This article addresses the supply side, where illegal labor fueled the corrupt homebuilders profits these past few years as millions of poorly built homes went up and an American homebuilding workforce was displaced, all with a nudge nudge wink wink from the corrupted Congress and President.
But don't forget though that the illegals also played a role in the demand side too (check out that article - $15,000 a year illegals get $720,000 loan) which is also unraveling faster than a soggy burrito.
For Illegal Immigrants, Housing Slump Takes Toll
Some of the casualties of America’s housing bust are easy to spot up and down California’s Central Valley.
From Fresno to Sacramento, big tangles of wire and PVC pipes clutter vacant lots in silent subdivisions, waiting for houses to be built — some day. Dozens of “For Sale” signs already dot the lawns across new residential communities. And right next to the ubiquitous billboards from builders are fresh signs offering homeowners help to avoid foreclosure.
But another set of losers is less visible: the immigrant workers, mostly illegal, who rode the construction boom while it lasted and now find jobs on building sites few and far between.
Offering more than $10 an hour as well as new skills and a shot at upward mobility, construction provided many illegal immigrants the best job they ever had, a step up from the backbreaking work reserved for those toiling without legal authorization, which in the Central Valley mostly meant pruning and picking in fruit and vegetable fields.
The growing presence of illegal immigrants in home building, mostly working for small labor contractors, might help explain why government statistics have recorded only a small decline in construction employment, despite the collapse in residential investment.
“Technically they don’t fire them,” said Myrna Martínez, coordinator for the Fresno office of the American Friends Service Committee, a nonprofit organization working on social assistance projects for immigrant workers. “They just tell them that there is no more work.”
While there are no equivalent statistics at the state or local level, a glance at a construction crew anywhere in the valley confirms the overwhelming immigrant share. “There are only Mexicans,” said Adrián L., an illegal immigrant from Oaxaca who does interior work on homes here. “Now not even the supervisors are American.”
April 17, 2007
For the PC crowd who ripped HP for connecting illegal immigration to the housing bubble, I give you this...
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Labels: bush incompetence, construction jobs, epic historic housing crash, housing bubble, immigration, mexicans, reic corruption, the great unraveling, what will the illegals do now
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After more than five years in construction, Adrián L. was making $25 to $35 an hour leading a 15-strong team for a company building new tract homes in the Central Valley.
Farther north, construction work also allowed José Manuel J. to aspire to a better life. An illegal immigrant from Guanajuato State in Mexico, he left the fields to sweep construction sites eight years ago. By last year he was making $25 an hour running a small crew laying roofs. He got a mortgage and bought a home in the United States. He bought land and built a house in Mexico.
Taking jobs Americans won't do? And you will hear the press talk about the these poor latino immigrants - with a house in America and Mexico making $35/hour!!!!
Marky Mark
Gold at $695/oz, 1 U.K. Pound= $2
$1.356 per Euro !!!
Gasoline and Oil is up too !!!
“Technically they don’t fire them,”
“They just tell them that there is no more work.”
Well, we could say you've been downsized, or outsourced. They want to be Americans right?
How about we do the BestBuy thing fire them then hire them back at even lower wages!
Your making me hungry, Lots of Sour Cream and wash it down with a two liter of pop. Then a couple candy bars for dessert.
It's the American way....mmmmmm
You just don't get it - yes illegals were part of the construction boom, yes, they also bought over-priced houses with no-down loans, but that doesn't mean ANYTHING other than you continually choose to let everyone know you have a particular dislike for non-white/european immigrants. LEGAL immigrants and citizens were ALSO part of the crappy construction boom and profitted from it, LEGAL immigrants and citizens also bought homes with no-down loans that they now can't afford. Are you saying that if illegals were taken out of the equation then the whole housing boom/ponzi scheme would not have happened? You've got to be kiddding.
Is there ANYTHING illegals aren't responsible for?There are 10 million illegals in a country of 300 million people. That's 3%. Blaming the housing bubble on 3% of the population - and the 3% at the bottom of the economic ladder - is beyond ridiculous.
Your right every American I see looks like they have'nt eaten in months. Go back to your buffett line you diabetic,high blood pressure, high chloresteral, lazy, did I leave anything out, American.
America has a wide streak of violence, racism and
greed that's the greatest ever documented in human
These traits were brought over by the first big waves
of Northern European white trash scum who were
undesirables in their own societies. The elite British
born and bred "Founding Fathers" put a veneer of
legitimacy over this flotsam, solely for economic
reasons and thus was a violent expansionary land grab
under way.
WTS, (White Trash Syndrome), has gradually infected
Americans of all races,genders and ethnicities, as the
unofficial but popular American way of life, while a
determined group of capitalists,Christianists and
neoconservatives of Jewish heritage want to export
this culture to the rest of the world. (You know.. our
values..our democracy).
As a result you have gun worshippers, Wal-Mart
shoppers, Hummer drivers, Velveeta & Spam eaters,
Nascar fans, Anna Nicole Smith TV, casino slot machine
addicts, wife abusers, Scottsdale 30k "millionaires",
country music, Faux News watchers,violent child
molesters, Phoenix,AZ, religious Christian fanatics,
Olive Garden diners,serial killers, gonzo pornography,
nappy basketball role models, Civil War re-enactment
groupies, right-wing wackos, rabid drug consumers,
24hr sports talk shows,Teri Schiavo spetacle,realtors/mortgage brokers, The Democratic Republic of
Iraq, Britney Spears fan clubs, and finally sitting on
top of it all, their President, George Bush.
No reason to wonder or think too hard as to what makes some people fly big planes into tall buidings.
Is this a great country or what?
Another Hour with Nouriel Rubini!
Another excellent hour with Professor Roubini on Bloomberg. Shortened running time as all commercial breaks have been removed.
Originally aired on: 4/14/2007 on Bloomberg
Running Time: 10 minutes 41 seconds
Heebner: “Home Prices Decline at Least 20%”
The always colorful Ken Heebner, portfolio manager for the Boston-based CGM Realty Fund, talks at length about his outlook for the nations housing markets. Heebner see the greatest home price decline since the Great Depression coming with at least a 20% decline.
Originally aired on: 4/13/2007 on Bloomberg
Running Time: 12 minutes 1 seconds
From a message board...
"this woman I work with was transferred from our Miami Office to our ATL office about a year ago. She sold her house and she just told me the people who bought it were foreclosed on. I asked what happened and she said that a woman who spoke zero english and had no job bought the house with 100% financing, her only income was alimony. It was a 700k house. She said they made no payments ever and stripped the house of anything worth anything before they left. Everything was gone, the toilet, the shower, the wiring, the pool pump, the doors, kitchen cabinets, counter tops...etc.
Genius, buy a house with nothing down, have the seller pay closing cost, don't make any payments for 6 months, strip it for $25k worth of merchandise and sell it on Ebay. What this buyer got was 6 months free rent and 25K cash when it was all said and done.
She said that they also took a 3 level fountain that flowed into the pool. She said it took her husband, 5 other guys, and a small fork lift to get it back there and it was even gone
Don't feel sorry for the foreclosures about to come. They are not your little old lady being taken for all her equity by the big bad bank. Sure there are some retirees that got preyed upon by the unscrupulous brokers but most of the foreclosures will be on those who bought with 0 down and couldn't afford it to begin with. They are at fault as much as the bank/financier. Why should Joe taxpayer have to bailout either one. And as for the post above, yeah, lots of people know how to abuse the law that protects them and live rent free for months. I don't care what color/race/ethnicity they are. Most got preyed upon by their own kind. You only need 4th grade math to figure out that a $700K mortgage at $1800/mo doesn't add up. Sorry, not everyone should be a homeowner - that's why they call it the American "Dream."
Oh my god the supervisor is Mexican!!! Imagine that, a brown person capable of supervising other brown people. Shocking!!
"There are 10 million illegals in a country of 300 million people. That's 3%. "
Baloney - the number is more like 20 million. In some metro areas they now outnumber the legals and politicians even count on their illegal votes. They represent a huge, unfunded drain on social services, hospitals, schools, and the money the send back to their home countries makes the problem even worse.
"Velveeta & Spam" My favorite...
BTW Hawaii eats the most spam
I live in California's Central Valley, and have been out to the job sites of new developments, and can confirm that the workforce on a job site is now 95% Hispanic. Some of the supervisors/managers are Anglo, but the rest is Hispanic.
Well, that article and my experience helps explain why the official gubberment unemployment figures haven't taken a hit in this housing slow-down: most of the construction jobs were off the books, workers were paid under the table! Nice....
When I was a kid, I worked as an apprentice plumber (go-for) in So. California during the early 1980's. The illegals were primarily doing the go-for jobs back then, with Anglos doing the majority of the trades work. Apparently the times have changed, as I didn't see many Anglo roofers, plumbers, framers, etc. nowadays.
But you still are missing the big picture here, Keith: Bush's lack of enforcement of immigration is intentional, a HUGE big-time concession to BIG BUSINESS, whether it be pickers, home builders, or meat processors. Bush has provided a ready and willing workforce of uber-sheeple who don't demand benefits, retirement plans, worker rights, etc. As this example shows, employers hire them at their leisure, and then let them go when desired.
As an employer, it's absolutely wonderful. No need to worry about "pesky" workers demanding rights, employment laws, etc. None of that pesky "two weeks notice" stuff, or worrying about the laid-off worker filing for unemployment benefits (which the employer has to pay for).
It's like the typical employment conditions in sweatshops back at the turn-of-the-century New York. Bad if you're a worker, but a walking ATM machine if you're the employer without a concept of basic human rights, or sense of human decency (which is what characterises Bush's Pro-Business stance, I'd say).
Oh, that old slogan, "the illegals will do work Americans don't want to do" is close, but it isn't QUITE correct. The saying should be, "the illegals will do work UNDER EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS that Americans wouldn't". That's more like the truth.
We're witnessing erosion of the American work place and the middle class, and ONLY because our Government has allowed it to happen as a concession to BIG BUSINESS employers. Blaming the illegals is blaming the suckers, the victims: illegals are considered fair game for abuse around here, and everyone knows there's going to be no legal protection if they get stiffed....
The non-resident worker has been de-humanized, as if they're not human: and people like you are a part of the problem. It wouldn't surprise me if we started concentration camps, ALA Auschwitz, as many of you probably wouldn't lift a finger in protest (and might enjoy participating in the murder).
"According to the Pew Hispanic Center, a research organization in Washington, immigrants from Mexico and other Latin American countries account for about one in five construction workers."
I had to laugh at this. I have been involved in homebuilding industry for the last 14 years, and it has never been like this in that time. More like only 1 in 5 is NOT from Mexico or Latin America, at best.
"According to the Pew Hispanic Center, a research organization in Washington, immigrants from Mexico and other Latin American countries account for about one in five construction workers. "
Haha! Nice one. I've been in the res. constrcution industry for the last 14 years, and in that time, it has never been like that. More like 1 in 5 is NOT Mexican or Latin American, at best.
My friend and I were at the official subway-stop Gov-owned public parking garage the other day in one of the wealthiest areas in the nation. The girl at the exit kiosk didnt't speak english, there was an issue with the charges. All she could do was point. We asked for the manager. He didn't speak any english either.
After leaving cash equal to what I thought the charge should be,
I lifted up the gate and my friend drove out illegally. Anyone that tried to stop me would have gotten hurt. Anyone that tried to file charges on me would have lost in court.
In the area where I live (again one of the wealthiest in nation), housing prices have tripled in 5 years. Wages are flat. There are NO WHITE PEOPLE moving in, 95% of population growth is from immigrants. This is according to goverment demographic charts.
The war on illegal immigration (and over-zealous H1-Bs, outsourcing, ect) is actually the other side of the corporate war on the American worker. I will fight, you will not stop me. You are being lied to by your leaders. If you believe any of this is good for future generations of native born Americans, you are my enemy now. This is just the nature of war.
You have been spot on concerning illegal immigration. To clarify for the PC crowd, illegally shagging ass across the border isn't immigration, it's a crime.
The non-resident worker has been de-humanized, as if they're not human: and people like you are a part of the problem. It wouldn't surprise me if we started concentration camps, ALA Auschwitz, as many of you probably wouldn't lift a finger in protest (and might enjoy participating in the murder).
HP has officially descended into tin foil hat world.
To clarify for the PC crowd, illegally shagging ass across the border isn't immigration, it's a crime.
As is the hiring of undocumented workers, mortgage broker fraud, lying on mortgage apps, real estate fraud, fixing markets, insider trading, big corporations cheating on their taxes, bestowing appointments to those who contributed to your political campaign, etc. I could go ON and ON with this....
In case no one's noticed, never before has corruption flourished to such heights, encouraged and fostered by this administration. Catering to the rich whom this admin serves is somewhat of a cottage industry.
For never before has enforcement against white-collar crime and consumer protection been such a non-priority for a standing admin. In fact, it's precisely the opposite: glorification of the power of a so-called "free market" economy has meant scuttling protections that took decades to build. It's all been dismantled, and enforcement agencies (including the INS and Border Patrol, I might add) have been castrated.
What's ironic is that last year, the INS was pressured by local government to start doing round-ups and ID checks, and that activity was sufficient to scare off workers from the area.
But as a result, growers in the Central Valley couldn't find workers to harvest their crops, which rotted in the fields during harvest season! Talk about your unaccounted-for consequences!!
This drove up prices for produce, so it all came back to the consumer in the end (as well as damaged the farming community, with many going bankrupt).
Maybe people will realize that you can't have it both ways, talking tough talk about illegals and then begging them to come back to work for slave wages.
In fact, I actually agree with Bush, that we need a REASONABLE guest worker program that attempts to regulate, but doesn't cut off the ability of workers to enter. Unfortunately, Bush has shot himself in the foot too many times to be taken seriously (he's a lame duck president, at this point), and his political capital is as depleted as his deficit spending to finance a losing war...
But you still are missing the big picture here, Keith: Bush's lack of enforcement of immigration is intentional
that's why I think keith is focusing in the wrong place. the guess worker program has been in the works a while and it will decimate work that americans used to do for a living and given business labor arbitrage.
"There are 10 million illegals in a country of 300 million people."
How do you know how many illegals there are in this country? Proof? Confirm with facts. Or be exposed as someone trying to peddle a lie.
man I hust had a burrito for lunch, I feel like i'm gonna throw up looking at that pic, thanks a lot
How do you know how many illegals there are in this country? Proof? Confirm with facts. Or be exposed as someone trying to peddle a lie.
And you know better, you went out and counted all of them right? 10, 11, 12 who the fuck cares what the number is. They're here, they work hard, they're never going back to Mexico despite all you right wing idiots and your over the top rhetoric.
Whites are over in the USA. Either accept this fact and get on with your life or move away if you can't. But please stop acting like fools with your Minuteman farce.
You don't quit do you Senor Keitholo?? How was I NOT suprised you used that image of a Burrito. (BTW the burrito doesnt even exist in Mexico, it was invented here in the states.)
Anyone who uses images of Burritos and Speedy Gonzales when referring to immigrants is a certified tool. So lame and typical of scared white people.
"I've been in the res. constrcution industry for the last 14 years"
Sir, I can tell by the your grammatical abilities, that indeed, you are a construction worker. They are illegals, just got here and have no education. What is your excuse??
I thought Walmart was the cause of you poor slobs losing your jobs. Now I see it's illegals. Make up your minds.
Oh wait I forgot it's all due to FOX NEWS.
No wait it's all because of China.
Hold up, it's all India's fault.
Whatever it is, sure isn't YOUR fault. Nope, couldn't possibly be your fault that you're stuck in a shithole apartment. No, no, no. It's Bush, Walmart, Fox news, China, India, Mexico, Exxon, everyone but you are to blame for your miserable lives.
The illegals are the least of our problems.
The American white trash is getting restless and rewady to go into "copy-cat" mode.
From the AP:
Threats rattle 3 universities, 2 schools
AUSTIN, Texas - Campus threats forced lock-downs and evacuations at universities in Texas, Oklahoma and Tennessee and two public schools in Louisiana on Tuesday, a day after a Virginia Tech student's shooting rampage killed 33 people.
In Louisiana, parents picked up hundreds of students from Bogalusa's high school and middle school amid reports that a man had been arrested Tuesday morning for threatening a mass killing in a note that alluded to the murders at Virginia Tech.
Truly a sick country populated by masses of yahoos, rednecks and vulgar Ameri-cuns.
"But another set of losers is less visible: the immigrant workers, mostly illegal, who rode the construction boom while it lasted and now find jobs on building sites few and far between."
Next stop: crime (well, in addition to immigrating illegally).
Thanks Bush!
I beleive the only reason housing permits are up is because builders don't want to loose there cheap labor. If they stop building houses, it will cost more to hire legal workers than to continue building using cheap labor. Don't we have enough houses? Where are the green folks? Why aren't they raising hell about all the continued destruction of trees and leveling of beautiful land? We are out of sink here in America.
the tex mex can stay, but they have to go..........
also keith, the reason why bush doens't do anything about illegal immigration is because that is their bring down the united states and make it a third world country and get rid of the meddlesome middle class......this they are doing right is part of the overall plan to combine america with mexico and canada into one large free trade zone like europe now is...the rich get richer and the poor get poorer....and the races argue and complain and get mad at each other, all the while those in control know this and manipulate it and encourage it...they want a race war......they want us to fight amongst ourselves and while we do it, they get more and more power and wealth and our eyes are taken off of the real reasons we are in the shape we are conclusion....keith look up agenda 21 on the will explain everthing to is all a plan......and the people of this country had better wake up and soon or they aren't going to have much of a country left before long......
Let's see, which would you rather have...
a) someone who wants to work, no matter what the job
b) some arrogant prick who expects to get super rich in real estate by doing absolutely nothing and then expecting to be bailed out when it all goes bad, and then finally, blaming the whole thing on (a).
I'll take (a).
"Bush's lack of enforcement of immigration is intentional, a HUGE big-time concession to BIG BUSINESS, whether it be pickers, home builders, or meat processors. Bush has provided a ready and willing workforce of uber-sheeple who don't demand benefits, retirement plans, worker rights, etc."
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!
This invasion has gone on long enough. I know a lot of you guys watch the t.almudv.ision out there, did any of you catch the Oreilly show where he was talking about a few famous people that had been killed by criminal mexican invaders? One of his guests even went as far as to point out the fact that these filthy mestizo wetbacks now kill more Americans each and every year than were killed on 9/11. Does that mean anything to you lovers of diversity? How about the fact that these savage mexican invaders rape thousands and thousands of under age American children each year? Try me said it best, if you diversity lovers continue to support this invasion, you are not only my enemy, you are also a domestic enemy of the United States. Can't wait for things to break down completely. Sleep tight.
Number of Illegal Immigrants Hits 12M (Washington Post)
Mar 7 03:38 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - The number of illegal immigrants in the United States has grown to as many as 12 million, and they now account for about one in every 20 workers, a new estimate says.
Efforts to curb illegal immigration have not slowed the pace, said a report Tuesday by the Pew Hispanic Center.
Instead, the report's author said, those efforts are having an unintended consequence: People who illegally enter the United States from Mexico are staying longer because it is harder to move back and forth across the border.
"The security has done more to keep people from going back to Mexico than it has to keep them from coming in," said Jeffrey Passel, a senior research associate at the center.
It is difficult to accurately measure the number of illegal immigrants in the United States, but most public agencies and private groups had settled on a figure of about 11 million.
The Pew Hispanic Center used Census Bureau data to estimate that the United States had 11.1 million illegal immigrants in March 2005. The center used monthly population estimates to project a current total of 11.5 million to 12 million.
The report estimates that 850,000 illegal immigrants have arrived in United States each year since 2000.
President Bush has called for a program that would grant temporary worker status to illegal immigrants already here. The House rejected the program and instead passed a border security bill last year that leaned toward lawmakers who were calling for a crackdown.
The Senate is trying to address both border security and the temporary worker program, but consensus has been elusive. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., has said he hopes his panel will produce a bill by the end of March.
There are about 7.2 million undocumented workers in the U.S., or about 5 percent of the country's work force, the Pew report said.
It estimated that illegal immigrants fill a quarter of all agricultural jobs, 17 percent of office and house cleaning positions, 14 percent of construction jobs and 12 percent in food preparation.
"Especially if we look at the Mexicans, these are people with fairly low levels of formal education," Passel said. "They're not able to get licensing or credentials in the United States because of their status, so the kinds of jobs available to them in the United States are somewhat limited."
Business leaders and advocates for immigrants' rights argue that America's economy would collapse if all the illegal workers were deported.
"Undocumented immigrants do pay taxes, and they do contribute to the economic, social and cultural developments of their communities," said Peta Ikambana of the American Friends Service Committee. The group was organizing a rally near the Capitol on Tuesday to protest the House bill.
"Just building walls will not stop immigration," Ikambana said. "Those that are here will just go underground."
Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates tougher border enforcement, said he isn't surprised that the number of illegal immigrants continues to climb. He called the government's crackdown halfhearted at best.
Camarota pointed to a recent government report showing that very few businesses are fined for hiring illegal immigrants. The government filed only three notices that it intended to fine companies in 2004, down from 417 notices in 1999, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office.
Camarota said there would be plenty of Americans willing to accept jobs done by illegal immigrants if they paid adequate wages and benefits.
Tuesday's report by the Pew Hispanic Center said Mexicans make up 56 percent of illegal immigrants. An additional 22 percent come from other Latin American countries, mainly in Central America. About 13 percent are from Asia, and Europe and Canada combine for 6 percent.
Anon April 17, 2007 6:54 PM
Your pathetic!
I have a great job! Some Americans actually think about other segments of the society, out of compassion, and also out of wanting to avoid the negative repurcussions for the nation at large.
The housing bubble is a great example of the devasting effects of having everyone flock to the glamour coasts for work. I don't want a country like Mexico, where it's basically only two cities where people aren't starving.
Dumb *ss. Let me say that again, dumd *ss. (And I am a real conservative! Not like your little Bushy and co.)
James Dean said...
Anon April 17, 2007 6:54 PM
Your pathetic!
You are the typical hater of immigrants. Uneducated, low class white trash and scraed. Your dead giveaway is your lack of grammar. Your pathetic? Hardly son. Anyone who doesn't know the difference between your and you're is the pathetic one.
No wonder you're being replaced by illegals. You can't speak English and neither can they. But at least they don't spend hours and hours surfing aryan web sites, they work.
Give me an illegal over a piece of white trash like you any day. That is why they're here because employers need people who want to work, not holier than thou idiots like you who complain 24/7 about how awful life is.
Reading these racist vile posts makes me ashamed to be a white American.
Dear Anon,
Here's my response:
Uneducated, low class white trash and scraed.
You're right! - Software engineering at a top tier bank is now considered white trash. I am so scared that I use anonymous posting. LOL. See - I used you're not your. LMAO. Can't attack the reasoning so attack my words and my character. Ok, then...I'll be fighting back.
But at least they don't spend hours and hours surfing aryan web sites, they work.
Did it ever occur to you that I was just posting quickly? You see I am actually working on a 250M $ pension system at my living room table while I laugh at you. I have been working from home for the last 2 months. So you give me some amusement. I can't talk to my super-hot live-in girlfriend and stare at the woods and the park from my back porch all day. And I am NOT LYING. BO-YAH!
Your dead giveaway is your lack of grammar. Your pathetic?
By the way, scraed is spelled scared. I know it was just a freudian slip. Because if you saw me, you would be scared. Anyhow, if you wanted to attack me, you should pick something other than my language skills. I scored in the 99 percentile for vocabulary of adults my age - officially tested.
I believe a more accurate way to phrase this is: A dead giveaway is your lack of grammar. Or better yet: Your poor grammatical proficiency is a dead giveaway. Ok then, suger-puss. Have fun.
Racist?!? Not from me.
The only defamatory speach I have read so far has been from the pro-immigration folks. We are talking about reality and how it affects us and our nation - it's called free speech and caring about your country and the American people. Even legal hispanic-Americans don't want amnesty!
Illegal’s should have no rights at all they should be deported if they return deported again and well lets just there will not be a forth. It is a big lie that Americans will not do those jobs. The truth is they will not do it for what a wet back will do it for; pay them a fair wage and they will work. It would be better for all. Wet backs are the biggest threat to this country then more so then terrorist. O and by the way learn to speak English then go home.
No burritos in Mexico? Come on, man. True, the burrito originated in CA, but thankfully it eventually made its way south.
For the slow witted Pro Illegal Alien crowd:
It's not jobs Americans are unwilling to do. It's jobs Americans are unwilling to do for the wages of an illegal whose sorry ass shouldn't even be in this country. Too much supply including illegal cheap labor drives down price/wages just like too many damned houses being built during this credit bubble.
It's no damn wonder wages have gone nowhere for a very long time factoring in inflation when you have the elites of both partys turning a blind eye to wide open borders 6 years after 9/11.
El Presidente' should be impeached for his contempt of the Constitution and the rule of law regarding the border issue. This is most certainly a national security issue, and he has been found lacking in protecting our borders.
Don't forget that Donald Trump used illegal Polish immigrants to build many of his NYC scams while union bigwigs turned a blind eye on their fellow dues paying workers!
Anon said,
"Give me an illegal over a piece of white trash like you any day. That is why they're here because employers need people who want to work, not holier than thou idiots like you who complain 24/7 about how awful life is."
This is a dumb-ass comment.
Of course employers like illegals, for less money and no benefits. Which employer wouldn't want an illegal worker, when the employer gets to keep more profits with them.
I thank God every day for this housing crash. Cut off the employment to the illegals, and they'll go hungry, and go home. And the legals competing for the work that is left, may even get PO'ed enough to do something about the illegals still here.
Ask anyone living in LA about the recent highway traffic improvements.
LA traffic still sucks but it's noticably less congested over the last few months as the 1 million plus illegals are no longer driving around to job sites in thier rust buckets, no license, no insurance, and with 4 other illegals in the back of the pickup.
Heavy crack smoker, I have to agree with you, though I don't agree with any smoking of crack.
Sure, some illegal aliens added to an already monstrous problem, but they aren't any more responsible than anyone else. Greedy morons of every shape and color are responsible for this, and last time I looked people like Lereah, Mozillo, and Serin were legal citizens. The majority of FBs are legal too.
And no I'm not saying we should just leave our borders hanging open, but just think, in a few years when we're all eating bread and water no one will want to come over here anyway.
Evaluated from an environmental standpoint, the case against immigration is pretty clear. Allowing such unrestricted immigration as is going on now is increasing both the U.S. population and the world population. And the last thing the world needs from an environmental standpoint is more people.
Anon said:
LA traffic still sucks but it's noticably less congested over the last few months as the 1 million plus illegals are no longer driving around to job sites in thier rust buckets, no license, no insurance, and with 4 other illegals in the back of the pickup.
Hey, at least they have the good sense to car-pool, which is something all the yuppies driving their massive Hummers and SUV's still haven't figured out! ;)
james dean,
That's all fine and good, you still made a glaring grammar mistake. No knowing the difference between your and you're is a dead giveaway of someone without much formal education. Most likely you wen to public school and a state university. Everyone makes typos, but only the uneducated make grammar mistakes. See the difference there sport?
And if I hear one more computer nerd say he's educated I'll vomit. You aren't educated, you know how to code. Anyone can code. That is why we are sending that kind of work to India where they'll do it for 1/5 of the price and with 90% less bullshit than someone like you.
And as for your hot girlfriend..oh for the love of man, quit it please. The only people who feel the need to boast about hot girlfriends (or $250M pension "systems") are people who have nothing of the sort. It's like the loser kid who brags about a girlfriend he met in Canada or at summer camp that nobody ever sees. Actually those loser kids grow up to be computer nerds, so it all fits.
james dean spewed:
Even legal hispanic-Americans don't want amnesty!
Oh really? You know this for a fact? Any sources, polls, anything other than your ass as a source of this tidbit of info?
You racist assholes hate mexicans period. Legal, illegal. They are not white therefore they are dirt in the eyes of your aryan eyes.
You hate the fact that you are losing control. Look at the Imus situation. Guy makes one stupid comment and he's out. This just goes to show how little power white men have these days. Latinos and African Americans are taking over and you hate it. Your days are gone Mr. Dean, Keith, Mort, etc and you are angry. I can understand your feelings I would be angry too.
But tough shit amigos, deal with and stop whining like little kids.
Allowing such unrestricted immigration as is going on now is increasing both the U.S. population and the world population.
HUH? How is immigration increasing **world** population? That may well be the stupidest thing I've ever read. If Jose lives in Mexico or in the US he counts the same in world population dumbass.
> That may well be the stupidest thing I've ever read.
It seems likely that you would say the same thing about evolution.
It is highly likely that Jose is maximizing his reproductive success by his choice of entering the U.S. Jose faced a bleak future in Mexico, otherwise he would stay in Mexico.
And the resources that Jose utilized in Mexico will be rapidly be utilized by others upon his departure. Any population losses in Mexico will be restored under the high birth rate there.
Therefore there as a result of illegal immigration there will be a net world population increase, though the effect isn't immediate.
Bravo anti-James dean anonymous! You just wrote what I was thinking.
He's probably a self taught programmer. Has to do side jobs from home on '250M apps'(wink wink)to pay the bills because no company will hire him permanently. His real girflriend is Oprah who he watches and beats off to during code monkey breaks. I have been in IT over 20 years so I know these types and I turn them down on interviews all the time. IT Imposters. James Dean, you've been busted!!
Anon - My hot girlfriend would probably think you are gay. They don't like girly men.
I won't address your comments of racism - I ignore ALL politically correct dribble. It's only the powerless that have to try and "achieve" power by inducing "the powerful" to feel guilt. After all, that is their only weapon.
Sorry, I was late to reply. I had to meet with the trustees of the bank to review the system status. BTW - Check the law books, privately held pension securities need to have quarterly diversification options as of 2007. That is why the system needs to be written. I am sure the uneducated are choosen for managing these transitions. It's so unimportant that everyones retirement be safegaurded and properly managed.
Designing enterprise software systems is not the most difficult job in the world but it takes more talent (creative, technical, organizational, and accounting principles) than you will ever know. Anyone who says otherwise obviously knows nothing about enterprise systems. If that were not the case, explain to me one thing: How come the IT department is the highest paid department in almost any organization (outside of law and healthcare).
As far as legal immigrants supporting amnesty: Why do you think they would want their wages depressed? Why would they want other people getting free benefits and expedited citizenship when they are playing by the rules? Think my friend, it may hurt at first, but try it anyway.
Here's the poll: Center of Immigration Studies/Zogby International:
According to the poll, 55 percent of U.S. citizens — including 51 percent of Hispanics — believe it’s a "very bad idea" to grant amnesty.
And that's just Hispanics who think it's a "very bad idea".
<"I've been in the res. constrcution industry for the last 14 years"
Sir, I can tell by the your grammatical abilities, that indeed, you are a construction worker. They are illegals, just got here and have no education. What is your excuse??
Grammar or Spelling police:
Sir, i believe you intended to say spelling abilities. There is a difference.
I stand corrected, what you posted at 7:32pm
It's the other way around numfuck. People who work and move up the ladder of society have ferwer kids. If Jose stays in the US and lives a US middle class life chances are much better he will have few kids compared to the 7,8,9 or 10 that is common in ME-HEE-KO.
Think for a second you moron, put aside your racist blinders and you may actually have a thought in that empty head of yours.
jamie, jamie, jamie,
It's quite simple man. Anyone who brags about their girlfriend/wife's beauty is married/dating a heffer.
Anyone bragging about their bank account is broke.
And on and on. Those who feel the need to brag are either lying or insecure or most likely both.
So fine you have the hottest, tastiest piece of ass known to man. You are designing the world's greatest pension "system" which will be the model used for all future pension "systems".
Whatever you say.
As for the the poll of your posts again smart guy. You didn't say hispanic CITIZENS are against amnesty, you said "Even legal hispanic-Americans don't want amnesty!" as in legal immigants, who may or may not be citizens.
or are you implying that every hisanic is an immigrant? Wow that's interesting and would be quite a shock to the millions of US born hispanics all over the country.
You are such a racist fuck that they are all the same to you. Just a bunch of dark skinned 2nd class citizens as far as you're concerned huh?
Now go back to your pension "system".
Try me:
You called her "girl."
That alone nullifies your post and qualifies you for scorn and castration in addition to your perceived sufferings, gringo as*hole!
PS: I'm not latino. I'm black, American and of an innumerable number of "minorities" you will have to worry about as you lock and load (and we, too, lock and load).
Have a nice day:)
Ok anon,
Whatever. She actually just read the posts and thought you were Mexican. I guess she's a racist too! Only she is an IMMIGRANT! Proudly, she went through the system and is now a CITIZEN! OMG, what the f*ck. I don't fit into your little shoe-box. And neither does she.
If read back over the posts, the direct assualt from every left-winger is that if we believe in legal immigration, we are UNEDUCATED WHITE TRASH. Ok, dude. Then I guess you are talking about 80% (give or take) of the country. You obviously have little respect for Americans, America, or the culture of an open society with free (but responsible) liberties.
I am working on "the system" right now. I don't really get it, if everyone is lying about having decent paying jobs, then WHO IS GONNA BUY YOUR 600K OVERPRICED SH*TB*X OF A HOUSE?? I didn't say I was the head of the CIA, just an average worker in the field (Technology) that has been the greatest boon to GenX/Y's aspiration to the upper-middle class. If we go, your whole house of cards falls apart. You've got nothing left to export except Hollywood movies.
As far as the poll, DUDE - in case you don't get it, this is America...if you aren't a citizen, I don't really care what you think abvout the governance of this nation. That's why you can't vote. It's called A NATION for a reason.
I respect you, I pray you become a citizen (legally and with some reasonable limits to quantity), but until that time - you have two choices: A) go back to where you came from and fix that place B) enjoy America for what it is, follow the rules, work hard, and stay out of trouble, enjoy your life. You are not in charge of fixing America. That responsibility was firmly placed in the hands of the citizens in the U.S. CONSTITUTION.
I lived overseas (in the UK, like Keith) and if I always felt it disrespectful to talk about their politics or what their country should do. I worked and felt grateful for being able to work. I did not expect to jump ahead of locals - I figured they would be resentful if I did. I had a great time and would love to go back.
Anyhow, back to work... really now, I won't be able to post like this anytime soon.
One last thing,
I don't know if Keith wants to be used as an example. But... I read him talking about the UK - he talks about the housing prices and some of the lenders be affected. HE DOES NOT DENIGRATE THE BRITISH, HE DOES NOT TELL THEM HOW THEY SHOULD RUN THEIR COUNTRY.
I hope all reasonable folks out there read this thread. They will see that so many of the recent wave of immigrants have an obvious disrespect for our nation, our laws, our culture, our workers, and our people.
Signing out...
Ok smart guy...
As for the the poll of your posts again smart guy. You didn't say hispanic CITIZENS are against amnesty, you said "Even legal hispanic-Americans don't want amnesty!" as in legal immigants, who may or may not be citizens.
Here's the definition of American from
4. a citizen of the United States of America.
5. a native or inhabitant of the Western Hemisphere.
6. an Indian of North or South America.
7. American English.
8. a steam locomotive ...
Since our topic was obviously U.S. centric, my statement is 100% correct. Ok smart guy?
> If Jose stays in the US and lives a US middle class life chances
> are much better he will have few kids compared to the 7,8,9
> or 10 that is common in ME-HEE-KO.
He may have somewhat less children than he would have had in Mexico, but more of his children will survive and they will be healthier. It's true his children and grandchildren will tend to have fewer children than him. But his contribution to the U.S. population increase is very significant.
Twisting logic is not going to change the fact that barriers such national borders act to reduce world population, and thus there are very valid environmental reasons for restricting immigration.
>Think for a second you moron, put aside your racist blinders
> and you may actually have a thought in that empty head of yours.
Nice name calling, but your implication that anyone opposed to illegal immigration is racist is just plain silly.
Have a nice day. :-)
You aren't educated, you know how to code.
That sentence contains a comma splice, a serious sentence boundary error that would have cost you a letter grade if you were one of my students.
If you are going to play grammar cop, you should at least avoid basic illiteracies like this one.
anonymous: "gay" means happy and carefree why are you so pissed off? does this meen you are not realy "gay" after all??
Anonymous said...
Try me:
You called her "girl."
That alone nullifies your post and qualifies you for scorn and castration in addition to your perceived sufferings, gringo as*hole!
PS: I'm not latino. I'm black, American and of an innumerable number of "minorities" you will have to worry about as you lock and load (and we, too, lock and load).
Ok, so now "girl" is a dirty word. Funny, women I know like language that emphasizes their youthfulness. I will be offended the next time someone calls me "guy".
Some constructive advice:
minorities need to be more thick skinned. The worst thing for future prospects of minority Americans is to be seen as nitpicking whinners that find every other thing offensive. Employers don't want peope like you around the office - and it has nothing to do with your minority status! When I am with family, friends, and coworkers - I ignore modestly offensive and disagreeable things everyday; it's part of getting along with people - something us in the "majority" do everyday believe it or not, taking things lightly, not taking yourself so seriously. You can flame me or learn from me; just don't blame me when you get zero callbacks for your next interview.
You can lock and load. Doesn't bother me - that's your right. In fact, despite my traditional (not neo-Con) conservative affiliation, I support the equal rights/ treatment of gays and lesbians, and any other minority groups.
But transgress my liberties or those of "my flock" and I will fight without guilt and without remorse. Be sure you understand, that war is an ugly and painful game. A gun does not a soldier make.
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