arabs, and the Chinese.
You guys were geniuses for electing him twice for president.
Now keep on spinning that wheel faster hamsters, to support Mexico, China, Saudi Arabia, Halliburton, and Blackwater, with your taxes. Hey, India wants a piece of your tax money too, and they are coming for it. Bush already traded American nuclear technology for Indian mangoes. Work harder, stupid sheeple.
"And come election time in 2008, 2010 and 2012 these same senators will for the most part be re-elected since voters have the memory of a gnat."
Not really. The new senators and congressman will be all Mexicans and Cubans.
1) WAR, and 2) REVOLUTION.
WAR against the Mexican invaders. They are stealing our country and not only that they hate us. Get them the eff out of our country by any means necessary!
REVOLUTION against our criminal overlords. Revive the guillotine and apply it to the entire Bush family and everybody else running the government, the elites of both parties, the wealthy bankers, and the Council on Foreign Relations.
I've had it!
I, for one, am sick of these monkeys. Here's a big F*CK YOU from America, you 'booing' putahs.
Hee I thought this wegsite was about real estate, not racism. I guess I was wrong.
The people getting rich off of screwing over poor people who are just trying to get by (US Citizens or Mexicans) are NOT Mexicans.
I am of Mexican Heritage, a third generation American citizen and I would be happy to shoot the first Mexican soldier to cross our border with hostile intent. That being said let's get a few things straight.
First, Mexicans, are, in general, the biggest racists you'll ever have the displeasure to meet. Why the hell do we want that bigoted, backward, ignorant, anti-assimilationist culture polluting our nation. We have enough problems.
Second, I've lived in L.A. all my life. In my 47 years I've never seen the city deteriorating as quickly as it has in the last 10. The only contribution I've seen from Mexicans and Central Americans is more gangs, more graffiti, more crowding, more run down neighborhoods, more Latino on Black violence, and not one shred of evidence that they are becoming "American."
Third, we don't need them. That is a myth created from both ends of the political spectrum.
Fourth, it is true that the U.S. government has a history of malevolent interventionism in Latin America. It is also true that there is tremendous hatred of the U.S. around the world. So what's the point?
Fifth, our current administration and congress are traitors plain and simple. They are selling us out for cheap labor and cheap votes. From here on, those that are supporting so called "immigration reform" need to be referred to by those who still care about this nation as "traitors and whores." May they burn in hell.
They chant "Osama" at the US-Mexico soccer matches and boo the US national anthem
"The Barbara Streisands and Tim Robbins' in Hollywood all have their maids, gardeners, and pool boys, and these illegals are no different than the ones who work off the books for builders or use fake papers to toil away in a Tyson chicken plant or a Hormel slaughter house."
You're as stupid as the other guy. How can a few Hollywood actors be responsible for the illegal immigrant problem? Last time I looked California is only 1 of 50 states, and rich Hollywood actors make up only a very small percentage of its population. Have you no sense of scale? Look at a fucking map, why don't you.
"Are you implying that only businesses owned and controlled by conservatives hire illegals? That's pure BS and you know it."
Yet you cite individuals, none of which you actually know has hired illegals. I cite businesses (see previous comment) which actually have hired illegals. And businesses consistently support the more conservative party in the United States.
"In the last election cycle, Wal-Mart gave over 80% of its contributions, amounting to $1.3 million, to the Republican Party. These generous donations may have favored Wal-Mart in the past, but the corporation may now begin rethinking its contribution figures."
Wow, look at that. No wonder that Republicans didn't pass immigration reform despite the fact they had full control of the US government for 4 years. Full control, all three branches, no immigration reform. Go figure. It couldn't be that business run the party for their own interest, could it? It couldn't be that the anti-immgration rhetoric is just a smoke-screen, could it?
"In private libs all joke and laugh about the cheap Mexican labor..."
Any evidence for this? Or are you just projecting onto Democratic leaders what you know Republican leaders are doing? I've never meet anyone who acts as you describe, and I definately avoid conservatives.
Conservative leaders are pissing down your back and calling it rain, dumbass. But yet you blame liberals for everything. Get real.
Anonymous said...
Sure blame the amnesty bill on Bush even though it was written by Ted Kennedy.
You liberals make no sense.
This moron says the same thing every week on your blog ....You liberals make no sense.
In case you haven't figured it out GENIUS, most of the people here are MUCH farther right than your neo-monkey BUSH. Will the last Bush-supporting conversative please turn the lights out. Anonymous, that's you.
new border proposal:
Build two walls from mexico to canada to make a long hallway, kinda like a gutterball in a bowling alley. Fan it out when it gets close to canada. Free passage from mexico to canada with watering spots along the way. Let it be their problem. Just one big appurtenance or easment! Problem Solved.
Third world country gives third world behavior.
How they got a ballroom full of Mexicans to actually take a bath and put on a suit is beyond me.
I bet the competition moves to a civilized country in the next years.
By the way. For all you paranoid white people, you should know something.
Its not that the vast majority of the Mexican immigrants don't want to assimilate and learn english etc. Its that they are too stupid to do so.
Really! And I don't mean that as an insult. I think it's just the truth.
It's funny how every other country bitches about America and how much we're hated!
Until.....there's an Earthquake, Flood, Tsunami, Famine, Hurricane, Hostile takeover, or some other natural disaster.....etc.
Then they come a runnin', lookin for the Big Handout, Aide, Food, Money or Military Protection!
If it wasn't for America and it's dollars (in what ever form) most of you other Assholes would cease to EXIST!
Thank God for America and it's peoples Generosity!!!!!!
These kinds of posts sure bring out the fascists.
If it weren't the Mexicans it would be someone else. American slugs always need enemies and people to loathe.
I'm convinced more every day that Americans are the scourge of the earth.
My wife had our son prematurely one month before my health insurance plan kicked in at work. The bill was $16K, but since we have a mexican (we are not mexican) last name the hispanic ladies at the counter told us a way we can get the state to pay for everything by lying on the paperwork. We said "It's okay we can pay", but they kept insisting they do it all the time and the state never checks.
When it comes to milking the system these immigrants know every trick in the book!
Sounds like a few of you should be coming over for a visit sometime.
Thanks for the good info,
your blog is infested with racism.
I don't know if you are a racist or not but you are attracting a lot of low life scum with your primitive anti-Mexican crap . Are you doing it intentionally to improve your ratings? I am sorry to be that blunt, but I had much more respect for you when I started to read this blog in the fall of 2005.
I don't know why you guys are bashing the lovely Canada. I love that place.
Canada is what the US would be if it had more culture, less red necks, less violence, less Mexicans, cleaner, more educated people, better healthcare system. You can even smoke a joint at cafes in Vancouver...now that's a progressive country!
I give the illegal terrorists invading our country the finger every morning on the corner of Fallbrook and Ventura under the 101 overpass.
About 50 of those low-life illegal non-taxpaying envaders hanging out every morning.
If I lived locally I'd be pissed.
“In Los Angeles, Miguel Saldivar is struggling to find work. ‘There has been no work for two, three weeks,’ Saldivar said as he waited at the corner of Oxnard Street and Van Nuys Boulevard. He said he sends as much as 75 percent of what he earns back to his mother and brother in Mexico.”
your blog is infested with racism.
I don't know if you are a racist or not but you are attracting a lot of low life scum with your primitive anti-Mexican crap "
So anybody who opposes illegal immigration is a racist?
Anonymous said...
I don't know why you guys are bashing the lovely Canada. I love that place.
Canada is what the US would be if it had more culture, less red necks, less violence, less Mexicans, cleaner, more educated people, better healthcare system. You can even smoke a joint at cafes in Vancouver...now that's a progressive country!
May 30, 2007 8:22 AM
and higher taxes, higher unemployment, lower standard of living...yeah Canada is great if you have no ambition and want to live off the government while smoking pot in cafes using your welfare check to buy the stuff.
more culture? haha that's a good one. you've obviously never been to Winnupeg, Saskatoon, or Thunder Bay. Outside of the "progressive" Vancouver, Canada is about as boring as it gets. The old joke used to be that Ottawa and Moscow were the most boring capitals in the world, exceot at least Moscow had better weather. And if you've ever been to Ottawa in January you'd get the joke.
If Canada's so great ask yourself why are there 600,000 Canadians living in the US (out of a 30 million population)?
As for "free" health care, nothing is free you dumbass. It's "free" yet the sales tax is 15%. It's "free" yet gas is an extra $1 a gallon simply due to extra taxes. It's "free" yet the highest marginal tax rate kicks in at $80,000.
Canada is nothing more than a North American version of France. Socialist, stagnant economy with a heavy dose of America hatred. The only thing keeping the economy alive is high oil prices, there is nothing else in the ocuntry in terms of an economy. Anyone with a decent education and skill leaves for the US straight out of college.
I was born and lived there for 25 years before escaping to the US 10 years ago. Stop believing every piece of MSM propaganda you read about the wonderous Canada, it's a bunch of bullshit.
"20 years from now your kid will be cutting my kid's lawn and i'll be there with a big smile."
...And an over-consumptive lifestyle, your kid will be overworked, grandkids spoiled and jaded, and you'll be complaining about how the next wave of immigrants is ruining everything.
Black, Irish, Polish, German, Chinese, Peurto Rican, now Mexican. Same story over and over. (Except everyone else did learn English so we could all communicate).
Let me just say that Mexico and it's citizens can kiss my AMERICAN ass.
Shagging ass across the border like a little jack rabbit isn't immigration. IT'S A FRIGGIN' CRIME!
Illegal immigration has done nothing but hurt America. It's taken it's terrible toll on public services, worker's wages, crime and on and on.
Go home and make your own countries better.
Presidente' Jorge is a disgrace to his office, the Constitution and the rule of law. 6 years after 9/11, and the idiot can't bring himself to close the border. In fact he's teaming up with the swimmer [Teddy] to make sure the American worker gets screwed. Pathetic!
GO RON PAUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to 2 festivals - same festival but 2 different towns near where I live. They were food festivals. Want to know the difference?
The one in the hispanic area had 20 additional boothes for free government services. True story.
Watch "Immigration by the numbers USA" on google video. Folks, we will have to absord about 4 BILLION + poor people before the migration ends. Nope, no, no.
Fact: 2005 GOP House of Reps votes to make being in the country illegally a felony
Fact: 100% of Democrats voted AGAINST this bill
Fact: 2006 Senate votes 65-35 for amnesty. Of that 65, 100% of Democrats (45/45) voted for the bill, only 20/55 Republicans voted for the bill
Fact: The bill from above dies in the House of Reps led by GOP. Amnesty does not pass.
Fact: 2007 new amnesty bill proposed and will pass with flying colors now that Democrats control both houses of Congress.
Nice job American voters.
I'm sure glad to see some of you fellow Americans waking up to the corruption in the D.istrict of C.riminals. It makes no difference if the demoncrats or republisatans are currently in power, they both ignore the will of we the people. Both will make sure that the invasion continues unabated. Both would grant amnesty to the 20,000,000 criminals currently infesting our once great nation.
I'm afraid that if we let these treasonous bastards in D.C. continue on their current path, we'll have no choice other than violent revolution within the next two years.
This topic reminds me of the Twilight Zone where strange things happen on a street and the idiots who live there start pointing fingers at each other suspecting the others of being aliens.
You American fascists flit from group to group predicting that each one are going to bring down your precioius little country. Today it's the immigrants, yesterday it was the Islamics, before that the commies, not to mention the enemies you find internally: lawyers, homos, teachers unions, etc.
Too bad the ruination of your country is you.
Day laborers hit in housing slump
May 30, 2007
Ernesto Perez, a 27-year-old Mexican immigrant, says construction work in New York has become so scarce he's stopped sending money back to his parents in the southwestern state of Guerrero.
"If I don't find work soon, we're moving back home," Perez said last week as he walked away from the corner in Corona, where he and dozens of Hispanic workers hope to get chosen for construction jobs. On this day, Perez gave up after a six-hour wait.
The U.S. housing slump is squeezing Mexican immigrant workers from Los Angeles to New York, where permits for new home construction are down 20 percent this year, according to the Census Bureau. That's reducing the pace of money transfers, the second-biggest source of dollars in Mexico after oil exports, and turning the peso into a laggard among Latin American currencies.
Report from New Hope, PA. Whenever I see someone on a bike, its a Mexican! Why are they up here? I thought they were invading the SouthWest. They are always using Western Union at Giants, and using food stamp cards. I want the INS to green card all of them! I do not like people who do not pay taxes and yet look to get benefits.
Now they have cried to me a thousand times that I go back to my land because "I don't belong here." I would like to remind the Gringo that I didn't cross the border, the border crossed me. America was born free of borders. Man divided it. They painted the line for me to jump over it. And they call ME invader. It's an error well known. They took eight states from us. Who here is the invader? I am a foreigner in my own land. I don't come to start a war, I am a working man. And if history doesn't lie, here sits in glory a powerful nation, among brave fighters, indians of both continents mixed with Spaniards. And if one considers the longer view, we are MORE AMERICAN, WE ARE MORE AMERICAN, WE ARE MORE AMERICAN than the son of the Anglo Saxon. ... A song from Los Tigres Del Norte
Ancient wrongs aren't righted by ignoring or minimizing them. Anglos stole the continent from Indians and we owe them special consideration. For example, my college education was financed by sale of land that my grandfather got "free" from the goverment after Indian families were forcibly driven out. Of the Nez Pierce and Shoshone tribes,who lived there, very few remain today. In Latin America it was the same, except more indians were enslaved in addition to being killed. Now that these people from Mexico, mostly of indian blood, are coming here, trying to escape poverty in Mexico, don't we owe them a special welcome, different than that accorded to people coming from Europe whose ancestors never lived here?
Why shouldn't people with the blood of American Indians be given special border crossing priviledges, since the "border crossed them" as Gringos from Spain and England stole the continent from them?
If, for example, the American Indians had discovered steel swords and guns first and had had horses, ships and better animals to domesticate, would they have conquered and subjugated Europe?
By subjugation,just to be clear, I mean slavery, raping of the native women, denial of any policial rights, overwhelming racial predujuce "The only good Indian is a dead Indian" , special schools to convert European children to indian religions and to make them forget their European culture, language, and the Christian religion...which is exctly what was done to the Indians here and in Latin America.
As Europeans in a country run by Indians, how would we feel if we we were hemmed in to the most undesirable parts of Europe by Visa requirements? Would we say, "Well that's in the past so it means nothing?" Hmmm.
Anonymous said...
Hee I thought this wegsite was about real estate, not racism. I guess I was wrong.
The people getting rich off of screwing over poor people who are just trying to get by (US Citizens or Mexicans) are NOT Mexicans.
May 30, 2007 2:31 AM
No Mexicans are flipping houses in the barrio?
No Mexicans are hiring illegals to mow their lawns?
Have you ever been to Mexifornia?
You think only white people profit from slave labor?
Mexicans are the FIRST to pimp out their own race!
Ever heard of "coyotes"? Who charges $2k for a fake SSN?
White People?
Who packs 10 families into a condo @ $100/head/Mo?
You are a simpleton.
wipe the drool off your chin.
Sorry David, but that white guilt crap doesn't fly here.
Border Patrol Agent said...
your blog is infested with racism.
I don't know if you are a racist or not but you are attracting a lot of low life scum with your primitive anti-Mexican crap . Are you doing it intentionally to improve your ratings? I am sorry to be that blunt, but I had much more respect for you when I started to read this blog in the fall of 2005.
Ahhhhwww, poor baby. Why don't you cry?
We stole the land from Mexicans.
Mexicans stole land from Indians.
Indians stole land from the buffalo.
The buffalo stole land from oh hell I don't know, the dinosaurs.
Go back ar enough and nobody belongs anywhere.
Bitter Renter said...
This topic reminds me of the Twilight Zone where strange things happen on a street and the idiots who live there start pointing fingers at each other suspecting the others of being aliens.
You American fascists flit from group to group predicting that each one are going to bring down your precioius little country. Today it's the immigrants, yesterday it was the Islamics, before that the commies, not to mention the enemies you find internally: lawyers, homos, teachers unions, etc.
Too bad the ruination of your country is you.
And exactly what shithole do you call home dumbass? Anywhere in Europe, and I don't want to hear your bitching. But for us, all you chickenshits would be talking German and practicing the goose step. We saved your sorry asses twice, and yet, you want to look down upon us. Typical Euro trash with no sense of history or our deeds to keep you free. You are a POS!!!!!!!
By Ron Paul:
Immigration ‘Compromise’ Sells
Out Our Sovereignty
May 28, 2007
The much-vaunted Senate “compromise” on immigration is a compromise alright: a compromise of our laws, a compromise of our sovereignty, and a compromise of the Second Amendment. That anyone in Washington believes this is a credible approach to solving our immigration crisis suggests just how out of touch our political elites really are.
The reality is that this bill will grant amnesty to virtually all of the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in the country today. Supporters use very creative language to try and convince us that amnesty is not really amnesty, but when individuals who have entered the United States illegally are granted citizenship – regardless of the fees they are charged – what you have is amnesty.
What is seldom discussed in the immigration debate, unfortunately, is the incentives the US government provides for people to enter the United States illegally. As we know well, when the government subsidizes something we get more of it. The government provides a myriad of federal welfare benefits to those who come to the US illegally, including food stamps and free medical care. Is this a way to discourage people from coming to the US illegally?
Additionally, one of the most absurd incentives for people to come to the US illegally is the promise of instant US citizenship to anyone born on our soil. That is why when Congress returns next week I will be re-introducing my Constitutional amendment to deny automatic citizenship to individuals born on US soil to parents who are not US citizens or who do not owe permanent allegiance to the United States .
There are many other very troubling items buried deep in the Senate’s immigration compromise. The bill explicitly calls for an “acceleration” of the March 2005 agreement between the US president, the president of Mexico , and the prime minister of Canada , known as the “Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America .” This somewhat secretive agreement – a treaty in all but name – aims to erase the borders between the United States , Canada , and Mexico and threatens our sovereignty and national security. The SPP was agreed by the president without the participation of Congress. It should be eliminated, not accelerated!
According to the pro-Second Amendment Gun Owners of America, the legislation also makes it easier to target gun dealers for prosecution. Even gun clubs could find themselves targeted under this immigration reform legislation.
Immigration reform should start with improving our border protection, yet it was reported last week that the federal government has approved the recruitment of 120 of our best trained Border Patrol agents to go to Iraq to train Iraqis how to better defend their borders! This comes at a time when the National Guard troops participating in Operation Jump Start are being removed from border protection duties in Arizona , New Mexico , and Texas and preparing to deploy to Iraq and Afghanistan ! It is an outrage and it will result in our borders being more vulnerable to illegal entry, including by terrorists.
I will continue to oppose any immigration bill that grants amnesty to illegals or undermines our liberty and sovereignty.
@Spectre of Inflation
Whilst we Europeans do thank the brave Americans who fought for us (of which you certainly aren't one) don't be so quick to think your country was oh so noble - you made us pay out the arse for your help. And since we had to spend most of the money back with you again, boosting your industry, you might almost say there was quite a bit of war profiteering going on. Of course, "war profiteer" basically sums up the American Industrial complex just as well today as back then, so i suppose nothing really changes.
"More than 60 years after Allied forces destroyed the Third Reich, Britain will make the final $84 million payment tomorrow on a massive post-war loan from the United States.
As Bloomberg reports, the Truman administration "extended $4.34 billion in credit in 1945, allowing the U.K. to stave off bankruptcy after devoting almost all its resources to the war for half a decade."
The loan, which was twice as large as the British economy at the time, had a 2% interest rate and required annual payments. It was used to buy oil, food, arms and military equipment.
"It was vital support which helped Britain defeat Nazi Germany and secure peace and prosperity in the postwar period," U.K. Treasury minister Ed Balls said in a statement. "We honor our commitments to them now as they honored their commitments to us all those years ago."
While this closes the book on World War II, some of London's older debts have yet to be paid. "Britain still owes and is owed billions of pounds in relation to loans made and costs incurred during the First World War," The (London) Times reports. "However, since a moratorium on all war debts agreed at the height of the Great Depression, no debt repayments have been made to or received from other nations since 1934."
BBC News says Britain still owes the United States $4.4 billion -- the equivalent of about $79 billion today -- from World War I. Some of the country's other debts pre-date Napoleon"
Not only did we save Euro ass in WW2, post WW2 we saved you from becoming Stalin's bitch. We also sent over a cool trillion via the Marshall Plan. All that and you fucking pieces of trash still can't say thank you.
Maybe we should have let you rot under Hitler after all.
we should take baja california from them. Prime waterfront real estate on both coasts.
God's not making any more land.
America fought on the wrong side in WW2. Germany was the only Nation to stand up to the jewish communists in the USSR. If we would have teamed up with them, we could have crushed jewish communism and kept it from engulfing nearly all of Europe. The jews slaughtered about 60,000,000 Russians throughout the Ukraine alone, all of these innocents would have been spared. The Pearl harbor attack would have been stopped, instead it was allowed to happen so the American lemmings could get behind entering the war. Man, how much better a place would the world be today?
Anonymous said...
Not only did we save Euro ass in WW2, post WW2 we saved you from becoming Stalin's bitch. We also sent over a cool trillion via the Marshall Plan. All that and you fucking pieces of trash still can't say thank you.
Maybe we should have let you rot under Hitler after all.
There will be another opportunity to help these dumbasses I'm afraid. Look no further than France with their "YOUTH/young Islamist militants" problem to see what the EU will face in the coming years. Their demographics make ours look positively peachy.
France is starting to have a black African problem, religion has nothing to do with it. They rape, rob, murder and riot no matter what God they believe in. Did you see any of those "Islamic extremists" when they were burning Paris down? They were so friggen black they were purple.
Border Patrol Agent said...
your blog is infested with racism.
As I said before, I am of Mexican decent, live in L.A. and know my culture having grown up with grandparents who often spoke to me in Spanish, talked of Mexico's history and listened to popular Mexican music from the 40s and 50s.
It is not racist to call it as I see it, so I make no oppologies. Mexicans are racists. God forbid a daughter should bring home a black boyfriend. She will be disowned or he will be shot. So those of you who whine about the racism posted here, should be fighting tooth and nail to keep Mexicans out of the U.S. I'll give the border patrol a pass since doing your job could land you in jail. Thank the Jorge Bush administration for that one. No, I'm not a Democrat or a liberal.
And still no one addresses the issue that we don't need them here.
Finally, to my fellow Mexican-Americans who have their heads firmly planted up their butts, consider this. If you are working class, why would you want to allow millions of workers into this country to compete with you for your job as a roofer, or house painter, or landscaper, etc. Think pendejos!
The hatred for America exhibited throughout the world, and indeed by illegal immigrants within the country itself, boggles the mind.
World War II is an interesting case. I cannot think of another war in history where the victors did not take full possession of the countries they defeated (let alone the countries that they may have liberated) and yet this is the case with the US and England in WWII. If the history of war among humans had repeated itself in this regard, Germany, Japan, Italy and probably France and the rest of Europe would most certainly have belonged to the Anglos. The fact that the USA did not act imperialistically in this instance (even though the Brits commonly referred to themselves as the British Empire at the time) is indeed an act of global compassion that has never been appreciated. A day is coming when the US voters will elect someone who takes the isolationist position that the rest of the world seems to treasure - and Europe will feel the pain.
And I would give the French people more credit than they're getting. They recently elected a right-wing America-loving prime minister. That is something all of the news media has been telling us is contrary to the voters' will. It probably is a result of islamic youth protesting.
Chinga a tu Madre !!!
"America was born free of borders. Man divided it. They painted the line for me to jump over it. And they call ME invader. It's an error well known. They took eight states from us. Who here is the invader? I am a foreigner in my own land."
Typical Mexican. After Americans build infrastructure and make the US a superpower with AMERICAN sweat and tears, the illegals want to cross over and reclaim their land. It's not about the land, it's about what you do with it. Since you Mexicans, Cubans, and Central Americans never did anything good with your country, now you want to take advantage of our sweat. Can't you see that you guys are not fit for any land? Why don't you make your countries like the US, since you claim that you know better than us. So don't justify your lazy and ignorant ways for refusing to turn around your POS countries, as being a matter of Americans stealing your land. If you had more land, you wouldn't know what to do with it. Seriously, when was the last time that Mexico, Cuba, or Central America created anything revolutionary for humanity? NEVER! The US invented the Internet, PC, microchips, laser, cellular phone, fiber optics, light bulb, etc, so the rest of the world can get a ride...including Mexico & company. So there, it's not a matter of having more land, it's a matter of having more brain and determination.
Don't forget that the majority of people preparing your food at restaurants and junk food places are Mexicans. Don't be surprised if they decide to spit and pee on your food from now on.
Border Patrol Agent said...
your blog is infested with racism.
I don't know if you are a racist or not but you are attracting a lot of low life scum with your primitive anti-Mexican crap . Are you doing it intentionally to improve your ratings? I am sorry to be that blunt, but I had much more respect for you when I started to read this blog in the fall of 2005.
Racists? Because we follow the Constitution? If you are an agent, it's the document you are supposed to uphold. I'm all for legal immigration, but not shagging ass across the border and calling it immigration. It's a crime plain and simple. Why should an illegal whose first act in this country is to break the law by entering be allowed to become a citizen of this great country while those who follow the rules get screwed?
Who in the Hell speaks for the millions waiting to enter or become a citizen of this country?
It should be the Border Patrol who speaks for them by upholding the Constitution, but sadly we get people like yourself who can give a rat's ass concerning the rule of law or what the expression even means. PATHETIC!!!!!!
deepcgi said...
The hatred for America exhibited throughout the world, and indeed by illegal immigrants within the country itself, boggles the mind.
World War II is an interesting case. I cannot think of another war in history where the victors did not take full possession of the countries they defeated (let alone the countries that they may have liberated) and yet this is the case with the US and England in WWII. If the history of war among humans had repeated itself in this regard, Germany, Japan, Italy and probably France and the rest of Europe would most certainly have belonged to the Anglos. The fact that the USA did not act imperialistically in this instance (even though the Brits commonly referred to themselves as the British Empire at the time) is indeed an act of global compassion that has never been appreciated. A day is coming when the US voters will elect someone who takes the isolationist position that the rest of the world seems to treasure - and Europe will feel the pain.
What seems to be getting lost in this debate is just how hot Miss USA is. She can fall on her ass anytime as far as I'm concerned.
aside from her opening in an elvis suit, like ive seen worn by imposters of all races, nationalities and i suppose creeds and ethnics, she looked mexican to me, and still fell on her ass
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