OK, I know it sounds preposterous. And I know your gut reaction will be "no fu**ing way! Have you lost your fu***ng mind!". But here me out...
Should we offer bubble-causer Casey Serin a helping hand?
Of course we wouldn't come to the aid of swine like Greg Swann or The Corrupt David Lereah - I suspect many of us are rooting for their demise. However, when it comes to a kid like Casey, who's coming clean - maybe TOO clean - on his blog about his lies, his fraud, how he gamed the system, and his impending bankruptcy, I think he may deserve our charity and goodwill. Americans are a very forgiving people, and we accept apologies well (Hugh Grant, Rob Lowe, Bill Clinton, etc).
Casey seems to me to be the ONLY, yes the ONLY, person in the USA who has admitted to crimes that helped cause the Late Great Housing Bubble, and is slowly on the way to redemption (after some jail time of course).
So my question is, is there anyone out there, ANYONE, who feels we should do something nice for Casey? Maybe send the kid some grocery gift cards or a case of Jamba Juice so he can eat next month? Or maybe everyone donate $5 to the kid, if he promises to only use it for rent, food, a lawyer, or small gifts for his wife (poor girl - she must be in hell)?
Or should we just hope the kid gets fed to the wolves, thrown out on the street or into a jail cell, and his life ruined?
Maybe we extend our offer to help, but with conditions (file bankruptcy, formally apologize, promise to use the help for food and shelter only, etc)
Let's hear what you think and we'll go from there. Would you pony up $5? I think it's a crazy idea, next cats and dogs sleep together, but man, what an unlikely shock if we did help.
Here's the latest from Casey - it's pretty obvious where this is heading isn't it?
So I basically have nothing left in my account to pay rent and next month’s bills. I don’t really have a stable job and I don’t know exactly how I will be supporting myself next month.
Here are the updated figures on my unsecured debt from my balance sheet:
Wife: $26,319 balance and 2,391 due to bring everything current. Payments are almost 30 days late or possibly even more than 30 (hopefully not)
Me: $148,402.08 balance and 8,390 due to bring current. Payments are way late and 2 of the accounts have already been closed so I have to make arragnements for payment or settlement with collections.
February 02, 2007
Crazy idea for open discussion: Should HP'ers give humanitarian aid to housing-bubble-causer Casey Serin of iamfacingforeclosure.com?
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That kid is fuc&&&. I'd give $5 if he promised to keep blogging though
Man, the comments are BRUTAL on that site
You mean help pay for an idiot that dug his own grave with my tax money? I really don't think so.
Maybe the point of his site is to generate so much sympathy that it will generate $$$ for him. Keith, you speculated yourself that his blog is a first step towards a book, lecture tours, riches and fame American-style.
Besides, if you give this kid a break, don't we have to give pretty much every FB a break? It seems to me that they got too greedy, didn't do their homework, and surrounded their thinking with lies, denial, anything to justify what they were doing. That's fine, but if you fail then you need to pay the price. For some people that is the only way to learn the meaning of personal responsibility/accountability. Anything less and they start down the path of being The Victim.
I'd offer a free happy meal. That's it. Otherwise, pay off as much of the wife's debt he caused that he can, get a divorce, and go schmooze Ken Lay's wife. You know she's sitting on a bundle of riches stashed internationally.
yes if He promise to GO BK and get it over with and get a job and "Chill" for two years.. we could set up a trust fund to "HELP out" I went down the toilet 10 years ago and should have Bk ended up BK In 2002 " after 911 and Job Loss" and the banks were at my door.in two year's Casey will be able to think more clearly on his actions and still Have a lot of time to buy "SWEET DEALS" because by 2009 their will be Millions of forclosures and Bank owned properties for every one.. my BK saved Me from the Ponzi scam this time out I sat It out even though I had banks wanting to throw money at me after Bank ruptcy
Your obsession with this guy is bordering on the pathetic. I mean shit how much more can be said about him that hasn't been said 100 times already?
If you're willing to contribute anything, do your pledge here.
I hear one happy meal and $5 so far.
I'll throw in $10 at Jamba Juice.
Keep those pledges coming.
This is hilarious. Yet shows HP'ers have a heart!
not a chance, he comes off as an unremorseful prick... Keith, you're falling for his charm similar to the poor woman by his side thru his self-inflicted h*ll. *SNAP* out of it, MAN! this clown deserves no sympathy, and he'll get none from me... here's my pledge: NOTHING.
Yes, but not to give to Casey directly. Instead, I suggest creating an escrow account that could only spent at the direction of and by a third-party for essential items such as groceries. How is he going to pay that CPA who he keeps saying is going to do his taxes? I cannot imagine a CPA who would take on that mess for < big $$$$
Since HP broke the kid's story, I feel a bit responsible, or curious to see how this car crash turns out
Plus I think it'd be a hoot to send the kid $500 at Jamba Juice and 20 happy meals. Kid has no way of eating next month (unless some creditor is stupid enough to lend him even MORE money that won't get paid back)
Come on - do I hear $5 at Jamba Juice! Or a Happy Meal?
Dig deep, HP'ers!
You've got to be joking me. Coddling wannabe idiots like that guy are just one piece of the credit bubble jigsaw puzzle. Let him crash and burn. 15 years from now when he's shaving more than 2 times per week, hopefully he'll look back and learn from the experience.
This kid has a face -- he's the face of so many thousands who have become FB's in recent years. We've learned his story. He has a wife who got dragged down his good-intentions paved path to hell. What's more, he's blonde and not half bad looking. I feel sympathy. Really, I do. But isn't bailing this kid out, any everyone like him a part of the problem today? Isn't that just another version of "too big to fail", a-la Fannie Mae and Freddy? Strip the system of moral hazards, end lending standards, pump it full of liquidity and you get Casey Serin to the 10th power -- hundreds of thousands of get rich-quickers who want to be bailed out when the good machine of no limits and free money blows up in their faces.
Moral hazards. That's the issue. And he should face his along with the rest.
I'll volunteer to give him the best gift that anyone can offer him:
A free, three-month, all-expense-paid in the "Butch Fiscal Responsibility Camp"!!!
Yep, ol Drill Sargeant Butch here will instill a little good, old-fashioned FEAR AND RESPECT in this punk!!!
It's what he needs.
Literally, and I am being sincere here, NO amount of money is gonna bail this kid out until he learns financial discipline and accountability.
Make Casey the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, he has more fiscal restraint.
No Way, I am sorry, but there are agencies in place that will pay his electric, rent. and give him food for a month or two, to tied him over WHILE HE LOOKS FOR AND GETS A JOB.
I lost EVERYTHING and FEMA, United Way and the Gov. were there for me, TEMPORALY, so I could get back on my feet whilst I waited and waited for the PAULTRY Insurance money.
I have since started three companies, and gotten two funded just this week, while working a full time job at night. I am a single MOM. I am in a home, now, that I can afford, with barley enough dishes and sheets!
That is after loosing a home that was paid for, mind you, and I now have a mortgage.
But I did it right and I shall up my standard of living A LOT in about 30 days. It is Not easy, one HAS TO WORK!!!!!!!!
I would like every one on line to just send me one dollar! Who wouldn't.
No Keith.
I am sorry to be so "cruel" but he needs to learn to stand on his own.
If he is bailed out, he will never learn, imo.
He could peddle Pre Paid Credit Cards for someone you know, maybe.
Mail him a package of your favorite flavored top ramen?
OMG, I am so disgusted by this.
Let his Mom help him.
"I don’t really have a stable job and I don’t know exactly how I will be supporting myself next month."
Casey Serin
I am sorry to be a thread hog, but how do you help someone who says this??????
Oh, I know, get a Job.
Remember he would not touch a happy meal. All the chemicals and hormones in the beef or chicken.
I say let god help him, he is a bible thumping hypocrite.
He does have a way to eat. It's called get a job. It may not be salaried, but it will pay for necessities. Those illegals you keep complaining about, Keith, don't mind working hard, why can't Mr. Serin?
I can send a long rope...
I feel like I'll be subsidizing his a$$ enough when he's in a jail cell eating from the jail cafeteria on my tax dollars.
That or his whole thing is a big scam. Probably a scam.
Either way he's not getting any of my after-tax dollars, but thanks for asking.
You go right ahead and throw your money at him though.
His wife works. He won't starve.
The world doesn't work that way.
This kid borrowed money from a bank inappropriately. This was not the bank's money. This was the money of investor's like you and me and Joe Dirt who works at teh factory. We worked hard to earn that money and save it and earn some interest on it.
Now the loans will go into default and the government (you and me) will end up bailing them all out under FDIC.
So are you saying, Keith, we should bail it out twice?
No, my friend.
When people start thinking that they're better than everyone else, and can do whatever they want under the banner of greed and individualism, then OK, no one questions them when they make it big.
But when they fail, sorry, that's the sword of arrogance that they have decided to die under.
It's a hard lesson.
We live in a morally relative world where kids take money illegally like Reggie Bush and then insist they did nothing wrong.
Casey is not an overgrown child.
He's a 24 year old man who can die in a war and vote for the most powerful man in the world.
Casey no help, no way
What did Rob Lowe do?
Hey, hey can get a Secure Advantage loan from Quicken loans, and roll all that debt into one low, pick-your-payment a month. Problem solved for the near term.
By the way, why doesn't he call up Katie Couric and offer to sell her his story? I know it's been covered in several places, by Katie's the pioneer of the live TV colonoscopy! Casey's taking one now, so who better to hook up with?
By the way, the happy meal pledge? That was the one I previously pledged to Swann. I'm renegging on that and re-directing it to Casey.
I vote NO.
Maybe, if I met him personally, I would give him a few bucks or a free meal out of pity.
But, although he may be the only person who actually admitted his mistakes and wrong doings related to this monstrous housing bubble, he is unwilling to do any actual work to resolve his problems. He is a beggar. He wants people to feel bad for him and give him money so that he does not have to work. Work is for losers, so dear working losers, please give Casey some of your hard earned money, so that he can continue to screw up.
No pledge - this is his mess to clean up. I already give to the NYC Coalition for the Homeless and City Harvest. I'm sure he can get a free meal from his local homeless shelter as well. They need to get rid of whatever debt they have and get 2-3 jobs each until it's paid off. If they become long-distance haulers they can live in the truck and save on rent. Plus there's no telling how much cash they could make at truck stops
Or he could maybe get a damn job and work for a living....I know it seems mighty old fashioned but I hear that it does work.
I am homeless because of J@goffs like this.
There's a word for that: enabler.
Casey posts pictures of him in "his rich Dad's" office on his site. Why doesn't Casey's dad bail him out?
I'd be willing to send Casey $5...in ass pennies.
Maybe we can send him $5 to buy a blender at a garage sale so he won't need to stop at Jamba Juice on the way to see the next "Sweet Deal"...
I pledge $3.03 for a Grande Black-Eye at Starbucks (that's a large coffee w/ 2 shots for you anti-Starbucks liberals)
Why help him - he has to find the path on his own. It's pretty simple really:
1: Stop even trying to pay the bills.
2: Call all the banks, tell them to go ahead and foreclose, you won't stop them.
3: Declare chapter 7.
Done. Finished. (except maybe for the criminal charges).
If he was working three jobs while eating top ramen and going back to school to get a real education...maybe I would help.
If he declared BK, chalked this up to a mistake and actually wrote down the lessons he has learned, and went back to school or worked a real job...maybe I would help.
As it stands now, I wouldn't give that kid one nickel of my money as he will just use it to buy a jamba after he rolls out of bed at 10am. He still thinks he is going to find a way to become a successful real estate investor as that is a job that gets him paid bucks without real work.
The key to developing assets is either capital investment or work, and most good investments require prodigious amounts of both.
To me, he is nothing better than some attempted narcotics dealer hoping to get rich off of other people without hard work. He might learn his lesson when he is somebody's jane in prison for two years. Maybe then will he realize nothing is free.
Doubt it. I bet he simply files BK, moves back in with his mommy and sits around doing nothing for half a decade. He then makes a ton of money on some book or movie deal and blows it all in no time leaving him penniless again.
I want to give this kid $10,000. He needs it, and it's just money. Where should I send it?
On casey's site I spotted this little gem:-
Even though the bank already approved a short sale at 248, my South Sac realtor tells me we need to list property at 239,000 in order to get any offers. Keep in mind I have one loan with a balance of 295 on this property. That’s was 100% financing back when I bought it a year ago. At that time it could have appraised at 315.
So much for their 10% drop in price. Bought for 295, now worth no more than 239 ... that is if he sells it at listed $$$.
And they are still spouting that 10% Y-O-Y loss theory.
Casey Serin is an idiot that deserves everything he has coming. If you think that is harsh, just watch the video of him talking to RK. It is about 40 minutes long but well worth the time.
CS never had any realistic way to renovate/fix up/improve/market/etc..any of the properties he bought. The only reason he bought so many houses is because of the cash back he took at closing.
He may have been misled by so called "RE Guru's" but the fact is that HE signed the mortgage notes knowing full well he could not float $20,000+ per MONTH of debt. The only way to keep it up was to keep piling on the debt (via fraud).
Now he can't file BK (debt will not be dicharged due to fraudulent information), doesn't work, has a FICO in the 400's and has no feasible way to pay for the quality of lawyers (criminal & civil) that he is going to need.
His latest great idea (last month!) was to buy a 100 to 200 unit apartment building. WHAT AN EFFING MORON!
MAYBE, just maybe, if he came clean and said, "I will never be rich, I am a fool and made horrible mistakes that I will pay for for the rest of my life while I am flipping burgers and cleaning toilets." THEN I'd buy him a wheatshot @ JJ.
I hope the Feds scoop him up before this kid runs for the border!
Forget food, that kid needs $15 for a decent haircut. Yeesh...
Maybe if I saw some indication from this guy that he had removed his head from his ass I might consider sending him a Jamba Juice gift cert, but there seems to be no such indication. He is still looking for ways other than getting a job to "float" his debt, and he still thinks he's going to be the next Kiyosaki, whatever that is. Until he manages to remove his noggin from his cornhole, and stops thinking that people working real jobs are all just suckers, he'll get no sympathy nor Jamba Juice from me.
The little turd still refuses to get a job. I haven't seen one positive step he's taken of his own accord. He needs to hit bottom hard. Which is exactly what will happen to him in prison (in more ways than one.) Ha ha, but I kid. Well, no I don't.
But I'm not completely heartless. I'll contribute a pack of cigarettes. That's the same as cash in the slammer.
F@ck this loser. He can kiss my hairy @ss.I would not give him the time of day. I would rather buy a homeless man a big mac then give this scumbag a red cent.
Are you f$^%ing nuts? This little POS took tens of thousands of dollars in "Cash at closings", spent it on vacations, fancy meals, and getting his wife's feet manicured.
All the while, stiffs like us were working for a living. Now you want us to give this little prick money?
Gimmie a break, today is Ground Hog day, not April Fool's Day!
Ok, let's get this auction started. All items will be used to benefit everyone's favorite failed flipper, Casey Serin, his wife Galina, and his trained monkey Nigel Swaby.
First item up...an all-natural carnitas burrito! Can I get an allnatunatunatuaturalcarnacarnacarnitas burrito? SOLD! To the caveman in the corner. Next up, a $10 Jamba Juice gift certificate. Can I get a jambajamabajammabajmamamabajuice? Sold! Keith from HP, thanks for that. Can I get a sweetasweeesweeetdealdealiodeal? Hmm, no takers. Wait, it looks like we've got silent bid from the FBI. They're offering an all-expenses paid two year vacation for Casey. That's very generous of them and sounds like an awfully sweet deal. It looks like a Mr. Sputnik has also donated his sensual poop foot massage services. Ok, next up for bid, sweetrimazarimzarimzarimz...
I say yes, give Cassie a few bucks. The kids gotta eat! He is skinny enough.
But first he must get a job somewhere, anywhere, if he doesn't work he will loose his wife's respect. And second he must pay it forward by doing something nice for someone he doesn't know so he can experience the joy of giving back.
no F'ing way. you are out of your F'ing mind. F' him. you reap what you sow.
I am a hairstylist,I'll give Casey a 25.00 free hairstyle.It will make him at least look better and maybe feel better.I'll do the same for his wife too.50.00 in value.Please someone do better than this!
Keith, perhaps you could put him up in your flat while he evades responsibility.
Suuuure, I'll toss money into that black hole. Others have tried to help with simple advice, and got nowhere. Casey lives near family who will not let him starve.
Consider a donation to any charitable organizations that feed people: Oxfam, Second Harvest; or dontate some of your extra stuff to Salvation Army/Goodwill this weekend. How about your nearest homeless shelter, where there are others more needy (fresh socks and undies a luxury)? Casey will be headed there soon, so you'll be helping him indirectly.
You mean well, but giving money to Casey is a vote for his fantasy of getting rich without effort or merit. Who has Casey ever helped? If you feel bad for writing about things he himself is blogging, help him wise up - it's what you do best, and what he truly needs. (Although some serious educatin' is right around the corner). And can't he blog for free somewhere?
“He's nothin' but a low-down, double-dealin', back-stabbin', larcenous, perverted worm!!
Hangin's too good for him!!
Burnin's too good for him!!
He should be torn into little bitsy pieces and buried alive!!!”
I wouldn't give this dumb ass a dime. Arrogant jerk deserves nothing from me or anyone else. He falsified documents and should have his ass in legal trouble. Perhaps he should wait for Senator Dodd's bill to rescue him and all of the other morons that tried to fleece the system. But it's different this time, right?
I wouldn't give him any money since I don't give to any charities - save for animal resuces and medical research.
But I like this guy. He took a chance. He failed. That's the American way. You take a chance, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. What did you yahoos do while he was investing? Sit at home in your apartment blogging furiously day and night. Gee wiz what skill that took.
He's still young, he'll end up fine. And he's got a hot little wife too. More than I can say for you overweight, bald, middle aged renting divorced losers.
I'll pony up a case of condoms...he will need them in the joint!
Hell no!
Give Cassie money?
I say let Suzzane give him money she reserched this!
There are worthy charities out there. Casey Serin is not one of them. Every penny you give him is a penny you didn't give to cancer research, ronald mcdonald house, rape victim crisis hotline, unicef, red cross, etc. Do not under any circumstances deprive worthwhile charities for the sake of this ignorant, arrogant P.O.S..
No way. It seems to me that he is either milking the situation for all its worth [coming soon to a lecture near you], or he has major problems facing up to reality.
Yes, I like the way Casey thinks as an individual. Casey was just behaving like every greedy corporate company out their.
Who will lose, the big Wall Street boys who are raping this country.
Big guys will lose for making stupid loans. Sorry, I won't lose any sleep seeing the Wall Street boys lose their a$$.
Corpoate america has screwed the middle class, back at you boys on Wall Street. Take your multi-billions and buy some cheap real estate when this game is over.
i'll chip in for some lube...he will need it where he is going
"Off with his head!" said the Queen of Hearts.
"But I like this guy. He took a chance. He failed. That's the American way."
Some of the largest American fortunes have been made by lying, cheating, and stealing. Is that what you are suggesting?
"Some of the largest American fortunes have been made by lying, cheating, and stealing. Is that what you are suggesting?"
Your honor, as Exhibit A I woud like to introduce to you the Kennedy family.
Let Kiyosaki bail him out. If BK is truly worth 50 to 100 million as he claims, he wouldn't even feel the bite.
The fact that he does not help and has distanced himself from Casey should speak volumes.
"What did you yahoos do while he was investing?...More than I can say for you overweight, bald, middle aged renting divorced losers."
For starters, everyone here knows:
If something sounds too good to be true...
If you read some other blogs, you'll see that his wife is not quite so innocent. She was in it from the beginning, doesn't work, allegedly does a p/t community college gig & now doesn't contribute anything except her sister's apartment. Being in Hell for her means now shopping at Macys instead of Neimans.
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