Gee, what a surprise. The #1 PAC contributor to federal candiates, the corrupt National Association of Realtors, who is also Hillary Clinton's #4 contributor, chose the NAR over American consumers the other day, readying legislation that would block banks from getting into consumer real estate transactions.
Oh, the shock!
Money talks folks, and the NAR has plenty of it. And Hillary and her corrupt peers want it, need it and will do anything to get it. Including screw you.
Bow wow wow wow bow wow wow wow
So whether it's cut-rate commission realtors, internet sites, MLS alternatives, or new threats like the banks or retailers, the evil NAR simply wants to keep their monoply, restrict competition, keep commissions artificially high, keep REIC collusion and corruption alive, and keep screwing you, the American people.
And you can count on Hillary Clinton being there for them, serving her masters, and screwing you.
Check out the video, and see this article.
In a letter circulated earlier in the week, Clinton and Allard explain that allowing banks into the real estate industry would "upend one of our nation's most fundamental economic policies -- the separation of banking and commerce -- and put our economy at risk." The letter also notes that "allowing banks into real estate hurts competition and consumers. It will result in bigger banks, higher costs and less consumer choice and service."
NAR has communicated to Congress its longstanding support for keeping banks as impartial providers of credit and not permitting them to control all aspects of real estate transactions.
"Realtors provide extensive personal attention to consumers during the lengthy process of buying a home. It would be difficult for banks to provide that type of counsel because of conflicts with their other business objectives," said Combs. "We thank Senators Clinton and Allard for their leadership and for gathering bipartisan support for the Community Choice in Real Estate Act. We look forward to working with them towards its passage, and ensuring the vigorous enforcement of the law that prohibits the mixing of banking and commerce."
February 05, 2007
NAR-poodle Hillary Clinton works to screw Americans and please her big money realtor donors
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I'd love to see an independent candidate run. Instead it's going to be 21 months of Hilary love her & Hilary hate her stories. Just like how '94 was the year lost to OJ. Heard way too much about that.
more competition = higher cost and less choice
QWEEFIE can't stand the thought of a woman president. Typical of the middle aged, bald, overweight, divorced woman haters here.
Get over it man it's 2007, not 1907. Have you heard women also have the right to vote, own property and I even heard there are some women doctors out there, can you imagine?
anon 11:39?
Why? What issues are no being addressed by the 2 parties? Taxes? Iraq? Abortion? Immigration? On every major issue you have a clear choice between the two sides.
What does a 3rd party or independent bring that you don't have already?
From my experience in Germany, there the commercial banks are fully involved in Real Estate. It is part of their everyday business, not only to provide financing, but to actively broker real estate, in open competition with independent real estate agents.
BTW,do you hear about German Real Estate bubbles? Well, there isn't any. In fact, Germany is pretty much the only industrialized country that didn't have a bubble recently.
So it might be coincidence, but the NAR and Senators Clinton and Allen argument is a plain lie. Beware, it is campaign season again...
Big surprise
Hillary is totally and completely correct! We can now choose whether to use a real estate agent but if the big banks got their say then we would have to use the bank's designated real estate broker if we want to borrow money from them!
Keith, you may feel that if the banks were more involved then no one would be lent $1,000,000 to buy a 2-br condo, however, banks are already involved enough to make this determination for themselves.
The framers of American Capitalism recognized that if banks were allowed to compete at commerce, they could use their weight to shut out competition. The banks NEED to be restricted and closely monitored or else we will turn into a country like Germany where the banks control EVERYTHING.
Hillary knows this, she is a brilliant person and a person of conscience.
like her or not, Hillary will be our next President..
She probably will, especially with all the boomers coming due for retirement.
Bush Sr.
Bush Jr.
Another Clinton?
Dream On
If the USA wants a chance at digging itself out of this mess only 1 choice.
Rep. Ron Paul
Read this:
Ron Paul "Gets it".
By the way I'd LOVE to see woman president. But not just ANY woman. Hillary is probably the worst.
Condi is more qualfied. Olympia Snowe would be a truly great president. Hell, even Oprah would be better.
Hillary is fake, calculating, unqualified, plotting, hated, contrived, shallow, soulless and dangerous.
And she doesn't have a chance in hell of winning, thank god
Surely you would should not blame Hilary for spiraling housing costs.
Her husband was passed a balanced budget.
Bush came into office with a budget surplus in place. How quickly he has eliminated that balance.
His 50 billion dollar plan to sieze the oilfields of Iraq is turning into a nightmare. He does not seem to have a plan for victory or a strategy to lessen his losses in war.
all politicians are shills for private corporate interests that attempt to limit competion for themselves and enslave the public who shall be blindly espousing the concept that they are free
thinker - you're 100% kidding, right?
competition is the #1 thing that's needed to defeat the NAR and REIC at this point. Any and all competition is welcome
Tell me you're kidding
Thanks for shedding more light on this out and out, card carrying communist, limousine liberal extraordinaire. However; the fact is that her political opponents will probably vote the same way.
When was the last time any of the liberal do gooders slept a night in the ghetto? Have any of their spend big money, create big bureaucracy government policies gotten the underclass out of the predicament they are in? Before you go there I am no GWB fan and his spending and ignorance of the ILLEGAL invasion is just as sickening as her Marxist ideology.
BRAVO for the NAR
The realtors trade union is using its money to ensure that its members stay in their jobs.
If the other american trade unions had acted like wise their would have been no free trade acts that treated employment standards as a side issue
Come on people. You are shocked that the NAR is bribing - yes I said bribing - politicans? What are you 10?
Every lobby group be it real estate, oil, auto, pharma, agriculture, retail or you pick your own indutstry bribes politcians. And they brive both parties equally.
You think if you vote for Obama lobbying will go away? You're either gullible, stupid or both.
Moron ANON From Monday, February 05, 2007 3:39:02 PM
Why? What issues are no being addressed by the 2 parties? Taxes? Iraq? Abortion? Immigration? On every major issue you have a clear choice between the two sides.
What does a 3rd party or independent bring that you don't have already?
are u completely braindead???
a 3rd party is the only savior of the country, otherwise it will be done in a decade or two.
both republicrats and democans, have put us on this path to destruction.
90% of gop voted for war. 70% of dnc voted for war.
70% of DNC voted for amnesty. 25% of GOP voted for amnesty
both vote to dimish civil rights and INCREASE bloated gvt spending
DUDE wake up. these clowns have bankrupted our nation. they are treasonous filth.
please wake up. stop watching FoX news, or stop reading the NYTimes. left or right, 95% of the media is canned performances.
Media/Military/Movie industrial complex.
Here we have a bunch of republicans who blame everything on the Clintons. Look the way this country is on the hands of GWB and the republican majorities on Senate and House. Did you see New Orleans, the price of oil, environment, Jesus freaks taking over government, housing mess, outsourcing, Chinese and Saudis getting rich with our money and jobs, Iraq war based on b.s., 9-11 happened on republican watch, Osama is nowhere to be found, deficit skyrocketed, the government is bigger than never, all the billions spent in Iraq goes to Bush and Cheney's pals (8 billion just disappeared), illegal immigration exploded and Bush want to give citizenship to 20 million illegals to be on welfare, and the list goes on and on. Don't forget that Bush's brothers, Neil and Marvin represent Chinese interests in the US. Why do you think that China (and the Saudis) is doing so well under this administration? Have you forgot about all the corruption cases involving republicans lately? And you guys think that Hillary is bad for this country? If you elect another republican for president, this country will collapse. That's right, continue to blame all this mess on the Clintons. You guys sound like that idiot Bill O'Reilly.
Keith, I am FOR competition in real estate. I am for nailing the REIC with antitrust suits. I would love for an open source alternative to the MLS. I am in general open for as much competition as possible.
But please remember, despite what the commercials tell you, when banks compete, YOU LOOSE!
In Germany, the banks are on the board of directors of every publicly traded companies. Thus, all companies are controlled by the banks, generally the same banks. Where then is competition?
Our countries framers saw this and understood that banks may borrow and lend money but may not interfere in business. If they choose not to lend money to certain credit risks so be it, but they cannot run the companies that they lend money to.
I am not saying I am opposed to competition in the REIC sector, I am all for it, but don't be so quick to open Pandora's box because you wont like what comes out!
And another thing... Don't criticize Hillary because she is smart and thoughtful! Look what electing an ignoramus got us.
People are too quick to bash Hillary because she appears calculated and analytical. Would you rather a leader who does not think before he acts? Because thats the style of Bush.
Yes Hillary is calculated, that is because she puts THOUGHT into what she says and does. She is thoughtful, truthful and logical... A TRUE THINKER.
We elected Bush because he was folksy and down-to-earth, one of us. Hillary is an intellectual elite, she is smart and accomplished. The Conservative spin machine (C.S.M.) would quickly point out, "Hey this lady thinks she is better than you." in order to rile up their ditto-head minions. That is what they did to Gore and that is why Bush is president today.
But just because she is smart and accomplished does not mean that she thinks herself better than us. Don't believe the lies!
Keith, you are right about many things, but don't SWIFT BOAT Hillary because she is smart and accomplished because her calm rational approach to thinking before she talks and acts is what will allow this country to step back from the brink of insanity.
anon 8:03,
Stop reading blogs all day dude you're head is turning to mush.
The reason 90% of GOP and 75% of Dems voted for war was because at the time 75%-90% of the people wanted war.
The reasson 90% of Dems and 25% of Reps voted for amnesty is because on average about 50% of the public wants amnesty (including me).
Fucking moron. All I can hope is that on election day you're too stoned to make it out and nullify my vote.
Bush want to give citizenship to 20 million illegals
idiot, look at who voted for amnesty and who voted against.
Hillary: FOR
Majority of Democraps: FOR
Majority of GOP: Against
Hillary will not win the general election. She may very well win the Demo nomination, but so did Kukakis and Mondale.
I say she won't win because of my in-laws. Reliably Democrat voters who hate Bush with a passion. Both have told me they'd rather vote 3rd party or even (GHASP!!) a Republican rather than vote for her. I'm sure they're not alone. If even 1% of Dems think like that she's toast in swing states.
let banks in real estate. every big real estate company owns their own in house mortgage and title company anyway. why can't banks own brokerages?
I say we get rid of all banks. Let the government run things. They are so good at managing money after all. Wait even better let's just have the government giv us free housing and cut out the middle man.
hitlery is a sociopath. she is loco. she is selfish whore who will do/say anything for more power.
she is also a devout communist. look at her voting record.
How can any american be for amnesty?
Amnesty will give voting rights to 20million mexicans..AND allow them to import their families... so amnesty now... equals 100+million mexican voters who don't speak english well, embrace Chavez/Fox characters, and don't know or care about the Constitution for the most part.
Say good buy to the USA as we know it. It will look like LA everywhere.
wake the fuck up you pro amnesty bleeding hearted liberal idiots.
you tell me how that will be good for the nation??
"Hillary is totally and completely correct! We can now choose whether to use a real estate agent but if the big banks got their say then we would have to use the bank's designated real estate broker if we want to borrow money from them!"
You mean the bank would voluntarily lower its own profitability by reducing its opportunity to make loans?
That's silly but if they want to do that, they can go right ahead.
Competition among lenders is very fierce.
Just like homebuilders HAVE to build to keep the cash flow going, lenders HAVE to lend.
What the NAR probably fears is that the banking industry, which has more educated numerate professionals and substantial regulation, would call BS on the high-fee monopoly and dubious quality and ethics of many real estate agents.
Like, for a starter, charging the home seller a 2% fee like in other countries instead of the holy NAR 6%.
Or maybe the banks could actually hire and reward honest appraisers (since their money's on the line) instead of the conspiratorial crooked triangle of shame between real estate clerk, mortgage broker, and appraiser.
My problem with H. R. C. is that she is actually not that truly intelligent---her husband is much smarter than she is. And more honest---in the big sense of policy not in the small sense of personal sleaze.
She's not a moron, true, but her cruella de vil "charisma" and suckup political instincts certainly do not make up for her comparatively pedestrian mind.
So is she for or against the war? She's both, and neither at the same time. WTF?
Wes Clark is stupendously smart, and deeply ethical, not graspingly and deviously calculating. He's honestly calculating, like somebody trying to figure something out.
He'd be pretty good, I think.
"Our countries framers saw this and understood that banks may borrow and lend money but may not interfere in business. If they choose not to lend money to certain credit risks so be it, but they cannot run the companies that they lend money to."
Sure they can! They're called private equity. All the big investment banks do this, they invest their own capital into all sorts of things, as well as broker transactions. And our countries framers didn't put any specific regulation on these activities.
And there's no reason to suppose it would happen here, as to get on a corporate board you would need to own shares.
Only if a bank put in equity and not just a loan, would they get board representation.
And by the way the German banks on their boards don't seem to have ruined their economy. They have a very strong currency, wages and benefits for almost everybody, and a trade surplus in world-leading high-tech manufactured goods.
Most interesting thing about Hillary is she has a psychotic paranoia not seen since the dark days of Richard Nixon. (Remember the "Big Brother" project, where the Clintons illegally kept FBI files of political enemies in the White House basement? Pure Hillary.) If elected, she'll quickly self-destruct, like Nixon. Hopefully she won't nuke the whole planet in the process.
Democrats love real estate. It's soft and gentle. Ever see a psycho right wing realtor? Not saying Republicans aren't scumbags -- they just steal differently.
Mr. PoPlicki
Look at that picture of Hillary closely, look at those cold eyes, feel her warmth, look at that sneer! Any unhappily married man or a divorced man can see his ex
What a Shrew!!!!!
thoughtful--- hardly.
Coniving --- absolutely.
Visionary --- yes but only of her own power (no vision for this country and the people she is to serve).
Shrewd and self seeking --- unquestionably.
On the NAR take --- with little doubt (as are most of our national leaders).
Calculating, corrupt, and vile --- beyond what any of us fully realize (and certainly more than the press will ever tell).
Willing to sell the US out for her own power and vain glory --- without hesistation.
Those who would cast a vote for her base it primarily upon one issue --- they hate President Bush (which of course is not her opponent).
God help our country if the majority of people do not vote for the best Presidential candidate but vote only out of spite. Unfortunately, I am becoming more and more convinced that this is exactly what is going to happen (especially, with all the illegal voters which tend to favor Democrats).
Am A Dem. and not a fan of Hillary or Bill as they seem to be primarily a$$ ki$$ers, which has helped them enormously in their political careers.
Hilary may be making a tactical blunder here aligning herself with realtors. I have a feeling that by election time, most Americans will be sick to DEATH of realtors and anyone who cozies up to them will be tarnished by association.
Love the idea of Olympia Snowe for President. She has got her head screwed on straight.
The dotcom bubble under Clinton was the greatest thing in the world. All those jobs at and Nortel were legitimate.
This housing bubble under Bush is evil. All those Realtor, construction and mortgage brokers jobs are not legitimate.
It all makes sense now that I drank the kool-aid at the dailkooks website.
Oh yeah, Clinton balanced the budget all by himself. He bypassed the Constitution, which calls for Congress to pass spending and taxation bills.
fucking libtard moron, where did you read that 50% of americans want amnesty for illegal aliens?
maybe 20% want amnesty.
10% of those are illegal aliens.
5% are greedy businessmen who abuse those illegals.
5% are retarded hippies
Hillary is a lock for President.
Gentle realtors will be saved -- filling the ski areas again, scramble for entry level Mercedes, push out relaxed, soft turds and make it all so comfy.
The real estate lifestyle. It's coming back.
I don't care how you look back at Clinton......He was an A** Kissing, perpetually lying, Absolute Abomination!
His Legacy, A Chubby intern with a Tipparello in her HOO-Ha!
...and a C**T for a wife, and another one for V.P.!
It is well established the the period between 1/20/93 and 1/20/01 was the greatest 8 year period ever in the history of mankind. Then on 1/21/01 the economy entered a deep depression from which we have yet to recover. Homelessness which was eliminated in 1993 came back as did racism, poverty and inequality. All of a sudden muslims hated Americans and started planning 9/11 on 1/21/01.
On 1/20/09 when Clinton The Sequel opens we will rise out of that depression and back to 8 glorious years of peace and prosperity. Once again poverty will be eradicated as will racism and homelessness. AIDS and cancer will be cured. Muslims will love America once again and gas will cost $1.20 a gallon once again.
The NY Times constantly tells me this as does CNN and MSNBC. The MSM never lies therefore I know it's all true. Anyone who says otherwise is a right-wing nut and should be silenced and/or jailed for daring to question Clinton.
All Hail Clinton!!
All Hail Clinton!!
All Hail Clinton!!
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