March 27, 2007
Congressman Ron Paul for President (not gonna happen, but sure would be fun)
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
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If I ever voted Republican, I would vote for him. The only decent Republican I've seen around.
I agree, it'll never happen. Makes too much sense. Here's a man that has outright called out the jews at the federal reserve, talked about how much money they have stolen from us, ect. Hell, I'm surprised he's still alive...... look what happened to JFK.
"Hell, I'm surprised he's still alive...... look what happened to JFK."
True, look what happened to Michael Ruppert.
Oh man really, thanks I needed that.
How can I join this 'federal reserve' you speak of? Am I already a member and don't know it??
honica, get a new soapbox. Your rants about Jews are really boring. You must be partly Jewish yourself, or you wouldn't be so obsessed. You're like the athletes, preachers, and politicians who obsessively rail against homosexuality or child pornography and end up being exposed as homosexuals or pedophiles. Those who point the most fingers are always themselves the guiltiest.
One of the few Libertarians to hold high public office. Too bad that like most Libertarians, he's pro-gun.
It's also too bad that he just voted against restricting Bush's war in Iraq, siding with the Republicans.
He's against campaign finance reform, since he believes that giving money to candidates for office is somehow protected speech.
In fact, he's got quite a few curious ideas.
I haven't yet found a better Libratarian candidate though. Let me know if you see one.
Ron Paul's far too decent a man to make it any further up the political ladder.
The MSM would never let him get elected; and if by some miracle he was, then HJ's right that someone'd plug him.
never gonna happen
OMG someone FINALLY said the truth, there's a few of us out there after all.
He is the only sane member of congress at the moment. The rest are bought and kept.
He raised excellent points. Too bad so few Americans will ever really know he said it. Neither will they ever know Mr. Bernanke's response to it.
Err, you do know that Paul is Jewish himself(half).
The Gold Standard is Jewish in origin itself(get that honica?). It would destroy all governments and cultures creating everybody into "commodities" "economic units". Internationalism at its finest.
The "Jews" of the Federal Reserve would love to come back to the gold standard but they can't, because Nazi's saw through that plot. So we have the fixed exchange controlled by national governments as it should be(except in the US, which is unconstituational by the way).
Guess who else loved Gold? A man by the name of Karl Marx. Jews love gold like a disease. They can't get enough of it. They hated the US orginially started off as a multi-metal backed nation and used their influence and power to make us completely into gold by 1870, igniting 3 major depressions in 60 years. It weakened the country, created robber barons, and actually led to the social programs themselves as the masses starved.
Hence, a bunch of Jews have dropped the gold standard as a rational tool of global domination, yet we still have so many Jewish intellectuals like Paul that still want to believe.
"Our monetary system insidiously transfers wealth from the poor and the middle class to the rich"
Wow! Never ever thought I'd ever hear a REPUBLICAN sey that. Miracles never cease.
The other outstanding point he brings up is the secretive nature of the Federal reserve. We need to get rid of that secrecy, Remember - this is government by the people.
We don't need no stinkin secrecy.
>>>I'll admit it sounds good and seems to make sense that Congress should have more control over our monetary policy. Then I think 'what happens of we get few hundred Nita Lowery's and Barbara Boxers up there pursuing some feel-good Socialist agenda?' The interest rate would be about .5% for the poor, and about 30% for everyone else. Forget about it. Congress would f*ck up our monetary system even worse than the Fed has.
What's wrong with Joe Biden?
I'm amazed he's still alive too.
What a great person. He has enough integrity that he can't be bought by the Money Masters.
Watch the DVD Money Masters by Bill Still and Fiat Empire on Google Video. Great stuff.
That was the single most amazing speech I have ever heard on C-Span.
Someone finally recognized and pointed out that house prices elude the CPI! Instead, "Owner's equivalent rent" is included...which has barely budged.
Imagine what the CPI is for a first-time home buyer, if you included a 15% annual rise in 40% of your budget! 6-8%! ... much higher than the 2%-2.5% in the CPI.
This guy is the best.
Ron Paul supports gun rights because he supports liberty. Citizens should be armed, governments should be least if you want a free society. Ron Paul is opposed to "campaign reform" and other destruction of a citizens right to support any candidate in any peaceful way because he supports liberty. If you don't like the idea that some people buy congreemen and senators, then reduce the power of government to control every aspect of our lives. No one used to purchase legislators when these criminals did not have the power to control our lives so thoroughly. We need to go back to the original interpretation of the "interstate commerce clause" which was to merely prevent states from stepping on the products from other states with all kinds of controls that gave advantage to products from their own states. Better yet, go back to the Articles of Confederation and patch them up a little bit and we can ditch the lousy constitution altogether! Gold is money because it is freely and peacefully chosen as money on a free and uncoerced market. You don't need any law to force people to accept gold as do need laws to force people to accept fiat-paper as money. On a free market, people can choose anything to act as money, but no one can use force to shove his fiat-paper money and credit down anyone else's throat. On a free market you would eventually have one commondity used as money simply because this would prove to be the easiest and cheapest way to go. You can't force gold and silver as money because that would mean a fixed price between the two. Prices are the result of subjective human choices and desires. The price of gold and silver cannot be fixed on a free market...they will flucuate, just as the price of a TV set in terms of gold is free to flucuate. Alan Greenspan used to understand that gold is money and Federal Reserve notes are not. You can easily find his 1966 essay "Gold and Economic Freedom" on the Internet. Make sure you get a full copy as there is an abreviated version out there. If you can locate the copies at or, these are complete, but I don't know if they are easy to locate at these sites.
If housing prices plummet and millions of Americans find themselves owing more than their homes are worth, the blame lies squarely with Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke. [link]
Texas Straight Talk
He is the only sane member of congress at the moment.
My english teacher told me "all" or "nothing" words are meaningless. I think Dennis Kucinich, a democrat, is a pretty good guy too and he has large numbers of republicans voting for him.
Wow! Never ever thought I'd ever hear a REPUBLICAN sey that. Miracles never cease.
In general, republicans are supposed to care about families as much as corporate america. Typically, they give familes "amendments against gay marraige" and "tough talk against abortiion" since they cost nothing while corporations get the right to rape...
Man, he's on a quite a rant there isn't he?
He raises some very interesting points, particularly coming from a Republican. Clearly this man is NOT a Bushie.
Ron Paul, of course, is a libertarian and was the Libertarian Party's presidential candidate in 1988. He is only a Republican since it is much easier to gain office that way. The Republican leadership hates him, as they would hate any of the Founding Fathers if any came back to life. He gets no support and no money from the Republican leadership. He is also a pediatrician, though he is never mentioned by the mainstreet media when they bother to mention doctors in the Senate or House. He usually runs without opposition from other Republicans and I believe the Democrates sometimes don't bother to oppose him. Even though he doesn't try to bring lots of money back to his district, he has great support from the people he represents.
Ron Paul is not half jewish.
The republican party is toast,they just dont know it yet
I think Dennis Kucinich, a democrat, is a pretty good guy too and he has large numbers of republicans voting for him.
Kucinich and Paul should start a new PARANOID PARTY. The official emblem would be a black helicopter.
You people are seriously insane and need help ASAP.
March 27, 2007 11:35 PM
You moron, Ron Paul was the only Republican who voted against the Iraq War
A lone voice as the fed destroys a currency and pads the pockets of the super rich.
The guy is right on.
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