Seven days of the British government acting like scared little girls
Seven days of the Iranian government showing the world why allowing them to have nukes would be insanity
Seven days of reminding all of us why the Iranian cult leaders need to be destroyed
Seven days for the Iranian underground opposition to (hopefully) plot the overthrow of the mullahs
Seven days of some serious 1979 deja-vu
March 29, 2007
Today is Iran hostage crisis day #7
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Labels: cults, housing prices, iran hostage crisis, oil prices
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If they get nukes, Western civilization as we know it comes to an end. They will no doubt attack us by proxy, i.e radical groups kidnapping and bombing at will to show how "great" they are. Bush may act, but you can be sure nobidy else will, and they will villify him if he does. God help us.
Can't wait to hear the leftists say it's all our or Bush's fault. They're the good guys.
I think they should get an ultimatum. 48 hours. And then we destroy their country. Every bridge, railroad, refinery, natural gas / oil pipeline, electrical plant, army command, gov't building...all of it.
They have said they're going to mine the Straights of first we have to sink their entire navy and submarine fleet.
Then we can go in and drop some paratroopers on their nuke site and destroy it.
If they do mine the Straits, then I say we use some tactical nukes on their cities.
I think that too much is being read into this by many people posting here.
The mullahs are just having fun with the Brits, they know the British are on their way out of Iraq and this event will hasten the process, without fear of reprisal from the Brits. Look at the price of crude for the last month. See a recent spike upwards? This hostage-taking has already had its intended effect....the Iranians get more money for their crude. The hostages will remain in captivity until summer demand ticks up and the price can remain high without a 'crisis'.
For those thinking of bombing Iran, do you think that the Iranians would hesitate to send a few hundred thousand Revolutionary guards across the border into Iraq to attack our troops?
Britian and the world community showing Iran any weakness now would be a fatal tell
This is a chess move by Iran. Weakness here means they have carte blanche with the nuke issue. Strength and they'll back down quick on both fronts.
They're looking for the tell. And Blair is letting them know he's a powerless pus&y. Just like Carter 30 years ago
read it
More Russian Iran War Warnings
Russian Intel Sees US Military Buildup On Iran border
From Webster Tarpley
MOSCOW (RIA Novosti) -- Russian military intelligence services are reporting a flurry of activity by U.S. Armed Forces near Iran's borders, a high-ranking security source said Tuesday.
"The latest military intelligence data point to heightened U.S. military preparations for both an air and ground operation against Iran," the official said, adding that the Pentagon has probably not yet made a final decision as to when an attack will be launched.
He said the Pentagon is looking for a way to deliver a strike against Iran "that would enable the Americans to bring the country to its knees at minimal cost."
He also said the U.S. Naval presence in the Persian Gulf has for the first time in the past four years reached the level that existed shortly before the invasion of Iraq in March 2003.
Col.-Gen. Leonid Ivashov, vice president of the Academy of Geopolitical Sciences, said last week that the Pentagon is planning to deliver a massive air strike on Iran's military infrastructure in the near future.
A new U.S. carrier battle group has been dispatched to the Gulf.
The USS John C. Stennis, with a crew of 3,200 and around 80 fixed-wing aircraft, including F/A-18 Hornet and Superhornet fighter-bombers, eight support ships and four nuclear submarines are heading for the Gulf, where a similar group led by the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower has been deployed since December 2006.
The U.S. is also sending Patriot anti-missile systems to the region.
How bizare - WE are dropping DU bombs on women and children ,WE have the torture chambers, WE have illegally invaded Itaq, WE support Israel the only nuclear power in the region,WE have abolished Habeus Corpus, WE render innocent civilians from foreign countries and send them to secret CIA dungeons - and you're worried about Iran ?! LOL !
We need to act now. If Britain doesn't act to get there soldiers back then the U.S. should. Iran does this nonsense every time the we put pressure on them for nukes.
We have to stand up to these wimps. They get away with this crap because they do it in the name of religion.
I say we defend our British friends and go get them. We have the technology and the strategic location to be able to make a change in Iran. Now is the time.
Its time to bring back the "Nuke Iran" stickers, only this time, lets really do it!
did that guy ever have a decet haircut?
WTF right do we have to regulate what kind of weapons Iran has? For all of the BULLSH*T blabbering the USA does it is the only nation in the world to have used nuclear weapons DELIBERATLY targeting civilians in Japan.
Iraq was a lesson to the world. If you are unable to defend yourself and you tell the truth by cooperating with the United Nations then you will be invaded and occupied as your population is raped and murdered so the natural resources can be pillaged.
Bush is truely an imbecile. About 75% of Japan's oil moves through the Strait of Hormuz. Should Iran be able to close it up by sinking junk ships in the water or deploying mines it will be the end of the world as we know it. China will invade Taiwan to take it back and will probably nuke the Japanese to pay them back for the masacres of WW2. Meanwhile, the US troops in Iraq will run out of fuel and supplies. It will be a hell of walk back to Saudi Arabia or Turkey to get out.
Then Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, every fucking one of those sand nigger countries.
Any sane person can see the writing on the wall -- the US will of course bomb Iran in the name of saving the world from nuclear terrorism.
And given Iran's recent show of evil capability and intent, who would say that bombing is not in the best interests of most of humanity in the long run. What's the alternative, trust Iran to only enrich uranium for peaceful purposes? Give me a break.
There's too much complacency in Europe, in the US, and downright resistance in Russian and China for the world to diplomatically halt Iran's drive to intimidate, threaten, coerce and have it's way once nuclear bombs are in its hands.
If anyone doubts what the current Iran regime has in mind, just watch the news.
The problem is if you nuke or attack Iran you are opening a can of shit that we as a nation might not be prepared to see through. Look at 9/11 - most people don't even remember what happened. It was ra ra ra at the beginning, and then the public moved onto more important things like housing, and superbowls, and completely forgot what happened. People in this country, US, can't see past tomorrow. Its very sad. Our forefathers fought wars that were burnt into their minds until the day they died. They knew what it meant at the moment and could recognize "hate" again if it rose up in the world again. They had no problem bringing "hate" to its knees. Today, is a different story. Most people can't tell you what 2+2 is, much less that history has a means of repeating itself. The Persians know this. God save us...
Only insane people would let an insane country with demonstrated evil intentions get hold of nuclear weapons.
Diplomacy won't work, only force.
End of story.
This is going to get ugly, most of all for the Americans. When will we learn that with great power comes great resopnsibility, my guess never as americans and so (un)fond of History.
Open your eyes:
"Can't wait to hear the leftists say it's all our or Bush's fault. They're the good guys."
Can't wait for the Republican warmongers to say it's Clinton's fault.
If you support the war in Iraq and are a Cheney's & Karl Rove puppet, you and your children should volunteer to fight in Iraq. Go die for Halliburton, sheeple.
Lots of cowards in this country who support the war from far away, just with ribbon magnets on cars and flag lapel pins. Bunch of red neck cowards.
"Britian and the world community showing Iran any weakness now would be a fatal tell"
Man, what happened to you? You can't be possibly trolling your own site. Are you buying into this neocon-secret society BS? Huge disappointment.
The US wanted to invade Iran all along, to secure huge reserves of oil. However, since Bush and his gang have no credibility, they used their partner in crime, Britain, to create a conflict. Britain goes into Iran and the US comes to "help" its "ally". Can't you guys see that this a plan based on Peak Oil?
Amazing the quantity of sheeple in this country. Now Keith became one of them, even living in Europe.
Why haven't we offered to send Jessie Jackson over to negotiate the release of the hostages?
"We have to stand up to these wimps."
Why don't you volunteer to fight there? You should drop everything right now and go fight. Are you a Republican coward?
I'm out of here, this Blog is a nest of ignorant Republicans and warmonger cowards who want to bomb people and watch from the comfort of their computer screens, while missing the big picture. None of the people here is volunteering to fight there either, but they want war. Sorry, Keith, but you really turned this Blog into a sheeple Republican shit. Goodbye!
"Can't wait for the Republican warmongers to say it's Clinton's fault."
Actually it is Carter's fault for not dealing with the original crisis correctly.
"Why don't you volunteer to fight there? You should drop everything right now and go fight. Are you a Republican coward?"
Oh, not again. the standard lefty response. "if you are so for xxx then why don't you go and do xxx. There, what do you have to say to THAT!". Taking something someone said to mean "we as a nation" and turning it singular. It is like reasoning with my 4 year old.
We are Americans who aren't afraid of wimps like you.
The brain damange is just too much.
Britain went into Iran? Really? The ship was anchored in Iraqi water. So says the captain.
You believe Iranian nutjobs over British? You need mental help.
We'll destroy Iran. Burn everything. It will make the price of oil go UP, not down. And I don't know that they'll be able to do anything about airforce, no navy (after it's destroyed). We'll probably not put any troops on the ground. Just blow up their nuclear facilities.
"What right do we have to decide what weapons they have?" Idiot, they signed the non-proliferation agreement. They AGREED not to have nukes.
You'd have no problem with a bunch of nutcases who make the Turks in "Midnight Express" look reasonable having nukes. You need mental help.
If peak oil is so true, why aren't the french, japanese invading iran? They have no oil at all? The US at least produces 5-6 mm barrels a day.
pretty simple folks. Iran is not Iraq.
Yes, I know many think it's the same country. Same general area. People look similar. Same weather patterns. Each has lots of oil.
But.. big shocker... Iran is not Iraq. It'd be like saying France is Poland.
Loyal HP'ers know I've wanted to see Iran's nuke capability taken out for a long time - over a year. Once Hitler Jr. called for the destruction of Israel, I was for Israel bombing them the next day.
But it's all been foretold. Hitler Jr. told us what he was going to do, and now he's simply in the act of doing it. We all knew he was going to start a skirmish, we all know he wants this epic battle, so that his hidden imam will reappear.
Well, I'm willing to take the chance he's wrong on that one. Even though that'd be some kick-ass CNN video.
Iran is not Iraq folks. We have no business in Iraq and no legitimate reason for ever going in, and once we were there we screwed it up about as bad as we could. Nation building we suck at. But bombing we're pretty good.
So England needs to give Iran a deadline, asap, and stick to it. If they ignore it, all bets are off. Blair leaves in just a few weeks anyway, so watch Tony go out with a bang.
And if you think the housing crash is bad today, just wait. Is that the other shoe I see?
Of course it is all Bill Clinton's fault. Look what he did to the dinosaurs. Now they're extinct.
We need to invade Iran to look for dinosaurs, or WMD, or whatever the
Chimp King is blabbering about this week.
If I had $1 for every time I was called a liberal demorat commie leftie, I'd be rich
If I had $1 for every time I was called a GOP right wing conservative nutjob, I'd be rich
Get it?
Some people think for themselves, issue by issue. Some people don't see everything through Democratic and Republican filters. Some people are awake.
And those are the type of people, and there are a lot amongst the HP crowd, who also saw the obvious housing bubble (obvious to some, denied by most that is) before it popped, and did something about it.
Ignorance is not bliss. No matter what the Democrats and Republicans and their ilk tell you.
US out of Iraq. And bomb Iran. And to the .0000000001% of the population who agrees with me, cheers. To the other 99.9999999%, even though you disagree with me, I hope HP makes you think.
Iran will be attacked by the US/UK/Israel criminal cabal.
All you who want this to happen with a flag in one hand and beer in will get what you have coming.
Starvation is a very painful way to die, but you have earned this righteous end to your useless lives.
And Keith I include you in this group. You have postured for over a year now the inaccuracies of Iran. You are blind as the rest.
America is now populated by fat, lazy, uneducated, self-righteous, useless eaters. You all deserve what you have coming.
"Nation building we suck at. But bombing we're pretty good."
The future Nation has to want to be built, we did a pretty good job in Europe.
Iraq doesn't want a democracy. We ought to pull out but let them know that we will control-alt-delete them again if they become a problem.
Time to control-alt-delete Iran.
I've always wondered what it would be like being an ordinary German in 1938.
Thanks people, now I know.
The bloodlust is staggering, ask yourself who Iran has invaded since the Shah was deposed. Remember him? The US-friendly tryrant who was installed after the democratically elected government was violently deposed.
Richard - did you predict that Iran would do something to start the battle this summer? And how did you predict we'd respond?
It hath been foretold...
Iran respects one thing - power. And it exploits weakness. Right now they're having a field day with US, UK, Israel and UN weakness. It's salad days in Iran.
Those days are numbered.
That's what you get for playing in someone else's kitty box.
Maybe the Brits shouldn't have been spying. Perhaps the 1979 episode wouldn't have taken place if America hadn't killed their democratically elected leader and installed a brutal dictator.
So amusing to see Americans playing innocent victim all the time when in fact, they are often the instigators of trouble around the world.
PS. Ironic that the only country ot ever USE nukes is so freaked out that anyone esle should have them.
I also love reading the tough "kill them all, nuke them to hell" posts on here and other places.
And you assholes wonder why so many cheered when the towers came down......
Iran will push and push and push until someone pushes back. They are like a bully who will continue to push until someone stands up to them and then they run to mommie just like Sadr did.
If Iranian people can't take control of there government then they don't deserve a government. We need to do all that is necessary to defend British friends and stop dealing with criminals. The only weapon the Revolutionary Guard has is to convince women and children to blow themselves up in a crowded market with families. Good thing I'm not the President of the U.S. I wouldn't hesitate to inflict major pain.
"I've always wondered what it would be like being an ordinary German in 1938. "
where in Iran are you?
Truly disgusting to see so many Americans salivating at the prospect of killing lots of people in another country.
Me, I'm going to enjoy seeing America go broke, it's culture sinking further into white trashness as they try and rule the world. You can't afford it! Look what happened when the Soviets overextended themselves.
the iranians have never done anything to us nor has any arab ever done anything to this nation. we should not be in iraq. we should not be in afghanistan. we have killed countless innocent people. our nation is not what it would appear to be. we have governments within government. there are forces at work here that many americans do not understand nor seem to care about. these same forces are in control of our economy and are hard at work to destroy this nation. they are destroying our military by getting them bogged down in wars that never end. so now they will destroy our economy with out of control spending of freshly printed worthless bank notes and unbridled illegal immigration. many things can be said on this but these facts are just a very small part of the overall program. perhaps we as americans should wake up from our slumbers and realize that we as a nation are near the end of our national existence. but go tell that to the blind americans who are living their pathetic selfish lives, thinking that they are a free people.
Your perspective vs. my perspective.
I have 6 decades of life and 6 generations of USA forefathers in the USA; you and yours may have just gotten off the boat.
You may be concerned about the Grand USSA next month, next year, next generation; I do not care about waking up tomorrow. My country is lost, gone; yours belongs to the world. (ha).
When I see these young Brit punks, captured without firing a shot, with the ball-less one among them, telling (not me, but ) you sheeple how well it is being treated, I, well, feel for those who died 911, because they died at your hands.
Once again Keith you are wrong.
British soliders were in Iranian water and were justly captured.
The US has been fomenting war with Iran for years.
A stated agenda to invade Iran has been on the table for years.
And guess why got it bro...OIL.
It is about the oil Keith...and you will be posting about the great oil crash and oil grab wars in just the next couple of months.
This attack will amplify the effects of peak oil. Last year Saudi oil production was 9.2 million barrels per day...this year 8.1...and declining.
Mexico's oil field Cantarell is in catastrophic decline and will be halved in production in less than 2 years...the Burgan field, the 40's field, the north sea, the north shore...ALL MAJOR LARGE OIL FIELDS ARE IN TERMINAL DECLINE. And no new large fields are being found.
Please - all you cracked out lazy americans - please don't say "renewables", please don't say ethanol...or hybrids...the math has bee done and we are screwed.
Without food...we die of starvation...
attacking Iran has zero to do with nukes and everything to do with fat lazy americans driving escalades...PERIOD.
It hath been foretold.
"The bloodlust is staggering, ask yourself who Iran has invaded since the Shah was deposed."
Do explain how Iran is in the right by capturing the British sailors who were in, basically, an inflatable boat? How many warnings did the Iranians give them to turn around? Did the Iranians really think those 15 sailors were making a landing asault?
Oh, and what parading the captured sailors about on TV? Making the female wear the scarf on her head? Would the British make a capture Iranian female take her scarf off before they paraded her around on TV?
Lucky the British are hotheads like the Iranians, otherwise the Cornwall would have taken the Iranians hostage for trespassing in Iraqi waters. Perhaps they should next time.
How about you go live in Iran. If you are so stout in defending it; and so sure they are in the right. Go live in a place with burkas; where religious freedom does not exist, and where your marxist dreams can come true. Seriously, go.
Oh wait, you don't want to?
Oh's almost as cool as saying go fight in Iraq for your beliefs...dumbshit.
Too bad you can't pick up podcasts of air america in Iran, because the website IS BLOCKED. Asshat.
Your perspective vs. my perspective.
I have 6 decades of life and 6 generations of USA forefathers in the USA; you and yours may have just gotten off the boat.
You may be concerned about the Grand USSA next month, next year, next generation; I do not care about waking up tomorrow. My country is lost, gone; yours belongs to the world. (ha).
When I see these young Brit punks, captured without firing a shot, with the ball-less one among them, telling (not me, but ) you sheeple how well it is being treated, I, well, feel for those who died 911, because they died at your hands.
Man, what happened to you? You can't be possibly trolling your own site. Are you buying into this neocon-secret society BS? Huge disappointment.
OH man, I Can't beleive you would actually think of being a centrist! we thought you were lefter then Marx...what happend?! Oh, you have rational thought processes...FORGET THIS BLOG!!!! you totally let me down Kieth, you totally let me down....
"We are Americans who aren't afraid of wimps like you."
But who's getting a beaten by insurgents wearing sandals? That's why you don't volunteer to fight there. NO CHEAP EXCUSES, GO ENLIST NOW!
See below what your nice British friends do.
Hey, STRIKER, check this one out:
You are spot on, less than 30% of the US population has an college education, not that that makes you educated but it shows how lazy americans are the best educational system in the would yet less than 1/3 of the population takes advantage. Yet we still thing we are better than the rest of the world and consume 65% of the worlds resources.
Ha ha ha ha baahaa waha!
1) Were are the other European countries? I thought there was some sort of ‘Union’ (EU).. You would think member nations would at least condemn the hostage taking
but of course there is no unity in this ‘union’.
2) For the past decade Europeans including the Brits have been supporting morally and financially anything that could hurt the great Jewish people, its now back firing big time!, and this is only the beginning, by propping up the short term enemies of Israel, Europeans have empowered these idiot oil rich mullahs who are now out of control.
3) Am not hearing the usual Eurowhimpean call for ‘restraint’ as a response to this kind of Islamo fascist aggression.
This is just too funny!!
You reap what you sow!
Anon said:
Then Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, every fucking one of those sand nigger countries.'
Amen brother!
Keith - I didn't realize you had so many conspiricy theorists reading your blog. They should go check out the archives on France's new UFO site!
Hey Richard, what are you afraid of? I have some property I can sell you because you seem very naive. Why don't you go live in Iran if you like it so much. Go!!! Get out of the U.S. In fact why don't you strap a bomb to your back and show everyone how brave you are. You enjoy the benefits of freedom but don't won't to pay the price. Freedom has a price and sometimes you have to be tough with other countries to defend that freedom.
Maybe you are an FB and you have a little anger. Yea that must be it and so now you don't trust yourself. Don't worry mommy will take care of you!!
Keith, c'mon, you just see what the controlled MSM shows you, and then you base your assumptions on that. Haven't you seen enough of trickery by this Bush Administration to not trust these stories?
Plus, you're taking sides with the Israelis. Now that's a group of people you can trust.
Frankly, you need to open your eyes a little and be more skeptical about the US, Britain, and Israel. Or you're a disinformation agent who sold the soul to the MI6 or Mossad, which is a possibility.
Very strange indeed that you are hanging out in one of the most expensive cities in the world, just writing this blog for living, and taking expensive trips all over Europe every so often. RED ALERT!
Keith, I have a whole new respect for you.
Once again, you are ‘right on’!
I'm not for dropping bombs personally.
If we need to talk until we die natural deaths and then let our next of kin continue talking...someday we may reach an agreement.
Yes...the nations have argued for a long time...but what is too long really?
Bombs will only end the argument in a definitive way albeit not a positive one I'm afraid.
I don't support the stupid actions/threats/ideologies of Iran but on the same note I don't support similar actions/threats/ideologies of the U.S. either.
Keith...I do believe that you think for yourself are not beholden to any "etched in stone" ideology unless there is true good that comes from it....and not the "good" where one benefits at the expense of others.
Political leanings are worthless to me all seems to be about the $'s anyways.
Do I have an answer for the worlds problems?
Do I believe that too many people are short-sighted in looking for the solutions to the world's problems.
To be 100% sure about something is very dangerous...especially when it comes to dropping bombs.
We are all guilty of being human.
I just wish all of us humans could collectively pull our heads out of our asses.
Helmet Hair!
Like Germany in 1938?
So the Poles kidnapped German soldiers, made them right stilted "confession" letters and letters telling their countrymen that their gov't screwed up?
Did I miss that?
Maybe it was the Czechs instead? The French?
Iran isn't exactly a peaceful little country. It's a place where if you speak out against the gov't you can be thrown in jail, beaten, tortured, have your eyes gouged out.
I know, in your liberals fantasy land, that's true in america also, right? I mean the gov't throws all kinds of dissenters in jail, right? Can you name one? And no, Jihadists picked up in Afghanistan don't count.
Yeah our gov't tortures people in Gitmo...that's why the inmates put on pounds, have kosher meals, prayer mats, their own little Korans.
Just sad you people are so anti-american. What did your country ever do to you to make you hate it so? You take out your frustrations of your own failures on your country and its government? Get help.
The Iranians have an absolute right to a nuclear power program. If they were building a bomb, they probably are ten to twenty years away from getting one.
We should NEGOTIATE with them, not bomb them. I don't want to pay eight dollars a gallon for gasoline.
"Why don't you volunteer to fight there? You should drop everything right now and go fight. Are you a Republican coward?"
How do you think this works, you turn up at the depot, they give you some kit and a rifle, then a quick march over to the transport plane and away you go?
I did my bit 25 years ago, and have the holes in my legs to prove it. At 45 now my days of yomping 30 mile over open country with 70lb packs are long over.
Before you call anyone cowards, walk a mile in my shoes, then get back to me.
You pussy libtards are just a bunch of dumb-asses.
Just because most of us are not in the military doesn't mean we don't have the right to demand that those who have agreed to serve, fight on our behalf!
You idiot libtards, that's like saying we don't have the right to demand police and fire protection unless we and our families are willing to become policeman and firemen.
Anyone left of center is a worthless PUSSY - PERIOD!
Sadly, as usual the idiots in power ruin it for the other 99.9% of the populace that could give a flying twit about these petty power monkeys flinging bombs at each other and will pay the price for it - US included.
My what a bunch of armchair generals we have here today. Our military is stretched to the breaking point with Afghanistan and Iraq and now you want to attack Iran. Sorry folks but the nuclear genie was let out of the bottle long ago. Nuclear non-proliferation is an unattainable pipe dream. The Iranian people are decidedly pro west and like America for the most part. The party of President Ahminejad lost a significant number of seats in their last election and if we are patient the Iranians will eventually rid themselves of him and his ilk. If we start dropping bombs on them, and especially nukes, I am sure they would rally against us and it would be never ending war for generations. And don't talk to me about nuking the entire middle east and turning it into a glass bowl. Nukes used on that scale would pollute and contaminate the entire planet and we would be committing suicide. Everyone just take a deep breath and let Britian and Iran work this out themselves.
The play unfolds exactly as scripted. America can't openly start a war with Iran...but Britain can.
And then America jumps in to support poor lil Britain. Mission accomplished.
It is a puppet show and all of you are the puppets. Testosterone pumps, people wave flags, and when you are all lathered up.....they send your kids off to get shot.
Welcome to a world where "endless war" is the only way to keep our sick economic system from collapse.
It is all about money...and keeping America (er I mean Britain) (er I mean Israel) power.
Iran will be attacked by the US/UK/Israel criminal cabal.
All you who want this to happen with a flag in one hand and beer in will get what you have coming.
Starvation is a very painful way to die, but you have earned this righteous end to your useless lives.
And Keith I include you in this group. You have postured for over a year now the inaccuracies of Iran. You are blind as the rest.
America is now populated by fat, lazy, uneducated, self-righteous, useless eaters. You all deserve what you have coming.
Thanks Dick. Nothing but love
Iran had better let the Brits go by Good Friday, otherwise there will be hell to pay.
Given the level of polar partisanship here, I hesitate to add.
But as a thought, this conversation reminds me of when Ronald Reagan said "last night we spoke to him in the only language he understands".
Left is fine. Far left hate America sucks ass. A few of the posts here today sicken me.
Truly, I wish I knew what influences caused you to hate your country (the country that defeated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan). That I truly wish I knew.
I suspect it was a far left elementary school teacher. Got in your head early.
The Iran peanut does not believe in the holocaust -- dictating to Europeans their own tragic history. If thats not enough to at least trigger a neuron in some people's brains about Iran not getting nuclear weapons, then I don't know what is.
I would not characterize myself as a big Israel fan but peanut's comment about wiping out a country over religious terms is outrageous. Peanut is a head of state.
Obviously, Iran wants to escalate. I'm not sure if the US even needs to occupy Iran when you can just waste it. Iran will never make it across the desert because the sky is going to be swarming with the American air force.
Our U.S. is in for one shock after
another, continuing the trend of
recent decades.
The ultimate shock is that we have
undermined the future for coming
generations by not being 'hard' on
ourselves and the kids.
Now we face ruin in a world that
has taken life seriously while we
grew fat and ignorant. It's not
that we don't deserve to suffer,
but we have failed the hope of
America ... to be an anchor of
progress in an ugly world.
It's too late to avoid calamities.
But the sooner we clean up our act,
the sooner the pain will abate.
"Iraq doesn't want a democracy. We ought to pull out but let them know that we will control-alt-delete them again if they become a problem."
"Time to control-alt-delete Iran."
I don't agree completely. I still think a little more US time on the ground in Iraq might give the gov't and the people of Iraq a better chance to withstand the terrorists when the US pulls out.
But I do think that all the people who have said over and over that you can't win with an air campain without troops on the ground are wrong. It just depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
I think that if it were easier to pull the trigger and bomb a rogue regime when it tests the boundies, these rogue regimes would be less likely to do so. It is the fact that they know there will always be resistance to such actions that let's things fester so that when they are finally dealt with they have snowballed to enormous porportions.
I don't want us bombing every country that stirs up trouble as a first resort. I'm proud of the fact that our culture looks to solve things without violence where possible, but there are times that there are no good option.
In the interest of full disclosure: No I have not served in the military and unless we wind up in a far bigger war, I don't plan to be signing up at my age. I do however have several family memebers (amongst them a brother and two nephews) and friends who have served and who are serving in Iraq and/or Afganistan, some who signed up in response to 9-11 and others who were serving prior to it and have reupped multiple times. So does having lots of loved ones in harms way allow me the right, right or wrong, to support military efforts if I think they are necessary?
Keith, how do you reconcile your opinion about Iran with:
- I'm not convinced that Iran is evil.
- I'm not convinced that Iran does not have a right to nuclear power (not bombs).
- I'm not convinced that it is United States' job to prevent Iran from creating a nuclear bomb.
- I'm not convinced that Iran would use a nuclear bomb (if they had one) because they know they would be obliterated in a heartbeat.
It's all Bush's fault that the Iranians took the British sailors hostage. It's a neocon conpsiracy. The Jews are involved too. So are the fat lazy ignorant Americans watching sports all the time.
A quid-pro-quo solution, so becoming of a Mid-east souk, or a Justice Dept. payoff is available. The US releases the legally present, invited by the govt too, Iranian semi-diplomats that they've rounded up in Iraq in Jan. / Feb and who haven't been heard of since ( Gitmo anyone?) and the Iranians release these Brit. marines and sailors.
The Iranin Al-Qud operatives that have been picked up by the US for training and supplying IEDs stay imprisoned until the US leave.
That would be a sane solution. The US is on the way home anyway so these efforts by the Iranians to influence events in Iraq will continue regardless and best counteracted by bringing in Sunni Saud operatives - a grand equilibrium while the US extricates itself.
But with two nutters in power, here and in Iran, two nutters with a weakened political base and very low popular support - this is a crisis made for both of them.
And with a ignorant populace no unwilling to actually keep up with the news, this crisis will continue on a steady diet of half-truths, lies, gung-ho rhetoric and mutual incomprehension.
Meantime, the people suffer.
"How bizare - WE are dropping DU bombs on women and children ,WE have the torture chambers, WE have illegally invaded Itaq, WE support Israel the only nuclear power in the region,WE have abolished Habeus Corpus, WE render innocent civilians from foreign countries and send them to secret CIA dungeons - and you're worried about Iran ?! LOL ! "
ummm... the fact that Bush is one of the worst presidents we have ever had and that he has conducted a disaterous war in Iraq and has no idea what foreign pollicy is does not negate the fact that many muslims are very dangerous people with deadly intentions. Why can't you partisan shills ever get this?
Oh... BTW -- I bet you no problem with Clinton's invasion of Kosovo since he was your guy. You people are sickening and that is the reason this country gets the crappy politicians it has.
"WTF right do we have to regulate what kind of weapons Iran has? For all of the BULLSH*T blabbering the USA does it is the only nation in the world to have used nuclear weapons DELIBERATLY targeting civilians in Japan."
And what did Japan do to the U.S. on Dec 7, 1941, you dummy? Are you aware of the suicidal tactics that the military of Japan was using to keep the war going indefinitly and make it deadlier by the day, you twit?
Whether it was right or wrong, the U.S. used nukes to end a war that would have killed many more than the nukes did had it continued. This does not compare to muslims desire ro use nukes against people who do not wish to convert to their primitive religion.
Keep up the good work Keith. We don't have to agree on everything, but I respect your free thinking. That's why I keep coming back to this blog.
What people don't remember was that during the last Iranian hostage crisis the Soviet and American hostages were both taken. Carter the pussy did nothing, until he was forced to politically and then you had the disaster rescue attempt. The Commies on the other had their special forces take some of their own hostages. The exchange was done problem solved.
However this is not a liberal vs. conservative issue. Our soldiers are mocked in Iraq because we have ridiculous rules of engagement that only allow for our soldiers to be sitting targets. Bush's policy is to be nice to insurgents and take them to court... The Iraqi people laugh at our weakness and have a running joke on wanting to stay at Abu Ghraib because of getting a square meal & some AC. These people come from an unforgiving desert land and respect force and power. But being America centric doesn't allow this to compute for most well meaning Americans.
The mighty Royal Navy with its rich history has fallen on tough times indeed.
"This is a chess move by Iran. Weakness here means they have carte blanche with the nuke issue. Strength and they'll back down quick on both fronts."
Keith: Are you ready to lose your job because price of gallon jumps to 30 dollars and because of the worldwide economic depression?
Are you ready for food rationing?
Are you ready to live without central heating because of oil crisis?
Are you ready to go there and fight against Iranians?
Maybe you should all think a little bit before shouting "let's nuke them" or other BS.
Especially, SINCE YOU ARE NOT THE ONE GOING TO DO THE FIGHTING. It is easy to be an armchair gung-ho.
"what foreign pollicy is does not negate the fact that many muslims are very dangerous people with deadly intention"
You must be a really good expect on Arab cultures! It is us Christians AGAIN messing up there things when all they want is LEAVE THEM ALONE.
"There follows a list of Christian countries I can think of that have been conquered by Moslems since the Industrial Revolution: (NONE)
On the other hand, to the best of my admittedly weak historical understanding, the following Islamic countries have been conquered by Christians: Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Chad, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Libya, Indonesia, Yemen, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Kyrgyz, Kazakhstan, Somalia, Sudan, and Uzbekistan, to name a few. On various occasions Christians have tried to conquer Afghanistan, but with no better luck than they deserved. "
Wow, how things have changed in three years! What a bunch of hypocritical weasels Brits are!
From Thursday, 24 June, 2004:
"Iran releases British servicemen
The eight British servicemen held in Iran since Monday have been released, the UK government has said.
The men were seized in the Shatt al-Arab waterway, where they were training the Iraqi river patrol service. British officials have said that the men may have mistakenly strayed over the maritime border...
"I'm obviously very pleased indeed, as, I know, their families and service colleagues will be, that they are now in British care," he said.
Mr Straw defended the fact that it has taken four days to secure the release of the men.
"These things do sometimes take time," he said"
All playing nice and lovely back then and now Iran is the next Nazi Germany...
"We hate this system that we are trapped in, but we don't know what our cage looks like because we have never seen it from the outside." The playbook is 1984 and we are all too stupid (me too) to realize what we say and do - means nothing - if the machine want war it gets war - to bad our kids get to do the fighting - nothing has changed since Christ's time.
"Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money! Moloch whose fingers are ten armies!"
"No one get's out of here alive"
Think about it - forget right wing, left wing - they are on the same team - we're just watching and paying the bill.
someone said , what right do we have to tell the iranians what they can have and can't have? and the correct answer to that question is none....we have absolutely no right to tell them anything. how would you feel if some country came here to the states and surrounded this country with military ships and started having war games off of our coast? how would you feel? now granted the poisonous rhetoric coming out of the mouth of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad does not help matters. but, it must be noticed by anyone with half a brain that such statements at this time or any time or just strange to say the least. it is almost as if he is trying to provoke someone. now then, why would he intentionally provoke someone? good question. this is do not know, but i can tell you is that it appears that this whole thing is one big script and these players on the stage are performing their parts the americans go to work, raise their families , bitch about taxes and higher prices, while participating in the high cost of low prices at walmart and never, and i repeat, never see or understand anything about this. the war is far off for them. heck, my children are not involved in it, so why worry about it? well this will change soon as they reinstitute the draft. so the war that never ends continues unabated, searching tirelessly for the boogie man bin laden, a man created by our own CIA...oh yes my friends, he was one of theirs and he also has performed his part in this play very well. for you see, this whole disgusting episode in our national history, was started, less we forget by the allegeged attack on us by bin laden on 911. is this not correct? so then we take off and suddenly are in a position to attack afghanistan and those evil taliban and saddam hussein, both of these entiities of which we ourselves created, also lest we forget. and so now we are bogged down in wars that we never should be fighting. and for what? who knows at this point. the conjecture on that question could go on for a long time, but i know the true reason. i leave it to ou all to find out this simple is like president eisenhower( a notorious traitor) said one time.....beware the military industrial is not interesting how we as americans manufacture almost nothing of importance anymore, but we damn sure can make war toys with reckless abandon......can't we? and so the play continues and men are killed and men die and we argue and we complain and we vote and we point fingers and nothing changes. i ask you now, where have we been and where are we going? who are we? who are we really (at this point)? God only knows i think. the constitution has been said to be a god damn piece of paper by the traitor that now inhabits thw white house, a house that we ourselves built with the blood and sacrifice of a very small percentage of american men and women during the late 1700's. yet we somehow now, have forgotten all of this. that god damn piece of paper with those precious bill of rights, are still there, neglected and chastened somewhat by our own learned ignorance but still there nevertheless. so now after 50 years of dumbing down in our government schools we have volunteer soldiers that fight invisible enemies in innocent countries for a goal that is never achieved. This is the ameica we live in now. We have ourselves to blame. we are truely......our own worst enemies.
Also check out the size of the different atomic arsenals: What North Korea has 6 'bombs' this is all bull shirt. Iran might make 1 in 6-10 years. The fear is directed at the US population from the US government. This fear of atomic war keeps us in line not the other way around.
Then check out the size of the different atomic arsenals (US vs USSR) during the Cuban Missile crisis the idea we were on the verge of atomic war is also bull shirt - I think (don't quote me) we had 10,000 warheads vs 800 in the USSR yeah Russia wanted to go head to head with us - as if. More 1984 type people control - never stops.
the ultimate chess game.
The bankrupt US vs an oil rich middle east at a time of declining oil reserves.
how do you solve the problem?
destroys the economy, wipes out all debts, destroys the dollar and creates a new north american union to secure the homeland. we secure the oil. we have a new dollar "the amero" - like the euro- and its backed by OIL
well let's see. first we were told that we went to Iraq, because they participated in 911 and they had wmd's which they were threatening us with. Now, I ask you. Where are the wmd's? Where is the proof that Iraqis attacked us on 911? So now from time to time, a video surfaces almost magically as if on que, showing some tall, thin bearded man in a cave somewhere with a brand new never fired ak47 by his side, making strange statements. Yet this man has never said he attacked us on 911, but this little fact is somehow lost in the reels of news footage on the subject. Yet we attack afghanistan because they say the Taliban participated in 911. Well, where is the proof? Then we come to find out that a American company had been negotiating with the Taliban for the rights to build a oil and gas pipeline through Afghanistan and those talk were at a standstill. Seems our boys in the Turbans wanted a bigger cut of the action so they were put on the enemies of the state list. Also, the Taliban were somewhat strict about things and had put a end to the lucrative drug trade, in opium products from the poppies grown in afghanistan. This could not be allowed to happen. Since certain parties in our own government who benefit from the drug trade, could not allow this type of blockage of their flow of funds eminating from the sale of opium, well our Taliban friends had to be brought down. So it was told to us that they were evil men and they needed to be stopped. So our armies moved in and are now trying to destroy them. But , the going has been tough and will always be so. For it can be said that no army has ever conquered Afghanistan. None, ever, and ours will be no different.
Saddam Hussein was said to have wmd's but didn't have any. What he had done was change over to euros in his banking practices for the sale of his precious oil commodity. He was attempting to become a powerful arab leader, and had delusions of being another Nebuchadnezzar. This could not be allowed to happen. We created him and so we took him down and then we hung him for war crimes which he purportedly committed. But we ourselves have committed numerous atrocities in these wars. Certainly not the least of which would be the usage of depleted uranium enhanced shells and bombs. Anyone doing a cursory search of the internet for information concerning these weapons will find out the terrible truth. We have now poisoned and totally destroyed Iraq forever. Its people's will die a slow death for generations to come as we shall also. For you see, what we have done to them there, and in Afghanistan and in Serbia, will come back to haunt us as it is now already. Even now , all these years after the first gulf war, we have sick and dying soldiers, from a malady that no one wishes to discuss, at least not publically or officially. So now we have dumped tons of this material on Iraq in one form or the other, furthering the damage already done to the earth's ecosystem there and elsewhere and as it was in the first gulf war, so it shall be in this one. The soldiers coming home from this war will undoubtedly become sick or are already sick without even knowing it , dying inside from uranium poisoning. Yes my friends , what we have done shall come here as the winds of this earth carry the du dust all over the planet. Even now this radioactive dust is in the states, falling on us and we are breating it in. I say thank you mr bush and mr chaney and I say thank you to the dumb American generals and leaders who have allowed this unconstitutional activity to happen and continue unabated. Isn't it strange how Bush says we are attempting to give the arabs democracy while at the same time they say they must take ours away for our own good and our own protection from the evil boogy man, whoever he happens to be this day? Wake up Americans!
I don't understand why America needs to go halfway around the world to torture and kill Muslims. The US is currently infested with Middle Easterners, so why not start the eradication here?
This silly hostage drama involving British sailors seems designed to allow England to strike the first blow against Iran. With US military "intelligence" totally discredited, maybe the world will believe what the British have to say about the incident. Once the war with Iran gets underway, the US will be forced to come to the aid of its chief European ally.
Lets hope that the conflict with Iran can be accomplished without causing us too many inconveniences here at home. It would be a real shame if gas rationing were to be accompanied by a reinstatement of the draft.
war? army? invasion? I don't recall mentioning any of that.
"bombing" - go look it up
Anon said: "I think (don't quote me) we had 10,000 warheads vs 800 in the USSR yeah Russia wanted to go head to head with us"
Dude, 800 vs 10,000? don't you think that after, say, uh, 200 it doesn't really matter? What I am saying is that 800 is as much a deterrent as 10,000.
To be fair, during the cold war you really need to add russia and china's nuke numbers together as we didn't have all 10,000 pointed solely at russia.
"1) Were are the other European countries? I thought there was some sort of ‘Union’ (EU).. You would think member nations would at least condemn the hostage taking
but of course there is no unity in this ‘union’."
Absolutely. I was just a little surprised that I think only Germany has came right out in support of UK. Perhaps other smaller countries have but it didn't make the liberal MSM news here in the USA as that would be to "warish".
I would never expect france to do so, unless it was in their best interests.
I think my favorite ignorant American post here is the one where the person compares what we did to Japan to Pearl Harbor. Yeah, they attacked a military installation near their country and we cooked hundreds of thousands of their women and children. Sounds equal to me.
And then the ignorant savage, no doubt a republican, rationalizes our use of nukes.
You gotta hand it to them 'Mericans. They're not only ignorant, they're EVIL.
I find it hilarious when I read "the liberal MSM". You conservative savages can't get the intelligent people who work in the media to parrot your ignorance so you label the media liberal.
The myth of the "liberal media" comes from the civil rights era when segregationists were angry that their backwards ideas weren't given proper respect by the media. Isn't that charming?
The media isn't in the business of promoting conservatism because conservatism is a gutter ideology of anti-intellectualisms and profound ignorance. But if it makes you stupid conservatives feel better about the backwards beliefs you ascribe to and allows you to feel that persecution you so desperately crave, go for it.
bitter renter, i will take it one step further. there is no difference between the political parties. they are both the same. on the outside they look like they are different but at night, when the camera lights dim, they get together and drink and eat and are merry, on us of course. there is no right and left....all of these ideas came about in the early 1900's. they were invented to make the stupid american think that somehow he has a choice. he does not. he may have never had any real choice. this life is truely a matrix where we live in our own worlds of our own making, thinking that what we see is real, but it is not. this is life as we know it now. our laws are not real and there is no remedy at law for any of us, yet it appears that there is real law. it is called color of law. when go into fight a ticket at court, the judge is payed by the county and/or city where you are. so how can he be impartial? this sort of thing goes all the way up to the top, even to the supreme court, the last constitutional court we have left and if you noticed, they illegally helped to elect a president in the year 2000. of course things being the way they are, there would not have been any difference. gore would have done things very similarily to bush. they are all members of the same team. they all have the same bosses. they all have made pacts with the devil and take his money and his power that he gives them. and, in the course of these human events, the common man and woman suffers. during all of this suffering, we argue with each other and point accusing fingers at each other and criticize each other on political and ideological grounds never realizing that it matters not one iota. all of the things that happen in this world are by plan are and are carried out to their logical conclusions, whether we like it or not. now then , it can be said that this satanic system can be stopped. but do we have the national will to do it? that is the question. and at this point, i would have to say a emphatic we do not...i wish it was different, but the dumbing down by televisions and grade and learning inflation in our schools have produced functionally illiterate young people who cannot reason and who cannot rationalize or do anything closely resembling critical thinking. so it is in 2007. so it will be in 2008. so it will be till we die, unless we change. unless, we as a people understand what is at stake here and understand the forces that are alligned against us and who are out to destroy this nation and all it stands for(if it stands for anything anymore)......anyone wishing to examine what liberty is go and watch some videos about chechnya.....for what happens there is coming here....the question is will you sit on your couch and pretend it is not happening or will you take up arms to defend her and die if need be for the next generation of young people unborn as of yet....this nation once was great. it can be great again. the time is short. there is no more time for silly discussions about parties and the left right paradigm. rome is burning now. shall we pretend it is not, that is real question, isnt it?
OBL never said he did 9/11? Yes, he did. You are clueless. It's sad.
The "pipeline"...another liberal canard. The pipeline was proposed and then 1997. AFghanistan was taken over years's been 5 years since we have our friendlies in place. So where's the pipeline? Why wasn't it built if the whole 9/11 thing was about a pipeline?
Imagine that...going to all the trouble of blowing up the WTC, having phony "hijackers" (who are still alive in Saudi Arabia!!), etc. Just to build a pipeline. Which wasn't built even when it now can be. Imagine that.
does it matter if he said he did it or not? how can we know truely who he is? how can we know what he truely said? how can we know truely where he is? what difference does it really make? do you think for one minute that some skinny frail , and tall bearded arab looking guy living in a cave somewhere, was able to successfully carry out the most vicious and dastardly terrorist event in the history of the united states? do you really? if you do, then you sir, are the one that is clueless. i can go down the line and examine the facts as they present themselves to us, and it would not matter. for you see, you cannot see things as they truely are. you are in a world of cognitive disconnection, and no matter what anyone says or does, you will not change your viewpoint...i know.....i used to be like you........but one day......yes one glorious day, (if i want to call it that) i woke up.....and the world as i knew it changed to the world as it is...the blinders came off and i could see clearly...i cannot tell you why this happened. it is both a blessing and a curse....for when this happens to you, you will know it.....and then your world will change.....and during this change you become a man or woman inculcated with a religious furvor attempting to warn those who have not awaken of the impending doom that is about to happen to this great land, a land where my fathers and their fathers before them lived on the land and lived off the land and when a man's handshake was his word....yes my friends we have fallen far......but all is not lost.....we can still change our destiny......but we cannot do it by believing in this reality that has been presented subconsiously and consciously to you by the media corporations in this country and these traitorous leaders and representatives we have in this sick and diseased government we now have..
Nuke'em ya that's the ticket, don't people understand the use Nukes to resolve any problem only increases the need for non nuclear countries to obtain NUKES. If we use a Nuke than all problems from that point become resolved by the use of a NUKE i think its called escalation. In this country there was once a push to elimate Nukes, now we have shifted to the belief that only certian countries deserve Nukes. Nukes are weapons aimed at killing large numbers of the Civillan population, what type of person advocates indiscriminate murder of average people just like you and me. Wow, how easy it is to de-humanize a people and condem them to death, in the name of freedom, guess our freedom is worth more than their's (oh but you say they hate freedom they hate us because of our freedom lamo how can we really beleive this). This is a human issue, Humans decied a long time ago that it was in our best interest to cooperate for our survival, i guess in this world of convinence certian groups of humans are expendable.
Terrorism is a tactic that works well on Americans, prior to 9/11 americans were all for personal liberty and freedom, now we give them up willingly in the name of security. or should i say insecurity. i don't claim to know what the proper response to 9/11 is/was but i have to say we have not responded appropriately.
In this world of haves and have-nots i would bet that every-one on this blog is in the have-nots(worth less that 100 billion) yet we sing the tunes of the Haves egar to go half way round the world to kill other have-nots. Most of us want to protect our way of life, but is it worth protecting when we take moer than our share, which creates those who hate us.
Nuke'em ya that's the ticket, don't people understand to use Nukes to resolve andy problem only increases the need for Additonal NUKES on all sides. If we use a Nuke than all problems from that point become resolved by the use of a NUKE> In this country there was once a push to elimate Nukes, now we have shifted to only certian countries deserve Nukes. Nukes are weapons aimed at killing large numbers of a countries Civillan population, what type of person advocates indiscriminate murder of average people just like you and me. Wow, how easy it is to de-humanize a people and condem them to death, in the name of freedom, guess our freedom is worth more than their's. This is a human issue, Humans decied a long time ago that it was in our best interest to cooperate for our survival, i guess in this world of convinence we live in certian types are expendable.
Terrorism is a tactic that works well on Americans, prior to 9/11 americans were all for personal liberty and freedom, now we give it all up willingly in the name of security. In this world of haves and have-nots i would bet that every-one on this blog is in the have-nots(worth less that 100 billion) yet we sing the tunes feed to us by the Haves.
"Imagine that...going to all the trouble of blowing up the WTC, having phony "hijackers" "
You see, that's why you are a sheeple like the majority of people incapable of connecting dots and looking at evidence. And this is not a matter of being liberal or not.
Nobody is saying that the attack wasn't done by terrorists. We are saying that the neocons along with other powerful groups, knew about the plan and let terrorists proceed with it to accomplish their goals. Of course, there was some help on pulling all those buildings down.
No building has ever collapsed after burning completely down, BTW. Building seven wasn't hit and had minor fire, however it collapsed like the towers.
The neocons/secret society wanted an event like 9-11 to have an excuse to invade the Middle-East and secure oil fields since Peak Oil is here to stay.
Here, watch more evidence:
Some of you guys don't want to believe and keep repeating what Fox News feeds you. Hey, if you feel better by keeping your head in the sand, go for it. I just feel sorry for so many naive Americans who choose to be easy pray for people like Karl Rove.
"How about you go live in Iran."
How about you go fight in Iraq, coward?
"You are spot on, less than 30% of the US population has an college education"
Actually only 18% of Americans have a college degree. BTW, the blue states, where most college grads and people with a brain are, carry this country on their backs. For instance, Silicone Valley = blue state; Microsoft = blue state; Google = blue state; Wall Street = blue state; Movie Industry = blue state, etc, etc, etc.
Wal-Mart = red state = destroying American jobs, life, and factories, making us all China's bitches.
Don't forget that Bush is giving American nuclear technology to India, in return for mangos. Hey, if Bush is giving free nuclear technology to rogue countries like India, why not let Iran have theirs?
Fox News doesn't report that, huh?
"Actually it is Carter's fault for not dealing with the original crisis correctly."
Really, we are 6 years under Republican administration. Where's Osama and what your palls are going to do about it?
So far this Administration is taking a beating in Iraq and Afghanistan, Osama and his group are at large, Chavez is humiliating Bush even in NYC at UN.
Now you fools want to bomb Iran. Have you forgotten about that pathetic Shock & Awl fiasco? We bombed the hell of Iraq, but so what? Everybody with a brain knows that the US lost that war long time ago by regular folks wearing sandals...just like in Vietnam. The US can't fool anybody else out there but sheeple like you.
Of course, it's easier to behave like this current Administration is not responsible for acting on anything. Easier to call everyone a liberal, dump the responsibility on previous Administrations, and stick the head in the sand. Current housing bust occurring under Republican Administration, hellllloooo???
"The biggest nation, the best nation, the superpower, the greatest country in the whole world." *Eagles flying, American flags waving, sheeple crying*
Meanwhile 50% don't have/can't afford health insurance, only 18% have a bachelor's degree, one million working Americans go into poverty every year since Bush took office, savings are negative, biggest debtor nation on earth, the majority live out of credit cards and Helocs to buy crap from China, and Osama nowhere to be found by "the biggest and most powerful military in the entire world!"
Does all that sound like the best nation in the entire world? Hahaha, what a joke to fool sheeple. Yep, this country is the biggest lie ever told in Hollywood movies.
the trouble with nukes is that you cannot simply go and bomb someone and expect no environmental repercussions from this event. the fallout will come back to you eventually. heck there are still many physical problems that japanese suffer from and these are associated with uranium exposure even to this day in japan. everywhere they used to have test of these horrible weapons still has environmental problems. you cannot escape it. the careless use of nukes is a tragedy of epic proportions that will have everlasting effects on mankind and this earth. many of the men who were used as guinea pigs during the post war years , while testing nukes in the deserts of this land, ended up dying from cancers etc. the du dust coming from the middle east because of our over usage of du shells and bombs is even now finally reaching these very shores born by the winds that carry these particles around the world. it cannot be escaped. so to simply state, go nuke them, you are not thinking this thing through. it is not a win win situation and mankind is the looser.
instead of worrying about what other nations are doing, why don't we stay home and mind our own business. is it not written down in our constitution that the president shall use the army only when we are attacked in this land? why do we continue to get involved in wars that make no sense? men die for nothing. the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. what is liberty? what is freedom? can we remember it or shall we forget it forever? is it too late to remember?
unocal announces large pipeline project going across afghanistan.......oh did i say something about a pipeline?
opium trade resumes in afghanistan.....oh my , did i say something about drugs and afghanistan? i believe i did somewhere......
no further questions. your witness.......
india already has nuclear weapons you leftarded moron. they got them in 1998.
the nuclear technology we are giving india is for nuclear power plants, so they don't end up with a socialist chernobyl disaster
wall street corruption = blue state
dotcom bust = blue state
google overpriced hyped = blue state
most of the real estate bubble is also blue state. south florida, california, boston, washington dc, chicago. the blue state morons are paying $550,000 for crackhouses in compton and proud of it
a few more blue areas - detroit, cleveland, youngstown, neward, compton, east st louis.
why don't you "educated" blue state morons go join your blue brothers there?
You Middle East is running out of oil, you idiots. There is more oil in Canada than all of Saudi Arabia. The Rocky Mountains has more oil than Saudi Arabia. South America has more oil than the Saudis. The raggies wasted all their money on Western junk and will be back to riding camels in 20 years.
if it is american's writing these comments, then I am wondering: i thought the right wing extemists were in the middle east. Turns out they are in America - don't believe me? Read these comments about nuking Iran etc. How is this different from terrorism? How are we any better than extremists in Iran? They perceive us as a threat and say, destroy Americans. We perceive them as a threat, and say nuke Iran...
If 15 Iranian sailors were caught in US waters, they would be in Cuba by now, in jail indefinately and we would not even know about it.
It is time to rethink our approach and how we are going to live with one another. If they were in Iranian waters, Britain should apologize, Bush should shut up, and they should negotiate the release. Basta. A Canadian.
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